#enforcement rp
coffee machine broke. Does anyone know any good places that.. serve coffee?
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persephonyed · 11 months
open to: anyone !
plot: when she was in college, a k*ller targeted her and all of her friends. they left a sl*ughter behind and were never caught. now it's 10 years later and signs of the k*ller are resurfacing and she's terrified out of her mind.
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"did you get one of these too?" eve waved the ominously familiar note in their face, "has anyone else gotten one of these?" she was frantic, but the sudden panic made evefeel as if she were back in her dorm room, praying she wouldn't be the next victim as she heard her friends screaming on the other side of her door. flattening the thing out, the threat was evident and the writing was distinct. "this can't be real, right?"
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ask-theoverseer-max · 24 days
Are you Deadpools long lost brother?
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"Now tell me something, What situation isn't improved by pizza?"
"Do you know a Kate Donson- Densin- Denson?.. am I saying that right?.. Good cause she knows you."
Danny: " I'm a-"
"A Stalker. Threats Hurt Danny, but not as badly as serrated Steel, you should know. Not fun when you're the one caught off guard huh?"
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lena-kelley-oiar · 3 months
would you be happier if you were a boy
I would feel roughly the same way I do currently, with some moderate variation based purely on how others perceive me. Not much would change, all things considered.
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futurefind · 3 months
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//The horrifying realization that, esp early on, Rea had every reason to procrastinate getting her injuries from Bulga healed and thus minimize scarring because that way she can, literally, try and hide her (direct) scars from TWS by burying them underneath other ones :')
Something something and how Rea tries to 'handle' her ghosts by burying them under the bodies of others'—whether it's the ghosts of others' struggles and trying to help them, or more of her own but ones she's far more comfortable with :')
(And also smth smth how Rea's extensive scarring from repeated and regular experimentation means she only accepts magical healing from others (barring like, her hands, neck, and fingers?) and handles All of the first aid 'management' or w/e firsthand and thus Literally handles all of her worst wounds by herself so help her god)
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desperadosofficial · 2 years
I made a design for a desperado hatsune miku do you guys like it
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- 🥷
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murderousaudhdcat · 4 months
it feels really weird to live by myself at 16... everyone treats me like its insane... but like its not like i'm gonna move back to Fontaine! even if its really.. really small and lifeless in my apartment (if you can call it that) I'm not leaving! well...more like I cant...leave.. ANYWAY!!
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mad-hunts · 5 months
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boss-of-the-beach · 1 year
hey hatter, are you prepared for nudetopia sunday? drinks, music, condoms?
Always ready for Nudetopia Sunday, my favorite day of the week
—Hatter 😎
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rmu-vincent · 7 months
Pear paranoia, you are ODD
As I have repeatedly stated on this account, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and has a right to choose their beliefs. Calling someone "odd" for simply ensuring they are in a safe environment, no matter how laughable their cause of concern is, is disrespectful and inappropriate.
Besides, I doubt that discovering an anonymous, unattended pear with a sinister, ransome-note-style tag that only has your name on it without anyone in sight and only a message in your inbox regarding the matter would not make you, at the very least, concerned.
Moreover, I asked Victor about the situation, and he assured me it was not him who left the fruit under the door. Does anyone else have any reason to do this? I doubt that.
It is not that I am "odd" or have "pear paranoia", as you put it; it is that I have an instinct for self-preservation and consider being alive and well more important than consuming a strange pear that could have been subjected to cross-contamination in the cafeteria or something worse.
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my boyfriend is the best. I love him dearly.
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rpmemestores · 1 year
RB karma is really just about making sure you actually give the people you follow interactions instead of hogging them and being selfish, and reblogging from the source is just to not clog people's activity feed with rp memes they're not being sent, and yet I saw someone feel upset about someone saying they should reblog from the source instead and complaining about rb karma.
Asking this of people does not constitute expecting someone to go out of their way unless an rp resource acc associated with the rp meme is unable to be reached. If the blog is still running, the url is right there, you're able and allowed to click it.
It can feel annoying or disheartening when the thing you reblogged to garner interaction with your account gets massively reblogged by your mutuals rather than sent to you, especially if this is a common occurrence. That's why the notion of reblog karma exists.
