#either way. it's special to me. i remember it fondly. i feel like rewatching it too šŸ˜‹
dormiloncito Ā· 7 months
i acknowledge it's not as great compared to the OG but :) devilman crybaby you'll forever be famous. to me
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bowerbirdboy Ā· 4 years
A Complete Character Analysis of Sgt. Anacostia Quartermaine
Anacostia Quartermaine. Sheā€™s been a giant question mark since day one but is slowly starting to reveal her true intentions. However, my curiosity still remains about her treatment of Raelle and whether or not itā€™s special. I rewatched all of the episodes with a special focus on her and hereā€™s what Iā€™ve managed to find. This is a long one, Iā€™m sorry. Thereā€™s a whole lot to it, I understand if you have to tap out halfway through or skip to the conclusion, but Iā€™d like to think itā€™s a thorough compilation of everything Anacostia has shown through her actions, words, and body language.Ā 
Intro to Anacostiaā€™s Character:
Anacostia was raised as a fosterling, a military child with no parents, and was looked after by Alder. This caused a strong bond to form between the two of them and made Anacostia the perfect right hand woman. As no-nonsense and professional as she likes to appear, weā€™ve seen some moments (unrelated to soldiers and training, Iā€™ll get into those later) of humanity from her.Ā 
One of the best examples is when the fosterlings come to visit and she canā€™t help but smile. I think itā€™s clear that she enjoyed her upbringing and they give her both a nostalgic joy and excitement for the future.Ā 
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We also see her reminiscing about Beltane with Berryessa, another hint that she remembers her childhood fondly.Ā 
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She even has her hair down, completely freed from her strict drill sergeant duties.
Anacostia and Punishment:
The first time we see her have a one on one interaction is with Raelle, when she finds out about her first demerit. Immediately we see the epitome of the ā€œIā€™m not mad, just disappointedā€ look.Ā 
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She wipes away the demerit first thing without bothering to ask questions about it or punish Raelle. We only see her begin to get angry when Raelle saysĀ ā€œIā€™m sorryā€ and she snaps backĀ ā€œare you?ā€. Instead of being angry that she broke the rules, Anacostia seems upset that Raelle doesnā€™t care about training or putting in effort to improve her work. She almost starts to yell when talking about how Raelleā€™s actions negatively impact those around her but takes a breath and calms down. Instead, she sits down next to Raelle which makes the scene feel much more like a pep talk from a big sister than a lecture from a superior officer.Ā 
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She brings herself down to Raelleā€™s level and softens her tone, not wanting to seem too much like an authority figure.Ā Keep this in mind, itā€™s important for later.
She also personally hand delivers Raelleā€™s mail from her dad, something I would presume is way above her pay grade.Ā 
Then we see strike number two after Raelle uses Salva with Scylla. Anacostiaā€™s main priority is making sure Raelle gets medical attention (ā€œWe need to get you both to the infirmaryā€). While both girls took the Salva, Scylla has two officers standing guard by her bed and Raelle has none.
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I donā€™t know if this is protocol, but it does seem like a special case. And seeing as how Anacostia dismisses both soldiers with a simple flick of her head, we can presume she gave them the guard duty in the first place.
Anacostia makes sure the guards are gone before threatening Scylla, perhaps because what sheā€™s about to do isnā€™t quite up to code.Ā 
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From the daily ranking list we know it is possible to be punished for improper treatment of subordinates, or lower ranking soldiers.Ā 
When her threats donā€™t seem to make an impact and Scylla is still making eyes at Raelle, Anacostia decides to get her point across by bringing Scylla to the brink of death. That mightĀ qualify as an abuse of power.Ā 
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Thereā€™s no regret on her face either, she seems to be enjoying making her point.
In this moment I donā€™t believe Anacostia knew Scylla was Spree, but when Raelleā€™s progress was in danger she wasnā€™t afraid to use fear as a tactic to stop it (ā€œStay away from her. Far away. As if your life depended on itā€). But she only punishes Scylla, not Raelle.Ā 
We see Raelle get in trouble again, this time for sleeping during training. Anacostia kicks Raelleā€™s foot out from under her to wake her up, to date the most physical punishment weā€™ve seen Raelle receive from her. Meanwhile, Abigail gets the brunt of Raelleā€™s failure when Anacostia forces her to hold out a tricky seed for a dangerous amount of time.Ā 
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She is unconcerned, even though Abigail is clearly risking her voice and she was the one who told the girls ā€œIt is imperative that the entirety of your vocal apparatus... must remain functional and sound producing at all times. Inability to produce sound can leave a soldier powerless.ā€
This could be a psychological punishment, to get the message across to Raelle that her failures directly harm her team. Raelle cares more about others than herself (even if it was before her and Abigail bonded), so maybe Anacostia knew that it would make Raelle feel guilty. But I think itā€™s possible she wanted to spare Raelle while still making an example of mistake, so the other girls didnā€™t get the wrong idea.Ā 
Anacostia and Training:Ā 
We first see this in episode one, when Raelle storms in to confront Abigail. The other officers are concerned and want to break it up immediately, but Anacostia is interested in seeing the extent of what she can/will do.
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She lets the storm rage for about as long as it can without becoming harmful to all those in the nearby vicinity and I think she may have also hoped that Raelle would wriggle out of Abigailā€™s chokehold. When she inevitably doesnā€™t, Anacostia grabs Abigail and a random official grabs Raelle. That may have been a subtle hint that Anacostia wanted to ensure Raelleā€™s safety, only trusting herself to remove Abigail in time.Ā 
Anacostia has a strange focus on Raelle in training. This may just be because the Bellweather Unit has the main characters and it makes sense for them to always be the focal point, but Iā€™ll include it anyway.Ā 
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Even after rebelling and expressing disinterest in being there, Raelle is trusted with being the leader of the pyramid in a training exercise.Ā 
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While in a unit vocal lesson, Anacostia speaks directly to Raelle by sayingĀ ā€œVery good Private Collar, that seed is a beast to master. Maintain it.ā€ So was Raelle specifically given harder work than the others? Or was Anacostia only focusing on her?
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Tally and Abigail argue back and forth about their moms, but it is only when Raelle saysĀ ā€œhow about we cool it on the mom talkā€ that Anacostia takes notice of the unit and encourages them to ā€œuse whatā€™ve you got ladiesā€. They then proceed to produce a strong wind strike and we hear rare words of praise (ā€œBest wind strike all dayā€).Ā 
Anacostia and Praise:Ā 
That leads me rather nicely into my next little segment, Anacostiaā€™s praise of Raelle.Ā 
When Raelle wakes up in the infirmary after trying to save Porter, Anacostiaā€™s first words are another comment about her wellbeing (ā€œYou couldā€™ve diedā€).
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She looks angry but this time Raelle hadnā€™t done anything wrong. It seems as if Anacostia was worried about Raelle and covered it up with a layer of anger for risking her health without a second thought.
