#eng: 'you want me to regain my powers. now i see why. i fell right into your plot... after 3 years of peace i lost my edge'
beevean · 1 year
As much as we all poke fun at Hector for trusting the obvious shady guy: Between Zead "The thing you're doing? Continue. It will help everyone, in fact!" vs St. Germain "The thing you're doing? Stop. No, I won't explain why". Is it really any wonder Hector listen to Zead instead of St. Germain?
tfw CoD does the "Hector gets manipulated by two people" plot better than NFCV, without turning him into a huge dumbass. Shocking.
But no, really, it makes sense. Isaac deliberately provokes Hector's fury, knowing him well enough that nothing in the world would stop him from getting what he wants. Oh, you renounced your powers given to you by Lord Dracula? Were you trying to feel oh so superior to us, Hector dear? But without them you can't exact your revenge :) oh what a conundrum :) but not to worry, I wrote instructions for you! And you will follow them. You will dance to my tune. What you want is what I want.
Isaac's plan was nothing short of clever. If only he didn't forget that Hector kicked his entire ass while wounded, let alone at the peak of his strength. Oh well.
As for Zead... yeah, it is mostly St. Germain's fault for being so damn cryptic 😂 "Don't take revenge on Isaac." "Why?" "Adios 💖" *vanishes* bruh c'mon try harder. Even his final speech in the Eneomaos Machine Tower doesn't explain a thing. But Zead also, shifty behavior aside, doesn't say anything suspicious. Yes, Isaac could be spreading the Curse. He has the power to do so, if we go by Hector having the power to nullify it. The PtR manga implies that Zead was telling the truth, too. The Curse is in fact ruining people's lives, and getting rid of Isaac would help both Hector and the entirety of Wallachia (not that Hector seems too concerned lol). He is objectively more trustworthy than anyone else who tried to sway Hector to their side, both in the game and in the show.
Maybe the cutscene in the Forest of Jigramunt should have made Hector suspect that something's weird with Zead, especially in Japanese. But I don't blame him for not putting much weight on an out-of-context conversation that only proves that those two are against each other.
also hector demolishes both isaac's and death's sorry asses as soon as he understand that he was played, which proves that you do not mess with him <3
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tartagilicious · 4 years
[CN] victor’s double seventh/qixi date (eng)
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this translation was a whole trip mythological aus are the best 😭 for this date, because his name is important to the plot, I decided to keep it as his CN name, Li Zeyan!
all of the qixi translations this year were divided up by a small group of translators, and you can find them on their blogs: @cheri-translates​ did Gavin’s, @redqueenschoice​ did Shaw’s and Lucien’s (though they’re available on Cheri’s blog), @skyholders​ did Kiro’s, and of course, I did Victor’s!
Soldier A: Where did you go?
Soldier B: There is no other way, they must have run into the woods!
Officer A: Chase them!
The voices of the officers and soldiers faded away. I slowly rose from the riverbank and made sure there was no one around. Finally, after a while passed, I stood up straight and took a few deep breaths.
Gripping the peach wood sword in one hand, I carefully picked up my skirt and prepared to step ashore.
??: who are you?
MC: !
As soon as I was about to act, my arm was suddenly pulled tightly, and the sword in my hand almost fell.
I turned my head to see a man behind me squinting at me, and his expression became even more gloomy when he saw my sword. With horns on top of his head, and a tail behind him trailing up to my legs, he seemed to want to impede my actions…
??: This sword…
MC: D-Demon!
I yelled desperately to avoid him, but he was too strong, my attempts ultimately having no effect.
Soldier B: I heard her voice! Over there!
Hearing the voices of officers and soldiers coming from the fork of the mountain road, me and the “Youkai” in front of me were both stunned.
[youkai (妖怪) are a class of supernatural monsters in japanese folklore, and the term doesn’t translate to anything directly, but traditionally means demon or spirit]
I was suddenly reminded of the importance of keeping the peach sword. I didn’t know where I borrowed the strength from, but I broke free of his shackles and forced him back into the water.
