#eloana da'neer
incorrectfbaaquotes · 7 months
Eloana: What did i say about murder?!
Casteel: But, Mom-
Casteel: No murder on Thursdays.
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hawkefaery · 1 year
FBAA characters: cat or dog person?
Casteel: he loves both but 100% a dog owner. He loves a big dog that can be taken out for long runs, to run by the side of setti and that would fight next to him
poppy: again loves both but a dog person, she is messy and energetic and needs a bestie that matches all her chaos, maybe a small or medium dog that wages it’s tail when it sees her
Kieran: cat person. He wants to chill and wants the pet to rest on his chest while reading or knitting. He has enough chaos in his life only by being cas's bestie
Malik: cat person but an orange cat. Idk why a cat person, it’s just his vibe but I am sure it’s orange because it matches his insane spontaneous energy
Millie: she would literally die for both, like seeing kitten would bring her to tears but as a pet she would choose a gigantic fluffy female dog
Isbeth: she hates animals. Isbeth dislikes pets because she likes to have the attention all to herself, believes that dogs are dirty and she would recent cats because 1 scratched her when she was ten
sera: she would love a street, one-eyed, cat that dislikes absolutely everyone but would purr on her lap
Delano: he would love to take care a very tiny dog or a dog with special needs
Eloana: she likes dogs but she wouldn’t like to have one, she prefers cats and mostly black cats that would side eye people
Nyktos: he says that the dog or cat discussion is pointless. He would later agree to adopt whatever sera wanted
Valyn: he adores dogs, like he has the vibe of having grown up with like 8 dogs. He would definitely have a strong dog that would follow him loyally like a pit bull, a rottweiler or a german shepherd
Emile: a dog but not a very smart dog, more likely one of those dogs that crush windows while running
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artistontherise · 2 years
Da'Neer men whenever their wives/heartmates threaten them:
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katrinegrey · 2 years
Blood & Ash Characters Most Likely to Die in Upcoming Books
Now that it's been a minute since The War of Two Queens' release and most of us have had a moment to soak it in, I wanted to revisit a list I did last year in anticipation of TWOTQ's release. In December, I compiled a list of the top characters I thought to be most likely to die in the upcoming books in the series. The original list can be found here if you're interested in checking that one out first.
Given the new information we received and the new directions we can see this series headed in, I thought this a great time to re-evaluate the list and see how my personal rankings have changed.
Just like last time, I will be ranking these characters starting with the LEAST likely and ending with MOST likely to die. These characters' placements on this list doesn't inherently mean I wish for them to be there. This is only the characters I thought had a decent chance (over 50%) to be unalived by the end of the series. Let me reiterate that this list is characters who I believe will die by the end of the series, not necessarily in the very next installment.
It should come as no surprise, but there will be MAJOR SPOILERS for both the Blood and Ash and Flesh and Fire series, including TWOTQ. These are my own opinions and should be taken with a lot of grains of salt. More than a shaker; the full refill container will be required. I am also notoriously terrible when it comes to predicting things to come or forming theories for various series, these being no different.
Emotional warning: big sad discussed below so viewer discretion is advised.
If you're new around these parts, here are some acronyms that may be used within to keep in mind as we go:
JLA = Jennifer Lynn Armentrout (author)
ACOGB = A Crown of Gilded Bones (third book in B&A series)
ASITE = A Shadow in the Ember (first book in F&F series)
TWOTQ = The War of Two Queens (fourth book in B&A series and most recent release)
My list in December 2021 contained fourteen(ish) characters. Of those fourteen, only one character was unalived in TWOTQ. So long and farewell to Isbeth, who I had down as #2 last year. I wasn't expecting her departure so soon, but I can't say I'm upset about it either.
Now onto my current list.
#17 - Hisa Fa'Mar
Ooo, this one hurts. This one hurts me. But I’ve read a LOT of fantasy and the ‘bury your gays’ trope is unfortunately strong in the genre. It’s getting much, much, much better, but until proven otherwise, I’ll always add some weight to the death chance percentage if they’re LGBTQ+. I originally had Perry here instead, but I’m not certain JLA would want to invoke the wrath of the Delano stans by hurting his love. 
We know she’s one of the people Casteel trusts most and is Commander of the Crown Guard. The woman is frequently in a dangerous position guarding Poppy and Casteel or fighting in their war. It would hurt me so much to lose this huge piece of LGBTQ+ representation, but I see it as a very real possibility. Can I also take this moment to point out that I need to see more of her and Lizeth’s interactions? Their ‘be careful but be brave’ mantra, however cliché some might see it, is probably my favorite inspirational quote to come out of this series to date.
