#eeee Headcannons
nottapossum · 5 months
Eeee this is sooooo cute!! I’m loving the Angel headcanons. I do have a question though, what headcanons do you have for when he regresses younger, like babyspace? I know you mentioned he does regress that young.
I can imagine he gets lots of cuddles with Husk and Fat Nuggets, especially if he’s feeling scared <3
I love him!!! 💕💕
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💕💕Baby Angel!!!!💕💕
-Just as a notice for ya'll. Angel's age has changed from 1-4 to 0-4. So he can regress as young as an infant. Not that it's that big a change, but as I started writing for him, I decided he definitely regresses to infant ages, too.
So... that means he's the second youngest character so far! (Moxxie still being the littlest at 0-3)
-Angel can usually talk and will. But when he's baby, his vocabulary is limited to maybe one word sentences followed by babbling. And sometimes, no words when he's overwhelmed and doesn't feel like talking. That's when he communicates by whining or pointing silently.
-Angel is afraid of people, and the younger he gets, the harder it is to be around them. After earning his trust, Husk had become the only one he's okay with when little, after this Husk, has slowly introduced him to the others at the hotel. (Little Angel doesn't fully understand a lot of things, but he knows that people hurt him a lot.)
-Angel is very clingy when a baby. Since he has begun to trust Husk, he wants the winged cats attention constantly and cries when he doesn't get it. He wants to be held, cuddled, and protected 24/7, and he knows Husk will keep him safe.
- Angel always needs access to a pacifier or a chew sensory necklace. (probably both). Husk has gotten to the point where he always has both of those on hand, even when Angel is an adult, just in case. It's the best way to calm Angel down when he's upset or having an attack. (He also has a bunch of them because he likes to collect all different shapes and colors to match his outfit.)
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-He loves stuffed animals- but he wants fat nuggets or Husk to cuddle with at night. A stuffed animal will NOT be good enough.
-Fat Nuggets will follow Angel everywhere if he sees Angel is regressed, he takes responsibility for Angel, also he likes the attention Little Angel gives him. 💕
-Angel needs diapers when regressed, and Husk is very supportive about it. In fact, he's the one who suggested that maybe Angel needed it since he kept having accidents. It was a challenge at first to accept that he needed them, but eventually, Angel has gotten to where he gets excited when choosing which diapers he gets to wear every time he regresses!
-Angel will stick things in his mouth a lot, so Husk needs to keep a close eye on him, or he'll find Angel with something he's not supposed to have in his mouth, like Alastor's microphone or crayons. (Alastor wasn't even sure how Angel got a hold of it. He'd be angry if he wasn't impressed)
-Baby Angel plays with blocks! Nothing much to say... just that blocks are cute.
-Angel crawls when in baby headspace and will slowly follow Husk everywhere, asking to be picked up.
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He's glad to have Husk there as his caregiver. He didn't expect him to be so okay with the fact that he's as young as he is, but the bartender really surprised him by not only supporting him, but taking responsibility for him and encouraging him.
Feel free to send more baby Angel headcannons, or any Angel headcannons. His and Husk's info post should be done soon-ish. (I keep saying that, but then I keep adding more because I keep coming up with more stuff!)
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divinelolita · 9 months
i thought of this shi in class so why not give it to u
ngl u be needin more kaulitz twin stuff they be so cute💀 any type of fic bro i do not careeeeeee headcannons or fic u choose cuz im too lazy too🥰
kaulitz twins bro who got a bf who is jus mean asf💀 like he's always mad n shi like there is no 'soft spot' for them tf he'll cuss them mfs out too just cause they started dating aint mean SHIT🙅🏾🙅🏾🙅🏾 he will back hand them no hesitation(too far but he still gon push em or smth)
but another thing i thought of is if he realized he actually hurt they feelings bro maybe at the same time or separate idk(bill or tom didnt say anything or show it but you could see) and since he doesn't know how to say sorry bro decided to be nice and fucking sweet🤷🏾 jus for a lil while tho🧍🏾making them food waking them up(IN A NICE WAY) giving them hugs letting them hug him(bro prolly hit them if they tried to hug him before) kiss them n shi doing cute couple stuff bro the basics he does not follow😪🤞🏾
a thought jus crossed me tom thinkin his bf fuckin broke like r u good🤨🤨🤨
doing seperate cuz i CANNOT write rn idek brah m gonna quit or smthhh 😭😭😭
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・I feel like he loves affection so much 🙁🙁
・He understands boundaries, he makes sure not to cross them
・Pouts a little when you swat his hand away but overall tries not to make a big deal 'outta it
"don't hug me brah."
"....my bad."
