#eren y mikasa
rumisgf · 9 months
PASSENGER PRINCESS - connie springer x black!reader
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summary: your... best friend takes you on your weekly late nights drives. but, this night is different: both of you are aware of the tension between y'all even though neither of you address it- until tonight. warnings: marijuana usage, best friends to lovers, eventual smut, yk car sex, french kissing
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you just had got off work, and today really wore you out. it was the usual: your manager was getting on your nerves, there was this lady who tried to argue with you over the counter, and you had to train probably the most incompetent teen who had just got hired. all you knew is you need a blunt and a nap.
as you're laying on your bed ready to kick your clothes off, your phone buzzes. a text from connie, probably the only person you have patience for right now. it reads 'you home?' to which he knows you are, he found out when you get off work (because he listens, of course. totally didn't do his own research before you even told him directly). the minute you text back he's calling your phone, and you roll your eyes a bit 'cause you already know he wants to bother you now.
"hello, sir?" you can hear him smack his lips.
"man, you not even tired! i'm 'bout to head out anyway, just wanted to see what you was doin' right now."
"what, you trynna pick me up?"
"don't ask dumbass questions, you want me to pull up or not?"
you smile to yourself, and get up to change out your work clothes. "mmm... yea. c'mon."
"bet." *click*
soon enough, you see his car pull up from your apartment window and make your way out the door. as you walk down the stairs, you can't help but grin to yourself. no matter how bad of a mood you're in you would never miss an opportunity to chill with his fine as- you mean, the only tolerable dude you know.
you open the car door, the smell of weed hitting your nose. "yooo!" connie greets you with a smile, and a wood in hand. he already had started to roll up before you even made it to the car.
"nigga, what did i tell you 'bout smoking outside here?! if i get in trouble, it is not gonna be my fault!"
"you'on wanna hotbox?" he asks obviously, making you roll your eyes as you buckle in your seatbelt.
he starts the car up and places one hand on the wheel, ready to find an empty parking lot. he notices how you stare outside the window, hand resting on your cheek. "work piss you off?" you simply reply with, "why?" and he says "you not talkin' like usual and actin' all bothered."
he was right, work did piss you off. but for some reason, he was making you especially nervous today. "ion know, just my manager was on dick today. and i had to train this lil' boy he was pissing me off too. i know he a kid but damn, this why i ain't wanna be a trainer in the first place. i already work overtime most of the week i don't be having the energy for that shit, y'know? he keep giving me all these things to do like my schedule not already tight and i'm busting my ass just to still not get promoted yet." it was nice to get stuff of your chest like this because it really calmed you down. better yet, he knew how to calm you down. he knows how to listen while making sure you're still having a good time.
he eventually pulls up to a gas station. "well, don't let that shit bother you. you probably gon get promoted anyway cause you actually do your job. besides, if that don't happen, i been telling you to quit anyway." getting out the car, he pulls his hoodie over his head and comes to open your car door. "now c'mon." "i don't want noth-"
"i said c'mon, mama, i'm getting you snacks! and i want some too i'm not leavin' you in here."
having no argument, you get out and walk with him inside. since it is late, you're the only ones in there and there's only one cashier in sight. the mid aged lady smiles at the two of you as she notices the door bell ring. you both grab a drink of choice from the freezer and make your way to the counter. he sees your eyes dart to a bag of chips, and he picks it up to place it down before you grab his hand. "you don't have to, con." he ignores you, sliding it to the cashier to scan. "oh, stop it, you act like i haven't payed for your hair before."
"your total is $12.59"
he pulls a 20 out his pocket, handing it to her a taking his change. as you both leave, she says "by the way, you two are such an adorable couple!" but, before you can correct her, connie replies
"thank you, ma'am!"
now, you're both sat in the car laughing at the interaction that just happened. "thank you? for real?" you say through giggling. connie simply shrugs, "i ain't wanna make her feel bad!" in your mind, you began to question his response still. why didn't he say no? "i mean shit, you don't look bad so." he stops, furrowing his eyebrows and side eyeing you. "oh, if i was ugly you woulda had a issue?" you look to the side as he pretends to start to be offended. "well, yeah duh." he laughs in response, you following after. "alright, dude."
eventually, he pulls into a random parking lot. you see a bench and a sign, so you assume this is just some park in the area. luckily, no one's here anyway. connie's hand finds the back of your headboard as backs up into a spot. "found this spot like yesterday, nobody really around at night. plus it's chill, i wanna talk to you and ion wanna be bothered seeing other people around."
you can't help but focus on his jawline as he looks back, barely paying attention to the words coming out his mouth. "you even listenin' to me?" he snaps you back into reality. you turn back in your seat as you smack your lips and he chuckles, settling back into his seat. he picks up from where he started, rolling a blunt for the both of you. once he finishes he pulls out a lighter from his glove department, bringing it to his mouth. your eyes pay good attention to his eyes glancing down at the wood, his fingers, his mouth as he inhales, and the way he looks at you after he puffs out smoke.. god he looked fine.
"damn, you gon' take it?" he asks before you even get the chance to zone out completely. you mutter "my fault" before taking it and bringing it to your own mouth. now, its his turn to examine your movements. you don't even notice him eyeing you: the way your acrylics look as you hold it, your makeup still looking nice after a full day of work, your closed lids, the way you're slightly titling your head back... fine as fuck he thinks to himself. he takes off his hoodie as his body warms up. when you look back at him, you see his toned arms in the moonlight and your face begins to heat up. "you feel better, ma?" you nod in response, attempting to contain yourself. however, he can't help but examine you and you begin to notice. "so, what you wanna talk abt?"
he uncharacteristically fiddles with his thumb and looks down. "well shit..." you take another hit, still making eye contact with him. "after that thing just happened it kind of reminded me even more," he takes a pause. he puts his hand out, and you pass the blunt to him before he continues. he brings it to his lips, slowly inhaling. then as he exhales,
"what if we was a couple?"
you take a second, nearly being took out your high that barely started coming over you. "oh.. uhm-"
"not like that, just what if, y'know?" he quickly interjects to save himself from possible rejection. "yeah of course....well, ion know like i said you not ugly." you end up shrugging. sure, you guys are friends, but it would be a complete lie to say you haven't thought about it yourself. you had just never planned on voicing it. "well, what do that mean?"
"i don't know, you not ugly. if we talking hypothetically you my type i guess." you explain, avoiding saying how you actually feel. "i guess is crazyyy." he leans back in his seat, throwing one of arms behind his head as he takes another hit. "so, i'm yo type?"
you feel yourself start to smile. "now what do you mean, sir?" he simply laughs. "i think you pretty too, y/n." his statement catches you offguard, and you find yourself speechless. he only laughs more and looks straight at you, now half-lidded with red hued eyes. "you ain't notice me starin' at you for how many times you been in my car? and you the only girl i really be having in my car, you basically my passenger princess."
the name passenger princess makes you feel warm in a place that you are not willing to acknowledge. "...well, i been starin' at you too. surprised you ain't notice" he's quiet for a second, then looks down at his lap with a smirk. "i did." you smack his arm and he's now in a fit of laughter as he relishes in your embarrassment. after a minute, he smiles at his eyes cant help but focus on your lips. "what?"
he takes a minute to think over the choices he's about to make. and after some thinking, he comes to a conclusion. "...c'mere, mama."
you stare at him for a second, questioning if this is a good idea. but, the way his arms look after removing his hoodie and the way he's manspreading is definitely blinding your judgement. so, you find yourself climbing in his lap just slightly raised up enough so you're not actually sitting on him. but, his hand wraps around your waist and makes you sit down. "aw c'mon, why you bein so shy? it's just me." and he's right. this isn't even the first time you've been this close to him or sat on his lap. your friendship has very little... boundaries. or better yet, you two have a closer platonic relationship than others.
he stares back at you as he raises the blunt in his hand to your lips. you take a hit, blowing smoke directly in his face. you both smile and laugh softly, connie biting his bottom lip. "you so goddamn fine, i swear."
all you respond with a soft giggle as you lean closer into his chest. he wraps an arm around your shoulders and holds eye contact. finally, you both slowly lean in, closing the distance between your faces. his lips instantly catch yours and set a steady pace. he tastes like soda and indica, but right now that is so delicious to you. subconsciously, you slowly move your hips on his laps in rhythm with the movement of your lips on his. he lowly grunts and pulls away. "woah, what you trynna do?" he mumbles, eyeing your body on top of his. "shit, i been holding in a lot, con... i'm on what you on."
his eyes find your thighs, then comes back up to your red, lazy eyes. "you sure, ma?" you bite your lip, "yeah... you want to?" a soft chuckle leaves his lips and he leans back in, centimeters away from your lips. "i been wantin' to do so much to you, y/n, i wanna make you mine.."
his lips crash onto yours and his hands immediately find your ass, massaging the plush skin hidden by your leggings. your tongue finds it way into his mouth and he matches you, tongues dancing with each other. you can feel his boner from under you, and you hope he can't feel you throbbing on top of him. he pulls away again, and tugs at the hem of your leggings.
