#eliza is such a fucking cutie omg
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Officer Cutie Pants

Anon Request: Can I do a request on our sweet little detective, where he frisks, cuffs, and has a lot of physical contact with the reader, maybe some light hearted smut at the end? :P
A/N: This became a story, but I hope it still satisfies your request. I tried some third person for a change bc I get bored with “Y/N” and “you.” However, there are some places where I had to use a “Y/N,” but I did try to limit it. Feedback welcome, as always, especially if you are like omg stahhp this is way too much “she/her” and “you” flows better sis👏
WC: 6087
Warnings: Reference to a jackass in a club who doesn’t know what “no” means, minor physical violence of said jackass, SMUT (18+ please)
* * * * *
Mike hides his laugh behind his hand as Baxter’s girlfriend pushes her ass into her boyfriend, grinding back into him as he tries his best to still her hips. His forearms are strained with effort as he holds her at bay.
“Y/N. Get. In. The. Car,” Baxter growls out before adding a quiet, ��Please.”
“Youuu are gonna have to cuff meee,” she sings, twirling in his arms and wrapping her hands around his neck. “Andstuffme,” she loudly whispers, causing Mike to laugh as Baxter looks ready to die on the spot.
The night had been a fairly quiet patrol, so when Mike and Baxter got a call for a drunken disturbance outside of a nightclub in their area, they both sat up a little straighter as their adrenaline kicked in. Baxter’s breath hitched as he remembered something, his palms all of a sudden very sweaty; he rubbed them over the starchy fabric of the uniform pants that covered his thighs, and Mike glanced over from the driver’s seat.
“What is it?”
“Y/N is there tonight—I just … I’ve got that feeling. Something’s happened.”
Mike’s foot pressed harder on the accelerator as he flipped on the siren.
“Hey, Mike!” she calls, suddenly aware of his presence. “Bax is bein’ a loatboad of nofun.”
“A loatboad, huh,” Mike says as he walks over, his arms crossing as he looks down from his substantial height of 6’5 at both Baxter and Baxter’s girlfriend.
“I can handle this,” he says, glancing up at Mike before returning his eyes to his girlfriend’s face.
He grasps her wrists and removes her hands from his neck, gently pushing her back. She giggles and leans against the cruiser, her head tilting up to look at the night sky.
She is absolutely drunk off her ass, along with at least three of the five friends she had been partying with.
“I wanna press charges against that bi—”
“Careful, sir,” Mike says, cutting off a guy who is almost the same height as himself, except it looks like this guy currently ran his nose into a doorframe. “You wanna tell me what happened here?”
Mike maneuvers his body to block Baxter from the view of the guy who is now insisting that Bax’s girlfriend assaulted him.
“I’ll tell ya wha’ happened!” she interjects, raising her head from its spot on the car and struggling again.
“Tell me what happened,” Baxter says, moving so that his back is to Mike’s, further distancing her from the man claiming assault.
Her eyes are filled with a wild anger until she realizes her boyfriend is the only thing she can see. She blinks, then grins at him.
“Le’s go downtown, Officer Baxty-Babe. I’ll take my pants off ‘n you can do that thing you do that makes me—”
“Please, please stop, sweetheart. You need to focus and explain what happened, or I am going to have to arrest you. Which means mountains of paperwork,” Baxter explains, moving to try to capture her gaze long enough to hold her attention. “Which means it will be a week before I can do that thing to you again,” he adds in a low voice, pulling a wide smile from her as her bloodshot eyes finally settle on his again.
Staring intently into Baxter’s eyes always makes her feel like she is being scrubbed raw. His eyes look dark in the dim light of the street, but they still hold that same pull that had initially attracted her. She quickly found out that dating a cop was hell, constantly worrying about what might happen to him, and after an initial few months of swearing she was going to break it off, and Baxter showing her why she shouldn’t, she acquiesced and let herself fall ridiculously in love with him.
Which suddenly occurs to her to say.
“Iloveyousomuch,” she gushes, her eyes filling with tears. “You’re so sexy ‘n smart ‘n officery ‘n I jus’ looove you.”
