#esp when riki was teasing him
blue-jisungs · 2 years
helllooo if ur requests are kinda closed bc of ur main request game thing (idk what u call it 😭) then ignore this!! but if ur requests are open and you’ll need time to get to this bc of ur request game thingy (wow great wording 😋) can u do an enhypen reaction (ot7) to a fem!idol!reader being in a really popular gg? HELP- the ideas rlly basic but so am I so like- 😍👌
you’re an idol ♡
a/n. sorry you had to wait for so long 🧍‍♀️ i hope you enjoy it!! also it’s not a basic idea i really wanted to write something like this hehe
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┆彡 HEESEUNG [ 희승 ]
he’s your big fan but the biggest protector
during vlives he makes everything so you do not see hate comments
same with tweets. no idea how he does it but whoever tweets a bad word abt you they have their acc removed in a matter of hours 🧍‍♀️
besides that, hums your group’s songs 24/7
in private tho
bc he knows if one of the guys catch him, he’s being teased forever
also shows off your group merch on vlives!!
pssst, he’s a big fan of the light stick :”)
┆彡 JAKE [ 제이크 ]
engenes on weverse or bubble are low-key tired of him bc he talks about you and your group 24/7
literally has your pc tucked in his wallet and his phone case :”)
once got matching hair with you to support your comeback (spoiler: managers and jungwon were not happy)
sings your songs on lives <3
that’s actually how engenes and your fans started to figure out you’re dating
bc like… he won’t shut up about you. even on vlives or celebrity shows.
but it’s fine, he’s cute while doing that + you two make an adorable couple <3
┆彡 JAY [ 제이 ]
no one in the public knows (at first…)
but privately they are all sick of him 🤕
“[gg name] this, [gg name] that…”
heeseung jokes that he should be in your group since he talks more about than enhypen
also his music taste contains of 99% rock and that 1% of your group’s sweet songs about love╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
once (1) he danced to your song - especially your part - and engenes went WILD
engenes craved more jay covering gg songs
they ask, they shall receive! isn’t that suspicious that it’s only your group’s songs though…?
no one cares (respectfully) as long as grumpy jay is dancing cutely :D
┆彡 JUNGWON [ 정원 ]
he’s so in love, everyone can see that
“did you see y/n’s special stage today?! oh my goodness, she was so cool! and the outfit? and the– i mean… [gg name] did well!”
we all know his eyes were on you and you only
he always records your ending fairies 🥹
that means he has a whole ass folder for them + fan cams, memes and clips :”)
always helps you when you struggle with some parts of your choreos or such!!
and he’s so adorable that you can’t say no to his puppy eyes when he asks you to spoil something about your comebacks
“jungwon, no. i told you too much already!” “but…” “okay… but don’t tell others!”
he has a small key ring with a plushie of your representative animal attached to his keys :”)
┆彡 NISHIMURA RIKI [ にしむら りき ]
he could not care less about his managers scolding you – he covers your group’s songs all the time
and he always nails it… but when he does it with you though, he always goofs around and gives you your time to shine <3
literally knows all the choreos, the boys would be 99% that he knows them better than their own
riki literally threatens you to send selfies of yourself when you have a stage performance
he loves all that cutie accessories they put on you and often ends up stealing eg your hair clips…
btw he saves the selfies too <3 esp when it’s a goofy angle… he can’t help but grin like an idiot at his phone
you made a funny mistake on air? get ready to be teased about it.
kind of off topic but you are literally the industry’s fav couple (yk… you kinda took hyuna and dawn’s spot– okay i’ll go now) bc HOW!! CUTE!! YOU!! TWO!! ARE!! TOGETHER!!
┆彡 SUNGHOON [ 성훈 ]
he’s like “your songs suck” and then proceeds to sing them for the whole day
when he was a mc and your group happened to be performing at music bank he would non-stop stare t you with hearts in his eyes :”)
making lil jokes too (hawaii you?)
during en o’clock he’s known to dance randomly to your songs 😭
but then when you laugh at him bc of that he’s like “well it’s your fault it’s so catchy😕”
he’s so sweet though :( once you had a comeback and due to his busy schedule he couldn’t be with you...