"can i move these, baby?" he asks. you nod, and he pulls them down to your knees. you shimmy them off knowing you're better off without them restricting your ankles. in return, he scoots you back and he unzips his pants, pulling them down to reveal his stiff hard dick under his boxers. nearly drooling, you eagerly move back up and kiss him again. you grind your hips on his lap once more, moaning into his lips at the feeling. his hand go to guide you and kneed on your ass. he groans into the kiss, you making him harder than he already was.
then, you pull away. he takes a second to look down and notices the wet spot forming on his boxers. he smirks to himself, "damn, baby you that wet?" you look away, still grinding on him. he laughs to himself at your reaction then slides his hand down, pulling your underwear to the side. this thumb finds your clit and you gasp at the sudden contact. he rubs slowly, eyes glued down. he pays attentions to the way your hips begin to buck upward at his touch. then, he slowly slides two fingers into your entrance. "o-oh fuck-!" you moan out. looking back up to you, he licks his lips and focuses on you. "like that, mama?"
you hum in response, eyes closing with pleasure. grinning, he curls his fingers and earns a louder moan sliding out your lips like butter. the sound of you and your wetness as he plays with you is music to his ears. "c-connie..." as you moan out for him, he perks up teasingly. "hm, baby?" you open your mouth to speak, and cut yourself off with another moan. "i- fuck.. i need you"
"need what, babygirl?"
you whine, knowing he's making you say it. "..need you t' fuck me, bae.."
with that, he slips his fingers out of you, bringing them to his mouth and keeping eye contact as he licks them clean. while he does this he lets you pull him out his boxers, dick springing out. you already had a feeling, but he's big. you stroke him slowly, taking notice of how he squirmed in your touch. "fuck, y/n.." his hips buck upward and his lids close for a second, slightly throwing his head back. you end up throwing off your underwear, leaving you in only your hoodie you left the house in.
"take yo time, okay?" he says softly as you lift up. you nod, and finally begin to sink down onto him. he bites his lips as he feels your slick coating him as you slide his dick into you. your hands grip his shoulders as you sit all the way down, feeling every inch of him. you both moan at the feeling. after a few seconds, you start moving up and down on him. your head falls into the crook of his neck, moaning onto his skin and sending chills down his spine. "f-fuck...baby.."
his hands find your hips, following your movements. "damn baby, just like that.. ride that shit.." you pick up the pace and your grip on him tightens. he now goes to grips your ass, helping move you up and down on all his length. "fuck-! 's so big.." you're whining and moaning into his shoulder, working yourself on him.
connie starts to move his hips in unison with you. "yeah, you like that shit? he starts grinning, looking at your face buried into him. "mhm.. love this dick.." your slick is staining his boxers even more as it drips down while you coat his dick in arousal. "i know, mama, this pussy takin' me so well... you wet f' me." he smacks your ass, earning a small gasp out of you. "look at me, ma."
you lift your head and he smiles at you, admiring your current state. "sexy as fuck.." he moves to massage your hips before pecking your lips. "love you, princess." your heart flutters, as well as your pussy, and your lips form a small smile. "love you, pa" you circle your hips on him and he hums with satisfaction, curses falling out his mouth. "yeah, just like that.. so fuckin' good.."
you ride him with intent, doing it like you had always did in your fantasies. "you feel so good.." you moan, your hole gripping him tighter. "fuck.. i know, ma, i know. takin' this dick so well."
a knot begins to form in your stomach and your eyes squint again as you look back at him. "baby, 'm gonna cum.." you moan, now moving up and down faster. in response, he begins fucking up into you at the same pace.
"mhm c'mon, nut all on this dick." your moans grow in volume and you become putty in his hands. "fuckfuckfuck!" you cry out as your eyes close shut, and you're slamming your ass down on him as you chase your high. he moans as he watches you, holding you tighter. "yeah, there you go mama..." soon, you begin writhing on him as you cream on top of him, painting his dick white. you can feel the strings of your own cum as he continues to thrust into you, reaching his own orgasm. "c-connie! fuck!"
"'m close baby, 'm close, i know." his breathes are frantic and his head is thrown back. "holy fuck, baby.. shit-!" he pulls out as he jerks himself, releasing himself on your ass. you both lay on each other, out of breath as you come down. he looks at you, a smile growing on his face. "don't you go fuckin' somebody else like that, you mine now."
you smile back tiredly, leaning in to kiss him. this kiss is slow, and loving. you pull away, "and you mine."
© rumisgf
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3K notes · View notes
Eren sometimes forgets how big his cock his.
His eyes are confused and dazed as he is slamming his dick into you quickly and deeply. You're pleading with him to slow down, whimpering and even clawing at his back, but Eren's emerald eyes are solely fixed on the way your pussy is drinking in the base of his dick. Your cries of help and tears make him bite his lips and close his eyes out of pure bliss. Every time he thrusts, his huge cock touches your cervix, fucking you slowly and thoroughly as if he wants to savor the experience. And when Eren is feeling especially needy, he’ll press against your stomach and trace the outline of his cock bulging out your flesh trying to find where his dick ends in your guts.
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ramonathinks · 6 months
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tags: 18+ (no minors/no blank blogs — you will be blocked), shotgunning, sex, kinda friends to lovers, established relationship (towards the end), oral (f!), making out, sexual tension, eren has a tongue piercing and dimples, fingering, dirty talk, reader is black, mutual pining, dry humping, unprotected sex, dubcon (both a little buzzed on weed),
notes: this is a repost ofc but... i wasn't about to miss daddy's birthday lolll. (1)(2) “continue reading” divider by @/anitalenia 4.1k words ! + repost!
“When you gonna stop playing and let me be your man, baby?” Eren had his hands in his pockets and lent up against the wall, staring you down. The way he talked always made your body shiver, the way he looked deep into your eyes made you want to moan.
“Just gimme the weed, please.” You rolled your eyes at him. He was always like this — teasing you whenever he saw you all dolled up; tonight you wore a short peach colored dress that made your chest look even bigger, and his eyes kept glancing down constantly from your lips to your chest.
He probably kept looking at your lips because of how plump and bright they were decorated with the clear sticky fruity smelling lipgloss you always wore. Your hair was done in a wavy black hair done in a 32inch half up-half down that framed your face pretty well; and Eren tried to act like he didn’t realize it wasn’t the hairstyle he picked for you a while back.
Unintentionally he licked his lips before digging through his pockets for what he came over to deliver. Normally he didn’t hand deliver anything, he made people come to him, but this was you.
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Sweet smelling you who always looked as good as you smelt and right now there was an aroma around you that smelled of nothing but strawberries and some other fruity smell that he couldn’t decipher. It wasn’t even just the fact that you smelled so good but rather the way you looked so good too, always with your hair done even your nails — long coffin shaped, pink and white acrylic with little designs on them — and your face, bare or not your skin was always glistening rich brown.
He was always losing his focus when you were in the room. He handed you your weed and turned to leave. “Wait, here—”
He scoffed, “On the house.” He waved you off, he did this all the time, no matter how many times you begged him to just take the money.
“Eren!” Using his long legs to stroll out of the hallway and towards the apartment complex’s door. He almost made it out before he felt you tug at his arm, a deep pout on your face.
“You’ll get wrinkles. Don’t…” He caressed the area between your eyebrows and trailed down to your jaw — taking it in his hands and squeezing it, making your pout deeper before he let it go.
“Just here, okay? I’m grateful you don’t make me pay since we’re friends,” That definitely wasn’t the reason, but he didn’t say anything. “But just take it. I can pay, you know I can.” Your eyelids fluttered innocently.
He sniffled, “Fine. Fine. Just this once.” He flicked your nose. Then Eren looked at you, truly looked at you and smiled a bit. You were really too cute. “Are you coming to Connie’s party in a few?”
“Yeah, I was actually just getting ready before you came.” You tell him, finally letting go of his arm.
“And that’s what you’re wearing?” He swallowed, biting his tongue. He sounded so judgmental that your eyes widened before you looked down at yourself.
It was cold yes but you always chose being cute over being cold, plus you were always being driven around so you weren’t even outside enough to feel the freezing cold air and it was only a small bit of occasional snow, nothing too bad.
“What’s wrong with it?” You craned your neck a bit to see your backside. Everything was in tact and in place.
Jealousy was already deep in his chest and tugging at his heart, making everything feel so tight around him. He just shook his head, “Nothing, just thinkin’ bout how cold it is, that’s all. But I know you already have a ride lined up, right?”
Playfully rolling your eyes you smirk, “Actually…” Twiddling with your fingers, he watches you already knowing where this was going. “I was hoping, you’d take me if you had a chance? Maybe?”
“Do I ever say no to you?” He asked, walking back down the hall with you towards your apartment again.
This wasn’t his first time inside of your apartment. But for some reason he couldn’t help but to be in awe. You lived in luxury — marble countertops, a wide double door silver fridge, a patio… he knew he couldn’t compare to the lifestyle your father already had you in.
He wish he could... but he couldn’t. He made enough on selling whatever he could but it was only enough for him, not a lifestyle like yours. He wouldn’t be able to provide for you like you needed. Even if he got a real good job, nothing could truly live up to your norm and he would hate for you to settle.
It was the reason that he never truly could actively pursue you like he wanted with a good conscience. How could he pursue you when you had everything you wanted and then some?
Even the fuzzy pink rug on your floor looked like it was worth a couple thousand. A glossy painting of you hung in the center of your living room and it caught his eye, the last time he was inside it wasn’t there.
“Isn’t it nice? Looks almost as cute as the real thing, Hm?” You teasing, putting a finger to your cheek.
He gave you a side eye with a smile so deep enough that you could see his dimple and it made your heart flutter.