Baxter blinks, a long, slow blink of patience, and releases his grasp on her wrists. He moves his hands to her face and asks her not to cry.
“‘M not cryin’!” she declares, laughing as she flings herself into Baxter’s arms, finally able to make full body contact with him, her hands travelling south to grasp his ass at an incredibly high rate of speed before he snatches up her wrists again.
“Stop!” Baxter says loud enough to make her freeze, the tears she swore she didn’t have in her eyes returning.
“Okay,” she mumbles, stepping back and going slack against the car, so slack that she just keeps sliding until she’s sitting on the ground, her ass suddenly cold as it connects with the asphalt.
Gracie and Kendra move forward to help their friend, but Baxter holds out his hand, stopping them.
With a sigh, he kneels, thankful his girlfriend can’t make any more sudden moves.
“Sweetheart,” he says gently. “Please tell me what happened.”
“Why not?”
“You can’t remember?”
“I re’mber.”
“Then why can’t you tell me?”
She finally looks up, sniffling but not yet crying.
“You’ll kill ‘em.”
Baxter’s fingers flex as he suddenly realizes he should’ve trusted that feeling in his gut all along. He looks up at Gracie and Kendra, and they are frowning.
“Did you see what happened?”
“Not until after she hit him—but it was for a good reason, Bax,” Kendra answers.
Baxter turns his attention back to his girlfriend.
“If you told the girls, you can tell me, too.”
“Gonna kill him ‘n you’ll lose your job—”
“I am an officer of the law, Y/N,” Baxter says, his voice even and soothing, the exact opposite of how he really felt. “I took an oath to protect and serve. The least I can do is protect the woman I love.”
Gracie hiccups as tears fill her eyes and she softly says, “He won’t kill ‘em—ya gotta tell him anyway.”
Too drunk to have felt Baxter’s shift in demeanor from one of embarrassment to controlled anger, she feels reassured by Gracie’s appeal.
“Tell me what happened,” Baxter requests again in the same soothing voice, his eyes trained on her face as she looks slightly over his shoulder and into the small crowd that had gathered.
“We were dancing. ‘N it was fine. All the girls. Guys too. Some guys, couple a guys. Some guys started dancing. Yes. Wasn’t even really payin’ attention, just dancing ‘n then one of em was pullin’ me away, tellin’ me he was taking me home ‘n I said no ‘n he wouldn’ listen so I hit em—just like you taugh’ me,” she finishes, suddenly happy again as her face splits into a wide grin as she mimicks her upward, palm-flat punch toward Baxter’s nose.
He grabs her hand in time to stop her from accidentally hitting him, but this time, instead of restraining her, he presses a kiss to the back of her hand.
“Good girl. Now, can you stay right here for me? Don’t move?”
“I like it here. ‘S comfy,” she says patting the ground and leaning her head to the side.
Baxter’s movement is a blur as he brushes past Mike and starts in on the guy who apparently couldn’t understand the word no.
“Turn around. Put your hands behind your back,” Baxter says as he pulls his cuffs from his belt.
Mike is on immediate alert, ready to back up his partner. He acknowledges the backup officers who had arrived only a moment ago, and they work to push the crowd back.
“What the fuck, man? I’m the one with the busted nose!”
“I said turn around,” Baxter growls as he steps forward, his eyes fixed on the guy’s face. “In my area, no means no.”
“I never touched her,” the guy says, an edge of panic creeping into his voice as he realizes he’s not going to be able to use the sympathy of a few fellow men. Neither Mike nor Baxter have any tolerance for men who don’t respect women, especially intoxicated and vulnerable ones, although it turned out that this guy’s target was not at all vulnerable.
“It was loud—I didn’t hear her. I swear, Officer,” the guy babbles as he complies to being cuffed, his Adam’s apple bobbing as his eyes dart back and forth
Mike steps forward and hooks Baxter’s elbow, angling him so he could lean down to his ear, “Bargain. Get him to drop the charge against Y/N if we let him off with a misdemeanor disturbance. Guy doesn’t have a record.”
Baxter’s eyes turn up to Mike’s and they are hard, unwavering, but Mike doesn’t look away. Under his partner’s gaze, Baxter’s anger falters and logic takes hold again.
