#edit: censoring tags so they don't show up in the tag. shit.
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I'm obsessive over my Constantine Jr Au (which still needs a fic name for, I'm open to suggestions) because
this is a cranky danny. he's spent years fighting with no end in sight, with parents who he can't trust and his only companions never truly understanding what he's going through.
he vapes CBD for the pain he's constantly in. he drank alco/hol once to help him sleep, but his parents smelt it on his breath and, just like with their research, took that to believe EVERYTHING they'd ever suspected about danny to be true: that he drinks, he does dru/gs, he's in a gang. the only thing they've never suspected their son of--being a ghost--is the one thing he actually does.
then, right on the cusp of eighteen and freedom, he gets outed. AND transformed into a seven-year-old.
this is not a danny who is willing to play at being a child. and if anyone tries to, they're in for a foul time.
Danny was 17, transformed into a 7 year old and hides in Bludhaven, and is 8 when the police finally figure out that, hey, this weird kid who keeps altering us to crime scenes is usually right on the money about who the killer is, we should investigate that. Officer Grayson is on the case!
And discovers that he absolutely can't STAND this kid.
He thought he liked kids! Everyone thought he liked kids! but this kid...
This isn't called the Constantine Jr AU because Danny is a supernatural detective, or because Danny might be Constantine's kid. Its because Danny is an unrepentant little bas/tard and he makes it everyone's problem.
Danny vapes and blows bubblegum smoke in Grayson's face.
He takes out a flask and Grayson's grabs it, learning its full of orange juice. Danny then takes out a second flask, this one with vod/ka.
He wears a trenchcoat he found in the trash (the same trenchcoat Nightwing wears in DC vs Vampires, if you know you know) but the end and the sleeves are cut off for his hands and legs. the pockets are roughly around his knees.
Grayson is desperate to figure out more about this kid, but he doesn't go to batman because, time-line wise, this is right before red hood starts running around. Jason is dead/alive-in-hiding, Tim is Robin, and Dick is mad about it. (ages-- Bruce: ? Nightwing: 24 Jason: 19 Tim: 15 Danny: 8 Damien: 7-8)
he doesn't really bond with the kid until they're both kidnapped by a gang for hostages, and Danny's big kid emotions get a hold of him (he thought he could escape them bc he's an adult, he's gone through worse, but nope! child brain chemistry). Grayson is worried that he's hurt and in pain, but Danny confesses that he's always in pain. he has nerve damage all over his body, and the only thing he really trusts is CBD. He feels like shit for taking his juul away, but more importantly, because he's been treating Danny like a irritant and just a little kid.
they get rescued and Grayson tries to take him back to his home, but Danny reveals he's homeless, saying something like "I sleep where it suits me, just drop me off whereever."
Absolutely not, Grayson is taking kid back to his place for a bed, food, and a shower, in whatever order the kid wants.
Danny stays semi-perminantly at his apartment, but Nightwing tries not to push it, because this kid practically screams flight risk. unfortunately, the paparazzi have nothing better to do and snap a pick of Grayson and Danny getting dinner together, speculating that Dick's taken after Bruce
Danny doesn't care too much; I think his ghost form is the same, if glitchy, so his parents don't know about the deaging. Grayson is mildly panicking, but its not like he HASN'T been considering adopting the evil troglodyte. Even Bruce, Tim, and Alfred aren't the problem.
No, the problem is the Red Hood, a crime boss who just cut 8 people's heads off, seeing what looks like Nightwing pulling an innocent kid into the neverending fight against crime and Seeing Green.
Edit: Had to censor sh!t because ths wasn't showing up in the tags
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gingeredmink · 5 months
Dreamers as tumblr users AU
Because my brain can and WILL go off the deep end off absolutely nothing
Mado posts a bunch of art and music with zero tags or description and is famous somehow, she's kinda seen as a cryptid.