… so he sent you a big (and i mean BIG) bouquet of flowers in colours that matched your cb concept and a cake with a cute drawing!!
also there was a card attached to it. it said “congratulations on your comeback! you did a great job! we loved it!” - enhypen”
but then when you thanked them for it they were like ??? what flowers !!!?
turned out hoon was to shy to admit it was his idea so he just wrote it was them 🥹
┆彡 SUNOO [ 선우 ]
writes abt u and [gg name] on weverse!! “did you see [gg name]’s new mv? i loved it!”
dancing tiktoks are a must!! especially with you!! engenes love to see him all happy and giggly with you
also does lil dances out of nowhere :”)
buys your albums. literally dates you and yet he’s the biggest fanboy – literally full on collector
he has to have every single one of your pc
(and yes you sneak some stuff for him, and he straight on goes :D)
often recreates your mv/cb makeup and outfits for fun
and you too… and then you have adorable pictures to post and that results in your fans and engenes to lose their mind 🤭
(and because of that people often set up matching pfps of you two <3)
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinhobi ,, @jung0ne ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @julaute ,, @moonacholy
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palajae · 2 years
cat’s out of the bag? 
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PAIRING... nishimura riki x gn!reader | GENRE... secret-enemies-to-lovers, secret relationship! au, graduation! au, fluff, humor  | WC... 0.5k | “yeah well, you already know that i’m not most people.”
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the bouquet in your hands, the cap on your head, the emotional chatter surrounding you, it all feels too good to be true. indeed, it’s surreal, having made it this far and being where you are now- diploma and achievements all safely stored away (to be admired at plenty more later, you’re sure). 
but if only, if only there was one thing- no, one person- that would appear before you like magic and make this day even better than before. 
and as if the world decided to be kind to you, even if it was just for today, said person on your mind reveals himself in your line of sight. you think he sees you at the same moment you see him, a flicker of recognition in both your eyes. 
you clutch the bouquet in your hands a little tighter while your body stands there, unmoving.
niki strolls over to you nonchalantly, putting up an act as if he almost didn’t want to approach you (but you obviously knew the truth). 
the teasing smile on his face, the glint in his eyes, you can’t help but return the favor with a raised eyebrow. 
“so you didn’t fail chemistry, after all.”
you shake your head in half-amusement and half-exasperation. “you know, most people would say a simple, congratulations.”
niki leans closer to whisper in your ear, “yeah well, you already know that i’m not most people.” 
but the way you shiver involuntarily and avoid eye contact at the proximity, he can’t help but forget where exactly (and what position) you two are in. 
perhaps that’s why he, without even thinking much about it, lays a sweet and simple (as you basically requested) kiss on your perfect lips. in front of everyone- might as well have been the whole world to see. 
you stare at him, utterly dumbfounded. niki thinks a hush falls over the surrounding area, witnesses with absolute dropped jaws and parents giving confused stares. 
there’s no way… -they’re probably thinking-
you and nishimura riki? 
“idiot,” you hiss for only him to hear, “last time i checked, we’re still in public!”
niki only then realizes his mistake, and lets out a curse while you internally freak out. he pushes your side playfully, although to you it feels more or less like a punch in the gut. 
“h-haha, surprise! i got you good there, didn’t i… y/n?”
you sigh, “just… just no, riki. it’s too late now considering all the people taking photos of us- and will you stop holding onto my hand?!” you practically growl at him by the end in frustration, only then raising up your intertwined hands as proof. 
he blinks, cocking his head slightly to question the strange occurrence. niki didn’t even realize he had grabbed your hand while in a panic to fix the situation.  
“is it too late to say happy graduation?” niki scratches the back of his neck and you squint, trying your hardest to ignore the stares and (not so quiet) whispers coming from quite literally everyone around you. 
“idiot- it doesn’t change the fact that everyone knows we’re dating now.” you say that and yet you can’t prevent the smile arising on your face, probably because niki still hasn’t let go of your hand. and you know he won’t, not when you suppose your forbidden secret is out. 
