#erick's character is a lot actually like. first son. pitted against his older sister bcos shes the firstborn.
mothervvoid ยท 1 year
tbh i have specific reasons why the marlowe sibs each act the way that they do like diane acts out and shit bcos she was literally 21 when she died and her manner of death was incredibly traumatizing and she wants it to MEAN SOMETHING. she's a priest through-and-through, she wants her suffering to have meaning so badly. vs erick who basically attempts to return to the man he was before his death bcos he's ashamed of his actions in classic and BC bcos he thought his kids were dead so he was very VERY in-line w ur classic forsaken 'life is meaningless and the living are stupid' mentality. vs their older sister anna who was saddled w two kids she did not want during a zombie apocalypse bcos their dad (her brother) "died" and was essentially indoctrinated into the scarlet crusade bcos she was alone and desperate.
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