For the second time we see Anacostia sit down next to her, lowering herself to an equal level so it feels like a friendly conversation rather than a conversation with her drill sergeant.
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We hear her praise Raelle, sayingĀ ā€œWe are all incredibly proud of you, that kind of bravery canā€™t be taught.ā€ While not the first time Anacostia has complimented Raelle, it is a very vulnerable moment where she talks specifically about her character rather than her skills. It mirrors the first demerit scene and shows Raelleā€™s growth and Anacostiaā€™s investment in it.Ā 
But more importantly, Raelle doesnā€™t recognize the special treatment she is given. Anacostia is stern and she punishes more than she praises, so you would think Raelle may have started to notice. But in episode five we get two quotes that show she doesnā€™t.
ā€œYeah even Anacostia was impressed with our wind strikes.ā€
When have clearly seen several examples of Anacostia being impressed by their work, including the vocal lesson in the first episode and the wind strike.Ā 
ā€œThereā€™s no way she said that.ā€
When Scylla tells Raelle that Anacostia praised her skills, which we saw happen, Raelle cannot believe it. Weā€™ve seen moments of Anacostia pushing Raelle and complimenting her skills, but Raelle doesnā€™t see past her her demanding exterior yet.Ā Ā 
Perhaps Raelle thinks the bad moments outweigh the good, but when you see how Anacostia treats other soldiers it becomes clear how different she is with Raelle.Ā Ā 
Anacostia and Other Soldiers (mainly Tally):Ā 
After the swimming pool Spree attack, everyone is a little shaken up. Particularly a woman named Simms, who canā€™t even produce sound because sheā€™s crying so much.Ā 
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ā€œSimms, buck up. You are in the United States Army, will you cry every time the Spree attack?ā€ She refuses to show any weakness in the moment because she wants to show her soldiers what strength looks like.Ā 
We do eventually see that Anacostia is also shaken up by the attacks and the reactions of her girls, a softer side she doesnā€™t often show.Ā 
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She is clearly struggling as well but wants to train the weakness out the soldiers, to keep them safe. She waits for them to leave before breaking down slightly.
However, this is entirely different from how she handles Raelleā€™s Scylla meltdown. When Raelle is crying and screaming about the loss of Scylla, she tries not to react. Just like Simmsā€™ feeling of fear and sadness, grief is a common occurrence in war that they need to learn how to deal with.
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She maintains eye contact and betrays no emotion. Yet.
Even though Raelle is demanding that Anacostia do her job better and is accusing of her sabotaging the search (which she was but... still), Anacostia holds her ground. But when Raelle starts yelling (ā€œYouā€™re acting like Iā€™m crazy, Iā€™m not crazyā€), something softens in her eyes.
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I believe here sheā€™s realizing just how much Scylla meant to Raelle and she does not want to seeĀ Raelle breakdown like this. She even does a hard swallow, as if forcing down some emotion trying to bubble to the surface. There is a sympathy in her eyes that isnā€™t in the first picture or her confrontation with Simms.Ā 
The harshest weā€™ve seen Anacostia act is towards Tally. Tally is bubbly and naive and still a little scared, all traits Anacostia wants to train out of her. While Raelleā€™s rebellion and disinterest seem like they should also deserve poor treatment, Anacostia appears to save all of herĀ ā€œharsh life lessonsā€ for Tally.Ā 
In episode two, Anacostia singles Tally out and asks her to stab her in the eye, knowing that she would falter and fail.Ā 
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The look here is cold and expectant. She knows Tally is terrified and wonā€™t be able to do it, but sheā€™s going make Tally feel the full extent of her failure.Ā 
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When Tally falls, Anacostia barely looks at her before asking someone else to pick up her slack. She knew Tally wouldnā€™t be able to complete the task and wanted to teach her a cruel reality about war.Ā 
Then when Tally find her at the wedding, pale and shaking, to tell Anacostia about the Spree balloon, Anacostia snapsĀ ā€œwhat is it?ā€ as her first response. While typically we see her holding back her anger and annoyance, Anacostia makes no attempt to hide how she feels about this inconvenience.
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And if the message wasnā€™t clear before, when Tally grips onto her arm Anacostia yanks it away rather unceremoniously.
In episode six when Tally tracks her down to follow up about Scylla, Anacostia doesnā€™t even bother turning around to acknowledge that someone is talking to her.Ā 
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She keeps her eyes and head tilted away from Tally, barely even acknowledging that theyā€™re having a conversation. One could wave this away as her trying to keep the secret of Scyllaā€™s location if not for the previous examples of her behavior towards Tally.Ā 
Anacostia speaks in short sentences, attempting to dismiss Tally as quickly as possible and only addresses her directly when she wants to threaten her to keep her mouth shut.Ā 
Anacostia and Scylla:
This frame about sums up Anacostiaā€™s role in Scylla and Raelleā€™s relationship and I believe itā€™s quite purposeful.Ā 
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Sheā€™s standing between them, a constant obstacle. Not only directly, when she threatens Scylla and when she kidnaps her but also what she represents. She wants Raelle to be a good soldier, to follow the life the military has laid out for her. Scylla wants her to see that thereā€™s more to life than that and wants to get away from the military.
After she walks over, Raelle opens her mouth to speak but Anacostia talks over her and directly to Scylla (ā€œYouā€™re not supposed to be hereā€). Itā€™s as if sheā€™s trying to leave Raelle out of it, once again protecting her as if sheā€™s a child.Ā 
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As soon as Raelle calls Scylla her girlfriend, Anacostiaā€™s glare shifts to Scylla. Throughout the Tally distraction, Anacostia watches her carefully.Ā 
Thereā€™s too much to screen shot here, so if you want to follow along, here you go. In her and Scyllaā€™s one on one chat I think here you can see Anacostiaā€™s thinly veiled affection for Raelle and how defensive she is of her, almost like an aunt or mother-figure. She saysĀ ā€œyouā€™ve taken advantage of a new recruitā€ in a tone much angrier than if she really was just aĀ ā€œnew recruitā€. It seems to be a deliberate choice of words to emotionally distance herself from Raelle in this situation. When Scylla takes credit for some of Raelleā€™s newfound success in training, Anacostia becomes even more mad and saysĀ ā€œRaelle doesnā€™t need you, she has her own gifts. I suggest you end it sooner than later or I will make life very difficult for you, Ramshorn.ā€ Scylla responds sarcastically and Anacostia responds with a slight head shake as if to say Scylla has no idea who sheā€™s messing with.Ā 
Now last but not least, we have the big bombshell at the end where Anacostia is revealed to be torturing Scylla.Ā 
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And I think the lighting says it all, this is a true dark side to Anacostia that we havenā€™t seen before. Almost completely unlit, leaving a shadowy portrait gives her the scene an eerie feeling andĀ Ā 
Her interrogation starts withĀ ā€œhow did you plan the wedding attack?ā€, meaning she believes Scylla was the force behind the Bellweather death(s) and all of the destruction it caused. The real question is would Anacostia be interrogating herĀ  like this if she didnā€™t think she was a mass murderer?