MC: Demon, since you haven’t had time to eat me, I won't involve you… so, you hide here, I have to go first!
I picked up my skirt to run once again, but the soaked clothes had since become heavier, and I almost couldn’t even stand firm when I left the river. A very light sigh seemed to be heard behind me, and I was pulled back into the water by force, my back pressing against a warm chest.
MC: you--
“Youkai” ignored me, just casually glancing at the soldiers and officers passing by. I followed his gaze and saw that the vines on the edge of the cliff moved by themselves, entangling the ankles of the officers and soldiers and throwing them back onto the mountain road.
MC: You… be merciful. They are annoying, but not deserving of death.
??: They are not qualified to be killed by me.
As soon as the voice fell, the several officers and soldiers got up and stumbled away. I had just breathed a sigh of relief when the “Youkai” behind me refocused on me.
??: What crime did you commit?
MC: I didn’t commit any crime! I only got my belonging back, it’s those people who are wrong.
I hugged the sword in my arms angrily, and noticing his gaze on me, I immediately regained my bearings.
MC: well… thank you for helping me just now, but can you please not eat me?
??: Didn’t you dare to push me into the water?
He pointed to the peach wood sword in my arms.
??: Is that what opens the barrier?
I looked down thoughtfully. I once heard my father say that there is a kind of barrier that can seal away monsters, and only a peach wood sword stained with one’s blood can break open the entrance. Since more than ten years ago, outside the barrier is no longer home to monsters, but--
MC: could it be that you are… the Guardian Saint Black Dragon?
MC: it’s really a dragon horn… the scales on your tail are so shiny! And wow.. Your clothes are satin. Did you make it yourself?
[stop it mc you’re embarrassing the both of us ;;]
Black Dragon: …
I didn’t expect that I would meet the Guardian saint, and my curiosity was overwhelming, so I forgot how fierce he was just now. Just when I wanted to study his hair again, he suddenly grabbed my hand and pressed me firmly into the shore.
Black Dragon: Have you touched enough?
MC: um…
Black Dragon: You are also a criminal..
I caught his dangerous gaze and swallowed nervously. His gaze moved down my face and finally stopped on the peach wood sword.
Black Dragon: Open the barrier again.
MC: What?
Black Dragon: Open it, and I can count it as you making up for just now.
I don’t know what the consequences of letting the Guardian saint leave without authorisation is, but I still obey what I feel in my heart and nod in agreement. The Black Dragon released his hold on me, but he kept his eyes on me as I walked away, as if he didn’t trust me to honour my promise.
MC: Lord Guardian, do you dislike humans?
Black Dragon: I just don’t trust them.
MC: hmm…. Humans can be very cunning. Someone did you a favour today, and you may be asked to return the favour later.
Black Dragon: ...What do you want to say?
I watched his expression and carefully considered my words.
MC: Now that I’ve promised to open the barrier, I will not break that promise. But, you’ve also seen the situation just now. If I go back like this, I definitely will not be able to keep this sword.
Black Dragon: Is it important to you?
MC: Yeah… My family has been slaying monsters for generations, and this sword is our heirloom. A while ago, the owner of the Jianzhu Workshop stole it. I took it back, but it seems that I’ll have to hide in the future.
Black Dragon: You come from a family that eliminates monsters, so why are you still afraid of them?
I recalled the exaggerated reaction just now, and chuckled embarrassedly.  
MC: Because in the ten years since you were locked away, the world has been very peaceful. We have become accustomed to a world without monsters.
MC: Suddenly seeing someone that’s so different from me, of course I’ll be shocked…
The Black Dragon raised his eyebrows without further comment.
MC: Why don’t we make an exchange! I will help you open the barrier, and you will help me settle the situation. This must not be difficult for you.
Black Dragon: This is the “favour” you want me to pay back?
