#especially so if we're getting young!prowl
transingthoseformers · 11 months
Okay but consider
Bumblebee being close with Prowl and boy is Breakdown jealous
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sketch-mer-6195 · 9 months
A Recharge (TFA Optimus Prime x Livia Vesperine [OC])
A/N: Okay so... I've just gotten back into writing and lo and behold I am in love with my mechs and bots. And yeah, enjoy! Tag List: @mysticboombox @saberstars
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It had been at least 6 months since the Autobots came to Detroit and became the cities new heroes. Sari had deemed them her new found friends and addition to her tiny family. And of course, Sari's nanny and only human tutor had added the new friends into her own life and circle of friends. Livia sat on a bean bag chair that she had purchased and perched on a raised slab of concrete so as not to get squished or accidentally kicked across the peds of the Transformers. It was her little spot where she would keep an eye on Sari and be able to talk to any of the bots that were close by or offered to sit with her.
With Bumblebee and Bulkhead playing with Sari, Prowl was meditating in his room leaving Prime and Ratchet at the computer researching on some updates about some small localized accidents of traffic stops and keeping an eye for Decepticon activity. But Prime had his attention split to the screen before him and the small human sitting in her bean bag chair. He averted his gaze from the screen before him to Livia. Her dark hair tied back in a high ponytail and dressed in her usual jeans and lavender button down shirt. Her sneakers kicked off and sitting next to the chair and cozied up under a fluffy blanket the bots had found for her as a slight housewarming gift of sorts as she was accepted to the team not long ago.
Ratchet, who was watching the young bot in silence, rolled his own optics before ex-venting. The sound caught Optimus’ audials making him look over to the older bot.
“Something the matter, Ratchet?” He asked in genuine concern.
“Not particularly, no. But I was wondering when you will stop lollygagging and talk to Miss Livia instead of just wistfully watching her from a distance.” Ratchet grumbled before smiling slightly.
The Prime blushed a tint of blue before clearing his throat. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Denial? Oh yeah, Ratchet thought, Optimus had a liking towards her.
As did most, Livia was one of the few organic's who not only treated them equally, but taught them much about Earth Customs. Especially if Sari wasn't clear enough with her own description. Not only that, but she was available to answer any questions from the ‘Bots. And in return, they answered any of her own questions about their technology, culture, and language. As well as self defense just in case. But Prime had a particularly soft spot in his spark for the girl. Livia always had an “open door policy” where she allowed the team to call her anytime. Though sometimes it was while she was dead asleep, she always waved away any concern and always offered her assistance.
In the end, she was really a sweet person to be around and mingle with.
“Oh man!” Livia voiced in shock.
Jumping from her seat and sliding on her sneakers, Livia began to ramble and look around in a tizzy before looking over to Sari.
“Sari, sweetheart. I need you to stay with the Autobots and stay out of trouble, please. I forgot I had an appointment today and I'm running late.” Livia said in a rush before slinging her purse across her chest. 
As Livia went down to the ladder to get to the ground, she heard the ped-steps of one of the mechs and looked up to see Optimus standing before her.
“Is everything alright, Miss Livia?” He asked as he watched her begin to walk out of the factory.
“I have a doctors appointment and I totally forgot about it. I'll be back as quickly as possible to pick up Sari.” Livia exclaimed before turning to start walking backwards. “I am so sorry, Optimus.”
“Why not one of us drive you to your appointment?” Bulkhead offered.
“Oh no, you guys have more important issues than me.” Livia waived off the kind offer.
But it was ignored as Optimus transformed to his alt-mode and opened his driver side door for her. “Nonesense, we're here for eachother.”
Livia looked at Optimus’ cabin before nodding and accepting his offer. Climbing into the cabin and closing the door behind her, Optimus waited for her to fasten her seatbelt before driving to her doctors appointment. Ratchet and Bumblebee, along with Sari on Bee's shoulder watched their boss and Livia drive off. Sari squealed in glee causing both bots to panic at her new found excitement.
“What is going on with you, Sari?” Ratchet barked.
With a cheshire smile, Sari giggled. “Isn't it obvious? My Nanny and Optimus have a crush on each other.”
“Yeah Ratchet! It’s so obvious!” Bumblebee agreed before looking at Sari with a questioning look. “What's a crush?”
As Optimus, with the help from Livia giving him directions, got her too and from the doctor's office he was driving her back to the base at a comfortable pace and asking questions.
“So you have specialized auduals that enhance your hearing?” He asked.
“Soon, not now. I've had hearing problems since I was a baby from constant ear infections and surgeries. Slowly I lost my ability to hear clearer and clearer, hence why I wore hearing aids. After school and getting the job from Mr. Sumdac as his daughter's nanny and tutor, she was loud enough that I didn't need a new prescription and ultimately losing them by accident.” Livia explained as she watched the city pass by them.
