#eden didn't win but she made sure we won
moxyphinx · 3 months
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Getting Ready for the 2024 Tony Awards with ‘Lempicka’ Star Eden Espinosa "Playing Tamara, who was known for her nude portraits and for the way she painted skin. The way it was so smooth and luminous. When my stylist Jake Sokoloff and I tried on this dress we both commented on how it looked like the skin in Tamara’s paintings. So naturally we knew we had to let the sheerness on the fabric be the moment for a few little peek a boos!”
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fan4196 · 3 years
Alex’s Award
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Hope you like it. Enjoy!
Thanks to @angry-slytherin :)
If you would have told intern Alex that fourty years in the future he would sit right here, beside his amazing wife of almost thirty years, he would have laughed hard. Never had he imagined that his hard work and a little lie about testicular cancer could bring him this far.
Sitting here in between hundreds of brilliant minds, hoping to win one of the biggest medical awards was still crazy for him. Why him out of all? Why should they give him an award? Why should he out of all deserve an award like this?
As he keeps looking around the room he recognises so many amazing doctors from all over the country. And he still can't believe that he is one of them.
He takes his view back to the stage as he hears Catherine read his name as one of the nominees of the night.
"...Doctor Alexander Karev, Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital..." That's all he hears as Jo squeezes his hand softly before she continues stroking the back of it with her thumb. He glances to the side where his wife is sitting and smiling proudly while she's watching the stage. His view follows his wife's to the stage as Catherine is about to proclaim the winner.
"And the Catherine Fox Award for medical innovation goes to- Alexander Karev, Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital."
The sound of words reach his ears but don't seam to reach his brain. His brain doesn't get it.
The grip of his wife's hands on his cheeks made him finally realise it. He fricking won.
His shocked face slowly defrosts as he looks into Jo's teary eyes. The smile on her face shines of proudness as she leans forward to kiss him, putting her left arm around his neck while her right hand disappears in his hair.
What felt like minutes for him turns out to be only a few seconds as Jo loosens her grip on him.
"I'm so proud of you." Jo whispers while she looks him in the eyes. "Now go and get your award." She loosens her arms completely and carefully pushes him towards the stage.
Where he's standing behind the microphone with his award in his hand within seconds.
"Fu- Sorry. Ahm wow. Thank you so much. I have this long list of people here I want to thank but let's make this short. Mom, Doctor Bailey, Robbins, Mer - thank you. But the person I really have to thank is my incredible wife Doctor Josephine Karev. Without you I would never stand here right now. You made me better, you changed me, you make me believe in myself. Not one person in my life believed in me more than you do. And I'm so incredible grateful that I met you twenty-seven years ago. I'm grateful every single day that I have you in my life, that you believe in me as a person and as a doctor and that you gave me this three amazing kids. Without my kids this idea would have never come to my mind. So I guess I have to thank them too - Emery, Parker, Eden I'm so thankful to have you; to have the privilege to call me your dad and I'm so proud of the people you grew up into. Not to brag but all three turned into amazing Doctors and just last week our son made us grandparents, so I guess we didn't screw them up too much, Princess." Everyone laughs while his eyes are glued on Jo. "Also, I hope someone is filming this, Mer, Cristina, Robbins, Avery-"
He puts the award next to his face before he keeps going. "I have one too now.”
While everyone laughs and applauds him again he makes his way back down to his seat. Smiling big as he sits down and kisses his wife again.
"You're gonna pay for the 'Princess'." She declares as she ends their kiss.
"It was worth it." He simply smirks.
The award show keeps going, honouring a few Doctors that are about to retire.
While they silently follow the scenes on stage Alex slowly starts stroking his hand up Jo's thigh through the slit of her dress. He carefully gets closer to her to whisper in her ear.
"Let's leave early and have some fun."
Not really on board with her husband Jo puts her hand over Alex's to stop him from going any further, before she turns to him.
"You have to go up there at the end of the show again for pictures and everything." She whispers to not bother anyone.
"We'll be finished by then." He replies cheeky, looking around to be sure no one could hear them.
"Ha you don't really believe that right?" She asks looking him in the eyes with an raised eyebrow.
"Are you saying I'm old?"
"No I'm saying if you start you aren't able to stop. So I promise when I got my picture of you on stage with your award and you talked to at least two medical magazine for an interview, you can keep me awake the whole night." Jo answers smiling at him before she leans in for a kiss.
"Deal." He agrees as they part.
The award show slowly comes to an end and all winners get back on stage again for pictures and a few interviews. And slowly the room empties as Alex is done with his third interview.
"Go up there one more time." Jo asks him with puppy dog eyes, knowing that he can't say no to her. "Please, for me?"
So he gets up there one more time so Jo can snap a few more pictures on her phone of him and his award. 
As he comes down again they ask a nice old lady to snap some pictures of them together in front of the stage. 
"Thank you." Jo thanks her with a smile as she takes her phone back.
"Oh you're very welcome. By the way if I'm allowed to say so I admire your work in Africa and I would really like to donate a little something to the Karev Foundation." The little grey haired woman smiles as she gets her check book out of her purse.
"Oh that's so nice. Thank you so much." Jo replies politely as she looks at Alex and back to the elderly woman. "We make sure your little something will help a lot of children."
The old lady scribbles something down on her check book before she folds it and puts it in Alex's chest pocket.
"Thank you so much again." Alex thanks her again, than takes Jo's hand and guides her out of the room.
"And now Doctor Karev I'm gonna take you to my room and rip that dress off you." He whispers as they walk towards the elevators.
"Whatever you want." Jo answers sneaky.
They wait a few seconds before they get into the elevator and push the button to their floor.