You always thought he was cute just not boyfriend material. You weren’t even being judgmental but you heard about Eren long before you had met him. Just a boy who always wanted to get his dick wet and especially when he had pretty clients, you couldn’t take him serious. Even if you wanted to.
When he wasn’t being a flirt, he was a good friend, always came when you needed him, even if it was just for a ride. He was always so sweet and treated you better than any of your boyfriends.
“You think I should just settle for some pants instead of this then, huh?” You did a slight twirl. You could tell he really liked what you had on but just not today. Not where y’all was headed.
He clicked his teeth with his tongue, “Uhh…” He looked you over, his gaze lingering on all assets.
His knee was bouncing and he was getting up before he realized. He never been inside of your room, let alone your closet. So this was all new territory to him, yet he felt like he knew where everything was.
He don’t know why he loved seeing you in your pink moon boots but he knew he wanted to see them on you tonight. He peaked over his shoulder, looking at you briefly before looking over your closet again. “Hm,” He held out two different shirts, you chuckled.
“Maybe this one with the hearts to match the boots and then a nice mini skirt… not too short.” He knew how you liked to dress and you gave him a coy smile.
“Ya know what, Yeager? You’re cute.” You kissed his cheek before pushing him out the room to get dressed. You hate to admit you were feeling hot all over, most guys didn’t come into your room for anything but sex and even though you weren’t expecting him to come in and help you decide on something else he did. It was little. But more than you were used to.
Eren on the other hand, was trying not to palm his dick. Touching the soft fabric of your clothes and imagining them on your skin, had him gulping. He paced the living room before he heard small paws running up to him and yelping. A small bundle of golden tan fur ran up to him, scratching and sniffing the area around him.
“Princess!” You yelled, running out to get your little dog. “Sorry Eren, she loves new people. I thought she would stay sleep, but...” You coo and tap the floor so that she comes running. “I’ll put her up and then we can go.” You scoop her up.
He stops you, “Let me meet my baby’s baby.” He ushers her out of your hand and into his own, a deep smile on his face as she licks his fingers.
You ignore what he says and how it makes your stomach flutter, you just cross your arms and watch. “She’s the cutest.” He tells you, staring you down with a hooded gaze. “Let’s get going, ‘kay?”
You nod, heading to put her into a crate so she can sleep until you get back.
He waits for you, even when you lock up your apartment, he opens the car door for you. You don’t know why but you feel like everything’s going to change tonight.
And Eren can feel it too.
It isn’t until you’re already there that you realize his hand was on your thigh the entire car ride. His touch leaving a trail of hotness and when he finally parked, your eyes wouldn’t leave your thigh. Was it weird that you were already missing his touch against your skin?
You heard a few people greeting him as he caught up towards the house behind you, he nodded to a few and did a half wave to some others.
“Birthday boy Yeager, finally! Being late to your own party, really man?” Connie greeted him and your body froze.
Eren didn’t mention it was his birthday. Connie didn’t even mention it when he invited you. You frowned and moved closer before squeezing Eren’s side.
A slight yelp, “The fuck was that for?” He asked, looking down at you with furrowed brows.
“It’s your birthday and you didn’t tell me? You were selling me weed on your birthday, driving me to your birthday party and didn’t bother to mention it?”
“It…skipped my mind.” He muttered, scratching the back of his head.
“You didn’t tell your girl your birthday?” Connie snickered. “You didn’t want any birthday sex? Mannn—“
Eren lightly jabbed Connie’s arm, “You know we’re just friends.”
But really, who could tell? Whenever you both were together, you both always stood so close together, sometimes even with his hand on your waist. Deep long stares and only focusing on each other.
“Rightttttt.” Connie laughs and waves you and Eren down to the basement. “So while the party’s upstairs… our real party will be right here, just the gang you know…” He explained while you looked over the place.
A comfy basement with a long couch and two loveseats, a few white garden chairs. A bong on the table that sat in the middle and a few bottles of alcohol. “Sooo, where is everyone?” You raised your eyebrows, arms folded against your chest.
Connie thinks for a moment before raising a finger, pulling out his phone and calling someone. “Yeahhh, hello?” You and Eren shared a glance before looking back at Connie. “Fuck, you gotta be kidding me… no, no, it’s fine,” Connie does an awkward smile to you both. “Alright. Yeah. See you soon.” He sighs.
“Fuck, I gotta go. Sasha said she needs me to get her. Then Jean too and… yeah… basically I think all those fuckers need a ride.” He explains. “Please make yourselves comfortable down here or upstairs, whatever. I’ll just be right back.” He jogs up the stairs and closes the door.
You feel awkward just standing so you smooth out a place on the loveseat and sit down.
But of course you weren’t planning on Eren sitting next to you. Cramped up and all in your space, his legs spread wide with almost little room for your legs. You stare at him, “Seriously?”
He does a sly smile, “I can’t sit next to you? You gonna deny me all tonight huh?”
Remembering it was his birthday, you just let him. His arm over your shoulder and pulling you in. “Fine… fine.” You mutter, pulling out some of the weed you brought from him earlier.
“Hey…lemme roll that for you.” He doesn’t wait for you to answer, he just does it. The shiny piercing on his tongue showing itself as he licked up the paper.
You squeezed your thighs, just watching him. He pulled out a lighter from his pocket and with a few clicks, he lit your blunt and took one long drag from it, finally handing it to you.
“Thanks…” You brought it to your lips and his eyes burned into yours. You inhaled, smiling as you felt it come over you. You hummed to yourself, your hooded eyes watching him as he watched you.
“How you feelin’?” You heard him ask, your body humming and you leaned closer into his touch. Your head laying on his shoulder.
“Good.” You responded shortly. “Just really good.”
“I’m glad to hear that baby.” His voice sounded closer but you ignored it. You smoked the blunt again and when you went to exhale, he pressed his lips to yours, just a small peck.
Briefly, you would’ve missed it if your eyes weren’t open.
“Been wanting to do that all day.” He rubbed a hand down his face. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay…” You swallowed. “You can do it again.”
It was all he needed. His hands grabbed your face gently and he pressed a small peck on your lips. Then again. His hands touch the skin of your thigh when he goes in a bit deeper. No more little kisses, he’s fully kissing you on the lips. “Must be the weed, hm? You’d never let me kiss you…fuck,” He sounds pissed but mainly at himself.
“I took like two puffs, I’m barely…buzzed. I just… I mean why not?” You ask aloud, looking at him. Maybe you were just tired of pretending that you didn’t want him. That you didn’t want this. You were horny and maybe a quick fuck to get him out of your system would be good for the both of you.
“You like playing with my heart huh? You know how I feel and…” He trails off. “You know I like you—“
“You don’t like me, you just wanna fuck me like everyone else.” You had a hard time believing that he had feelings for you, that he wasn’t like any of the others before him. You wave him off but he grabs your wrist.
He clicks his teeth before laughing, “No, no, no…Baby. You’re special to me. Just want you all to myself, always.”
You snort, “Yeah right…” But your body felt so hot and like you’re wearing too many clothes.
“Come sit on my lap pretty girl. Let me show you something.” He pats his lap and grabs your waist, tightly.
“Show me what?” You were curious but you knew that you wouldn’t be able to come back to being just friends if you did what he asked.
“How much I like you.” He lifted you with ease and in an instant, you were on him. You could feel just how big and hard he was under you. You swallowed, wrapping your hands around his neck.
“Well? Show me.” You smile, hotness rolling off the both of you in waves. He smiles before he brings you in and kisses you.
Moaning when he pulls you closer, jerking his hips up to yours. His hands exploring your body and his tongue enters your mouth, swirling around. Slipping his tongue in and out your mouth, sucking on yours. His hands traveling down your back until he gripped your butt, spreading and massaging them in his large palms before sliding them up and down your back.
He kisses the sides of your neck and you take another drag of the blunt, feeling your lungs expand and the sensation of his mouth and hands making you shiver. He grabs your hips and rolls his more into yours, the fabric of his denim jeans hitting your clit.
Breathing heavily you inhale and with shaky hands you pull him forward. Kissing him with the smoke still in your lungs, his cock throbbing in his pants, he’s trying not to be greedy but he wants you. Tracing up and down your shirt, slipping his fingers underneath.
He feels a bit giggly afterwards. With a dopey big grin on his face, “You’re so pretty. Like an angel.” You’re smiling so hard that your cheeks hurt but your pussy is pulsing and you need him.
“Eren… thank you. But I just… need… I need you to…Please just touch me. Please.” His hands roam again. His cock half hard in his pants and his hands on your hips, he makes you roll them against his again. You gape and gasp a bit, feeling how hard he is against your damp dainty panties.
His hands are under your skirt and he massages the bit of your butt and thighs, spreading and patting you. He kisses you full on the lip and sucks more on your tongue before pulling back, “You’re just so pretty.” His forehead is on yours and his eyes are eating you up.
Your clit pulses and throbs the more he rolls your hips against his and the way he’s digging his fingers into the skin of your butt and thighs, you’re groaning and sighing, “This feels so…” you wrap an arm around his neck. “Good.” You whisper in his ear and feel him shiver, you press small kisses up and down his neck. “You’re so hard…” You lick him, small and to the point. “Eren…I—“
“Shhh,” He stops your hips, that were now moving on their own. “Just keep doing what feels natural… what feels right. We can talk about all of this later. But now? Let me make you feel good, yeah? Wouldn’t you like that?”