“well, at least they know i actually don’t hate your guts? and you don’t hate mine?“
“not helping.”
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a/n ▸ am and always will be a black hair niki enthusiast- esp for the new comeback and you can't convince me he looks better in any other color !?)#@';./.'/.
MAIN TAGLIST ▸ @precioussoulofmine
send a message to be added to the taglist!
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enmi-land · 3 months
DIAAA, I hope you had a great day/night!
I am LIKE super-excited for the jjk fic!! ADJDJD – I LOVE the jjk universee!! 😭 & the first idea you told 🐰anon!! the goodwill event, right?? where the kyoto & the main school have like this competition?? & ADKDJD – I think Kiara would defo get along with Utahimee!! maybe she & some of the boys could be in like the kyoto schl branch & Mila & the rest of the boys could be in the main schl branch [ Ig it was Tokyo, Ionno? ] & OH MY LORD – what if Mila is like sort of from a privileged clan like the zenin clan?? I meannn, she‘s canonically from a wealthy fam & I totally think she would fit in a misogynistic clan like the Zenins, cause yk? they prefer the male kids & since Mila is canonically a high-achiever who aims to meet other‘s expectations & strive hard to prove others wrong! like yk? maybe a sunshine version of Maki?? & speaking of Maki, I feel like she & Mila would defo be the ‘black cat x sunshine’ trope!! Maybe like Yuta, Mila could like admire Maki! & GOJOOO, [ I love him & I miss him, please include him 🥺 ] I feel like once the manchild gets to know of the boys’ having a crush on his dear student(?), Mila, he like starts to tease them & tries to get them together!! & I can really see Nobara & Kiara teaming up to get the boys’ & Mila together!! & I really feel like they‘ll drag an exasperated Gumi & a clueless Yuji into their mission!! & I can totally see Yuji & Sunoo being besties!!
– 🐍anon
[ sorry for the VERY-VERY long message😭 I just had these things in mind & I had to share them with you 😭 sorry if it was annoying lool ]
yesssss the goodwill event is sooooo fun 🥲 i had a little different train of thought from you- so i was going to make mila and the others part of like a different branch from korea, and have the two japanese branch students be like eagerly anticipating their arrival like gossiping about who is in the class and what their techniques might be (does this count as spoilers??) 🍄🍄 but ahhh trying not to say too much bc again don’t wanna spoil it before it even comes out, but i love the ideas you have going on!! kiara would defs vibe with maki when they first meet— maybe the two of them bond over weapons and stuff 👑👑 and yesss mila would defs be a sunshine type- her and nobara would probs get along rlly well too, like them complimenting each other’s fashion sense and planning to go shopping together 💅✨✨ imagine todo asking one of the boys what their type is, and them instantly replying “mila” and todo just crying tears of joy bc yeah they have amazing taste in women 😋 mila would deffo have a girl crush on maki ngl, like she’d just find her strong aura and determination so attractive — and especially if they’re both from clans who don’t view women as highly… like mila is defs a princess of some well known clan, and probs is a disappointment bc she’s the only child of the main family, but she’s a girl, so when she sees maki and learns about her history, mila is all 🤩🤩 the boys will have to fight to drag mila away from maki lol 🌝 as for gojo (he shall be missed), riki would defs bother him all the time trying to provoke him into deactivating his infinity so he can have a go at the so called “strongest sorcerer” 🤺🤺 meanwhile mila silently fangirls over him with miwa (omg 2mi???) like “omg he’s so cool” which only fuels the boys need to try and one up him even more 😆
but ahhh hopefully this doesn’t spoil too much lol bc I haven’t written the jjk segment yet 😆 but don’t apologise for sharing!! I actually love asks like this- esp rlly long ones bc it also gets my brain thinking as well so thank youuuuu and love you mwah mwah 🌻💛
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tyunni · 2 years
riki with his nerdy gf and hes always “bullying” her but secretly inlove with how stunning she looks without even trying esp while shes studying <3
