#erhm yes i did know that.
apuff · 1 month
thinking about love in danger days
this is part of my conspiracy theory that that album is aroallo, but i've always gotten the sense that romance and romantic attatchment is much less important to danger days than any other mcr record. with bullets&revenge it's quite obvious as the demolition lovers take up like, everything, and the black parade has a heavy focus on a romantic relationship as well. 
while i do think there are lines in it that are romantically coded, there is a definitive lack of emphasis on it- like it's nowhere in the plot at all. 
i do think danger days represents a very familial type of love though. while other albums visit a sense of "i want you, i need you, i miss you, i hate you,", this is more like…"i love you, i want to protect you, i'm sorry"
i find this especially strongly in s/c/a/r/e/c/r/o/w:
"Nevermind about the shape i'm in, I'll keep you safe tonight"
"love, love, love won't stop this bomb"
"run, run, bunny, run"
and other songs: 
"i'll find you when the sun goes black"
"just save yourself and i'll hold them back tonight"
"how long until we find our way in the dark and out of harm"
relevant things i can't cover with just quotes are planetary go, oft-theorized to be about party poison and kobra kid, as brothers, leaving battery city together; sing, about the killjoys' last message to the girl while saving her; goodnite dr. death, phrased as him saying goodnight to children; and summertime, which i can't discern the meaning of but seems more like a family type of love. 
i think it makes sense that danger days is like this, seeing as it features main characters that take care of a child main character as opposed to main characters that love other main characters of the same age/ability. 
another thing i noticed while re-listening to the more sentimental songs for this essay is that there's just a distinctly different vibe to it. So much of it is focused around wanting to protect people, keep them safe and out of danger (<- ha that's the name of the album) and loved. i think this also makes sense, because the killjoys live a very, well, dangerous life without much security, and they'd want to provide what they lack the most. another semi-related thing i noticed is just how much of an emphasis there is on childhood in this album. i feel like there's a vibe of youth or teen-hood throughout the earlier ones, but this is just VERY strongly about kids. again this makes sense cause not only are the killjoys teenagers (a type of kid!) they also have a proper little kid to watch. 
also, i wonder how much of this stuff was due to gerard becoming a parent. just something to think about 
#mcr#my chemical romance#danger days#ddttlotfk#danger days: the true lives of the fabulous killjoys#barely on topic but i hate how everyone always brings up the different greek words for love whenever they talk about different kinds of lov#I DONT CARE ABOUT EROS AND PHILIOS OR WHATEVER!! its actually okay to use adjectives to describe nouns. its okay. you dont need to use more#at any rate im not USING the damn greek love paradigm i see no reason to be chained to its definitions#ppl will be like errhmmm (nerd emoji) (pointing emoji) did you know that the greeks actually had different words for brotherly godly and ro#erhm yes i did know that.#sometimes i feel like danger days feels more energetic and youthful. less serious than the more emo other albums even though i acknowledge#but in some ways i also think it's a lot more mature#like the black parade is a serious mature story but it feels very young adult/teenager vibes. danger days is so strange because it feels si#i guess that makes sense cause the killjoys are teenagers (apparently) but also sort of parents of the girl#i think they have similar conclusions of acceptance and letting go#they just feel so distinctly different#i feel like this is kinda incoherent but i dont care about the thesis enough to edit it#okay since i wrote that tag i have since edited this the autism won#i have to resist the urge to say “stick that in your skillet and let it simmer” (the thing that stoner otter says in acnh) every time i say#i was writing in my notebook earlier and dropped a metaphorical bomb about the black parade and then i feel like i didnt have anything to s#it was so hard not to write that there😭😭
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The Nurse Pt 1.
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You laid on the cold, hard hospital bed starring at the ceiling, trying your best to hold back your tears. Your tears were the final thing you felt you still had some control of, the final connection you felt you had to your masculinity, they fell despite your best effort. The diaper wrapped around your midsection warmed as you felt urine trickle over your now hairless balls and absorb in the soft damp padding under your cheeks, as if to confirm your masculinity was indeed a thing of the past.
You tried not to let the diagnosis replay itself in your head for the millionth time, but it seemed, as if with all things, that too was out of your control. "The surgery had some unexpected complications." "Fully incontinent" "adult briefs". You ventured a feel under your blanket. Hand running under the hospital gown to collide abruptly with smooth plastic. You ran your hand over the swollen bulge probing gingerly at the soft padding. It was so thick you could hardly feel your own dick through all of the padding. 
"Diapers", you thought, "I'm going to be stuck in diapers for the rest of my life." The tears came unabated now. 
There was a sudden knock at the door, and it creaked open. 
"Mr.... Mr. Smith?"
You quickly pulled your hand from under your sheets, and tried to wipe the tears from your eyes.
You clear your throat and sit up with a sniffle. "Erhm, yes. Yes that's me."
You were dismayed to see the nurse that entered the room was some 5 years your junior, and absolutely beautiful. You could read on her face that your attempts to hide your emotions had been futile. She wore a mask of sadness and pity. 
"I'm sorry, do you... do you need a minute?" She asked, brushing her hair back anxiously with her fingers.
"No, no. I'm... I'm fine." You say trying to regain your composure. "What, what is it?"
"Well I'm here to ummm, well, to get you cleaned up."
"Oh..." you stammer, the reality of the situation donning on you. "No, there's no need for you to do that. I can manage it I'm sure."
"Yeah, um, I'm sure you can, but you see it's hospital policy I'm afraid. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I uh, well I do this all the time, haha." She chuckled the last part uncomfortably.
"What? Why is that hospital policy? I promise it's not an issue."
"Yes, I know I know. I wish that wasn't the case, but I'm sure you can understand, a lot of our other patients who have... recently started using protection, are much less capable of you, and well some of them get embarrassed as well. We, need to be certain that you're changed" she paused "that you have adequate protection until you are discharged from our care. It's a legal thing, I'm sure you understand, right? Plus! Looking at your chart it seems we're just holding you overnight for observation, so you'll be out of here and on your own by tomorrow morning! Isn't that good news?"
Tears once again stung the back of your eyes. "Please be quick." You affirmed with a crack in your voice. 
The nurse nodded curtly and started pulling on her nitrile gloves. From under your bed she produced a fresh folded diaper, a plastic tube of ointment, a large plastic bottle, and a package of wipes. 'So much equipment' you thought. So much is needed for me just to use the bathroom now.' She placed all of it beside you and stopped.
"I'm Sarah" she said.
"Matt." You replied looking away.
"Nice to meet you Matt. I'm sorry that this is happening to you. But you should know you're not alone. I see patients everyday that need to wear protection. I know it seems like the end of the world right now, but I promise in the grand scheme of things it's really not that bad."
You nod quietly, afraid to speak for fear of loosing your cool, and crying through your first diaper change as an 'adult'. You knew she was lying. How many diapers did she ever change on a 30 year old man? ZERO. That was your bet.
"Now, I understand this is your first time wearing a brief?"
"Diaper" you thought, lips pursed tightly. She didn't continue. Finally you nodded.
"Right, well, with you being discharged tomorrow I'm going to show you some things ok. I promise I'm a real pro."
With that she unfolded the tightly packed diaper and crumpled it back and forth in her hands, as if to advertise: this is how loud and noticeable the diaper will be.
"We call this floofing. It breaks up the material so it's softer and more absorbent." She explained. "Now," she pulled your hospital sheet off of you and began to pull up your gown.
Reflexively you grabbed her wrist and pushed her hand away.
"Mr... Matt, please. I promise it's nothing I haven't seen. I'm trying to 'be quick' remember?"
You release your grip on the soft smooth skin of her forearm and let your hand fall. Suddenly ashamed and embarrassed at your outburst. 
"I'm sorry." You stammer, stealing yourself for the inevitable. 
"That's ok. I know this must be hard for you." She says pulling up your gown to reveal your sodden yellowed diaper. 
You couldn't help but look down at yourself. The infantile plastic fabric mounded between your legs seemed huge. Worse yet it was stained yellow, with your piss. "When did I do all that?" You thought. For the first time since Sarah had entered a tinge of fear overpowered your humiliation. "Do I really have that little control of myself now? Am I really that broken?"
As if answering your unspoken questions, Sarah continued. "Now, if you're changing lying down, you'll want to place the fresh diap.. brief underneath yourself in case you have a little accident midway through. That way it will all go in the new brief. Can you lift your butt up for me."
This was all too much. You numbly thrust your diapered crotch into the air for the whole world to see. Not least of which this poor beautiful woman beside you, whose face was practically pressed up against it, forced to endure changing the piss soaked rags of the invalid before her.