And it’s the way that he says it, honestly, that makes your heart speed up and your panties even more wet before he slips them to the side.
“Holy shit, already? This wet, baby? Damn…” His fingers sticky just from a quick slip inside, your mouth open and your legs shaking. “Knew you couldn’t resist me.” You hear the sweet sounds of him fingering you, the wet noises echoing in the dark room.
“Fuck,” He mutters, flexing his fingers and twisting them inside. You clamp down on him and he bits his lip before kissing you, trying to keep you both quiet.
You lifted his shirt a little, looking at his stomach as he breathes in and out, his stomach muscles flexing. You smile to yourself, helping him out of his shirt before you trail your hand up and down his muscular chest and stomach. A semi thick patch of hair from his stomach and disappears down into his pants catches your attention and with a deep gulp your fingers dance lightly on his stomach until they disappear into his pants.
His breath hitches, “Your hands are so…whew,” His eyes are closed when you touch him, stroking him. “So damn soft. Too damn soft.” His hips jerk up at the contact of your hand against him.
“Has anyone ever—?” He doesn’t say it but licks his lips and sucks at his teeth.
“No, never…” Boys were too interested in sex never foreplay or oral. Some never even looked at your pussy.
He huffed, “Idiots. Want you to sit on my face, okay?” He could feel you twitching and your body freeze up.
“You’re so weird you know that?” You squeeze at his tip and he whined a bit, taking your wrist and taking it out of his pants.
“Hey, been thinking about it forever.” He have, he liked being your friend but he always thought about what’s between your legs. He always felt so guilty for it, this ulterior motive of his.
With your skirt still on, you move to hover over him. He breathes you in and groans out a deep “Fuck.” His tongue soaked in spit but he grabs at your thighs and slurps at your swollen clit. The heavy scent of your aroma wafting around his face.
Your thighs shaking as you rock your hips against him, but he wants to take things slow. Your juices all over his mouth and even a bit on his nose. You hated how greedy you were being. His tongue flicking at your stick clit and sucking on your lips.
“Eren! Faster…faster, please.” The cold metal piercing brushed against your clit and had you seeing stars so clearly that you tugged at his dark hair.
He liked the way his name sounded rolling off your tongue, even the way your mouth looked when you said it. Your lips: a work of art and your voice a song. So to be the one who’s listening and the one giving you this pleasure? He couldn’t help but smile to himself. To revel in it.
He chuckles listening to the soft moans of your pleads and begging, “No need to beg, don’t you know you own me? I’m yours. I’ll do whatever you say.”
His voice made you clench and he pressed small kisses up your slit before stretching you apart, “Think I can see you getting all wet for me…” His tongue dives in and your toes curl as he licks around the insides of you. Sucking at your folds and diving inside of your wetness, he moved one of his hands from your thighs and rubbed with two fingers on your achy clit. You shuddered, biting your lips.
He smiles looking at your pussy, so wet and pretty before he dives back in. Really just wanting to be covered in your scent. He gives a few more sucks, your hips raising and thrashing against his face.
“Baby,” The breath of his deep chuckle hitting your pussy and you shiver. “I’m leaking in my pants. I need you. Badly.”
He took his time but he laid you out on the couch, looking at the amount of your arousal that ran down your legs. He watched your pussy twitch, using his fingers he spread you open, clenching around the cool empty air. “Fuck,” you already looked fucked out and he haven’t even been inside of you yet.
Sliding his thick cock between your wet folds he felt you tremble. Tapping the head against your clit, he felt you jolt and he slowly slid inside of you. Your walls sucking him in and squeezing him tightly.
He groans, almost collapsing on top of you and you dig your nails into his back, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Wanted you for so long.” He kisses you quick and laced your fingers together, squeezing your hand. “It’s so wet inside of you, feels so fucking good.” Stretching and carving your insides to only fit his shape. Everything sounded underwater as he continued to pound inside of you. “You’re so perfect. So pretty. Fuck.” He angled his hips before thrusting faster inside of you. “So tight, so pretty, so mine.” He purred, licking up your throat and sucking; leaving a trail of hickies in his wake.
“Eren, oh god.” You breathe, worked up. He brings your legs from his waist and bring them closer to your head, forcing his cock even deeper inside of you.
“Think I’m in love withchu…” His thrusts are strong and now your feet dangling over your head, you couldn’t think straight. “But I think you already know that, hm? Think you love having me wrapped about your fingers.” Meeting every thrust he made, you felt a small bit of squirt splash and soak up his cock as he pulled it out before plunging back inside of you.
Your stomach is twisting and your toes curl heavenly as his dick continues, you push at his chest. “Wait! Eren…I…” You feel even more pressure in your gut and clench around him. “Please… no more.”
Your eyes are watery but Eren doesn’t care, instead he uses the pads of all his fingers and do deep aching rubs on your clit. Writing his name in your clit with your fingers, your thighs shake and then you’re finally cumming all over him and with a few more hard thrusts, he follows with a deep groan of your name.
He lays on top of you for a second to catch his breath before kissing you again. “I like you. Always have.” He huffed.
You bite back a smile. “I like you too…” You tell him shyly.
He gets up and hands you your pretty panties with a smug look. “So will you be my girlfriend?”
You chuckle, “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be your girlfriend Eren.”
All Eren could think of was that this was his best birthday in a long while. He peppering kisses over your face.
“Alright… birthday boy, put some pants on.” You snicker, looking at his lower half, he was already getting back hard.
“Oh right.” He kissed you again.
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prncessjaeger · 10 months
kiss it better ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
⋆୨୧˚ now, imagine coming home to your cute loft apartment from shopping as soft rock music playing from your’s and mikasa’s main bedroom tv and you bring home a big collection of lip glosses and other makeup products, “okay, so i went to sephora with sasha right, i mean you would know since you sent me money for it but! i got like 12 lipglosses and i wanted you to try them for me?”
she watched you changed into a cute pink shirt and short set, matching the same one mikasa had on (but her’s was black obvi) “try them on…? “yeah, like this,” you went and straddled the seemingly opened up spot on her lap and pulled out a random roller lip gloss and rubbed it on your lips, pulled her face towards yours and kissed her lips, “is it…grape?” “yes! now here’s some more gloss…i think it’s the sticky kind, but anyways c’mere,” she pushed her bangs from her face and puckered her lips once again, feeling the gloss more prominent on her lips, “try not to lick it this time,” smacking her teeth, she rubbed them together inhaling the very loud scent, “hmm blue raspberry?” mimicking the wrong sound, “wrong! it’s blueberry-”
“same thing and don’t go saying ‘well blue raspberry isn’t a fruit’ either, i know” she fixed your frames and still moved her bangs, “wait hold on-” you leaned over her, ignoring the rubs on your ass she was giving you and grabbed two hair clips, “here, lemme fix your hair, yeah?” you put the clips in her hair and giggled, seeing her look all adorable, “aww now let’s try this on and then i can give you a whole makeover shebang!” “oh boy.”
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ღ an: this was so short wtf
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leviismybby · 9 months
"Pregnant?" Connie's mouth drops as you and Levi make the announcement. You kept your pregnancy a secret for long enough and your belly was starting to show too much, they would've figured it out anyway. Sasha stops eating, her eyes go wide, Jean next to her tries not to smile, he definitely wants to say something inappropriate. Before he gets the chance to, Armin speaks. "Congratulations captain and name!" He smiles at both of you. The tension at the table was awkward as you knew that some of them didn't even know you and Levi were dating.
Mikasa doesn't say anything but you can see the slight smile on her face meanwhile Eren looks like he is having some sort of flashbacks. "Congrats." He says, his green eyes shifting from his food to your belly, which makes you question a few things but you smile back and nod your head at him. "You know Captain for humanity's strongest soldier you sure don't know how to pull-ow!" Sasha stomps on Connie's foot under the table and Jean laughs. "Be mature for once will you!" The brunette says to him with her mouth full of food. Levi rolls his eyes at the banter, he really didn't want to tell them. It's not because he doesn't trust them but he thinks that it's safer for you and your baby if less people knew.
"You're the one to talk! Your mouth is full of food." Connie bites back at Sasha and she just continues to eat. Mikasa turns to you. "Congratulations. I still don't know how you keep up with him." She says, her and Levi did have a bumpy relationship but you know that she doesn't mean it in a bad way. "Well now I will have to keep up with two..." You chuckle. "Can we name it?" Jean asks. "Absolutely not." Levi doesn't even let him think about it. "And from now I want you all to be careful around name, is that clear?" They all nod at Levi's command.
"It's a boy." Eren says, he has been awfully quiet since you said that you were expecting a child, the whole table turned to look at him. "I mean, I think it's going to be a boy." He says, looking down at his food. Sasha shakes her head. "Nuh uh, it's definitely a girl!" They all start to place bets and Levi sighs, he whistles to get their attention. "You're not betting on a the gender of my fucking child. Now, after breakfast, I want to see all of you train extra hard understood?" "Yes, captain!" They all say in unison, Armin sheepishly looks at you. "I agree with Eren, I think it's a boy. I read that boys leave all the beauty to the mother and you're glowing Name." You smile at him, Armin always was sweet, well most of the time.
