soughtserenity · 1 month
"Your shirt has to go, but you can stay." From Cece to Rafe :P
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" Consider it done it was getting too hot anyway. " Rafe stretches showing off a little of his toned stomach in the process before taking off the polo and plopping in the bed beside her patting her ass softly. " Wait a damn minute if I'm taking off my shirt you're gonna do it too. Go on and be a good girl for me. " he smirks rolling on his back to watch with hands supporting his head.
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bchemianrhapscdy · 2 months
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"You did a good job out there." Eddie spoke as he looked at the woman. "Without your help, he may wouldn't have made it to the hospital alive. You saved his life." he smiled.
@entangledmuses - eddie diaz
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byronlc · 4 months
closed for @entangledmuses
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"Seems like you're stuck here with me, Robin." A smug smile on his face. "You've probably dreamed about this hundreds of times..."
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brotherhoodwarlord · 4 months
@entangledmuses Bjorn & Odette
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Another Winter led to the Spring, and what a spring it was. New life had come and the father was eager to show to his baby daughter all that was planned. " Papa takes these ships, and he sails across the Mediterranean; he goes to find glory and pretty trinkets for you." He pressed the button nose of the babe, and she giggled as the man held the child close, speaking in a soft, babyish voice. King Bjorn Ironside, rendered to a very unmasculine display in private, assumed privacy.
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nytehavyn-circle · 4 months
(Closed starter for @entangledmuses - for Bailey Nune)
Tolaas had managed to chase the damned ShadowDemon through the backstreets and alleyways of LA, at night, and mostly avoiding lights and lots of people, thankfully.
The ShadowDemon he was chasing happened to look like a chimpanzee, with four arms, and two tails. Blacker than night, and oily looking. It had several rows of teeth, which Tolaas found out the hard way - his bandaged hand was proof. It was also highly intelligent. And it had slipped through a ShadiwPortal to create havoc.
Tolaas had chased it to an abandoned high school. He could feel the little bastard somewhere on the ground floor. "Yanno I'll find ya, ya little prick!" he shouted. His voice just barely echoed, but he knew he was loud enough the chimp-thing ShadowDemon could hear him.
There was a few noises from around the corner and down the hall, then came chittering and chattering in a fast, chimp-like fashion, followed by a very articulate and loud (albeit a bit high-pitched) "Fuck you!"
Tolaas smirked. He rounded the corner, sawed-off shotgun drawn and lifted. Suddenly, there was a trash can thrown at him, followed by a scuffling and sone crashing.
He ran toward the noise when there came an exceptionally loud ringing. Shit. It'd set off the fire alarm. Well played, ya little shitstain, Tolaas thought. However, with his senses heightened, the ringing nose was hurting the hellout of his ears.
But then came the sense of urgency. He had to find the ShadowDemon, kill it, and get out of there before the fire department and police showed up. Granted, all he'd need to do was call Terran if things got too dicey, but otherwise he hoped he would get out ofthis himself.
He was getting closer to the ShadowDemon, when he heard it clamber up the stairs. "Dammit," Tolaas muttered to himself, and ran up the stairs after it. He rounded the corner of the small hallway and spotted it. Raising his sawed-off, he took a shot. Tolaas barely missed. The damned thing jumped up against the lockers at the last minute, clambering over the top of them, rounded the corner at the end of the hallway, and scurried up the stairs.
Tolaas smirked. It had made it to the third floor, and he followed. "Ain't nowhere else ta go!" he called out. He rounded the corner and immediately ducked behind an open classroom door. "Either go back ta the ShadowLands, er I'm gonna kill ya!"
Suddenly, he heard sirens. Both cops, a fire engine, and paramedics. "Goddammit," he hissed under his breath. He peeked out from behind the door and took a shot down the hallway. He heard a loud squeal-roar, which meant Tolaas had hit the thing, and then he heard more running again.
"Where the fuck'er ya goin'?" he whispered to himself. Then he heard a door open, and it was fairly heavy by the sound of it. Before it swung closed, he heard more scuttling up the stairs. "Shit, the roof!"
Tolaas ran after it. At least on the roof, it would have nowhere else to go. He managed to make it to the door before it closed completely. He yanked it open and followed the stairs up to the exit to the roof.
He stayed bent over and ducked, moving quietly to the edge of the rof to look over. Yup, cop cars, an ambulance, and a fire truck. "Shit," Tolaas muttered. He gave a sigh.
He slowly moved around the roof, until the damned chimp-thing ShadowDemon was in sight. It was standing on the edge of the roof. When it heard Tolaas approach, it whirled around. It huffed up, extending its arms to look like claws, just to make itself look bigger and more threatening.
It hissed, growled, and gave a high-pitched scream. Tolaas raised the sawed off and smirked. "Bye-bye," he said and pulled the trigger. The ShadowDemon was blasted off of the edge of the roof. Tolaas ran to the edge and looked down, watching it fall right in front of the first responders that had shown up.
It hit the ground with a sickening 'splut', and then slowly started to sizzle and dissolve away into nothing.
Now ta find a way off'n this roof an' get the hell outta here, he thought. But he stood on the edge for a few moments longer, then ducked back, wandering around the roof looking for a ladder.