MC: Yes. I will set the conditions right now as to raise the value in the future. This is an exchange where you can make profit without losing anything.
The Black Dragon was silent for a while, and finally nodded gently
Black Dragon: I can help you, but you must protect important things in the future. Additionally, I won’t help you a second time.
MC: I will! Thank you, Guardian Lord!
I took him down the path and into the city, brainstorming how to have him move around the city without obstacles.
MC: By the way, when we go into town, is it possible that you can hide the horns and tail?
Black Dragon: I can.
He lowered his eyes and blinked, and the dragon horns and tails disappeared.
MC: Ok…. I still need to know your name.
Black Dragon: You do not need to know.
MC: Then, how do you expect me to call you in the city? Are you still called the Guardian Saint?
Black Dragon: That’s not possible.
MC: Lord Black Dragon? Lord?
He frowned and stared at me, not seeming to like my options. I racked my brain to think of more titles, and he sighed, seeming to have come to a decision.
Black Dragon: My surname is Li.
In order to avoid the officers and soldiers who might reappear at any time, we were cautious all the way before finally returning home along the right path. However, just as I opened the door, the voice I didn’t want to hear sounded from behind me.
??: Yo, isn’t this that little robber? I didn’t expect to run into people not yet caught by the government today.
The owner of Jianzhu Workshop actually had a group of people wait by my house! I hurriedly hid the peach wood sword behind my back, and stepped forward to block the Black Dragon.
MC: You stole my things, and are so embarrassed that you want the government to arrest me?
Boss: No one saw me steal your things, but many people saw you steal things from my store. What are you going to do?
Most of the people behind him responded and began to surround me. I’m suddenly nervous and at a loss. But, then I see the Black Dragon standing beside me with his arms lifted slightly.
Those who came close seemed to hit an invisible wall, bumping one by one and falling backwards. No matter how many times they tried, they didn’t make any ground.
Boss: T-This is magic! You are monsters!
The group of people looked on at us in horror and kept backing away. The boss ushered them away disdainfully and drew his sword.
Boss: You turned out to have a monster as a helper, but don’t think that this will scare me!
After speaking, he flew forward and leaped, with the sharp tip of his sword barreling straight towards my face. I subconsciously closed my eyes, but the coolness of metal breaking through air did not come as expected.
I hesitated for a moment before slowly opening my eyes, and saw that the boss’s figure was stagnated in the air, and the tip of his sword had stopped less than three inches from my face. In the next second, he also bounced far away like his men had before him, and the sword fell on the ground with a crisp clang.
Boss: What kind of monster is this… cough cough… it’s so powerful.
I secretly glanced at the Black Dragon next to me. He still stood there quietly, as if he hadn’t paid attention to the scene just now.
The boss reluctantly stood up with his sword and walked towards us, but stopped halfway obediently under the gaze of the Black Dragon.
Boss: I can’t beat you anyway, so let’s be honest with each other. I want that sword to conquer the Black Dragon. You should have heard that legend, right? The peach wood sword that has eliminated a demon -- as long as it’s stained with the blood of the Guardian Saint, he will surrender to me.
Boss: Now that the sword is in your hands, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, I can give you a share of the reward as compensation.
MC: It’s too vain to do that!
Boss: Mankind has been eliminating demons for many years, isn’t this point of return justified?
The surrounding temperature seemed to drop suddenly, and I held my sword tighter.
MC: Don’t even think about it. Xiao Li, don’t listen to his nonsense. Let’s tie him up and send him to the government!
I yelled this with a strong momentum, but the fingers hidden under my sleeve secretly hooked onto the Black Dragon’s hand and shook, hoping that he would not mind the disrespectful name. He glanced at me unhappily, but still moved his fingers, making the owner unable to escape.
Seeing some onlookers appeared nearby, I pulled the Black Dragon back, wanting to end this farce as soon as possible.
MC: Everyone is watching. If you still want to keep the Jianzhu Workshop in business, you should move on quickly and forget the ideas you shouldn’t have.