・His love language has to do with more physical touch so it PAINS the mf but like 🤷🏻🤷🏻
・Sometimes the things you would say to him stung, but he knows that's just how you are and you don't mean to intentionally hurt him...or he hopes so.
・It gets to the point when he's blinking back tears, shrugging his shoulders and looking anywhere but you
・nahhh tbh he probably thinks he's dreaming when you start being nice
・like if YOU stretch out your arms for a hug? he's running to you and laughing omll
・If you only do this for a few days he takes ADVANTAGE of it.
・bro does not leave your side...like at all.
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・not that big on physical affection himself, he likes it but can definitely go without it
・Although it sucks he can't occasionally hug you or pull you to his side, often daydreams of holding you like that even though you're already together 🙁
・Doesn't know how to feel if you push his hand away, swat him on the arm, etc
・Like...bro's kinda sad but he knows you love him...hopefully. 💀
・Randomally slugging him in the arm? ohh shit he's mad
"m/n what the fuck."
"wha'd i do?"
・He doesn't really care if you say something rude or snarky, words don't really get to him
・But damnn bro's getting cussed out and all he wanted to do was hold your hand while walking 😭😭😭
・EEEE MAKING HIM BREAKFAST IN BED? bro thinks your playing a trick on him tbh
"here, tom." and then it's just a plate full of fucking eggs, bacon, pancakes, etc.
・he thinks you're acting strange but bro gobbles that shit DOWNNN
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Hi! I love the Touchstarved headcanons you made! Do you have any ideas for being with Leander? Fluff (and maybe a little dash of angst regarding MC's hands or the dangers associated with it) please! He has just completely stolen my heart and I love him already <3 Happy writing!
Hi!! I literally squeaked when I got this! You've made me so excited, I've been itching for Touchstarved requests and yours is the first! Eeee!!!
I'm so happy with how this turned out!! I might make one for the other four, too, even without requests...
Fandom: Touchstarved Characters: Leander Warnings: Spoilers below the blue text! Very fluffy, mildly angsty...
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Dating Leander Headcannons:
He is literally. The softest. You will not meet anyone sweeter to you than he is.
He blushes alllll the time! It's adorable, frankly. The slightest touch or compliment just makes him all 😳
He'll literally do anything for you. Those things he offered you when you met, the bed, food, clothes, whatever? Yeah that was just the beginning. Don't even joke about wanting things around him unless you actually want them, because if it's physically possible, he will find a way to get it for you. My man is devoted.
He does magic for you all the time. He'll greet you every morning with a flourish and a magical flower, tucking it behind your ear and giving you a kiss on the lips or forehead as it dissolves. One time he was in the middle of something important and forgot. He remembered only after you'd left, and he literally stopped what he was doing and chased you down because he can't miss his morning ritual!!
Also he literally just does random magic tricks to cheer you up whenever you're not happy. Sad, disappointed, sick, mad -- whatever, he's gonna find a way to make you smile if he possibly can.
He wears his heart on his sleeve with you most of the time, and is outwardly pretty affectionate. You're his person and he's not afraid to make sure everyone in Eridia knows it. As a bonus, not many people will dare mess with you.
Mild spoilers below! Nothin' major, just things from the demo
He makes sure you have the respect of the Bloodhounds. You end up as practically their second-in-command, after a while. They all take care of you, too, because they respect him and they know you're important to him.
So the thing with the curse. He promises you that he'll do everything in his power to find a way to break your curse, and he does. But, of course, that takes time, and meanwhile, you're still living with it. So, Leander does everything he can to make you feel normal. You deserve it, in his opinion. He doesn't want you to have to live in fear anymore.
When you're alone together, he'll encourage you to take off the bandages and just... be yourself. Live life like a normal person, not a cursed person.
He encourages you to touch him, to touch objects, to feel anything and everything you want with your touchstarved hands. They've been deprived of sensation for so long, and in some ways you're like a curious child, trying to grab everything within reach just for the experience. He laughs the first time you touch something metal, jerking your hand back with a gasp because cold! Don't be too upset with him for laughing, though. He finds it adorable.
He has a morning ritual, but he has a nighttime ritual, too, regardless of whether or not you two sleep in the same room/bed. He'll sit you down and unwind the bandages from around your hands, and softly kiss them both, and then gently massage some magically-enhanced lotion into your hands and wrists. They've been neglected for years, because other than seeking relief when they ache, you've done everything you can to hide and ignore your hands - but not anymore. He showers them (and you) in affection, and encourages you to sleep with the bandages off. Yes, even if you're sleeping with him. Especially if you're sleeping with him.
Play with his hair. It looks like it would feel nice and soft, and with your hands... yessss. It's like touching a cloud, almost. You've never felt anything so soft in your life.
