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super-unpredictable98 · 3 years ago
I See Paradise | Anita B. Au
Chapter 2: No Ring, No Deal
Warning: Strong language, mild sexual content, themes related to WW2 (talk of holocaust and antisemitism), mention of death and violence.
(I See Paradise Masterlist)
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"Where are you going, Eli?" Monika asked. "Anita should be arriving any second."
"I know, I'm going to get Eden, she has been very worried about Anita," Eli looked in the mirror once more. "She's coming over for dinner."
"When were you going to tell me?"
"Sorry, Monika, I forgot... I told Aaron, he said it was okay."
Eden had been thinking very hard about what to make for the occasion, her parents taught her to never show up to someone's house empty-handed. She thought about making some Goulash soup, a dish every Hungarian mom knows how to prepare, but in jail the girl was probably starving, she needed something more filling...
"Hmmm, something smells good," Eli smiled when he walked into the empty restaurant.
"Varenikes, with lots of caramelized onions," Eden showed him the tray covered with a glass lid.
"Oh, Edenle, you're an angel... Can't wait to try it," he attempted to reach for the tray, but his hand was quickly smacked away.
"Not until Anita gets home, huh?"
"Not even one for your boyfriend?"
"You are not my boyfriend," she laughed. "You never asked me."
"So the man you've been kissing in secret isn't your boyfriend?"
"Why don't you say it louder? Maybe the old lady on the other side of town didn't hear you... You haven't told anyone have you?"
"No, of course not, now let's go, I'm so hungry."
Eden and Eli arrived almost at the same time as Aaron, uncle Jacob, and Anita. Everyone was happy to see the girl was safe and sound:
"I have been so anxious, I'm glad you're okay," Eden gave her a hug. "I brought you varenikes, you must be hungry, right?"
Anita was taken aback by Eden's reaction, that was the reaction she expected from her aunt Monika, but she was always met with coldness and indifference. The girl's heart was filled with joy, someone to give her the affection she has been craving so deeply.
"I'm starving, aunt Eden, thank you."
"Aunt Eden?" Monika sneered. "I am your aunt, Anita, not her."
"Oh, come on, it's cute," Eli took off his coat and hat as he came in. "Yankele isn't anybody's uncle either, but we all treat him like family. Besides, you don't let Anita call you aunt anyway, why do you care?"
"We barely know this girl!"
"I've known little Edenla ever since she was born," Jacob kissed the top of her head.
"Well Daisy, I love varenikes, thank you so much for bringing them," Aaron tried to break the uncomfortable silence. "Can I set this on the table?
"Please," Eden handed him the tray.
"Who put this here?" uncle Jacob pointed at the tiny Christmas tree next to the door.
"I did," Monika said.
"Whatever for?"
"Things as they are today, I thought..."
"Monika is right, yankele, the neighbors are a bit odd, we should be careful," Eli looked around at the other doors adorned with Christmas garlands.
"So now we're supposed to hide that we're Jewish?" Eden raised her eyebrows.
"Of course not, Edenle, it's just-"
"Whatever you thought you thought wrong," uncle Jacob scolded. "Get rid of it, Eli. I hope you got a mezuzah somewhere."
Monika and Aaron shared an uncomfortable look, they didn't even think about getting a mezuzah for the new house.
"Of course we do," Anita ran inside to retrieve hers from her bag.
"Put it here, so everyone can see it," Jacob pointed at the doorframe.
"Of course, we'll get right on it," Aaron nodded.
As everyone walked back into the house, Eden noticed something wasn't right, she felt a little uncomfortable pointing it out, but part of her was really curious:
"Do you not light up Shabbat candles?"
"We do, but I- forgot," Monika fumbled with the rest of the dishes. "Taking care of a baby, worrying about Anita, cooking dinner... One woman can only do so much."
"You should do it right away," uncle Jacob advised.
"Eden, would you do the honors?" Aaron handed her the matches and the candles.
"You have to be joking," Monika shook her head.
"It will be my pleasure," the young woman smiled, reaching for her scarf to cover her head.