Uro throws everything on one blog [anime gifs, recipes, goofy animal vids that she always tags as #THISISMEEEE, funky tunes, ect], she's amassed a large following due to unhinged text posts and drawings of cursed lil guys
Sabi has a gore/macabre horror blog, sometimes posts selfies in goth outfits that Uro reblogs and gushes over in the tags
Sou does gothic writing stuff, he's the kind that takes the writing prompt of the day sorta stuff and runs with it. Also gives long thought out advice when asked and is surprisingly chill. Uro posted a selfie with him once [his face was censored with a cat sticker] and people lost their mind
Tats/Lefia share a blog and sign their post with either ᘛ⁐ᕐᐷ or ⊹₊♚₊⊹ to show who's posting. It's overall really cute stuff but sometimes Tats posts a bunch of depressing shit out of the blue and freaks people out.
Muma and Sometsuki have really simple blogs full of bunnies with random aesthetic posts here and there. Sometsuki's has lo-fi with violin bgm
more random interactions under cut cause I don't wanna drop a tolkein novel of dreamer thoughts in tags.
The closest thing anyone's ever gotten to Mado speaking was when Uro asked if she likes cats and she replied with, "ↀᆺↀ"
People begged Uro to get Mado to say more and she always responds with absurd nonsense like, "I cannot force the Mado to speak, she offers her words as blessings and we should be thankful for when she graces us."
Sometimes Uro's a clown on Tat's post and Tats just responds with "ᘛ⁐ᕐᐷ ✂"
Sabi and Tats did a Silent Hill cosplay together one time [Sabi was Heather Mason, Tats was some little monster child]. People still get surprised every time Tats shows their horror fan side.
Sabi sometimes makes edits/art as covers for Sou's writing and vice versa
It's hilarious seeing Sou's more serious/somber posts get broken up by him responding to some nonsense from Uro like, "Every day I wonder what I did to deserve your acquaintanceship." [uro just replies with, "aw, you know you love me~"]
Muma somehow has a thing like shimeji set up on her blog so you can interact with the little bunnies on it.
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Can I have early 2000's Edge x Fem reader with prompt 13 along with "I love you simply because you're you" + “I got you" with soft smut and fluff after he sees her scares from a tsunami?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
13: “no, no I’m not ready for it to end yet. Not like this”
Word count: 1678
Warnings: panic attack, fingering
Fic type: fluff and smut
Link to masterlist
Tag: @judgementdaysunshine
Hope this is okay! Haven’t written anything in a while as I’ve had a deadline I desperately needed to focus on but that’s done, I’m finished with uni for a few months now, and I’m going to slowly ease myself back into writing! Sorry if this one is a bit shabby, my brain still needs to kick in first
Edit 29/05: so I’m starting the writing today but I’m gonna do something a little cheeky. I’m going to merge the three requests into one as I feel that’ll make my job easier! Hopefully this makes sense lmao. It’s not a full smut just foreplay btw!
Happy reading 🩷
Arriving home after a long stretch of weeks away was always appreciated. Sure, there were a million and one things to do but you both enjoyed the mundane life after the hectic travelling and living out of a suitcase life. Although you enjoyed being back in your shared space with Adam, you were still fixated on your most recent match with the Right To Censor. Unfortunately it ended with a loss on your end. A particularly rough one too. You were lucky not to walk away with any injuries, but let’s just say that Ivory had left you in a bit of a state. Sporting green and purple bruises, you also had red scratches all over your upper body and lower legs from where she had dug her claws in. The shame of both losing and wearing that loss had really brought your confidence down.
Adam had repeatedly tried to get you to tell him what was wrong so he could help but to no avail. Getting the words out of you was like pulling teeth. It wasn’t until you both got into the bathroom, intending to share a relaxing bath together that he was finally able to get through to you.
“Don’t look a second…” you said, waiting for him to turn around while you slowly began to lift your shirt. Adam raised his eyebrow and sighed, walking over to you instead.
“Baby, I’ve seen you naked so many times, you know I don’t care about bruising, stretch marks, or whatever. It’s natural!” He cooed, gently running his hand over your soft hair. Still, you recoiled your hands to cover your face.
“No, don't hide away from me. Let me see your face!" He chuckled, slipping fingers under your palms to pull them back down, “I love you simply because you're you. Here. Let me show you.”
