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gleesonarchive · 5 months ago
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'The Walworth Farce' Opening Night with Domhnall, Brendan, Brian Gleeson, Leona Allen, Enda Walsh and crew!
📸 Ste Murray (15.01.2015)
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celtfather · 1 year ago
We Wish You A Celtic Christmas
Nollaig shona daoibh on this Christmas Eve with Celtic Christmas Music #74.
Scythian, The McDades, The Jig is Up!, Enda Reilly, Alisa Marie, The Chivalrous Crickets, Plunk Murray, Steel Clover, Screaming Orphans, Anne Roos & David Blonski, The Gothard Sisters, The Celtic Kitchen Party, Ashley Davis, Cherish The Ladies
0:06-Scythian "Christmas Eve Reel feat. Boxing Banjo, Nolan Ladewski" from Christmas Out at Sea
I am Marc Gunn. Celtic musician and podcaster. We are promoting Celtic culture through Christmas cheer. If you hear music you love, please support the artists. Visit the shownotes to find out more about the artists and follow the show at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
This episode is thanks to the kindness and generosity of our patrons on Patreon. Do you love Celtic Music? Do you also love Christmas music? Then please support us on Patreon. We only release shows in 3 months out of the year and not many. So your kindness shares Celtic culture through Christmas cheer!
A big thanks to our Patreon Producers AK Palmar and Carol Baril.
4:38 - The McDades "See Amid the Winter's Snow" from A Winter Collection
8:15 - The Jig is Up! "Three Ships on the Ocean" from A Penny for the Wren
10:47 - Enda Reilly "It's Christmas Eve" from Christmas is With Us (Tá An Nollaig Linn)
13:28 - Alisa Marie "The First Noel" from Winter Harp (by the fireside)
15:01 - The Chivalrous Crickets "The Wexford Carol - The First of Winter" from A Chivalrous Cricketmas
20:44 - Plunk Murray "Christmas in the Old Man's Hat" from Christmas in the Pub
If you love Celtic music, make sure you subscribe to our companion podcast, the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Every week, I share amazing independent Celtic music from musicians around the globe. It’s all at CelticMusicPodcast.com.
26:11 - Steel Clover "As Lately We Watched" from Season Of Love
29:07 - Screaming Orphans "Wishing You a Merry Christmas" from Happy Christmas, Vol. 1
32:53 - Anne Roos & David Blonski "Song of the Piper" from A Winter's Dance
37:16 - The Gothard Sisters "Deck the Halls" from A Celtic Christmas
40:34 - The Celtic Kitchen Party "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" from One Celtic Christmas
42:35 - Ashley Davis "Sailing Back to You" from Songs of the Celtic Winter II
47:09 - CLOSING
48:14 - Cherish The Ladies "Silent Night" from On Christmas Night
53:55 - CREDITS
Celtic Christmas Music was produced by Marc Gunn, Carol Baril, AK Palmar and our Christmas Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to subscribe to the podcast. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
You can subscribe to our Celtic Music Magazine and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. And best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
Please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Finally, remember. Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on climate change.
Promote Celtic culture through Christmas music at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh!
#celticchristmas #celticchristmasmusic
  Check out this episode!
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stmcdaily · 11 months ago
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Congratulations to all of our recent graduates, who are receiving entrance scholarships this week in UCD:
Academic High Achievers
Sam Benner, Sam Berman, Matthew Collins, James Cunningham, Andrew Dillon, Francis Fagan, Rian Fagan, Ethan Garvey, Jake Greally, Hugh Kearney, Enda Kickham, Cormac Lascurain O’Kelly, Sean Lyons, Lorcan Martin, Alexander McConnell, Matthew McDowell, Alex Murphy, Torin Murray, Matthew O’Connor, David O’Toole, Daniel O'Sullivan, Conor Reynolds, Colm Shortt, Finn Sisk, Richard Tobin, Robert Walsh.
Cothrom na Féinne Scholars
James Aketch, Dylan Flood
Symphony Orchestra Scholar
Jia Wang
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viktorfredriksson · 4 years ago
Streamingtips för höstmörkret
Höstmörker är synonymt med film och tv, och denna höst är extra mörk. Vad passar då bättre än ett gäng nya filmer och tv-serier att kasta sig in i? Har därför listat några av de mest aktuella filmerna och tv-serierna som finns att streama just nu. 
The Queen’s Gambit
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Höstens mest hyllade serie handlar om schack. Bara en sån sak. Berättelsen kretsar kring föräldralösa Beth Harmon, som tidigt flyr verkligheten in i schackspelets fyrkantiga värld. Vad som börjar med ett parti i källaren med barnhemmets surmulna vaktmästare Mr Shaibel, utvecklas snart till en lika oväntad som framgångsrik karriär – kantad av både missbruk och kärleksbekymmer. Huvudkaraktären delar många likheter med verklighetens Bobby Fischer, en av tidernas främsta och mest mytomspunna schackspelare, tillika något slags förkroppsligande av den tunna gränsen mellan genialitet och galenskap. Att låta en ung kvinna vältra sig fram genom denna oerhört mansdominerade värld är såklart ett vinnande drag. Lika självklart är det stora genombrottet för Anya Taylor-Joy; hon beväpnar Beth med lika delar intelligens, styrka och sårbarhet. En fantastisk gestaltning av ett fascinerande livsöde.  
»The Queen’s Gambit« är en allmängiltig berättelse; en uppväxtskildring, en kärleks- och underdog-historia – en nostalgisk hyllning till en svunnen era och en bortglömd sport. Scenografi, rekvisita, små välfunna detaljer – att skapa så mycket energi och atmosfär ur en sådan notoriskt stram värld är ett toppbetyg till hela produktionen. För mig, som närmast schackberoende (och som i 85% av fallen spelar Queen’s Gambit som vit), är serien såklart en enda stor njutning. Stormästaren Kasparov har anlitats som konsult för att säkerställa att schackpartierna och karaktärernas jargong håller måttet, vilket gör scenerna ännu mer kraftfulla. Inte minst vill jag fortsätta träna på Najdorf-variationen i Sicilian Defense och förbättra min slutspelsteknik.  
Jag tänker också på Bobby Fischers berömda artikel där han dömer ut den aggressiva öppningen King’s Gambit som direkt undermålig: »The refutation of any gambit begins with accepting it. In my opinion the King's Gambit is busted. It loses by force«. Öppningens kvinnliga motsvarighet har visat sig vara betydligt mer motståndskraftig mot tidens tand  – detsamma kommer gälla tv-serien.
Streamas på: Netflix (7 av 7 avsnitt har släppts)
Kärlek & Anarki
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Lisa Langseths Netflixsatsning är någon slags satir på förlagsvärlden. Premissen är ganska löjlig: Tvåbarnsmamman Sofie arbetar som konsult på ett bokförlag där hon inleder en slags pubertal utmaningslek med företagets nya, unga IT-tekniker Max. Att påstå att trovärdigheten haltar är en underdrift, och två avsnitt in var jag skeptisk, men när man väl har förlikat sig med det fåniga anslaget är det en underhållande resa, som dessutom växer sig starkare längs med vägen. Bäst? Björn Kellmans mjäkiga chef och det oväntat lekfulla sjunde avsnittet. Skräckfilm nästa för Langseth? 
Streamas på: Netflix (8 av 8 avsnitt har släppts)
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Serien följer ett gäng nyexaminerade tjugonåntings med vitt olika bakgrunder som landar praktikplats på en ansedd investmentbank i London, där de konkurrerar om ett begränsat antal fasta anställningar. Lena Dunham är exekutiv producent och regisserar det första avsnittet av denna tveklöst indragande, om än något klichéartade, »eat or be eaten«-skildring av finansvärlden. Sex, droger, svinaktiga chefer – och ett pulserande score av Berlinbaserade EDM-producenten Nathan Micay som är något alldeles extra. Endast tre av åtta avsnitt har släppts än så länge.
Streamas på: HBO (3 av 8 avsnitt har släppts)
Top Dog
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Svensk storsatsning som bygger på Jens Lapidus romantrilogi. Likt »Snabba cash« skildras mötet mellan den undre och den övre världen. Josefin Asplund spelar affärsjuristen som sätts på uppgiften att spåra den mystiskt försvunna arvtagaren till bolaget, och finner sig snart indragen i en smutsig Södertälje-härva tillsammans med den villkorligt frigivna Teddy. Serien är, likt många andra svenska kriminalare, väldigt tung på intrig. Sidospåren är många och plot-twistarna likaså. Något mer krut på karaktärsskildringar och atmosfär hade gjort serien gott. Men det är en välgjord produktion, även om man har sett det mesta förut. Asplund imponerar i huvudrollen, men bäst är Alexej Manvelov i rollen som den melankoliske gangstern Teddy. 
