#e'last scenarios
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chanis-banani · 2 years ago
Note: Happy birthday ranotinin- I mean- @seunghyubtual !!! Here's a little fluff I wrote for you ~~
Synopsis: Rano invites you to the dorm to surprise you with pancakes. The only problem is he doesn't have a clue what he's doing...
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Rano x gn reader (ft. Baekgyeul, Wonhyuk & Choi In)
Word Count: 1.3k
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♡ fluff under the cut ♡
You take another look at Rano’s message while you wait for someone to open the door for you. “Come over. I have a surprise,” it said. Nothing else. When you asked him at what time you should come over and what in God’s name he was planning, there was no response. Not really in the mood to wait for him to reply, you decided to just go and see what was waiting for you.
The door to the dorm opens and you are greeted with Baekgyeul’s happy smile. “Y/n! It’s so good to see you again! Come in!” He opens the door fully and lets you inside, where Wonhyuk is stretched out on one of the couches, watching tv. “Hi y/n!” he says, but aside from that, he doesn’t pay too much attention to you. His eyes are completely stuck to the screen, which depicts ATEEZ performances.
“So where is Yongseop?” you ask Baekgyeul. A strange kind of smirk appears on Baekgyeul’s lips and he points his finger towards the kitchen. “I think he’s trying to cook…”
“Oh God,” you say and you slowly turn towards the kitchen to have a look at the damage. Rano stands at the counter, wearing an apron which is completely covered in flour. Not just his apron is covered with it, but also the counter, the dining table, the chairs and even in his long, blonde hair. “Y/n!” he says, while quickly turning his head to you, causing a little cloud of flour to fly into the air, “You’re early!”
You give him a confused look. “We never agreed on a specific time. How am I early?” “Oh… I replied to your messages in my head… Maybe I was too busy…” He gives you an apologetic look and you can’t help but laugh a little. He just looks too ridiculous for you to hold it in.
“What are you making anyway?” you ask while peeking into the big bowl on the counter, unable to make out what exactly is in it. Rano blushes a little and nervously scratches behind his ear, causing more flour to fall out of his hair. “I was trying to make pancakes for you, because you always make them for me, but I can’t seem to get the batter right…” You stir into the bowl a bit, closely inspecting the consistency. “Well, did you put any eggs in it?” He raises an eyebrow at you and shakes his head. “Are there… supposed to be eggs in there…?” “Yes baby, you need eggs if you want to make pancakes like mine.”
You stroke his flour-covered hair behind his ear and press a kiss on his forehead, when you are interrupted by Wonhyuk’s voice coming from the living area: “We’re out of eggs. Yejun ate the last ones this morning WITHOUT ASKING ME IF I WANTED ANY.” “Damn,” Rano murmurs, “I’ll text Choi In. He should be out for groceries now.”
Once the text is sent, he looks around the kitchen and sighs, making you laugh a little. “You really made a mess honey. But we have to wait for Choi In to get the eggs anyway, so I can help you clean in the meantime?” He looks at you with that apologetic expression again, but doesn’t protest. He can honestly use your help. You reach out and dust the remaining flour from his hair, onto the ground. The little particles cause you both to sneeze.
While you start cleaning the counter, Rano grabs the vacuum cleaner to get the flour from the floor and the table. As you clean, you try to convince him to let you help make the pancakes, since it will just become another disaster if he tries to do it all by himself again. It takes a lot of convincing and you are met with a lot of protest: “But I wanted to do something thoughtful for you!” Eventually, you manage to convince him, thanks to the argument that it’s a fun way to spend quality time together.
Once the kitchen is somewhat clean and usable again, you open the fridge to see if there are any toppings for the pancakes and find a bunch of strawberries. “Ohh these go well with pancakes! Do you have any nutella perhaps?” Rano nods and opens a cabinet to grab a jar of nutella for you. You start washing the strawberries so they have plenty of time to dry and while doing so, Rano steals one from you with a big grin on his face. “Say aaaahh!” “I’m trying to wash these strawberries baby…” “Come on, just say aaaahh! For me?” With a little sigh, you give in, feeling flustered while he feeds the fruit to you. 
“Ohh can I have one too?” Baekgyeul suddenly asks and he looks at you and Rano with puppy eyes. “Fine, but only take one. We still need to have enough to go with the pancakes,” Rano answers. Baekgyeul seems totally fine with this and he happily takes a strawberry from the strainer. Then you are interrupted again, by a more annoying voice this time. “What are you eating?” Wonhyuk asks and Rano sighs. “Just have one.” Wonhyuk smirks widely and reaches into the strainer, grabbing three whole strawberries and running back to the couch with them. “I knew he would do that…” Rano doesn’t even seem truly upset about it. Wonhyuk’s charm is too strong, so he can’t help but find it somewhat endearing. 
“Now you say aaahh,” you say with a big grin and a strawberry in your hand. You hoped you could get back at him for making you feel flustered this way, but Rano obliges happily, seeming excited even to be fed by you. As he chews on the fruit, he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you against him with a happy smile. “For you, I’ll do anything,” he grins, his voice overflowing with love. Of course, this cute moment is ruined by Wonhyuk making puking sounds from the living room, his mouth still filled with strawberry.
A while later the door to the dorm opens and Choi In comes home with the groceries. “Hi y/n!” he says happily, but his smile quickly disappears when he notices that Rano is wearing his apron. “Oh God, don’t tell me he is trying to cook! Did he burn anything? Please tell me he didn’t break down the whole kitchen!”
Rano gives him an agitated look while you laugh at Choi In’s very valid concerns. “No, don’t worry! As you can see, the kitchen is very clean and nothing broke. He just forgot he needed eggs, is all.” Baekgyeul looks at you from across the room with a devious grin, like he’s about to tell Choi In what a mess the kitchen was before he came home, but you quickly make a signal to him like you’ll kill him if he dares to say anything. Choi In doesn’t even seem to notice as he is too busy unpacking the groceries.