"Right, can you guys please keep this a secret? We don't want everyone to know." It's a simple request that leaves your mouth. They all nod, this went better than you thought it would, most of them are happy but Eren's reaction lingers at the back of your mind. "Listen when the little Ackerman terror is born, can I be the godfather?" That's a question that throws Levi off guard, especially since Jean asked it. "No, I want to be the godfather! That baby deserves someone fun as the godfat-" "Neither of you." Levi says, pinching the area between his eyes. "Now, off to training." Standing up one by one they all make their way outside, Mikasa approaches you. "If you need anything you can let me know." She says and you can't help but smile at her. "Thank you, Mikasa."
As the room clears, Levi turns to you. "I am surprised that none of them asked how kids are made." Laughing at these words, you shake your head. "They are all 17-18, Levi. They know all too well by now." You can still remember how traumatized Eren and Mikasa were when they found out, to your surprise, that Armin knew despite his two confused best friends. "Yeah well, all of them are still brats." He kisses your temple and then your belly. "I'll see you two later." He gives you a quick kiss before heading out to training. Your hand goes down to your belly and you rub the bump, in this time of war and hardship, a baby will surely bring at least a bit of happiness into it all.
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bunnisari · 1 year
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pairing ✩ — plug!connie x hyperfem!spoiled!black!reader
warnings ✩— nothing much just fluff, money, pet name daddy is used
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“I SWEAR TO GOD BABY,” Connie placed your 6 week old dog back into your lap. “Keep this fucking demon away from me” Your sparkly glossed up lips pouted, petting Marshmallow. “She’s just a baby” Connie bought the dog for you because you keep talking about how much you wanted one. He got the exact breed and everything. Since then, you’ve been so attached to the fluffy animal and Connie was a little jealous.
“She ate my fucking Bapestas” Connie quickly counted the band that was sitting in his lap.
“Boy hush, it was a small little bite. Your shoes are perfectly fine” You pressed a kiss to his cheek, leaving it shiny and glittery.
“So what are we doing today?” You finally bring up your original question. Connie called you to tell you to be ready at 3.
You were dressed in a pink juicy couture tracksuit and some pink custom AF1’s Connie bought for you. His initials hanging off of your neck in shiny diamonds.
“Got a few clients today and wanted to take you with me, wanna take you shopping afterwards.” Connie spoke while keeping his focus on the 5th band that sat in his lap.
“You don’t have to, you just ordered me like $1000 worth of shoes” You loved the treatment Connie gave you but didn’t wanna take all of his money. Although Connie was willing to give you all of it and put you on his will.
“I know but my baby passed all her finals. You deserve the world” You let a smile creep onto your face. Connie always knew how to make you feel so special. He only ever wants the best for you, seeing as he dropped out of college. He just wants for you to be as successful as possible and stunt on all these hoes.
You grabbed his jaw, turning his head to face you before kissing him repeatedly on the lips. A smile broke out onto his face. “I love you so so so so much” You pressed one more kiss to his lips.
“I love you more ma” Connie pressed a kiss to your cheek, staining your lip gloss on it. He reached for the duffel bag in the backseat and placed 3 bands in, handing the rest to you. “This is for your rent and whatever else you wanna spend it on, kay?”
You held back the urge to scream, feeling just so spoiled.
“Thank you daddy” You tease and place the money in your tote bag.
Connie puts the car in drive and looks over at you as he pulls from in-front of your house, seeing you already distracted as you scroll on Sephora.
“Spoiled brat” He mumbles
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abiatackerman · 3 months
Hange: If a building catches a fire who would you save between us?
Eren: Mikasa is my first priority but I'll try to save everyone.
Hange: Levi?
Levi: I'm saving Y/N. The rest of you can die.
(Just for fun... We all know he'll try to save everyone, even by sacrificing himself)
Wanna laugh more? Checkout the masterlist of Funny Minishots. Hopefully they'll make you laugh too...
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oreo-creampie · 1 year
𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐧, 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚; 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐜𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬?
𝟕𝐤 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: established polyship, mating press in the air, mikasa squirts in your face, oral (giving), praise, jealous!eren, light begging, hints of overstimuatlion, mikasa sucks on your clit and licks your cock stuffed cunt, spanking, Eren is fucking you roughly, mikasa has a tongue pierced, Daddy/mama/sweetheart
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: congrats 7k Eren lil mean & from the back wanting to know whose pussy that is 🥵 eating out mikasa if you want to add not needed
Oreo; thank you! I hope you enjoy it's so much fun to write for the two of them!
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Eren’s tight grip on your hips can't keep you from bouncing from each harsh, quick thrust. Rubbing your face in Mikasa’s beautiful, soaking wet cunt. Stroking her clit, her soft squishy cunt is spasming around you. She’s so close, you want her to make a mess on your face.
Rubbing her puffy pink clit faster. She squeezes your head with her muscular thighs. Eren grunts, “Whose sloppy, needy cunt is this?” Slapping your ass, squeezing your stinging cheek. Whining into Mikasa’s beautiful sensitive cunt.
Mikasa pleads, “Don’t stop! Let her keep eating me out daddy please daddy! Please daddy! I’m soooclosseednnnn!” Her breathy words slur into loud sweet moans you’re getting off on. She’s beautiful begging for your tongue, trembling beneath you, her cunt spasming on your tongue.
Eren leans over your body, his hard chest pressing against your back. Groaning in her ear, “Does mama pretty little cunt taste good huh? You like eating her out while Daddy fucks ya from the back? Hmm! Your soaking wet cunt ‘s bein’ honest clenchin’ me.” The angle Eren is at increases the intense sweet pressure when his cock rubs your sweet spot.
Mikasa squirts on your tongue. Spreading her quivering legs apart, driving her hips down into the bed. You’re relentlessly rubbing her clit faster, drinking her mouthfuls of her gushing cumming. She’s quivering and whimpering, “Please baby! Darling! Daddy! Nnnn! Please sweetheart!”
Eren pulls you out from between Mikasa’s legs by your hair. He pulls you upright, grabbing one of your thighs, folding it up in the air. Giving Mikasa a better view of his fat, veiny tan cock stretching your poor little cunt wide. “Remind us whose tight, dripping cunt belongs to!”
Mikasa gets on her knees, admiring your beautiful, soft body and squelching cunt. Grabbing your other thigh, lifting it off, licking your clit. “Please sweetheart, we want to hear who makes your beautiful cunt feel so good your cumming so hard you can't think.” Both of them holding you off the bed, leaving you unable to do anything but take Eren’s merciless thrusts. With Mikasa sucking on your clit.
Eren fondles your breasts, playing with your nipple. “You do! Only daddy and mama can make my sloppy needy cunt feel so good. I’m your beautiful sweetheart! No one else’s!” Shifting your hips, squirming unable to take the intense pleasure.
Eren fucks you harder. “Nnn daddy you’re gonna bruise my cunt! Don't stop! It’s too much. Nnnnmmama’s tongue ring! Right there please.” Cumming, clenching him tighter, acutely feeling the throbbing of his puffy veins, the shape of his thick head, and the softness of his skin.
Eren croons, “Imma bruise your lil’ cunt huh? Daddy’s cock too big and hard for your tight beautiful cunt to take? Does mama’s tongue feel that good on your pretty puffy clit?” Mikasa pulls away from your clit with a soft pop. Licking your your stuffed hole.
Oreo’s m.list
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frenchcoucou · 23 days
♪ you had the same look in your eyes…
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hanjisungslag · 6 months
attack on titan headcanons #10
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synopsis: how the characters react when you, their s/o, gets hurt. 🩹
characters involved: eren, mikasa, armin, jean, connie, sasha, reiner, bertolt, annie, levi, erwin and hange
notes: i am cooking up a storm, so watch out for that & also hit double digits!!
☆ eren jaeger
oh.. you got injured in training? poor babyyy☹️
he’s super sweet and gentle with you.
if anyone tries to go near you though.. he’s super scared they’re gonna accidentally hurt you😭.
so he’s always at the edge of his seat ready to rescue you if needs be.
he gets all of your food, water, clothes, bandages etc.
then the nurses catch him doing it and have to YANK him off of you, once again.
☆ mikasa ackerman
so incredibly caring and concerned 🤍
she was the one who found you on the expedition with a broken leg
she refuses you to the hospital
lets the nurses do their jobs (thank god)
she really wants to be able to help nurse you back to health as well though..
she gives you the next best thing aka massages.
she literally comes in everyday and gives you 3 massages minimum a day
she’ll also sleep in the hospital with you most days.
☆ armin arlert
nothing less than an angel.
for however long you’re in the hospital, he’ll bring you flowers
in there for 3 weeks? new flowers every week.
in there for a week? new flowers every other day.
reads you books every night to help you sleep
sleeps there EVERY single night
always gives good morning and good night kisses
keeps you updated with what’s going on with everyone and training to make sure you don’t miss out.
makes sure to surprise you by bringing your friends there too!! it was a super sweet surprise.
when you’re sleeping, he goes around asking nurses if they need help😖.