He leant in to plant a soft kiss on your lips, his mouth warm and wet as it made contact. It wasn’t long before you melted fully into it. Slowly removing your clothes for you, he dropped them on the cool floor beside you as he worked on removing your bra. Once that was gone and flung out of the way, he moved his lips to your soft breasts allowing his tongue to circle over your perked up nipples. You gasped in pleasure feeling his hot breath tickle the skin. But before he could get even further with enjoying his time there, the phone in the bedroom rang. The shrill tone made you both jump out of your skin. Grumbling, he planted a quick kiss on the valley between your breasts before walking over to answer the phone. Although you couldn’t hear him, you quickly figured out it was his best friend, Jay. You gleaned this information by the smirk and rolling eyes as soon as he started speaking on the other end.
“What do you mean we have to leave, what are you talking about?”
That sentence piqued your interest. Jay was suggesting that they left? Why?
“Are you sure? But that doesn’t…really happen here man.” It seemed that Adam was, well, adamant that Jay was ribbing him about something. But his raised eyebrows and smirk disappeared when he got his response.
“Shit, okay. Okay. Thank you for letting me know, I really appreciate it…no we’ll be okay, thank you for the offer though. I think there’s a hotel that’s not too far away we can go to…thankfully my mom is looking after her so it’ll be okay. Even if she was here, they accept dogs.”
You wondered what on Earth they were talking about until they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.
“Okay I know we just got back, but get dressed, pack the important stuff. We have to go now.”
“Why, what’s going on?”
“I’ll explain in the car, please just trust me.”
So you did as you were told, spending the next 15 minutes preparing for something unknown. When in the car, Adam explained that there were concerns of a possible tsunami in the area. It wasn’t easy to predict nor was it that frequent where you both lived but apparently there was a high probability of one occurring nearby. It wasn’t like you guys lived that close to the coastline, but you were close enough that you would be affected by it. You felt a shock of anxiety and panic overcome your body as Adam drove you both to a hotel further inland in hopes of getting a room until it was safe to return home. You were never that great with dealing with natural disasters like that. Being an over-thinker did have its quirks: you would typically be exceptionally prepared for any situation no matter how unlikely, but you also had to deal with the terrible voice in your head that told you all about the horrible things that could go wrong.
“No, no I’m not ready for it to end yet. Not like this.” You mumbled to yourself with eyes squeezed shut, gripping the soft fabric of your trousers. Even if it was to be a minor tsunami, it still rocked you the wrong way regardless. Trying his best to calm you, Adam reached over with his spare hand to gently squeeze your thigh. It was a small gesture but it still meant the world to you. Even if you couldn’t reciprocate or assure him you were fine.
Finally after an unusually long car ride, you reached the hotel and got yourselves a room for three nights. It seemed lots of other people who live in your area had the same idea as the line for booking a room almost led out the door.
“Thank god they had a room available!” Adam sighed, dropping the bags you both had packed on the carpeted floor and plopping himself down in the bed.
“Weren’t we going to share a bath?” You asked, voice higher than usual. The anxiety was still raging inside of your chest but you hoped that by keeping the topic away from current events it would help you return to your regular calm state. Adam simply smiled at you with a sympathetic gleam in his eye.
“Will it help you calm down?” He questioned, pushing himself back up to walk over to you. Nodding quickly you took his hand to pull him into the bathroom as he chuckled. Any and all distractions would be sufficient for you at this point.
For a hotel that didn’t cost an arm and a leg to book, the bathroom was surprisingly fancy! There was a deep bath tucked up against the wall along with a large standing shower next to it. You were used to being in cheaper hotels that either had a combination bath and shower, or just a shower. So this was a nice change! The rest of the room had lovely decorations that were in good taste too. Adam had begun to fill the bath with warm water, shedding his clothes to throw in a forgotten corner. Stepping behind you, he planted slow and gentle kisses to the back of your head, neck, and shoulders as he removed your hastily thrown-on attire. The moist softness of his pink lips sent shivers down your body as he kissed down the middle of your back.
“The bath’s taking a while to fill…” you remarked, “maybe we could…have some fun. While we wait?”
