disease · 2 months
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itsfullofstars · 3 months
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
hi! sorry I've like fallen off the earth, I've been coping with a tough call I was assigned to and I know- I know, it didn't happen to me. I dunno it was hard to watch, and to be a part of. So I guess, trigger warning!
It's almost funny, when I got into this job they told me that I would get hurt and I laughed, because it wasn't happening to me I'm the savior.
But it hurts to look a mother in the eyes and lie that the reason I'm over there helping her instead of her toddler was because I 'wanted to make sure she was okay.'
It hurts to come into the home of a war veteran who's been forgotten by his family.
It hurts to sit with a child as I try explain that - 'no sweetie, I know you want to shower but the nice nurses at the hospital will help you.'
it hurts to perform cpr on a father as his children stare in horror
It hurts to go from seeing the worst of worst and then turn around and see how beautiful life is. How kind humanity is by default, how a businessman will help a homeless woman when she was sick, sitting on the side of the road waiting for ems.
How children will tell you about their favorite animals because they long for friendship.
The dogs that follow their owners out the door. The cats that watch.
The beaming and fatigued smile of a new mother.
the teary 'i love you's before transport.
and the sun still comes every morning, and I lace up my boots and I go to work. Rinse, repeat. For all of the horrible things humanity has done and the things I witness I am overwhelmed with the good, it makes it worth it.
Maybe I'm writing this to get my grief out so I don't explode, I'm not sure.
The point is, if there was one: People are good and they are worth saving and it breaks my heart when I can't.
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vizreef · 1 year
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EMS Hi-Fli // guitar synth pedal - analog multi effect processor (UK, 1973)
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roman-noodlezz · 28 days
I take my NREMT-P exam today! Wish me luck!
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grrl-beetle · 1 month
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dead-fandom-society · 9 months
I had a dream last night that I was hired by a new ambulance company in a big city (I am an EMT in real life, for context) and the chief wanted to try a new program for mass casualty incident training that involved getting 100 volunteers, crushing them under a hydraulic powered concrete slab, and then having us go around and practice assigning priority tags based on the START triage system (black= deceased, red= emergent, yellow= injured/could become emergent, green= minor injuries/can walk away from the scene) and we found very quickly that the program wasn’t really effective because we were constantly only assigning black tags because the volunteers were always crushed into liquid. then my job title was kept the same except it now stood for Evil Medical Technician
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corvidist · 4 months
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An unexpected conversation. Nothing will be the same.
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willowisgayyyy · 2 months
i work in a fairly rural county in the midwest, sometimes i like to imagine the reaction some folks out here would have if they found out the EMT taking care of them is a 19yo socialist queer trans woman who, 20 minutes before treating them, was reading lesbian fan fic on ao3
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disease · 1 year
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EMS: SYNTHI AKS | est. MAR 1972
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itsfullofstars · 3 months
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emstrogren · 4 months
It's been years but I still think one of the funniest things I've ever seen was when one of the local hospitals sent out a post saying "Happy EMS week to all of the Doctors, Nurses, and Ambulance Drivers" and had to change it within 5 minutes.
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er-cryptid · 9 months
Types of Open Injuries
Abrasion -- damage to the superficial layer of skin -- caused by a body part rubbing or scraping across a rough or hard surface
Laceration -- a deep cut in the skin -- has jagged edges
Incision -- a cut in the skin -- has smooth edges
Avulsion -- soft tissue is torn loose or hanging as a flap
Penetrating Wound -- injury resulting from a sharp, piercing object
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roman-noodlezz · 2 months
About to take my Final Exam for Paramedic School, wish me luck
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vrepit-salt · 5 months
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Finally making it to graduation moodboard
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dead-fandom-society · 3 months
A good EMS agency thrives off of unmedicated adhd and one massive trauma bond
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