Boss: ….
MC: If you don’t speak, I’ll assume that you agree.
Black Dragon: He is speechless now.
I was stunned for a moment, looking at the flushing boss. But I looked at the Black Dragon and suddenly understood. So, I cleared my throat and deliberately amplified the sound.
MC: Now that you’ve realised your mistakes, go to the government and confess your guilt honestly. As long as you are willing to tell the truth this time, I will not care too much. I believe that the government will give us a fair verdict.
After testifying with the government, I locked the door of my house and lit a fire in the corner of the yard. Since the Black Dragon was trapped behind the barrier here, many legends that do not tell the truth have emerged, gradually ranging from spreading his divine power to how to conquer him.
Many seniors believed that the peach wood sword would be abused by people with ulterior motives, so they wanted to destroy the sword. But, it used to be a glory in the family and it was a relic of my father’s. I have always cherished it very much and am not willing to destroy it.  
Until now, I have not really realised how disturbing its existence is.
The wooden sword was thrown into the flame, and the flame seemed to have received my worry, and quickly rose to swallow it. I waited until the flame went out and I doused the embers before returning to the house.
The Black Dragon was not there, and the window facing the black dragon was open. I hurried to the window and heard a little noise coming from the pond.
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As soon as I slipped out, I saw the Black Dragon immersed in the pond water, seeming to be examining his own strength. The water around him seemed to diverge and gather, but only for a moment before it suddenly fell back into the pool, revealing his figure. He leaned casually on the bank, his slender fingers outstretched slightly.
The falling flowers on the water floated back onto the shore, embossed under the roots of the trees. The hanging water curtain not far away turned into layers of mist with his simple instruction, and fell onto the other branches with a crisp rustling noise.
For a while, I so surprised that I could hear nothing but the beating of my own heart in my chest.
This is… the strength that has always protected us.
In some kind of broad tenderness, this casual moment silenced the whole world.
He has a small wound on his body that is slowly bleeding, but he doesn’t seem to care. At this time, he had long faded away from his initial vigilance and suspicion, as if he had just found a comfortable place to nurse his fatigue.
Looking at this scene, I suddenly thought that if I had looked at his eyes more when we first met, I definitely wouldn’t have misunderstood his identity. Such a clear and quiet gaze could only belong to a truly powerful being.
Black Dragon: Don’t hide, come out.
MC: Sorry, I didn’t mean to peek on purpose… I thought you were gone.
Black Dragon: I am indeed ready to leave.
Hearing him say this, I felt a little reluctant.
Black Dragon: But I still have a question for you.
MC: What’s the problem?
Black Dragon: Why did you reject that person just now?
I was stunned for a moment, and then realised what he was referring to.
MC: ...The person stealing other people’s things is not credible, and I’m not interested in the conditions he offered. What’s more, is that the sword in my family has been used for generations to eliminate evil, and it cannot hurt a Guardian Saint who brings peace.
I couldn’t help but glance at his wound, and found a handkerchief in my pocket and handed it over.
MC: Why are you hurt?
He turned away slightly, his expression a little unnatural.
Black Dragon: The yard is too small and there are too many trees.
I looked at the small branches scattered around the pond and smirked internally. Naturally, this place can’t be compared with the vast forest. He obviously hasn’t adapted to the new area yet.
MC: Your blood seems to be very important, so wait for me to help you bandage it.
The Black Dragon looked at me, smiled lightly, and grabbed my wrist.
Black Dragon: The legend of the peach sword is false.
MC: What?
Black Dragon: Do you really want to hear more about it?
Looking into his smiling eyes, I almost lost my consciousness and nodded subconsciously. With a little force in his hand, he drew me closer, and the low voice sounded through my ears.
Black Dragon: The conditions that make me surrender never come from other things.
Black Dragon: You asked my name before. Do you know its true meaning?
Black Dragon: No way.