“Interview Y/N’s friends while he cools his heels in the backseat. I’ll check in with the bouncer to make sure he’s never had an issue with the asshole before.”
Mike nods and is once more greeted by a cheer as he approaches Baxter’s girlfriend, a few of her friends joining in this time, making Mike grin and shake his head yet again. Meanwhile, Baxter walks the guy in custody to the backup’s cruiser and puts him in the backseat.
At least she’s okay, he thinks before he begins to clean up this mess of a night.
* * * * *
Groaning, Baxter’s girlfriend lifts her head from the mattress between the two pillows she had fallen onto when she passed out. She has a vague recollection of her friends helping her into bed, but at the moment, much of the night was a blur.
Rolling over, she thinks hard.
Dancing. Lots of dancing.
Shots. More shots than dancing.
God, what got into me?
There is a rustling and a few thunks from the kitchen that make her sit up in bed, her heart picking up speed as she listens.
“Hello?” she calls, wondering if Gracie, Kendra, or Eliza had spent the night.
Clutching her blanket to her chest, she holds her breath as heavy footsteps scuffle down the hall.
Baxter appears in the bedroom doorway, a smile on his face and an apology for scaring her on his lips.
“You did scare me! Last night … bit of a blur,” she sighs as she lays back down.
“How much of a blur?” he asks as he moves farther into the room, his hands settling into the pockets of his gray sweats. He still has on his sneakers, and he’s wearing a black, LAPD t-shirt from the 5-k run the county hosted a few weeks ago.
She’s quiet for a moment and then sits up with a gasp, her eyes wide as she begs Baxter to tell her she’s wrong.
“I didn’t … oh my god. Please say I didn’t. That guy’s nose. OH. MY. GOD. I tried to—while you were on duty. Oh god, Bax. I’m so sorry!”
Baxter only smiles a little.
“So you remember it all?”
“The details are a little hazy—what happened to the guy I … bopped?”
“It was a little more than a ‘bop,’” Baxter says, pulling his hands from his pockets to make air quotes.
“I think I may have overreacted,” she says as she bites her lip, realizing that her mouth tastes like a drifter took a bath in it.
“The bouncer corroborated that he got pushy. It’s club policy to kick anyone out that makes physical contact, though. Apparently, you didn’t like that.”
Closing her eyes, she thinks back and remembered issuing quite a string of profanity as the bouncer escorted her out.
“Who called the cops?”
“The guy you slugged. Guess he has a modeling gig next week and no insurance. He wanted the ‘crazy bitch’ who hit him to pay for the damage she caused to his livelihood.”
“He was a model?” she asks, her lip turning up in confused disagreement. “No way.”
“Way,” Bax replies, sitting down gently on the edge of the bed.
Her eyes squint as she thinks hard about what transpired, frowning as she looked to Baxter’s face. It is still fixed in what she calls his “cop face.” His features neutral, his mouth closed and his eyes alert as he waits for her to talk—he has the patience of a saint, which makes him a damn good policeman.
“We were all dancing—a big group of us. The guys came up and pulled a few shots from the floating tray for us. I was feeling pretty stellar by then anyway, but I remember the feeling of his fingers closing over my wrist—tugging me away from the dance floor. I told him I had a boyfriend, but he shrugged. It was that fucking shrug. He pulled on my wrist again, and the rest is a blur—I do remember the way it felt when my palm connected with his nose—shit! I have a bruise!” she exclaims, looking at the bright patch on the heel of her palm.
Baxter’s eyebrow rises and he scoots closer, reaching out to take her hand in his to examine her palm.
“Are you mad at me? I don’t blame you if you are.”
Baxter closes his eyes for a moment, then raises her palm to his lips, pressing gently into the bruise.
“No. I’m not mad, sweetheart.”
“Am I in trouble?”
Baxter chuckles, his lips vibrating against her palm.
“Would I be here about to cook you a big hangover breakfast in my sweats instead of my uniform if you were?”
“I feel like I’ve sullied your sacred uniform,” she says, her grin shy before splitting into one of joy. “Wait—did you say breakfast?”