I have fluffy thoughts and i have many, when it comes to nishimura riki. HE'D DEFO TEASE HIS S/O ESPECIALLY IF SHE WAS NERDY CUZ HE'D FIND IT EASIER TO MAKE UP SILLY LITTLE JOKES ABT HER NERDY SELF 😖😖 he'd do that bcuz he finds it hard to express his feelings well and the only way he knows how to do so is by being playful ☹️ plus he wants your attention and he knows he can definitely get it if he calls u a little nerd just to get a reaction out of you. And he thinks your annoyed face is the cutest thing in the world
Oh and and and when she's studying is when he strikes. like you agree to help him with his homework and he ends up not paying attention to a single word you're saying like he is literally testing you atp. So when your patience runs thin you huff in annoyance as frustration washes over you, and tell him to do it himself since he doesn't appreciate your efforts. And he just rolls his eyes and goes "well sorry i'm not a nerd like you" but the second you turn your face away and glue your eyes to your homework he glances your way and smiles like an idiot. Because he thinks you look so pretty, even when your eyebrows are furrowed and your pen is pressed against your lips as you scan the paper in front of you. There's a particularly hard question that you can't seem to understand, and your boyfriend can practically see the gears turning in your head. But he still thinks you're the prettiest person in the world, and his dorky smile only grows wider. And when you notice and ask him what he's smiling at, he knows that he can't tell you that he's just admiring you and your beauty, he could never tell you that!
"i'm just laughing at you 'cause you look even nerdier with your head buried in your books."
And he pretends to go on his phone, but in reality all of his undivided attention is back on you who stays oblivious to the hearts forming in his eyes the second they land on your face.
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nyanggk · 2 years
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★彡pairing彡★ : gamer!heeseung × gamer!fem!reader
★彡genre彡★ : slice of life, crack, smau, strangers to lovers, romance, fluff, comedy
★彡warning彡★ : profanity, cringe, heeseung is a perv!, lots of gaming references esp. league, NSFW
★彡based on彡★ : real life!, fun fact: this is actually how me and my long-term boyfriend met — with some modifications.
★彡a/n彡★ : as always, reblogs, likes, and comments are always very much appreciated. feel free to give me your feedback and critique.
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You hear a loud scream coming from a few feet in front of you. The sound makes you look up from your phone and onto the three boys who were cheering ahead of you.
There stood Jungwon, Riki, and lastly, your beloved Heeseung. The three of them waved their arms whilst calling out your names, trying to gather your attention. They screamed even louder once you lock eyes with them and replying with a big wave of your own.
From beside you, your best friend, Jake, breaks into a full on sprint, tackling the younger two, Jungwon and Riki, into a brotherly embrace, nearly knocking the both of them to the ground with his sudden weight. The three of them erupt into a fit of laughter as it seemed as if they were in their own happy little world while holding each other tenderly in their arms.
"Jake hyung! Jake hyung!" The both of them chant simultaneously.
"It's so nice to finally meet you in person, hyung." Jungwon says. The boy is adorable with his killer dimples and feline eyes as he smiled cheerfully at the sight of his hyung in front of him.
Jake gives him a adoring pat on the head, cooing at how sweet Jungwon is.
"Hyung, you're shorter than I expected you to be." The youngest comments teasingly while bumping shoulders with the latter.
Jungwon bursts into a fit of giggles at Rikis comment while your best friend sends him a playful glare, obviously too happy for his mood to ever be ruined. "Yah! I'm 6ft 2, Okay?!" He lies. "And plus, you're just a giant freak. Totally not normal."
You can't help the happy grin that dawns on your face as you watch how the three of them interact from where you stood. Jakes expression is a carbon copy of the smiles that Jungwon and Riki wore and your heart couldn't help but melt at the sight.
Although you weren't always there to watch the small group interact, it was quite apparent that even with the short amount of time that Jake has spent in their company, you could easily tell that they've already formed such a caring and loving relationship with your best friend.
After the three were done saying their own greetings, as well as the older giving them more loving pats on the head, Jake then turns to his other half.