“You know I was already standing in line at the register when I got your text?” he murmurs while he puts the groceries away, leaving the eggs on the dining table. “I am just such a sweet person for getting these for you. Whatever it is you’re making, I deserve to have some as well. Y/n, would you keep a close eye on him while he is in my kitchen?”
You nod at him and giggle. “Will do. And we’ll make plenty of pancakes to share.” Choi In seems satisfied with your answer and he also snatches a strawberry from the strainer. “Good, just call me if you need any help.”
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oraclekleo · 2 years ago
Rano (E’LAST) - Good Boy / Brat / Sugar Daddy / Sir Tarot Reading
All celebrity readings have purely entertainment nature
I don’t know any of the celebrities personally
Don’t base life decisions purely on tarot readings
I can never guarantee any of what’s said in the reading
Feedback: Feedback is very important for content creators and for me it’s even more important. Please, let me know whether the tarot readings resonate. If there’s anything you dislike or find off about my readings (like wording, topics, focus), just tell me. I don’t want you to write 1000-word feedback, very simple comments will do for me to stay motivated. I don’t know why I have to keep repeating this but this is something I do for you, guys, and when I don’t feel motivated to do tarot readings, I have many other things to do. The more motivation I get, the more readings you will get to read. The logic is very simple but it’s two sided.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: /
Deck(s): Dark Wood Tarot, Archetype Cards, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle
Spread: Good Boy / Brat / Sugar Daddy / Sir
Good Boy (Soft Sub)
Brat (Bratty Sub)
Sugar Daddy (Soft Dom)
Sir (Hard Dom)
Celebrity Info:
Full Name: Byun Yongseop
Stage Name: Rano
Group: E’LAST
DOB: 10.12.1998
Blood Type: AB
Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Chinese Sign: Earth Tiger
Life Path Number: 4
Masterpost: E'LAST
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Rano (E’LAST)
Full Name: Byun YongseopStage Name: RanoGroup: E’LASTDOB: 10.12.1998Blood Type: ABMBTI: ESFJSun Sign: SagittariusChinese Sign: Earth TigerLife Path Number: 4
Spread / Question: Good Boy / Brat / Sugar Daddy / Sir Deck(s): Dark Wood Tarot, Archetype Cards, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle
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Good Boy (Soft Sub) - II The High Priestess, Hummingbird, Child: Magical
If Rano ever agrees to play a soft sub for his lover, it’s most likely out of pure curiosity and the fun of exploring new perspectives. He might be playing the role most diligently and with enthusiasm, as long as it brings new experiences and stimulus to him. Once the novelty of the experience is gone, Rano loses interest in this type of role as it’s not his natural state.
Brat (Bratty Sub) - 8 of Wands, Lizard, Advocate
Rano feels better in the brat role for sure. He’s likely to challenge his lover and retort cheekily to them. He’s super sensitive to tiny hints and will always know what buttons to push to provoke and tease his lover. It’s like if he could read the mind and decides to do the exact opposite of what his lover wants. Bratty Rano lives for the punishment, though. Riling his lover up is his goal and he can do so with astonishing speed. The punishment Rano secretly hopes for is overstimulation. Bratty Rano won’t stop teasing until he’s actually whining and sobbing out of complete exhaustion.
Sugar Daddy (Soft Dom) - 3 of Pentacles, Spider, Alchemist
Sugar Daddy Rano uses his authority and ‘sweetness’ to slowly trap his lover in a web of his power. Rano would only be sweet and caring in order to lure his lover into his arms and make them cut all ties with other people. Possessive, manipulative and making his lover spiral down into the depths of his charm, that’s a Sugar Daddy Rano. 
Sir (Hard Dom) - XVII The Star, 10 of Pentacles, Snake, Earthworm, King, Prince
What are the odds for Rano to have both King and Prince cards, really? Lol. Rulership without restraint, indeed. One can rise up to become an emperor but you are born to be a king and that’s Rano’s case. He’s born to be called Sir. He can persuade his lover that they’re so little in comparison to him. He has endless ruling potential. His reign is one that heals his own soul, it’s his happy end and ultimate goal to possess the utter power over his lover. And when he does, he can be graceful and kind but also strict, petty and a complete dictator. Rano uses his charm to gain control over his lover. His words drip like honey but it’s a snake's venom, intoxicating his lover's mind. Rano’s lust for pleasure knows no limits and his stamina is endless. He’s likely to leave his lover completely out of breath. His favourite plays include some sort of ties or handcuffs, anything to make his lover exposed to him, given to his mercy.
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This is another one of my experiments and who could be better to test this spread on than my favourite dark prince Rano? 😁
It's something like Relationship role spread but more specific with the roles.
Let me know what you think and hit me up with suggestions who should be the next test subject. Only suggestions! I can't promise completing them and requests are still closed.
Thank you for reading!
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kpopcookie0813 · 1 year ago
This is the section where i add all of the scenario related stories.
Your/His name in his/your phone (2020)
If They Picked Your OOTD (Dream & Sungtaro)
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staytheb · 3 years ago
happy belated 2022!
hi! happy 2022 and hope everyone is doing well!! i’ve been out as i got sick when i’ve been good in avoiding it for the past two years... sucks, but slightly recovering. anyways, i’ll clean up my stuff later and just wanted to write an update of sorts with all that’s been happening so far.
adding to the reserved list (some time this month as i’m too lazy at the moment): BDC, OnlyOneOf, BAE173, DRIPPIN, E’LAST, GHOST9, MCND, BLITZERS, CIIPHER, EPEX, JUST B, KINGDOM, MIRAE, T1419, TAN, TEMPEST, JWiiver, TRENDZ, BLANK2Y
because as a kpop fan.... enjoying all boy groups helps with the writing process and having multiple stuff to watch and enjoy xD still working on girl groups, more or less, but not sure still so it’s tentative. as for soloists, same reason. i think i’m missing some but can’t think about it at the moment, but yeah.
also... so far have seen VERIVERY, Eric Nam, ATEEZ, and ONEUS in concert.. and awaiting to see P1HARMONY, VANNER, EPIK HIGH, CIX, MONSTA X, and STRAY KIDS.... still waiting for more to be announced and so sad to not have seen BTS, BLITZERS, GHOST9 or TWICE due to tickets sells and other real life duties. but yeah, hope all of you are able to see your favs or a kpop group in your area! but yeah... yeah that’s about it. take care and until next time!
