#eddie's rightful fear of everclear comes from personal experience TRUST ME JUST TRUST ME
shushmal · 2 months
hi! since you were asking for prompts. I have two Steddie ones. you can just choose if you'd like to do one, or none, it's all cool I appreciate you even taking them. tysm: - 1. Steve hosts a Hellfire game night and Eddie stays afterward to help clean up. (maybe first kisses?) 2. filler scene of Eddie helping Steve clean his wounds and get dressed after they buy the outfits from TWZ.
sorry i was waiting for my demons to find me again before i could fill this prompt
"You are NOT pouring vodka on your open wounds, Harrington."
Steve, the absolute madman, doesn't even look up at Eddie when he replies. "I don't think everclear is vodka," he says, turning the bottle in his hand. He squints at the label. "...Yeah, definitely doesn't say the word vodka anywhere on here. So probably fine, right?"
"I need you to understand that that's worse," Eddie hisses. This week is going to be the death of him—he's never been so stressed out in his life. "You're going to burn your skin off."
Finally, Steve looks up at him. "Everclear burns skin off?" he asks, incredulous, like Eddie's being serious. "Why do people drink it then?"
Steve Harrington is determined to be Eddie's last straw.
"Probably to forget the monster portals that apparently keep popping up around town, now give me that, you psycho," Eddie says, snatching the alcohol from him. "And it's cheap. But, you're gonna do more damage than good with that crap, and it'll hurt worse than rubbing alcohol."
But Steve puffs up, shoulder's back. "I can handle pain, it's fine!" he insists. "I need to be in top shape for this!"
Eddie blows out a frustrated breath. Damn this guy. Eddie had just had a heartfelt moment with Dustin and he was feeling pretty gooey about there little group afterwards, and then Robin Buckley, looking a little green, had asked Eddie to help Steve with his rabies. If Eddie had known it's be like herding cats, he might have refused.
"Just trust me, man," Eddie says, tossing the bottle out the door. Someone squawks in surprise, but Eddie doesn't spare them a thought. "Now let's go find you some niiice peroxide or literally anything NOT specifically made to destroy your liver and flesh."
"Fine," Steve grumbles. And then has the audacity to pout, which has the added consequence of being cute and Eddie's going to have an aneurysm before it's all over. "They do it in the movies all the time."
"Yeah," Eddie sighs. He grabs Steve's arm and drags him towards the little bathroom. "Unfortunately, this isn't a movie, big guy."
Steve huffs again, but he doesn't shake off Eddie's hold. His skin is warm under Eddie's hand, his pulse jumping against his cold fingers. Eddie squeezes a little, just to feel the thump, thump, thump of Steve being alive—pretends Steve's heartbeat is an unspoken promise, that all of this is going to be okay.
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