Streamas på: C More (8 av 8 avsnitt har släppts)
The Undoing
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HBO:s nya prestigedrama är en miniserie i sex delar. I huvudrollerna syns Nicole Kidman och Hugh Grant som spelar det framgångsrika paret Grace och Jonathan Fraser. Hon är parterapeut, han är en berömd barnläkare – sonen Henry spelar fiol och går på en exklusiv privatskola. Tillsammans bor de i en lyxvåning på Manhattan. Allt är frid och fröjd tills Elena, den unga gåtfulla mamman till en av elitskoleeleverna, hittas brutalt mördad, samtidigt som Jonathan spårlöst försvinner. 
Serien är skapad av David E. Kelley (»Big Little Lies«) och samtliga avsnitt är regisserad av danska Susanne Bier. Miniserien har (kanske lite för) enkelt beskrivits som en östkust-variant av just HBO-succén »Big Little Lies«. »The Undoing« riktar dock större fokus på sina centrala karaktärer och det centrala mysteriet, på gott och ont. Det är välspelat, välgjort och spännande – men saknar (än så länge) den där sista glöden. 
Streamas på: HBO (5 av 6 avsnitt har släppts)
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Josephine Bornebuschs långfilmsdebut om social distansering är såklart brinnande aktuell. Manuset skrevs på tre veckor i våras, efter att ett annat av Bornebuschs projekt blivit uppskjutet, och följer hur den priviligierade medelklassen brottas med tillvaron och sina relationer »i dessa tider« (även om någon pandemi aldrig uttryckligen nämns). Allt bakom skärmar såklart. Johan Rheborg spelar den kämpande författaren Claes som dagligen högläser sina pompösa texter för sin åldrande, sängliggande mor. Tova Magnusson är agenten som tänjer på etiska gränser i närmandet mot en ung skådespelare. Vera Vetali tar rollen som gravid influencer, syster till Bornebuschs stressade tvåbarnsmamma som tillfälligt flyr undan sin familj (Jerka Johansson spelar partnern) när de behöver henne som mest. Samtidigt försöker systrarnas pappa (Peter Andersson) knyta kontakt efter 28 års frånvaro. 
Med det stora persongalleriet försöker Bornebusch skina ljus på pandemins mångsidiga effekter på oss människor och våra relationer. Vissa kommer varandra närmare, andra glider isär. Vissa plågas, andra försöker dra fördel av situationen. Ibland är tonskiftena väl abrupta, men överlag fungerar det väl. Även dialogen är förvånansvärt rapp och välskriven givet den snabba produktionen. Samtidigt är filmen nästan provocerande trångsynt. Trots en gedigen ensemble påverkas inga karaktärer direkt av situationen, åtminstone varken fysiskt eller ekonomiskt. Karaktärerna har kreativa yrken där hemarbete fungerar smärtfritt, och någon jämrar sig över streamingtjänsternas skrala utbud. Å andra sidan bjuder verkligheten på tillräckligt med elände som det är för tillfället. 
Streamas på: Viaplay
The Trial of the Chicago 7
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Jag har spenderat de senaste två veckorna med att plöja mig igenom Aaron Sorkins mästerliga »The Newsroom«, och känner redan en styng av saknad. Som bekant finns det ingen manusförfattare i världen som kan skriva dialog som honom. »The Trial of the Chicago 7« är hans andra film (efter sevärda debuten »Molly’s Game«) som skrivande regissör och handlar om de sju amerikanska demonstranter som 1968 åtalades för konspiration, anstiftande till upplopp och andra brott i samband med det demokratiska partiets konvent i Chicago i Illinois samma år. En intressant, välspelad och Sorkinskt pratig historielektion, där humorn stundtals faller platt.
Streamas på: Netflix
On the Rocks
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Sofia Coppola och existentiell tomhet är en ryktbar duo. Mest framträdande i  mästerverket »Lost in Translation« (2003) och underskattade pärlan »Somewhere« (2010). Hennes senaste film är inte lika minnesvärd men likväl ett habilt tillskott i Coppolas filmografi. Och Bill Murray visar att han har mer kvar att ge.
Streamas på: Apple TV+
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
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Den efterlängtade (?) uppföljaren är inte mycket till film egentligen. Den universala humorn från originalet har ersatts med en mycket tydlig politisk agenda inför det, nu avgjorda, amerikanska valet. I det avseendet är det nittio underhållande minuter. Filmen är mest uppmärksammad för att ha lurat Trumps personliga advokat Rudy Giuliani till en intim träff med en ung kvinna i filmen. 
Streamas på: Amazon Prime
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Pixar är bäst i världen på varma, detalj- och snillrika filmer för hela familjen. Ironiskt nog går magin förlorad i deras första film som uttryckligen handlar om magi. Filmens emotionella kärna, broderskapet, är inte tillräckligt underbyggt, och det stora äventyret lovar mer än vad det levererar. Tyvärr en av Pixars svagare filmer. 
Streamas på: Disney+
David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet
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»This is my testimony«, proklamerar 94-årige David Attenborough förtroligt till tittaren i dokumentärens öppning. Det är omöjligt att inte trollbindas av Attenboroughs röst. Det kvittar egentligen vad han pratar om. När han i 80 minuter sammanfattar sina hisnande livsupplevelser från jordens alla kontinenter är det således bara att kapitulera. Han är en av få människor som har upplevt allt det där de flesta bara läser om; skövlingen av regnskogen, polarisarnas avsmältning, mängder av olika djurarters utrotning  – om människans samlade avtryck på planeten. Hoppfullt nog föreslår Attenborough också en lösning. 
Streamas på: Netflix
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whitewaterpaper · 6 years ago
Dagissnuten 2 / Kindergarten Cop 2 (2016) [US]
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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[ IMDb | Vodeville ]
VAD? Databasen över det amerikanska vittnesskyddet är åter ute på vift och FBI-agenterna Reed och Sanders har endast en enda ledtråd vart kopian är gömd: på det dagis där hackarens bror jobbar. Reed anmäler sig som frivillig att under täckmantel ta jobb på skolan och finna usb-minnet databasen sägs vara gömd på. Utan erfarenhet av läraryrket, dagis eller för den delen barn äntrar han sitt nya jobb och det går väl liksom sådär... Don Michael Paul regisserar efter manus av David H. Steinberg men Timothy Harris, Murray Salem och Herschel Weingrod från Dagissnuten har alla fått kredit för konceptet.
VEM? Man försökte få in Arnold Schwarzenegger i en cameo i filmen, men Schwarzeneggers schema ville inte riktigt tillåta det. Rollen som polisen som kastas in i hetluften på dagis har här tagits över av Dolph Lundgren, en skådespelare som i mångt och mycket har samma bakgrund som Arnold Schwarzenegger men som kanske inte riktigt skaver i komedier och "hemmaroller" som Arnold Schwarzenegger själv gjorde på sin tid. Det bara två större kvinnliga roller: kärleksintresset Olivia och rektorn Miss Sinclaire. Maffiabossen och exfrun finns med, dock så kanske inte med samma Kalle Anka-ton som Crisp hade 1990.
VAR? Topnotch dagis som tar $50 000 terminen, artsy fartsy som sjutton där man uppmuntrar "kreativ stavning" och att tala om sina känslor och har meditationspauser. Med andra ord: ungarna bara väntar på en chans att hoppa över kanten. Och ingen, ingen, talar om för Reed första dagen att hans klass är fullsmetad av ungar med nöt- och baljväxtallergier.
HUR? Kanske inte lika underhållande som originalet men får in en del bonuspoäng för att man försöker hitta känslan i den gamla filmen. Den har något oldschool över sig som jag faktiskt gillar. Kanske dock att Reed inte är lika lätt att ta till sig som John Kimble och att premissen här är ännu fånigare än i första filmen. (Första filmen kastas ju Kimble in i dagis då hans partner blir sjuk, här anmäler sig Reed frivillig trots att han inte har en aning om hur barn fungerar -- och vägrar inledningsvis ta emot hjälp). Man följer annars mallen från första filmen, dock då att personen som egentligen skall skyddas (dvs Maffiabossens exfru) är en abstrakt karaktär i vittnesskyddsprogrammet. Kärleksintresset är "bara" en annan lärare på skolan, och har ingen annan roll i filmen än som just kärleksintresse. Det tåls att nämnas att 1990 års Dagissnut faktiskt klarar Bechdeltestet, den här gör det inte.