On the... less upbeat side of things, though. He's very serious about your curse. He makes sure all of the Bloodhounds know not to mess with your hands, ever. He probably tells them you have a condition of some sort, or that your hands were badly burned in an accident of some variety (probably magic if you're the alchemist, maybe some sort of cooking mishap if not) and they're very sensitive. He is very clear about this. No one is to touch them, even bandaged, and they are not to ever try to remove the bandages or tease you about them. This leads to the Bloodhounds having a tendency to grab you by the elbow or arm, which is sweeter than it should be.
Also, this means that he's the only one who gets to hold your hand :) Because he really really likes holding your hand :) and he's the tiniest bit possessive over them because they're so special and sensitive :)
Should anything happen, if someone somehow got touched... he would defend you. Doesn't matter who it was or how it happened, he's on your side, and he's not letting you be punished without going through him first.
He definitely gets you a pair of gloves, if you want them. Something soft on the inside but durable. Maybe he even enchants them for you, if such a thing is possible, makes it so that the gloves are impossible to remove except by him or you, so you won't have to worry about accidents.
Anyway back to the fluff to end this on a high note
Imagine cuddling up with him at night, tracing your bare fingers across his chest and face, pressing your palm flat against his chest to feel his heartbeat. Just. Being able to quietly satisfy your desire for physical contact without fear or judgement.
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open! Tag List 🐝
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chargeeboltz · 1 year
Can I make a request?
BNHA, Characters: Bakugo, Nejire, Aizawa, Midnight, Present mic, though you can also add anyone else you want! (If you can’t do them all then at least bakugo and aizawa)
Ok so basically just general headcannons for characer x reader who has immersive daydreaming
Its basically when you have excessive daydreaming, the daydreamer also sometimes have an entire plot for their daydreams, and has an emotional connection to their characters. although I’m horrible at explaining sorry!!
and if not thats totally okay
absolutely !! this is such a cute concept eeee!! i hope this is okay! i don't often write for nejire or aizawa yet !! bakugo !
silly boy does not understand, but every time you go off in your head he uses the time to just observe you
if you guys aren't already together, he uses this to be able to study you without anyone knowing what he's doing!
he definitely just glares, so to anyone else he just looks pissed off as usual
if you guys are together !! he stares so lovingly at you !! commits your face to memory !!
smiling like a goof
when he learns what it is, he will spend the time learning your plot, characters, everything
you have spotify playlists for each of the plots
one like on each of them
its bakugo
he's determined to understand bc this boy can't handle being wrong
will use it as a playful insult
"go back to your daydreams, idiot" whenever you make a joke about him being in love with you
she already knows ! she's best friends with tamaki, of course she does
whenever you're in your daydreams, she just sits beside you and studies, or gently wraps you up so she can train
makes you sit and explain everything to her so she's up to date
"it's like my own little tv show!"
she also gets attached to the characters no you cant prove me wrong
brings you snacks, even if she knows you wont eat them until you're out
gushes to you and tells you to write them into books!
excessively defensive if anyone is rude to you about it !
uses the time to get a nap
will just cuddle you and sleep, letting you have both your own time and his own time
explains it to everyone who asks, with a look on his face that leaves no option for them to insult you
will absolutely drown you in blankets when you daydream
forehead kisses and smiles as he just waits for you to return
"what happened today?"
soft and sweet with you
patient to learn, eager to understand !!!
buys you your own sleeping bag so you can join him
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lexithwrites · 5 months
One shot / headcannon idea to maybe help get you writing for: Prongsfoot cause I love them :))
Okay I’m thinking about Sirius coming out to Effie and Flea over Christmas break in like sixth or seventh year. He’s so so so anxious about it and he gets them alone when James is off doing things that James does. They’re in the loungeroom maybe and Sirius wont even look at them he’s so nervous he feels like he’s gonna be sick.
And then he says it. He just comes out and tells them he’s queer and that he hopes they don’t kick him out because he really can’t change who he is.
And then they’re just kinda sitting there like (1) we would never kick you out what the fuck (2) we don’t want you to change who you are you beautiful boy you are our son oh my Merlin (3) we already know
And then Sirius is like what the fuck and he turns to look at them to also see that James has somehow ended standing in the doorway silently staring at Sirius because he didn’t know Sirius was gay either and Sirius is about to start freaking out.
He’s like you knew?
And effie and flea are just like yeah obviously I mean you and James aren’t subbtle. Who do you think put the condoms in your bedside table draws?