With Alex's award and her purse in her hands Jo can't fight back as he gets behind her and starts kissing her neck. She turns in his arms before she stops him for a second.
"What?" He asks a little disappointed as he still holds her tight.
"I wanna see what she donated." Jo answers as she hands him his award and her purse.
Fishing the check out of his chest pocket to unfold it.
"What?" He quickly asks as he looks into his wife's big eyes.
She turns the check to show it to him, "It's a million!"
They silently stare into each other's eyes, both in shock of the amount of money they are able to put into their work in the future.
The sound of the elevator stopping wakes them and with another quick kissing Jo turns around and makes her way to their room. Alex follows a little behind, still carrying her purse and his award.
He quickly catches up with her and gets their room key out of his inner suit pocket to open the door.
Inside he quickly closes the door and gets rid off the things in his hands. To have them free for his wife. Within seconds their lips are back together and they slowly start undressing each other.
Alex is just about to open the zipper of Jo's dress as his phone starts ringing.
"No." He grouls, but picks up as he sees the name of his daughter on the screen.
"Hey kiddos. What's up? Did something happen?" He immediately asks, as he puts it on speaker and throws it down on the bed near his wife.
"Oh shut up dad. Congratulations." The voice of their youngest daughter comes through the phone.
"Thanks Eden." He laughs, as he quietly gets rid of his shoes and starts slowly opening one button after the other while he stares into Jo's eyes with a little grin on his lips.
"We are so proud of you dad." His oldest daughter congratulates through the speaker.
"Thank you Emy." He answers, still looking into his wife's hungry eyes as he gets rid of his suit jacket and shirt.
"Yeah you rocked that dad. We are very proud and Anna says congrats too, she just went to bed with Claire." His son adds to his siblings congrats.
"Thank you guys." Alex replies as he sits down on the bed beside Jo who smiles at him.
"Is mom there too?" Eden asks, knowing that it's a rhetorical question because their parents are always together.
"Yeah. I'm here." Jo answers, turning her view to the phone.
"You looked so hot in that dress mom. I have to say it." Eden adds.
"Thanks Eden. " Jo answers a little confused, "How do you know about my dress?"
"Dad send us pictures." Her daughter clarifies.
"Oh he did." Jo replies turning her view back to her husband, raising her eyebrow in surprise.
"Yeah. But we don't want to bother you any longer, by the look of you in that dress I'm actually surprised you picked up at all." Their youngest daughter jokes.
"Eden!" Emery's voice echoes through the phone.
"What? It's true. They might be our parents and maybe old but we all know that they still do it like bunnies."
"Good night Eden." Jo quickly interrupts before their daughter could say anything more, "Good night everyone else."
"Night mom and dad."
"Good night." Alex says his good bye before he hangs up and lets himself fall back onto the bed in laughter.
Jo joins him as she falls against his bare chest.
"She's not wrong." Alex shrugs as he slowly calms down again.
"I know." Jo adds before she starts kissing him again.
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Chapter 7
Chase was finally able to take Eden home to the house they had just bought in Dawsonville.   Eden supported Chase as the season started to wind down.   He had made the playoffs and now was in contention to win the Championship.     They celebrated their first Halloween together at Cindy and Bills big Halloween Party they have every year.   Chase went as himself and Eden was a cat.    Fletch was Superman.  They had so much fun.   They carved pumpkins, painted her belly, took maternity pictures and just had a good time.
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It was a fun time.  Cindy and Bill had gotten a female Doberman and they decided to breed her and Fletch together.     It was a success and Chase and Eden were going to keep two of the puppies once she had them.   October faded to November.    They were headed to Phoenix Raceway for the final Cup race of the season.    Eden was happy she was able to go because she hadn't reached that no fly zone.     It was race day.    They were getting ready to head down to the track.
"Are you nervous?" Eden asks as they walked hand in hand down to the track.
"Nope.   If it is meant to be it will be." Chase replies.
"That is true baby." Eden says.
"Besides I already won my prize, I got to marry my best friend and soul mate and we are about to welcome two healthy babies into this world." Chase says.
"Aww baby." Eden replies.
"I mean it.   If I win the Cup it will just be icing on the already perfect cake." Chase says.
"I love you Clyde and no matter what happens you are a champion in my eyes." Eden says.
Chase kisses her head.   They then headed down to the track.   Chase did what he needed to do.  Finally they were standing at the car during the National Anthem.   Eden had her arm looped through Chase's and had her head on his shoulder.   Chase had his head leaned against hers.   Finally it was time for Chase to get into the car.
"Good luck baby." Eden says kissing him.
"Thank you baby." Chase says.
Eden grabs his hand putting it on her belly.
"Lil Chase and Baby Girl say Good luck daddy." Eden says.
"My whole world." Chase says kissing her rubbing her belly.
Finally Chase gets into the car.   Eden with the help of Bill and Allan gets onto the pit box and takes her seat.    Eden was so excited and nervous.    Cindy and Bill climb up along with Casey's parents and of course Fletch.   Eden didn't go anywhere with out him.
"I am glad you guys are here.  I have a question I want to ask." Eden says to Casey's parents.
"What is that darling?" They ask.
"So our little boy is going to be William Clyde Elliott the third and I want to name our little girl Casey Leeann Elliott after Casey.   But I didn't want to do it without asking first." Eden says.
"Oh Eden, that is so beautiful.   We would be honored for you to name your little girl after our Casey." They say.
"Yes Eden that is a very touching tribute.   I know it will mean the world to Chase as well." Cindy says.
"Yes it will.   Also like that you are carrying on Chase and the Elliott's  name by naming your boy after Chase." Bill says.
Eden smiled.   She was so happy that she got a long with Chase's parents.   