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fatesurvived · 5 months
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How many days and nights had the young royal been awake? He'd lost count but they had finally found her - Sydney, and nothing else mattered. When he and Eddie pulled a daring rescue mission they'd found her restrained to a cold metal table in the darkness and it made his stomach flip. How long had she been like this? What had they done to the woman he loved? It hadn't mattered until they safely got her out of that hell. Eddie as diligent as ever, secured their safe house. They'd exchanged a few words in quiet but understood that Sydney might have difficulty readjusting. That's where he came in, he vowed to do everything in his power to get her through this - whatever she needed. So they sat alone in private, away from the rest. His green eyes noted just how fragile the human looked. ❝ Sydney... ❞ The moroi says after a while of sitting in silence, moving closer but still offering her space should she need it. ❝ You look like hell, Sage. I thought that was supposed to be me. ❞ He jokes trying to lighten the mood in the seriousness of their situation. ❝ There's a bathroom through that door. ❞ he pointed as he spoke. ❝ There's a bath-shower combo going on too. If you wanted. ❞ They couldn't remain here for longer than the night but her comfort was everything. @entangledmuses
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redemptivexheroics · 6 months
First Date [Closed]
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For the first time since Henrik and Caroline had admitted their feelings for each other, they were finally on a date after much pushing from their friends, mainly Elena and Bonnie. Henrik didn't want to go on a date in Mystic Falls, he felt Caroline needed something other than her own backyard for a date, that's how special she was, so he told her to pack for th weekend and they were heading to Virginia Beach. They were sitting outside on the outside patio of a beachside restaurant, thankful that Caroline had a Daylight ring so she could enjoy the scenery. "So what do you want to do after lunch? There's a couple of tourist spots here in Virginia Beach, not exactly my first time here, though the last time I was here was during the late 1800s," Henrik stated, trying to giggle at the giddy look on Caroline's face.
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shadowbrn · 3 months
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❝ now i'm asking you, for once, trust me. ❞
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@entangledmuses ( eden ) liked this post for a starter.
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feathersontheclyde · 1 year
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( continued ) - @entangledmuses
When she imitates him the facade crumbles and he laughs. She has this way about her that disarms him fully and makes the beast into a lap dog at times.
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His arms slide around her waist and he nuzzles her back gently and rests his forehead against his. " Is it because then you have all the room to talk as you please, Yen? " The witcher teases.
" I like to think I'm a lot less silent these days. Under the proper circumstances... "
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myxtorturedxheart · 1 year
“ i never thought i’d be so happy to see your stupid face again! ” To Buck from Lucy Donato :D
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"It's gonna take a lot more than lightening to keep me down." Buck replied with a laugh, closing the hatch on the truck before walking over to Lucy. "Nice to see you back here. You sticking around for a while?" @entangledmuses
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unitcd · 3 months
💋 Eden and Jeremiah
everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse.
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Getting out of his Jeep, Jere walked over and let Eden out of the other side. They'd had a good night, but it was about to be a great one. . . at least in his opinion. Grabbing her by the waist, he pulled her in close and kissed her. "I had a great time." He told her once he pulled away and smiled that brilliant, contagious smile of his.
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soughtserenity · 2 months
❝ i want everyone here to see that you’re mine. ❞ From Kiara to JJ
JJ shivers beneath her. That's 9 hickies and counting and this time she bit really hard, which he liked a lot.
" Fuck well... I think at this point they've gotten the picture don't you? " He looks up at her and then pulls her mouth back to his neck with a small whine. " That doesn't mean stop though... "
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bchemianrhapscdy · 6 months
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Time had passed and things had gotten worse in the kingdom. The king became even more brutal on his staff and by now he was sure that the long wasn't trusting anyone anymore. D'Artagnan had a feeling for a while that the king wasn't trusting him anymore. But he proved to be nor trustworthy anymore when the king was about to go on Bea again. Everything happened so quickly. The king rose his hand, he stepped between them and received the punch that had been meant for her. He took it with all his strength, the bruise on his face visible within seconds. And he saw it on the king's face. The betrayal he just did. Of course, he didn't say anything, he just dismissed them both in his anger and the two left.
Bea had offered him to bring him home. He knew he wasn't safe anywhere anymore. What he had done spoke louder than any words. "Thank you..." he spoke, slowly hissing when the wet cloth met the bruise on his face. "I fear, what I did put me in a very difficult position." he spoke, a light smile on his lips. His eyes looked up, meeting hers. Once again, he got lost in them.
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byronlc · 5 months
@entangledmuses sent:
i’m sorry, but i can’t stop thinking about you. – to Peter from Letha :P
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“I know it's hard with me being so mysterious and sexy,” he teased, a little smirk on his face, which turned into a genuine smile when he leaned closer. His voice a whisper when he continued. “I know the feeling… You're always on my mind.”
Peter's eyes half-closed when their faces were only inches away. His hand gently caressed Letha's cheek.
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atsevenseas · 3 months
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@entangledmuses asked: “no, i don’t hate you.” To Tate from Mika
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"That's relieving to know. Could you then be so nice and help me down?"
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soughthopeoldd · 1 year
you don’t have to be gentle with me. Dani to Derek
He's got his eyes on her face, his fingers running down her cheek as he nods. " I know I don't. I know... but I wanna be. At least for now. I've been waiting for this. Let's take out time. Okay? " He kisses her and pauses to look into her eyes, awaiting a response before he's pulling off her shirt to reveal a little more skin and he's quick to kiss there too touching his lips to collarbone and shoulder and jaw.
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