Aaron, Jacob, and Eli exchanged a look, this girl was the dream daughter-in-law of every Jewish mother. All the men watched closely as she placed the candles in their places and lit them up one by one. She gently swiped her hands over the flames three times and closed her eyes with a sigh before starting her prayer.
"...l'hadlik ner shel Shabbat," she murmured. "Amen."
"Amen," everyone followed in unison.
Needless to say, Monika was hating all the attention this girl was getting. She especially hated how Eli seemed to treat her better than he ever treated anyone, aside from his fiancé. She doubted he wanted anything to do with her besides sex, but he was acting a little too well. What was so special about her anyway?
"Wow!" Eli finally spoke after taking the first bite of Eden's dish. "Edenle, this is delicious!"
"It's really good, just like my mom's," Anita grinned widely.
"A little salty for my taste, but it's not bad," Monika muttered under her breath.
"It was lovely having you, Daisy," Aaron hugged Eden tightly. "You should come by more often."
"I would love that," Anita cheered while holding Roby in her arms.
"I'll walk you home, dove, let me get my coat," Eli flashed her a charming grin.
As he turned to grab his hat, coat, and scarf, uncle Jacob placed his hand firmly on the man's shoulder.
"Remember what I said, boy... Eden isn't a girlfriend, she is a wife. So don't do anything your father would be ashamed of, huh?"
"Of course, yankele, I would never do anything to hurt her."
The young couple locked arms as they left the building. Eden's eyes looked even brighter under the moonlight, she was really the most beautiful thing Eli had ever seen. He didn't understand the way she made him feel, like maybe love is real and he deserves it.
He knew he was a sleaze, he knew how despicable he could get, so why was she still around? Why did she even look in his direction when he so clearly didn't deserve it?
"Here we are..." Eden stopped by the entrance. "Thank you for walking me."
"You won't invite me in?"
"Eli, what type of lady do you take me for?" she laughed.
"The type that might want a goodnight kiss? And maybe to lay next to me and just rest your head on my bare chest while I hold you?"
"One kiss," Eden blushed imagining how it would be like laying by his side, resting her head on his toned chest, with his strong arms around her, and his gentle breathing on her skin.
Eli pinned her against the wall, his body gently pressed against hers, his hand buried in her auburn hair, and his lips captured hers.
Hearing her soft moan as they finally collided, just made him want her more, she parted her lips for him, she wanted him too.
"Are you sure you want only one kiss?" he drawled, pulling away to catch his breath. "I could give you more, I know you want it, dove."
"What makes you think that?" she panted, hoping he was just chancing it, hoping he couldn't actually tell she wanted more.
"I can feel it, your body wants mine. Here," his hand firmly grabbed her thigh, hooking her leg around his waist. "Doesn't it feel good? I can feel your heartbeat, down there, that only happens when women want more."
"Hmmm..." Eden threw her head back. How did he even know all of this?
"Yeah, you like that, don't you?" Eli smirked, kissing her neck and the exposed portion of her chest. "I make you feel good, right?"
"What if someone sees us?" she breathed.
"No one can see us, it's dark. I can make you feel so much better, don't you want me? Don't you want me to make love to you?"
"It doesn't matter. No ring, no deal. I won't do anything else until I'm married."
"Married?" he laughed as if the very notion was silly to him.
"Yes, I'm completely pure, Eli, and I will continue to be until the day I marry."
"Very well," he backed off, already thinking of all the things he would do once he dissuaded her from this stupid decision. "I admire that, Edenle."
"Thank you," she tried to collect herself, but was interrupted when Eli once again leaned over her, one leg between hers.
"Dream about me, darling," he whispered before kissing the tender spot between her ear and her jaw.
As he left and Eden opened the door, she could barely conceal the sound of her heart pounding. A weird feeling washed over her, something she had never experienced before... Not even when she was engaged before the war.
"Eli has to marry me," she murmured to herself. "I need a plan."
Eden came to the conclusion that there was only one way to make Eli propose to her: she had to give him a taste, the slightest taste, just enough to drive him insane.
Thankfully, that day was pretty warm so she put on her most revealing outfit: a red dress with a very pronounced cleavage, that showed the few curves she had.
"I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart. In my heart I have but one desire..."