MC: I’m really fine!
Black Dragon: If I say no, it means no.
MC: But there is no other way. You’re a guest and a noble Guardian saint, I can't possibly let you sleep on the ground, right?
Black Dragon: …
Considering that the Guardian Saint was injured in my home, I warmly invited him to stay overnight, and he gave me the chance “to make up for the past”. I had taken the initiative to bandage the wound and make dinner for him, but after a smooth night, I suddenly hit a wall in sleeping.
I forgot that my cabin has limited space and only one bed. So, I was going to sleep on the floor, but he didn’t allow it. I had forgotten about the possibility of sleeping in the same bed, so, after thinking about it, I carried the quilt on the ground onto the bed.
Ignoring his surprised gaze, I first climbed into the innermost side of the bed, turned my back to him and patted the empty space behind me.
MC: If nothing else, I sleep very soundly!
I eavesdropped on the man behind me, and after a long silence, I finally heard the sound of the quilt being lifted once again.
The night was still deep, but we laid still for a long time. I still couldn’t sleep. Though, I still remember what he said to me by the pond--
Black Dragon: Names are a curse.
MC: Lord Guardian, are you asleep?
Black Dragon: ...Not yet.
MC: I have a question. Since the name is a kind of curse, many people usually call me, so why didn’t I feel it?
Black Dragon: Because you are all ordinary people.
MC: Is that right…
My curiosity flared up again.
MC: Lord Guardian, my name is ___. Since I am called ordinary, can I ask the unusual Guardian saint to recite it?
I waited for a long time, and the person behind me didn’t respond, as if he didn’t want to acknowledge my whim. I was beginning to grow restless, so I tightened the quilt corner and leaned against the bed.
Black Dragon: Li Zeyan.
MC: ...What?
Li Zeyan: My name. Go to bed now and you’ll still remember it.
MC: !
MC: Did you really just tell me that? Is it okay to?
Li Zeyan: ...If you dare not accept it, I can make you forget now.
MC: Wait, wait! I accept! But, if this isn’t a mantra, does it matter if i recite it?
Li Zeyan: You can give it a try.
MC: ..Li Zeyan
Li Zeyan: Good.
Li Zeyan responded reluctantly and put out the candle. I waited for a while, and it was quiet behind me, as if nothing happened. I’ve been so overwhelmed by the excitement of knowing his name that even in the dark, I'm not willing to close my eyes.
MC: Li Zeyan?
My answer was another stretch of silence.
I grabbed the quilt, and an uncontrollable impulse that could no longer be subdued was relieved through the curling of my lips. So, my brain began whirring and three words suddenly came out.
[she says three words because Victor’s chinese name, Li Zeyan, is characterised like this: 李泽言]
MC: Li Zeyan.
As soon as I was finished speaking, I felt that the bed next to me suddenly sank, my shoulder was caught, and I was pulled over. Before I could even utter an exclamation, I met Li Zeyan’s close face.
Li Zeyan: What are you trying to do?
It seems that every time I get close to him, I can’t think, I can only let the thoughts in my head slip to my lips.
MC: I just think your name sounds nice. I wanted to say again.
Li Zeyan seemed to be taken aback, and his hand holding me loosened.
Li Zeyan: Have you said it enough now? Shut up and sleep when you’ve had enough.
MC: But, I still want to hear you say my name. You know, everything must be exchanged in the human world, and I will sleep only when you say it.
Li Zeyan had probably never heard of such a request before and stopped talking, seeming to be judging if I was joking or not. Seeing that I still met his gaze firmly, he spoke word from word after all.
Li Zeyan: ___.
MC: !
I immediately covered my face, detached from his arm, and retreated to the other side of the bed.
MC: I-I promise to stop talking! I’ll sleep now!
Li Zeyan: ……
However, even when the room was quiet again, my noisy heartbeat did not calm down. Is this the so-called “curse”? This curse is really powerful. No no, it’s the “unusual” Guardian saint that is the most powerful.