Anacostiaā€™s treatment of other soldiers is not bad (except for SELECT moments with Tally and Scylla). She is a drill sergeant training them for war, she needs to be tough to keep them alive. Itā€™s not even close to Izadora slitting a girlā€™s throat in the promo for next week. However she unquestionably gives Raelle tough love, almost as if sheā€™s watching over her. Itā€™s possible Raelle reminds her of a younger her, or Anacostia knew her mom, or she somehow knows Raelleā€™s strength and is supposed to monitor her. But you can definitely see that she handles Raelle differently from other soldiers and Anacostia has personal interest in her advancement.
I think it also shows that Anacostia will be the first to want to stop torturing Scylla. She really doesnā€™t seem to be cold or cruel, only when something or someone she cares about is directly affected. When she finds out that Scylla abandoned the Spree for Raelle, I believe Anacostia will no longer want to harm her.
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anneapocalypse Ā· 5 years
Chorus Rewatch: Season 12: Story & Characters
Crossposted from dreamwidth. Back in March, I started a full rewatch of the Chorus Trilogy with the purpose of studying its worldbuilding more closely. This series of posts is from that rewatch.
Season 12 is one of those that always held up better on the rewatch than week-to-week. While undeniably enjoyable, episodically it comes off a bit repetitive before you can see the whole arc. I remember at the time having complaints to the tune of multiple episodes in the first half in which the Reds and Blues try to train their soldiers and fail, and multiple episodes in the back half in which they try to evade the pirates, get found, escape, and so forth.
But my biggest beef with season 12 the first time around was definitely how it treats Carolina. Iā€™m not really going to get into that here, because much was said about it and Miles heard the disappointment and he very much rectified things in season 13, and I forgave him! And since then I have only looked more kindly on season 12, appreciating it more and more not just for what comes later, but for what it accomplishes in its own right.
There is so much to talk about in this season that Iā€™m splitting it upā€”the worldbuilding stuff, which was my primary purpose for this rewatch, will be its own post. In this one, Iā€™m just going to talk about character stuff and general storytelling observations.
I like the way the helmet cam is planted early in the New Republic portion of the season, and paid off at the end when Tucker uses it to outsmart Felix.
I will always remember @farfromdaylightā€™s theory about Dr. Grey being Control rather fondly, even though in the end Iā€™m glad she turned out not to be, both because Hargrove was a fantastic villain and because the Fed side of things desperately needed some sympathetic characters. I notice how genuinely scared Dr. Grey seems when the pirates attack her base; she sounds equally terrified when the pirates catch up to them at the jungle temple in season 13. Given how rarely her cheerful demeanor breaks, this comes across as sincere.
Yet there is also an odd moment with Dr. Grey, and for me this moment really fed the theory about her being Control. When the mercs offer the Reds and Blues safe passage off the planet, Dr. Grey seems to believe them, and actually encourages the Reds and Blues to take the deal and go home. This seems particularly strange given that sheā€™s witnessed the mercsā€™ brutality firsthand and seems genuinely afraid of them in other scenes. I still donā€™t really know what to make of that, or why she would believe the offer to be genuine, other than the fact that narratively itā€™s useful to have a Chorus character tell them itā€™s okay to leave so as to increase the impact when they choose to stay.
Dr. Grey also drops a couple of odd worldbuilding elements in dialogue that arenā€™t really corroborated anywhere else in the text and yet we have no reason to doubt her on them. But weā€™ll get to those in another post.
This is not quite a new observation, but I am convinced Doyle has never actually been in combat himself. He faints at the sight of a weapon pointed at him, and when he confronts Kimball in downtown Armonia he says, ā€œDonā€™t make me use this!ā€ and Iā€™m pretty sure his hands shake. It speaks to not simply cowardice but a lack of experience; how that reflects on Doyleā€™s character honestly depends a lot on how long heā€™s been the General. If heā€™s been in the position for a long time, sending a lot of other people to fight and die, the fact that unlike Kimball heā€™s never seen combat himself just isnā€™t a cute look.
I think Miles did make a real effort to smooth over the weirdness of the season 10 epilogue, letting Carolina and Epsilon talk a bit about what motivated them to go off alone. Itā€™s still rocky, and I still donā€™t totally think the epilogue holds up as canon, but I can much more clearly picture how it would happenā€”Carolina and Church searching the wreck of the Merope for supplies, spotting some pirates boosting cargo, picking up radio chatter about selling a cloaking device, and setting off to investigate. Maybe they don't intend to be gone long, and then one thing leads to another and they travel farther and farther from the crash site, and then when they try to radio back they canā€™t get through. I tend to think Carolina was not at all sure the others even wanted her around at that point. Itā€™s still weird on both ends, both that Wash seems to know they ran off on purpose (and arenā€™t, you know, injured or dead) and that it doesnā€™t occur to Carolina that Wash might not know that. But you know. It helps. An effort was made.
I was always disappointed Carolina and Wash never really talked during the Chorus Trilogy. While I donā€™t primarily ship them romantically (I enjoy other peopleā€™s portrayals of the ship but itā€™s not one Iā€™m drawn to write myself), their relationship is important to me, in fact one of my favorite relationships in RvB; if you look at my AO3 stats from a few posts back, Agent Carolina & Agent Washington sits just below my two OTPs as my third most commonly-used relationship tag. They are important to me, with their shared history, their sometimes rocky relationship and the understanding they eventually reach. And Iā€™ll admit, Iā€™m partial to seeing characters actually talk things out, especially characters who donā€™t often open up, as that makes it all the more meaningful.
However, as a long time Rooster Teeth fan Iā€™ve come to recognize that in RT shows, action sequences often serve the same purpose that conversation would for showing character dynamics and relationship growth. ā€œGreat Destroyersā€ served that purpose for Wash and Carolina in season 13, and Iā€™ve come to appreciate that for what it is. But Iā€™ve also come to appreciate some of the small things in season 12 that show their bond. There is a moment, for example, when Epsilon is a massive dick, acts like everyone but him is the problem, and goes offline. Carolina wearily announces sheā€™s going to go check the perimeter. And Wash? Immediately volunteers to go with her. They both sound tired and stressed out. We donā€™t see them go patrol together, and maybe they donā€™t even talk. But they go together, for a moment away from the Reds and Blues, and I think that says something.
Much has been said and much will be said about Washā€™s writing across RvBā€™s many arcs; thatā€™s Another Post and one Iā€™ve been working on for some time. But I will say that for me, most of his Chorus writing really does hold up these days. Perhaps I have more appreciation now for any proactive Wash at all, after the crash dummy seasons 15 and 16 made of him. But I like Chorus Wash, even when heā€™s wrong. I like that he still (consistent with past seasons) has trouble with unfamiliar weapons and prefers a trusty battle rifle. I even like that heā€™s the one who most conspicuously refuses to take sides in the Chorus conflict, where Donut and Sarge show at least a bit of an affinity for the Feds, and the Captains are pretty invested in the New Republic. Wash has been there, done that, and served the prison sentence when it comes to believing in the wrong cause, and he is not about to throw his allegiance behind either of this planetā€™s factions. The Reds and Blues are his people now, full stop.
