#electric cars from
herigo · 11 months
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omnicpng · 9 months
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tabooi · 4 months
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Electra showing his soft side around Pearl and Dinah <3
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wishingstarinajar · 5 months
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Can't make a robot/Transformers version of Stray without including his close companion Dullahan, my "headless" skeleton from @leytale. A robot without a head is a bit awkward (brain modules and all that) so I gave him no face instead!
He's a minibot so he's a smoll.
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i think climate change discourse often uncovers ways that people have trouble thinking about things on a certain scale… for example it feels counterintuitive to say that on the one hand, the US is iirc the second biggest emitter as a country and the biggest per capita (since number one is china whose population is famously quite large), and on the other, if we waved a magic wand tomorrow and the US went fully net zero, that would not really have a huge impact on the situation as a whole. but it’s true, because there are just that many more people living Not In The US. or like, it is both true that taylor swift traveling is probably responsible for more emissions in a year than you or i would be in several lifetimes, and that banning private jet use entirely in every single country in the world would be a drop in the bucket at best because it’s a relatively small subset of a relatively small fraction of global emissions. a lot of ostensibly justice-focused climate rhetoric has a very moralistic viewpoint on what we might call disproportionate emitters - which is why many people read a sentence like “taylor swift’s private jet use is mathematically negligible in the grand scheme of things” and assume it’s some kind of ethical or moral defense of taylor swift (or the US, or 1%, or whatever) - but i am starting to feel like “what we really need to do is hold the rich accountable” is just as much performative magical thinking as whatever alleged greenwashed bandaid someone is bringing it up to criticize, because saying it feels radical or serious but betrays a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of the actual scale of the problem.
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linktoo · 1 year
I just watched a whole Hyundai commercial for more spider-verse animation but I'm so obsessed with the fact that they got Gwen and Miles' voice actors to stiffly promote an electric car
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t1oui · 3 months
i love sex repulsed asexual evan rosier but sometimes i just need to write he and barty being freaky and horny yk
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charleystrainyard · 3 months
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sunforgrace · 1 year
he sat there on the ground and cried. for cas. cas told him he loved him was taken away and he buried his head in his hands and wept
#AND THEN THEY TRIED TO PRETEND LIKE IT WAS FINE? and after the widower arc#it wasn’t even as nearly fucked then this time all their friends got thanos snapped and we don’t even get canon confirmation that they were#brought back. even with covid not even a vo or offhand mention or reference#jack is god and in every drop of rain or whatever.#sure yeah whatever they beat the final boss and got over the protagonist angst of it all but the world was still the same it just wasn’t a#chuck story which only ramped up to being The Big Problem in the season 14 finale.#cas was stabbed by an angel blade and dean broke while wrapping his body for the funeral pyre. ALONE. and was. not doing well#and you tell me it’s whatever after he sat there in that dungeon refused to answer sam’s calls and cried during the complete and total end#of the world. that he just bounced back from that and died and drove around heaven for decades in a few minutes and smiled while americana#electric guitar played on some bridge#cas helped oh that’s nice I guess smile now I have GOT to go drive my car around. because I did not get enough of that in my time on earth.#unlike my time with cas which I am satisfied with and in no need of closure. perhaps a conversation. looking upon him to see him alive and#well. healing some of that trauma of the last time I saw him. a reunion hug maybe even which has become tradition. CUT THE CAMERAS deadass#he’s going for the face touch. no this we cannot possibly have time for we have to play carry on wayward son twice#sorry. it has been three years. sorry. it’s just so funny buddy your ass did NOT escape the hamster wheel
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i now understand the anger people describe when they see other folks just going about their lives entirely unaffected by disasters
#i'm living in a situation that many people are comparing to hurricane katrina and you're fucking talking about homestuck cosplay#i dont fucking care about over the garden wall i'm going into my third day without electricity and nowhere nearby has gas for our generator#our freezers are fridges now and its only a matter of time til we have to start throwing ungodly amounts of food out#we can't leave our house because the road even outside of our driveway has gotten progressively worse and we can barely drive across#there was another landslide about five minutes away. there's another town nearby that was completely leveled#i saw a guy stranded on the side of the road with signs taped to his car asking for a spare tire#i saw another car flipped entirely onto its back and halfway into the river which is still raging#one of the houses i'm used to driving by every single day that was huge and where we got our chickens from is gone. like it was never there#the area it was in just looks like another part of the river now. i wonder if people will play in it in the future#nobody has power or cell service. countless people haven't been able to contact their family members in four days#and yet it feels like the only people talking about it are the people who fucking live here. nobody else is looking at appalachia#except for the shithead tourists who like to go into threads meant for resource updates asking about their stupid fucking vacations#conservatives are saying we deserve it for being libs and libs are saying we deserve it for being conservatives#both of them call us hicks and use our accents whenever they do an impression of a stupid person
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op3ra · 8 months
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detentiontrack · 4 months
Oh I got an update on my car from the auto shop! Apparently the issue was literally ONE little wire not working, which means it didn’t tell the car to turn on the fans or do other things to regulate the temperature in the engine, so THATS why it overheated every time I drove it. The mechanic is ordering another wire from a subaru dealership (when my stepdad replaced it when I first got the car, he used an off brand wire that barely worked, and then completely broke and became non functional a few weeks ago while driving) and they’re going to replace it, and I should have my car back and fully functional soon!
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fraseris · 10 months
anybody else think about how insane it was for people born in the 1880s who lived into the 1960s. like thats 80 years. victorian era to the cold war
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fvckw4d · 5 months
Electric cars are bad for the environment and it's fucking stupid as shit that people keep ignoring that. Making the gas powered pollution machine into a smart phone on wheels is still making it into a different, worse pollution machine. It just now includes even more child slavery, corporate surveillance, DRM, and taxing the poor.
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why do disabled people have to pay for public transportation??? Most can't drive or don't own a car.
the veterans here (and even working army officers) get a discount on the ticket and the elderly don't pay, why do we have to be excluded???
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saintbarou · 1 year
thoughts about toji 🎤 what kind of bf/spouse do you think he'd be like?
toji is lame to me….hes kinda awkward at being loving but he’s actually quite doting when hes around you. does small acts of service that build up over time. if you ask him how toji getting up from the sofa so you can sweep lead to him picking it up with one hand so you can get underneath it he wouldn’t know what to tell you. he can’t really say he loves you - the word is still to heavy from the grief but he shows it a lot. pats your head and ties up your hair for you. makes you tea when you sound a little strained. skips betting on boats or horses and goes to the store to buy you the bodywash you like but are running out of
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