She daftly slid the unfolded diaper beneath you. "And down. Very good!" She nearly cooed. "Now, we just take the old one off." With each deafening rip of tape your anxiety built to a crescendo. Finally the sodden diaper lay tapeless across your shame. Sarah smiled a fake smile to no one and peeled back the top of the diaper to expose your hairless, piss covered groin to the room. You looked down at yourself, and at her sitting beside you. You felt as though your dick wasn't even yours anymore. Useless now, dribbling pee at random, and hairless, shaved while you were out during surgery. It looked and felt so juvenile. YOU looked and felt so juvenile, you thought. And you to make everything worse you were experiencing your new body for the first time with this beautiful young stranger. You glanced over at her, as if to find some comfort, some understanding, but there was nothing but the same sad, pitiful look on her face.
"Now, your number one concern with incontinence is actually skin care." Sarah said putting on a brave face. "So you want to make sure you clean up thoroughly during every change." She explained pulling wet wipes from their packs. 
You flinched away as she began to wipe you down. 
"Sorry, they're cold." She said smiling at you, and making eye contact for the first time since the change began. 
They were cold, but you weren't sure that was exactly why you flinched. Perhaps it was the obscene humiliation of a complete stranger wiping your own piss off your most intimate area, and a beautiful stranger at that. 
It occurred to you that just a day or two ago, the only interactions you'd have had with a beautiful woman and your dick would have been a fun sexual encounter. This couldn't be any further from a sexual encounter, despite having her gloved hand petting your dick at that very moment. You weren't a sexual partner. You were just a smelly, humiliating burden. 
"Now, I know you probably don't want to hear this, but if I were you, I would continue to remove your pubic hair. I know that may make you feel... a certain way, but trust me, having hair down there makes clean up WAY harder, and it can hold in smell, and you DEFINITELY don't want that. But of course that's totally up to you. That's just my two cents!" She finished cheerily.
Just when you thought your humiliation had peaked, more is piled on. You had assumed your hair removal was part of the procedure. That you could grow it back like the man you are. But no, being clean shaven is just another part of being in diapers.
"Ok! You're all clean! So now you can change into your new brief!" She said with false cheer. "Lift up."
For the final time you thrust your groin into the air, right by this poor woman's face. She pulled the sodden diaper from beneath you, and you lowered yourself onto the fresh diaper. 'Never not in a diaper' you thought. 
"Very good." Sarah said rolling up your used diaper. "You can roll these right up like this and tape them back closed like this." She explained, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to teach someone how to dispose of their used diapers. "Now. Remember how I said skin care is  super important?" You nodded numbly. "This is where you will want to be very meticulous with that. The first thing I like to do is apply the barrier cream. According to your chart you're fully incontinent correct? And the doctor explained what that means?"
"Yes." You mumbled meekly.
"So we expect you'll be passing stool into your diapers as well." She paused, presumably catching herself using the 'd' word, then powered through. "Prolonged exposure to your feces will break down your skin much faster than urine, so you'll want to change yourself as soon as possible. However that's not always possible, so it's highly recommended you apply a barrier cream"
'You'll be passing stool into your diapers' she had said. YOUR diapers. YOU WILL BE SHITTING IN YOUR DIAPERS. This is your reality now. Presumably for the rest of your life.
Sarah squeezed a line of ointment onto her gloved index finger. "This should be about how much you want. Oh! And definitely you'll want to wear gloves. These ointments can be really greasy." She explained.
Without further explanation she reached down and pulled your nutsack back and slid her lubed finger between your cheeks. You could feel her smearing the greasy ointment outward across your butt. 
"Make sure at the very least you cover your bottom, and the back of your scrotum. That's the area most likely to be in contact with feces."
To your absolute horror, you felt your member began to grow at her touch. Pulsating as it filled with blood, despite your state. It was all just too much. Tears again began to fall silently down your cheeks.
"Oh!" Sarah exclaimed despite her attempts at professionalism. She looked back at you and exclaimed again. "Oh, no, no, no. Please don't cry. This is totally natural. I completely understand it's all beyond your control. And hey, this is really really good news for you right. We were uncertain in the procedure would result in importance as well right?"
Your tears continued unabated.
"Hey hey hey!" She continued trying to console you, "this is great news! Your dick still works! Right!" She smiled jokingly, relieving some of the tension in the room.
You smiled despite yourself. Wiping the tears away and nodding. "Thank you." You said.
"Ok, ok we're almost done! Hang in there." She said. "This is just oil. I'll be honest it's J&J baby oil. There's no getting around it, that's just what works as an all a round barrier to protect your skin." She was rushing now. Clearly as eager to get this over with now as you were.
She splashed a few dabs onto your groin where your hair used to be, and started rubbing it in around your now fully erect penis. 
"Just try and cover all of your private area with this AT LEAST once a day. I recommend after your morning diaper change when you're out of the shower. But after every diaper change would be better" She had dropped all pretenses in her hurry to get away from your erection that had become the hairless elephant in the room. 
You noticed with dismay that while Sarah oiled you up, urine trickled from the head of your penis onto your stomach, pooling a bit and rolling down your side into the fresh diaper beneath you. The realization that you truly had NO control dawned on you fully. What good was it being able to have an erection if it was always going to be leaking piss anyway?
"Ooops!" She said cheerfully, wiping the fresh urine off of your stomach. "Ok! Last bit, is the powder!" She said not missing a beat. She explained all of the different types you could purchase as she sprinkled the flagrant powder over your glistening freshly oiled erection and balls. You didn't catch much of what she said. All you could think about was the smell. Baby. It was baby powder. You smell like a baby now. And why shouldn't you? wrapped in your diaper, and covered in your own fluid. It was only fitting you now also SMELL like a baby.
"....use this EVERY TIME you change." She finished. "And that's it! Now we just tape you up."
She pulled the top of your new diaper up and over your penis. Pinning your still erect penis to your tummy.
"And then it's just one, two, three, four." She explained as she taped the fresh diaper in place. "Some people like to tape a different order, but that's what I like." She said, hurriedly pulling your gown back down to cover your new diaper before you had a chance to inspect it.
"Now what I would do," she explained "is stand up and test the fit. That's important if you change yourself laying down."
After such a thoroughly humiliating experience, you felt absolute relief at once again being covered and hidden from her, even if it was just by a thin hospital gown that did little to nothing to hide the outline of the diaper. Slowly you sat up and swung your feet over the side of the bed and stood. You winced painfully at the surprisingly loud crinkles your diaper made along the way. Finally you stood. You were a full head taller than Sarah you noticed. It felt weird standing in front of her like this. So close. Your boner, fully known to both of you, still straining against its new plastic prison. 
"Now how does it feel?" She asked "run your fingers along the leg holes to make sure it's not too tight there. You can always readjust accordingly."
"It feels pretty humiliating." You said half jokingly.
You hoped it would lighten the mood some, but she just looked at you with the same sad pity. 
"You'll get used to it. You'll see. This is your life now, and it's best if you try not to fight it. Okay? You'll be alright. Just a learning curve is all." She smiled and threw your used diaper in the trash by the door, and sorted your supplies back under your bed.
You shifted uncomfortably on your feet, feeling the slick ointment between your cheeks, and the heft of the diaper between your legs. You stopped moving to avoid the obvious crinkles you were producing not wanting to draw attention to it. Dumb you thought, given all that just happened.
Satisfied with her cleaning Sarah stood to leave. "I'll be on shift all night ok? So just press that button there if you need anything. It was nice to meet you Matt. You're going to be ok"
"Thank you Sarah." You said abashedly.
She turned in the door, "and Matt,"
You looked up expectantly from your diaper bulge.
"When your penis settles down, reach in and point it back towards the bottom of your diaper, or you'll leak." She smiled, nodded and was gone.
"Your diaper" you said quietly. You wear diapers now. "And you'd better get used to it."
As part of an AI Art experiment, please feel free to edit the photo used in this caption. If you enjoyed this story and would like to see it continue, please submit your edited photos to me. 
Thank you.
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gaymurdersalad · 9 months
Peter... How are you doing mentally? Scale from 1-10. :3
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>oh, what the heck is it now, emplo—
>… oh. oh! you’re just checking in? uhm…
>you know, employee, it’s honestly been a solid 6/10. erm… 5/10. yeah, a 5/10.
>because on one hand, i am out of bakersfield. yay! but on the other, head is still a phone. nay. on another more radioactive hand, i get to see my wife again… and i have a house with her, too! employee, did i tell you what we named our dog? she’s one of those little crusty white dogs, we found her in a dumpster by a candy’s burgers and fries. her name is randy! i don’t know why it came so naturally to me, but the aura of pure pity this dog has, man… very striking as a “randy” to me.
>… apologies for the tangent, employee. thank you for listening. oh, whoops. i forgot i was on hold with the health department. get back to work, employee.
>yes, hi— no, no mister, i assure you, it wasn’t blood or mucus dripping from the robots, erhm… what was it? um… uh, wouldja stop asking me if i just cashapped you forty faztokens?