So we come back to that Locus-Wash parallel. And I have to sayā€”this time around, it almost works for me. It works a lot better when I set aside its narrative utility and the way itā€™s framed, and look at it from both charactersā€™ perspectives mostly independent of one another. I have @hokuton-punch to thank for some of this, as our conversations on my season 11 post have sparked some further thought for me. Iā€™d like to expand my present Locus thoughts into their own post, so Iā€™ll keep it brief hereā€”only say that I think Locus wants to see himself in Wash, wants to see something in Wash that probably isnā€™t there, while Wash sees in Locus what he doesnā€™t want to be and lets that drive him to some self-reflection heā€™s long been avoiding. And that reading mostly works for me, for both characters.
Washā€™s fever dream is the stickiest part of it for me, but I think Iā€™ve worked out a reading of that I can live with as well, which will also be another post.
Something else I notice about Locus is that he does not like the plan to use the Reds and Blues to fuel the civil warā€”pretty much from the minute go. Itā€™s not just a season 11 anomaly that Locus thinks killing the prisoners on the Fed side is a better idea. He does a very poor job of gaining Wash and Donut and Sargeā€™s sympathy for the Federal Armyā€”to the point that it really doesnā€™t feel like heā€™s trying. He repeatedly points out that everything will be fucked if they make contact; even Felix acknowledges Locusā€™s concerns on that front.
Notably, none of this is Locus having misgivings about the overall mission or about killing. No one can tell me that Locusā€™s ā€œLike sheep to the penā€ and his insisting to Wash repeatedly that he completes his missions at all costs doesnā€™t sound self-satisfied. Locus is against the plan to divide and use the Reds and Blues, specifically, because he thinks itā€™s too risky, and he ends up being pretty much right about that.
ā€œThey were underestimated,ā€ he says tersely, which might as well be an ā€œI told you so.ā€ I think if it was just Felix he would just say ā€œI told you soā€ outright, but given Hargroveā€™s prior history with the Reds and Blues Iā€™m pretty sure this was at least partially his planā€”finish off the Chorusans and tie up some of Freelancerā€™s loose ends in one fell swoop.
I watched all the special features, including the character journals. The Reds and Bluesā€™ journals arenā€™t super illuminating but they are really entertaining. (Simmons writes BSG fanfic!) Locusā€™s journal is, in hindsight, really funny. But Iā€™ll have more to say about that in a future post on Locus. For now I will just say: ā€œCould I have been a Freelancer? Or would they have feared me?ā€ is hilarious and Maine would have stuffed this nerd in a locker on day two.
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kinetic-elaboration Ā· 6 years
February 5: Thoughts on The 100 2x03 Reapercussions
I am very tired and I should sleep but instead Iā€™m going to bring my The 100 rewatch project out of hiatus yet again with Episode 2x03: Reapercussions.
I miss Anya so much!!!!! This is mostly my Dichen Lachman obsession showing but also the way she gives Clarke that ā€˜yeah, whateverā€™ look when Clarke says sheā€™ll get her out of the cage... your Grounder fave could never.
The show honestly peaked with S2 and after this it should have abandoned all attempts at edginess because nothing will ever be more Pure Nightmare Fuel than the Mount Weather Grounder Cages.
Clarke/Anya: the ship that almost was.
So when Clarke takes Anya out of the prison room, she opens a door that says ā€œEnd Containment Areaā€ and underneath that it says ā€œU.S. Department of Homeland Security, Mount Weather Containment Protocol.ā€ And people really thought JRoth made this up omg learn some history.
Considering how they left things (Anya literally trying to kill her and all her friends) itā€™s actually pretty impressively selfless and magnanimous on Clarkeā€™s part to not just rescue her, but immediately and unthinkably rescue her. On the other hand, Anya feels some remorse for leaving her people whereas Clarkeā€™s like ā€˜here are some clothes [even though those random bandages are holding up pretty well??], letā€™s get a move on!ā€™ (I know she intended to come back for them and she was being smart and practical but from the pov of, say, Jasper or Monty, this is cold as hell of her.)
Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again: early S2 Clarke is Peak Clarke: smart, sly, practical, brave.
Byrne mentions Earth Skills teacher ā€œDavisā€ as being part of the search team for Bell et. al. My question: how many Earth Skills teachers did they have lol?
I fucking love this crashed-ship aesthetic omg I forget how much I love it and then I see it again....
ā€œOn the Ark, you did anything you wanted, without a second thought about the consequences.ā€ Like mother, like daughter.
I ALSO miss Jasper and Maya. Iā€™m probably like the lone person out there who still remembers them fondly but they were basically perfect because they were sweet but with the potential for a lot of darkness as well, my favorite combination.
So actually fun fact, that isnā€™t how the art work would have been stored in Mount Weather. They had special containers for the paintings to protect them and like a special cart thing to transport them quickly from their old homes to the bunker I read a book.
No one ever characterizes him this way sufficiently imo but Monty is really quite uptight in a way. Like first: donā€™t cockblock him man. And second: just chilll. This is probably why he used to smoke weed.
ā€œTrouble? Itā€™s Clarke. Whatever sheā€™s up to, Iā€™m sure she can handle it.ā€ I mean.... heā€™s not wrong.
Except for the part where sheā€™s covered in dead bodies. But even then...
So I always felt like the main point of the Reapers was as kind of a zombie police force for Mount Weather: to keep the Grounders scared of the Mountain, so they wonā€™t poke around in it too much. Though of course they also collect Grounders, which is helpful, since the Mountain Men canā€™t walk that far from their home base (and, as stated, they probably want to keep most of that area Grounder-free anyway). But it occurs to me now that a third use of the Reapers is like dead-body collectors? The Mountain dumps the dead bodies out the trap door, and the Reapers take them away and eat them. So gross and efficient all at once. Mount Weatherā€™s motto basically.
Murphy and his creating-a-distraction stones are still one of the funniest jokes this show has ever pulled, though if it were a quicker reveal after ā€œsomething like thatā€ it would be funnier.
Never mind, Bellamy appearing out of the bush is true underrated comedy gold,
That said, I feel like everything outside of the Mount Weather and Clarke stories here is filler.
Love! That! Ship!
Major Byrne says that Kane is on the verge of losing control of the camp but... I dunno.... everyone seems to be working together pretty well? Maybe if they had diversified the cast a little, not in terms of yet more Grounders but, like, non-leaders of the Ark, that would be more clear????
Okay, well, admittedly, when the Grounder prisoner is brought in they do start a mini-mob, lol. Also one of the delinquentā€™s fathers is shot, it would be cool if we knew who he was?? ETA: and then he dies and Abbyā€™s like ā€œdoes he have any family?ā€ lol he just said that his son was one of the 100 so like obviously he does??