"So when are you guys going to get re married in front of family and friends." Cindy asks.
"I am not sure.  I think we are playing it by ear.   Want to welcome the twins before we think of anything else." Eden replies.
"That is probably good. " Bill says.
They chat about everything and anything as they watched the race.   It kept their nerves down.    
The laps were winding down and Chase was leading.   Eden started to get excited but nervous at the same time.
"Come on baby, come on baby, come on baby." Eden chants.
"Eden honey calm down.   All this excitement isn't good for those little ones growing in your belly."  Cindy says.
"Nope specially with you being so close to being due." Bill says.
"I know but trust me they are kicking so they know their daddy is about to win." Eden says.
And Chase won the race and the championship.   Eden was so happy.   They all leave the box and head to victory lane.    After Chase did his burn outs he finally pulled into victory circle.   He gets out of the car and Eden swarmed him with a big hug.
"I am so proud of you baby." Eden says.
"Thank you princess. " Chase says kissing her not caring that it was on TV.
Eden grabs his hand putting it on her belly.
"The twins say congrats daddy." Eden says.
Chase bends down kissing her belly twice.
"Daddy loves you both so much. "Chase says.
He then looks over at his dad.
"Do you have it?" Chase asks.
"Yes son I do." Bill replies.
He then hands him a small box.
"What is going on?" Eden asks.
Chase drops to his knee taking Eden's hand, "Eden Rose will you marry me?" Chase asks opening the ring box.
"Oh Clyde, yes yes yes yes a million times yes!" Eden exclaims.
Chase slips the ring on her finger.   He then gets up and kisses her.   Everyone cheers.   They take pictures lots and lots of pictures.   Chase made sure she was in most of them showing off her ring.   Chase had media and lots of it.   As things were winding down Eden grabbed the checkered flag and headed back to the coach with Fletch.      She heads to their bedroom and strips out of her clothes.   She wraps the flag around her and waits.
A little bit later she hears the coach door open.
"Eden baby." Chase says.
"Bedroom baby." Eden calls out.
Chase enters a few minutes later still dressed in his firesuit.   He looks at Eden as she kneels up on the bed.
"God you are so beautiful baby." Chase says.
"Come and get your prize." Eden says.
Chase walks over to her.   He pulls her in for a kiss as he takes the flag off her throwing it.    Eden starts to take his firesuit off pushing it down to his waist.   She then lifts his under shirt up over his head throwing it.   She runs her fingers down his chest to the band of his boxers.
"Eden." Chase moans breath hitching.
"Is that a champagne bottle in your hand." Eden asks.
"Yeah baby I have plans for it later but please finish what you started." Chase begs.
He throws the bottle on the side of the bed as Eden finished undressing him.
"Always so hard baby." Eden says licking her lips.
"Just one look at you baby. Beautiful full of me and I get hard." Chase says.
"Good. Now what do you want to do Clyde it's your night." Eden says.
"I want you to ride me if you can." Chase says.
Eden grabs him pushing him down on the bed. She then climbs up in his lap.
"God baby you are so sweaty and icky and god it's turning me on." Eden moans rubbing his tip along her entrance lining up.
"God baby don't tease." Chase moans.
Eden pushes down onto him and starts to move up and down.
"Fuck." Eden moans it felt so good.
"Eden baby." Chase moans moving with her.
Eden kisses him as she moves. They move their hips together in sync. They kiss as they battle for control of the kiss.
"Chase." Eden calls out his name like an animal as she cums hard.
"Eden god." Chase groans as he cums inside her.
They ride it out. Chase then lays her back onto the bed.
"God please." Eden begs needing more.
"Soon baby but first I want to do something with you. Do you trust me?" Chase asks.
"With my life." Eden replies.
"Good now prop your self up on some pillows baby." Chase says.
Eden does as he asked. She watched as he got the champagne bottle. He pours some down her belly until the top of her pubic bone. He then licks and sucks it up.
"Chase fuck that's hot." Eden moans watching.
He pours a little bit more onto her pussy and starts to drink up while he fucked her with his tongue.
"God that's it baby right there." Eden moans.
Chase kept going knowing what she liked.
"Chase fuck." Eden moans as she came again.
Chase lapped it up licking her clean. He then pours a little bit of champagne into his mouth. He hovers over Eden. He leans down taking her mouth with his dropping it into her mouth. Eden sucks it down as Chase pushes into her.
They fuck until they could barely move and then head to shower before laying in bed.
"I think I need to win more championships." Chase says.
"Trying to fuck these babies right on out of me. But seriously baby congratulations I'm so proud of you." Eden says.
"Thanks baby." Chase says.
They end up falling asleep both exhausted yet content.
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Chapter 6
Eden ended up going to see Chase race at Vegas and then at Pheonix.   Then that was when the world shut down.   Covid 19 was running wild and everyone had to quarantine.     Eden went back to Dawsonville with Chase and Fletch.   They were locked in together and loving every second of it. They were loving the married life and also watching as Eden's body changed as the babies grew inside her. Chase was loving being there for everything from her first craving to her first check up.    He even got books to help them prepare.   But what Chase enjoyed the most was her hormones and how horny it made her. They had lots of sex christening different places in their new house because of them.    They online shopped and started to put the nursery together.   It was going to be so cute. Obviously it was going to be a racing theme.   But as spring settled into Summer that was when their biggest fear happened.   Hockey was going to return to play and Eden had to return to Pittsburgh for work. Eden was now five months pregnant and starting to show. They were scared what would happen if Sid found out.
Chase was flying her there before heading to Pocono for his race.   Eden was sitting in the cock pit with him.   She had her head on his shoulder.     They had just landed in Pittsburgh.