“You are the best boyfriend in the universe!”
“I know. And I also know you will somehow think of a way to repay me for the merciless roasting I took at the station when Mike opened his dumbass mouth.”
“I will kill him. I don’t care how big he is.”
“You’ve clearly proven what a tigress you are,” Baxter replies, his face becoming more open as he relaxes, knowing that his girlfriend really is okay after the ordeal.
“Just you wait,” she says, her headache momentarily forgotten as she darts toward the bathroom.
“I shower … you cook!”
Baxter smiles and shakes his head as he stands and makes his way back to the kitchen.
As soon as the bathroom door shuts and she flicks on the light, she remembers her hangover. Opening the medicine cabinet, she pops a few ibuprofen and scoops up some water from the running faucet. Unable to take the dirty feeling any longer, she brushes her teeth as she turns the shower on and lets it get hot.
About 20 minutes later, she emerges from her bedroom, showered, comfily dressed, and feeling mostly human, to the smell of bacon and coffee.
Baxter is pushing around eggs in her skillet as she walks over to him, bacon on the burner beside the eggs, and another skillet of potatoes sizzling on the back burner. Standing behind him, she pops her chin onto his shoulder and slides her hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.
“You smell good,” Baxter says through a smile that she can only hear.
“So do you,” she purrs as she turns into his neck and nuzzles, enjoying the slight stubble along Baxter’s jawline that meant he had gotten ready in a rush to come and see her.
“Is that so?”
“Shut up,” she bites back playfully, her hands moving to grip his strong thighs from the inside of his pockets. “You know you smell better, look better, and are an infinitely better human than any idiot fuckboy in a club who thinks ‘I have a boyfriend’ is a challenge.”
She feels Baxter chuckle again, and as he steps slightly to the right, she pushes her hands deeper into his pockets, inadvertently exposing a strip of his stomach between his boxer-briefs and his t-shirt.
“Hey—if I get a third degree burn from bacon grease on my junk, I am going to be pissed at you.”
Laughing, she relinquishes her boyfriend and moves to pull down two mugs for coffee.
“You are so sexy, Mister Officer. I can’t help myself—as we clearly learned last night,” she banters back with a slight eyeroll at her own behavior.
“Can I ask you something?”
She puts Baxter’s coffee on the counter closest to where he’s scrambling the eggs, and then leans into the edge before replying, “Of course.”
“Why were you so shitfaced last night? I’ve seen you have a good time, but that seemed … out of character. Or maybe not? I’m just curious.”
“It’s a very legit question, Bax. And you’re right … a little out of character for me.”
Pausing, she takes a sip of her coffee. Baxter turns the burner off for the bacon and moves it from the heat. He turns the potatoes down before running his spatula through them, making sure they don’t burn. Sitting her coffee down, she moves to a cupboard to grab a plate and a few papertowels.
“Sometimes I just want to get fucked up. I wanna not worry for a night. Not overthink. Let the constant yammering in my head take a night off, ya know?”
Baxter nods and asks for two bowls for the scrambled eggs and the potatoes. She moves to the cupboard again and pulls out two white bowls, ones that are just a little bigger than the cereal bowls.
“Any particular worries?”
“Work, always.”
“I feel you on that one,” Baxter replies as he looks around for a serving spoon.
She reads his search and reaches into the drawer to pull one out.
“Toast?” he asks.
“Oh yes. I need all the carbs to quell the queasy.”
As she carries the bacon and eggs to her small in-kitchen table, she says quietly, “And you. Pretty much always.”
Baxter clicks the toaster down and turns to look at his girlfriend, his eyes narrowed and his lips a little tight.
“Me, huh?”
Chewing slightly on the skin behind her lower lip, she crosses to the toaster and leans on the counter opposite of Baxter.
“We talked about this when we first started dating, but I didn’t realize how consuming it would be. I think about the what ifs all the time. I love you. What would I do if—"
“Hey, hey,” Baxter says, cutting her off as he moves into her body, his hands coming up to cup her face.
In return, she slides her arms around his waist, her fingers moving under his t-shirt to touch the bare skin of his back.
