#errr well i couldn't sleep anyway bc tbz has me running on kst when really
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haknew · 4 years ago
get to know me tag ! 
tagged by @woosohn​ (ty again june ! <3) 
what day is your birthday?
one day i’m sure 
what’s your favorite color?
not to be that person,,, but rose quartz, serenity, and lilac ! [official answer] 
what’s your lucky number?
idk... tea bee hache 
do you have any pets?
do house plants count ? ;// 
how tall are you?
5′ 4 (i always forget this in cm sorry)
how many pairs of shoes do you own?
currently ... ? like 3 ??? 
favorite song?
oh i never have just one and it’s really about my mood :0 been playing thrill-ing a lot and other current releases so probably those at this moment in time
favorite movie?
can’t seem to pull up anything up from the dredges of my repressed memories of the time i used to watch movies but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... idk  
what would be your ideal partner?
i did this on my other blog so i’ll try to give a real answer this time to this question ... mm i need someone with a lot of empathy and patience ! i’m definitely not the easiest person to deal with ever and i really hate being confrontational,,, so when there’s a problem, they have to be willing to talk through things with me and approach me first ;;;; think it’d be nice if they were strong in the points where i’m weaker ^^ to balance i suppose ... but who knows what’ll happen, funky question lol
do you want children?
lmao no
have you gotten in trouble with the law?
nooooo i’m boring that way <33
bath or shower?
shower ! 
what color socks are you wearing?
it’s summer so no sock season ~ but normally solid colors; gray, white, black ^^
favorite type of music?
i like a bunch of stuff but i’m a pop song person at heart :]] sometimes some r&b 
how many pillows do you sleep with?
always at least two ! but rn at home i have 6 pillows haha 
what position do you sleep in?
on my sides usually ;0 hugging a pillow sometimes 
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping?
if it’s too hot, i can’t sleep ;;;; or when it’s too loud or too early in the morning to be woken up looool
what do you have for breakfast?
i’m never awake early enough for breakfast but during my 8ams i used to make a cup of instant coffee if that counts haha :]] 
have you ever tried archery?
at science camp yeeeees ~
favorite fruit?
strawberries ! and watermelon ~~ mangoes too :p 
favorite swear word?
i don’t really swear all that much so don’t really use any  
do you have any scars?
i suppose, won’t elaborate tho 
are you a good liar?
i’ve been told no i’m not but then again i lie often so 
what’s your personality type?
choi soobin (he’s an isfp OKAY ?!?!)
what’s your favorite type of girl?
all of them of course u.u 
innie or outie?
innie !
left or right-handed?
right-handed ^^
favorite food?
i really like pasta ! but there’s a canto tea cafe specialty rice dish that’s basically fried rice with tomato + beef that’s my all-time fav ^^
favorite foreign food?
hmm most everything i have is ‘foreign’ food ? that’s just my cultural cuisine stuff tho so maybe other eastern asian dishes too :0 
are you clean or messy?
really depends on my mood ;;;; i like stuff to be clean ! but that’s easier said than done sometimes haha 
most used phrase?
i use a lot of internet language so your typical acronyms ‘lol’, ‘lmao’, ‘like’, and then stuff like ‘so true’ etc. haha ahhh and of course ‘jfkdhgdkjfhgsk’
how long does it take for you to get ready?
this also depends on my mood, at speediest maybe 5 mins ! at longest maybe an hour ~ but only bc i’m staring at my phone or smth instead of actually getting ready
do you talk to yourself?
hhh yes and that’s bc it’s sometimes easier for me to vocalize thoughts than let them swirl in a confusing mess in my head, hard to sort through sometimes
do you sing to yourself?
yea ! choir kid things
are you a good singer?
hmm depends on ? your definition ... i have a good ear for pitch matching but that’s probably it ^^ (i have a small little byr cover on this blog too prob not that hard to find if people were curious but ://)
biggest fear?
[insert a long essay about ew gross feelings and insecurities no one asked for] idk bugs ?!? ig 
are you a gossip?
depends on context ! i like being in the know but at the same time i don’t go out of my way looking for drama or any tea ;-; i keep to myself mostly ! 
do you like long or short hair?
on me, longer hair ! kinda a silly / unrelated remark but my old roomie said she thinks i would look nice with really long hair so i stopped trimming it even tho it’s summer ^^ 
favorite school subject?
haha probably bio and psych ! as i should certainly hope so as a bio major >.< 
extrovert or introvert?
introvert !
what makes you nervous?
oh quite a few things hhh, social interactions do ;;;; i like talking to people but i tend to overthink just about everything so,,, i can easily misread neutral stimuli as negative haha... and going out and about now that the panoramendmic has crushed any and all my social skills / self confidence LOL 
who was your first real crush?
haha he was in my honors english course and i think he and i argued about whether puppies are capable of real emotions jfksfjglds and during PE he’d run all the way across the gym to get our volleyball if we hit it out of the court ;;;; i ended up confessing the following year but uh .... things didn’t end well and it ended up following me all 4 years of high school lmao... 
how many piercings do you have?
just the two ^^ 
how fast can you run?
at my peak i could run a mile in 8 minutes fdkjhgdfjg but nowadays running to my mailbox is difficult wtf.... listen i’ve been sitting stuck at home for almost two years now-
what color is your hair?
it’s a dark brown so dark it’s almost black around my roots but a lighter brown for the rest bc i dyed it ^^ i plan to redye it a reddish brown soon tho ! 
what color are your eyes?
dark brown as well ~ 
what makes you angry?
something jacob mentioned once i forget his exact wording but i have a lot of patience actually so rather than being angry it’s a bit more frustration, mostly at myself when smth i worked on really hard doesn’t work out, but also bc i constantly overthink and consider other people’s feelings it upsets me when other people are dismissive or plainly ignorant of the feelings of those around them... and also esp when people are unaware of how to deal with their own negative feelings so they take it out on others when they shouldn’t 
do you like your own name?
not ? particularly ... tbh jess is not my full name but even so my name doesn’t really have any meaning of anything so it’s just :// a name i guess,,, i like it when people call me by name tho in the tags <333 lmao 
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?
lmao no
what are your strengths?
this would never fly in a resume but ??? oh man wish i knew 
what are your weaknesses?
the questions is what ISN’T 
what’s the color of your bedspread?
white with blue ink drawings <333 it’s very pretty i like it a lot 
color(s) of your room?
dark biege ! a lot of warm neutral tones with splashes of pastels here and there
tagging anyone who wants to do this again haha ^~^ 
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