"I really wish you didn't have to go to Toronto into a bubble." Chase says.
"I know baby I don't want to either." Eden says.
"I don't care about that damn bubble.   If you need me I will be there." Chase says.
"I know baby.   Now go before you are late.   Go win that race for me." Eden says.
"I will baby.   Please stay safe." Chase says.
"I will, you too." Eden says.
They share a few kisses and then Eden gets off the plane.    She gets into her car that was waiting for her and heads to her apartment.   She wasn't looking forward to going back to camp tomorrow and she didn't want to face Aid or Kris but she had no choice.   She got herself settled back in.    She watched the race that had just ended.    Chase won and she was so happy.   She was sad she wasn't there but happy none the less.   
"I want to shout out to my princess Eden.   This win is for you baby.   I love you." Chase says.  
He then finished his interview.    Eden made dinner.    She then showered and got ready to wind  down knowing camp would come early the next morning.     She had her Chase shirt and lounge pants.     She was drinking her one glass of wine.   
That  was when there was a knock at the door.    Eden goes to see who it was.   It was Sid.
"What do you want?" Eden asks through the door.
"Please let me in Eden I am sorry about how I acted the last time we saw each other." Sid says.
"You mean when you almost killed me?" Eden snaps as she opened the door.
"I'm sorry baby.   Please forgive me." Sid says walking through uninvited.
"Please leave.   I don't want you here." Eden says.
"No baby please.   I love you." Sid says.
"Well I don't love you." Eden says.
"You don't mean that baby." Sid says.
"I am not your baby.   I am married now and it's not to you." Eden yells.
"Wait what?" Sid says.
"That's right I'm married.   Mrs. Chase Elliott.   So please leave." Eden says.
Sid grabs her by her hair tugging her into her room.
"Ow you are hurting me." Eden cries.
"I don't give a fuck." Sid yells throwing her through the door into the wall.
Eden made sure her stomach didn't take the brunt.    Sid started punching her over and over.   Eden was so scared.    He throws her back onto the bed.   He takes his tie off.     He  ties her to the bed.
"Please don't hurt me." Eden begs him.
"Shut up whore." Sid yells slapping her in the face.
He then rips her shirt and bra.
"Stop it no." Eden screams fighting to get loose.
Sid rips her pants off and shreds her panties.    He then undressed and slams into her.
"No no no no." Eden cries over and over.
"Shut up bitch.   Don't ruin my fuck.  You know you want it.   Because you are a whore." Sid says as he goes harder.
"No stop." Eden cries louder.
Sid kept going until he comes hard inside her.    He then starts to move again thrusting in and out.    Eden cries and cries.    Finally Sid pulls out of her.   He then pumps his shaft with his hand a few times until he cums hard splattering it all over Eden.   In her face, across her breasts and along her stomach.     He then gets up and puts his clothes back on.
"You want out of this baby.   The only way out is this way." Sid says.
"Please don't hurt me." Eden begs.
"If I can't have you no one will." Sid says laughing.   
He leaves the room and Eden hoped he had left.   She was almost out of the tie.   That was when he came back.     He doused everything in gasoline.
"What are you doing?" Eden asks.
"I'm going to send you out in a blaze of glory baby.    And Chase is about to become a widower." Sid says laughing.
"God let me go please." Eden cries.
"Nope." Sid says.
He lights a match dropping it to the ground.
"No please." Eden cries.
"Burn bitch burn." Sid says.
He then leaves she heard the door slam shut behind him.
"I got to get out of here.   I can not leave Chase and these babies need me." Eden says.
She couldn't get the tie off as much as she tried.   It was getting Smokey and she knew she was going to die.  
"Eden fuck oh my god Eden." Chase says.
"Chase?" Eden asks.
"Yes it's me baby.   I'm coming to get you." Chase says.
Finally he was in her view.   He untied the tie and picks her up.    Chase carries her off the bed.    That was when she blacked out.
Eden woke up foggy not knowing where she was or what was going on.
"Shh princess it's okay.   You are in the hospital." Chase says kissing her head.
"The babies?" Eden asks.
"They are fine baby." Chase says
Eden saw she was hooked to a fetal monitor and could see their heart beats.  
"Wow." Eden says.
"Yes strong and steady like their mother baby." Chase says.
"How did you get here?" Eden asks.
"I got on my plane as soon as I was done media. Chase says.
"Are you hurt baby? Oh god." Eden asks worried.
"Nope baby not a burn or scratch on me. I am glad I just grabbed my bag and Fletch and tore out of there not changing." Chase says.
That was when Eden noticed he was still in his fire suit.
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"God that fire suit. And your quarantine hair baby makes me want you." Eden says.
"I know baby,  but not right now.   You just came out of a fire where you were burned a little and you were raped." Chase says.
"Oh god you know." Eden asks horrified.
"Yes baby I know.   I saw how your clothes were ripped and he came all over you.   He is sick and they have enough evidence I hope to get him." Chase says.
"Did they do a rape kit?" Eden asks.
"Yes baby they did.   You were out of it.   But I made sure they did." Chase says kissing her head.
"I love you Clyde." Eden says snuggling against him.
Fletch climbed up wanting snuggles too.
"The hospital felt bad for him being by himself in the car.    They let me bring him in once I proved he had his shots." Chase says.
"My fur baby." Eden says.
"Yes I want him to stay with you.   You are going to be in here for a few days recovering and I have to go race.    He is going to stay and be your guard dog." Chase says.
"Okay I won't mind that. He can cuddle me when you are gone." Eden says.
"Just a few hours on race day baby." Chase says.
"Okay." Eden says.
They moved her to Labor and Delivery so they could keep and eye on the twins and treat her burns. Thankfully they weren't as bad as they could be.