~Admin Lia.
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atinysunbaby · 3 years ago
Work in progress or unwritten
[Reactions, oneshots, series] Basically previews of almost everything that is in my drafts, some things that I started working on and will post in the future.
⏳Ateez helping you when you're struggling
⏳Ateez being flustered because of you
⏳Ateez accidently hurting you
⏳Ateez pretending to be your boyfriend to protect you
🔥Nct 127 as your boss
🌸Nct dream when you forget to wear clothes
🌸Nct dream breaking up with you
☀️The boyz flirting with you : Pt.1 - Pt.2
☀️The boyz when you're shy : Pt.1 - Pt.2
💎Treasure when you defend him
💎You visit Treasure while they're working
🌟 Your first time meeting Enhypen
🖥Movie night | Ham Wonjin🖥
Pairing : Wonjin x Fem reader
Genre : Fluff, suggestive, enemies to lovers, mature language
Sunmary : You knew meeting Minhee's friends would be endless chaos, from all the stories you heard about them, it's impossible to believe that they are normal people. The thing is, if only you would've known it would be this bad, you never would've accepted spending the night at their dorm, especially with Wonjin's gaze on you the whole time.
🍨Ice cream | Na Jaemin🍨
Pairing : Jaemin x Fem reader
Genre : Fluff, suggestive, strangers to lovers, mature language
Summary : What was supposed to be a summer full of crazy plans hanging out with your friends, actually turns out to be daily visits to a specific ice cream shop. All because of that one boy.
Dance practice room | Kim Junkyu
Pairing : Junkyu x Fem reader
Genre : Angst, fluff
Summary : Coming to see your bestfriend during dance practice, something unexpected happens. Junkyu's interest grows with every second in your presence, but he can't tell you about his feelings, not when his teammate, Jaehyuk, told him just the night before that he likes you and plans on confessing.
🦋Butterflies | Kang Yeosang🦋
Pairing : Yeosang x Fem reader
Genre : Alcohol and cigarette consumption, mature language, suggestive
Summary : Yeosang drinks and smokes to drown his sorrows. Darkness is all he knows, the only thing he can make of this world. Although it changes when he sees a mysterious girl in a club, a glimpse of light peaking through the shadows. He doesn't want to resist the urge, the need to let the foreign feelings in, the desire for something much better then any toxic substances.
🏒Over the ice | Lee Donghyuck🏒
Pairing : Donghyuck x Fem reader
Genre : Angst, fluff, suggestive, badboy!au
Summary : What happens when a cold hearted playboy falls in love for the first time? His thirst for attention and power may cost him what could've been the best thing in his life, but there could be a way for him to make things right.
Tropical | Lee Jeno
Pairing : Jeno x Fem reader
Genre : Bad parenting, abuse, mature language, angst, fluff, suggestive, violence
Summary : With a fucked up mother who treats you like you're worthless, a step sister constantly putting you in trouble and a step dad pretending to be nice when in reality he's the complete opposite, it's only more unfair when Mira decides to send you to live with your grandparents that you barely know. A place far from home, far from everything. It's supposed to be hell, at least that's what you though, but is it really?
🎡Thrill ride | Choi Chanhee🎡
Pairing : Chanhee x Fem reader
Genre : fluff, (don't know how to call that, but pretty boy wears a skirt), praise, suggestive
Summary : Your high school crush comes with his friends to the carnival you just started working at, and he looks even more breathtaking than what you could remember. Watching him walk around with that small waist, hugged by a skirt, showing off his pretty long legs, it's almost a torture. The shy boy who used to hide under oversized clothes, scared of what others would say if he wore what he loved, is now confident as ever and it only makes him impossibly more attractive. Sadly, he doesn't seem to show any interest in you, or does he?
Bestfriend's boyfriend | Choi San
Pairing : San x Fem reader
Genre : Cheating, cursing, violence, suggestive, slight smut
Summary : You keep wondering if it's a bad thing to have a crush on someone else's boyfriend, but isn't it worst when the boy is actually in a relashionship with your bestfriend. At least you feel better knowing you aren't the only one stuck between doing the right or wrong choice.
✏Mr. Park | Park Seonghwa✏
Pairing : Seonghwa x Fem reader
Genre : Suggestive, teacher!student, forbidden relashionship, dilf!seonghwa, age gap
Summary : It really had to be the one and only man to ever make your heart flutter, to have butterflies erupt in your stomach, to be your teacher. You attempt to ignore your feelings, but it is impossible when all he does is tease you.
🍺Frat party | Huang Renjun🍺
Pairing : Renjun x Fem reader
Genre : college!au, alcohol consumption, cursing, violence, suggestive content
Summary : Your ex boyfriend who left you for another girl, your enemy since elementary school, tries to win you back after he realises he made the biggest mistake of his life. He just hopes you didn't move on.
🐙Captain | Kim Hongjoong🐙
Pairing : Hongjoong x Fem reader
Genre : Pirate!au, fluff, suggestive, human trafficking, mature language, violence
Summary : Exploring the world is what you want the most and it's what you get, but not the way you would've ever expected. If you could've seen it coming, you would've never accepted to go, but now there's no going back.
Bad | Jung Wooyoung & Won Hyuk
Pairing : Wooyoung & Wonhyuk x Fem reader
Genre : Badboy!au, suggestive, mature content, violence
Summary : Being twins usually is something that makes siblings closer, but for Wooyoung and Wonhyuk, it's being constantly at war, making bets to see who's the best. You're only another victim to their games, but you also could possibly be the one to put an end to them.