“Then, how can you hear us so clearly?” Optimus added as he slowed to a stop light.
With a small smile, she patted the steering wheel. “You all are rather loud. But it's just enough for me to hear you all pretty well.”
That began to worry the Prime, he never meant to be so loud around her or the other humans. “Am… am I really that loud?”
Livia giggled softly before shaking her head. “Not really, but I can read lips pretty well.” She added.
It took Optimus a moment before he too began to chuckle slightly, a little embarrassed, but glad to know he wasn't as loud as she made it sound like. The rest of the drive was comfortable silence as Livia slowly nodded off and Optimus drove a little more carefully as he could hear her steady and slow breathing. He adjusted his rear view mirror to reflect Livia's relaxed face as she napped in her seat. He had always seen her up and about with Sari, awake in the late nights helping him and his team, and always answering questions. Seeing her recharge was a sight to behold and a moment he could feel proud to witness and offer her.
Slowly driving into the base and not transforming, Optimus rolled into the main living area and to an empty portion of the warehouse that was dimly lit. Ratchet and the rest of the team followed in utter confusion at his odd antics.
“Prime! What exactly are you doing rolling around in here like a-”
“SHHHH!!!! Livia is recharging.” Optimus said in a loud whisper before quietly opening his door to reveal the said girl.
The other bots carefully peeked in to see Livia curled up on the long seat and sound asleep. Sari soon popped her head in and was about to squeal with joy only for Bumblebee to keep a servo over her mouth to keep her silent.
“I'll take her to her guest room so she is more comfortable.” Prowl offered and reached in to carefully pick up the sleeping girl.
“It's okay. I'll… stay like this until she's awake. No need to stir her up while she recharges.” Optimus reassured before clearing his throat quietly.
He thanked Primus himself that his alt-mode hid the ever burning blush on his face plates. Closing the door to his cabin and quietly shooing his team away from him, Optimus sighed and began to warm up a little at the thought of Livia sound asleep inside him. It was odd, but he enjoyed the silence and her presence. Though usually while she was reading or monitoring Sari. But this was better as he kept her in a safe environment while she took a much deserved recharging. No matter what, he wasn't going to ruin this moment.
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Anyone wishes to be tagged, please comment and lemme know!
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
So in one of my Papa Crewel headcanon post, I mentioned Crewels mother popping up, ready to be a fun grandma. (In my head I keep calling her Lilith Crewel. So we're going with that.)
She loves to shop. She loves to take Yuu out on the town to all these upscale shops, even Grim gets designer collars and the super fancy tuna when she's around. If Yuu allows, she will happily to parade then around to all her upper crust friends and introduce them as her "precious grandchild.", with zero explanation as to how and when her son had a highschool age child. Lilith loves the look of shock on strangers faces and being told she looks far too young to be a grandmother.
When Divus says no, Lillith is there saying yes. Despite her sons protectiveness stemming over to dating, Lillith has no such reservations. She’s known for leaving a few broken hearts in her wake and divorcing a few rich men. When she hears of all the boys Yuu could possibly date, she’s making a pro and con list for each one.  “Hmm...Draconia can more than keep you secure, and he’s very handsome to boot. The good thing about fae is that he’ll stay tall and handsome too. But darling, Briar Valley? Ugh, positively dull over there. You’d be bored out of your skull out there in the sticks.”
The staff members that are old enough to remember, especially Trein, loathe hearing Lilith is on the prowl again. Nothing ever seems to happen without her knowledge, and she absolutely did not let any slight or injustices slide when her son attended NRC. Divus protective streak comes from her. She wasn't afraid to chew anyone out, or threaten to pull any financial help she so generously offered the school to ensure results. She decided to donate to the school to see that Ramshackle gets the major renovations it needed. "After all, Headmage Crowley. A dorm that so many students, and high profile ones at that, enjoy spending time in must be up to code. You wouldn't want such a liability laying around would you?" She made sure the money went where it intended to go. When Lilith Crewel says jump, you say how high.
Yuu wondered for a bit of this womans attention and nothing more than a fleeting interest. That she wanted something new and exciting and having someone to slap the grandchild title fit the bill. But that changes when Lilith came to Ramshackle bearing a gift. A large garment bag. Upon opening it, Yuu found a vintage fur coat, very similar to what Crewel and his mother wore.
"You don't have to wear it,dear, but it's a bit of a family tradition to pass these pieces on. This one was my own grandmothers."
"But...I-I don't understand..." She was really willing to give them an heirloom just like that?
"I didn't think Divus would ever have,let alone want, children," she explained. "And that's his choice, of course. But the Crewels are a small bunch. We tend to choose our family more often than not. When Divus had taken you under his wing, I was surprised. But puppy,he does care, so very much. You're a Crewel now, so I want you have something of ours."
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