It's been a few days since the fire and Eden was doing well. Chase was taking care of her helping her with her burns which were healing. Fletch was loving all the attention he was getting from the nursing staff and from Eden.    Chase was getting ready to leave to go to the race.   He would fly there race and then come back. He comes out of the bathroom seeing Fletch laying on Eden's belly.
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"Well isn't that just adorable." Chase says.
"Fletch is such a good big brother." Eden says.
"I see that.    But I'm glad." Chase says. 
He had put on his fire suit.   So he could go and get in the car.
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"Damn baby. Looking hot as ever I just want to strip that fire suit off you." Eden says sitting up.
Fletch groans but gets up and moves. Eden gets up and pulls Chase to her.
"Mmm baby." Chase moans.
"God I want you baby it's been so hard laying beside you and not touching you or kissing you or making love to you." Eden says.
"Hmm baby we have time but got to make it fast." Chase says as he needed her just as badly.
Eden quickly undoes his fire suit sliding the top half down his body. She the tugs his under shirt out and up over his head. Running her fingers down his chest.
"God Eden." Chase moans.
"God I love watching your body react to my touch to my kisses." Eden says.
"I yearn for them baby." Chase says.
She pushes his fire suit down past his thighs a long with his boxers and he steps out of them. He pulls her pants down followed by her panties.
"Please Clyde I need you." Eden begs.
Chase lays her back onto her back as he gently pushes into her.
"God baby you're like coming home." Chase moans.
"God Clyde." Eden moans wrapping her legs around his waist.
She pulls him in deeper.
"Fuck baby god." Chase moans he wanted to go slow but he had to go harder.
"Harder baby please." Eden begs digging her nails into his back.
"Eden oh Eden." Chase calls out as he cums hard inside her.
"Clyde oh Clyde." Eden moans as her orgasm shatters around her and she cums with him.
They lay there riding it out. Eden snuggles up against him.
"Sorry baby but I have to go." Chase says.
"I Know. Go win the race and come back to me just like that." Eden says.
"Okay baby. I will." Chase says.
"We can shower together and more of what we just did." Eden says.
"Okay baby." Chase says.
He quickly dresses. He then kisses her belly twice and then her lips. Fletch had jumped back onto the bed.
"Take care of mama buddy." Chase says petting him.
He then left to head to the race.
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Eden hated him leaving but knew he was doing what he loved and that is what mattered to her. Fletch was laying with her and she turned on the race.
"Let's watch daddy race. "Eden says kissing his nose.
He licked her back in reply. She was enjoying the snuggles from him. She grabbed her phone to send Chase a quick text.
"Good luck Chase. I love you and can't wait for you to come back to my arms." Eden texts.
"Thanks Mrs. Elliott. I can't wait either. Soon baby soon. I love you more. Get some rest." Chase texts back.
She smiled. She saw that Penguins got eliminated from the Bubble after loosing to Montreal. And on Sid's birthday none the less to add insult to injury. Eden put her phone down. She watched the race. Chase won so she was so happy. Sucked she couldn't be there with him. She watched his interview.
"Chase is that a wedding band we see on your finger?" the announcer asks.
"Yes it is. Sorry ladies I am off the market." Chase replies.
"Is it the girl who was with you in Daytona and Vegas?" They asks.
"Yes it is. I am happy and that is all I am saying. Well besides I love you Princess and this race is for you." Chase replies.
They then ask him questions about the race and the car. Eden was grinning from ear to ear. It was great. Not long after the phone buzzed.
"Hey Mrs. Elliott I am headed to the airstrip and then I will be on my way back to you baby. Ryan is flying with me to help with Fletch and to also help bring you back to Dawsonville." Chase texts.
"Sounds good Mr. Elliott. I will see you and Ry soon. Fly safe baby." Eden texts back.
She then sits her phone down. She couldn't wait to see Chase. And she really couldn't wait to go home and live in peace. She wouldn't have to think about Pittsburgh or Sid for a while. They didn't have a date yet for when the 2021 season would start.
Eden dozed off. A little bit later the nursing staff came in and leashed Fletch they were taking him outside to use the bathroom. Not long after they left Eden heard the door open.
"Oh thank god you are back." Eden says thinking it was Chase.
"Aww did the little whore miss me?" Sid says.
"What are you doing here?" Eden says hitting the button on her call light.
"Now why did you have to go and do that." Sid says hitting the button and turning it off.
"Please just leave me alone." Eden cries.
"Not till I finished what I started." Sid says.
"HELP ME PLEASE!" Eden screams out.
She had hit the button to call Chase on her cell phone. She did it without Sid seeing her hoping that he would be close enough that he would answer it. She noticed that it was connected. She hit the speaker phone button.
"Shut up you fucking whore, no one is coming to rescue you." Sid says slapping her in the face.
Eden cries.
"I told you once if I can't have you no one will." Sid says.
He grabs her throat and starts strangling her. Eden tried to claw at him but that only made him get more aggressive. She was just about to loose consciousness when Sid let go. The nursing staff had let Fletch back in and he had knocked Sid off of her and was attacking him. Eden was gasping for air. That was when a million people entered the room.
"Princess are you okay?" Chase asks rushing to her side.
"Clyde oh god Clyde." Eden says wrapping her arms around him.
"I got you princess." Chase says rubbing her back kissing her head.
Eden just kept taking in deep breaths. Security had called the police and they came and took Sid away. Eden was going to press charges. Fletch jumped up on the bed beside Eden.
"Good boy Fletch protecting Mama. Good boy." Chase says.
"Sid is in police custody. They will be coming back later to get Eden's statement." Ryan says.