#16 - Eloana Da'Neer
Eloana was much, much higher on my list last year. I’m not entirely sold on the idea of her being left alone forever, but I think her life is in a lot less immediate danger after the events of TWOTQ. Eloana didn’t appear at all in the flesh in TWOTQ. I understand it didn’t make sense plotwise for her to be there, but her absence was noted. I also believe Sera was able to burn off some of her revenge rage on Isbeth and she will now have at least one son to distract herself by caring for and a whole godsdamned world to save. Exacting revenge on Eloana could wait until she dies and Nyktos deals with her in the Abyss. 
#15 - Sage
Nothing has happened on the page to make me think that Sage’s number is being pulled, but it’s a feeling. She’s someone we don’t have a lot of history with yet who Poppy really likes and we’ve seen her interact briefly with other characters, like Naill and Reaver. Wolven, who the big three have had a connection to, have been killed in these pages with little warning before (namely Lyra and Arden). It wouldn’t take much to lose Sage either.
#14 - Valyn Da'Neer
After the bonding moments between Poppy and Valyn and the reunion scenes between Valyn and his sons, Valyn suddenly holds more emotional weight than he did just a book before. Considering his wife wasn’t featured in this book at all, it gave Valyn a chance to shine on his own and he did so marvelously. But unfortunately, it does paint a bit more of a target on his back. Like other parental figures in this series, he is now something that could be taken away from some big players in this series, causing pain, but one that they’ll have an easier time surviving and taking revenge for.
#13 - Poppy Da'Neer (temporarily)
The track that Poppy is currently on could see her becoming the ruler of Atlantia, Solis/Lasania, and Iliseeum. That is too damn much! Even just Atlantia and Solis/Lasania is too much! Just a few short months ago, this woman was the maiden. She’s never ruled a toothbrush, let alone a country. She’s barely spent any time in Atlantia, the only one of these three where she was formally named queen, before she had to traverse off to fight a war. Now this is no fault of her own, but how could anyone expect her to take on all of that responsibility straight out of the gate? It’s not healthy for her or the people.
That said, I’d like to believe that something will happen to relieve her of all of that duty. Unfortunately, the easiest ways for this to happen would be if she were to figure out how to give up her Primal powers, though I’m not sure how that could even happen considering it’s fundamentally tied into her life force, her soul. But this is where her death on this list comes in. I wouldn’t be surprised if JLA does go this route, and giving up that power, or even killing Kolis with that power, causes her to die. 
But I also can’t see JLA pulling an Allegiant and seriously killing off her heroine at the end, so it would be a temporary sort of death and could even serve to momentarily kill Casteel and Kieran, highlighting the gravity of such a choice as the Joining.
Ideally, this is what I’d like to see happen. I’d like to see Poppy retain her title as Queen of Atlantia and only that title, regardless of her power. I’d like to see Solis stay as its own country for a while, perhaps even change the name back to Lasania, with Millicent and Malik possibly ruling there. And finally, Sera and Nyktos holding their crowns in Iliseeum. This is a pipe dream, but it’s mine and I’d appreciate y’all letting me have it please.
#12 - Ires
When creating this ranking, I originally had him placed higher before I realized I had no concrete reason to do so. We haven’t really met Ires yet and what was said about him in TWOTQ was all from other characters’ perspectives, namely Isbeth and Reaver. I’m sure I won’t have some idea until we actually meet him, at which point it will likely be too late, but I don’t feel secure enough in his living to take him off the list entirely. If everything Isbeth said about Ires is true and he bedded Isbeth willingly, even after everything she did and what she meant to his twin, I would place him much, much higher. I just can’t place any degree of confidence solely in what that bitch queen said.
#11 - Queen Calliphe
To say that Sera has a complicated relationship with her mother is to put it lightly. It’s implied that their relationship wasn’t great before the beginning of ASITE, but Calliphe would try every once in a while to be there for Sera, showing up to practice or just sitting with her for a moment. That all changed drastically after the Primal of Death rejected Sera as his Consort in the prologue. Calliphe, who we know had never been physically affectionate with Sera due to her status as the maiden, gets physical with her, slapping her on the throne before blaming her for their misfortunes and cutting out Sera nearly entirely. 