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liamsyux · 1 month
ANDERPERRY ONE SHOT bc i’m going crazy (it’s bad and cringe BUT IT’S A MODERN HIGHSCHOOL AU CMON)
(also english isn’t my first language and i didn’t even try to write that good)
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
the first time todd anderson saw neil perry was on the first day of school. he arrived early and when he entered the classroom and right away sat on the desk near the window, he noticed a certain brown-haired guy. the guy had a smile that could light up an entire room and his eyes were simply filled with the purest joy ever. todd found himself staring at the guy, and when their eyes met, todd felt like he was being teleported to another planet. he flushed and suddenly looked down not caring whether the guy was still staring at him or not.
he found out later the guy’s name was neil perry.
weeks passing todd was crushing more and more on the brown haired guy; he was smart, cute, funny and well-cultured. the only problem was that they never actually spoke to each other. and that was, todd was sure of it, because neil didn’t actually seemed to enjoy todd presence in the class.
when their eyes met he always looked away first (strange thing to say when the other guy is todd fucking shy anderson), when todd rarely spoke up in class he seemed to didn’t care at all about what he was saying (also strange because he always cared about what their other classmates had to say) and every time todd started a absolute necessary conversation, he was always trying to get away as soon as possible.
so, for todd anderson, that wednesday was the weirdest day in his life.
the morning was pretty fine actually; he took notes, he listened, he did everything regular. and so, as every other day, when the bell rang, he took his time to pack his stuff away and saw all his other classmates rushing out of the door. all, except one. neil fucking perry. now the only possibilities that came up in todd’s mind where all concerning him being in the wrong and perry having something to say.
what he did not in fact expect was to see a flushed neil with in his hands god knows what, walking towards him.
“erhm todd?”
todd felt his face heat up. neil never called him, let alone called him by his first name.
kinda scared and anxious todd tried to say something normal, without sounding weird.
his voice was low and he felt very insicure. what the hell was going on.
“s-sorry for bothering you, i know you probably would have preferred being alone and pack away your stuff but t-there’s something i-i gotta tell you”
neil kept walking towards todd’s desk as he spoke leaving todd wide eyed, he never seen and heard neil talking and approaching someone with that little confidence.
“n-no don’t worry about that” he said actually sounding very confident.
todd thought neil didn’t like him at all or at least did not like him enough to be friends with him (ne was friends either basically everyone); so the things neil said to him in that empty classroom left him astonished.
“listen i’m sorry if this sounds weird or i don’t know creepy but” he looked up directly into todd’s eyes “i-i really like and i’d feel really honored if you would want to maybe get a coffee with me sometimes! he-here’s my number if you maybe want to text me your answer, or you could just ignore everything don’t worry” and neil left on todd desk a piece of paper, with in fact a cellphone number written on it.
todd was completely astonished. he looked at neil with wide eyes and mouth open.
“i’m sorry, w-what?” he said. it’s not like he didn’t hear him c’mon, neil was basically screaming, he just did not understand.
“shit sorry don’t worry about it i’ll just leave” neil whispered already making his way out.
“i-i thought you didn’t like me” todd said, his voice almost a whisper.
“like you befriended everyone in the class except me a-and you never listen when i say something to the teacher o-or you always look away when our eyes randomy mert; i-i just thought you didn’t think i was nice” todd almost shouted.
neil ran right away to todd’s desk resting his hands on it.
“i-i’ve liked you since the first day, shit i’m sorry i made you feel like-like i hated you or something”
todd looked at neil like the words he just said were gold falling from the sky. neil looked at him and the kept staring at each other for a while.
“actually i’ve wanted to get some coffee with you since the first day, neil. i like you too” todd revealed with a soft smile.
now was neil turn to be completely in disbelief. seeing todd smiling though made him chukle and smile.
“oh yeah?”
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terrence-silver · 2 months
Would Terry do interracial relationships?
I mean, we see some (implied?) relationships of his, and both are interracial.
If we take into account that he had his holiday dalliances with Mamona and her girlfriend in Tahiti and judging by his sleazy, smarmy, self-content 'I knoooow' over the phone to John after being asked how he knows about the girls in question, it is safe to say he knows them in the Biblical sense (right before sending John their merry way too, so his mood could get, erhm, lifted), and well, Cheyenne Hamidi isn't white either by any account (A woman of Middle Eastern descent from Britain?) so there we have it. He would. He does. He did. How many times and with exactly individuals of what descent, we don't know, but he definitely would. Not the way he was raised, admittedly, I don't think. He was born somewhere around the midcentury and his folks --- possibly somewhere before WWII, so go figure. I feel his family was extremely strict on the matter and that while he was growing up, he had a total two options to date, and it was either a good Jewish girl from a wealthy family, or an All-American Wasp from a wealthy family (emphasis on the wealthy family part) that he can climb the social ladder through. Basically, we don't know what papa Silver Sr. was like for certain and we can only speculate, but I somehow don't think he was very tolerant minded and it is only when Terry came into his own and had all that power, money and influence to himself, post-war, did he, I think, start fucking whoever he so pleased, because who's gonna tell him 'no'?
Then again, Terry is simultaneously bigoted. We know that much.
Especially towards Asians, specifically the Japanese.
Not towards Koreans, who he sees as his allies. American allies.
Just because he would or has dated interracially in the past doesn't mean Terry Silver is this model of egalitarian acceptance (although he might pretend it, especially in his later years), it just means that the sees no obstacles to what he wants or who he wants, because he'll have whoever, whenever for whatever reason and I am convinced he has been with people of all ethnicities, creeds, nationalities and races throughout his life simply because he's Terry Silver and he can and he has been on the path of trying everything the way one's out to try not unlike trying and collecting all the fine vintages in the world and yes, that sounds disrespectful and objectifying, possibly because it i, while in equal measure, if he loved someone of a different race rather than it being merely an affair or an adventure, his bias, hypocrisy and double standards might immediately kick in and while he sees everyone else as fair game for his bigotry his beloved is automatically off limits to the degree he'd be willing to put someone through world of pain for the exact same worldviews he has towards others because that's his beloved and everyone else is simply...everyone else. They don't count the way beloved does. Man has been prejudiced towards the Japanese probably all of his life, but the minute there was a potential 'Sensei Joe' could become his friend and business partner, he's went from the 'Other' box to the 'My ally' box.
Terry's an absolutist with a clan mentality.
He's not color blind. Far from. It is just that you're either with him or not with him, regardless of who and what you are and that's about the jist of it.
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erabu-san · 4 months
THIS QUEST WAS SO GOOD OMG Cyrus being the type of father who carries his child baby photos around and shows it without shame is something I always want to know cnyonari share tent they share tent I also like Sethos there's so many good things here AAAAAAHHHHH
How do you feel?
ERHM again. I do not SHIP cyn*ri and it makes UNCOMFORTABLE PLZ😭 i am getting overwhelmed since days because of that
I usually block when someone mention it but,, you look kind anon, maybe you just didn't know </3 (and i want to yapp abt cyno's quest.)
(Spoiler plz dont look)
Oh I believe this quest is definitively a Cyno AND Tighnari's quest ! (We learnt more abt tighnari'ancestor and this is so GOOD) and all interaction we got wAAAAH they are all so lovely 😭😭😭😭
Sethos is so likable. I love him so much and I hope Cyno will take his arms and show him around Sumeru's city (even if he already saw it,, but now it is with company), drinking coffee with friends, and show what friendship is. I hope Sethos will finally find his answer as Cyno did !
I am sure Sethos knew Cyno's existence, and he believes only him would understand him. But when he saw him bringing friends, he was wondering if they live in the same world. Akademiya changed after all, it became more peaceful ! But what if he is curious about Cyno's world ? How someone similar of him could be so different ?? What if Sethos always felt lonely ? (Man is enthousiastic and extrovert, but I believe people tend more to worship him, and his grandpa had expectation.. so he doesn't know what is a genuine friendship is)
That's why when Cyno Tighnari and Traveler stayed w Sethos after his grandpa passed, he slowly started understand what friendship looks like (TY CYNO)
I need to see more interaction between them I AM SO HYPE TO HAVE SETHOS AND LEARN MORE ABOUt HIM !!!
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lya-dustin · 1 year
The food of love
Aka the Oysters
Osferth x fem!reader
Cw:food poisoning and vomit
Gif by @myfandomprompts
My first Osferth one shot yay
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You were going to hell for this.
But you have to do this or risk getting married off to some man old enough to be your grandfather.
Besides, Osferth was the king’s natural son and gentle and kind as one would expect of a godly man.
Osferth was handsome, and he was roughly your age and well-read and of good moral standing.
All the other young men you’d scared off this year paled in comparison to him.
And sure he was a monk, but some monks can marry and God did order Adam and Eve to be fruitful, so really this was just fulfilling God’s will.
Yes, God’s will. You were only doing God’s will.
This you tell yourself as you drink wine you pilfered from your father’s stores to wash down the oyster you ate.
Nasty things, they hadn’t been so bad when you had them when visiting the coast, but your maid said they stimulated carnal desire and would aid you in your mission.