Baxter and Y/N look at each other for a long moment before he closes the distance and kisses her, his lips forming perfectly against hers in a tender moment of genuine affection.
When Baxter pulls back, he holds her gaze as he says, “Imagine how I felt hearing that call come in for a club I knew you were at. When I saw you standing outside, I thought I was gonna be sick.”
She looks into Baxter’s eyes, and then both of them jump as the toaster pops, both of them uttering a soft giggle.
Bax presses a quick kiss to her forehead before pulling the toast out and setting it on a plate. She lines herself up behind him again and kisses between his shoulder blades over his t-shirt.
“Let’s both try to worry less.”
“I’m more concerned for any … what did you call him? Idiot fuckface?”
“Boy,” Y/N says, laughing. “Idiot fuckboy.”
“Fuckboy who tries to steal you away.”
“Never, ever gonna happen.”
“Even though I make you worry, like, all the time?”
“You’re worth it—you just may have to answer a few more what are they called? 213s?”
Baxter laughs, his teeth flashing, “Shit, sweetheart. If I had to answer a 213 for you, I think that would be the end of our relationship.”
“What’s a 213?”
“Use of illegal explosives.”
“Oh! Well, then. Nevermind. What’s the whatever I was code?”
“You came in as a 415 and a probable 390.”
“Oooh two codes! Yay me!”
Baxter is still smiling as he sits down catty-corner from his girlfriend.
“A drunken disturbance—pretty typical for a club call. Sorry to disappoint.”
After scooping half of the scrambled eggs onto her plate, she looks at Baxter with sincerity and says, “Thank you for not arresting me.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong—technically.”
“I’m still thankful.”
“And you’re still gonna repay me,” Baxter says, his voice low and his eye shutting with an exaggerated wink.
Laughing, she shakes her head as she takes a big bite of eggs and reaches for the bacon.
“I’m more inclined to fuck you into next week for making this amazing breakfast.”
Baxter’s lips pull down in an exaggerated frown as he shrugs before declaring, “Or we could read this as two separate thank-yous from the tigress. She can feel free to make an appearance whenever she likes.”
“As if I need a reason, Bax.”
Their eyes meet for a moment before Baxter clears his throat, grinning as he tucks into his breakfast.
Conversation flows easily between the two of them, and soon enough, both are leaning back in their chairs, sipping the last dregs of their coffee.
“How’s your hangover?”
“Mostly cured, I believe,” his girlfriend says from over the rim over her mug.
“You going to the gym?”
Baxter shrugs, his fingers drumming on the table.
“In that case,” she says, standing up slowly from her chair, “I think we oughta treat ourselves to a lazy day … in bed.”
“I like … the sound of that,” Baxter replies slowly, taking his girlfriend’s proffered hand. “I did have a really long night. Some drunk broad came on to me while I was arresting her.”
She spins around, feigning offense, and Baxter laughs, his hands whipping to her sides to tickle her. She bats at him and speeds down the hallway to her bedroom, pausing to turn only to be met with a body full of her boyfriend as he tackles her onto the bed.
Still laughing, they look at each other for a moment as their smiles quietly slip into an intense kiss. They both taste like coffee and bacon, their shared meal a reminder of their shared lives.
Baxter settles between her legs, his growing hardness evident through the forgiving material of his sweatpants.
She is dressed only in sleep shorts and a thin t-shirt, so when she pushes her hips into his, she moans at the friction when he bucks back into her.
Baxter’s lips kiss at her chin before he nudges her jaw up by tangling one strong hand in her hair and pulling.
Her lips part with a silent sigh as he kisses down her neck, soft, slow, long kisses where he presses the whole of his full lips against her skin before moving down a fraction to repeat the action. The feeling of his lips on her skin has always driven her wild and today is no exception.
She knows she’s already wet, but she doesn’t want to be needy for him. She keeps thinking back to Baxter’s banter in the kitchen and wondering if it really did hide an insecurity: perhaps he needs some reassurance that he is the sexiest man she has ever been with, that no “model” will ever turn her head when she knows she is coming home to Baxter. Her drunken teasing last night outside of the club meant nothing; she was out of her mind.