Fanfics (Series)
Fever series
Meant to be | Choi San
Chapter 4 : Waking up in unknown surroundings, with people you don't know, it's enough to make anyone freak out, but somehow, there is no sense of panic in you. All you can feel is peacefulness, like your floating.
You can tell me which one(s)' is(are) your favorite(s) if you want, it could help me decide what to write first.
Kpop masterlist
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pettypuppy-jonghyun · 3 years ago
Sharing | Wonhyuk
Description: Wonhyuk likes to share everything in your relationship, but you are not always willing to do so.
Fluffy, soft imagine.
Gender neutral.
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"That's not your hoodie," you state, adamant about your words. You pointed aggressively to the culprit before you, their stature slacking under your intense stare.
Wonhyuk clearly knew it wasn't his hoodie that he was wearing. After all, he didn't remember buying it nor receiving it as a gift. But it fit perfectly, as you had bought quite a large size, and he wasn't willing to admit he shouldn't be wearing it.
"What's mine is yours, and yours is mine!" He happily states, moving to walk around you to the kitchen.
You followed behind him, watching as he circled back out of the room to avoid you completely. Hyuk continued to move about your shared apartment with swift movements so you couldn't catch up. He knew though, with so little room, he couldn't out run you. Not when you were so focused.
"Wonhyuk I will give you five seconds to take off my favorite hoodie or so help me-"
"What?" He teased, a large smile blooming on his face as he turned to look at you. "You couldn't hurt me with your hoodie on my back!"
Provoked by his teasing, you lunge for him, pushing him straight down onto the bed. In a moment of shock, you managed to block his waist between your thighs, arms glued to the mattress. Leaning down, you smirked at your boyfriend triumphantly.
He scoffed. "You got lucky."
You shrugged. "I don't need luck. You're weak against me." You lowered your head, sitting face to face with a gleaming eye. "Now, give me my hoodie."
This was not a rare occasion for the two of you to get into altercations. They often ended physical, with you pinning Hyuk down, as a result of his continuous jeers against you. The teasing always started on his side, regardless of who the culprit initially was.
Despite trying to be menacing, you couldn't help by smile at your lover as he gave you the best pout he could muster. When he was down, he would immediately give in and beg for your forgiveness. Especially when he was in the wrong. This hadn't been the first time Hyuk stole your hoodies, but it was the first time he stole your favorite one since you got it.
"Baby, seriously, let me borrow it. Just this once?" He pleads, shaking his shoulders cutely.
You cringed, scrunching your nose. "You can't get away this time. Admit you're wrong and take it off!"
If it was any old hoodie, you wouldn't have minded as much. If you did play around, you would have given up by now and let him borrow it. This time, though, it was your Hongjoong hoodie. It was soft, large, and the most comfortable of all. You were partially to blame for the theft, after bragging for days how much you loved it. Especially in front of your fanboy boyfriend. Now, you reap what you sow.
Hyuk leaned up quickly, pecking your lips. This caused you to lessen your grip on his wrists, allowing him to slid out from underneath you. In the next moment, he had swapped your positions and had flipped you, pinning you against the mattress instead.
"Sharing is caring," he laughs, pecking your nose as well. His hair fanned across your cheeks as he leant down to rest in the crevice of your neck, humming quietly.
You sighed. "You are an absolute pain, you know that?" You rolled your wrist, loosening it until you could reach up to pet his head. His brown strands of hair softly gliding through your fingertips.
You stayed there, feeling him relax into you. His arms began to wrap themselves around your waist, snuggling closer than before. The warmth from the hoodie seeping into your skin, his scent washing over you in a calm wave. Your other hand slipped underneath the hoodie to touch his soft hip, tracing small patterns.
Hyuk continued to him softly, nuzzling his head further into your neck a few times. "See? This isn't so bad. We can share this way."
You rolled your eyes. "You are so lucky I love you."
He pushed up on his arms, pulling away from you to look in your eyes. He watched you go silent, trailing his gaze down your face and to your lips. Then, with a cheeky smile, he stood right up and walked away, closing the bedroom door behind him.
Hyuk had won that battle, you knew it.
You sighed on the bed, rolling over to grab your phone. At first, you intended to move on from the situation and scroll through social media. However, the idea of buying another hoodie to hold over his head felt refreshing. He couldn't possibly steal both hoodies at once, and would have to give into sharing.
Once you realized the hoodie was in stock at the store, you made a literal run for it. You didn't stop to explain to him, only giving a quick wave as you threw on shoes and went out the door. The store was relatively close, allowing you to make a beeline for the merchandise.
A San hoodie would put Hyuk in a hard position, you knew it. He would then be forced to choose between his two Ateez biases, thus allowing you to have one. This hoodie was made by the same manufacturer, and even had the same size as your Hongjoong one. But the names on the back were sure to give your boyfriend a hard time.
Sure enough, when you made it back home, his mouth had dropped to the floor. He couldn't find the words to say, watching you smirk, turning in slow circled so he could see the entire hoodie on full display. Hyuk covered his mouth, shaking his head.
"You did not."
"I did," you proudly reply.
He pouts, coming closer to look at the material. He pinched it between two fingers, pulling lightly. "Does this mean I can keep Hongjoong?"
You frowned immediately. "Absolutely not."
The mischievous glint in his eyes hadn't gone unnoticed. "But you have San now. It's fine, right?"
You shook your head. "No, he's not my bias. I just bought another hoodie. Hongjoong is still my hoodie as well." You pull at the strings of his sweater, tightening the hood around his face. "Now we can both wear your biases and be happy."
He didn't seem pleased, still staring deeply at your hoodie with want. It was obvious that it was bothering him, and you felt like you finally won this round. Satisfied, you walked towards the couch to be away from his intense stare. You should have known better, though, for it was Wonhyuk you were dealing with. And the game wasn't over just yet.