As the book is from Sera’s perspective, we get a front row seat to her conflicted feelings about her mother. If someone, like say Kolis or Callum, were to kill Calliphe before Sera for whatever reason, it could cause untold emotional devastation for her. Particularly if she never has the chance to tell her mother that the Rot was never her fault like she wants to.
#10 - Malec
Originally I had Malec and Ires listed together. Then I remembered how very different these twins are, and how much more of a precarious position Malec may wake to find himself in. Malec will likely wake and have to deal with the aftereffects of his imprisonment, the realization of what Isbeth did in her grief, and his own mourning for the loss of his heartmate and son. That’s in addition to whatever happened before the events of Blood and Ash between Malec and his family that caused him to turn his back on Iliseeum. Eloana swears he was a good man at one point, just made some bad choices. Will he still be that man after all this time and agony? Will he want to be?
When Poppy asked if he was alive at the end of TWOTQ, Nektas answered “For now.” That is probably the most ominous statement at the end of that book and doesn’t bode well at all for this god.
#9 - Holland
Holland’s death would be a perfect way to devastate Sera. Only two people from her life before Iliseeum seemed to love her and care about her beyond her role as the future Consort: Princess Ezmeria and Holland. Holland filled bits and pieces of certain essential roles for Sera as she grew, never really fitting entirely into one box: mentor, father, brother, friend. As such, he became one of the only people Sera ever learned to trust, one of the only people she learned to be vulnerable around. The loss of his life could be seen as the final piece removed of whatever lingering innocence or desire for a normal childhood she may have had.
#8 - Eythos' soul
In ASITE, we find out from Ash that Ash’s father, Eythos, was killed and his soul was captured by Kolis. We don’t know what state that leaves Eythos in, whether he is aware or not or if he is any sort of pain. Kolis is also known to grant “final death”: the destruction of one’s soul, meaning the person in question just stops existing with no afterlife. I don’t see Kolis willingly giving up his brother’s soul, but I could see him either destroying it or Eythos somehow behind helped to escape for one final act before death.
#7 - Nyktos’ Court
Just like last time, I can’t narrow down who I believe to most firmly be sitting on the chopping block, but I find it highly unlikely that every single one of them make it through the Blood and Ash series alive. These gods have only been seen in the flesh in the pages of ASITE, which is what makes it so difficult for me to judge who may or may not die. I may be able to decide further depending on how ALITF goes, but as of right now, they’re all lumped in together. 
Just as a recap, these are the gods I’m referring to : 
Aios – Goddess of Love, Fertility, and Beauty
Bele – Goddess of the Hunt
Theon – God of Accord and War
Lailah – Goddes of Peace and Vengeance
Rhahar – the Eternal God
Rhain – God of Common Men and Endings
Penellaphe – Goddess of Wisdom, Loyalty, and Duty
#6 - Ector
~ ‘Cause I’m an international Super Spy! ~
Sorry for that. In the months since ASITE came out, it’s the first thing to pop into my troubled mind every time I think of his name. Because he’s totally a villain, right?
If he isn’t, cool cool cool, but the way he disposed of Hamid was so strange. In addition to that, after Bele’s Ascension, Ector and Saion seem to be at different levels of wary of Sera. Saion seemed unnerved but solid, like he was just concerned, but Ector read to me as almost afraid of Sera. Ector also seems none too pleased to be used as an errand boy, which we see earlier in the book when he delivers the dagger to Sera. He doesn’t show it in the Shadowlands, but he is asked to do small tasks by Nyktos quite a lot (grabbing a cloak before heading to the Rise, fetching a bowl of water and a towel for Sera, cleaning up the mess after Hamid) and I imagine if he were someone with an ego, he might be chaffed by that a bit. 
He also knew Eythos and Mycella before they were killed, which makes me raise my eyebrows a bit because we don’t know who killed Mycella. We know it was on Kolis’ orders, but it’s mentioned at one point that the gods in the Shadowlands don’t know if Kolis can even enter the Shadowlands now that he isn’t the god of death. Which tells me that they don’t think he’s been there since he ruled there, so he couldn’t have killed Mycella. But someone did…
It's also telling that he's the only Shadowlands god we've met that wasn't named in the Blood and Ash series.
#5 - Nektas
He’s gonna die to get Jadis to safety, isn’t he?