SÅ? Trevlig och oldschool, men når kanske inte riktigt ända fram. Man har tagit en bra film, gjort sin egen take på den och fällt in en del kuliga saker om samhällsklimatet idag (t.ex. vegetarisk mat och new age-föräldrar) men når kanske inte riktigt ända fram. Det finns en lekfullhet i originalet som inte riktigt återfinns här: det blir lite för seriöst, lite för strama tyglar och Dolphan är kanske lite för träig i sin rolltolkning.
NÄR? $200 millar tjänade den in mot en budget på $15, men togs kanske inte emot med stående ovationer av massorna. Uppenbarligen finns potential och intresse -- dock lär vi kanske inte få se Dolph Lundgren som Agent Reed igen. Kanske ett nytt försök till 2042?
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mohamed86a · 5 years ago
Innledning: Rasismens retorikk
En formiddag i august drepte 21 år gamle Philip Manshaus sin stesøster Johanne Zhangjia Ihle-Hansen. Johanne var adoptert fra Kina og ble bare 17 år. Hun ble drept fordi hun var ikke hvit.
Etter å ha gjennomført det rasistiske drapet kjørte morderen og terroristen Manshaus til Al-Noor moskeen i Bærum. Samtidig som han gjorde dette så prøvde han å være «online» hele tiden ved blant annet bruke et GoPro-kamera (som ikke funket), som han prøvde å streame live på diverse sosiale medier og nettsteder. Manshaus hadde med seg tre våpen da han brøt seg inn i moskeen.
På det tidspunktet Manshaus tok seg inn i moskeen - en lørdags ettermiddag - var det ikke så mange personer i moskeen. Det var ikke en fredag (altså det var ikke fredagsbønn) og det var ikke en islamsk høytid. Dagen(e) etter skulle mange norske muslimer feire Eid ul-Adha.
Det var ene og alene heltemotet til pensjonistene og moskemedlemmene Muhammed Rafiq (65) og Muhammad Iqbal (75) som stoppet Manshaus forsøk på drapsorgie og terror. De overmannet terroristen før han fikk drept flere mennesker. I ettertid kom noen av moskeens styremedlemmer og senere idehistoriker og forfatter Dag Herbjørnsrud med omfattende kritikk av både politiet og PSTs håndtering og arbeid mot høyreekstremister.
Hvis Manshaus hadde lykkes så ville Norge fått sin egen versjon av New Zealand-terroren hvor 51 personer ble drept og flere titalls ble skadd da en høyreekstrem og islamofob terrorist fra nabolandet Australia angrep to moskeer i Christchurch mars i år.
Manshaus rasistiske drap var ikke det første rasistiske drapet på norsk jord. Johanne ble to år eldre enn Benjamin Hermansen som ble drept av nynazister og ett år yngre enn Arve Beheim Karlsen som ble rasistisk hetset og jaget til han druknet i Sogndalselva. Manshaus terrorangrep var andre gangen i nyere norsk historie at en høyreekstremist fra Oslo vest utførte terror på norsk jord.
Det første jeg ønsker å snakke om og som jeg begynner min innledning om Frode Hellands lesverdige og viktige studie Rasismens retorikk er denne terroren. Jeg begynner her for å vise hva islamofobi og rasisme på sitt verste kan føre til. Når vi i dag sitter her og diskuterer rasisme, islamofobi og antisemittisme så må vi forstå at dette handler om mye mer enn ytringer – dette handler om mye mer enn retorikk – det handler også om handlinger. Dette kan ikke understrekes nok ganger.
Dette handler om terrorhandlinger, hatkriminalitet og voldelig undertrykkelse. Rasisme manifesterer seg på forskjellige måter. Men alle disse manifestasjonene har minst to ting til felles: Dehumanisering og ekstrem voldsbruk.
Det rasistiske drapet på Johanne og Bærumsterroren førte ikke til noe offentlige debatt om høyreekstrem radikalisering i Norge. I alle fall ikke i en like stor grad som man har diskutert radikaliseringen av unge muslimer som har dratt til Syria for å bli med i terrororganisasjonen IS. I flere uker etter drapet/terroren brukte store deler av norsk offentlighet og toneangivende norske politikere, kommentatorer og samfunnsdebattanter spalteplass, radiotid og TV-tid på hvorvidt det ikke å håndhilse på det motsatte kjønn var (i grunn) et eksempel på snikislamisering?
På den måten kuppet man en viktig debatt om radikaliseringen av unge menn fra Oslo vest til heller å handle om at det er fortsatt «viktig å kritisere islam», "islamofobi-begrepet er en hersketenikk" som sentral politiker fra et regjeringsparti skrev i en kronikk hos statskanalens debattsider. Mens andre som mediekommentator og politisk redaktør i VG Hanne Skartveit mener at det er fortsatt viktig å snakke om konservativ islam og at islamofobi-begrepet er problematisk. Noen vil reagere her hvis jeg kaller dette for en «islamofob diskurs». Fordi det da må være greit å snakke om konservativ religiøs praksis som skaper kjønnssegregering og hindrer integrering? Det er ingen som har sagt at det er ikke lov. Jeg har selv skrevet og diskutert konservativ religiøs praksis i årevis.
Konteksten du gjør det i er ikke bare tilslørende og avslørende – men også problematisk siden du setter andre premisser for en viktig og nødvendig debatt om høyreekstrem radikalisering. Det vil si rett etter et terrorangrep på en moske hvor kronprinsen besøkte moskeens medlemmer for å vise respekt og støtte til sine norske medborgere. Hvis du bruker tid, energi og får spalteplass i å diskutere håndhilsning etter det. Så lurer man i grunn på hva ditt engasjement er motivert ut ifra? Er dette religionskritikk? Eller noe annet?
For å illustrere dette med to eksempler. Det første: Rett før kommunevalget og noen par uker etter Bærumsterroren og det rasistiske drapet skrev landets finansminister Siv Jensen en kronikk i et av landets største aviser. Landets finansminister brukte spalteplass i et av landets største aviser på å forsvare et veletablert ord/uttrykk fra internasjonale høyreradikale og islamofobe nettverk: Snikislamisering (på engelsk Creeping sharia/Islamisation). Hun signerte ikke kronikken som finansminister – men som partileder. Men det gjør ikke dette mindre alvorlig. Du kan ikke velge og vrake når du er en sittende statsråd. Altså uansett hva bylinen sier – så er du fortsatt landets finansminister.
Det andre eksempelet: I samme avis en uke tidligere skrev en sentral samfunnsdebattant som dere kommer til å møte på siste kapittelet i Hellands bok. Han skrev at «venstresiden i Norge» har mer respekt for «islam enn likestilling». Han brukte også det som ble kjent som håndhilsningssaken som utgangspunkt. I kronikken trakk han inn det iranske diktaturregimet og slo et regime som undertrykker sin egen befolkning i hartkorn med en ung norsk kvinne fra en moske som noen uker tidligere ble utsatt for høyreekstrem terror. Dette er folkens hvordan en islamofob diskurs funker. Dette er hvordan man prøver å selge inn et bestemt narrativ i offentligheten - først og fremst fordi man ikke ønsker å diskutere islamofobi og høyreekstrem radikalisering.
Men tilbake til finansministeren. Jensens utgangspunkt var som sagt håndhilsning-debatten: Kronprinsen besøkte moskeen som ble rammet av et høyreekstremt og islamofobt terrorangrep. Et fåtalls av de kvinnelige medlemmene valgte å hilse på kronprinsen på en annen måte enn håndhilsning. De la sin høyre hånd til hjertet. Kronprinsen skjønte dette og hilste tilbake på samme måten.
Siv Jensen skrev aldri en kronikk om terroren og hvordan regjeringen hun er del av skal bekjempe islamofobi og rasisme i vårt samfunn. Men hun brukte spalteplass på å forsvare et islamfobt og høyreradikalt ord. Dette var ikke bare et valgkamputspill. Og dette var ikke bare et unntak fra regelen. Spørsmålet man sitter igjen med – et av spørsmålene – fordi det er flere enn et. Men et er hvorvidt jeg som norsk muslim eller andre norske muslimer eller minoriteter som blir rammet av dette hatet kan tro at Siv Jensen er også vår finansminister?