The costuming people, like the set people, really are the geniuses of this show. I love Clarke and Anyaā€™s outfits, and Clarkeā€™s hair somehow being both grungy and beautiful like THATā€™s the apocalypse style I wanna see.
Also they absolutely 100% would have gotten together in the S2-S3 hiatus if Anya hadnā€™t been killed off.
ā€œYou saved my life because you needed meā€ IS true but she also did it absolutely without hesitation, even knowing Anya really quite truly hates her, so this speaks either to some foolhardy bravery mixed in with her practical thoughts, or just straight compassion, or both. I guess that sort of is a Clarke thing. She can be a grudge holder (seriously donā€™t tell me she isnā€™t: Wells????) but her grudges are NEVER more important than hard-nosed practical problem-solving.
Time for some gratuitous torture. Honestly, I like Season 2, itā€™s probably my favorite season, but it has some MAJOR filler problems. Like when itā€™s good itā€™s THE BEST but then other times it just doesnā€™t know how to fill 40 minutes so it resorts to pointless diversions (like Bellamy rappelling down the side of a mountain to save a character who is literally never seen again? for some reason?) or just straight out ugly violence for screamingā€™s sake (Ravenā€™s surgery, Ravenā€™s Grounder torture, Abbyā€™s shocklashing, etc.) Like honestly I canā€™t even watch this. Iā€™m just gonna browse tumblr until itā€™s done.
The Arkers really like the concept of ā€œconfessingā€ donā€™t they?
Like okay Iā€™m not done WHAT IS THE POINT of this? It all but kills the whole Kabby vibe (I still lowkey ship them but sometimes I think...why?), itā€™s truly painful to watch, and it has no plot purpose AT ALL not even world-building because, lol, we know the writers donā€™t care to flesh out Camp Jaha in any real way.
Murphy is taking such sad glee out of instigating Finnā€™s madness/violence. The Luci of The 100 for sure.
This Bellamy story line is boring though Iā€™m sorry. Some of these scenes (the Clarke or Mount Weather ones) I could watch a million times but this is like... kay, I know what happens already. So.
ā€œThere are some lines you canā€™t uncross.ā€ I mean I think this show has actually shown thatā€™s pretty untrue since people get over almost everything pretty fast. Thereā€™s always another horrific thing to do and/or experience!
Yeah my bitterness is seeping in.
Anyway when you come into an interrogation knowing what the ā€œrightā€ answer is, youā€™ll never learn anything, take note, stupid teenager boys + U.S. law enforcement.
Like honestly this Grounder is 500000x smarter than they are. He saves himself and rains gunfire and destruction upon his enemies. (Well, saves himself for a few minutes--but at least he got to cause harm to those he hates!)
ā€œYou thought I was the crazy one, huh?ā€ Was Murphy ever crazy, though, or was he just coldly vengeful?
Speaking of coldly vengeful, Byrne could have been a potentially interesting character? Maybe? Iā€™m not really into the type but as I said I want more Arkers wherever I can find them. And Kane needs real opposition. I have sympathy for him to a degree, but I also think he ultimately weakens rather than strengthens himself.
I love when Monty calls bullshit on stuff. ā€œI canā€™t see Clarke? Try and fucking stop me, bitches.ā€
Jasper has such a big heart. Truly the emotional core of this friendship.
I like how Kane speaks as if his ā€œdiplomatic missionā€ of adults is so vastly different than Bellamy and Finn just going off on their own I mean, Byrne is little better than Finn? Theyā€™re both easily frustrated and fond of torture? Itā€™s just that Byrne understands a chain of command--barely--thatā€™s literally it.
How does it make literally any sense at all to shocklash a person one hour and make her the Chancellor the next? Like youā€™ve just encouraged the populace to think of her as nothing special, not above the embarrassing public application of extreme pain--but yes by all means expect them to fall into line behind her leadership. I mean I guess this sort of works if she was already somehow beloved (I guess Iā€™m supposed to just believe that?) and now more sympathy has been generated for her--but such sympathy would seem to come at the expense of Kane. It would seem to be the opposite of what he, or really Byrne, was going for with that disgusting display. But whatever memory is a fiction I guess.
And they have this swelling-music romantic eye-fuck goodbye like??? He was just beating you!! JUST NOW!
What Iā€™m getting out of Murphy advocating for killing the Grounder: first, he has a clear, cold, practicality not unlike Clarke, and two, he still thinks of the delinquents as his friends--how sweet. Two days ago he was killing them, holding them hostage, and stealing their ammo before a huge battle but still. Bygones.
This is not a great ep. for Bellamy leadership lol.
Finn executes a man, while wearing Clarkeā€™s watch, in the place they had sex. Seems...symbolic?? IDK itā€™s late lol.
I miss Nyko a lot but also now that Iā€™ve seen (part of) Slasher Iā€™m not entirely sure I can ever see Ty Olsson in the same light.
Wouldnā€™t it be funny if they were literal brothers? Because I always assumed this was metaphorical but...was it? WAS IT?
Weird note to end on, I know. If patterns hold, itā€™ll be another 2-3 months before I do this again but Iā€™ll try to be a little more on the ball about it.
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recentanimenews Ā· 6 years
THE GREAT CRUNCHYROLL NARUTO REWATCH Opens the Gates in Episodes 43-49!
Ā  Welcome back to THE GREAT CRUNCHYROLL NARUTO REWATCH! I'm Nate Ming, and I'll be your host this week as we make our way through all 220 episodes of the original Naruto. Last week, we covered episodes 36-42, and we continue this week with episodes 43-49.
Ā  This week is all about the FIGHTS, as we witness some of the best action in the series yet--and the start of what many consider the best showdown in all of Naruto! The "elimination tournament" portion of the Chunin Exam heats up, and we get to see a whole bunch of characters show what they're really made of--Kiba, Neji and Hinata, Shikamaru, and of course, Rock Lee and Gaara all get a chance to shine.
Ā  But first, a reader question from last week--this one's from twintailedmadness:
Ā  Hey, what happened with the two people impersonating the grass ninja along with Orochimaru? At the beginning of the forest exam part when they run in he says "you know what to do, we only have one target" and they go separate ways. Its not the two with Kabuto, you also see them at their own gate. Is it a plot hole or something that will come up later?
That's a really good question! They actually do vanish and we only see Shiore/Orochimaru-in-disguise--I think that Orochimaru was either controlling their corpses, or he had two underlings impersonating them. Sound off in the comments with your thoughts on the two random Grass Ninja who entered the Forest of Death and never returned!
Ā  And now, this week's Q&A!
Ā  This week we've got three, fourā€¦ FIVE fights all in a row, and yet we're also getting a whole bunch of great character moments and development. How are you feeling right now with the show's pace?