It seems like a very strong possibility that one whatever adventures everyone goes on to find and rescue Jadis, Nektas will end up staying behind to fight some yet unknown horror to give Poppy and Co. a chance to escape with his beloved daughter in tow. We’ve seen it played out time and time again over countless forms of media, the sacrifice to give others a chance to escape, because this trope works. When executed well, it’s heartbreaking and terrible in its selflessness. This death would also serve to cause pain to not just Poppy and her friends, but Nyktos, Sera, and their court.
#4 - Nyktos
If you’ve seen any of my other posts on this topic, you know that one of my greatest fears going forward is that Nyktos doesn’t see the end of this series. For a character who is so kind, decent, generous, and brave, it wouldn’t take much to have him sacrifice himself to save others. It could be anyone, from common folk to his children and grandchildren to his court to his queen. I think his death would mainly go in one of two ways: 1. defending his liessa or 2. captured (alive or just his soul) by Kolis to be used as leverage against Sera and/or Poppy.
#3 - Callum
While reading TWOTQ, did anyone else want to punch through their book every time he opened his golden mouth? He’s such an awful person and his death has been promised by several characters at this point, with more to join I’m sure. It’s not even a matter of if he will die, but who will be granted the pleasure of killing him. My money is on JLA giving it to Casteel, but I would love to see Millicent get the chance.
#2 - Kolis
What else is there to say about this steaming pile of excrement that couldn’t be summed up in a bevy of curses that would scandalize gentler ears? Kolis is the big bad in both of these series. He’s so villainous that there’s no point of redemption for him at all, not that anyone would want to see him redeemed. The entire point of the Blood and Ash series going forward is that Poppy has to kill Kolis. It’s the only way to save lives and restore balance to the universe. He is a guaranteed death at this point. 
He is also the only character I believe to be virtually guaranteed to have his soul destroyed. Seems only fitting that someone who looked at souls as if they were disposable would then have his own soul destroyed.
So why isn’t he number 1 on this list like he was last year? Well…
#1 - Seraphena Mierel
How could Sera possibly be featured higher than Kolis on this list?
I believe she is the only character still on the board who could have a very real possibility of dying twice between now and the end of both series.
Her first death I’m predicting to happen in the Flesh and Fire series. I have held the belief since ACOGB that Poppy actually died when Commander Jensen's people shot her through the chest. I don’t believe that her dormant Primal blood and Casteel’s blood was enough to save her. I think Nyktos caught her soul before it could cross and Sera actually helped save her, giving her a little life boost back to her newly Ascended body. But Poppy could have saved herself. As we discovered throughout this series, she was born a god (at least from Ires' side and whatever the hell Isbeth gave). She was never actually mortal.
But pieces of Sera very much are, as stated by Penellaphe at the end of ASITE. I think that Sera might end up gravely injured and could possibly even die temporarily before being brought back by Nyktos and possibly someone else (Eythos’ last act as a soul?). It doesn’t help that the Flesh and Fire series has some serious parallels to Poppy and Casteel’s story, with their own unique twists.
I also feel like she will die by the end of the Blood and Ash series. Once again, all conjecture, but if JLA keeps her pattern of making Poppy more powerful with each book, Poppy could very easily end up ruling Iliseeum by the end of the series. I hope this doesn’t happen, I don’t believe she’s ready and I’m certainly not ready to say goodbye to Sera. However, it is a possibility and fear in the back of my mind and it would be so easy for JLA to do.
So there we have it folks. My complete list of all of the characters from the Blood and Ash series that I believe have the highest chance of dying post TWOTQ. I'm not sure if I'll revisit this after ALITF, but I will for sure revisit it after B&A 5.
These are the characters I had on my list of fourteen in December who, after TWOTQ and reevaluation, I believe are safe enough for right now (less than 50% chance of kicking the bucket): Malik (#8), Jasper (#9), Jadis (#11), and Millicent (#14).
Please let me know what you all think! I'm so curious to hear your theories and who you think may or may not survive to see "The End".
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castleshadows · 3 years
Queen Eloana: Penellaphe is the last descendant of Nyktos himself. I willingly give my crown to her because she is the true heir to Atlantia. Bow before your new Queen.
King Valyn: haha jk my wife was just being dramatic lol
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The way I let out a snort laugh at this. I love Poppy and she is many things but she is not this lol
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moussescientist · 4 years
do u have any theories regarding the ending of kingdom of flesh and fire??? that ending was crazy!!