Hvis svaret ditt er nei – da forstår du kanskje hvorfor det er viktig å forstå rasismens retorikk og hva den gjør mot mennesker og samfunnet som helhet. Noen vil avfeie dette som desperasjon fra lederen av et parti som slet på meningsmålinger i et kommunevalg. Men det bør ikke avfeies så enkelt. Dette var og er fortsatt veldig alvorlig. Det var kalkulert bruk av høyreradikal og islamofob hatpropaganda av et sentralt regjeringsmedlem noen uker etter et nytt høyreekstremt og islamofobt terrorangrep i vårt samfunn. Et medlem fra en regjering som hevder de skal lage en handlingsplan mot muslimhat/islamofobi. Denne regjeringen har et janusansikt.
Det andre jeg ønsker å snakke om i kveld er konspirasjonsteorier som «befolkningsutskiftning». "Befolkningsutskiftning" - i nyere tid kalt Grand Remplacement (Renaud Camus). Europeiske politikere (særlig venstresiden) ønsker å skifte ut den hvite og/eller kristne befolkningen i Europa med innvandrere fra Afrika, Midtøsten og Asia. Eller enda mer spesifikt: Mørkhudede muslimer. En av de mest solgte engelskspråklige bøkene i senere år The Strange Death of Europe (oversatt til Europas underlige død av Document forlag) har denne konspirasjonsteorien som rød tråd. Den konspirasjonsteorien er også populær hos en statsstøttet blogg.
Boken som er skrevet av Douglas Murray. En britisk kommentator og forfatter som ble invitert til Norge sensommeren 2017 av nettstedet Document som også har oversatt boken til norsk. Denne boken har fått skryt fra personer utenfor det ytre høyre nettstedet som inviterte han til Norge. Blant annet en tidligere statssekretær fra Frp som mener at Murray har "flere gode observasjoner og poenger."
I nord-amerikansk kontekst er det også snakk om mørkhudede innvandrere fra Mellom og Sør-Amerika. Noen tilhengere av denne konspirasjonsteorien er Breitbart som ble tidligere drevet av Nordiske mediedagers gjest Steve Bannon. Men også den nåværende rådgiveren til Donald Trump og ideologiske kameraten til Bannon: Stephen Miller. (Etter at jeg holdt denne innledningen kom det ut nyhetsartikler om Millers høyreekstreme verdenssyn og menneskesyn. Den amerikanske borgerrettsorganisasjonen SPLC hadde fått tilgang til flere hundre eposter av Miller til Breitbart i perioden fram til presidentvalget i 2016. I tilfelle noen der ute var i tvil så er en av de nærmeste rådgiverne til presidenten av USA en hvit nasjonalist som er stor grunn til den grusomme asyl- og innvandringspolitikken som vår nærmeste vestlige allierte fører i disse dager.)
Denne konspirasjonsteorien var primus motor i det ideologiske verdensbildet til en rekke høyreekstreme terrorister de siste årene. Christchurch-terroristen som jeg har tidligere nevnt, men også El Paso-terroristen, Poway-terroristen og Pittsburgh-terroristen. Sistnevnte gikk inn i synagogen Tree of Life og drept 11 jøder. Denne versjonen av «befolkningsutskiftningskonspirasjonsteorien» handler om at jøder har skylda for at ikke-vestlige innvandrere kommer til Vesten. Jøder får skylden for det høyreekstremister og høyreradikale kaller for «masseinnvandringen» fra Afrika og Asia (og i nord-amerikansk kontekst: Mellom og Sør-Amerika). I europeisk og nord-amerikansk kontekst er den ungarske milliardæren og filantropen Georg Soros hatobjekt nummer 1. I Øst Europa, for eksempel i Ungarn og regimet til Viktor Orban er Soros det fremste hatobjektet.
Den britiske research-gruppen og antifascistiske organisasjon Hope Not Hate var i august i år ute med en viktig og grundig rapport om den internasjonale identitære bevegelsen. Rapporten "From Banners to Bullets" tar for seg hvordan denne konspirasjonsteorien om befolkningsutskiftning har blitt mainstream i europeisk offentlighet. I rapporten fokuserer Hope Not Hate særlig på de voldelige konsekvensene av denne konspirasjonsteorien som tidligere nevnt: At det har motivert en rekke høyreekstreme terrorangrep.
Tilbake til Manshaus. Forrige mandag var det nytt fengslingsmøte i saken mot Manshaus. Varetektsfengslingen av Manshaus ble utvidet. Retten kom også fram til at man skulle fjerne referatforbudet. I dette møte så fortalte Manshaus at handlingene hans den lørdagen i august var «for å forsvare nordmenn» og reaksjon mot det han kalte «flerkulturalisme» og innvandrere som har fått for mye makt i Norge. Manshaus sa også at han følte seg påtvunget til å ty til disse handlingene fordi hans «ytringsfrihet ble innskrenket». Ja, hvis du som sitter i publikum får deja vu følelse så har du rett. Dette var som å høre på en annen høyreekstrem terrorist fra Oslo vest: Anders Behring Breivik. Hvor man rasjonaliserer høyreekstrem terror med at det er «nødverge» og «siste mulighet» når man ikke får «ytringsfrihet».
Etter 22/7 sa daværende statsminister Jens Stoltenberg følgende ord: «Vårt svar er mer demokrati, mer åpenhet og mer humanitet. Men aldri naivitet.» Mange har i ettertid husket særlig den delen av talen hvor Stoltenberg sa: Mer åpenhet og mer demokrati. Men det som forsvant i manges glemmebok var der Stoltenberg sa: Men aldri naivitet.
Jeg tenker eller nei jeg tror vi har siden da vært veldig naive overfor høyreekstreme ideologien og islamofobien som fins der ute. Hellands bok er ikke bare en studie, og noe som burde åpne opp for en debatt. Men også en nødvendig og etterlengtet korreks av en offentlighet som i lang tid har vært preget av å diskutere mer om hvorvidt den og den personen er rasist og hvorvidt den og den har fått sin ytringsfrihet innskrenket. Enn å diskutere en ideologi som på sitt verste tar liv av våre medmennesker – av våre medborgere - og på sitt moderate – hvis man kan kalle det for moderasjon – undertrykker og diskriminerer våre medmennesker og våre medborgere.
Helland er en akademiker og boken Rasismens retorikk er ikke først og fremst aktivistisk kampskrift. Men jeg som en antirasist tolker det dithen. Så jeg vil avslutte min innledning med noe ord om hva antirasisme i vår tid er/bør handle om.
Antirasisme er ikke partipolitikk – men noe som angår oss alle. Å være mot noe er passivt - å gjøre motstand mot noe/noen er aktivt. Det å være antirasist i 2019 er en forpliktelse og ikke bare honnørord. Vi er forpliktet til å bekjempe alle former av rasisme. Vi må bekjempe antisemittene som trakasserer våre jødiske medborgere den dagen man minnes November-pogromene. Vi må bekjempe nazistene og fascistene som lurer til seg lokaler i våre nabolag. Vi må bekjempe islamofoben som drar i hijaben til en småbarnsmor mens han roper: «Slike muslimer som deg burde utryddes». Vi må ikke begrense debatten og samtalen om rasisme, antisemittisme og islamofobi til det som skrives i kommentarfeltene, men vi må se på hvordan rasismen manifesterer seg i våre gater, i våre nabolag, i våre arbeidsplasser, i våre klasserom, i våre familieselskaper, i vår offentlighet og viktigst av alt: I våre maktinstitusjoner.
Antirasisme i vår tid er forpliktende. Det vil si i hvilke strategier vi velger, hvordan vi adresserer rasismen, hvordan vi bekjemper den og hvordan vi får oss med flere i kampen mot rasismen. Fordi rasisme fortjener rødt kort i det norske samfunn.
Og med det så kan vi ta oss med disse relevante ordene fra en av mine personlige favorittforfattere. Nobelprisvinneren Toni Morrison som gikk bort august i år. Siden Frode Helland allerede tok seg friheten med å sitere Morrisons landsmann – den amerikanske sosiologen W.E.B. DuBois i boken.
"The function, the very serious function of racism is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps you explaining, over and over again, your reason for being. Somebody says you have no language and you spend twenty years proving that you do. Somebody says your head isn’t shaped properly so you have scientists working on the fact that it is. Somebody says you have no art, so you dredge that up. Somebody says you have no kingdoms, so you dredge that up. None of this is necessary. There will always be one more thing.”                                                                                     
Takk for meg.
(Denne innledningen ble holdt 12.november på lanseringen av Frode Hellands bok Rasismens reotrikk, utgitt av Pax Forlag. På Fritt Ords lokaler.)