The two of you had also overhead him commenting on it when having a very awkward feast with your family.
Why couldn’t it be something else, like pastries, or fruits or anything that wasn’t seafood?
Would he even come?
Did you get the right room?
You get your answer when you hear him talk to his fellow warrior and particular friend and joke that he had better accommodations for being a man of the cloth.
Remember your maid’s advice, show some skin, tease him, touch him casually and be willing to do any sinful thing he wants.
Holy men always have the filthiest minds, your maid had winked before sending you on your way.
If you do as I say you’ll be a married woman by morning.
Your stomach is in knots from the lethal combination of nerves, oysters and wine.
Oh God, the fucking oysters.
No matter, you could maybe get this done before it repeats itself.
“My lady, I, I seem to have been given the wrong room.” He apologized averted his gaze as he saw with your shift barely covering your upper thigh and spread like a whore on his bed.
“Oh you’re in the right room, Father Osferth.” You try to muster some degree of charm as you feel yourself sweat.
Oh, God.
“Just Osferth, Lady Y/N.” he said still avoiding you, turning around so all you see is his back.
Well, this had failed.
He’s such a paragon of virtue he won’t take advantage of a maiden. A maiden who up until now had wondered what did he hide underneath the dumpy robes.
He was tall, your maid said that was often a good thing in the bedroom. You tried to ask why, but you felt stupid in not knowing such things, so you pretended to know what she meant.
“Well, then I am just Y/N.” you say almost as awkwardly as he had said it.
Somehow this relaxed him enough to look quickly over his shoulder and look relieved you had lowered your shift to its natural length: just over your ankles.
“Are you well, Y/N?” the way he asks and spoke your name makes your stomach flutter, or was that the oysters?
“Yes, I am quite well.” You say trying to flirt. “Well, not really, you see, Osferth, I have been plagued by these feelings ---”
Stick to the script your maid wrote, stick the script if you wish to marry a man you can respect and desire. If God’s merciful, a man you can love.
“Oh, erhm. Lady, I ---” his cheeks pink up, its so adorable, you find yourself thinking its just your stupid little infatuation with the warrior monk that’s got you in knots.
“Not a lady tonight, just Y/N.” your voice comes out breathy enough to pass off as seductive.
Maybe you can get out of here without letting him know you are deeply unwell physically.
Oh god, that was not nerves.
God, please do not let it come until I leave.
New plan, you get out of here before your late snack ends up on his floor, or worse, him.
“Oh, God, are you trying to seduce me, Y/N?” he asks looking at you with genuine concern.
You do not know what possessed you to nod, but you do and even worse, he comes to your side likely noticing how green you must look.
Oh no.
Here it comes.
To your credit you manage not to get anything on him or the furnishings.
You did not even see him pull out the bucket from under the bed serving as his chamber pot.
Osferth is seemingly unbothered by the sight or the smell as he holds your hair back as you empty the contents of your stomach.
You haven’t been this violently ill since you were a child, God, this is humiliating.
“I am very sorry, Osferth.” You apologize as you try to clean yourself up and avoid looking at him in your shame.
Those damn oysters.
You are never touching anything that comes from the sea ever again.
“It is not your fault, the wine may have been too strong for you.” He dismissed as he inspected the food for poison and discreetly looked at your midsection to see if you are secretly harboring a bastard in your belly.
“Not the wine, the damn oysters.” You shook your head and wondered if it were to forward of you to help yourself to the water in the pitcher left for his use.
“Ah, yes, I noticed they smelled off at supper, I did my best to warn my companions.” As if reading your mind he takes the clay cup and fills it for you.
He also takes out the bucket and lies for you when the Irishman, Finian, asks about the noise and the bucket.
“Why were you trying to seduce me?” he asks the question she had assumed had been to obvious too ask.
“I need a husband, one of my one choosing preferably.” You answer honestly and gratefully drink the cold water. Given how unsuccessful your maid’s scheme was, perhaps honesty might help you in this.
Besides how can you seduce or romance a man when you have just vomited in his room.
“I am honored you would think I would be worthy of you, Y/N.” he smiled sheepishly and your heart melts. “But I would have preferred you did not make yourself ill to get my attention.”
“It was my maid’s idea, she believed this was the only way.” You are quick to blame her for this, but you did share the blame as you were far too eager to say yes.
He chucked quietly, and you wonder if this was part of her plan.
Perhaps she knew you’d fail and he’d tale care of you because he was a good man.
You will ask her later, once you can manage leaving the room without being seen.
If you were caught, you would be seen as damaged goods and be tossed out into the woods.
“I do not have the means to have a wedding worthy of an ealdorman’s daughter let alone the means to have a family at the moment, I am afraid.”
Was he rejecting you?
This couldn’t get any worse.
All this and he says no because he does not have money?
God was punishing you and taking sick delight in doing so.
“But I may ask your father for a long betrothal and return with wealth to wed you.” He amended and you felt your heart soar. “If you still wish to have me.”
And your stomach churn again.
It is a miracle that you make it to your rooms uncaught and without retching.
“I told you, my sweetheart, I told you would return here betrothed to the monk.” Your maid said holding a cup of whatever will rid you of this malaise. “You are a very lucky woman, Y/N, I heard whores fight for a night in bed with him.”
Part ii
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silkekruse · 2 months
Okay ya'll help! I was re-watching the 2016 Ghostbusters movie trying to see if i liked it better if i didn't compare it to the original and saw it as it's own thing....and i actually did!
Aaaanyways....i suppose there's another ghostbusters crush to be added to my already weird list of crushes ( send help XD )
So erhm...yeah, it's Rowan North oops..what can i say? I like him lol, and with "like" i mean all my recent doodles have ONLY being of Rowan.... ( yes, i know "omg Silke again??! a villain?!" Well yes, but the moment he came on screen a friend joked "omg it's you!" Because i used to be a severe bully victim too, and i also got into the "scary" lore and cool horror stuff for comfort, so sadly my friend was right RIP me )
Sooo yeah- enjoy my most recent drawing of him with me XD (or don't, i don't mind, i have my weird spooky crushes and i will definitly not be swayed!!)
BOOM!! Biiig spooky man (ft my tiny butt 🤣😭🙈)
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Anyways, hope ya'll have a awesome day and stay spooky ✌️👻💀👀
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polkadotjersey · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
finally doing this :) thank you for tagging me @kingfisherprince <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
currently 22. hopefully more soon :)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
243,150 (kinda crazy to think this is proper novel length by now)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
i currently have wips for formula 1 rpf and cycling rpf, also write football rpf (slowly making my way through all sports tags, i suppose.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
top spot for every other sunday (crazy kudos count, i still can't quite believe it). next are an evolutionary theory of the soul (seb/charles), algorithm (max/charles), little lion man (lewis/max) and in the dark you can't see shiny cars (max/charles). nice pairing mix as well!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Usually, yes. (although i confess i had a rough patch last year and let many go unanswered just because i had no energy to interact anywhere, but i still love each and every comment i get.)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
that... has to be lonely hearts club (seb/charles), i think?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hard to figure. i realize i write a lot of endings as begginings, so... which one is the happiest? I suppose in every other sunday they're quite happy (and also kimi is doing the macarena, so there's that.)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope. i love that these fandoms are so chill <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes. the boring kind (sorry!)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
never did. not sure how i'd go about it.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
erhm actually yes. wattpad debacle of 2022.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! (thank you to all the lovely translators of my fics, you are the best <3)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no. but i am open to.... 👀
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
no OTPs, i am all about spreading the love
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
charles lifeguard AU (main pairing to be determined). i wrote a lot of the setup, just mainly charles, alex and carlos being chaotic best friends working at a fancy beach resort.
16. What are your writing strengths?
who knows? I think i am good at storytelling (pace, etc). ooh also non-linear narratives. i am quite proud of those.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i write at a snail's pace. can't do past tenses to save my life. still not confident writing in english, so i get stuck a lot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i only ever did it when it's relevant to the fic (like in a matter of expression (seb/charles), which is all about languages)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
12 year-old me writing bad harry potter fanfiction counts, i suppose? the evidence must still be lost somewhere on the internet
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
time and again (seb/charles) is my all time favourite.
i am tagging @sebchal, @kritischetheologie, @antimonyandthyme, @astronomical-light and @cupidskissx (no pressure to do it, i am just sending my love to you)
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okay, I can see you all now... apparently the lights overshone the roots? Or something. I'm not sure of the exposition for this.. hmm....
Pretend I was formulating some evil plans.
.... oooh, voice change, is that a villainous arc or somethi-
APOLGIES, I can see everyone and...
Great plot twists, hold on.. I need to summon you all, this is ridiculous.