"Ayo, my mannn!" He drags out, taking the older in for a much needed embrace. "Heeseung hyung, Aren't you going to say hi to YN?" He teases with a mischievous smirk.
The comment immediately makes Heeseung shy as he peeks at you through his bangs to offer you a shy smile. It's obvious that he's unsure whether he should hug you, greet you, or maybe even kiss you.
So, you take the initiative and offer him one of your prettiest smiles whilst waving a shy hand to greet him.
And from that single act, Heeseung felt as if his heart was about to turn into gold.
Tbusbwas almost because about four months ago, you were like a dream to him.
You were a girl whom he suddenly met all the way from across Asia and seamlessly became friends with immedietly. A girl who played league with him and his friends. A girl whom he developed feelings for as she unknowingly made her way through every inch of his fragile heart and consumed his mind, body, and soul. Living so far away from him, he felt as if you could just slip out from his grasps at any given time and that petrified him because since when did you turn into someone whom he truely cared about and not just some random e-girl he met through the Internet? Truthfully, you'll never know just how hard the boy has fallen for you over the span of just a few months. And you'll continue to be clueless as he continues to fall deeper and deeper into you.
Lee Heeseung always loved the way you smiled through the camera, your lips always wearing some sort of lip product because you had told him that you suffered from anemia which made you look incredibly pale. Heeseung has told you countless of times before in private that you were pretty no matter what and that you shouldn't be insecure of something like that.
However, you were still too insecure to not put on some type of lipstick or lip tint. And so, he let you be, saying that as long as you were happy and knew that it didn't faze him at all then it was okay.
Nevertheless, he was ecstatic. It's an insecurity you shared with him and he can't help but feel proud at the fact that you found the same comfort he found in you with him to be able to confess something like that .
That's why he loved you lips, your smile.
But at this moment, you look so pretty just standing there, a random bear grasped in your right hand. He didn't know whether to focus on your eyes, your smile, or the way your cheeks looked so soft under the moon light. He couldn't possibly choose just one thing to focus on.
There was no bad side to you and if there was, then Heeseung knew he would come to fall in love with it as well because that's how he is.
One of the many things about Lee Heeseung that you paid great attention to back then were his big bambi like eyes.
Whenever he'd send pictures of himself. You would always coo at how adorable his big doe eyes shone against the light. It seemed like his eyes truely held the stars and you would've believed that fact in an instant because thats how much you loved looking at them even through the phone.
As they say, the eyes are the windows the soul.
And now, as he stood towering you, pretty eyes boring into yours, you swore your heart has skipped multiple beats at this point. You've always thought that Heeseung was handsome— even before you found out what he looked like.
His voice seemed as if it belonged to an angel and you swore it most likely was because when you had heard it the first time while on call with the others during clash practice, you audibly sighed in admiration. His voice sounded so sweet and pretty it was just impossible for him to have been ugly. Not that your feelings would've changed for him if he was but you wouldn’t lie that it certainly adds to the character.
He still had the same shy smile he initially gave you. However, it slowly turns into a subtle smirk as he catches you checking him out. This makes your cheeks visibly flush, eyes darting everywhere but him and his figure in front of you.
He can he be so hot and cute at the same time?
"Hi YN," He says, smirking. All this does is make your cheeks warmer You feel so small amidst four tall guys that you can't even gather yourself to give a proper reply without stuttering.
"God, you guys are so cheesy." Jake groans as he watches the two of you practically send heart eyes towards each other. "Just hug already! Kiss! Do something!"
Easy for you to say, you're the the one meeting the—
With a not so light shove coming from your ever so loving best friend, you and Heeseung stumbled towards eschother, taking the other in for a warm embrace.
It was awkward at first. The feeling of the other wrapped against you is so foreign and surreal that it made your bodiee tense. Nonetheless, with time, the two of you grew to find comfort in one another's presence as your bodies slowly relax into the embrace.
Your head finds the crook of Heeseungs neck and you delightedly stay there. "It's nice to finally meet you, Heeseung." You murmer, smiling shyly against his warm skin.