Kevin: Knowing whatā€™s coming with the third exam, I wish that they had saved some of the more poignant moments for after the prelims. Maybe of the people that completed the second exam, the slowest half need to fight, and then everyone else moves on to the actual third exam, so that the likes of the Hyuga fight and Lee versus Gaara would happen while the plot was actually moving forward?
Paul: No objections here. The show is moving along at a brisk pace, especially considering that it's a shonen action series, and by comparison sometimes a single fight in One Piece or Dragon Ball will last like five or six episodes. Two to three episodes per fight, maximum, is about my attention span these days.
Jared: This set of episodes in particular really felt like it moved quickly. Which isnā€™t bad, considering all the fights and moments that were packed into these episodes, itā€™s amazing how well it kept the flow up. Which really is how Iā€™d characterize the pace, in that it does a good job of keeping things moving and the only time it really feels hindered is when it can go into recap mode.
Danni: I watched all of this batchā€™s episodes in one day without even realizing it until I was done. It was extremely tempting to just go ahead and keep watching. It feels like weā€™re really moving along right now.
David: The pace hasnā€™t been consistent--the recaps and long-winded explanations of stuff that should be easy to grok come to mind - but these episodes were all incredibly solid and left me wanting more. Itā€™s very easy to see why this arc is remembered so fondly.
Noelle: I donā€™t have any complaints. Itā€™s mostly fighting, but itā€™s compressed enough, especially when compared to a lot of other shonen series of the time. Ā What we get really isnā€™t that bad, and is engaging enough that I didnā€™t feel like it was dragging.
Kara: I think I may be in the minority that actually enjoys when fights cut away to back story. We had a lot of characters introduced all at once, and they seemed genuinely interesting. Especially considering the techniques a lot of them use. I dig the sheer amount of action, but Iā€™m also enjoying finding out more about these people as we go.
Joseph: Iā€™m loving the pacing of these episodes because, with a couple exceptions (especially Gaara vs. Rock Lee), I donā€™t really think they needed to spend too much more time on anything here. The stakes arenā€™t that high, but they still make it seem as if each fight is a deathly serious affair.
Carolyn: Iā€™m also in the minority but for a different reason. I actually really like when the fights are sprinkled with backstory, I feel like it makes their fights more relevant and emotional. But Iā€™m really over how many fights are dragged across multiple episodes. It feels like they are stretching them out to fill time.
Peter: Whatā€™s. With. The. Constant. Split. Screen. Facial. Reactions. That aside I was pretty pleased with the animation treatment Kiba and Hinata got. The show really set its pace to the moment whether it was comedy, dramatic reveals, character moments, or even just taking an extra second so you can appreciate how f**ked-up Temariā€™s finisher was.
How does it feel getting to truly see Shikamaru in action, even if it was for only a half an episode?
Kevin: Shikamaru is one of the characters that grew on me over time. Early on, heā€™s just lazy and doesnā€™t do much, but as we get to see him fight and plan more, he just gets more awesome. So finally getting to watch him execute a plan in the moment was a great taste of whatā€™s to come.
Paul: While I enjoyed it in the moment, I almost instantly forgot that Shikamaru defeats his opponent by using his understanding of the layout of the battlefield to trick them into banging their own head against a wall. For some reason, the details weren't sticking with me.
Jared: For me, seeing him in action was pretty similar to everyone else we hadnā€™t really seen fight yet. I was glad to see them all get screen time and actually see what they can do. With Shikamaru we kind of saw what he could do in the forest with his shadow possession, but this fight really showed the extent of that power and how dangerous it can be.
Danni: Shikamaru seems cool, but I donā€™t understand why people call him a galaxy brain level strategist. He seems no smarter than the other top genin.
David: The best of Shikamaru has yet to come. As of now, heā€™s interesting, but not much more interesting than the rest of the cast.
Noelle: This fight is more of a Shikamaru 101 than anything. Where he really shines has yet to come, but itā€™s nice seeing that his intellect and creativity has been highlighted even this early on.
Kara: One thing Iā€™m learning about Naruto is there are very few one-trick ponies, despite what early episodes may lead you to believe. It was cool seeing Shikamaru step up from being the ā€œmendokusaiā€ guy to having some good in-the-moment tactics.
Joseph: I think I mentioned his power as being the type Iā€™d like to have myself. I loved the strategy of using his environment to his advantage, even it if seemed like a totally wild gambit.
Carolyn: Shikamaru! I love him so much. I love that everyone tends to think heā€™s just a lazy jerk when really he could be the most grounded of them all. Reality/knowledge leads to depression and all that. In my opinion, heā€™s incredibly observant and clever.
Peter: I have never understood why he doesnā€™t just hit someone with a damn shuriken when heā€™s got them trapped. Even with all holsters being coincidentally placed in the same location, he could have another one just for this purpose or pull a needle out of himself. Then even him taking damage was part of his plan.
We're seeing more and more ninja animals show up--Kakashi's ninja dogs, Shino's ninja bugs, Guy's turtle that only showed up once, and now Kiba's dog, Akamaru. What animal companion do you think would be the most useful for a ninja to have?
Kevin: The insects would probably be the single most useful creature a ninja could be in charge of. Reconnaissance that no enemy would think to check for, setting up traps that are practically invisible and a weapon that drains the enemyā€™s chakra, making them much easier to defeat, all in one. The only problem is that the bugs live in their host, which would make me run away so fast that Lee wouldnā€™t be able to keep up.
Paul: Definitely a turtle, because while your enemies are busy wondering why on Earth you brought a turtle to a ninja fight, you could sneak up behind them and shank them in the kidneys. Ninja are all about sowing confusion, and the only ninja animal that would be more confusing than a turtle would be an inexplicably out-of-water shark.
Jared: Having a bunch of bugs would probably be very beneficial since you could have just thousands upon thousands of them swarm an opponent. Just having that numbers advantage is going to be beneficial in most circumstances.
Danni: Without contest bugs are the most useful for a ninja to have. Control a few and you have the most stealthy intel team imaginable. Control a swarm and you will never, ever lose.
David: For the sake of variety, Iā€™d argue that rodents like mice and squirrels would be similarly useful to insects. They are everywhere, which is useful for surveillance and such, and they easily carry disease for assassination purposes. Also, you probably wouldnā€™t have to let them live in your body, so itā€™s just a win overall.
Noelle: Bugs, all the way. There are so many kinds that each specialize in different things- poisons, paralytic agents, webbing, heightened senses- even reconnaissance from away is very easy for something so small nobody would notice. Itā€™s a lot easier to catch sight of a mammal than a fly. I also am pretty fond of bugs, so itā€™s not like dealing with them would be a problem.
Kara: Guinea pigs, and not just because me owning four of them kind of obligates me to say that. Those little suckers are faster and stealthier than potatoes on legs have any right to be.
Joseph: Iā€™m down with the dogs, because when youā€™re not fighting to the death with them by your side you got yourself a ride or die buddy.