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thenextrush · 3 years ago
5 Documentaries to Stream at the national Irish Film Festival
5 Documentaries to Stream at the national Irish Film Festival
Special Irish Film Festival 2021 Feature: Tickets go on sale today for the popular annual Irish Film Festival which moves online this year due to COVID-19 restrictions.  Online Q&A’s with several of the film’s directors and some surprise guests will complement the impressive film line-up. Dr Enda Murray, Director of the Irish Film Festival said, “We are delighted to be presenting these great…
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celtfather · 3 months ago
Celtic Folk Christmas #76 with Irish & Celtic Music Podcast
It’s Celtic Christmas Music #76.
Anne Roos & David Blonski, Triskele, The Chivalrous Crickets, Enda Reilly, Bart Zeal, Alisa Marie, Spoil the Dance, Cherish the Ladies, Terry McDade With The McDades, Brigid's Bounty, Ken O'Malley, Screaming Orphans, Scythian, Plunk Murray, Eileen Ivers, Brad Tuck, West of Eden
I am Marc Gunn. I’m Celtic musician with Christmas music and a podcaster. We are promoting Celtic culture through Christmas cheer.
Today’s show is a re - release of episode #586 of the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast (Celtic Folk Christmas). If you’re not ready for Christmas music in September, then listen to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. It features the best indie Celtic music online every week. Then once a year, there’s Christmas music too.
I want to remind you that Celtic Christmas Music is funded by people just like you. For as little as $1 per episode, you can support new Celtic Christmas music and have it shared with thousands of Celtic and Christmas music fans around the world.
Your small donation helps me a LOT to produce these episodes. You won’t even be charged for any episodes until the last one of October. So if you enjoy this podcast, it would mean a lot to me if you would become a Celtic Christmas Patron.
Please make a pledge to spread Christmas cheer this holiday season.
Alright, without further adieu, let’s listen to the 2022 Celtic Christmas special:
If you hear music you love, please support the artists. Visit the shownotes to find out more about them and follow the show at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
02:00 -  Intro
01:29 -  Anne Roos & David Blonski "Winter's Eve Aire" from A Winter's Dance
05:45 -  WELCOME
06:42 -  Triskele "Dona Nobis Pacem" from Christmas Is A Comin'
08:19 -  The Chivalrous Crickets "Wexford Carol / First of Winter" from A Chivalrous Christmas
14:04 -  Enda Reilly "Getting Close To Christmas" from Christmas is With Us (Tá An Nollaig Linn)
16:35 -  Bart Zeal "Winter Solstace" from December Celebrations
19:31 -  Alisa Marie "Ding Dong Merrily on High" from Winter Harp (by the fireside)
21:07 -  FEEDBACK
24:16 -  Spoil the Dance "Noel Nouvelet (Sing We Now Of Christmas)" from single
28:11 -  Cherish the Ladies "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" from Christmas in Ireland
31:40 -  Terry McDade With The McDades "The Angel Gabriel" from Midwinter
34:08 -  Brigid's Bounty "Come Emmanuel Christmas Medley" from Celtic Christmas Medleys
38:16 -  Ken O'Malley "Don Oíche ÚD I MBeithil" from Songs By a Winter's Hearth
41:13 -  THANKS
42:44 -  Screaming Orphans "Wishing You a Merry Christmas" from Happy Christmas, Vol. 1
46:30 -  Scythian "Arthur McBride feat. Catie Parker Fedoryka" from Christmas Out at Sea
52:06 -  Plunk Murray "Christmas at the Pub" from Christmas in the Pub
55:21 -  Eileen Ivers "Children Go" from Scatter the Light
1:00:00 -  Brad Tuck "The Lights of Port de Grave" from single
1:03:48 -  CLOSING
1:05:57 -  West of Eden "Next Stop Christmas (with Stefan Andersson)" from Next Stop
Celtic Christmas Music was produced by Marc Gunn. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs.
The show is supported by Christmas music lovers just like yourself over on Patreon. Join others to spread Christmas Cheer! Sign up for just $1 per episode.
Visit our website to subscribe to the podcast. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Finally, please tell one friend about this podcast. Word of mouth is the absolute best way to support any creative endeavor.
Promote Celtic culture through Christmas music at CelticChristmasPodcast.com.
Nollaig Shona Daoibh!
#celticchristmas #celticchristmasmusic
Check out this episode!
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naomheannaclg · 6 years ago
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Naomh Éanna clinch first win @NaomhEa camogs claimed an impressive first win of the season with a courageous attacking display on a foggy, wind swept Hightown on Sunday. The final score of 2-4 to 0-5 was scant reward for the endeavours of the Hightown camogs, who started the match on the front foot. The midfield duo of Ellie Murphy and Grainne Ní Cheallaigh demonstrated their intent for the afternoon, winning the first throw in, then dominating the midfield battle. After several wasteful efforts sailed wide, Cliodna Kane settled nerves taking a fantastic score. @NaomhEannthen edged further ahead courtesy of an Alicia Barlett scored, from play, just outside the 45. The impressive Kane then extended the @NaomhEan lead to three before dogged battling on the edge of the square by Maria Roe and Maeve Curran resulted in the former raising the green flag. As the first half faded, the home team took the foot off the gas and let the Aghaderg team score a point, the girls visibly disappointed to have conceded at all, such was their defensive dominance in the first half. The Glengormley camogs pushed on in the second half from the start, Ellie Murphy and Grainne Ní Cheallaigh continuing to dominate. The half forward line kept supply to the full forward line. Murphy scoring a major, capping a superb performance for the young lady. An injury to Maeve Curran saw her come off and @NaomhEannaCLG seemed to lose some confidence, allowing Aghaderg to creep back in, scoring 4 points without reply. The nerves were visible but the defence, under the leadership of Nicole "the rock" Norton, remained resolute, restricting their adversaries to long distance points. Murray and McClenaghan in the half backs helped relieve the siege and in the dying stages of the game, an Alicia Barlett free pushed Endas back into a 5 point lead, and in all honesty, it was the just reward for their determination on the day. Team C.McDonnell, B. Adjay N.Norton, A. Boyle, L.M. Maskey, Z. McCann, M. Murray, A. McGoldrick, E. Murphy (1-0), G. Ní Cheallaigh, M.Curran, A. Bartlett (0-2), C. Kane (0-2), A. Gilese, M. Roe (1-0), M. McDonald. R.Monaghan, K.R. McClenag https://www.instagram.com/naomheannaclg/p/BuUBTCDBvYM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vl0mcfayr84
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johnnygsanto · 4 years ago
Drogheda man Enda Murray's movie to be premiered at Galway Film Fleadh - Independent.ie
Drogheda man Enda Murray's movie to be premiered at Galway Film Fleadh  Independent.ie Drogheda man Enda Murray's movie to be premiered at Galway Film Fleadh - Independent.ie
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trojabarn · 5 years ago
liverpool matchtröja barn  West Hams glädje
liverpool matchtröja barn  West Hams glädje efter att ha slagit Manchester United förra lördagen var kortvarig när de sjönk till ett 1-0-nederlag på Brighton & Hove Albion.Glenn Murray gjorde målets enda mål för att lyfta Seagulls sex poäng klart för nedflyttningszonen som går in i Premier Leagues helgens fixturer. "Vi var tvungna att arbeta hårt och jag vet att West Ham missade ett par chanser, jag är medveten om det, men vi arbetade riktigt hårt för att få det rena bladet," sa Chris Hughton till media efteråt.
"De har riktigt bra offensiva alternativ som kommer från bänken och det enda sättet du kan hålla ett rent lakan mot billiga fotbollskläder barn  dem, vassle de är i den typen av stämning, är att försvara väl och få lite tur. Jag kan se
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years ago
Crouchy’s former boot boy David McGoldrick determined to show his worth and Republic prepare for Euro 2020 showdown with Switzerland
DAVID McGoldrick was a half-a-million pound player by the time he was 16. But the Republic of Ireland striker had to wait until August the 10th this year before he got his first touch in the Premier League.
Fifteen years on from his £500,000 switch from boyhood club Notts County to a Southampton youth team already brimming with bright talents, McGoldrick arrived for training ahead of tomorrow night’s Euro 2020 qualifier against Group D favourites Switzerland fresh from Sheffield United’s 2-2 draw with Chelsea at Stamford Bridge last Saturday.
Now, instead of listening in from the outside, he can actually take part in conversations about the Premier League.
“It’s a small thing but confidence-wise it’s great,” he explained.
“I had Skip [Seamus Coleman] coming in for a chat, asking me about the Prem, talking about this and that, and we could have an actual chat about the Prem.