"You're acting as if we haven't been talking to each other every day for the past couple of months." You hear him say, feeling a hand soothing the skin of your back as the both of you swayed.
Everyone simply became irrelevant as the two hugged each other. Even when the both of you continued to sway to a silent rhythm, nothing mattered. And you wouldn't have it any other way. It didn't matter if it looked weird to the people passing by. Your friends teasing remarks and snickers also fell into deaf ears. And lastly, neither did the two of you cared enough to notice the soft shutter of Rikis camera as he takes a picture of your first meeting.
"I missed you." He says, head now buried in your hair.
"Heeseung," You call out whilst giggling. Your breath hitting the sensitive part of his skin ignites a row of goosebumps to arise in his skin, sending delightful shivers to run down his spine. "I'm right here."
You're here with him now.
He's not seeing you through monitor screen anymore. He could go to your house and knock on your door whenever he misses you and you'd be there to answer. You're not out of reach anymore and that thought alone makes him almost tear up. Even for just a few months he's thankful that he has you here by his side.
"Yeah," He agrees, nose buried in your hair as he breathed in your shampoo and sighing. "Change of plans, Alright? I'm taking you on adate tomorrow instead. These guys wanna spend some time with you before I have you all to myself." He says, gesturing towards the younger two who were adorably grinning at you.
"Aww, you guys are so cute! Come here and give me a hug" You coo, detaching yourself from Heeseungs warm arms and onto Riki and Jungwon so you could give them the hug they were patiently waiting for. "Of course I'll spend time with you two!" You cheer, ruffling their hair. This earns you a series of protests from the both of them. However, they don't make any move to get away from your embrace, simply allowing you to do whatever you want because at the end of the day, they missed you too.
Unbeknownst to you, Jake moves to slide next to Heeseungs side, whispering carefully for you not to hear. "Are we actually going because they wanted to or because its not ready yet?"
"What? No!" He yells in a whispering tone. "The guys actually wanted to spend time with her so meh, why not?"
"If that's the case then why aren't the other three here?"
"Well... that's cause Sunoo and Jay went to check over some stuff for tomorrow." Heeseung replies, smiling cheekily whilst scratching the back of his head.
"Gosh," Jake sighs, shaking his head, feigning dissapointment. "And Sunghoon hyung? Where's he?"
"A-ah, Him?" Heeseung stutters out. "I-I don't know."
"Hyung... I can tell when you're lying." Jake says. "What did you do, hyung?"Jake presses on.
"I didn't do anything, okay?!" He exclaims by accident. Because of this, your attention is pulled away from the two younger boys for a moment to look at the other two who stood behind you. You raise your eyebrows at them in question only to be replied with a stiff shrug. Nonetheless, you let them be as you were too preoccupied at the story Riki was telling you about how there was a ghost haunting the apartment and how Jay couldn't sleep in his own.
"Are you getting jealous again?" Jake asks after a moment of silence. "You know she likes you, right?"
"I know she likes me. It's just..." Heeseung trails off.
"What? You're scared Sunghoon hyungs going to go and sweep her off her feet or something?" He asks, slowly growing frustrated at the older lack of awareness and trust towards his friends. "For God's sake, did you lock Sunghoon hyung in his room or something?!"
"Okay, first of all, don't call me a dumbass. I'm still older than you." As Heeseung says this, Jake replies with a click of his tongue, annoyed by the whole thing. "Second, no I didn't lock him up. I just told him that me and the other two are going out. He doesn't know we were meeting YN today." He finishes.
"Oh my god, hyung! You're literally jealous." Jake concludes, crossing his arms as if to show how serious he was. "YN likes you. They're just friends, hyung. There's nothing to be scared about. I'm a hundred percent sure Sunghoon hyung doesn't like her like that—"
Both Heeseung and Jakes head snap towards your direction upon hearing your call.
You look at both of them in suspicion, curious as to what they were talking about because it was as clear as day that it was something they didn't want anybody else to know.
In a panic, Jake rushes towards your side, pulling your hawk like eyes away from Heeseung who was trying to hide away from you.