And then James and sirius both immediately start freaking out spluttering out shit and Effie and Monty can’t understand any of it and they’re just like “it’s fine we love you both and obviously have supported your relationship for years. Why would we have a problem. Of course we are happy for the both of you you’re just so in love it’s adorable”
And that’s how James and Sirius work out they like eachother back. :) <3
Eeee prongsfoot okay
• They’re definitely childhood best friends that always said they’re going to marry each other and have a lil fake wedding together with Effie and Monty and their stuffed toys in the back garden
• Sirius and James were probably each others first kisses too like,,,Sirius asked if James has ever kissed a girl and he acts like he has but he hasn’t and Sirius says he HAS kissed a girl but he wants to kiss a boy and James goes bright red
• They kiss at a house party during spin the bottle and they both think about it for weeks
• They both low-key get jealous of the others girlfriends and they don’t know why they’re so protective of each other
• Getting each other super thoughtful gifts for their birthdays and Christmas
• They spent a Valentine’s Day together in Uni when they were both single at the same time and they went to dinner but it totally wasn’t a date
• their first actual kiss was when they got drunk together and it turned into a loooong make out session
• it was awkward for a few days but then James admitted to freaking out over liking guys and Sirius is like it’s fine dude I like them it’s normal
• then they just kinda,,,kiss every so often?
• it’s normal
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little-bitty-froggy · 9 months
Hi froggy I wanted to ask if you could write about Frank and Eddie taking care of a little reader after they have a nightmare?
I was hoping the reader could use a bottle and pacifier if that’s ok. You can also add headcannons if you want.Thank you!
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Cg: Frank Frankly, Eddie Dear.
Little: reader
Age: 1
TW: During the nightmare there's mentions of being tired up, knives, blood, etc.
It was a wonderful Frieday night, around 6:30 ish on October. Y/n was going over to Eddie's house for a sleepover, They were going to meet up with Frank halfway but he was running late. Y/n promised themselves that they weren't going to regress tonight and have a “normal” evening.
Y/n walked up to Eddie's house and saw small bats hung from the roof. Y/n thought it was quite cute, they enjoyed the spooky session as much as their little selves did.
*Knock knock*
Eddie opens the door. “why hello Y/n! Please come in!”
Eddie was in black pajamas that had bat prints on his pajama pants and bat slippers.
hi Eddie! Y/n says very excitedly.
Hello squirt. Eddie smiles hugging me. “Ok so I have the movie, games, fort aaaaand snacks ready, all we need is Frank. He should be here any moment now… say weren't you and frank meeting up?!
“Oh yeah, he said he was running late.” y/n places there bag by the couch.
“Oh, well he better be here soon or he's going to miss the time of his life!” Eddie has a huge smile on him face as he gets some snacks and drinks.
*Knock knock*
“*Gasp* EEEE that must be him!!!”
Eddie swings the door open to see Frank in a matching pajamas. They both swing into each other's arms. *Eddie laughs*” please come in, Y/n is already here and I'm about to start up a movie!”
“Ooh that sounds fun, what movie?” “Y/n picked it out, I think it was Chucky~? I'm not sure. Oh but please come in, it's quite cold!”
Y/n looks over to see Frank and Eddie walk into the living room.
“Hi, Frank!!” y/n smiles. *gasp*” You guys have matching pajamas?!” y/n wines. “Meany”
Frank and Eddie smile giggling. “Is someone getting cranky already?!” Frank asks in a playful yet modest tone. Y/n protests. “What! Nonononono!!! You guys are lucky that you have something to match and I don't… well anyway we have the movie up!”
Eddie rolls his eyes and chuckles,” Yeah okay.”
Eddie dims the lights and they cuddle up next to each other in the couch while y/n chooses to sit on the opposite side. When they started the movie, everything was fine but when y/n saw the fall they wanted to turn the movie off seeing as Eddie and Frank were happy and enjoying the movie, they didn't want to ruin it for them.
Y/n slowly got out a blanket and rapt it around themselves like a cocoon. “I'll be right back... I'm just going into the kitchen for a sec…”
Y/n leaves and once they reach the kitchen they got an eerie feeling that someone was watching them. They felt small but cept on pushing it aside. Y/n then grabbed a drink and headed back to the couch.
“Sorry about that” “It's ok” Frank says. It's now more then half way threw the movie and y/n is now fighting uncontrollably but no one seems to notice. Y/n spaces out to try and spread up time on there end.
“Y/n?” a can't voice can be heard “Y/n~?”
“HUH!, oh it's just you frank”
“Is everything ok? You where spaced out.” Frank says in the most concerning voice he can make with out it seeming monitored. “Oh I'm fine, just got bored of the movie is all.” y/n pulls out a weak smile and Frank buys it.