@yesireadbooks @silviathebard @kooperation1101 @sixthesnek  @a-had-matter @da-na-hae @mylee-sketches @cosmiccoincidence ... oh, and @holdmyteaplease and @osbob-the-existent
Greeting Pixies, dear audience. Tis I, Anuli, fallen fairy, harbinger of unhappy endings, and this story's antagonist.
Why have I called you all here, on this lovely... whatever-day-it-is?
Why, it is to ask you all but one simple question.
What has possessed you all?
.... Was that mean?
Rawr. Be afraid, be very afraid.
But in all honesties, this is quite a contradicting plot point.
Were my disclaimers not enough to disclose to you all? Why would you read 'do not involve me in your story' and proceed to think 'Ah yes, we shall be the best of friends' ?
Foolish. You will not find a friend in me.
.... Foolish is a strong word... misguided? Little silly?
Well, since all of you sillys are present, I shall inform you of your current roles in my story.
You may stay and.. ask whatever you want? The best I can offer you is a morbid story with no coherent ending. You have been warned.
Oh! And know that those broken stories are it. I will not be able to come to your aid in your hour of need nor will I say the right words of comfort due to.. villian.
So! Disclaimers out of the way?
Why did I wait for answer? Summoning takes time... since I presume you all sleep at times...
Oh! And in other news you can ignore: sleeping. I have not done this since I've gotten here but... everything changed when the songs attacked.
Sleeping is a thing and it was nice until I awoke and I'm fairly sure its useless but not having it was... oh this could be the metaphor for story normalcies.
I won't traumatize you all with that, at least, not now, you all are free to leave.
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Chapter Two: Family Issues.
The next morning, Todd wakes up without any recollection of how he ended up where he seemed to be. He was hanging by his feet, they were tied with a rope. Looking around he noticed that he had been hanging from a meat hook. In front of him were those same bags from the day before, at the end of the line still hung the dog's bag. Todd shuffled and swung until he was free, crashing onto the cold ground. Todd noticed something else, he couldnt feel how cold the freezer was.
Knocking sounded on the iron door, shave and a haircut. It stopped and the door swung open, “Two clips! How's it hanging?? Eh? Oh you're on the floor.” Tony shouts excitedly, turning into a somber realization. “Did you kidnap me and put me in the freezer??” Todd inquires angrily. “Sure did, kid.” Tony says proudly. “Now here's the deal.” Hid demeanor changed, “You and me, we cant leave the building during the day, so im putting you on drain duty. I'll have a new shipment of sauce this afternoon. Hop to the register for now though!” Tony smiles and leave the freezer, shutting the door behind him.
“Wait how do i-? Crap.” Todd mumbles before getting up and starting toward the door.
Gunk waits at the register as the morning customers start rolling in and asking for their usual version of Tony's breakfast pizza and coffee. He and Todd trade places and he heads for the kitchen. Todd feels eyes on him the entire morning, any time he would look over his shoulder, Tony's kind yet sharp eyes would pierce his very soul. If Todd even had one of those any more.
Noon comes, the store is empty say for Todd, Tony and two other employees. Tony yells from the kitchen, “Hey, employee of the month! I gotta go catch the newest shipment, I'll be back very soon.” Tony smirks and leaves through the back.
Tony glides through his cities alleys. Above the homeless citizens and druggies. He thinks his vice superior to theirs, he is just as dependant on his own, however. Tony chuckles at the coincidence. He perches on a rooftop, silent as a mouse, to watch a young lady stroll by the dinghy area they find themselves in. Swooping down without a sound Tony announces his presence as to not scare the girl.. more.
“Good evening,” Tony giggles slightly at the cliche. “Oh my go-” the woman gasps, “oh hey!”
“Hey?” Tony questions
“Yeah hey, you're the guy from the commercials.” She chuckles.
“Yes i am! Have ya stopped by yet?” He asks.
“Noo, but its my list.” They walk side by side before the main street ahead.
“How about we go now?” Tony offered.
“Erhm i dont know, ive got places to be at the moment. Tomorrow?” She lends a compromise.
“No, I insist.” Tony says, his tone calmer, relaxing.. He inches closer.
A scream, lets loose throughout the streets and alleys of New York.
Todd looks through the window, its dark, the sun has mostly set over the horizon. He figures it a better time than any to make an escape and maybe, hopefully find a phone or police station. What he's been witness to is pure evil, and he craves from the bottom of his soul to stop it.
“Where ya headed off to? Hehe.” A rough heavy accent calls from the kitchen, the back door shutting loudly.
“I uhm, i need fresh air. Ive been inside for a whole day almost, uh boss.” Todd squeaks.
“You couldnt be more transparent than if ya looked in a mirror. Booyah, reflection jokes all day.” Tony laughs.
“I would be super grateful, Tony, let me outside.” Todd pleads. Tony simply snaps his fingers as two hooded men come out of the back, “Restrain him, im havin a night on the town. I deserve it after all my hard work on the supply run. Ill be back soon boys.”
“Tony pleas-” Todd his knocked to the ground and dragged back into the freezer.
Tony strolls the late night streets. A cool breeze pushes his cape from his cloaked body. Tony feels like he's finally on top of the world. His plans are working out one after another and he gets to have fun while he's at it. What more could he ask for. Amongst the missing dog posters on a street post is a missing person poster. Underneath the picture of Syrup, the dog Tony had taken for the pizza, reads, “Missing Person: Richard Kind, height: 5'11, hair: black, etc, etc. If you have any tips or happen to find him or his body please call:” Tony recognized the number, it belonged to his sister.
The next morning, Tony sits in his office, his eye on the freezer door and his fingers over the dial button. He sighs with a, “Why do ya make things so complicated Tony? Agh fuck it.” He presses dial, the phone rings. And rings. And rings. Finally, “Hello? Who is this?” a feminine voice asks. A gentle, opposite sounding voice responds, “Heya sis, its uh- me. Guess i have some explaining ta do-”
“You bet your balding ass ya do!” She yells
“Heyy. First off, im not balding anym-” he interjects
“I dont care, Rich! Thats not what i wanna hear explained right now! I want to know where you've been the passed four months! This isnt like you not to at least call, you always check in. I swear- you've got Papa worried sick!”
“Erm uh- *ahem* Listen sis, can we meet at my place? Ill have more time to clear it up then.” Tony suggests.
“That sounds good. How about noon?” She asks
“Sorry Sam uh- how about tonight when i get off work?” Tony replies
“Fine Rich.” Samantha hangs up. Tony sits back and with his voice returned, with a sigh says, “Boy.. I'm stressed.”
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yuriko-mukami · 1 year
Happens after this interaction with Tanako Roo (@lucidesunderstander)
Thank you for your help, inspiration, and beta reading @ruki-mukami-dl
TW: Toxic relationship behavior
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Yuriko swallowed as Roo left the library, commenting on how Ruki didn’t take her feelings into consideration. Why…? Didn’t he realize that…?
“What a filthy face. Where did you say you picked up this dirty stray dog?” Ruki’s voice was as icy as his eyes when his gaze turned to his shivering girlfriend. There was a tight knot in Yuriko’s stomach as she shifted in place, not having enough courage to either pull back or lean closer. She hated it when Ruki looked at her like that… like all adornment had vanished out of thin air.
“I… I… umh… from our math class…” Yuriko nibbled her bottom lip. Ruki was furious, right? But Roo hadn’t touched her in a similar manner as the Sakamaki boy, so… this time… this time… she could avoid the icy shower… Hopefully.
“You should have simply told the teacher that you will do the assignment alone. You are more than capable to handle simple math problems on your own, are you not?”
“Well… yes… but it was meant as a pair work and Tanako-san looked so lone—”
"...I’m not interested in hearing such. After all, it does not change the fact that you came into contact with that dirty dog." Ruki grabbed Yuriko’s arm, squeezing it a bit harder than necessary as his gaze bored into hers. 
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“But Ruki… Tanako-san hasn’t done anything wrong!” It was quite the opposite. Roo wasn’t threatening or trying anything suspicious. He seemed a bit shy and perhaps awkward but that actually gave a safe feeling. Yuriko squirmed in Ruki’s grasp, trying to explain how nothing had happened. They had sat in the library and talked a bit… and shared lunch.
Ruki’s head turned again. It was easy to read the distaste in the manner his brows closed in together and his nape stiffened as he stared at the lunch box he had prepared for Yuriko this evening.
“You shared lunch I made with him.” It was not even a question but a notion cold enough to freeze the deepest levels of hell. Fingers dug into Yuriko’s arm and she was sure there would be bruises even though she wore both her cardigan and her dress shirt.
“Erhm… well… yes… It looked like he didn’t have anything proper and I had plenty…”
A death stare.
“And Ruki… You know… I need friends too. Eli-chan is still missing and I don’t know what to do. It pains my heart that —”
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"I see. You are trying to shift the blame, huh? That Elizabeth Virnien went missing on her own and has nothing to do with this case.” Ruki started to pack Yuriko’s things into her school bag. He hit the lunch box’s lid shut and tugged that, too, among other things. “Are you simply not seeing how those disgusting filths ogle on you or are you playing innocent, Livestock? Claiming that everything happens without your knowledge, it seems?"