Carolyn: Based on whatā€™s in the show and not just any animal we choose? Because, sharks maybe? I dunno. But I guess bugs would make the most sense. Dogs could be useful in a fight but they would need to be exceptionally trained, I would think. Bugs at least give you a shock factor.
Peter: Really canā€™t argue with chakra eating demon bugs. Such a variety of insects too. Always thought Shino was an underutilized character given how freaky his power is. Little sad they turned him on his head to be an awkward joke character in Boruto. Iā€™ll always have my Ninja Storm ougis I guess.
Neji and Hinata's fight had a lot of raw emotion to go with the really brutal combat. For those of you who are new to the series, how do you think this story's gonna play out?
Paul: I don't honestly know where they're going with the conflict between Hinata and Neji, although I doubt they'll let Neji remain victorious in the long-run. Neji demonstrates the sort of rigid thinking that's a prime candidate for karmic retribution, and pride goeth before the fall. It was also nice to see that Hinata practices Hokuto Shinken.
Jared: Nejiā€™s gonna have to get his comeuppance eventually, although you could probably go about this in a few ways. One could be that eventually Neji finally realizes that Hinata is deserving of his respect and they go that route. Or they have Hinata save him from something and thatā€™s what makes him change his mind. Either way or with whatever they do, Iā€™d be surprised if this beef extended throughout the entirety of the series and they arenā€™t at least tolerable of each other.
Danni: The conflict within the Hyuga clan is one I can easily see becoming tied in with a civil war were that to ever happen. The lesser clan families will likely attempt to usurp the main family through assassination and align themselves with a greater evil threatening the Hidden Leaf Village, is my guess.
Kara: For me, Neji reads so much like the personification of Hinataā€™s self-doubtā€”at least in this fight. That feeling of self-doubt never goes away; we kind of resolve ourselves to it, admit itā€™ll be there, but learn not to let it overtake us. With all the focus Naruto has on personal growth, I feel like their relationship will mirror this to at least some degree, with Hinata coming to a point where Nejiā€™s thoughts about her donā€™t even matter. Whether heā€™ll ever respect her? No idea. I hope so.
Joseph: I think itā€™s gonna end up with Hinata shocking him with her prowess later on, and bringing out his own lurking self-doubt in a way that mirrors how he messed with her at the start of the fight. Iā€™d like to see more psychological ninja warfare either way.
Carolyn: Iā€™m not new to the series, but Iā€™ll answer with my thoughts on the episode, anyway. I was very happy with Naruto throughout Hinataā€™s fight. He pays close attention to his friends, which often comes across as being callous or inappropriate, but he knew Hinata wasnā€™t out of it yet even when everyone else thought she was down for the count. I appreciate that.
Peter: I donā€™t think this question's for me because I already know, but just wanted to say I forgot how brutal the whole affair was and the anime delivered. Right when the board had their names next to each other you knew Hinata was afraid and their opening combo was basically psychological torture. Bless Kurenai for being a good wingman.
We're here, at my single favorite fight in the series: Rock Lee vs. Gaara. For newcomers, how was the experience? For those of us revisiting Naruto, what was it like coming back?
Kevin: Rock Lee versus Gaara will always be one of the hypest things in all of Naruto, and the hypest part of it comes next week, once Lee starts tapping in to the Eight Inner Gates. It is taking all of my discipline to wait to watch the next episode.
Paul: One of these days, Rock Lee is going to hit a Lotus on somebody that doesn't use Ninjutsu trickery to cushion the blow or replace themselves with a decoy, and that day will be glorious. Until then, I'm just going to have to wait to see how the final episode of the fight plays out next week. I can see why people like this fight, but I still have difficulty taking Sandy Murder Cinnamon Roll (aka Gaara) seriously as an antagonist.
Jared: Maaaaaaaaaaaan, this fight rules. Iā€™d seen the gif of Rock Leeā€™s weight moment before watching this so knew at some point it was coming, but Iā€™m so glad to finally see the context and know itā€™s even cooler. The animation in the first episode of this fight was just astonishing with how much it let that fight feel so dynamic and fluid. Rock Lee continues to solidify himself as the coolest character in this show and the best boy.
Danni: This is the only fight Iā€™ve ever heard anything about in Naruto, and Iā€™ve seen the weights dropping already. It was still extremely kickass to see my favorite boy landing shots through Gaaraā€™s impenetrable defense. Rock Lee is the ultimate underdog and I want nothing more than to see him dominate.
David: Ridiculously good. I havenā€™t watched this fight in years, and itā€™s really amazing how supremely it holds up. Taijutsu is straight-up the coolest form of fighting in the series, and itā€™s already being set up to be outclassed overall, and while thatā€™s kind of sad, it ends up making Rock Leeā€™s underdog status so easy to see and root for that this fight benefits from it.
Noelle: Rock Lee!! Appreciation!!! This fight, and I think a lot of old fans would feel the same, was one of the most spectacularly awesome moments in the series. I havenā€™t rewatched it since I finished the series, but itā€™s just as hype as I remembered. Gaara, the boy who has never taken a hit, finally is forced to eat a blow from someone who only uses pure martial arts, and itā€™s great.
Kara: Everyoneā€™s been talking about how this fight is The Best. I get it, I see it, I believe you now. Itā€™s amazing and hype, but also a little weird because weā€™ve got two characters who wandered in from other genres going at itā€”Rock Lee being every sports anime personified, and Gaara genuinely belonging in a horror movie. (Seriously, the sand shell was hitting my creepy doll vibes more than Kankuroā€™s literal creepy doll.)
Joseph: Itā€™s Frieza eyes vs. Usopp eyes and it rules. Iā€™ve read the source material but I like the anime version of the event even more. When Rock Lee dropped the weights I got chills.
Carolyn: I actually liked the flashbacks more than the fight itself. Seeing baby Rock Lee so dedicated and driven, holding himself to impossible standards, itā€™s why I love him so much.
Peter: I thought there was still one episode to go until I saw literally ANY animation. Azuma was talking to Choji or something and I was thinking to myself ā€œwhy does this look so good?ā€ They gave every second of that episode special treatment. Lee dropping the weights is still iconic.
This is less of a Naruto question, and more a general question about action anime. Can you think of 1-2 other instances that were your "Rock Lee dropping the weights" moments from other shows?
Kevin: After giving it some thought, nothing I can remember did the same thing. In Lee versus Gaara, we had no idea that Lee was holding back, but then suddenly heā€™s on a whole new level and managing to injure a character who was previously untouchable. The closest comparisons I can think of are various moments from Dragon Ball Z. In the Raditz fight, Goku and Piccolo wore weighted gear, and Gohan had his first berserk moment that showed he had further untapped powers, and later on Goku going Super Saiyan for the first time also showed off the hero managing to one-up the villain with powers the audience had never seen, but each of those moments have a part of what made Lee dropping his weights such a memorable scene, not the whole picture.