I sigh quietly. It seems that I won’t be able to sleep tonight.
The next day, I woke up amidst a strange noise. I opened the window and looked out at the situation on the street. After recalling the day, I remembered that the Qixi festival has arrived.
I turned my head and looked at the other side of the bed: it was empty.
I quickly cleaned myself up and opened the door. I saw Li Zeyan leaning against the door and looking in the direction of the main street.
MC: Good morning.... Li Zeyan.
Li Zeyan glanced at me, and nodded stiffly to communicate a response.
Li Zeyan: Why is it so noisy outside?
I looked at the hint of curiosity in his eyes and suggested with a smile.
MC: If you’re interested, do you wanna go out with me?
The Qixi Festival has always been the most lively summer festival. Stalls have been set up early on the main street to sell all kinds of novel and interesting gadgets. I chose a booth at random and took him over to see it.
MC: Look, it’s a black dragon puppet!
The puppet was dressed in a colorful cloak, and the dragon’s horns and tail were swollen with cotton. I snuck a look at Li Zeyan, and he immediately frowned in disgust.
Li Zeyan: Too exaggerated. There’s no need to look like that.
MC: But it looks so cute!
Li Zeyan: ...Do you like it?
I was thinking about how to respond to the Guardian saint’s question, when the stall owner leaned over with a smile.
Stall Owner: The girl has a good eye! I bought this black dragon puppet from a temple of incense. Buying it back will surely protect both of you. For today’s holiday, if you each buy one, the price is discounted! Son, what do you think?
Li Zeyan: I don’t need it.
I took a peek at him, smiled and put down the puppet, then raised my arm and shook it indifferently.
MC: I don’t need it either. 
I have been favoured by fate, so I can at least leave the puppets to others.
I don’t know if it’s my illusion, but Li Zeyan seemed to slow down and walk with me patiently. I guess he must have rarely had such a talkative moment during the long years he spent in the forest.
I secretly made up my mind to take him today to experience the “world fireworks”.
[it was never explicitly stated, but I’m guessing that this refers to the tradition of kongming lanterns mentioned soon.]
In the long main streets, through countless shops and stalls, we stop and try our best to spend this special day seriously. I imagined the Guardian saint who was aloof, but I was so entranced that I didn’t even dare blink my eyes, and together we studied the mysteries of the street performers
He still occasionally resents helplessness, but unexpectedly does not refuse assistance. Perhaps because of the smoke and fire, I almost forgot his original identity.
Time passed by, and the end of the main street was already in front of me. A small river transverses, and there are already many people piercing Kongming lanterns on both sides of the river
Li Zeyan: What’s the purpose of this?
MC: It’s a paper lantern to make wishes on. It rises into the sky after you light the inside of it. People write their wishes on the lamps, and the gods in sky will see it and may even help realise it. 
Li Zeyan: How can there be such a thing?
MC: Today is the Qixi Festival, you can’t say such things! If it’s heard by the seventh sister in the sky, it will be bad.
Li Zeyan: ...what wishes do you generally make?
MC: On the Qixi Festival, everyone will wish for a good hand or a good marriage.
Li Zeyan: what about you?
MC: I…
I looked at a few pairs of lovers not too far away, and silently lowered my head. If you desire too much, than what’s the difference between me and those who want to imprison the Guardian saint?
But, perceiving Li Zeyan’s gaze on me, I cheered up and decided to answer the question in another way.
MC: Right, tonight, I want to see the stars, so I’ll take you to a good place to see them!
The pavilion at the foot of the mountain is part of a summer resort that I accidentally discovered when I was young. Now that the area is kept dense, the water is as clear as a mirror. The mountain breeze in the evening is very cool, blowing away all the heat of the day.
Li Zeyan leaned in the pavilion, looking at the distance with a relaxed expression.
MC: Is the Guardian Saint satisfied with this place?
Li Zeyan: well, it’s not bad.