“I… no… but Tanako-san… He isn’t like the other guys.”
Ruki stopped. 
For a moment, nothing moved in the library. 
Yuriko started to notice her own shallow breathing and heartbeat that drummed in her ears. Suddenly, her palms felt sticky, and her feet heavy. She was sinking, rapidly, and no one could save her anymore since she had just made…
…a huge mistake.
“We… we should go to the last class…” Nothing but mumbles; Yuriko could hear how her voice quivered. But this was her last straw. If Ruki just went there with her, maybe he would calm down while they would have to study…
"Due to your foolish actions, that will not happen." Ruki closed the distance between them and clutched Yuriko’s arm again so swiftly that a tearing sound screeched in Yuriko’s ears. She didn’t have time to peek down to check how badly her sleeve had ripped as Ruki kept talking. "We are changing our plans. We will go home. Now."
Without a further ado, Ruki teleported them away from the school library. Yuriko’s world turned upside down for a moment as if she ceased to exist and was born again. She was tiny and huge at the same time and her stomach was whirling when the library disappeared around them. A second later she was staggering in Ruki’s bedroom as he let go of her arm and slammed their bags on the floor.
"You really are...a handful, Livestock..."
As Yuriko watched, Ruki hurried to the closet, taking out something from the upper shelf where she hadn’t ever peeked — not that she could even reach there on her own. Now, Ruki pulled out a black box, put it on the table, and opened it while glancing at Yuriko with eyes that were glimmering. Not in a friendly manner, nothing like that, but almost violently.
Would another shower follow? But surely Ruki didn’t need to purge Yuriko now since Roo hadn’t really touched her…
"I am busy for the tiniest moment and immediately you start seducing those unworthy, simple-minded humans in the school.” Rumbling through the box, Ruki gathered something that looked like…
…a collar. One that could be used for a dog.
Yuriko blinked as a leash followed.
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"I cannot keep you running free since you are asking to be corrupted and tainted by that filthy stray dog." Ruki turned around, holding the items. “Perhaps I should take you a stroll like one since you are taking a liking to them.”
“Ruki… what…? No!”
But Ruki was on Yuriko faster than she could react. Cold and merciless fingers snatched her by her throat, wrapping the collar around her neck. The clenching, suffocating feeling turned her head light. Lifting her hands, she tried to tuck the choker but it was no use.
“Too… it’s too… tight…” Yuriko coughed, pushing her fingers under the leather that wrung her throat, making her breath turn even shallower and the room around them dim as if the black mist was slowly creeping in. With shaking legs, Yuriko tried to back down but in vain.
“Do not dare to remove it without your master’s permission, Livestock.” Ruki attached the leash to the collar, gazing down at Yuriko without showing a single sign of any emotion. “If you like that mongrel that much, why not become one? Perhaps that will remind you of your place and who you should obey.”
“But Ruki —”
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vonartsy · 11 months
Poisonous Flowers [1001] - Ch 2
Chapter two.
First chapter. Next chapter.
     On that note, Bravo Team split up, heading in their respective directions. Though even with five professionals (only two of them could be considered that), looking for an anomaly that supposedly should be easy to spot turned up with nothing within the first thirty minutes.
     “Erik!” Shouted Vance from across the alleyway, who was peering into a dumpster. “There a—there’s a thing!”
     Both Phillips and Erikson’s heads turned on a swivel, assuming that he’d found at least some trace of the anomaly.
     “Y’ got it?” Erikson asked, him and Phillips running over to Vance to see what he’d found.
     “It’s, it’s not that plant thing, but it, uhm...” He gestured to the inside of the dumpster. Inside laid two black trash bags wrapped around a shape that looked suspiciously like a human body.
     The three Bravo members exchanged dumbfounded glances, before Erikson walked away. “Not our problem.”
     Phillips looked confused, and one couldn’t really blame her, but Erikson was right. It isn’t their problem.
     Then, Erikson’s radio buzzed to life. “Erikson!” It was Dipaulo on the other end.
     Erikson stopped in his tracks, holding the button to speak on his radio and putting a finger up at Phillips and Vance for them to be silent. “What? Why’re you ye—”
     “Brit! He just... just disappeared!” Dipaulo explained not very calmly at all. “I turned around for a second and he’s gone! I—He’s not even answering my—” 
     “Take a deep breath, Dipaulo. We’ll be there in a second, don’t worry.” Erikson turned off his radio, looking at the other two. “C’mon. They need help.” 
     They nodded, chasing a little behind Erikson as he wasted no time to sprint through the littered alleyways and over to where Dipaulo said he was. In less than 3 minutes, Erikson had already ran halfway across the small city while barely breaking a sweat, with Vance and Phillips lagging behind as anyone normally would.
     “Geez, Vance, how is he—” Phillips took a sharp turn, nearly slipping on a comically placed banana peel next to a torn open garbage bag. Stupid raccoons did that, she thought. “Is he always this fast?!" 
     “Uh-huh!” Vance answers, almost running into Phillips but managing to stay just behind her.
     Soon enough though, they turned a corner and both crashed into Erikson, all of them toppling onto one another. But hey, they found Dipaulo. Only Dipaulo, however.
     “Seriously guys?!” shouted Erikson, obviously annoyed as he hurriedly untangled himself from Vance and Phillips. 
     “What?” Vance nonchalantly said while dusting off his gear from the fall.
     “You know what, Vance.”
    Phillips’ hair had somehow untied itself, so she was currently in the struggle to retie it into a tight ponytail, the wind working against her.
     “Guys!” Dipaulo shouted to get everyone’s attention, which made Vance flinch. Dipaulo didn’t ever get this worked up, so when he did, it was certainly a surprise. “An anomaly took Brit!” Just behind him on the wall were thick patches of moss and lichen, and other various foliage which definitely wouldn't have grown naturally in that spot, nor would they regularly be glowing. It all seemed to be originating from up the wall onto the roof of that building, and was undoubtedly the work of that anomaly they were after.
     “... erhm... I think something’s up there,” Phillips commented.
     “I think it’s up there,” Vance mockingly repeated, “Nooo, really? I couldn’t tell.”
     Whilst Vance and Phillips bickered like siblings arguing for their turn on the console, the other two looked around for a ladder of some kind, and luckily, there seemed to be one conveniently sitting in the corner.
     Erikson grunted as he grabbed it, unfolding the ladder and leaning it up against the brick wall. It was just tall enough to lift himself over the ledge and onto the flat concrete roof. On the roof was indeed something. Well, ‘something’ might’ve been a bit of an understatement. There were many things, like little alive plants scurrying about a miniature forest, which was really just a bunch of blades of grass and a moss canopy. In the middle of it all sat a humanoid looking child with dirty tattered clothing, pale green skin with mushrooms and the like sprouting from various spots on its body. Its ‘hair’ was actually vines. The entity was most definitely unique looking, to say the least, and looked to be playing god with the little habitat that laid in front of it.
     Erikson wasted no time in grabbing the anomaly by its vine hair, it not being able to react quickly enough.
     “BRO SNATCHED THEY WEAVE!” Blurted Vance.
     “Vance! Take this seriously,” Phillips scolded, lightly hitting Vance with the back of her hand. Erikson hopped down off the building roof and down the ladder, dragging the entity along with little regard for its physical wellbeing. 
     “I’m doubting this weak thing is the freak that stole Salem from me...” Dipaulo muttered under his breath.
     “So we got our mission objective, but... where’s Brit?” asked Phillips. 
     Erikson thought for a moment before he answered. “I don’t know... We might have to search for him in between missions if he doesn’t come back by himself.” He didn’t pay any mind to the anomaly now flailing about and trying to escape, but to no avail of course.
     "Wait, but shouldn't finding him be our top priority?" said Dipaulo worriedly.
     "I know how much you like him—we all do—but anomalies could harm civilians. We can't abandon our job in favour of searching for Brit." 
     "But, I... Brit... he's just..." He trailed off, though still, he understood why they couldn't drop everything. Fine then. I'll just leave to look for him later if they won't let me now.
     The team got the anomaly into the van without much trouble, it sitting tied up in the trunk. I’m sure if anyone witnessed it, they definitely would have assumed someone was in the process of being kidnapped and murdered, but that wasn’t the problem at the moment. The real problem was that they were still missing the team leader, and that was not good in the slightest.
     All the members were now wide awake from the events of the morning, the mood lingering in the van thick and quiet. The members of Bravo weren’t the only ones worried too, with the anomaly fearing for its life. You couldn’t blame it, considering  what regularly happens to its brethren. 
     “... Dipaulo?” Vance said after some indefinite amount of time. 
     “You ‘n Brit.”
     “Mm? What about us?” asked Dipaulo, turning to glance out the window of the van for a second.