"I'm telling Hongjoong your cheating on him with San."
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xxrinooxx · 3 years ago
𝙴'𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖𝚕𝚢 𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 <𝟹
Rano *He’s so hot*
•He would be dancing and he invited you to come watch him *his face expression are deadly* he danced to mmh by Kai
•you felt like your heart was gonna explode and thoughts were flying because the way he was looking at you
•so you ran to him and kissed him, he said oh wait y/n did I do good or something
•You said “shh enjoy the moment because I wish I could record your face expression *were not gonna act like rano isn’t dangerous*
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Choi In *He’s such a baby *
•He would be doing something and you caught him off guard by kissing him but it was on accident because you tripped over his foot
•He said ahh y/n i-im so sorry are you okay
•You said yeah I’m okay I didn’t land hard *you got up and almost walked out the door in embarrassment ,until he grabbed your arm and said
• “No don’t leave me y/n” I want you here with me it’s okay if you tripped I find it cute
*since you finally realized what he were trying to do you’ll let you kiss him again*
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Seungyeop * Prince Charming*
• He would be cleaning and so you went to kiss him and you whispered in his ear and said “I seen your performance”
•He smiled nervously and his thoughts were flying around his head
•You walked away but he said i don’t think I did anything fancy for the performance
•you smirked and said i don’t care about that stuff i only seen the performance just to look at you
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•He would be doing a vlive with romin and yejun
•you came too see baekgyeul, romin, yejun and romin and yejun said hi to you but baby bunny didn’t say anything because he was shy and nervous so you decided to make him more nervous
•Romin and yejun left the room so you guys can have some alone time ,They look the phone for the vlive
•You we’re kissing him and he was blushing like crazy *what time you wanna watch star wars *
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Romin *My bias wrecker also-*
•you guys were going shopping
•Everything was on him but you had a choice to get your own things and buy it
•He said no y/n I got it because I wanted take you shopping so I’ll buy
•you kissing him and said it’s okay I got it baby don’t worry *he was desperate for you all day after that kiss*
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Wonhyuk *This man ……. 🔥🔥
•You guys were decorating things in the dorm
•He put a kissing sign on the door which that means if you any of you guys walk in you guys have kiss and after cleaning he went to dance practice
•He was getting frustrated at dance practice and came into the dorm walkway seen the kissing thing on door ,he looked into your eyes and it was pure black
•You said “hey don’t get mad at me I didn’t put that there” ,he came close to you but you started to step back in fear *he kissed you*
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Wonjun *this boy probably looks little but his voice in dark dream is different*
•He was playing a piano but you came with him
•You said can I come sit by you
•he said yeah sure *you guys both sit close together he looked at your lips the whole time
•He kissed you but he didn’t mean to *uh oh y/n I’m sorry and you said it’s okay while looking into his eyes and you kissed him *He had a nervous breakdown all day*
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Yejun * I love my dark sense of humor yejun*
•You guys were both watching a movie
•you started to look around , you wanted to look at him but you were so nervous but you didn’t care
•you looked at him and he looked at you ,he said yes y/n do you need anything, you leaned in more and kissed him
•you leaned back and said ahh oh my I’m sorry y-yejun and he leaned to you and kissed you then said it’s okay y/n
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aethalen · 5 years ago
[[12:57 am]] @bossmyc
It’s the middle of a stormy night when he finally comes to bed. You’ve been in bed for a little bit, sitting propped against the headboard with the tableside lamp on just enough to illuminate the thick book in your hands. You’re so wrapped up in it, you don’t hear him sneak in, but your glasses are slipping off your nose and you can feel the weight in your eyes begging to drag you to sleep.
It’s only when you hear the sound of a match strike and light that you finally look up at the back of a dirty blond head, the only dirty blond head you’d know to be in your home at this time of night, messing with some matches in your bedroom. For a moment, the room fills with the smell of sulfur, before a nice sweet lavender aroma takes its place. He moves away, and you can see the orangey glow of an incense over on the dresser where it normally sites.  
You head is still tilted down towards your book, but you’re watching him move about the bedroom under your lashes. He tugs the curtain across your window for just a moment, looking out to see the way the droplets hit against the pane, illuminated by the street lamps below and occasional flashes of lightning. Low thunder rolls overhead, but it’s peaceful in some way, especially as the two of you continue to not say anything to each other.  You watch the way he digs through a drawer after pulling the curtain back closed, and he doesn’t hear the way your book closes when he tugs the tee-shirt he’s been wearing all day over his head to pull on a dark tank top instead and you can almost hear the way he says it gets hot at night when you ask him about it just by watching him. The drawer rolls shut and you place you book on the bedside table in the same place it’s sat for a good week.
He turns around to see you looking at him, Choi In gets an embarrassed smile on his face, wondering how long you’ve been watching him. He loves the way your eyes glitter from the dim light bouncing around the room, captivated by your gaze as he wanders over to the bed and places his hands against the duvet, still perfectly made on his side, as his knee finds the edge of the bed to climb up. He’s slithering over to you, and you barely have enough breath to say his name before one of his tender hands takes your chin and tilts you lips up into his.
It’s almost a protest, the way your hand comes up to rest on his shoulder with the intent of giving yourself enough room to say what you were going to say, but for some reason, when his lips finally depart yours as slowly as cold molasses, dripping away from yours with the brush of his nose against your cheek, you find that your hand is furling against his shoulder and sliding to the back of his neck to pull him back. The way his lips curl up into a smile lets the butterflies loose in your stomach, accompanied with the soft sigh the exhales through his nose—a warm breath against your face while his hand leaves your chin to take purchase of the mattress on the other side of your hip to come in a little deeper.  