Shuffling around, he now stood in front of you with cheeks flushed red and a cheeky grin plastered on his face. He wasted no time in continuing his actions from earlier before a certain someone decided to interrupt the pair of you. Except this time he went straight for that area that you so desperately needed him. Feeling his open mouth hook onto your nipple almost sent you over the edge right there and then. His hands caressed your body, gripping your thighs and pulling one of your legs up to lean against his hip.
“Let me give you a little idea of what I’m going to do to you later.” He whispered, his lips just barely ghosting over your ear. You felt his hand slide between your legs, gasping as he began to rub small circles over your clit. He didn’t rub for too long as he was focused on giving you exactly what you needed. So it didn’t take long before his long, warm fingers slipped inside the wetness of your cunt. That simple feeling of being stretched caused you to moan loudly, gripping his arms tight as he moved his lips to your exposed neck, kissing and nibbling at the sensitive skin. The room began to warm up and not just because of the hot water. The excitement of getting the pleasure from your boyfriend made it difficult to focus on anything. Hell, you even forgot why you were in the hotel in the first place!
“I got you, baby.” He groaned, feeling you tighten around his pumping fingers. Whines fell from your mouth with the faster he fingered you. In all honesty, you wanted his cock more but with how long his fingers were, it calmed the desperation for him. At least for now. But just as you felt your stomach thing itself in knots over the pleasure, he pulled his fingers out.
“You’re such a dick…” you mumbled, annoyed and horny for him. He let out a soft giggle as he maintained eye contact, bringing his fingers to his mouth to lick off your desperation, taking his sweet time. He always knew how to tease you and keep you yearning for more. By now the bath was filled and at the right temperature so you both got yourselves ready to relax together. The heat of the water made your skin sting as it made contact but it was just perfect enough that you almost completely forgot about the anxiety you experienced that day. Sure, you knew it would come back afterwards but as long as you had Adam on your side, you knew you’d be okay.
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artofloof · 10 months
BYF/Intro post!!!!!!!!!!!!! (super long sorry)
☆ Side Blog | Namine Ritsu Ask Blog
"Can I use your art for (blank)?" Read this page first.
Hiiiiiiii!!!!! I'm Laura or Floof. I draw sometimes.
The button below is the gate to the legendary post. >Hey um Joku...
☆Reposts of my artwork are strictly forbidden.
☆Current fandoms: UTAU(Vipperloids) | Historically I've liked UTMV(Sans AUs) but I consider myself retired from that space
☆Recommended 16+ if you're gonna interact! Here's why: --->I swear. a LOT. --->I sometimes post art with suggestive themes or lots of skin showing. These are always tagged! I do not post NSFW. --->I don't censor anything Be responsible!
☆I love asks! I think everyone does :]
☆NO posting schedule. And also I post whatever I want. It's the wild west out here 🦅
>BLACKLIST TAGS: -I use #eyestrain, #flashing colors, and #flashing lights to tag seizure/headache-inducing content. If you find a post like this on my blog and it's not tagged, PLEASE TELL ME!!! Sometimes I don't know what is triggering and what isn't!!! -#suggestive for posts with sexual themes or lots of skin showing. There is no NSFW on my blog. May also use #nudity and/or #partial nudity -#long post for posts that eat the space on your screen (like this one...)