MC: No one else will come here, so you can relax.
Li Zeyan seemed to have seen through the words as I was expecting, and showed a pair of beautiful dragon horns and a tail.
MC: I wanted to say it the first time I saw you, but, you’re really good looking.
Li Zeyan: In your imagination, was I ugly?
MC: Um… I was only expecting you to be more fierce.
Li Zeyan: And i did not expect that the one to open the barrier would be a reckless “bandit”.
I turned my head angrily, but I saw the smile at the corner of his mouth at a glance, and the feeling of dissatisfaction disappeared immediately.
I handed Li Zeyan a small purse I'd been holding in my arms.
MC: Just in case, I decided to prepare you something.
Li Zeyan took it and opened it, holding up a small peach wood sword pendant.
MC: Even though it’s small, it has the same effect as the original sword!
Li Zeyan: ...Didn’t you burn the sword?
MC: I secretly broke off a piece of the hilt of the sword, I think my father would not mind. But, if you ever encounter the barrier in the future, you can walk out by yourself.
Li Zeyan: “Self?” Where are you going?
MC: You definitely don’t want to stay in this world, do you? I couldn’t even go to heaven with you.
Li Zeyan: You don’t have to go so far. The freedom I want has nothing to do with where I am.
MC: But, you said yesterday that you were ready to leave… Are you going to another town?
Li Zeyan looked at the pendant and pondered a moment before speaking.
Li Zeyan: The forest is very large… but it’s not as good as a small yard.
Li Zeyan: No matter whether it is man or a god, there are no taboos, but it depends on whether that restriction is actively being accepted by itself. The spell of that name is a lock, and only those who know it can open it.
Li Zeyan: Just now, I've put the lock and key into your hands. So, I must keep you by my side.
I stared at him with a serious look, and it took a long time to find my voice.
MC: My home is so small... You will either get hurt or you will not sleep well...
MC:  I can’t accompany you to heaven, but I can go with you anywhere else in the world. Because you know my name, I also want to keep you by my side.
He laughed at me, hooked his finger at me, and I leaned in faintly.
Li Zeyan: In this case, I’ll leave this on you.
With warm fingertips around my neck, he put the pendant on me. I stretched out my hand to caress the small pendant, and my heart was filled with wonder. I have no supernatural power, nor have I learned to kill demons and eliminate evil. Only this little peach wood sword and myself, who keeps the secret, will become his keys together.
I pulled out a comb from the side drawer and handed it to him.
MC: According to human rules, to make such an important agreement, you have to help me comb my hair.
Li Zeyan hesitated and took the comb suspiciously.
Li Zeyan: I have never brushed anyone’s hair before…
MC: You will live in this world in the future, so you can learn more.
Li Zeyan: Why are there so many rules?
MC: This is how humans are.
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In order to reduce the difficulty, I took the initiative to lift up a strand of hair
MC: Comb this strand, and it will be done after three times.
Li Zeyan: Why?
I held back my smile and tried to find excuses for my careful thinking.
MC: Hmm… Because this way, the agreement will last longer.
A helpless sigh was heard from behind me, but he still continued. The movements were very slow and light, and he took care to not hurt me at all. Time seemed to stop in this moment, and at the same time, lovers of heaven and earth meet.
I leaned on his lap and peaked at the reflection in the water: he’s clearly smiling.
As the night darkened, a Kongming lantern suddenly floated in the distance. Orange lights gradually revealed themselves in the night sky, like stars symbolising wishes.
MC: What a nice view...
Li Zeyan retracted his eyes from the sky and looked at me.
Li Zeyan: I remember that you haven’t said your wish.
I stroked his hand holding the comb and combed the hair to the bottom with him.
“Three combs to the end, will tie two hearts together forever.”
The night breeze is cool, bringing the wishes of the world to the sky. And there is still a wish, turning into a quiet whisper before falling into someone’s ear. The person who receives this wish is my destination.
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