“In,” you finally whine when you tilt your head away, but he’s made it clear he’s not done with you. He places a few lingering kisses down your neck, that hand previously in the mattress tugs at your side. When he finally pulls away for a second, he recognizes the shirt that’s hanging over your shoulders, swallowing your body—a shirt that belongs to him and it only brings that smile back to his face.
“You wearing my clothes is about the most adorable thing I can think of,” he tells you sweetly, quietly, almost getting lost in the sound of the rain and rolling thunder and perhaps would have if he didn’t whisper it right next to your ear. He’s progressively pushing you over until you finally plant your hands behind you and move your legs out to get some leverage to fight against him.
You find your way to your knees as if you’re going to put him back a bit, but soon realize it’s a mistake, the way his warm hands slide against your legs and under his shirt you’re donning and against your hips to tug you over his lap just far enough that he can fall onto his rear and encase you between his legs. His arms lay loosely around your waist when he feels you’re adequately tugged up to him, which is usually never close enough, and proceeds to place chaste kisses against every inch of your face only punctuated by the soft looks he gives you in between until you quietly request he stop for a moment.
It’s not rare you get to just look into his eyes, the way they look at you tenderly with a sparkle that makes you mushy, especially in such serenity. As two busy bodies, finding time to just sit and be with each other is a bit rare, and you take advantage of it every moment you get. He can’t stand to have you look at him too long, though, and he leans in to affectionately brush his nose up against yours until he can finesse another kiss or two out of you, but there would be many more before he finally gave up for the night enough to let you both sleep.
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villainsblog97 · 2 years ago
Xdinary Heroes Scenario:
When their S/O is fangirling / fanboying over a different group and one of their members
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Summary: How would our 6 Heroes react to seeing their S/O fangirling / fanboying over a different group and one of their members
Warning: Language (maybe?)
Scenario: Boyfriend AU, fluff, comedy
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Now I'm not saying he'd be super pissed off
But the jealousy is definitely there
You were currently watching Stray Kids new MV
Case 143
You were laying on your bed on your stomach
"What are you watching Jagiya?"
"Oh just Stray Kids, have you ever noticed how handsome Changbinnie is??"
Jealousy just increased
"Ah... Changbin Sunbaenim? He's very handsome"
"And his well toned muscles!" you giggled again
Gun-il looks down at his also well toned muscles and just nods a little
He's not sad at all right now
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He heard a gasp come from your room
Followed by an unsettling screech
Jungsu ran into the room and threw open the door
Only to see you sitting on the bed holding your phone with an airpod in your ear
"Jagiya! You scared me!"
"Sorry Jungsu,,, I just got a little excited, Ateez's story line is so fascinating!"
He blinked a bit in denial
Furrowed his eyebrows a little
"Ah... you know Jagiya... we have a story line too"
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Jiseok came home after a hard day of practicing
He opened the door to see you on the floor in front of the TV
"Y/N? What are you doing on the floor?"
"Just watching my husband..."
Jiseok blinked as he pushed the door shut
Did he just hear that right?
"H-Husband?" He stuttered
"Yes! Rano from E'LAST!"
Jiseok came over and sat down
"And he raps so good too!" "Well I rap good too!"
"Yes you do Jiseok" you waved him off
"Ah E'LAST Sunbaenim... uh... so I'm just your boyfriend?"
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If anyone is gonna tell us to look ONLY at Xdinary Heroes
I have a very strong feeling it's gonna be Seungmin
He walks in on you watching P1Harmony's newest MV for their song Back Down
"Yoon Keeho... I love you" you giggled as you watched him dance
Seungmin cleared his throat hard
Leaning against the frame of the door
"Oh! hi Seungminnie!"
"What are you watching Jagiya?" He asks as he sits down on the bed by you
"Oh P1Harmony's new video"
"Oooh.... Hey Hair Cut still needs more views"
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The most chill one of all
He'll see you watching Seventeen's MV for HOT
And he'll be laughing at how much you're blushing
"Don't forget I'm still your boyfriend, not Joshua Sunbaenim"
He would compliment them on how well they dance
Its not easy dancing
He would know
But he low key likes seeing this side of you
If only it was for his band
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Oh my gosh would he be a brat!
Like all pouty
He came in and saw you watching TRENDZ Mv for CLIQUE
And he noticed you were getting a little too giggly over Hankook
(Can't blame ya though)
Boy would be whining
He would stand in front of the tv on purpose so you couldn't see
"Jooyeon move!"
"No! You're only supposed to look at me!"
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meji-soongs · 3 years ago
Hello Everyone!!~~ I have just started a Kpop blog and I will be doing requests!!~~ Please feel free to send in an ask for ANY of the following!~~ Thank you for checkin out my blog and i hope to have a lot of interesting content out soon!~~💞💞
•NCT (All Units!))
• SOLOISTS ( Anyone!)
You can request any type if AU! I do:
-Slice of Life (Real Life Scenarios; Mental Health, Marriage, Etc.)
-Selca Ships
-Written Ships
-POV's (Such as writing from Idols POV/ Answering
questions from idols POV)
- POLY! Relationships
-Anything you can think of!!~ (Please not that I DO NOT write smut for anyone under the age of 18‼️)
If you want to ask beforehand if I write for someone/
write something in specific, feel free to!~ You can
message me, send an ask, or ask anonymously!~
Feel Free to request as many things and many times
as you like!!~~ Thank you so much!!💜💜
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whale-minmin · 4 years ago
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↬ ♡ rules & other ♡ ↬
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↬ no smut, suggestive or 18+ at all. i'm a minor and will not write it.
↬ absolutely don't spread hate. this account is a safe space and you will be blocked! friendly reminder anons can get blocked + reported too :)
↬ do not repost or translate my works, even with proper credit.
↬ if you want to talk, rant or anything, my ask box and dms are open! it's good to let it all out sometimes <33
↬ if you are homophobic, racist, sexist, transphobic etc. let me show you the exit door <3
↬ i try to make my posts gender natural unless stated otherwise so everyone can enjoy my work! <3
↬ english is not my first language so i apologize for any mistakes i make!