“Whereas before I was asking me about this player and that player and now we could actually have a conversation. You don’t actually realise but that’s a big confidence boost.
“You’re on equal terms, not with Seamus because Seamus is a legend, but we’re playing in the same league now, not in different leagues.”
Rewind 15 years and it seemed that McGoldrick had the world at his feet. The Saints invested heavily to add him to a talented youth set up that already included Gareth Bale, Theo Walcott and Adam Lallana.
“At my first training session, Theo trained and I hadn’t seen pace like it for a 15-year-old,” he recalls.
“He was lightning, lightning pace.
“But technically, Adam was ahead of everyone. He had a problem with his heart so he missed out a season which put him back a little bit.
“Gareth was quiet for the first couple of years but then one summer he came back just like a man, he just filled himself up and came back with loads of confidence and as soon as he got in the team he took off.
“For raw talent it was Theo and Adam but Gareth developed into a monster like I’d never seen.”
Manager Harry Redknapp “took a shine” to him and drafted him in to train with the first team squad that included Kevin Phillips, James Beattie and Peter Crouch. He had a good relationship with future England striker ‘Crouchy’.
“I was his boot boy,” McGoldrick explains with a smile.
“He used to give me £40 a month and every time he scored he’d give me a tenner on top.
“I think he scored 15 goals so I got a few extra tenners. At Christmas time, he came and said did I want a bonus or do I want him to take me on a night out. I said: ‘I want a night out with Crouchy’ so I went on a night out with Crouchy. It was a great night, I can’t remember anyway.”
Crouch banged in the goals but Southampton were relegated and he left for Liverpool at the end of that 2004-05. Redknapp promoted McGoldrick into the first team as the Saints battled to get out of the Championship but after loan spells back at County and at Bournemouth and Port Vale, he left the Saints for Nottingham Forest in 2009.
“I learned a lot down there,” he says.
“There were troubled times at the end when I left because of the money situation but I’ve got enough good memories of my time there.”
His four frustrating seasons at Forest included more loan spells at the likes of Sheffield Wednesday and Coventry and it was only when current Republic manager Mick McCarthy brought him to Ipswich Town that he settled and began to fulfil his potential. He has enormous respect for McCarthy who later recommended the powerful centre-forward to Sheffield United manager Chris Wilder.
“What you know about Mick is that he’s an honest man,” he says.
“If you show him respect he’ll give you respect back. That’s quite rare these days and Chris and Mick are exactly the same. I can understand why they get on, I see a lot of similarities in them as men.
“I played under Mick for six years at Ipswich, that’s a long time in football to play under one manager, and me and Mick never had one bust-up.
“He showed me respect when I had family issues and I showed him respect back. For him to give me a good reference to Chris is not something that surprised me really because that’s just the man he is.
“Him and Chris have got the same traits. Both Yorkshiremen, both working class and both just real good men. Before the football you can have a laugh and joke with them but when it’s time to get serious you don’t cross the line with either of them because you know you’ll get an earful. And that’s the best kind of manager for me, personally.”
With a reference from McCarthy, McGoldrick transferred to Sheffield United at the start of last season and repaid the faith shown in him by scoring 15 times as the Blades forced their way out of the Championship. Now 31, he is where he’d always dreamed of being and he doesn’t intend to waste a minute of this Indian summer.
“I don’t want to waste it,” he says.
“There are players who have broken through at 31 who have then had three, four or five good years.
“Rickie Lambert came into it late and he scored goals and got an England call up later in his career and Glenn Murray (Brighton) is scoring goals now and I want to do the same.
“I obviously want to establish myself as a Premier League player first and get games and goals, I’ve only had three starts. I want more and I feel good, I feel hungry and that’s the main thing.
“Hopefully it will last a couple of years but the main thing is that the team is not a one season wonder. People are writing us off and we want to prove them wrong and stay in the league.”
Of course he’s not the only Sheffield United player in the squad these days. Let-back Enda Stevens, centre-half John Egan and his strike partner Callum Robinson are all in the Republic panel nowadays. “Enda played before in the Premier League (for Aston Villa) but now he’s different class,” McGoldrick explained.
“At Stamford Bridge on Saturday he was probably the best player on the pitch.
“He is full of confidence at the minute and he’s got everything that you want in a left full – he’s got pace, is good on the ball, is a good tackler and can play in a back three when we do need him there.
“Also John Egan. He’s going to be marking some of the best centre forwards in the world this year and so far he has not looked out of place one bit.”
Robinson, who qualifies through his Monaghan-born grandmother, was an England youth international who could prove another valuable find for the Republic. He scored one and made the other against Chelsea last week after crossing the Pennines from Preston in the summer.
“You cannot but get on with Callum,” said McGoldrick.
“Every day he’s just bubbly, it could be raining or snowing outside and he will come into the club in shorts and a pair of flip-flops.
“That’s just him, he’s always happy. He’s a good player as well, to be fair. The manager messaged me in the summer about him and I told him to get him. That’s how confident I was that he could make the step up and fit in.”
He was man of the match in the 2-0 win against Gibraltar. He had a shot deflected into the net (it was given as an own goal) and hit the post in the second half. After 10 games he’s still searching for his first goal in the green jersey and one could be enough against the Swiss tomorrow night.
“It’s just waiting for one to go in and once one goes in I think more will come,” he said.
“In these games we’ve been getting results which is the main thing. We’re top of the group at the minute but obviously we’ve got some tough games to come.
“Switzerland are a good team and we’re going to have to be good with our shape. Sometimes they’re going to have the ball and we’re not going to be able to get it off them. We can punish them with some of the things we’re good at. I’d take a 1-0 right now.”
Fifteen years on from Southampton, Crouchy’s former boot boy is a Premier League striker playing perhaps the best football of his career. Tomorrow night would be the perfect time for him to break his international duck.
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courtneytincher · 5 years ago
Hong Kong Risks an Economic Fate Worse Than Recession
(Bloomberg) -- Want to receive this post in your inbox every day? Sign up for the Terms of Trade newsletter, and follow Bloomberg Economics on Twitter for more.Already hurting from the U.S.-China trade war, Hong Kong’s economy could be facing something much worse than a recession.With protests continuing to disrupt the territory’s retail and tourism industries — and bringing the airport to a standstill on Monday — analysts say it wouldn’t take much to tip the economy into negative territory. Total merchandise trade is more than triple Hong Kong’s gross domestic product.Yet that’s only half the story. Hong Kong is an important gateway for capital, too. So the bigger fear is the damage done to Hong Kong’s standing as a conduit between China and the rest of the world. Even if its economic relevance to China has faded over time, it’s still an important valve for foreign money flowing into and out of the world’s second-biggest economy.Analysis by Bloomberg Economics forecasts a recession in the second half and warns of a risk of an erosion in the high standards of corporate governance and rule of law that underpin its status as an international financial hub. That would significantly undermine the city’s long-term growth prospects, Bloomberg economist Qian Wan writes.Here’s some data from Bloomberg Economics on why Hong Kong still matters for China and global trade:Some 58% of China’s outbound investment — including for President Xi Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative — is channeled through Hong Kong. The city’s nearly $5 trillion stock market could become home to a potential listing for e-commerce giant Alibaba, underscoring Hong Kong’s continued importance as source of IPO fund raising for mainland firms. While bond issuance in Hong Kong is small, it is also a significant source of funds for Chinese companies. The Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect shows the continued importance of Hong Kong as a channel for the managed opening of China’s capital markets.Worldwide, Hong Kong was ranked the seventh-biggest container port by volume last year. In the first half of 2019, its throughput was down 8.1% versus the same period last year.A hit to Hong Kong’s status as a financial and trade hub would reverberate around a region already showing increased signs of damage from the tariffs that the U.S. and China are lobbing at each other. Singapore was the latest to sound the alarm on Tuesday when the government cut its forecast for economic growth this year to almost zero.Charting the Trade WarA jump in U.S. Customs receipts tied to higher American tariffs on Chinese imports is noticeable when isolated from the overall budget picture but it remains a tiny portion of the Treasury’s total revenue. The nation’s budget deficit widened in the first  10 months of the fiscal year to $867 billion, as spending advances at more than double the pace of the money the government is bringing in. Today’s Must ReadsReady to deal | National Security Adviser John Bolton said the U.S. is ready to offer Britain sector-by-sector trade deals to help the country after a no-deal Brexit from the European Union. Cars stalling | Passenger vehicle sales in India dropped the most in nearly two decades, a decline that extended to a ninth straight month amid a slowdown in Asia’s third-largest economy. Fueling a dispute | The EU imposed tariffs on biodiesel from Indonesia to counter alleged subsidies to producers in the Asian country, risking retaliation in a long-running dispute. Lobbying for Huawei | The Chinese telecom giant hired a law firm to lobby on trade as the U.S. pressures allies to blacklist the company at the heart of the trade war with Beijing. Lacking confidence | Investor sentiment in Germany’s economy worsened for a fourth month after disappointing figures raised recession risks, with more bad news expected Wednesday.Economic AnalysisSingapore outlook | Trade battles put the city-state hub for Asian trade on track for a recession. Frontier headwinds | The U.S.-China spat is weighing on the growth products for emerging economies. Coming UpAug. 16: EU trade balanceLike Terms of Trade?Don’t keep it to yourself. Colleagues and friends can sign up here. We also publish Balance of Power, a daily briefing on the latest in global politics.For even more: Subscribe to Bloomberg All Access for full global news coverage and two in-depth daily newsletters, The Bloomberg Open and The Bloomberg Close.How are we doing? We want to hear what you think about this newsletter. Let our trade tsar know.To contact the author of this story: Enda Curran in Hong Kong at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Brendan Murray at [email protected], Zoe SchneeweissFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