☆ jean kirstein
he has to hype himself up before going to see you in hospital because it just breaks his heart.
but being able to see you, hug you, know that you’re being taken care of makes him feel wayy better.
he’s just happy to see that you’re not too badly injured.
just a sprain from training!
he likes to draw things for you from the outside
or you guys draw together.
yk that cute game where one person draws a squiggle and the other person has to make into a drawing?
yeah, you guys do that. and it’s frickin adorbs😡
☆ connie springer
you went to do some late night training by yourself
and cornelius found you on the ground. in a lot of pain.
he rushed you to the first aid
fastest anyone has EVER seen that man run
you got cleaned up but had to take a break from training until you were better.
definitely tries to make you laugh all the time
even with your injury, he still wants to see you happy and smiling 🤍
☆ sasha braus
aw bless her cotton socks.
your injury wasn’t fatal enough to warrant a hospital stay
but the nurses said to stay home and rest up!
you had to take care of your scar
in her own time, sasha headed over to first aid to ask the nurses how to help you properly☹️.
you literally do not lift a finger!!
she does everything for you, like cleaning it up, wrapping it up etc.
and she’s really good at it and all…
☆ reiner braun
he’s like a scared little boy.
he’ll sit by your side and tell you it’s all okay
but when he’s alone.. HE GETS SO UPSET
sometimes he’ll take ‘bathroom breaks’ just to pull himself together because he hates seeing you in this state :(.
really affects his everyday life
but he hides it well.
BIGG celebrations as soon as you’re out of hospital
is literally like a servant, will get you everything and anything you want.
☆ bertolt hoover
he bakes you cookies for being so brave☹️.
he stays with you all day long until the nurse finally tells him he has to go.
it breaks his heart leaving you but he gets up bright and bloody early to see you in the morning
like i’m talking the second the hospital opens up.
☆ annie leonhart
she’s not nervous,
your injury wasn’t fatal or anything.
she’ll still visit you, of course ;)
she also makes sure to tell you how brave you are
since you are scared of hospitals.
she’ll giggle at your wimpy-ness though.
like you were getting patched up and you were just like trying not to scream
and she was just standing there chuckling at you.
☆ levi ackerman
so so so scared, secretly.
he has lost one too many people
but to lose you? that would completely and utterly BREAK him.
it was a pretty gnarly injury as well…
which was rather terrifying for both you and him
but he’ll keep a cool persona around you.
if he’s unable to visit due to work, he’ll ring the hospital and asks how you are.
he’ll always make time to come see you though, no matter what!!
☆ erwin smith
he hears from his assistant that you’ve been put into hospital
he runs STRAIGHT over and makes sure to comfort you.
he’ll stay till dark when you’re asleep and pay the nurses a visit too
he asks them to take extra good care of you.
if he’s unable to see you, he makes sure to call you up every single day
or at least have SOMEONE come check on you.
☆ hange zoë
hange has seen it all at this rate
but doesn’t seem to heavily affected.
they’ve never really had anyone close to them be extremely injured
they were sooo scared though :(.
it was really sad for everyone to see hange’s energy so low but
they couldn’t help it!!
all they could think about was their poor love in hospital :(.
when they’re around you though, they try to stay positive! and tells you all about their work to keep you both distracted.
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vinamari · 11 months
「“You were a wonderful experience”」
「”You..were everything”」
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JJK: Gojo satoru, Geto Suguru, Yuji Itadori, Nanami Kento, Yuta Okkotsu, TOKYO REV: Manjiro Sano, Shinichiro Sano, Takemichi Hanagaki, Hakkai Shiba, SALLY FACE: Sal Fisher, Ashley Campbell, AOT: Eren Yeager, Sasha Braus, Reiner Braun, Connie Springer, Mikasa Ackerman, Levi Ackerman, Armin Arlert
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luminiamore · 4 months
I'm in an Eren mood, and just found your bomb fics🫶🏾!! I was wondering if you can do a tomboy/boxer(or weight lifter) reader who has a smart mouth with Eren, they're really competitive and always arguing(jokingly, because they both have smart mouths) it can smut or not whatever you feel🩷🩷
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best friend eren x boxer black reader
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warnings: ex jean, eren HATES jean, pussy eating, recording, great sex/mean ren
a/n: doing a part two 🫶🏾
Friday night, 11 p.m.
A small gathering was taking place while you were at Connie’s house. Your friends, including your annoying best friend Mikasa, Armin, Sasha, Historia, her girlfriend Ymir, and your ex-boyfriend, Jean, were there. Your use of the term ‘friend’ for him is rather polite. You were here, drinking rather than mentally preparing for your match in the upcoming week at home.
You were lying on the couch. Eren lazily leaned his head on your lap, entertaining himself with random Instagram reels on his phone while holding a bottle of Cognac in his unaccompanied hand. Card games were being played by the rest of the crowd to entertain themselves. As you were all quite drunk, Connie made the decision to introduce a drinking game.
“Not gon’ play with them?” He whispers, the sound still rumbling against your exposed thighs.
You sigh, actually contemplating it. You probably would’ve said no if you were sober —scratch that—you definitely would’ve said no. You know that Eren wouldn’t play unless you did. His ego is too big to admit it, but he followed you around like a lost puppy. The only reason he came here was because of you.
“I might. Join me? We should keep a score to see who gets the most points.” You grin, head spinning when you abruptly shift your position.
“Compelling. What kind of points?”
“Isn’t this game like you have to answer a question or drink? I get to drive your beamer for a week if I answer the most questions. And you have to buy me new gloves for my match.” You poke his shoulder as you speak. You see his eyebrows raise up in amusement.
He snorts, “And what do I get if I win?”
“What do you want? And don’t say nothing crazy, I’ll fuck you up.”
At that, he gives an amused laugh, “Girl, please. You can’t even reach my face. Short ass.”
You flick his forehead with your finger, snickering when he groans a bit. “Reached it now, didn’t I?”
“You’re not funny. Nobody laughed, actually.”
“I did. Now, answer the question, fore’ I do it again.”
You get an eye roll and a sly smile on his pink lips as if he has come up with some devious plan. You would’ve started regretting this, but you’re not a quitter. You started this shit, and you’re gonna finish it through.
“You have to do anything I say for a week.”
You suck your teeth, “We not in some video on Pornhub, boy. Be for real.”
“Any video starring you and me in it would have Hollywood rushing to put it on the big screen. You be for real.”
That renders you silent. For a moment, no one says anything. Eren just stares intently into your eyes, waiting for your response.
“.. That’s what you want?”
“That’s what I want.”
There’s nothing much to say after that. You push Eren’s head up so you can stand, ass jiggling in the shorts you were wearing. As if by magic, he follows behind you, with you failing to notice his gaze drifting downwards to give your ass a drooling gaze.
They gathered in the living room and sat in a nearly perfect circle. You opted to seat yourself right next to where Sasha was sitting. Eren, of course, shoved Jean, who was sitting on the opposite side, to sit next to you. You would have said something before you and Jean broke up, but that isn’t your man.
Your relationship with Eren was a source of jealousy for him, leading to your split. For years, you and Eren had been friends; you had practically grown up together. Your moms had been friends, so by default, you two started hanging out every single day since grade school. The two of you were very close, extremely close. You slept in the same bed together; he was your first kiss, and you were his. You even lived in the same apartment.
You’re not oblivious. At least you don’t think you are. It was always clear to you that having a boyfriend would necessitate changes. The act of sleeping in the same bed and cuddling with Eren would necessitate changing. Eren reluctantly understood, but there are times when you wake up in the morning and find him fast asleep on your stomach.
Every day, Jean would complain about Eren being too close to you and how he doesn’t like him living with you. He suggested that you move in with him a month after you started dating. You two hadn’t even fucked yet.
You would never drop Eren, he was too important to you. So, it’s safe to say your relationship with Jean didn’t last long.
You ignore his gaze on you as you giggle at something Sasha said. Connie finally comes back with a stack of cards that say ‘Truth or Drink: Dirty and Sex Edition’ and a bottle of Hennessy.
“Ya’ll know the drill, answer the question, or take a shot. Don’t be pussy, though.” He addresses the group over music playing.
The game gets off to a fast start. The questions began simple, such as ‘Are you a virgin?’ or ‘How many bodies do you have?’ These are not things that should make anyone feel ashamed. Eventually, they became a bit more intimate, at least for you. You had 9 points, and Eren was in the lead with 12 points.
“Your turn, (☆).” Connie addresses you.
After pulling a card from the pile, the next question causes your breath to pause. Swiping the bottle, you take a deep breath to prepare yourself for the burn this drink will give you.
You’re stopped short by Eren, “Aht— you gotta tell us what the question says.”
“Not important.” You take a sip, gagging when the flavor finally hits your mouth. You’re too occupied to notice Eren quickly removes the card from your lap. When he reads it out loud, you almost choke on your spit.
“Have you ever hooked up with a friend?” In response to the rest of the group’s ‘Ooohs,’ he snickers at you.
You smack his head lightly, “Asshole.”
“Who you fucked, girl?” Sasha pokes at you. The attention is entirely on you, causing your face to flush in embarrassment.
“I plead the fifth.”
“Was it Eren?” Jean’s voice prompts a quick turn of your head. He looked so angry, so ticked that he could explode if you said one wrong word. You answered to avoid causing a scene,
You’re nearly afraid to look at Eren, yet you realize he’s staring at you. His gaze was burning on the side of your face, making you squirm. Jean’s scoffing shows he didn’t believe you, but you’re not here to argue with your ex. Connie recognizes that you no longer want to talk about it, so he turns the spotlight on him when he pulls another card.
You’re about to send a grateful glance to him for that, but your body stiffens when Eren whispers in your ear,
“You just gonna lie to him like that?”
You grit your teeth, keeping your voice as low as possible, “Shut up.”
“What, you gonna protect his feelings?” Eren’s energy is condescending and irritable, to say the least.