"Okay. Can you ask the charge nurse if she can be moved somewhere else until she is ready to be moved?" Chase asks.
"On it." Ryan says.
Chase was still holding Eden and she was clinging to him.
"Thank god you got here when you did." Eden says.
"I think Fletch is to thank for this one baby." Chase replies.
"He saved my life. Oh god the babies." Eden says.
"Calm down baby. We will have them take a look at them okay. It is going to be okay." Chase says kissing her head.
They moved Eden to another room and had it hidden from record so no one could find it. The doctor came in and accessed her. She was fine. They hooked her up to a fetal monitor. The babies were doing good no distress.
"Can we have a sonogram done just to be sure. I want to see them." Eden says.
"We can do that. Just to put your mind at ease." The doctor says.
"Thank you." Eden replies.
"Yes thank you." Chase says.
They wheel in the sonogram machine. Eden lifts up her gown. They put gel on her belly and run the wand along it. The screen came to life. They could see the babies crystal clear and they both seemed to be un phased by what happened.
"Would you guys like to know the sex of each?" The doctor asks.
"Well baby do you want to know?" Eden asks looking up at Chase.
"I do baby, but do you?" Chase asks.
"I do baby.   So we can start planning the names." Eden replies.
"Okay.    Well it looks like baby a is a boy and baby b is a girl."  The doctor says.
"Aww princess a boy and a girl." Chase says kissing her head.
"I am so happy." Eden says.
"Me too." Chase replies.
They print them both a copy.   Chase kisses her head as he puts his hands on her belly.   Eden puts her hands over his.
"I love our little family." Eden says.
"Me too." Chase replies.
They snuggle together falling asleep.
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright, because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright, because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lieNow I know we said things, did things
That we didn't mean and we fall back into the same patterns
Same routine, but your temper's just as bad, as mine is
You're the same as me, when it comes to love, you're just as blinded
Baby please come back, it wasn't you
Baby it was me, maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems
Maybe that's what happens When a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is I love you too much, to walk away now
Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity, in my voice when I talk?
Told you this is my fault, look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the dry wall
Next time, there will be no next time
I apologize even though I know it's lies
I'm tired of the games, I just want her back, I know I'm a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
I'm a tie her to the bed and set this house on fireJust gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright, because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright, because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
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A/N: Here is Chapter 2. If you need to catch up and the link to Chapter 1 is provided at the end of this Update.
It's been a few days since Eden started her relationship with both Sid and Kris. The day after the gala was Valentine's Day Sid took her out on a nice little date of playing golf before they headed to the game. After the game in which they won and Sid and Kris had both scored a goal and gotten an assist, they head back to Sid's and they celebrated with Kris who had made them all dinner. And of course they had ended the night with wild steamy sex. Eden made sure she was packed and ready as after the Penguins game ended she was headed to the Daytona. She was happy that rain was on her side.
She had her car at the arena with her bag in it. As soon as the game was over she was going to head to the airport and fly to Daytona and Chase going to meet her at the airport.       The game had just started.    They were playing the Red Wings.     Eden was happy.
The Penguins ended up winning and again both Sid and Kris had a goal.    Eden went to clean up and put things away and stock up for the next game.   She then went to look for Sid and Kris to say goodbye before she left for Daytona.  
Eden heads into the locker room.    The guys have all left except for Kris and Sid.    They had media before they could shower and suck.    She walks in and Sid was sitting in front of his make locker stall.   He hadn't showered yet either.    Eden goes over and climbs into his lap.
"Hey baby." Sid says.
"Hey are you okay?" Sid asks.
"Yes just didn't want to leave cus I know when we do I will be going home with out you." Sid says.
"Aww baby.  It's just a few days.   Then I will be back here." Eden says.
"I know but with him." Sid says.
"Who Chase?" Eden asks.
"Yes Chase." Sid says.
"He's just my best friend.   Yes I love him to pieces  but not like the way I love you." Eden says.
"I'm afraid you are going to leave me for him because you don't want to share me with Kris." Sid says.
"Hey look at me baby.   I would never leave you baby or Kris." Eden says.
"Are you sure?" Sid asks.
"Unless you cheated with another girl then yes I am sure." Eden says.
"Okay." Sid says looking up into her eyes.
Eden sees a bunch of emotions swirling in them.    She leans down and kisses him.    One kiss lead to another until they were fighting for control of the kiss.     Soon they were all but ripping each other's clothes off.    Eden then lowers herself down onto Sid's cock and starts to move riding him.
"God baby that's it ride my cock." Sid moans leaning back against his locker watching her.
"God baby you feel so good inside me stretching me." Eden moans throwing her head back in pleasure.
"Hmm you look so pretty taking my cock up inside your sweet pussy, tits bouncing as you ride me cow girl." Sid groans.
Eden starts to move harder and faster.    Sid leans forward and starts to attack her breasted with his mouth ravaging them both making Eden Yelp out in pleasure.
"Fuck Sid." Eden screams.
"That's it baby let them know who is fucking you, making you feel so good." Sid moans.
He flips her onto her back on the bench and starts to pound into her.    Eden wraps her legs around his waist pulling him in further. 
"Sid oh god." Eden calls out as she digs her nails into his back.
"Cum for me pretty girl. " Sid begs knowing she was close.
"Sid god." Eden calls out as she cums hard.
Orgasm rushing trough her.
"Eden baby." Sid moans as he cums hard feeling her walls milking his release out of him.
They ride it out. 
"Hmm we need to head to the showers baby Kris is there waiting for us." Sid says.
"Hmm okay." Eden says.
Eden and Sid head to the showers.    Kris was in a stall locked in.    Eden and Sid shower together.    Eden finished before Sid and goes to get out.   She heads out to Sid's locker so she could get dressed.    She was drying off when   Kris comes up behind her wrapping his arms around her.    He was still wet from his shower.     Eden turns to face him.