But right now—right now, she is here and more than willing to show him how important he is to her.
With a growl, she pushes at Baxter’s shoulders causing him to look up with heavy, confused eyes. With every ounce of lust she feels, she flips Baxter over and straddles him, thrusting her hands in his hair and mimicking his earlier tug of her own head.
“I want you.”
Pulling even tighter on his thick curls, she flattens along his body and starts to nip along his jaw, the stubble chaffing her lips and scratching against her teeth as she mouths at him before moving down his neck.
She licks along the strong muscle and settles into the indentation between the muscle and his windpipe to suck at little patches of skin, not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough for Baxter to shiver as he wonders if it will.
She works her way down to the exposed skin at the neck of his t-shirt, pulling on the fabric with her teeth before sitting up so she can maneuver him out of it.
Baxter lays back slowly, propped on his elbows as his girlfriend swirls her hips against his bulge. His mouth falls open and a sigh escapes as she pushes him down again.
He’s fit; his lean muscles standing out enough to make her lick her lips in appreciation and run her hands over his pecs, kneading them before lightly pinching his nipples into stiff peaks. He’s sensitive, everywhere, which always makes their time in the bedroom all the more satisfying.
She flattens her body along his again, his cock now pressing into her stomach as she leans down to kiss across his chest, moving to his right nipple to pinch it between her teeth.
Bax moans and reaches to run his fingers through her hair, pushing it out of the way so he can see her lips on his skin.
Flicking her tongue, she plays with his nipple before moving to the left one to repeat her ministrations, her right hand back to kneading that strong muscle before sliding up to his shoulder and back again.
He has soft skin, mottled with freckles that make her want to kiss them all every time she sees them and a thin smattering of hair on his chest that scratches lightly against her lips as she continues to kiss his chest before following his happy trail to his stomach.
Humming in the back of her throat with pleasure, her tongue swirling through the trail of softer hair, Baxter can barely control his hips. They are desperately trying to rut against her body, and she has a strong feeling he doesn’t even know he’s doing it.
Sitting up slightly, she places her hands on his hips and pushes down.
“Behave for me or you’ll spoil all the fun.”
Baxter looks down, his face the perfect picture of debauchery: cheeks flushed, eyes heavy, and indentations on his bottom lip where he’s been biting.
He blinks, long and slow as if coming out of a fog, then huffs out a tiny laugh, his hands moving up to run through his hair before settling behind his head.
Her eyes trail over the way his biceps flex and she can’t help but reach into the course hairs of his underarms, scratching just enough to make him twitch before she smirks and returns her hands to his stomach.
Moving her body lower, she’s straddling his lower thighs now, Baxter’s thick cock clearly visible beneath the grey fabric, and at this point, she’s barely able to stop herself from stripping and mounting him on the spot.
But she wants him to know how much she needs him and from this angle, he can watch her face, also flushed with swollen lips from kissing his torso, fill with an unabashed desire as she grasps the bulge of his dick.
Slowly, she squeezes, not quite wrapping her hand all the way around his covered length, but pressing into him and sliding upward, jerking him off in the most teasing manner she can manage until a spot of precum leaks through his underwear and stains the grey of his sweats an even darker grey.
“Fuck, sweetheart. You’re killing me,” Baxter mumbles as his big blue eyes are flicking between her hand and her face, almost begging but not quite.
She takes hold of the waistband of his sweats and works them over his hips, Baxter lifting his ass off the mattress to help.
They repeat the process for his underwear, but she scoots down the bed to tug his clothes off. After pulling his socks off, too, she scratches her nails along the bottoms of his feet, making him jerk again, his face grinning as she pinches the big toe on each foot.
“So sensitive,” she breathes, her voice sultry.
She runs her fingers through the thick but soft curls of his leg hair, sliding them up and over his knees, slowing down only to push his thighs apart so his entire package is on display.
He’s so pretty, perfectly proportioned, and she reaches out with both hands to lightly grasp each testicle. She plays with the soft skin and watches Baxter’s cock jump as she applies more pressure, switching his balls to one hand so she can give them a good squeeze.