>SORTING TAGS: -#Laurart is my art tag! -#Laurtalks for text posts -#Laurtunes music?!??! no way -#Laura's creations for my AUs and character designs -To group posts by character, use #(their first name)! I don't always tag consistently, so this is an easy way to find art of them -#shitpost for silly :) -#reblog is self explanatory and #other people's posts is anything that's not mine
Okay got that? Cool. Swag and poggers. More about me as a person below the cut
☆☆ MEEEE ☆☆
-I loooooove colors especially when they're contrasting or complimentary. I like to use a lot of purple/yellow and blue/orange schemes in my work. I also love character design but it doesn't take a detective to see my painful lack of OCs
-I use FireAlpaca and some edited default brushes
-I have a lot of interests outside of illustration. Something big I've been trying to get into recently is music production and songwriting :)
-MY FAVORITE AU SANS IS DREAM and my favorite vocal synth is Ritsu Namine :)))) second favs are Killer and Ruko Yokune 💖
-I love to complain! Ask me my opinions on things! /hj
-I like to read "bad" fanfiction for shits and giggles. This eventually culminated into THE SECOND BIBLE, which I wrote with my friend @artobsessedloser: Bloody Love (you should read it)
-Guys. look up oarfish in your browser. do it for me
-Every monday is missile boob monday (we love Ritsu a lot on this blog)
-i like women
-more TBA because we all know this section is never truly finished
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yunwooz · 11 months
Hi, I found the clip of woozi mentioning mia where he admits he saw it (no comment regarding its content) but recommended a different anime https://twitter.com/jieunkai/status/1726405790255202622?t=ycDZDIvxOnmEm0TZ16dIsQ&s=19 and apparently this whole thing on txt side at least is mainly used as a hate bandwagon and can be deceptively portrayed (like the lack of censorship or purposely edited videos) https://twitter.com/blue_summer814/status/1726460876637741405?t=kubr8CQR1BQz4aPGHxC7lg&s=19
I personally don't really know how to feel abt this, bc I also consume a ton of animal animanga content, do enjoy some of the more gorey series, but I wasn't aware that such an acclaimed title was in fact questionable to this extent. I do think that it's probably safe to say that their opinions are based on the r15 version since it was even televised and seems to be deemed by the general public as the only version. I wouldn't be surprised if they watched it bc it is popular and didn't dive deeper into it, but then its a rather unfortune case of ignorance. Just to be clear, I'm not trying to defend or go easy on them just bc I like most of those idols; it's just that I think there are more aspects to consider rather than throwing around such serious accusations (which Im not saying youre doing, its abiut naming them p*dos). Also, think it would be nice if you included at least the abbreviation of the anime title in the bullet point list post bc at first I was really confused. Thanks for the research!
link 1, link 2
thank you for the further context about woozi, i am not really at all deep into the svt fandom or anything so i didn't know where all to look to find information on it! i do think people are bringing things up for the wrong reasons, and there was a lot of misinformation spread perhaps done intentionally i truly don't know, and truly there is a limit to what we know about the censored version of the show in sk. if it was broadcast on tv, i would like to believe that it could not be broadcast with any sort of gross or harmful undertones to it, but i also just don't know to that extent.
what i personally think is important now and moving forward is that people become aware of what is questionable and wrong about the series both in anime and manga. the argument of "well he didn't recommend it really!" is getting a bit tired because that isn't the core of the issue and not what the focus should be. anime fans and manga fans are already shitting bricks over this saying it's ridiculous that kpop stans find the content of the show and manga concerning, which can't be helped and their opinions likely won't ever be changed if they're defending it so staunchly. in the case of ignorance, we can only hope that talking about concerns will be heard and understood. i added the title and abbreviation of the anime title in the tags of the original bullet point list, since so many versions of it have been reblogged and since i reblogged it to add onto it, any changes made to the post won't show in those reblogged versions ><
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
Ngl I've never heard nsfw in dsmp other than those in poppy. So I'm kinda curious, mind I ask?
It's still a bit of a taboo to ship the characters in dsmp in the year of 2023, so I can't imagine it flying off without some repercussions or 'calling out.' Or is it just me-
Okay okay okay so there's a reason you never seen the nsfw dsmp community (other then the fact that they're on twt)
We censor EVERYTHING. Every word that could make it so it shows up when you search for it. So cc's names are always censored, there is no tag you can scroll through, even some words like smp, sfw, minecraft we censor.