[Time skip cause most of this is just about the movie and I'm lazy so now they are getting ready for bed]
Eddie pulls out a blow-up mattress and sets it up. Y/n then places their pillow and blanket neatly on the bed while Frank and Eddie are snuggling up on Eddie's bed. They end up falling asleep moments later. “Good night guys!” Y/n wishes whole getting cosy. “Good night Y/n” Eddie and frank say in sink.
[nightmare :)]
Y/n wakes up in in a dark trapped down to a table. “H-Huh where? Where am I?” Y/n trees to move. “What the?! ”H-HEY MMMMMH, WHO EVER YOU ARE LET ME GO!!!”
“Nah uuuh” creepy chuckling can be heard from a dark side of the room. A small creepy doll comes out with a knife.
“H-HUH!!!” tears stream down Y/ns face. “No!! NONONONONONO!!!”
Small sobs can be can be heard from y/ns side of the room.
Eddie grones. “Y/n? Frank?” Eddie wakes up frank. “Frank!”
“Huh” Frank wakes up. “Y/n?!”
Y/n jults awake trying to grasp there breath. Y/n starts Sobbing.
“Hey hey! Shh shh shh, hunny its ok!” Eddie tries to calm them down. Y/ns sobs slow down a bit, they then jump into Eddies arms.
“Shh sh its ok hunny. “ eddie rubs Y/n’s back.
“Frank? Can you make Y/n a bottle while i calm them down?” “Right away!” Frank gets out of bed and speed walks to the kitchen to make a quick worm bottle of angel milk. Frank walks back to the bedroom to see Y/n rapped up in a blanket being cradled by Eddie. “Aww they looks so peaceful~!” Frank says in aww as he shuts the bedroom door slightly. He sits on the bed.Eddie hands over Y/n as frank starts Feeding them. When the bottle is done, Frank hands Y/n a Pacifier and they gently take it. Small suckles can be heard from them. Eddie gently puts Y/n down in the middle of the bed while Frank was on the right and Eddie would be on the left. They ended uo cuddling while they fell asleep.
Im REEEEAAAAALLY sorry that its almost a year since i posted and did any requests. Ive been in a rough patch.
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itzpris15634 · 4 months
your poly boy thoughts or headcannons? Your greatness! 👑
SHSJSH you flatter me <33 thanks anon!
What do I think? I rlly enjoy them together as a ship!
It goes a little farther back. I previously did LPS humanizations back in 2021 (which is a story for another time lol). I was scrolling through the old files and found this
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eeee y e a h. that was the attempted ship name I made for them.
Either way, back on topic. Currently? Ah yes. I enjoy them.
The way I think it went is that Vinnie and Sunil got together first. Russell tried to be happy for them, and pushed down his own feelings for both of them. Little did he know, both Vin and Sunil actually felt the same way for him too. A hurt/comfort confession later, and b o o m, they get together.
Here are a few lil headcanons I got:
Sunil is the one who drives. Vinnie (rightfully) doesn’t trust himself with vehicles, and Russell does has a license but just doesnt use it very often. So Sunil is their main ride. Vinnie and Russell will have playful arguments over who gets to sit in the passenger’s seat. Most times it ends up with both in the back, anyway.
I think mentioned it in another post answering that one ask about Russell’s love life. It applies here too. Russell is usually the one to initiate physical affection. Like sneaking up behind them for a good old hug. Sunil, at first, was constantly startled by the hugs from behind, but got used to it.
Vinnie loves to borrow the others’ clothes. Sunil finds it endearing. Russell does too, but would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little annoyed by it. Where’s his favorite hoodie?? He can’t go anywhere without his hoodie!
Surprise- it’s on Vinnie! But with the adorable face he gives Russell, can he really say no to letting Vinnie have it for a little while longer?
(That hoodie never saw Russell’s closet again)
… Just sometimes lol. Vinnie really will return most of the clothes he borrows, but if he really likes something- if it’s just comfy, looks good, or really reminds him of his lover/s… then he’ll keep it for way longer. Up to the point that it kinda just becomes his.
That’s all!!
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deckoftrickcards · 3 months
your art is the best thing in the entire world. i am so excited when you post because you never miss!! love your headcannons for keith and lance’s fav bands, i am a big fan for mcr fan keith 🙏🙏 thank you so much for sharing your art!! ⭐️⭐️
EEEE THANK UUU!! i firmly believe keith would LOVE mcr and i will DIE on that hill😋😋😋
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chaotictoast · 8 months
Headcannon: Hanne had a dala horse toy when she was younger. Literally would be so cute and generally accurate to Fjerda eeee
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gayassbish · 8 months
If you take requests - could I have- dating headcannons for Furina with that Highschool Au? I’d love to see the bratty cat in action :D
Tysmmm and remember to drink water 💙
OMG OMG MY FIRST REQUESTTTT!! YESS OFC I’ll get on that right now… ooo I already have some ideas in mindddd hehe and thank you anon! Remember to wear your seatbelt!