She pretended to mindlessly sing as he walked into the restaurant. It was Saturday, so it was closed, but he wasn't just any client, he knew she'd be there preparing the kitchen for the week.
"And that one is you, no other will do," he joined her.
"Oh, hi," she turned around. "Didn't know you'd come today."
"Wow, you look really beautiful," Eli mused, mesmerized by her form. "All that just to stay in? Were you expecting another visitor?"
"Oh, this old thing?" she chuckled. "No, I just finished organizing things for Monday."
"Listen, I know it's Shabbat, but would you like to go watch a movie? They will be showing The Great Dictator today."
"I would love to," Eden exclaimed. "Why don't you invite Anita to come with us? I bet she would like it, she needs to have some fun."
"I was thinking we could... Spend some time alone, you know? Just the two of us."
"The poor little thing needs to get out of the house, something tells me Monika isn't the best company in the world, she's quite sour if you ask me."
Don't give him the chance to fluster you again, she thought. He will definitely try, in the dark, when no one's watching... With Anita there he wouldn't have the nerve, would he?
Eli ended up agreeing and inviting Anita. The three of them headed to the movies, and just as a precaution, Eden chose three seats on the first row.
The movie was really funny, Eli definitely wasn't as bold as the night before, but he wasn't as intimidated by Anita's presence as she expected. He would place his hand on Eden's thigh, caressing softly, then wrap his arm around her, bringing her closer, planting kisses on her cheek.
"Was there really a Jewish barber mistaken with Hitler?" Anita quivered as they left.
"No, it's just pretend, none of it is real," Eden held her hand reassuringly. "That was Chaplin, you know? The actor."
"Yeah, he makes all sorts of funny movies, my favorite one is called Modern Times, it came out a few years before the war, you were probably too little at the time..."
"Where did you spend the war, aunt Eden?"
"Let's not talk about that, ey?" Eli tapped the girl's shoulder. "Edenle probably doesn't want to remember it."
"No, it's okay," she nodded. "I was able to hide in a cellar. My best friend ever since I was a little girl, she let me stay with her, but my parents couldn't escape, I haven't heard from them since. I just hope they were able to run, but I don't think that's very likely, my father wasn't in very good shape to begin with."
"My parents couldn't escape either," Anita looked down at her shoes. "But Monika never lets me talk about it."
"I imagine it must hurt for her to remember, right? To think of her brother in that situation."
"Yes, I think so."
"Do you like writing, Anita?"
"I love writing!" the girl's eyes lit up. "And drawing too!"
"When you want to talk to Monika about what happened and she doesn't want to hear it, why don't you write it down? Paper will never refuse to listen, and will never judge you, you can tell it all your secrets."
"You are good with words, aren't you?" Eli nudged Eden's arm.
"Am I?" she teased.
"You are, just like you are good with food, and good at dancing, and good at kissing..."
"Eli! Keep quiet!" she shushed him, as he laughed at her reaction. "Anita might hear you!"
"Sorry, sorry, dove..."
Anita was way too excited about all the ideas she wanted to write down to listen, as soon as she got home, she gave Eden a hug and sprinted to her room to start a diary, leaving the couple alone in the living room.
"Thank you for coming today, it was lovely," Eli took off his hat and coat.
"Thank you for inviting me," Eden sat down on the couch and crossed her legs, letting the dress show more of her skin, immediately grabbing his gaze.
"Edenle..." he said in a voice that made it sound almost like a warning.
"Yes?" she gave him an innocent look while playing with her necklace, drawing his attention to her chest.
"I know what you're trying to do."
"Really? What do you mean?"
"You're teasing me, trying to make me crazy."
"I would never do such a thing," she murmured.
"I know what you want, darling, you want me to propose."
"Very funny, I don't even know if I would accept your proposal in the first place."
"So I shouldn't buy a ring then?"
"No!" she nearly jumped. "You should!"
"See? You want me to propose..." he leaned back with both arms behind his head.
"Well, if you like me as you say, you should propose."
"I don't want to be married, dove."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't, I want to live," he mocked.
"I guarantee that being my husband wouldn't stop you from breathing, you can still live."
"Showing a little skin won't make me change my mind, even if the skin is as beautiful as yours. I can always find a girl who doesn't wanna wait and make love to her instead."