     “How, ehm... how worried are you about him... ?
     “Mm... very... I hope he’s alright... I mean I know he can take care of himself,” he quietly responded, "but I still—" 
     He was then interrupted by the van coming to a rather abrupt halt, the only thing keeping them from banging their heads into the seats in front of them being the extremely useful seatbelts.
     Erikson muttered frustratedly under his breath and shot a stern glare at the three behind him that basically said “Don’t do anything stupid”, before leaving the van as well, to which they all briefly glanced at each other. Where a tire on the van should have been, it was in fact, not there. In place of it was a mess of vines clinging onto the motors and such on the underside of the van, and while the tire was likely still there, you couldn’t even see it past all the plants in the way. The man crouched down, and just to test, gave a quick tug on one of the smaller vines that then broke off with ease. Not too long after, rain drops began to fall from dark clouds quickly sweeping over the region, water starting to slick the road and Erikson’s uniform. What timing... he thought.
     While Erikson went to work on removing the plants from the tire, the other three were talking about god knows what.
     “... ‘m just saying, if you were to have a father, how would that help when fighting a slasher guy?” said Phillips
     “But,” said Vance, “It won’t not help.”
     “What if Hatsune Miku was a slasher?” 
     “Oh nonono—Hatsune Miku does NOT talk to dead bodies.”
     While the incessant voices of Phillips and Vance continued their debate that was loosely about slashers (with a couple of vocaloids), Dipaulo was watching to see if anything were to appear. And, well... maybe also to see if the missing member were to somehow just return. Nothing out of the ordinary did though; only a couple of occasional cars zooming past their van on the side of the road and the pitter-patter of rain that was growing in volume. It was clear he was the most concerned about Brit, that much was obvious.
     The van door opened after some amount of time, Erikson sitting in the front seat with a somewhat soaked uniform. He tossed a small black bag behind him, which Dipaulo caught.
     “What’s this?” said Dipaulo.
     “Anomaly samples. Just don’t open it ever,” Erikson answered firmly.
     Dipaulo nodded and kept the bag in his lap, returning to gaze out the window.
     The rain seemed to be becoming more intense.
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madraleen · 6 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Kafka Asagiri/Sango Harukawa Volumes 7-8: “I like Dazai a normal amount,” she lied - A commentary (*anime spoilers)
-it kind of amazes me that higuchi had to look at dazai's records to learn who he is. it amazes me that he isn't a local legend turned into ghost story for the newer mafia members
-could it actually be that cruelty "bores him, really"? current dazai isn't cruel. he's many things, but not cruel. could it be that he actually got so desensitized to it, that from cruel he turned to not cruel because it all became boring?
-i need to know, asagiri-sensei, did you sense that dazai would become so popular, did you hope, did you have a hunch. i had the same question on aot's levi, and i had it answered
-that's what i'll be saying if present timeline dazai gets transferred to the port mafia too: "why would mori-san, a paragon of rational logic..."
-DAZAI IS SO PRETTY, I CANNOT. i mean, erhm, yes, plot, interesting, very
-great job at drawing Q scary enough to justify dazai's "!" reaction. great job (i first wrote "dazai's shocked reaction," but "shock" feels too heavy of a word for dazai)
-i can just picture atsushi lamenting for all the clothes and shoes he destroys when he transforms
-okay no, that's decidedly an untainted eyes shocked dazai, when he realizes what "for his safety" meant. also my, what poofy hair for manga dazai <3. erhm, i mean, plot, yes, interesting, very (*i jest, i love the plot)
-but also, dazai's safety? really? what would anyone do to him in this situation? he'd cancel Q's and atsushi's abilities. nonsense, they just wanted him to not do that. great moment for atsushi though
-i mean, even the fact that you'd think of going so far as to "ponder the morality behind your[the agency's] plans" is progress for you, my dearest dazai
-"i have no right to whisk you away from your own past" that's such an interesting notion
-"stop feeling sorry for yourself. as long as you do, your life will be an unending nightmare."
-state of dazai's neck bandages: they're always there! always there!
-pff louisa is adorable
-genuinely, i'd like to see just a glimpse on what dazai has on chuuya, on kouyou, on everyone that's so terrified of his capacity to blackmail them/keep them quiet
-okay, but the spread of dazai pointing a gun at ango. iconic. ango's seen dazai for two seconds and he's already exhausted. dazai is tainted-eyed. all is well.
-i mean, ango having wiped your record clean is a Pretty Big Thing, dazai, you have to admit
-the walking whiplash that is dazai
-i think this is a great arc to show what exactly dazai does with information. how he makes educated guesses and plans, how he gets more info, how he reacts and adapts based on what he learns. later on, at least in the anime, after you've taken for granted that yeah okay dazai is a genius and probably has fifty plans hatching in secret, and with all the mind-fuckery going on, it's easy to forget that it's an actual process that he goes through, and it's very nicely laid-out in this comparatively more small-scale conflict
-man, i do love atsushi, he's so. SO! adorable, sweet, pure little flower, pinch-his-cheeks, feed him a cookie, pat his little head, protecc him.
-why is atsushi "the guide to this book," did we ever learn?
-DAZAI'S WIDE EYE WHEN HE SEES THE MARK ON KUNIKIDA! also, kunikida my man, what did you do to the poor trees, i didn't think you were like that
-i love the translator for translating "hohh?" as "hohh." you could have said "oh?" but you went with "hohh?"
-lucy calls atsushi "a poor lil stray cat," cat-theme, cat.
-lucy is an ada/pm shipper confirmed, and highly relatable
-idk man, i think atsushi is a very compelling MC
-me: ffs, akutagawa, stop it with needing dazai's praise so desperately. also me, when dazai tells atsushi "you did really well": omg he praised us :") he said "really well" omg :') dazai omg :")
-dreamy princess dazai on the cover
-i see you fukuzawa, on the same spread with dazai. REMEMBER DAZAI, YOUR BLACK SHEEP SON, FUKUZAWA?! REMEMBER HIM?!
-dazai: "haaaaah... i can't muster the energy for anything..." relatable
-isn't it funny how it's basically because of atsushi's suggestion that the agency starts communicating with the port mafia and they start cooperating regularly? isn't it funny how our Sweet Summer Child MC did that
-pardon me, i don't like what i'm saying either, but why is mori-san so babydoll when talking to fukuzawa. he's extra smiley and sparkly
-see, see, dazai says it clearly to mori-san, "i don't want to team up with you either." PLEASE take tanizaki-kun!
-"twin dark"? double black is translated as twin dark in the manga? interesting.
-chuuya so fine
-chuuya so smol :")
-"and there was only one doorknob" (*on dazai and chuuya both reaching out to open the door)
-you say you drank wine to celebrate that dazai left, chuuya, but all i'm hearing is "i got myself drunk 'cause i couldn't deal with it all"
-why does chuuya look so concerned that the curse hit our agency, what
-ah yes, my ship, walking bag of bandages/hat rack
-anime, manga, anywhere i see chuuya call dazai's name in concern, i just melt, i cannot. icannotcope
-chuuya "herding dog," mafia, dogs, my point.
-"and i hope your hat seizes your consciousness and kills you"??? that's creative.
-i almost said "chuuya is such a sweetheart," ffs. HE IS NOT, but you know what i mean. running to dazai, telling him he can't die in a place like this...
-is that a bare elbow i see? IS THAT A BARE ELBOW BEYOND THE CAST, NO BANDAGES?! dazai you minx
-"TWIN DARK SIDEKICK"?! that's a low blow, dazai
-dazai's so starry-eyed at corruption
-is chuuya conscious through corruption? does he remember what he's supposed to do, does he remember what he's done after?
-is there anything more terrifying than having dazai bring you flowers and a fruit basket. you know nothing's good coming out of it
-so what we are saying is a) dazai and his tainted eyes either predicted the guild would attack ango or arranged the mystery vehicle attack for blackmail reasons, most likely the latter, which, fine, and b) that dazai fiddled with the airbag of the exact vehicle ango would take? what if he'd taken another vehicle? dazai, let's talk.
-"stagger," "cough," coughing blood, bring our boy aku-kun to yosano-san ffs (CAN she heal him? how much can she heal?)
-even though dazai and ranpo are both geniuses and both reach similar conclusions, their individual brand of genius just FEELS different. dazai's a strategist and a coordinator, ranpo is a puzzle-solver. it just tastes different, even though the result is the same-ish
-there's something so sweetly non-MC-heroic about atsushi telling dazai they should cancel the plan and find shelter when he learns the moby dick will drop on top of the agency. you think it's gonna destroy just the agency? the general populace doesn't even cross his mind on that instant, and it's so naively sweet
-atsushi's so strong, mentally. he struggles so much and he is so strong, fighting against himself, against his upbringing, and coming up on top. i'm sure he has no idea, but there is such strength in his choices and his actions
-okay, but hear me out. i want tanizaki to be the one to go to pm, no question about that, BUT. wouldn't it be interesting if atsushi was the one to go, and there was a repeat history of the new double black, only this time it would be atsushi dragging aku-kun towards the light kicking and screaming rather than two darklings enabling each other? an interesting thought. anyway, yes, please take tanizaki.