Love, Roo!
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tinytinybumblebee · 1 year
ok last one i swear
kinda unrelated but um would u be ok with sharing headcannons in the PMs about eachothers blorbos >.< u seem like a rlly fun person to world-build with
- @moo-moos
Eeee sure! Though fair warning, I have a very small social battery ;u; So I might not be the quickest replier to PM's aaa☆
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yourlocaleldritch · 2 years
Me and @mechanicaldemonio are watching Wednesday (so don't read if you don't want spoilers) . This is my second time watching it, here are my thoughts:
Eeee Thing.
Black dahlia is apparently a real unsolved murder where a lady was sliced in half. Interesting reference.
Wednesday not being able to confort Enid is honestly a mood. I would be just as useless in a similar situation.
I have a headcannon that every year Wednesday has a memorial day thing for Nero.
Md: he likes her now. I mean,,, who can blame him?
Me: are you a Wednesday simp?
Md: I- she's cool!
Take that with what you will.
Also she called Wednesday an emo gnome. And later a Badass emo gnome.
I want to know if Thing knows sign language. That or he and Wednesday communicate through a made-up language.
Md, seeing Wednesday in a cat costume: hot
I love how Thing swims. He is so swag.
I think Wednesday might actually be legitimately scared of Enid's unicorn plushies.
I like Xavier's art of the monster. It's very cool.
Wednesday's actress is apparently 5'1. I will never see her the same way again.
One of the guys who crashed the ball with the paint was the Mayor's son. Surely he could have afforded to use real pigs blood. I'm so disappointed.
I really really like Wednesday's wardrobe. Actually I like everyones wardrobe. Good job costume people.
Enid is queer. I don't care what anyone says, that is a pansexual if I've ever seen one. Also Wednesday is probably on the aro-spectrum.
Something about both Wednesday and Enid having issues with their parents makes sense.
I really really like Bianca. I love her character, her aesthetic, she's so cool.
I love the School building. The whole aesthetic of it is awesome.
Xavier is incredibly Gender ™
I. Want. A. Secret. Library.
Weems is really fucking tall. I didn't realise how tall she was before.
We managed to get to episode 7. When we finished it I'll make another post. Maybe.
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someone1348 · 2 years
💌💙; omg i loved your headcanon where leonardo uses his ódachi portal powers to tickle his lee! its just AHHH-! so this got me thinking, O SHOULD WRITE A LER!LEO X LEE!READER ABOUT JUST THAT!
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btw this is 100% the face he'l make at you before tackling you to the floor and wreacking you to pieces *coughs* giggles
My headcannons are for everyone to use but it really means alot to me that you asked first because some people in my past have just straight up stolen them and said they came up with it themselves, I don't get mad but this really means so much to me!
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lunacy-loon · 2 years
I’m a big Crazy fan. I was wondering if his hypothesis can be reflected by mirrors, and if it gets reflected does he become his own slave?
EEEE! Glad you like the pink boi! Also nah his hypnosis wouldn’t work on himself. I have this headcannon that hypnosis on people who have the ability to hypnotize doesn’t work as it just cancels out. So hypnosis wouldn’t work regardless on them and on Crazy
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hyeque · 2 years
i’m here to deliver some selfship headcannons <3
kuroo: he always insists on taking you shopping with him. he wants all of your opinions on the suits he needs to buy for work. he values your opinion on it because he wants to look his best for you!! plus he always insists on spoiling you as a thank you for helping him <3
tsukki: ok !! so tsukki is so so soft for you. when you guys are alone this mf is so clingy. he wants to lay his head in your lap and hear all about your day! and you better play with his hair otherwise he’s gonna pout LMFAO. when you give in and play with his hair he gives you the sweetest smile like GAH he loves u sm ! he’ll deny that he’s clingy but you know better. anytime he says that ur just like 🤨⁉️
jean: okay so y’all are cute lil artists so i think you guys would def sit around and draw/paint together in your cute lil shared studio. he also loves being outdoors so he’ll take you on little picnics in a cute meadow <3 he’s such a lil romantic so he’d probably want to sketch you or take cute photos together while y’all are out there! he cherishes your time together sm <3
tendou: eeee so i see him always coming to you for advice on his next creations. i feel like he has the chocolate recipe down but he wants to get into making more like artistic and creative so you guys spend lots of time in the kitchen making cute little truffles !! & idk if you’ve seen the like chocolate sculptures on tiktok but hed wanna try and make that with you LOL also he def wipes chocolate on ur face just so he can lick it off
you know i’m not sure how fashionable kuroo is, but i can make sure he is dressed to the nines bc everyone needs to see how fine he is ‼️ looking his best for me as he should !
me @ tsukki: i have to pee him: i don’t see how that’s my problem me: it’ll be ur problem in a minute if you don’t let me get up 🤨‼️ but yes yes clingy tsukki supremacy idc what anyone says
AIMS i swear this is my fave one bc doing art with him 🥹 the actual dream <3 eating my fist rn at the thought of sharing a studio with him omg and we would def draw each other !!
omg this with tendou, it would be so fun, i could do designs for his packaging too <3 but stop bc i saw a whole ass functioning mini ferris wheel??? this was insane i swear but it reminded me of tendou LMAO
send me headcannons about my selfships!