↬ i do not support yandere, yandere behavior or toxic people at all. all my yandere works are pure fiction.
↬ please, when you request, be specific! i dont want to mix things up, say whether you want a reaction/scenario/headcanons etc. please.
↬ if i won’t do your request, try to understand it. i try to do all requests but if it's too complicated and hard for me or you request something i may be uncomfortable with please just respect i don’t wish to do it!
↬ nothing with diseases/disorders, like autism, tourette’s syndrome etc. i don’t know much about these and i’m afraid i’ll offend someone without intention to :( 
↬ if there are two identical requests, i'll delete one of them. just so you know <3 
↬ respect me and my rules.
↬ Requesting! ( REQUESTS CLOSED )
I write :
- Scenarios/oneshots
- Reactions
- Extended reactions
- Headcanons
- Kpop Group/Idol as...
 - Prompt Scenarios ( Yandere )
Vampire/Werewolf/Hybrid etc.
Angst, Fluff, Romance, Horror etc.
Fantasy ( Fairies, hybrids etc. )
+ other
I don’t write :
Hateful stuff
Idol x Idol
Idols who are dating ( Bobby, Chen, E’Dawn, Joy etc. ), but i’ll still write for them if it doesn’t include the reader being in a romantic relationship with them! 
MTL like for a race/ethinicity, for example : EXO MTL to date a Japanese girl, ENHYPEN MTL to date a black girl.
Or MTL to date, for example, a skinny or chubby girl, these type of things. Not writing that, sorry.
↬ How to request?
State which group/idol you want, what topic, and please say what you want, since a lot of people don’t and i don’t want to cause any misunderstanding! Say whether you want a scenario, MTL, a headcanon etc, please! Try to be creative with your request too, i won’t take an ATEEZ reaction to Y/N getting their nails done etc. I also DO NOT accept requests in my DMs. Put them in the ask box please <3
your request DOESN’T have a 100% chance of being written. i have stressed over requests a lot in the past so now if you request, know that it’s a suggestion on what i should write. if i’m uncomfortable, your request doesn’t fulfill my rules or i don’t want to write it then it will be deleted and forgotten. and if i think a request is too similiar to one that i had before, i won’t write it! i don’t want my works to be too repetitive <3
↬ Good Examples :
Can i request a AB6IX reaction to Y/N asking them for vocal lessons? Thank you!
ATEEZ MTL to date a foreigner?
Twice Yandere Profiles? Thank you!
↬ Bad Examples :
Yandere Monsta X please! Thank you! ( scenario? headcanons? reaction? yandere profile? guess we’ll never know, please state it in your request! )
ENHYPEN Yandere scenario, thank you! ( what topic? )
Chan yandere headcanons, thank you! ( chan from a.c.e? chan from stray kids? guess we'll never know )
↬  The groups/idols i write for :
Monsta X
Stray Kids OT8
The Boyz
Red Velvet ( no wendy )
Golden Child 
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oraclekleo · 2 years ago
Rano (E'LAST) as Perfume
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The Highwayman* 
At first you notice the subtle and spying tones of Bergamot and the gentle twinkling of Wild Strawberries captivating your senses and building expectation.   
Once you’re hooked you start to recognize the spicy tones of Pink Pepper and Cardamom pulling you even closer.   
You feel the night around you buzzing and cracking with energy as you smell the scent of Matcha Tea, and you fall into the sweet and inevitable trap of Red Tulip and for a hypnotising strength of Night Blooming Jasmine.   
The clinking sound in your ears finally meets the wooden tones of Palo Santo and Teak Wood.   
Your head spins in thrill as you recognize the scent of Black Leather and Graphite.   
The last thing you can smell are the dizzying tones of Rum and the sharp hint of a Gun Powder. Your heart has been stolen by the Highwayman. 
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*The Highwayman is a poem written by Alfred Noyes, British poet born 1880 and died in 1958. You can find his profile here and the poem itself here. The poem The Highwayman was adapted to a song by Loreena McKennit and released in 1997 as a part of The Book of Secrets album. You can listen to it on YouTube here. It was my inspiration when coming up with the Rano's perfume. 
More non-tarot content: Random Non-Tarot Content
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minheeology · 4 years ago
e'last masterlist
➳ reactions
s/o is an animal person
➳ headcannons
cuddling with their s/o
choi in
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
choi seungyeop
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
byun yongseop (rano)
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
baek sunwoo (baekgyeul)
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
choi youngmin (romin)
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
won hyuk
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
lee wonjun
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
oh yejun
➳ blurbs
➳ scenarios
➳ headcannons
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pettypuppy-jonghyun · 3 years ago
Little Extra Company | Wonhyuk
Description: fluffy one-shot of Wonhyuk cuddles ft. other E'last members
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You called out to him in curiosity, hearing his soft footsteps pad across the vinyl floor. He peaked around the corner of the hallway, slowly coming out from your shared bedroom and into the living room with you. You watched as he waddled all the way to the couch where you rested.
Without saying anything, he moved so he was laying on you partially. His arms pushed his head above your own, leaning down to give you a cute kiss on the nose. Then, he relaxed against your chest and snuggled his head into your neck.
He was very cuddly on this cold day. You couldn't really complain, as cuddles with hoodies and sweatpants were your absolute favorite. When it was snowing harshly and covering up the roads, you had no choice but to hold one another close and watch whatever show was playing.
You wrapped around arms around his back, legs around his, squeezing him tight. "My wittle baby!" You teased, kissing the side of his head before loosening your grip.
You could feel Wonhyuk's smile against your neck. "I'll be whatever you want, as long as I can stay in your warmth."
You laughed, turning your head to the opposite side so you could continue to watch your show. Eventually, his breathing evened out and he began to drift into a sweet sleep. The sound of his steady heartbeat was beginning to lull you into a nice nap as well.