(Bloomberg) -- Want to receive this post in your inbox every day? Sign up for the Terms of Trade newsletter, and follow Bloomberg Economics on Twitter for more.Already hurting from the U.S.-China trade war, Hong Kong’s economy could be facing something much worse than a recession.With protests continuing to disrupt the territory’s retail and tourism industries — and bringing the airport to a standstill on Monday — analysts say it wouldn’t take much to tip the economy into negative territory. Total merchandise trade is more than triple Hong Kong’s gross domestic product.Yet that’s only half the story. Hong Kong is an important gateway for capital, too. So the bigger fear is the damage done to Hong Kong’s standing as a conduit between China and the rest of the world. Even if its economic relevance to China has faded over time, it’s still an important valve for foreign money flowing into and out of the world’s second-biggest economy.Analysis by Bloomberg Economics forecasts a recession in the second half and warns of a risk of an erosion in the high standards of corporate governance and rule of law that underpin its status as an international financial hub. That would significantly undermine the city’s long-term growth prospects, Bloomberg economist Qian Wan writes.Here’s some data from Bloomberg Economics on why Hong Kong still matters for China and global trade:Some 58% of China’s outbound investment — including for President Xi Jinping’s signature Belt and Road Initiative — is channeled through Hong Kong. The city’s nearly $5 trillion stock market could become home to a potential listing for e-commerce giant Alibaba, underscoring Hong Kong’s continued importance as source of IPO fund raising for mainland firms. While bond issuance in Hong Kong is small, it is also a significant source of funds for Chinese companies. The Shanghai-Hong Kong Connect shows the continued importance of Hong Kong as a channel for the managed opening of China’s capital markets.Worldwide, Hong Kong was ranked the seventh-biggest container port by volume last year. In the first half of 2019, its throughput was down 8.1% versus the same period last year.A hit to Hong Kong’s status as a financial and trade hub would reverberate around a region already showing increased signs of damage from the tariffs that the U.S. and China are lobbing at each other. Singapore was the latest to sound the alarm on Tuesday when the government cut its forecast for economic growth this year to almost zero.Charting the Trade WarA jump in U.S. Customs receipts tied to higher American tariffs on Chinese imports is noticeable when isolated from the overall budget picture but it remains a tiny portion of the Treasury’s total revenue. The nation’s budget deficit widened in the first  10 months of the fiscal year to $867 billion, as spending advances at more than double the pace of the money the government is bringing in. Today’s Must ReadsReady to deal | National Security Adviser John Bolton said the U.S. is ready to offer Britain sector-by-sector trade deals to help the country after a no-deal Brexit from the European Union. Cars stalling | Passenger vehicle sales in India dropped the most in nearly two decades, a decline that extended to a ninth straight month amid a slowdown in Asia’s third-largest economy. Fueling a dispute | The EU imposed tariffs on biodiesel from Indonesia to counter alleged subsidies to producers in the Asian country, risking retaliation in a long-running dispute. Lobbying for Huawei | The Chinese telecom giant hired a law firm to lobby on trade as the U.S. pressures allies to blacklist the company at the heart of the trade war with Beijing. Lacking confidence | Investor sentiment in Germany’s economy worsened for a fourth month after disappointing figures raised recession risks, with more bad news expected Wednesday.Economic AnalysisSingapore outlook | Trade battles put the city-state hub for Asian trade on track for a recession. Frontier headwinds | The U.S.-China spat is weighing on the growth products for emerging economies. Coming UpAug. 16: EU trade balanceLike Terms of Trade?Don’t keep it to yourself. Colleagues and friends can sign up here. We also publish Balance of Power, a daily briefing on the latest in global politics.For even more: Subscribe to Bloomberg All Access for full global news coverage and two in-depth daily newsletters, The Bloomberg Open and The Bloomberg Close.How are we doing? We want to hear what you think about this newsletter. Let our trade tsar know.To contact the author of this story: Enda Curran in Hong Kong at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Brendan Murray at [email protected], Zoe SchneeweissFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
August 13, 2019 at 12:00PM via IFTTT
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cryptobully-blog · 7 years ago
What Happened in the World Economy This Week and What It Means
What Happened in the World Economy This Week and What It Means
The Smarter way to get your business news – Subscribe to BloombergQuint on WhatsApp
(Bloomberg) — Just when it looked like the global economy was running on all cylinders, President Donald Trump injected a degree of risk to the otherwise favorable outlook.
The U.S. president announced on Thursday plans to impose 25 percent tariffs on imported steel and 10 percent tariffs on foreign aluminum, with more details to be unveiled next week. Equities fell as fears of a trade war spread and expectations for U.S. economic growth weakened a bit.
The decision wrapped up a busy week for the world economy:
Steel War
The move to protect American metals producers threatens to raise prices for consumers and businesses that buy goods made with the raw materials. That will have implications for a Federal Reserve that’s considering how fast to raise interest rates this year.
“If tariffs go up, it will, at the margin, tend to put more upward pressure on prices, and those upward pressure on prices will have to be considered by the monetary authority,” New York Fed President William Dudley said in a speech in Brazil on Thursday.
The extent of any economic damage will depend on the fine-print of Trump’s new policies and the severity of countries’ retaliation. Some economists worried the move might presage a shift toward an era of more economy-inhibiting protectionism just when it looked like the growth headwinds were fading.
Economists at Barclays Plc estimated the levies could reduce U.S. growth by as much as 0.2 percentage point this year and boost inflation by 0.1 point.
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Powell’s Debut
It’s Jerome Powell’s Fed now. Almost four weeks since becoming the 16th person to run the U.S. central bank, the former investment banker made his congressional debut as chairman.
The new chief stuck broadly to the Fed’s recent message, signaling it will keep raising interest rates in a gradual fashion. He did though hint policy makers could potentially act faster than the three hikes they now anticipate.
As Craig Torres reported beforehand, that reflects how a $1.5 trillion tax package is adding stimulus to the economy at a time of already low unemployment and solid growth. 
The trick Powell will be keen to pull off is delivering a rare soft landing of the economy even with full employment.
Achieving that may require him to run inflation above the 2 percent rate the Fed targets. Much will though depend on where the Fed’s estimate lies of the so-called neutral rate, which neither stokes nor slows the economy, and is the subject of fierce debate.
Click here for other things we learned from Powell.
Inflation Outlook
Elsewhere in the global economy, Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda sent the yen soaring on Friday by saying policy makers will start considering how to end stimulus around the fiscal year which begins in April 2019. That was the first time he had provided any clear guidance on the timing of normalization.
The European Central Bank is still debating how to exit its own stimulus program with Bundesbank Governor Jens Weidmann telling Bloomberg this week that quantitative easing could end this year.
A third month of slowing inflation in the euro-area may ward against such haste, however, and ECB President Mario Draghi said he’s not yet ready to pare back support.
Still worried about weak inflation are Swedish central bankers, where price pressures are unexpectedly slowing despite massive stimulus. “If you look at the past few months, inflation pressure has been a bit lower than we had counted on,” Riksbank First Deputy Governor Kerstin af Jochnick told Bloomberg.
Maybe the Swedes will take a cue from Norway, which just lowered its inflation target.
A reported spike in toilet paper prices is making consumers skittish on inflation in Taiwan.
Forward Guidance
Central bankers aren’t short of outside advice.
Billionaire investor Ray Dalio said they could face a challenge after a "Goldilocks" period, while International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said normalizing policy may spark volatility in markets.