"N-nothing! Let's go there YN" Jake says, leading you inside a mall. Weirded out by the whole situation, you let him drag you towards the entrance by the arms as your eyes stayed on Heeseung. When he meets you gaze, he gives you a wary smile as if silently asking you to dismiss your thoughts.
You hum to yourself, detaching Jakes hands from you so you could tangle them with Heeseungs. It takes the boy by surprise as his body tenses up for a mere second before he eases into your touch, just like what happened earlier. The both of you walk side by side as you browse the wide variety of shops.
Eventually, Jake, Riki, and Jungwon decide to enter a clothing shop that sold mostly street wear, leaving you and Heeseung alone.
"You're not gonna buy anything?" You ask him.
Heeseung shakes his head, arms still stuck with yours. "Nope" He answers, popping the 'p' sound.
Guiding the two of you towards a bench near the front of the store, you nod your head in understanding as the both of you sat side by side.
The two of you continue to talk about random stuff, anything to keep the conversation going.
Giggling at something Heeseung had said before, you recall something, "Oh yeah, my mom said she wanted to meet you. Would that be alright?" You ask him.
"Y-yeah, of course" Heeseung tries his best to seem nonchalant. However, his voice fails him and his sentence comes out in a stutter.
Honestly, Heeseung wants to meet your family. He wants you to show him off and be proud that you're dating him. See, that's one of the disadvantages of establishing a relationship online. Soon enough, you'll grow antsy, wanting people to see that the both of you were together. Heeseung didn't want you to flaunt your relationship. No, he doesn't want that and nor did you. What he wants is to be known by the people who mattered to you. He wants to some day be introduced as your boyfriend or maybe even your husband if he gets lucky. Yeah, he knows he's thinking too far ahead in the future but he can't help it. You consume his thoughts and he's drunk in love so there's no way he wouldn't think of that.
But nevertheless, he feels nervous. What if your mom didn't approve of him? What would he do then?
Negative thoughts continue to pool his head but was interrupted when he hears a familiar tune.
"Hey, bambi" You call out to him, effectively pulling him away from his thoughts. "You hear that?"
He does. It's the same song he had recommended you to listen to when the two of your first met. He still remembers how you would sing it unconsciously while the two of you played or when you were too preoccupied with doing your homework and he just so happened to be in call. He remembers how sweet your voice sounded as you sang the lyrics, always asking you to sing it again and again.
"It's our theme song" Heeseung grins at you.
"Sing it for me?" You ask, head resting on his shoulder, feeling him nod.
"Wherever you are, I'll always make you smile.
Wherever you are, I'm always by your side.
Whatever you say, キミを想う気持ち (You're always on my mind)
I promise you, forever right now..."
For some odd reason, it isn't awkward touching Heeseung like this even though the two of you have only met eachother personally today. In fact, it feels almost as if it was meant to be— as cheesy as it sounds. Seeing and being with him in person like this, touching him and being able to go to places with him, it all feels to surreal to you. It's almost like it's all too good to be true and that God's just playing some cruel joke on you but that isn't the case.
Heeseung is here and there's no words that could ever describe how happy you feel right now.
The man you've been with for the past months. The same one who you spent talking to late at night even on school days because you just couldn't bare the thought of leaving him and having to wait for night time to come just so the both of you could have your time to talk in private.
The both of you would usually call during the night as the day was always reserved so that the two of you could have time to go to school and do your homeworks.
That's how much you've fallen for him.
You're willing to give up your precious time to sleep just for him!
If that isn't true l—
Wait, hold up
We're you just about to say the word love? Did you actually fall in love with him that quick?
Now you're left to wonder. Heeseung is someone special to you, you know that for sure. The question is, is he special enough to deserve your love?
(tweets posted when they went home)
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★彡previous , masterlist , next彡★
damn so, heeseung is still a jealous baby huh
he's also a stupid baby since he posted a tweet with YN when he said he'd be eating out *face palms*
writing smaus with heeseung as the male lead is the hardest thing someone could do. my man posts nothing >.<
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