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mintydandelionpuffs · 9 months
I wake to the sound of the harp alarm on my phone. Race day.
 Phil, my dad, then walks into my room and peeks his head in through the door. 
            “You ready for your race, Alexander?”
            Alexander’s the name everyone at school calls me because my parents decided to give me the name Technoblade. I nod and sit on the edge of my bed, “you wake up Tommy yet?”
            Phil shakes his head, “no. I’ll wake him up in a bit, it’s still early.” He then walks out of my room with a smile on his face. 
            An hour and a half later, Tommy and I are in our dark blue and gold uniforms with ‘Queens High Cross Country’ printed on the chest. Tommy’s still yawning and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.              “Are you sure we have to be there this early?” He scratches his head, his hair messy and slightly frizzy. I chuckle and shake my head.
            “Yeah, we have to be there early to cheer on the middle school, Tommy.” I say, flattening his blonde hair, trying to make it less frizzy.
            “Seriously? The middle school? Why?” He asks, tilting his head away and batting at my hand. 
            “Because high schoolers are role models, Tommy.”
            “Well, I don’t want to be a role model then.” He grumbles, taking a piece of toast and nibbling at it.
I chuckle, “hah. Guess you chose the wrong sport then, Toms.” I take a banana and peel it entirely before taking it out of the peel and eating it.
            Once we make it to the course, I see the middle school runners warming up and stretching. I see a familiar team. 
            “Hey, I think Michael’s running here.” I point to Michael’s team and we walk over to our short, pale, dark-haired nephew and the other sixth graders he’s with.“Hey, Michael!”
            Michael jumps at his name and turns around with a smile. “Techno!” He runs over to me quickly and hugs me. “I didn’t know you would be here!” He smiles up at me, his single eye looking up at me. [in this version of the SMP, Michael is an actual human boy who was injured badly in his eye and went blind in it, causing him to have an eye patch. In this version, everyone is human btw :] ]
            I smile down at him. “Well, we’re here now! And Tommy and I will both be cheering you on during your two miles.” I nudge Tommy with my elbow as I smile a little more. A few middle schoolers were staring at me and my bubblegum pink hair. If you really need to know: my hair is slightly over shoulder length and as I said, bubblegum pink; but it has my dark brown roots growing out and desperately needs a trim. It is currently pulled into a high ponytail and sort of hurts from being up for such a long time.
            Suddenly, Wilbur and a short Latino boy in a cross-country uniform run over to our little group. 
            “Techno! Tommy, Michael! You guys will do great!” Wilbur says, winded from running. He then takes out his inhaler and sucks in a puff before speaking again [I have a headcannon that Wilbur has asthma]. “When do you guys start?” Just then, the Latino boy hooks his arm around Wilbur’s and smiles, not saying a thing.
            I smile back at the young man before responding, “Michael’s girls run at eight, Michael at eight thirty, our high school girls at nine thirty, and us at around ten.” I look at the boy with Wilbur again. “Wilbur, who is this?” I ask, trying not to sound insulting.
            Wilbur’s ears turn a little pink, “he…” he rubs the back of his neck with his free hand. “His name is Alexis, but people call him Quackity. I… we—we’re dating.” He looks down and smiles warmly and Quackity and he looks up and smiles back.
            Tommy walks up to Quackity and pushes his hand forward for a handshake, “nice to meet you, Quackity, Wilbur’s new boyfriend!” Quackity lets out a soft laugh before shaking his hand.
            “Nice to meet you too,” He grins, showing pure kindness and playfulness.
            Once the middle schoolers ran, along with the high school girls, my group of boys stepped on the staring line, our box feeling two times smaller than the other schools’s boxes. The official yells about the beginning of the race, explaining how we’ll start and what’ll happen if there’s a false start. Once he wishes us good luck, we thank him and he stands on a ladder to the side of our big group. I stare at him, taking deep breaths and keeping my mind clear, while he raises his popper gun to the sky as a long whistle screams. Everyone leans forward. Pop! It’s begun.