"Yes, you could, but there's only one problem..." Eden placed her hand gently on his neck. "None of them would be me, and I'm the one you want."
"You evil little thing," Eli's wanting lips were seeking hers, but she pulled back. "What? Now I don't even get a kiss?"
"Why would I kiss you if I know you have no intention of marrying me?"
"Because you like kissing me, I know you do. And the only reason why you want to marry so fast is because you can't resist me, you want me to fuck you."
That was too much, without thinking twice, Eden slapped him across the face. How dare he say something like that about her?
"You bastard! That's all you want, isn't it? You don't see me as a person, you don't really like me, you just want to have your way with me and leave!"
She was about to give him another slap, but this time he held her wrist firmly with a grunt. His cheek turning red as anger burned in his eyes.
"What's gotten into you?" he growled. "You seemed pretty pleased yesterday when I was fondling you!"
"Shut your mouth! Whatever happened to you? Why did you become such a horrible creature?"
"You really wanna know?" Eli shouted "I was engaged before the war started, the nazis set fire to my fiancé's house and killed her! We were kids, we were just 18, but I loved her! This world is rotten, nothing really matters, love doesn't matter!"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't..."
"Happy now? You live in a fantasy, Eden! If you want to enjoy yourself, do it, life is too short to wait for marriage, or love, or anything. I will gladly fuck you, as many times as you want, but I will not marry you!"
"I want to give myself to a man who I know I will spend the rest of my life with."
"Then I am sorry, dove, but that isn't me."
"Understood," she grabbed her coat and headed to the door with her heart broken in a million pieces. "Goodbye, Eli."
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @firstpersonnarrator @holidayspirits @salvador-daley @seanfalco
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geminitarotmagick · 4 years ago
Can I have the reading on changes coming for me? As I have been stuck for pretty longer than expected. I need this.
I am Edenla, and Scorpio ✨ thank you very much.
Readings are not currently open yet. Please respect that, and if you would still like this reading, either please wait until requests open in a little bit, or DM me to request an in depth reading and we can go from there. Thank you. Hope you understand.
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notesforselflove · 6 years ago
Everything happens for a reason
Do your best
Embrace your differences
Never give up
Love yourself
Always try your best
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bernardgrandjean1me · 5 years ago
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Photo : Edenla Lepcha, Photography Club of Sikkim.
"— J’ai parlé avec mon vieil ami lama Thoubten Dorjé. Il me dit que son monastère ne se trouve qu’à seulement trois heures de marche de votre luxueux palace ! — Trois heures pour lui, six heures pour d’autres. Si votre ami Thoubten est de l’ethnie sherpa, méfiez-vous, Doc !" Extrait de « Panique à l’hôtel Kangchenjunga » (série Crimes en Himalaya), publié aux Éditions du 38.
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glendalecacalifornia-blog · 6 years ago
Visit and Check Out EdenLA- Your Best Local Partner in Glendale ca California Today!
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Thankful|QOTD| Brains x Beauty x Availability = Constant
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Things I am grateful for: Conversation with Edenla. For the food at work. Chilling with Josh. Walking to work this morning. Running and talking with Moin. Things I need to fix whenever, wherever, however, whatever: Be nicer to mum. Focus on what is important and get rid of the noise around me. Did I do everything today to take a mini step towards my bigger goal in life? Kind of. Affirmation: I…
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& back on the longass friendship ride.
& back on the longass friendship ride.
Things I am grateful for: Edenla being the better person and clearing things up. The most successful meeting with one of the top business group in Bangladesh. Beckie for being such an inspiration and awesome.  
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Grateful | QOTD| It was not the apple on the tree but the pair on the ground that caused the trouble in the garden.
Grateful | QOTD| It was not the apple on the tree but the pair on the ground that caused the trouble in the garden.
Things I am grateful for: Final dinner with the boys. Completing my presentation. Finding a suitable way to send Edenla’s stuff and along the way reaching the end of our friendship. Things I need to fix whenever, wherever, however, whatever: Never ever again say yes to something in the future if I am not prepared to do it at that moment. Did I do everything today to take a mini step towards my…
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