**Spoilers for A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire ahead, obviously**
My brain has been working non-stop since I finished on Thursday with all the different theories. I’m going to break-up my main ones based on topics/characters.
What is Poppy’s lineage/Who is Queen Ileana???
So I don’t think what the Duchess was saying was a total lie. Yes, she was trying to get Poppy to come back willingly but I don’t think what she was saying was total BS. 
First of all, I 100% believe that Ileana is King Malec’s mortal lover that (as far as we know) got turned into an Ascended. If I remember correctly from FB&A, it was said that once it was discovered that he had Ascended her, they were exiled and had never been heard from again. I think Isbeth/Ileana had been pregnant at the time and he saved her to save their child AKA Poppy’s mom. This would also make sense with Poppy’s reveal as the last descendant of Nyktos since Malec was the last deity and was a descendant of Nyktos. 
Further, the Atlantians tried to have every deity killed after Malec, since they would have instant claim to the throne, so Isbeth had to assume the identity of Ileana and hide her child/grandchild away so no one would discover who she really was. Many of Queen Ileana’s actions feel like she has a very personal grudge not just against the Atlantians, but the Da’Neers in particular.
When Poppy confronts the Duchess in the carriage, the Duchess says:
“The Queen will be so thrilled to learn you’ve done what she could never accomplish. Seized Atlantia right out from under them, under her.”
The emphasis on her suggests, to me, a very personal tiff between Eloana and Ileana, which makes sense if Ileana = Isbeth. Also, when Eloana sees Poppy and gives up her crown, Poppy senses from her:
“...even as a potent, helpless sort of rage drenched the space around her, one that carried the stench of a long-buried fear come to fruition.”
I think that long buried fear was that King Malec had offspring and that they would come back to claim her throne, as would be their right because of their deity bloodline. 
What I still haven’t figured out yet is how Ian and Poppy’s parents fit into this. I am still not 100% convinced that who Poppy believes are her parents are actually her parents. Why is Poppy special but Ian isn’t??? There could also just be something special about the female bloodline in particular, but I am not sure. Also, where is Malec?? I doubt Malec = King Jalara so perhaps Malec did die a long time ago during the War. So many things left unanswered but I am excited for the reveals I know will come in the next two books!! 
Alastir is shady af
I think Alastir *for sure* knew Poppy’s parents and was contacted to get her out. He seemed to recognize their names when he asked Poppy. I think he realized what Poppy and her mother were and had them killed, but by whom I do not know. Poppy remarks that the man who held her wrist the night of the attack had red splotches, though I don’t know what that means since I don’t think we have met anyone who matches that description yet. 
Further, Poppy constantly notes how Alastir’s voice is so familiar and she assumes it is because he sounds like Vikter, but I think it is because she heard him before in her childhood. 
The night of the attack aside, Alastir was 100% involved in the attempt on Poppy’s life at the end. Beckett is his grand nephew and Alastir was a little too insistent that Cas speak to him alone, away from Poppy. Whether Alastir was following Jalara/Eloana’s orders or making his own, I don’t know. 
At the end, Alastir says:
“It’s not too late. It’s not, Eloana-”
Here I think he is talking about giving up the throne/crown. Everything Alastir did was to prevent Poppy from making it to Atlantia because he knew exactly what she was the whole time. He had always known. If Poppy had agreed to go with him on that first day, I am certain he would’ve had her killed. 
We get a false sense of security from Alastir because every time Poppy senses his feelings she feels that they are genuine, but he is over 800 years old. The man has learned to carefully hide his true feelings by now. Also, as a bonded wolven the person you share the bond with can sense some of what you are feeling and I don’t feel like you can betray that bond and their trust without being able to hide your true intentions. 
Should also note that Alastir is one of the only wolven at the end who was not put into their wolf form and trying to protect Poppy. Shady. As. Fuck. 
Those are the major ones I have for now but I am sure I will think of more haha. Feel free to share your theories/ideas! I want to hear them all!!!
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thisloveseternal · 3 years
I just finished the 3 books in the Blood and Ash series for the 3rd time.
I want to cry more now than the first time. J.L.A please change the release date of book 4 to sooner, I'll never ask for anything ever again. I need some
-baddass Poppy
-Poppy and Kieran friendship fluff
-Cas seeing Poppy and being all damn my wife is so hot when she's tryna save me
And last but not least (idk if J.L.A said it's not happening it is) KIERAN AND REAVER if not romantic then Brotp but please
So please Jeniffer listen to my pleas because I can't wait until March 2022 thank you
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beccas-books · 3 years
The Crown of Gilded Bones
Things I liked:
-       Poppy is a bad bitch now and I love it so much.  Like my Queen is now a GODDESS!  We love to see flourishing and thriving women.  She is such a different person from the first book and I love it.  