Attempting to avoid sleeping, as a nap would spoil your sleep schedule, you picked up your phone to scroll through. It was becoming harder as you looked for something to distract you, his comforting weight almost like a little security blanket. As your eyes began to flutter, a knock came to the front door.
This startled Wonhyuk into waking. He moved from his position, forcing you to also begin to stretch and pick up from the couch. He rubbed at his eyes and looked at you, wondering why intruded his peaceful nap.
The knock came again, this time louder. You had to acknowledge it now, and Wonhyuk had no problem showing his disliking. He pouted heavily and sat up, allowing you to leave the couch to answer the door.
"Whoever it is, tell them to go away!" He calls out to you as you leave for the door.
You scoff, shaking your head in agreement. "You're telling me. I don't remember inviting anyone."
And although your statement was true, the guests on the other side never needed an invitation. For his group members came whenever, never announcing ahead of time, hoping you were so gracious enough to accommodate them. Typically.
You let them into your home, watching carefully as all seven members filed in with their hands full. Some had snacks, some carried cartons of different drinks, while others carried games or blankets. Your mouth was agape, mortified at the amount of things being dragged into your home with no warning. It was normal, but still unsettling.
"What is happening right now?" You voiced after closing the door.
The members began to unload their belongings in the living room. Wonhyuk also stared in surprise as they began to pile the blankets and pillows like a giant sleeping area. They even moved the coffee table for more leg room.
"You are inviting yourself into my home, and you won't tell us why?" Wonhyuk asks, rubbing his eyes again in disbelief. "Can someone please tell me why you are making yourselves at home?"
Rano smiled. "It's our game night! Remember? Tradition?"
Right. Tradition.
Except the tradition was typically held at the dorm area. It had been officially a year now since Wonhyuk moved in with you, and the tradition had been forgotten. At least, you assumed so, as not prior plans had been made.
"But why at my home?" You asked, sitting cross-legged on the couch, leaning your shoulder against Wonhyuk for comfort.
Wonjun patted at his pillow, laying down with a sigh. "The tradition must go on! So we thought it would be best to bring it to you guys."
Romin gestured to the snacks. "We were going to ask, but our dorms got snowed in while we were away. So we figured we'll bring all our camping things inside for the game night."
Wonhyuk seemed to lighten up a little, although slightly disappointed his sleep was disturbed. "Who's idea was this? I can take a wild guess."
The pointed look towards Wonjun didn't go unnoticed. He laughed guiltily. "I may have suggested it." The sheepish scratch at his cheek practically giving him away.
You sighed. "Well, I guess there's no point dwelling now. You are all inside and it's snowing pretty hard." You began to stand up and head to the kitchen. "All snacks will be left in here please. I'll get us some plates."
Although it was a surprise to have them visit, it wasn't totally out of the norm to have them show up at random. Especially after the first month of your move, the boys were over quite often. It has started to become a habit to host them, to where they began to learn your shared rules of the home. Eventually, they no longer needed to be reminded what to do. The members just knew.
You were glad they were there though. He didn't mention it, but you could tell days where Wonhyuk was away from them, he tended to worry. You both had a few days to yourselves during the snow storm, so having a little extra company never hurt.
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minjiwritesstuff · 4 years ago
E'LAST Masterlist
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PDA With E'last
Kisses With E'last
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Attention (m)
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Iced Americano
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many-gay-magpies · 3 years ago
JCKSNDKCSK THE PROGRESSION OF “oh this is cool- that’s not english- cHAN????” IS SO FUNNY TO ME IDK WHY. chan rly does have a distinctive voice though i love it. and yES i have heard of e’last and i’ve listened to some of their music i just never got into them for real yet </3 my to-stan list is so long. the epic orchestral sound is exactly what drew me to e’last in the first place though!! it’s so dramatic and royal and BRAIN GO BRRRRR. i’ve always been a Huge fan of very conceptual music and albums (again, vrvr, enha, and txt are Stellar at this) and being able to zone out to a song while writing a fantasy novel in your head about it is a Top Ten Experience
WAIT HELP I CAN SEE JAAN TRYING TO GET SHION TO SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP BUT SHION JUST WALKING UP THE WALL OF THE HELICOPTER AND BEING JUST OUT OF REACH FDJBWDH just screaming at the top of his lungs on the ceiling of a helicopter. at that point solon gives up trying to be cool and bursts out laughing meanwhile jino is cheering for solon while jaan contemplates jumping out of the helicopter himself
- vrvr anon
(p.s. i took a strawberry shortcake photoshoot out in my yard today and it was Great)
LMAO YEAH chan's voice really is super distinctive-- i went home and actually watched the mv later that day but i think thats the most interesting way ive ever experienced a comeback hsjfbfjfb
yesssss e'last!! they're like my favorite group both musically and choreography-wise, their choreos are literally SO cool-- the choreo for creature would probably be on my top ten coolest choreos list if i ever made one lmao. the dramatic orchestral sound REALLY makes the brain go brrrr i love it so much- im not super well-versed in their lore but i know there's some shit going on there with the amount of recurring symbols in their mvs. tears of chaos and dark dream are two of my favorite kpop tts ever, they seriously make me feel like i could become a powerful witch-queen and take over the world. songs that you can zone out and construct entire fantasy plots to are seriously the best (i have an entire spotify playlist labeled "songs that make me feel like a magical being with godlike powers being forced to relive my past life" it gives me such a confidence boost whenever i play it)!!
(ahhh the dreaded to-stan list... i used to have one of those but i lowkey stopped actually trying to stan new groups, i just listen to music that vibes and if it happens, it happens! vrvr was kind of accidental like that— i decided to rb some gyehyeon gifsets and listen to a couple of their tts and next thing you know im chronically simping, binging their entire discography on spotify, and picking every mv and song lyric dry for lore tidbits)
(p.s. that sounds so fun!!! i bet the photos look so pretty and cute omg)
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