It's a matter of taking the other players into account. Of course, they could send the rp meme they had reblogged from them to their mutuals, but they were likely hoping to get asks themselves.
The rp community is kept going by feeding interaction with others and by being considerate.
Be considerate of those you interact with and try to not make them feel ignored or neglected.
Of course, no one will be able to do things perfectly all the time or have the spoons to really think about what to send, I certainly don't always have the spoons to send stuff either, and part of keeping the community going is sharing content. Don't immediately be angry at people for not sending things or for reblogging an rp meme from you.
Be flexible, maybe talk to the person if they do it a bit too much, if you're able to. Most people aren't keeping track of how often they may reblog a meme without sending anything, after all.
Basically, be a bro and be chill to each other.
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desperadosofficial · 2 years
what music/games do you all listen to
Doc here. The rest of the crew is out on operations and Carl is in surgery for the fifth time this year, so I'll answer you. Sorry 'bout the delay.
Mistral likes Arch Enemy a lot. I didn't really take her for a death metal gal, but hey, what do I know. She listens to a lot of New Wave, too. She LOVES Blondie and got me and the guys (except Sundowner) into Joy Division. Mistral also listens to a lot of film scores to wind down, especially Gladiator and Blade Runner.
As for games, I know she's a big fan of older action games, the older Resident Evils, Quake and Doom and whatnot. Talks a lot of shit in fps forums.
Monsoon is...something. Handing him the aux when we go out is like a game of auditory Russian roulette. He could put on some Ros Sereysothea from when he was a kid. He could play nothing but Die Antwoord. He could play 70's Queen. He could play incoherent electronic sounds until you scream at him.
He's the biggest gamer out of all of us, his favorites are DMC and Bayonetta. He's competing in the Wii Taser Boxing tournament with Sundowner and I now, and if he wins, we'll be hearing about it for the next six months.
Sundowner is a simple man. He likes rock, country, and that's about it. We have a lot of the same taste in country artists, we grew up on Cash, Nelson, Jennings, and, as much as he'll deny it, he'd take a bullet for Dolly Parton. Sadly, with the exception of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Motörhead, his taste in rock is a bag of hot shit. Once I tried to tell him Five Finger Death Punch is for angry alcoholics with erectile dysfunction and he just yelled "HELL YEAH BROTHER" and cranked it louder.
He isn't really a video game guy. The only video game he plays is Wii Sports, and he only plays it because I challenged him.
Sam, interestingly enough, likes grunge and 80's rock. Some of his favorite bands are Van Halen, Foo Fighters, and Iron Maiden. He can sing almost every Black Sabbath song in Portuguese. He's been trying to learn Eruption on guitar. Once we were out drinking and he somehow managed to play it flawlessly on some kid's ukulele. I guess beer gives him guitarist powers. Oh, and he loves Shakira. No matter where he is, if you put her on, he will drop everything and get up to dance. Flawlessly.
Sam's our second biggest gamer. He's a fighting game guy. I still can't beat him at Mortal Kombat or Guilty Gear. He could probably thrash me with his eyes shut, too. Maybe I'm too old for this shit.
Intern Carl probably listens to Imagine Dragons or some dumb shit like that. Probably plays Tetris on his stupid little phone.
I listen to a lot of country, I also had a buddy back at ArmsTech who got me into industrial music. We used to swap cassettes while we worked, I'd listen to his mix while he'd listen to my Merle tape. I hope he's doing well.
I haven't gamed much. I remember liking Half Life a lot when I was younger. Had a coworker who's last name was Freeman, so I used to mess with him, talking to him in an awful G-Man impression...miss that guy.
That should answer your question. Sorry again about the wait; Desperados stay pretty busy.
- 🩹
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percentstardust · 2 years
non mutual rp blogs & personal blogs, reblog from the source or i will block you. this also means sideblogs. if i am not following your sideblog, i WILL block it.
