#ebobi you're the best hugs hugs hugs <3
etherealyoungk · 2 years
🫧 Jihoon's love was subtle, in tiny quiet gestures that made your heart overflow with admiration. He knows your fidgeting habits increase in times of stress and anxiety, so now he keeps a pack of gum in his pocket whenever you're around because you mentioned that chewing gum helps. He also brings you new flavors to try, even tried the sour ones to see you laugh at his squirmy face. He knows you can't sleep with your feet cold, so he always keeps a pair of fluffy wool socks with the most atrocious patterns, just in case you needed extra warmth.
🫧 Joshua had heard you slam the door of the closet shut loudly after a long busy day. You were already in pain, period cramps had spread to your entire lower body, and with work demanding you keep on your feet all the time, you were ready to just dive into bed and forget the world exists. But you needed to iron your clothes for the next day, and wash out the lunch box you had haphazardly packed, never mind your shoes that were greased with mud and dirt from running in the rain. It was too much, everything was too much, so you decided to screw the world and head to sleep. When the edges of dawn rose with you the next day, Joshua was soundly asleep by your side, and his serenity calmed your heart a bit, but what made you almost tear up in gratitude was the ironed suit hanging on the door, the cleaned shoes tucked neatly with socks on the side, and a full lunchbox in the fridge with a note, "you can count on me when things get rough."
eboni oh my god these made my heart all mush. especially shua's i legit teared up because i really needed that <3 thank you so much for sending these in ily mwahh <33 like shua's one hit home for me im gonna cry that was really sweet and soft :( i love your writing so much!
im coming to spam your inbox too soon...
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