Everyone is aware that there are a lot of kids in the fandom and that the cc's scroll through their fanart tags, so we're all very careful to keep ourselves separated from the main fandom
(You have no clue how much it scared me when I got into karmaland, they don't censor shit. They have a tag. They tag the main fanart tag. I'm pretty sure a Cc has seen nsfw fanart live. And that is the norm for fandom but I got so used to the hiding)
To answer your question, there is calling out. It's really really annoying and the person being 'called out' normally goes on private for a bit until it ends (and you can find shipping on sfw spaces! Its easier to find fanfiction but if you're interested you can start in the #dsmpshipping tag)
If you want to interact with the nsfw community there are a few rules:
First of all, you need to make a nsfw account. Don't use the account you use to interact with cc's and sfw content to interact with nsfw content. Second, block cc's or at least don't follow them. Third... don't be a kid? I guess? Some people are uncomfortable with people under certain ages liking/retweeting their stuff, so please respect that
So here's who the space works:
There's boundarytwt, they only make content of people who have clearly stated they are okay with it (that does not mean that other people are breaking boundaries! I'll get to that in a moment). Currently those people are Dream, George, Sapnap, Karl, Foolish, Punz and Corpse
Then there's the wider nsfw community which makes content of all the cc's, but still respecting boundaries. That means for example, Sapnap said a while ago that he didn't want people to make stuff (both normal shipping and nsfw) with Bad, so no one draws them. So we're still respecting the boundaries :]
(Side note, most people don't make nsfw content of Techno anymore, and it is frowned upon to do so by the wider community)
(The minors as in, when we first met them they were kids)
Then there's poppytwt. And yes they are also on Tumblr. We all hate them and do not want them interacting with any of our content. Cool.
If you try to follow an artist from main nsfw and you're poppy they will block you and tell other people to block you as well
Quick edit because i forgot: Nsfw authors will sometimes also follow and retweet stuff from sfw artist and authors. Yes they get to be the exception. If the feed of your nsfw account is filled with sfw drawings, it might be a author you follow
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
Saw your oceangate post, aside from your rightfully haunting description of that whole circus, Tumblr genuinely cannot censor anything unless they outright censor your whole account (female presenting nipples ban). All posts spread through users reblogging each other- so it's a matter of luck and followers to get your posts out there. I found your post through the chronological "latest" section of the oceangate tag, pure chance.
Thank you for the compliment, Anon!
I've been on Tumblr for like seven years now and never had a problem with this shit until fairly recently, but in the past year or so, I've legit had posts fail to show up in tags until I took out triggering words. (Same thing with external links.)
Normally I don't care because I'm just shouting into the void, but it's so ridiculous and so annoying when you're trying to spark discussion on something topical. Like, is this the ass penis cum murder suicide site or what.
But I could be paranoid, and anyway, I wrote that post more for myself than anything, so I don't care terribly much if it doesn't show up in the tags. Will probably stop being a coward and go back to edit out the censored "suicide."
Thanks again for the ask!
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sadiepeach · 5 months
It might take a post a couple of days to appear on tags if that's your issue.
It took my first post about three days before it showed up on any of the tags I put it on
Sorry if I am assuming the problem you are having
Oh, don't be sorry! I really appreciate your input. I'm not sure what to think, though. This account just turned 5 years old. And it's definitely not my first post. I thought at first that it might be because of swearing? The 1st time I posted it, it was a whole thing. The meme + a whole rambling abt asc villains. Then I thought maybe the reason it isn't showing up anywhere is because it's too long, so I deleted it and posted only the meme. The meme I made contained "shit" and "murder" at first but then I censored "shit" (didn't realize "murder" could be a problem) I didn't get flagged though so maybe it wasn't even a problem. I don't know what the problem is. I guess I'm gonna wait a bit. (Really frustrated tho, I love making memes and rambling and I wanna interact with others and for them to see my stuff raaaaaaah)
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luv-cat · 4 years
why the fuck would you seek out pictures of a woman's face when that woman specifically hides her face. do you seriouslyn ot realize how incredibly gross that is
why the fuck would you send such a disgustingly rude ask? what the fuck is wrong with you?
i got a similar ask recently that i just deleted, which was incredibly guilt-trippy and also incensed me, but i figured wasn’t worth responding to. however, i did write out my feelings the last time, so i guess now is the time to unleash them, slightly edited for your abusive ass. here you go, anon.
first of all, this is my blog, and i can post whatever i want. i will create a tag for everyone to filter it if that content makes them uncomfortable (i since have; it’s “butler features”), and that would have been a better thing to ask for instead of telling me to censor myself.