She takes the base of his dick in her other hand and very lightly begins to stroke him, once again watching the way her boyfriend responds to her touch and feeling the ache in her pussy which has become so pronounced that it feels like its throbbing in time with her heartbeat.
Sliding the thumb of her hand that was playing with his balls beneath them, she presses her thumb into his perineum and begins to move in firm, tiny circles, massaging him until his thighs are twitching and his chest’s rise and fall quickens.
She bends over now to take the tip of Baxter’s cock in her mouth, licking the precum from his slit first before closing over his head and lightly sucking. She slides her mouth over him, taking as much of his shaft as she can until Baxter begins to breathlessly plead.
“Stop—stop. I want to come inside your pussy.”
As if she couldn’t get wetter, the way Baxter’s mouth moves as he pleads sends a fresh wave of arousal to her center.
“Ride me, please. Wanna watch you.”
With a quiet groan at his words, she slides off the bed and strips out of her clothes. Baxter’s head turns to watch and he licks his lips before pulling on his worn, bottom lip, doing that thing that always makes her feel like a teenager again, crushing on the cutest boy she’d ever seen.
Baxter shifts on the bed, adding another pillow behind him so he’s sitting up a bit more as his girlfriend straddles his hips. Still holding herself over him, she reaches between her legs and slides her fingers through her slickness.
Holding them up, coated in the evidence of her arousal, she murmurs, “Look at what you do to me, Bax,” before slipping them into her mouth.
“Kiss me,” he says, his eyes trained on her lips as she removes her fingers, the intensity of his gaze a bare beacon of his desire to taste her.
Leaning forward, she braces her palm on his chest as she kisses him, and with her other hand, she maneuvers his dick to her entrance, sliding down onto him, pulling his groan of satisfaction into her own mouth as she deepens the kiss.
“You feel so good,” she groans out as she breaks the kiss and stills her hips so she can just bask in the sensation of being filled up by the gorgeous man underneath her.
“So fucking good,” he answers.
After grabbing onto a fist full of dark curls and tilting his face up, she gives him a wicked smile as she starts to move, rising up and falling down at a teasingly slow pace.
She loves the feeling of control, but what she really loves is watching the way Baxter’s mouth falls open as he pants out his pleasure, his hands sliding over her hips and reaching up to grasp her breasts. He pulls on her nipples before he lets his hands fall to her hips again, silently encouraging her to bounce on his cock before asking again.
“Fuck me. Show me how much you want me.”
All teasing is dispatched with as the room fills with the sounds of their pants and moans, both of them lost in the bliss of good sex between people who know what their partner likes and what their partner needs.
Her clit is swollen, aching for his touch and as he nears his orgasm she waits, patient, wanting him to come inside of her, wanting him to get lost in his own pleasure.
Baxter’s hand slides around and tries to touch her, but she grasps both of his hands and brings them to her breasts, squeezing them with him as she grinds into him, swirling her hips before rising and falling, repeating the motion until she can tell he’s about to come because his chest is red and when she steadies herself with one hand over his heart, she can feel it beating hard.
His hips buck up erratically into hers as his lips purse with an exhaled breath and he begins to groan, his face twisted into a magnificent ecstasy as he lets go, his hot cum shooting thickly all over her inner walls, the feeling something she would struggle to explain but nonetheless it’s a feeling that causes her eyes to close at the intimacy of it.
His heartbeat is slowing as she opens her eyes, unable to stop her smug grin at the way she’s left him damn-near cross-eyed after coming for her, but as he begins to wiggle out of her body, it’s clear he knows she needs him, really needs him, so Baxter pulls her to him as he flips her onto her back and quickly moves to between her thighs.
He admires his handywork for a moment, his thick fingers playing in their mixed arousal before he latches onto her clit and sucks. He glances up and her head is thrown back as her hands grasp her breasts; she looks like a goddess to Baxter as she pulls on her nipples and bites her lip, finally giving herself over to his mouth.
He releases the pressure and flicks his tongue rapidly over her clit before sucking again, this time, his suction pulling out her orgasm in a near-violent wave of release as his name echoes off the walls of her bedroom.