“I’m protecting your frail ass ego. Wouldn’t want to embarrass you when I tell them you didn’t even make me cum.” You lie through your teeth, smirking, thinking you won.
You almost yelp when you feel a pinch on the side of your hips, “C’mon, mama. Your body never lies, especially not to me. Remember those pretty moans clear as day— ‘Oh, daddy! Right there— gonna cu-’”
Your hand covers his mouth, and you’re about to smack him again when you feel that stupid, cunning smile against your hand. You pause and sigh in relief when you realize that no one has heard him, as they’re too preoccupied with Sasha, who’s indulging in the bottle. No one except Jean, who’s practically seething in anger as he glares at Eren.
- -
It was now one in the morning. Most people were passed out because of how drunk they were. Only you, Eren, and Jean were awake, with Jean nearing sleep while staring at his phone. It goes without saying that Eren won the bet; he had no shame when it came to his sexual innuendos.
You’re about to get up from your seat on the floor, but Eren’s grip on your waist doesn’t loosen. You try to look at him but realize he’s not even paying attention to you. Instead, his eyes are intently focused on the shorts you’re wearing with a frown.
“You good?” You speak, thinking that your sudden voice will dislodge his gaze.
“Hmm. These shorts aren’t easy access.”
That’s the message the liquors are trying to convey -- it must be. You and Eren only slept together once, but you assured him that it was a mistake that wouldn’t happen again to keep your friendship intact. He handled it well, perhaps too well. Almost like he was expecting you to say that. As if you hadn’t experienced heaven on Earth that night, you both returned to your normal lives.
“Eren, there are people here.” You whisper rather harshly.
He unbuttons the only button on your garments, “I don’t see anyone.”
“Jean is right there.”
“..Anyone important.”
Your eyes widen when he plays with the hem of your peaking panties now that your shorts are loose. He’s so stealthy with it, too, like he’s not doing anything wrong. You have to snap out of it when you realize you’re in a room full of friends. You slap his hand,
“We’re not doing this here.”
His response is quick, “Oh, so if we weren’t here, you would?”
“If you two are gonna fuck, can you do it somewhere else?” Jean is downright peeved by the sexual tension that is erupting between you two. At this point, he’s just annoyed. Annoyed that his suspicions were confirmed. You two are definitely more than just friends.
You freeze, failing to remember that he was still awake for a moment.
“Jean, it’s not like that-”
“It is like that. I might take you up on that offer, Jean boy.” Eren abruptly ends your sentence with a gleaming smile, making it clear that he’s only trying to annoy him. He’s petty like that. You’re tempted to hit him again.
“No, it’s not. Stop being petty-”
Eren turns to you abruptly, eyes zeroed in on your lips. His voice is purposely loud so Jean can hear precisely what he’s saying to you. “Will you let me eat your pussy again if we leave here, (☆)?”
You gasp, your pussy tightening a bit at how desperate his tone is. You really want to say yes, but you know that’s the liquor talking. It has to be. Jean scoffs, pulling you out of your daze.
You scowl and push his hands off you, “I’m leaving, and I’m going to sleep in the guest room.”
When you stumble to stand, he watches you, his eyes fixed on the fatness of your ass and its movement. These shorts are a favorite of his. He sighs, his lips twitching as he speaks,
“Can I-”
“No.” And with that, you stumble off to the room, making sure to lock the door behind you.
Eren makes the decision to return to the couch in the living room to sleep. Jean’s eyes never leave him all the time, and when he catches him staring, he doesn’t fail to stare back,
“The fuck are you looking at?”
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Monday afternoon, 3 p.m.
“Imma be real with you. I’m all for equality and shit, but seriously, you hit like a girl.”
The deep voice of your best friend flutters in your ears as you throw another punch at the hand he’s holding up. You’re both in the boxing ring at your local gym, practicing for your next match.
As always, your best friend is there to help you and throw some lighthearted insults your way.
“Eren, please don’t get fucked up.”
He gives a laugh, a genuine one that makes you roll your eyes, “Oh yeah? With those weak ass hits? Forgive me if I’m not shaking in my shoes right now.”
You throw another hit at his wrapped-up hand, harder this time. You can tell by the way his unwavering hands move a little. You grit your teeth at the fact that he doesn’t wholly stumble back.
“Yo,’ ass was damn sure shaking in your shoes when I almost folded you.”
“So, we lying now?” That little smirk that was forming on his face never backed down.
It almost irritates you how arrogant he is. Connie and Eren always get into these friendly play fights, never anything serious. But that’s just your best friend. If anything, you would probably chew up any other person with your mouth. Connie, for example. Not Eren, though; he always had something to say back.
“Every word that comes out your mouth is a lie.” Your whisper
“You not any better.”
You hit his hand again, “Now, what the hell are you yapping about.”
“Why would you lie to your little boyfriend yesterday?” His voice is low and calculated as he questions you. He was getting heated again.
“Ex. And I’m not sorry. I didn’t want to tell the man who’s been worried about us the entire time we dated that I got your dick wet.”
“Dated. Past tense. So, why the fuck are you worried about it?” Now, he holds your hands to prevent you from moving.
You huff, “I’m not rude, Eren. I have no beef with the man. Now, let’s keep practicing, please.”
You think he’s going to release your hands, but he only stares at you. Your heart is racing. Does he really feel upset about this?
It seems he is because Eren pulls your body out of the ring and drags you to the nearest locker room. The gym is closed today, only opened to the two of you because he’s friends with the owner. Now that he has you to himself, he has no worries about anyone ruining this moment.
You would have protested; your resolve is usually stronger than this. But it’s Eren. Your Eren. Your best friend who happens to be really good with his tongue, his fingers, and that absolute monster in between his legs.
Fuck it feels so electric when his tongue laps in between your wet folds, your body squirming on the bench he seated you on. You can’t stop twitching, your arousal just overflowing on his tongue.
“Thought this was a mistake? ‘It can never happen again’, that’s what you said right?” He lightly bites on your clit, relishing in the gasp you emit.
“Look at you now, letting it happen again.”
He pushes two fingers past your walls and rapidly moves them in and out, grazing your spongy spot. They’re curling inside you, and with every stroke, you feel yourself falling more into a haze. Your eyes start crossing as Eren stirs up your insides.
You whimper out, “S-Shut up. Shitt.”
“Oh, no. You’re gonna listen t’me today. Maybe we should send a video to Jean, show him everything he could never do to you.”
You hate yourself for it, but the thought of it gets you even wetter for some reason. With the way your best friend chuckles against your core as the squelching sounds coming from you get louder, he can tell, too. Your pretty brown pussy is just splashing on his face, he’s in love with it— in love with you.
He rasps out breathily, “Wet my face, baby.”
Your face twists as he works his fingers against your cervix. The sounds coming from you are simply divine. The heat in your stomach is palpable, and the heat in every crevice of your body is sizzling and electrified.
“Want me to fuck you, right? Cum then, (☆).”
It’s as if your body knows what he’s saying because you release immediately. Your body shakes when you squirt. Your addicting juices spraying all over his fingers— his face. Eren slurps up everything you have to offer, and its sounds are just so obscene that you’re sure anyone would know what’s going on if they just walked by the door. Your loud moans would probably give it away, too.
Eren deliberately takes his time creeping up to your panting lips and pulling his thick fingers out of your walls. Your breath is sucked out of your lungs when he kisses your lips. The taste of your essence makes your pussy drip as he sucks on your tongue. You love it, so drunk off the taste of him.
You frantically pull his hips onto yours, unaware that he’s already pulled his dick out. It’s not much for his tip to force itself inside of you. He has to do most of the work to fuck the rest of his inches in. You’re gasping against his lips, trying to moan, but he won’t let you. Every time, he swallows them.
It’s torture. He’s so thick that it stings a little. He gets a little impatient and slams into you all at once. Screaming in a muffled voice, you quickly press your hands on his stomach. He’s making your pussy sing some nasty noises that make you feel so good.
You’re squirming your body as Eren starts feeding you gut-punching stokes. That won’t do.
With a harsh grip on your wrists, he pushes them above your head with one hand. “I couldn’t make you cum, right?”
You huff, your eyes rolling back in your head when he abuses your cervix. It’s too late for you to realize when Eren takes out your phone. He knows your password and keeps thrusting in you when he opens Jean’s message thread. He scoffs when he realizes you haven’t yet blocked and deleted his number.
That catches your attention as your eyes struggle to settle on him, “W-What are you doing?”
He shuts you up by speeding up his movements. Shit. You almost choke on your spit when he leans his body on you so hard your legs are reaching your ears. The only inkling you get that he’s recording is when your ears catch on the sound it makes when he presses that red button.
You don’t stop him or even struggle against his hold. You can only morph your face into pleasurable expressions as he makes you feel euphoria. He sets your phone on the wall behind the bench, and he can see it’s showcasing the both of you. Good.
Eren, let’s go of your wrists to use both hands to press on the back of your thighs into the wood underneath you. You feel him deeper this way, his bulge pressing against your stomach every time his tip touches your womb. He finds joy in the fact that the camera captured that.
“Ren— baby— I’m g-gonna make another mess.” You whine, pressing on his stomach to stave off your impending orgasm—it does nothing. Nothing, but make him push harder so you can feel how deep he’s going.
“Go on then. Show the camera how messy you get for me and only me.”
Your breathing stutters, “Only you— fuckkk. S’too m-much”
“You love me, baby?”