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our first typed-out podcasto
5/11/23 at 00:59
Who's Roman Tique? don't know them!
Hi :) !Narwhaal!-Narwhaal! Brownie sundae? Yes. We will go to the ice cream diner in the summer, or maybe sooner! Who knows⁉️🙋🏽😶Pov there are other breaks/holidays! And we can friends forever ♥️beyond college ofc. this reality is temporary. the real ones are few. 🥐I would like to remain in contact with my friend, Nocturnal Narwhal. 🦑He, is a squid! Did you not know that?! Gotta keep up with the timezzz. He thinks it's not PC, IDK whUt that means haha just gonna ignore whatever he said just now 🦑. What is so intriguing about this, erhm, squid? Hm?  🐌Do y not like /snails?They are SO cute! 😂😂😂Hahah, you are so funny! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🤠❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😅❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ We love country boys🙏🏽(We are both from cities). Foreign baddies 😍😍😍😍. 'Nuff said. 🙃We are very "PC" because of our undisclosable residency💻 I am delusional. Absolutely. But not quite! We are both delusional and exhausted and Narwhal is supposed to leave me :( Except i might be leaving but i didn't know that cuz i didn't know him and how much he meant 2 me🚑🚑🚑🚑Psych ward moment😱😓Jk were absolutely the most mentally stable. Narwhal actually went to therapy for the first time today. Let's celebrate with binge drinking😰Vinyl is discovering the joys of alcoholism. And Narwhal is congratulating him... Ah... "Healing era" they said.  Narwhal might be getting medicated soon by the corporate USA pharmaceutical industry. XD I hate grammar! English colonialism. 🤭 Good thing Vinyl is broke 😉. We are supposed to make pancakes together😙 We're gonna have a slumber party! And not watch a horrifying male gaze🍆 porn film,  that's how to bond with ur new friend! Two thumbs up, I recommend it! OH our pancakes will have: chocolate chops, bananas? Sinnamon™️ and bluberriez.  WE ARE BEGINNING AN EMPIRE OF SUPER GENUIS. 
🎀✨Wolrd Domination✨🎀 >_< We are white boys, if you didn't know already. But we don't like saying slurs, actually!  We're just based like that 😌 Purr!
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blue-broken-heart · 2 years
Never in my life, did I think I, would be making one of these…Smut Master list:
All are 19+and X Reader…
Person Centric- Title:
Extra info
Taeil Moon- Missing An Exam Would Be Better Than This Shit
College Student Taeil X Bad Girl Reader
Sweet turned toxic relationship, hate sex, choking, gunplay, rough in general(Unprotected sex) WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT!
Johnny Suh- Boyfriend For The Day(16+)
Ditched on date Reader and Savior Johnny who need a cover after running away from some gangsters(Light hearted fluff and a heavy make out session)
Johnny Suh- A Cat and Mouse Type Of Love(I redeemed myself with this lol)
Infamous Burglar X Detective
Name calling, pet play, costumes, orders, gifts~) Don’t y'all just love getting gifts?...erhm not the sexual kind in this…)
JaeHyun Jung- The Doctors Orders are Absolute/Doctors Visit
Doctor X Patient
For this patient; the lollipop after a visit is his dic- Nothing much other than hospital bed smush, ‘just the tip’, oral (F&M rec), Thigh riding, Unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT just cause it feels better doesn’t mean waking up to a baby crying in the middle of the night is)
Xiao DeJun- Come King/આઓ રાજા
Bar Dancer X Drunk Bookworm
Drugs, Alcohol, Masturbating, Blindfolding, teasing, Hand jobs, Fingering, Fisting, Fem-Riding, (Unprotected- WRAP IT UP-WRAP IT UP- WRAP IT UP scream like a firetruck, sirens blaring– you’re in the ER, Wet WET water breaking, dripping down your thighs like he made you- skskskksk I’m done)
SiCheng Dong- The New maid Is My Secret Pt1
Boss X Employee
A little more for the reader to imagine but nevertheless... they go quite a few times
Oral(M&F), Drunk sex, overstimulation, way to many rounds-
SiCheng Dong- The New Maid is My Secret Pt2
Condoms(Finally they wrapped it for another reason...breeding), Spanking, uniforms, name calling, breeding, Employer-Employee relationship, Boss with benefits..?, Oral(M rec), Vaginal Fingering(Home Office, Under table, while riding the pp, and by self..?), Overstimulation, Ice play(lil bit), exhibitionism (Public Bathroom), Degradation, Threats, Cursing.
Yuta Nakamoto- The Feast Of Sacred Hearts
Serial Killer Priest X Nun
Blood drinking, forest sex, murder, heart eating, Angsty, Cursing, degradation, WRAP IT BEFOR EYOU TAP IT!!! PLEASE- Ik in this setting they don't have latex but 
FUN FACT: did you know back in the ye-ol' days they used to use the cleaned intestines of sheep or other animals as condoms? Because of it's skin like texture and stretchy density-- okay that was uncalled for but- even then the Evil priest ain’t walking with the little skins you should be wiser-WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT! sksksksksksksk
WARNING: Religious Content is only used for the scene/ setting of the piece. IT IS IN NO WAY USED TO FORCE OR PUSH RELIGION! Your religion or beliefs in general fall solely on your choices and opinion.
TaeYong Yi- I Hate The Rain, But Today My hate Is Gone( this was supposed to be three parts…but who’s gonna read that?)
Therapist X Married Patient
Cheating(Marriage not passing vibe check but the new therapist… hits is different) Kitchen, shopping, suggestive touching in public.
DoYoung Kim- It’s Going To Be Okay(I like this one the most but its the least popular]: I mean i can switch it…to femTy?)
Nun X Addiction meeting dude
WARNING: Religious Content is only used for the scene/ setting of the piece. IT IS IN NO WAY USED TO FORCE OR PUSH RELIGION! Your religion or beliefs in general fall solely on your choices and opinions.
Virgin reader, praise… nothing much… it’s really vanilla, but it’s cute and dirty, unprotected sex? Not sure but IK mah boi's pull out game on point! He ain't getting no nun preggers here sksksksksksksksksk
… I call DoYoung DomYoung cause I always call him that for some reason…?
JaeHyun Jong- !Valentines Day Is For Liars and Whores!
Playboy X Heart Broken Reader
Triggers:(moderately soft and fluffy tbh) Oral(M and F rec), Vaginal Fingering, Overstimulation, Cursing, ahhh~ and Penetrative Sex< if it wasn't clear before..
It doesn’t make sense- like the story plot line is all over the place and if you can help me organize it I WILL appreciate the DM <3
DoYoung Kim- Rake It Up (Extract form long series on AO3)
It's fluff like the Johnny one...
Really just a married couple kissing on the patio before Mr. DILF drops his kid to work.
ADDITIONS: That is all Yuta so far like... y’all okay?
Yuuta Nakamoto- New Era; Interplay
Demon X damned Soul
Warnings/Triggers; Knife Play, blood kinks, blood licking/drinking, sex(Obviously..this is smut) cigarettes, edibles and alcohol consumption in the wrong situation(Come on people we know that we have to be sober at time
Yuuta Nakamoto- My Devil BoyFriend~
Author Girlfriend X Loving Boyfriend
Warnings/Triggers: cock warming, bondage, spanking(mild), shibari, breath play(choking), penetrative intercourse. Mentions of intercourse with ex boyfriend(public, oral... church camp freak)
this was an ask...ILY this anon tbh Also I'll do the requests within two or three days of getting it if not the same day! Also if you want a specific word count lmk :)
Yuuta Nakamoto- Everlasting Union
Matyr Priest X Nun Reader
Warnings/Triggers: Its in a catholic setting in the ye ol' days, and uses a wedding lasso, which is basically a rope you put around the couple to signify harmonious union, choking, manipulation, cursing, non-con/dub-con, BDSM like themes,
 Learn first then try/ Consent is key<3 }
not an ask or anything I just added it because a friend is suddenly into Mark like what? Since when?
 Johnny Suh+ Kun Quian -  Steady Hands
Tattoo Artist+BestFriend X Client?
Tropes and Triggers: cuckholding (Gratification from seeing ones partner engage with another), tattooing, blood, Sthenolagnia (muscle lovers), Body painting(focused on the sensation of the tattoo gun), Edging, No-release, Oral(Fem receiving).
I understand if you wanna yell at me after reading any of these.... I'll take a scenario or request to make up for it <3 Requests: Normal: https://blue-broken-heart.tumblr.com/ask
Anon: https://blue-broken-heart.tumblr.com/submit
Any requested tropes or scenes y'all wanna see?
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