            I sprint off the start line and get to the front quickly before I feel a foot sweep my feet and I fall to the ground, face planting. Three whistles shriek and everyone walks back to the starting line. My coach speeds over.
            “Alex, you alright?” He places a hand on my back as I stand up, holding my nose. It’s bleeding.
            I nod, “yeah… do you have a tissue, by any chance?” I ask, my voice sounding funny from my nose being plugged. 
            “Oh! Yeah, here...” He hands me a few tissues and walks me back to the start line.
            The official is yelling again. “… ten-minute break before we restart! Loosen up and take a breath, boys!” He then walks over to me once he’s finished talking. “Mate, you alright? You fell pretty hard back there, do you need more time?” He asks, his dark eyes looking into mine. He’s an older gentleman with graying hair, yet he sounds so young.
            I shake my head, “I’m fine, sir. Once this nosebleed stops, I’ll be good to run again. Thank you, though.” I smile at the man, and he nods.
            “Alright, mate,” he pats my shoulder with a smile. “You’re a strong runner, I know you’ll do great.” He then walks away to speak with other officials.
            Once the ten minutes are over and my nosebleed has stopped, we all gather ourselves to the line again, cramming ourselves into the way too small boxes. The official goes over the rules again and climbs up to his ladder. He raises his popper gun once more and the whistle screams its long shriek, the runners lean forward. Pop! We’ve started once more.
            Again, I sprint forward and pass Tommy and my other mates on our team. I run to the front and take a right turn, following the white line on the ground. 
            “You’re doing great,” I hear a voice behind me saying. He’s running very well, though he’s running behind me, I can hear his feet hitting the ground in a good pattern.
            “Thanks,” I breathe out, continuing to stare forward. “You’re doing… well yourself,” I whisper out. The boy behind me speeds up a bit to run next to me. It’s the Latino boy, Quackity. He grins at me and continues running, trying to keep at my pace. I’m around more than two times his size, so him keeping my pace should be difficult. 
            We run together for a majority of the race like this. One lap done. Second lap in progress. As I’m running, my foot steps into a pothole. I hear a pop in my ankle and let out a pained grunt as a terrible sting overwhelms my entire lower leg. Whenever I put weight on my left foot, it burns like fire dancing upon my skin. I let out another grunt as pained tears fill my eyes and I push through. Just a little longer…
            As I turn another corner, I hear Wilbur and Tubbo, Tommy’s friend, yelling at me. Once I come into their view fully, they go quiet. Crap. They see my tears and limping.
            “C’mon, Techno! You’re almost done! Just up there is the last turn, then the final sprint. You got this!” Tubbo yells at me, Wilbur joining in and yelling with him. I nod at them, and they cheer louder as I swiftly turn the last corner and sprint the best I can.
            Running is difficult when you have an injured ankle— sprinting is a whole new world of pain. As my feet hit the ground harder, my ankle begins to feel as if it’s been impaled by a knife. I hear Quackity gaining on me, and I run harder. First is the only tolerable place to be in…
            Once I leap onto the finish line, I notice I jumped onto my left foot. I collapse and let out a cry of pain as I hear another pop. Many people surround me as tears flow down my face until I hear my dad’s voice:
            “Move! That’s my son, you dimwit!” Phil shoves through the crowd of people and kneels down next to me, “what hurts?”
            I grasp my left ankle tightly, sucking in a short breath of air at the touch. He and I look down at my ankle and I now notice there’s bad bruising around the outer bone of my ankle. Phil’s eyes widen at the state of my ankle and turns his body around. 
            “We need ice! There’s a broken ankle over here!” He yells, his voice louder than I’ve ever heard. Moments later, the crowd disappears mostly and a teenage boy hands Phil a large bag of ice. Phil thanks the boy and takes the ice from his hand. He then takes off his dark blue cardigan and wraps it around the ice before placing it on my ankle. I suck in a hiss of pain. “Sorry, mate, but you need to have ice on it to reduce the swelling.” Phil says, trying to reassure me. I just nod and clench my teeth tightly.
            About an hour later, I’m sitting on a hospital bed and a doctor is checking my ankle. He holds is gingerly and moves it up and down, side to side. I hiss with pain again and he stops.
            “It’s fractured, that’s for sure.” The doctor stands and takes his clipboard, writing something down on it. “He’ll need to be in a support cast and might need to go into surgery. He definitely needs an X-Ray.
            [okay we ending it there because im really lazy and I need to finish my other one because the Phil POV thing is a teensy bit important to the Secret Fluff plot?? You’ll probably see both of these by the time you sign back on haha]
i very audibly slapped my hand over my mouth when he stepped in the pothole, and let out a "nooo!!" when he broke his ankle.. thats how you know its good and amazing..
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