You cum right then, choking on your moans as you barely get your words out, “Love you so much.”
He groans against your ears when he fills your pussy with his seed. It’s so much, too, so thick, you feel as if it’s coming out your throat. This is what you craved the most, the feeling of his cum stuffing you. You’ve dreamed about this since he did it for the first time.
Feeling worn out, you are basking in the afterglow while breathing heavily. Eren never takes his dick out of you, but he takes this moment to end the video and quickly sends it to Jean with a small message accompanying it,
she lied, lol. 😂
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check out my store :D
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wysteria-bloom · 2 months
𓇼 " oops wrong person "
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F! Reader x aot
Cw : highly suggestive!
Genre : crack, suggestive, SMAU, texting
A/n : I've gotten back into writing aot again because I miss these characters so fucking much. Any suggestions or requests for aot are very much needed 😔
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wettvagina · 9 months
RIDE IT LIKE A RODEO [collegeau!eren yeagerxreader]
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warnings: p in v , creampie , softdom!eren
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"Erennn" your honeyed voice cooed, "Huh? Oh hi." you observed how the tall, brunette stiffened, his green emerald eyes boring holes into your own pupils, you walked up to him, your pink bag slung around one shoulder, you watched how Eren eyed you, stopping at the jot of skin which was exposed from your tight, bubble-gum pink spaghetti strapped top, which stopped right below your navel, paired with some black shorts.
"I was absent last class, mind sending me the notes?" you chirped, walking at his side as you both journeyed to your history class. "I-I know, but we had a free class." Eren informed you, a tint of blush forming on his face. "Oh, alright. You comin' to my party tonight?" you enquired with a calm smile, watching Eren's face from the corner of your eye.
Eren noticed how your figure had slowed into a halt, stopping alongside you, you grabbed at Eren's forearm, "Can you come, please? I wanna show you something." you say with a seductive smirk, you found it funny how his entire face turned red, even after you had fucked him so many times, you lost count. He always acted somewhat shy around you, you thought that when you first met him that he'd break out of this caged up persona he sported around you, but that was yet to come.
"I'll be there." he sighed, earning a small smile from you, "Oh and, don't bother bringing any condoms." you whisper to him, smiling before walking ahead of him, leaving him flushed and stationary.
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Eren had came before the party even started, you were a bit worried about the party, wondering how anyone would even engage in the party if the host wasn't present. You texted Sasha, Connie and Jean, telling them to handle everything, of course you didn't want your party to flop just because you wanted some dick.
Hearing the boom of speakers downstairs, Sasha texted you, informing you that everything was ready and that they'd take over, you smiled to your phone before placing it on your side table.
"You're early." you say to Eren who looked around your room like if he hasn't been in it atleast six times already. "Sorry, I was just..eager to see you." Eren confesses, his deep sultry voice echoing in your head. Woah, this is different, usually he'd stammer out a mess of a sentence.
"Really?" you walk up to him, pressed your hands against his toned abs, sliding them down his waistband, grabbing at his fully erected cock, hidden in his sweatpants. "You weren't lyin'" you say with a smirk, you watch how his face contorted into a look of lust as you massaged his throbbing cock.
"So fuckin' hard, I want you to come inside me tonight." you whisper, dirty talking him, you pulled your hands out of his pants, draping them around his neck and pulling him into a sweet kiss, tasting the mint on his soft lips as he grabbed at the fat of your ass, fingers massaging your clothed clit from the back, causing you to moan into his mouth.
You parted your lips, giving Eren's tongue permission to explore your mouth, Eren groaned into your mouth, and you felt your panties dampening. "Wanna fuck you so bad." you mewl, "Yeah?" he asks with a smirk, "How bad?" he asks. With an incorporeal click, you feel the tension grow and the roles switch, and it just made you wetter.
"So fuckin' bad." you moaned, "Get on the bed." his firm voice instructed, you followed his directions, taking off your shirt as you strutted to your bed, leaving you in only your bra. You sat on the edge of your bed, Eren's crotch in your face, but you managed to look up at him, smelling a woft of his cologne.
His hand lowers to caress the side of your face, he looks down at you, as you look up at him, his eyes never leave yours as his large hands trace down to your shoulder, gripping it as a small smirk forms on his face. With a vehement push, your back meets your sheets and you watch as Eren crawls above you, knees digging into your mattress while his hand grips onto the sheets near the side of your face.
He leans in to kiss you, savouring your lips in a slow, sweet kiss. He feels your hands cradle his face, as you deepen the kiss, Eren feels his dick fully press onto the cloth of his pants. You immediately notice Eren's absence when he rolls over to the side, back leaning against the headboard of your bed, "Ride me, ma?" he asks, hand woven into yours.
You climb onto his lap, ass pressing against the bulge in his pants, and you hear him gasp before you connect your lips to his oncemore, your vacant hand reaches between your legs, rubbing at your clothed clit, causing you to moan into Eren's mouth.
Eren grips onto the fat of your ass, lips still moving on yours, he feels your hand slip beneath the wasitband of his sweats, grabbing his dick while nudging the fabric down. You push your panties to the side, lining his dick to your hole.
The reddened, meaty tip prods at your enterance before you slip it in, earning a loud groan from Eren as your pussy walls squeeze down on him, "S-So fuckin' tight." Eren says breathlessly, breaking out of the kiss, you immediately bounce on his lengthy cock, his breath hitches as the skin of your ass slaps against his pelvis, Eren wraps his hand around your back, burying his warm face into the crook of your neck as you ride him.
You hear him whisper curses into your ear as you grind on him, feeling your pussy clench around him, "Fuck, 'm gonna come." you mutter, "I-I might too." he mumbles into your ear, "Fuck!" you wail when you feel him thrust up into you.
"You like that?" he asks, "Y-Yeah, keep doing it." you immediately respond, he continues to jut his hips upwards into your welcoming pussy, hearing the creamy sounds of the essence of your arousal mixing with his pre come.
"S-Shit!" you curse when you feel his dick harden inside of you, and as Eren is coming he feels your pussy clamp down onto him, you cream all over his cock as he's coming inside of you, painting your walls white. You both pant as he rubs his large palms up and down your back.
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prncessjaeger · 9 months
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
making out with your girlfriend felt like heaven. the feeling of her tongue clashing with yours, needy whines fell from your mouth when she pressed her cool fingers down your panties, rubbing along your clit. she then littered kisses all over your neck, moving down to your chest to quickly latch onto your harden nipples, “oh fuck baby,”
you could practically feel her throb in your lap and grabbed along her face, “mimi, can i please eat it? i’ll make you feel real good baby, just saw the word.” you saw her lean up and capture your lips again, “no,” “why notttt? you never let me go down on you…” the urgency in your voice made her contemplate in her thoughts and soon a soft sigh escaped her lips, “fine, okay.”
you lay down salvitating infront of her wet cunt, waiting for her command to let you pleasure her.. ‘finally’ you thought, happy that your loving gf decided to let you eat her pussy for once and felt her hands grab along your hair and pushed you forward. your mouth quickly attached to her licking and slurping all over her clit, “there you go, fuck yes,” the feeling of mikasa’s fingers rubbing along you sticky cunt, easily inserting one finger…then two erupting a long, drawn out moan fall from your lips, stimulating her pussy which caused her to groaned quietly, “shit.”
her ego being too high, not wanting you to realize she needed this and instead she always wants to fufill that high by giving you pleasure. you leaned back, spitting on it and darting your tongue out, feeling mikasa’s hand still tangled in your hair push your head back into her legs, sighing out in bliss, “mhm, you’re making mama’s pussy feel sooo good baby…”
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leviismybby · 6 months
Would Levi let these people babysit your kid?
Erwin: He would but only for a few hours, he trusts Erwin with a lot of things but his kid? Not so much. Erwin never held a baby, he wouldn't be able to handle a toddler and Levi is afraid thay Erwin would forget about your kids since he is busy with work.
Hange: He trusts them too just not with his kid, even if his kid has fun anytime they babysit them, he has to explain to them that they can't experiment anywhere near his kid.
Nanaba: Yes and surprisingly she is good with kids. Although it takes her a bit to get comfortable around the kid, she manages. You have to ask her twice, it is kind of hard to convince her.
Miche: So so, unlike Nanaba, Miche isn't good with kids, he would be like a silent guardian watching over the kid like a hwak.
Moblit: Out of everyone, Levi would definitely let Moblit babysit. He knows how caring Moblit can be, he still warns him not to drink around your child tho.
His squad: Yes, they don't let him down in anything so he has no problem leaving them to look after his child. Petra is especially sweet with the kid.
Eren: Actually he would but would check up every 15 minutes to make sure that Eren's dumb ass isn't messing up.
Mikasa: He would, she would care and be careful with his kid more than anyone in that squad. She is also has a soft spot for the kid despite denying so.
Connie, Jean: You have to beg him for this if there is no other option. Levi explains to them 300 times what they can and can't do. Connie is also good with kids, he has siblings too so he can handle the little Ackerman, most of the time at least.
Sasha: Yes, she knows how to handle kids because she has younger siblings and is funny so your kid would have fun. Levi isn't surprised that the lunch box from his kid is empty for once.
Historia: He would, she is sweet and besides, she can use it as training when she has her own.
Ymir: Nope. She said "Fuck them kids" and Levi doesn't even try asking.
Kenny: Absolutely not. Do I even need to explain why not?
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