Baxter licks lightly at her clit, coaxing her down until her thighs press against his face, signaling him to stop. He presses a kiss to her mound, then to her stomach, right beneath her belly button before he presses a final kiss to her sternum and lays flat, his head nestled between her breasts.
She reaches down and swipes at the sweat along his hairline, running her hands gently through his hair.
“Mmm. Mmhmm,” Baxter sounds, and she can see his eyes are closed, his dark lashes resting prettily along the skin beneath his eyes.
“I think that was the best cure for a hangover I’ve ever had.”
“Not the bacon? Or potatoes?” he mumbles.
“No—definitely just you. You are the ultimate cure for a hangover.”
“Box me up and sell me. We’ll never have to work again.”
“Like I would ever fucking share that with any other human on earth. You’re mine, Officer Cutie Pants.”
Baxter laughs, his breath a warm puff across her skin. He twists his position, his chin now resting on her chest so he can smile at her, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
“I’ll be only yours as long as you’ll be only mine.”
“Hmm,” she replies, pressing her lips together in mock-thought. “I think forever sounds like a good amount of time.”
“Forever it is,” Baxter answers, pushing up to lean over her face, his kiss full of a gentle, loving warmth.
* * * * *
Our fancy bean never wears sweats, so this is all I’ve got for reference material:

Special thanks to @sherlollydramoine for nurturing my muse at 2 am 💞
Tags: @ramimedley @clumsybookworm18 @r-ahh-mi @aboutthatmelancholystorm @alottanothing @sherlollydramoine @txmel @diasimar @hah0106 @flipper-kisses @rami-malek-trash @ramisgirl512 @dancing-disco-deacy @just-a-queen-bee @eightiesriot @s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r @breadnbutternips
#detective cutie pants#rami malek#baxter baxter#baxter#Rami Malek smut#detective cutie pants smut#detective cutie pants x reader#female reader#rami malek character#little things
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Okay but you guys don’t understand how fricking PERF this AU is.
First of all Dipper as Hamilton is so amazing because they’re both YOUNG SCRABY AND HUNGRY and dipper is SO DETERMINED to prove himself just like Hamilton! (plus theyre both totes cuties and Dipper gets super emo just like Hamilton does...) Ford also works as Hamilton cuz they’re both smart.
Pacifica as Angelica makes me CRY OMG because first of all OTP 4 LYF and second of all of course she’d be so sadd about Dipper chossing someone else over her but she’d NEVER SHOW IT! Because she’s been trained to hide her feelings...
Mabel can work as Eliza (NOT IN A SHIPPY WAY !!! no hate tho) because she cares about Dipper so much and wants him to stay alive. But if you chose ford thten Fiddleford works so fricking well because he’s all about loving Ford and of the whole erasing myself from the narrative JUST LIKE HE ERASES HIS MEMORIES!!! (that reminds me of this amazing amv you have to watch it the fricking feels.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJvt2XxB9nQ)
Wendy would be an awesome peggy because theyre botth so spunky!! XP
Gideon is an AWESOME
Writing about Mabel as Phillip makes me too fucking said don’t even talk to me.
BILL as King Louis XIV is so AMAZING because they’re both power-hungry problematic faves... but everyone loves them anyways!! LMAO!!! ALSO JUST IMAGINE HIM SINGING YOULL BE BACK TO DIPPER (OR FORD) HOLY F*CK I SHIP IT oops i mean you didnt hear me say ANYTHING...
Gideon is just like Tomas Jefferson bc they’re both smooth ass motherfrickers who sing jazzy tunes plus like... their both jerks? But in the end their both good i love picturing him being all flirty too
Ford makes a really great aaron burr because he’s like totally cold and doesnt express any emotion. plus he makes a great foil to dipper. Butt if you made ford hamilton then you can make stan aaron burr because he’s like a fancy showman who puts on this show and omg stan shooting ford i fricking die....
If you made ford hamilton than dipper can be phillip.
If you have anything else to add pLEASE LET ME KNOW !! i love this musical and this AU more than anything holy frick
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