"God all wet baby." Eden purrs at him.
"I am now question is are you wet for me?." Kris asks pulling her in for a kiss.
That was all it took.  Eden pulls off his towel and Kris pulls off her.  He then picks her up and slams her back into Sid's locker.   Eden wraps her legs around him letting him go deeper.
"God Kris." Eden moans.
"Sorry I needed you baby.   Its going to be fast and its going to be rough." Kris groans.
They both move together building each other up.    They call out each other's name as they both orgasm.    They ride it out.
"We need to get dressed and go out cus I have a plane to catch." Eden says.
"I know baby but me and Sid wanted to fill you up with our cum so you remember who you belong too." Kris replies kissing her.
Kris puts her feet on the ground so she could get dressed.    She does.   Sid comes out and both him and Kris get dressed.
"Safe trip baby, text me when you get to Daytona." Sid says kissing her cheek.
"I will baby.   See you guys Monday night." Eden says.
"Okay baby." Kris says kissing her too.
"Please play nice when Chase is here." Eden says.
"Can't make promises baby but we will try." Kris and Sid both say.
They then head out of the arena and up to their cars.    Eden gets in hers.    She had a text from Chase.
"After the game drive to the airstrip there is a surprise waiting for you." Chase texted.
"Okay see you soon." Eden replied.
"Sooner then you think. ;)." Chase  replies back.
Eden shook her head.    She then heads out to the airstrip.     A little bit later she arrives and parks.    There was a plane waiting for her that she didn't recognize.    She gets out of the car grabbing her bag.    She heads towards the plane as the door opens up and the steps come down.     Eden happily climbs them.    Waiting inside was none other then Chase, Ryan and Fletch.
"Hi baby." Eden coos as Fletch jumps all over her.
"Down Fletch." Chase says.
Fletch lays down immediately.
"Aww he just missed me." Eden says squatting down scratching his ears and rubbing his belly.
She then stands up and embraces Chase in the biggest hug.    Chase hugged her right back.
"Oh would you two get a damn room." Ryan says rolling his eyes chuckling.
"Hi to you too Ryan." Eden says.
"We better get going." Chase says.
"Yup got a race to run later today." Ryan says.
"Are you flying?" Eden asks Chase.
"Yup this is my plane." Chase says.
"Aww okay." Eden replies.
Chase heads to the cockpit.    Ryan and Eden take seats and buckle up.    When they were cleared they took off for Daytona.    Ryan and Eden both snooze on the flight.
A little bit later they Eden and Ryan woke as they were landing.
"Thanks for coming to get me with Chase."  Eden says.
"Always.   I am just glad you could come.   He has been so happy." Ryan says.
"I am glad I could come too.   I love watching him race." Eden replies.
"Yeah he has a surprise for you when he gets you back to the coach." Ryan says.
"He always does." Eden says smiling.
Chase finished got them on the ground safely.   He then turns off everything and heads out to get Eden and Ryan so they could get off the plane and head back to the track.   Chase comes out.
"Okay we can go now." Chase says leashing Fletch.
"I will take him." Eden says taking the leash from Chase.
"Okay I will get your bags." Chase replies.
Eden nods her head.   Chase grabs the bags and the three of them and Fletch get off the plane.    They head to Chase's car and get in.    Chase drives them to the track.   He shows his credentials and heads to the motor coach lot.    He pulls up beside his coach and parks.
"Thanks for going with me to get her." Chase says to Ryan.
"Anytime man." Ryan says.
"Goodnight Ryan." Eden says.
"Goodnight guys.   See you later today. " Ryan says.
He hugs them both and then heads off to his coach.    Eden walks Fletch over to the grass and lets him use the bathroom.    They then head back to Chase's coach and head inside.   Chase carries her bag into his room.
"Oh am I sleeping in here?" Eden asks.
"Figured you would want the bed.   I will sleep on the couch." Chase says.
"No that is okay Chase we can share the bed." Eden says.
"You sure?" Chase asks.
"Yes figured we could cuddle and watch Netflix until we fell asleep.   That way Fletch could sleep with us too." Eden says.
"Okay." Chase says.
He left her to get changed.    Eden changed into her pajamas and then called Chase back in.   Chase got ready for bed and they both climbed in.    Eden snuggled up against Chase.   Fletch jumped on the bed laying at their feet.
"I missed you Clyde." Eden says.
"I know princess I missed you too." Chase says kissing her head.
"So I have to tell you something.   I know I can and you won't judge me." Eden says.
"Never would I judge you." Chase says.
"Sid isn't just my boyfriend.   I am also dating Kris too." Eden says.
"Wait what?" Chase asks.
"Yeah apparently Kris and Sid are bisexual and are in a relationship.   So they wanted me to be in a poly relationship with them both." Eden replies.
"Okay, are you happy?" Chase asks.
"Yes." Eden says.
"Then I am happy." Chase says kissing her head.
"This is why I love you so much.   You always support me and have my back." Eden says.
"I love you just as much.   I will always have your back and I will always support you.   Just like I know you will always do the same with me." Chase says.
"Always." Eden says.
Chase and Eden cuddle as they watch netflix.    They end up falling asleep.
Later that next morning Eden woke up to something smelling amazing.   She opens her eyes seeing Chase walk in with breakfast.
"Something smells so good." Eden says.
"Breakfast in bed for my princess." Chase says.
"Oh what did you make?" Eden asks.
"French Toast, eggs just like you like them, scrapple and sausage." Chase replies.
"My favorites." Eden says.
"Of course." Chase replies smiling.