also, quick reminder: the unfollow button exists. i promise i won't be torn if you or anyone else or even if e v e r y o n e leaves. this is a pet project that makes me, personally, happy. other people don't get a say, and definitely not a weighted one. if they did, they would be moderators on this blog.
second, this isn't as big of a deal as you think it is; no one is harassing claire to show her face. i'm just sharing the itty bits i find. it is totally ok of me, and anyone else, to be curious about what she looks like. unlike what you're implying, i'm not going rabid over it. i make jokes about looking in the reflections of the cats eyes for cam cat and claire, but they are just that: jokes. like, i don't actually do that (i do stare into those big glossy cat eyes though...it's hard not to). anyway, it's not that serious and i will be absolutely fine and dandy for the rest of eternity if claire never shows her face completely. i can and will continue to respect that decision, and i hope everyone else here does, too.
i'm sure if she ever had an actual issue with the very few parts of her face that have been revealed, she would have made the videos private. hell, the magazine photoshoot is as close to seeing her full face as possible and what was shown isn't that much worse/drastic/more than what has been posted here so far. if this were a major privacy issue for her, something would have been done.
anyway, all this to say i hope for the day claire may do a kitty forehead-kissing compilation without worrying about what little parts of her face may show.
i honestly, sincerely hope that you unfollow me, anon, because i don’t want you anywhere near me or this blog. and from now on, anon privileges are revoked because i refuse to put up with this shit any longer. if you have something awful to say, say it with your whole fucking chest.
if anyone else has a problem with any of the things i post, there is absolutely zero need to tell me because the unfollow button exists. i don’t care about anyone’s opinions (especially negative ones) about this blog or the things i post to it. this is exceedingly a case of “don’t like it, don’t look at it.” bye.
p.s. this is a little bit of an afterthought, but i am beyond willing to add tags to posts in order to accommodate people. so if there are any specific content issues, you are totally welcome to ask/dm me to tag it, but by no means does anyone get to dictate exactly what i post here.
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askvelora · 6 years
Dude... If you're unflagged and you don't tag NSFW then your art will show up in the main tags. I just found your sobble that way tag your stuff pls
Honestly I can’t win either way. I can just not tag my stuff so it’s not found as easily or I can tag nsfw but it gets automatically hidden by the bot to where only I can see it.
I’m sorry you found my content but tumblr will not let me tag my stuff as I did before the porn ban. I used to use nsfw tags so people like you would not see my stuff but you can thank tumblr for not allowing that. 
I don’t wanna censor my work but I don’t mind for the sake of others. Even then, the bot flags me anyway when I try to actually be sfw so idk what to do here.
I suggest blocking me if you don’t want to see my content for the time being. To aid this, I will not be tagging species in regards to the ‘mons for the future, only character names so those who follow me and know the characters can look em up. Again, sorry you saw that but it’s not my fault tumblr won’t let me tag my shit appropriately. Their system prior to the ban sucked but it was better than this.
*edit: anddd my previous post just got flagged even tho it already went thru. GG tumblr. Also I censored that pic with huge ass scribbles over everything beforehand and it still got flagged because “too much negative space.” We have fun here.
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
please type out any potentially triggering words fully, don't censor on here. tumblr doesnt care what you type. the people who want to filter out triggering content like suicide mentions, however, care a lot. thanks
Yeah, I've been on Tumblr for something like seven years and this is the first time I've ever censored a word like that. I actually fucking hate it when people do that, so I have no idea why I did it.
I do a little feel that Tumblr dabbles in sporadic censorship, because I've very much had posts not show up in tags until I removed no-no words (which I've only done when it was an event where I wanted to interact with other people). But I didn't expect to get notes on my latest OceanGate post anyway, so idk why I cared.
I promise that I've never used Twitter and am normally extremely good about not censoring shit and about trigger-tagging. Guess I was weird about it this time because I genuinely didn't think people were gonna hit the Read More and read my whole longpost (yet simultaneously was trying to ensure it showed up in the tags?? Um?).
I'll go trigger-tag the post and edit the word back to "suicide."
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