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Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers warned the next U.S. recession may be longer than the last one.
And Bloomberg Gadfly suggested central banks may be wrong on wages.
Musical Chairs
Lots of personnel changes are underway at key central banks.
There’s still no sign of a replacement for Zhou Xiaochuan as governor of the People’s Bank of China, although the country’s leaders did approve nominees for top government jobs.
Here’s a guide to the possible timetable for an announcement. In the meantime, Chinese officials are taking steps to rein in the finance industry and the economy is showing new signs of cooling. A momentous fortnight begins next week when leaders set policies for the year and detail plans to curb financial risk, air pollution, and excess industrial capacity.
Taiwan on Monday got its first new central bank governor in 20 years and South Korea’s central bank Governor Lee Ju-yeol’s was reappointed. Rich Clarida, an economist at Pacific Investment Management Co., may be joining the Fed as vice chairman.
At the ECB, Draghi doesn’t sound too happy about how appointments are made to his executive board.
Weekend Reads
Apple, Samsung Open Their Wallets, Boosting World Economy
What We Learned From Leading Middle East Central Bank Governors
‘Amazon Effect’ Is Hiking Pay and Fueling Land Rush in U.S.
As Dubai Comes of Age, Its Biggest Challenge Is to Keep Growing
Pakistan Economic Woes Go From Bad to Worse Before Elections
They’re Richer Than Ever in the Land of Negative Interest Rates
Want to Know Chile Copper Output? Don’t Ask the Stats Agency
From Stingy Mates to Short Memories: Carney’s Best Bitcoin Bits
Chart of the Week
–With assistance from Craig Torres Christopher Condon Rich Miller Jeanna Smialek Piotr Skolimowski Jana Randow Yinan Zhao Samson Ellis Liz Capo McCormick and Enda Curran
To contact Bloomberg News staff for this story: Brendan Murray in Washington at [email protected].
To contact the editors responsible for this story: Simon Kennedy at [email protected], Malcolm Scott
©2018 Bloomberg L.P.
With assistance from Brendan Murray
The Smarter way to get your business news – Subscribe to BloombergQuint on WhatsApp
. Read more on Global Economics by BloombergQuint.
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celtfather · 1 year ago
Celtic Christmas 2023
Nollaig shona daoibh! Enjoy Irish & Celtic Christmas music for 2023 on show #640.
The Gothard Sisters, Brad Tuck, The Chivalrous Crickets, The McDades, Mad Maudlin, Brendan Monaghan, The Langer's Ball, The Sternwheelers, Scythian, Corey Purcell, Drumspyder, Crossed Cannons, Clare Cunningham, Alisa Marie, Bart Zeal, Plunk Murray, Ashley Davis, Anne Roos & David Blonski, Enda Reilly
The Celtic Music Magazine is a quick and easy way to plug yourself into more great Celtic culture. Enjoy seven weekly news items for Celtic music and culture online. Subscribe now and get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free.
This is our way of finding the best songs and artists each year. You can vote for as many songs and tunes that inspire you in each episode. Your vote helps me create next year's Best Celtic music of 2023 episode.  Vote Now!
You can also follow our playlists on Spotify and YouTube. These feature the top songs two weeks after the polls open. It also makes it easier for you to add these artists to your own playlists.
0:09 - The Gothard Sisters "Here We Come A Caroling" from A Celtic Christmas
3:24 - WELCOME
5:16 - Brad Tuck "The Christmas Ornament" from Songs for Christmastime
8:57 - The Chivalrous Crickets "Carol Set  -  Sussex Carol / Bring a Torch Isabella / In dulci jubilo / Ding Dong Merrily on High" from A Chivalrous Christmas
14:27 - The McDades "Dreaming on a Yuletide Night" from A Winter Collection
16:54 - Mad Maudlin "The Snowy Path" from Empty Chairs
20:35 - Brendan Monaghan "The Snow Fell Down" from Lovers Always Win
24:15 - FEEDBACK
25:50 - The Langer's Ball "Christmas in Carrick" from Single  -  2023
28:22 - The Sternwheelers "No Room For A Christmas Tree" from Fairytale of New York
32:38 - Scythian "I Saw Three Ships" from Christmas Out at Sea
35:48 - Corey Purcell "Arthur McBride" from Undaunted
41:48 - Drumspyder "Winter Nights" from Sunne and Mona
45:53 - Crossed Cannons "I'm Stuck in the Chimney" from A Pirate Christmas Story
48:41 - Clare Cunningham "Feel Good Christmas" from Feel Good Christmas
52:05 - THANKS
54:24 - Alisa Marie "O'Carolan's Cup" from Winter Harp (by the fireside)
56:30 - Bart Zeal "Yule" from December Celebrations
59:08 - Plunk Murray "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" from Christmas in the Pub
1:03:17 - Anne Roos & David Blonski "A Winter's Dance" from A Winter's Dance
1:07:55 - Ashley Davis (feat. Colin Farrell) "The Snows of Marrakesh" from Songs of the Celtic Winter II
1:11:28 - Enda Reilly "Tá An Nollaig Linn" from Christmas is With Us (Tá An Nollaig Linn)
1:14:18 - CLOSING
1:17:08 - The Celtic Kitchen Party "Jingle Bells" from One Celtic Christmas
1:20:29 - CREDITS
The Irish & Celtic Music Podcast was produced by Marc Gunn, The Celtfather and our Patrons on Patreon. The show was edited by Mitchell Petersen with Graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. Visit our website to follow the show. You’ll find links to all of the artists played in this episode.
Todd Wiley is the editor of the Celtic Music Magazine. Subscribe to get 34 Celtic MP3s for Free. Plus, you’ll get 7 weekly news items about what’s happening with Celtic music and culture online. Best of all, you will connect with your Celtic heritage.
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Promote Celtic culture through music at http://celticmusicpodcast.com/.
* Helping you celebrate Celtic culture through music. I am Marc Gunn.
This podcast is here to build our diverse Celtic community and help the incredible artists who so generously share their music with you. Musicians rely on your support to keep making music. If you hear music you love, please email artists to let them know you heard them on the Irish and Celtic Music Podcast.
You can find a link to all of the artists in the shownotes, along with show times, when you visit our website at celticmusicpodcast.com.
If you are a Celtic musician or in a Celtic band, then please submit your band to be played on the podcast. You don’t have to send in music or an EPK. Just complete the permission form at 4celts.com.
Do you want to enjoy more Celtic Christmas Music? We have a companion podcast that only runs during the last couple o’months of the year. It’s called Celtic Christmas Music. There are over 70 episodes in the feed by some of the best independent Celtic bands with Christmas music. Patrons of that podcast also enjoy music - only episodes. That’s a lovely way to enjoy Christmas music during the holiday.
You can also pick up a free eBook called Celtic Musicians Guide to Digital Music while you’re there. Email gift@bestcelticmusic
You are amazing. It is because of your generosity that you get to hear so much great Celtic music each and every week.
Your kindness pays for our engineer, graphic designer, Celtic Music Magazine editor, promotion of the podcast, and allows me to buy the music I play here. It also pays for my time creating the show each and every week.
As a patron, you get music - only episodes before regular listeners, vote in the Celtic Top 20, stand - alone stories, and you get a private feed to listen to the show.  All that for as little as $1 per episode.
A special thanks to our Celtic Legends: Bill Mandeville, Marti Meyers, Brenda, Karen, Emma Bartholomew, Dan mcDade, Carol Baril, Miranda Nelson, Nancie Barnett, Kevin Long, Gary R Hook, Lynda MacNeil, Kelly Garrod, Annie Lorkowski, Shawn Cali
Go to our Patreon page.
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Keep listening to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to celebrate Celtic culture through music.
You can become a generous Patron of the Podcast on Patreon at SongHenge.com.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/ #celticmusic #irishmusic #celticmusicpodcast
I WANT YOUR FEEDBACK What are you doing today while listening to the podcast? Please email me. I’d love to see a  picture of what you're doing while listening or of a band that you saw recently.
Email me at celticpodcast@gmail.
Check out this episode!
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falkenscreen · 6 years ago
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Where in our biggest episode of all time we fight about the biggest superhero film of all time, the longest film or TV battle of all time and chat with Cinema Reborn Director Geoffrey Gardner, Irish Film Festival Director Enda Murray, ‘Unquiet Graves‘ Director Sean Murray (IFF) and ‘Dublin Oldschool‘ Director Dave Tynan (IFF) – Wednesdays 7:30PM on 2SER and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes & Spotify!
Listen here
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