Paul: There are plenty of direct parallels, such as Sky Star removing her weighted shoulder pads in Air Master, but I think my favorite recent example of someone taking the limiters off (at least in a metaphorical sense) is when Satsuki Kiryuin stabs her mother, Ragyo, in the heart before openly declaring her rebellion in Kill la Kill. That moment has the same transcendent impact, dramatically speaking, because you can kind of see it coming just an instant before it happens, but the reveal is still glorious.
Jared: These maybe arenā€™t direct comparisons, but for me itā€™d be something like Joseph vs. Esidisi from JoJoā€™s Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency where we see the fruits of Josephā€™s training and cunning pay off. Although, I might also put what Jotaro is able to pull off in the final episode of Stardust Crusaders as one that got me hyped in the same way.
Danni: Dragon Ball has quite a few moments where characters literally take off weighted clothing, but the most "Rock Lee dropping the weights" moment in the show I can think of is when Goku unleashes the Kaioken on Vegeta for the first time. I think a good recent example would be Uraraka vs. Bakugo in My Hero Academia. Everyone completely underestimated her and it looked like she was being ripped to shreds, but then she reveals it was all part of her plan to launch a meteor attack.
Noelle: This is hard, because I donā€™t think there are any direct comparisons. The fight shows a capable fighter showing their true strength, but also in a way that nobody expected, even the audience. There are many good fights, and many surprises, but none that we canā€™t see coming, at least on some level. I think the thing that elicited the closest feeling to that was Black Lagoon when Roberta was first introduced, and despite her demure appearance, she started blasting through absolutely everything.
Kara: Itā€™s really kind of the ā€œI am not left-handedā€ of anime, isnā€™t it? Except turned up to a ludicrous extreme. Funnily enough, the first one I think of is sort of an inverseā€”the mid-point of GaoGaiGar, where after a battle to the near-death that leaves our heroes and multiple robots on the point of falling apart, we get a post-credit scene that shows us the villains have been holding back. Definitely not a ā€œpunch the airā€ moment so much as a ā€œdrain the glassā€ moment.
Joseph: I have a really bad memory so no, this is the only one ever.
Carolyn: Not to be repetitive, but I think Uraraka and Bakugo are a pretty good example, as well. I tend to watch darker anime over action anime, so I donā€™t have a lot to draw from.
Peter: I have to thank Carolyn since I was trying to find a way to shoehorn in that in retrospect you can see a lot of the Hinata/Neji fight in Uraraka/Bakugo. As far as a moment where the series reveals its been underselling a character? Maybe Killua ripping that dudes heart out in the Hunter exam? Or Kenpachi pulling off his eyepatch is probably closest. I love when Ichigo claims thereā€™s a trick and Kenpachi admits the trick was he had a demon eating his power the whole time.
"I'm gonna be Hokage!" count: 19
Bowls of ramen consumed: 2 bowls, 3 cups
Shadow Clones: 123
And that's everything for this week! Remember thatĀ you're always welcome to join us for this rewatch,Ā especially if you haven't watched the originalĀ Naruto!
Here's our upcoming schedule!
-Next week, on MARCH 8th, the Chunin Exam finals begin in EPISODES 50-56, with CAROLYN BURKE hosting!
-Then, on MARCH 15th, DANNI WILMOTH covers EPISODES 57-63--Naruto settles a grudge as the finals heat up!
-On MARCH 22nd, the Chunin Exam ends as NICOLE MEJIAS covers EPISODES 64-70!
Ā  Have any comments or questions about episodes 43-49? What about our upcoming installment, featuring episodes 50-56?
Nate Ming is the Features Editor for Crunchyroll News and creator of the long-runningĀ Fanart FridayĀ column. You can follow him on Twitter atĀ @NateMing. Check out his comic,Ā Shaw City Strikers!
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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naivesilver Ā· 3 years
top five dishes (as in food) and top five cartoon media (so, not anime)
Ooooh this is so nice, thank you anon!!!
Ask me my top 5 anything
1) Pasta with pesto
2) Gorgonzola and speck pizza
3) Spring rolls
4) Chocolate chip muffins
5) Rice salad (come on, it's summer, it's time)
So by excluding anime you've single-handedly wiped off my entire list of childhood favorites because they...technically count as anime no matter how weird it feels to me...but it's okay! I have MANY MORE to share, and they're all from my Melevisione-watching years, so don't expect any quality here, just nostalgia and love.
1) House of Mouse
I know it's blasphemy to say it considering what became of Disney afterwards, but kid me was OBSESSED with it. All these characters I loved interacting in unique ways, plus some sweet sweet additional cartoons? Fucking count me in. I know the Christmas special by heart. Also, it features my first non-canon mlm ship (that I didn't know I was shipping back then, but I dug out what remains of a story I'd begun to plot and oh boy, was I onto something).
BTW Disney+ is too coward to add it but it's almost all on Youtube rn :)))))
2) Mikhail Baryshnikov's Stories From My Childhood
Russian fairy tales turned amazing stand-alone episodes with wonderful art. I still remember the afternoons spent watching it fondly, and I only recently learned it was made in the 90s, which comes as a shock to me, since even then it felt...ancient, somewhat, very eerie. I dunno, kids are weird.
Also! One of the stories, stretching over four episodes because it was too long, was none other than Adventures of Buratino, or as my high school friend used to call it in every audio message, "communist Pinocchio". It comes to no one's surprise that it was the story I wanted to see the most, and it never disappointed - it was weird, but funky, with some absolutely off the rails additions like the germophobe Fairy and Pierrot the sad heterosexual clown. Truly outstanding.
3) Winx Club
If you didn't like this, either you never watched it or you're lying. A pillar of early 2000s Italian television. Flora was, in hindsight, one of my bi awakenings along with Eowyn and young Rita Pavone. The OG opening and closing themes are bops, and I used to know the little dance they taught afterwards quite well for someone with no balance or coordination to speak of. Netflix did them DIRTY, but it's been said again and again, so I won't take my ranting shoes out of the closet - there's nothing I might say that hasn't already been repeated over and over.
4) La Compagnia dei Celestini
Raise your hand if you're Italian and only found out way too late that the book this show is adapted from is way darker and less family-friendly than any cartoon would have allowed. Mr Stefano Benni, sir, can we talk?
Still, what a great show. It made me want to go around the world kicking a ball across the street with my friends. As I didn't have any good friends and I couldn't play football to say my life, I instead joined a softball team and sorted out most of my problems that way.
(Celeste/Lucifero is still a ship for the ages, though.)
5) Dragon Hunters
The theme song was completely gibberish to me up until last year, where I listened to it again and found out that a)I know English now, so I can understand everything b)it's still a fucking bop c)it was performed by The Cure, of all people. Like, what the fuck?
Catchy music! Character development! Childhood trauma! DRAGONS! This show had everything. I should rewatch it at some point, you're making me miss it.
Honorable mentions: Gino il Pollo (my beloved), Mica (EXTREMELY hard to find, you don't want to know what I did to fetch the title) and Simsalagrimm
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