-     Casteel has redeemed himself in this book.  The creep factor was turned way down and it really showed.  Now he's just more a husband that is obsessed with his amazing wife and wants the rest of the world to know.  Casteel, Rhysand, and Rowan need to start a club about how much they love their wives.  
-     The action sequences in this book were a little more fun in my opinion.  They had enough banter to balance out any stress or anxiety that I felt during those scenes. And the ending battle scene between Queen Ileana and Poppy was so good.  That is what saved the ending of this book for me.  
Things I didn't like:
-        There was about 200 pages towards the end of the book that did not have to be there.  It took me like 3 days to get through the end of this book. And that sucks cause I loved the rest of the book so much! 
-       I would give this book five stars but I just can't because of how long the ending felt.  It really did feel like the ed of the book went on forever but then all of a sudden there was so much going on.  The final confrontation between Ileana and Poppy really did save the ending of the book.  Not only was Poppy a Bad Bitch during that scene but she also picked herself back up after they took her husband and did the one thing she didn't want to.  Which was start a war, but she's doing it and its gonna be amazing.  She is out for blood and the Ascended should be afraid.  Casteel was so much better in this book.  He wasn't just some creepy guy anymore, now he's a loving and protective husband.  Which can be bad in the real world when someone does it the way he does, but in a book its very nice to read about.  I cannot believe I have to wait so long for the next book in this series to come out! At least we are getting a new series in October! 
- Rating: 4.5/5
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incorrectfbaaquotes · 11 months
Valyn to Malik and Casteel: We are not mad. We are just disappointed. 
Eloana: No, we are mad. 
Valyn: Yes. We are. We are livid. But we are going to let this one slide. 
Eloana: No, we’re not! 
Valyn: I am not a mind reader, Eloana!
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hawkefaery · 1 year
I am so in love with Medalion Rahimi as Princess Isabella, she is exactly what I picture Eloana Da'neer to look like <3 I am in love
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incorrectfbaaquotes · 2 years
Malec: I got the birthday cake!
Alastir: It says 'Happy 133rd Birthday Elvina'.
Malec: Oh shit! She's gonna be 132, isn't she?
Alastir: ...her name is Eloana.
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hawkefaery · 2 years
Casteel Da'neer is such a mama’s boy, he is adorable and I love him
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Casteel loves and admires his mother so much he is so sweet and Eloana loves her little boy to death. I just love their dynamic is so cute, they deserve to be protected and happy
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hawkefaery · 1 year
the last time the Mierel and the Da'neers (yes because they are 100% descendentes of Attes) got along
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incorrectfbaaquotes · 2 years
Eloana: Are you having sex with my husband?!
Isbeth: Not at this exact moment.
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hawkefaery · 2 years
Alastir's actual worse crime.
To me, the saddest part of what Alastir did is the way he so easily betrayed the Da'neer family. Alastir have been around for centuries, he told Eloana the truth about Malec and Isbeth, he hide her secrets and was there with and for her during her ruling. The trust was up to a point that Valyn and Eloana relied on him to take care of their sons. Casteel describes Alastir as a second father to him and Malik, besides it is know that they grew up alongside his daughter and niece so they were really close. All of the Da'neer trusted and loved Alastir, they trusted they loved ones with him, themselves, the kingdom they loved (he was the advisor) etc and yet he didn’t even flinch while talking about killing them.
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He was so ready to end them that it is just sad. All he cared about at the end was power “and Atlantia” (yeah sure hon). He wanted one of his blood (niece or daughter) to sat on the throne at all cost, he lied and manipulated all of the Da'neers and because they trusted they never suspected. They are not a family who trusts easily, they are all murderous psychos but they did trusted him and he betrayed them.
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Also the fact that he knew that Malik was alive is just so frustrating. He saw the desperation in Casteel, the way he suffered for his brother, for what he was being done; He knew that both Eloana and Valyn were mourning their son, and he knows the pain of that and yet he let them believe that their son was dead and gone forever to them.
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I fucking hate Alastir, he betrayed my little family of psycho murders and that is wrong. I hope he is burning in the Abyss. <3
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