#edit: I can't believe I completely ignored the vibe of the song and just went “[pointing] Lu Guang?!” just because it started after that
butterfirefly · 1 year
Hang on. It seems like Mastermind isn't Lu Guang's song like I thought it was but Liu Xiao's. Lyrics below with the Chinese parts translated via Google.
Time is a hypocritical construct
Righteously it wipes out all of us
But I keep rising back from the dust
Again and again again and again
无数碎片 [countless fragments]
不停缠绕相连 [Continuously entwined and connected]
The shadows they whisper in your head
I let them linger and you will like it
You're tied on my strings like a puppet
Before you even notice
I made a deal with the demons
I crave the feel of true desire
There's nothing real 终究走向黑暗 [Eventually heading towards darkness]
Listening all your desperation sounding like a song
Destiny is just my game but is all you counting on right now
Joining the game
Killing spree I'm enjoying the game
So get ready I'm here
Get ready for it for it
Again and again again and again
Take my hand let's set this world on fire
Light it up for the show
Pain will get to you when the night arrives
Like the hunter when a prey lies
It's just how the world's like
Dadadada dadadada
Got nothing holding me back
Dadadada dadadada
Mastermind stays in the dark
Let my flame be your redemption
If you ever get helpless
Just take it in and we'll have some fun
在雷鸣之间我不计代价 [Between the thunder I don't care about the cost]
承受无限电压太蛊惑的力量 [The power to withstand infinite voltage is too bewitching]
在每个时间都呈现我推演结局 [Show me the ending of my deduction every time]
没人能改变或阻挡 [No one can change or stop]
You're down on your knees 'cause u can feel the pressure when I'm taking over
Ain't no too hard to see so u better believe
我就是唯一信仰 [I am the only faith]
一切熟悉的全坍塌 [Everything familiar collapsed]
棋盘上未知的玩家 [Unknown player on the board]
Joining the game
Killing spree I'm enjoying the game
So get ready I'm already here
Can't you see it's a checkmate uh
Take my hand let's set this world on fire
Light it up for the show
Pain will get to you when the night arrives
Like the hunter when a prey lies
It's just how the world's like
Dadadada dadadada
Got nothing holding me back
Dadadada dadadada
Mastermind stays in the dark
Let my flame be your redemption
If you ever get helpless
Just take it in and we'll have some fun
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