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Colin Blackwood ♦ Cis man (He/ Him) ♦ 52 ♦ Law Enforcement ♦ Detective Chief Inspector
"Honestly? I'd rather stick my dick in a blender than hear another one of those lies."
divorce tw, siblings death tw, murder tw, guns tw
Colin was born in Leeds (Yorkshire) in 1970. His mother worked in a canning factory while his father worked in one of the many collieries of the region. With his elder brother, they'd gone to public school with hopes and dreams and yet the dooming realization, as years passed, that there was no rising from their condition. Colin's brother started working in the mines, but on his fourteenth year, in 1984, miners went on strike across the country to protest Thatcher's decision to close 20 coal mines. Although the strike went on to last a whole year, his father and his brother lost their jobs, eventually, as the mines shut down permanently. His father went on to find a new job in the months that followed, but Colin's brother, Henry chose to stop following his father's footsteps and instead joined one of his friends at the fire department.
Colin loved hearing his brother's stories over Sunday lunch, and he told himself that one day, he too would have stories of his own to tell the family, and you could say that he managed to do just that.
He started as a constable and slowly but surely made his way up the hierarchy. An arrest he made in 2001 earned him a spot on the front pages of local newspapers as he put an end to the macabre career of a serial killer. He was offered a book deal and a position as an instructor at the London Police Academy, but both were refused by Colin, who didn't want to stray away from his mission. Leeds was however growing a bit too small for him, and he made them a counter offer : he wouldn't work for the Academy, but he'd love a place in one of their precincts. London would be a nicer place for he and his wife to raise their unborn child. But when one Blackwood brother was met with success, one was met with a much darker fate. Colin had been working in London for a week when he received a phone call from his mother to let him know that his brother had perished in a fire. The perspective of becoming a father might have been the only thread that kept Colin from drowning in his sorrow then, but as years passed, feelings of guilt and helplessness replaced the pain of loss, and it was through burying himself in work and accepting more cases that Colin made it through his days. His attitude led the pair to an inevitable divorce, one which Colin never really blamed himself for.
Although he eventually recovered from losing his brother so soon, Colin finds it sometimes difficult to let things go, and tends to get obsessive working on cases. He can count on his partner not to let him fall into the rabbit hole.
Recently, Colin gathered the attention of the press on another serial killer case he'd solved, but this time, not for the same reasons. Having shot the man dead during the arrest, he's now under investigation to figure whether his actions were justified.
+ / -  hot headed, honorable, faithful, gruff, dutiful, logical, traditional, easily angered
Every now and then, he'll get phone calls from True Crime podcasters regarding his 2001 arrest. Although he never once agreed to one of these, requests still end up in his professional inbox anyway.
His daughter, Inaya, is currently studying medicine at London College.
While he doesn't particularly resents the Conservative Party for what they did to his family (after all, the Labor Party also shut down collieries), Colin has an unspeakable hatred for Margaret Thatcher. He mayhave peed on her grave at some inebriated point.
The serial killer that Colin shot was an arsonist and it is the belief of some people that the detective acted the way he did because his brother died in a fire that had been the handy work of another arsonist.
Although Colin doesn't precisely spend a lot of time out of work, he will make time for his daughter. They can spend hours on jigsaw puzzles, but another favorite activity of the pair is going to the movies.
FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
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grumpy-old-hound · 10 months
Welcome to the "zoolander's den"
"So uh welcome to the den, this is where ex-cultist and renegade marines , the exiles and the outcasts with the occasion of daemon in the mist can live or hang out as a small community where they can discuss current issues of the political clusterfuck of the imperium and others shits in general or just relax and hangout without being killed,we have strict rules here that includes no fighting or ideological-base conflict (religion are included).....also please don't be an asshole and ruin everyone fun here ,please" the 200 year old daemon hound said while holding the script he just read for the introduction to the newcomers as he stare at them with a tired look in his face .
The rule of the blog
+rp starter are ok
+ minor dni
+no god modding
+ nsfw going to be tagged
+ have fun
(Probably add this for later)
The rules of the tavern
- no fighting (c'mon man we have talked about this)
- drugs and smoke are okay but keep it in moderation (we have a designated room for that)
- treat people with respect (idc about your background but everyone here is family and we will treat you equally)
- no more brawl because of different ideology or belief (please keep it to yourself)
-you're welcome to take contract or bounty in the quest board
-if you need a place to stay ,you're welcome to stay in the den and we will try to help you as the best to our ability(we have few room and amenities in this establishment)
- don't harass the workers here ( they work hard to make this place welcoming and safe ,be respectful to them)
-(will add more for later or if someone fuck up so bad that i would have to add it because of it)
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