He sits down and they both dig in.   Fletch tried to steal some.    Eden and Chase didn't feed him food but they did let him lick their plates when they were done.
"So what time is the race?" Eden asks.
"Four." Chase replies.
"Okay." Eden says.
"Since I am racing the hooters theme, I have an outfit for you." Chase says.
"Want me to be your hooters girl huh?' Eden asks chuckling.
"Of course." Chase replies.
Eden laughed.   She would do anything for him.   They hung out at the coach until it time for them to head down to the track.   Eden put her orange shorts and hooters shirt on.   She then links hands with Chase and they head down to the track.    Eden stood on Pitt lane while Chase did drivers intros.   Finally Chase joined her at his car.   Eden looped her arm through his and leaned her head on his shoulder.    They say a prayer and then the anthem was sung.   Finally it was time for Chase to climb into the car.
"Be safe baby." Eden says.
"I will.   See you after." Chase replies.
"Yes.  Good luck." Eden says.
She kisses him on the cheek.
"Love you Princess." Chase says.
"Love you too Clyde." Eden says.
Chase gets in the car and Eden took her seat on the box.  Ear phones on so she could hear Chase and Allan.
Meanwhile back in Pittsburgh.   Sid and Kris were at Sid's in the game room.    They were watching the Daytona 500.     During the anthem they zoomed in on Chase and there Eden was looking like a two bit hooker leaning against Chase.
"What the actual fuck." Sid says.
"How the fuck could she do that on National Tv." Kris says.
"She looks like a whore." Sid says.
"Yes and Chase is an asshole." Kris says.
Sid grabbed his phone.
"What the fuck are you doing Eden? Looking like a whore on National TV." Sid texted.
Eden didn't reply which only pissed Sid off more. He would have to teach her a lesson when she got home.
Eden was enjoying the race. Chase was running good and she was so proud of him.
Chase ended up winning the race and she was so happy and excited. She all but jumped off the box and read to victory lane. A few minutes later Chase pulled in and got out of the car. They celebrated him and then interviewed him. Eden goes over and kisses him.
"Congratulations Clyde I am so happy for you." Eden says.
"Thank you baby." Chase asks returning the kiss.
Eden got an idea. She took the checkered flag. After posing in a few pictures with Chase she left VL. She took the flag back and headed into the coach. She stripped out of her clothes snd wrapped the flag around her body waiting for him to come back.
A little bit later Chase finally came back and entered his coach.
"Eden you here?" Chase calls out.
"Yes in the bedroom." Eden replied.
Chase comes walking through the door a few seconds later.
"What is this?" Chase asks seeing her as she kneeled up on the bed.
"Come get your prize Clyde." Eden says.
Chase walked over to her. Eden locked eyes with him seeing the love and lust in them.
"Are you sure?" Chase asks.
Eden grabbed him by his firesuit belt pulling him closer to her kissing him. Chase kissed back. Eden reaches up and starts to pull down his suit. She then runs her hands up his chest as she lifts his under shirt up and over his head.
"God damn." Eden says voice hitching.
"Eden are you sure about this? Once we cross this we can't go back." Chase says.
"I know Chase trust me. I want this." Eden says.
She then finished taking off his suit followed by his boxers. Eden then looked him up and down wondering why she didn't do this sooner. Chase kisses her as he pulls the flag off her throwing it behind him.
"God Eden you are so beautiful. I love you so much." Chase says as he gently lays her back on the bed.
"You're not bad on the eyes either Clyde." Eden says.
"I don't have any condoms." Chase says.
"Chase I don't care I just need you. And wait why don't you have condoms?" Eden asks.
"Because I am still a virgin Eden. I love you and I was saving myself for you." Chase says.
"Aww Clyde. I love you too." Eden says.
Chase leans down kissing her softly as he pushed into her. Eden moans against his lips. He was a lot bigger then Sid and Kris so it took a few for her to adjust.
"God Eden." Chase moans out as he moves.
"That's it Clyde baby. Doing so good." Eden purrs as she moves with him.
Chase moans as he moved a little harder.
"God Chase that is it." Eden moans moving with him.
She digs her nails into his back as she moves.
"Fuck baby." Chase groans as it made him move harder.
"So close Chase so close." Eden moans.
"Me too baby, I am going to pull out since I don't have a condom." Chase says.
"No baby please cum inside me." Eden begs.
"Are you sure baby? Chase asks.
"God yes please. I want to feel you inside." Eden begs.
"God okay." Chase moans.
He thrusts into her a few more times.
"God Clyde baby." Eden calls out as she cums hard.
Her orgasm running through her.
"Eden baby." Chase moans as he cums hard her walls milking his release from him.
The ride it out together. They make love a few more times before falling to the bed spent. Eden was curled up against Chase's chest. They were still connected from their love making.
"God that was magical." Eden says.
"Really even with my inexperience?" Chase asks.
"God yes baby. You made me orgasm four times. That is pretty good for being a virgin." Eden says kissing his chest.
" I'm glad I lived up to the hype." Chase says kissing her head.
"You did and I love you." Eden says.
"I love you too Eden.   I have always loved you." Chase says.
"I know.   When we went to senior prom together everyone thought we were a couple then.   I should have listened to them and we wouldn't be here right now." Eden says sadly.
"Where do we go from here?" Chase asks.
"I am not sure but I love you.   However after a good nights rest we can figure it out." Eden says.
"Yes so true.    I have some media to do in the morning then I can fly us back to Pittsburgh." Chase says.
"Okay baby get some sleep." Eden says.
"You too princess,   Goodnight I love you." Chase says.
"Goodnight Clyde I love you too." Eden says.
They snuggle together with Fletch at their feel falling into a much needed sleep.
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