#dwdw I don't have work until late ahahah
Teaching Traditions
Pairing: Grima x reader
Prompt: general Christmas cuteness
Description: Though the Order of Heroes tended to celebrate a little differently, you intended to show Grima, your dear fell dragon, just how you celebrated Christmas back home. And that, of course, included showing him some of your favorite traditions.
Rating: sfw
Word Count: 5588
Notes: Commission for the lovely @evostrashbin​! They we’re an absolute treat to write for, and I really liked the ideas they gave me to work with. Grima is always fun to write for but even more so when I can make our boy soft... So I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!
In the past, Grima had no need for such frivolous human festivities. But, as you seemed keen to do, you changed that. With you, everything was different. And the more often it happened, the less Grima minded. Who was he to complain when even the simplest of Holiday gestures had you smiling, giggling, and twirling about as if you had no care. It was nice, pretending to be something you’re not. You could cast aside your duties for a short period and perhaps even Grima could forget for a moment he was the fell dragon. When he was with you, it wasn’t so hard.
“I’m so excited.” Your voice alone told him that. You were giddy, a skip in your step as you walked with Grima. “I can’t wait to share this Christmas with you, Grima! Oh, I know you’re going to love it!” You excitedly grabbed his hand, catching him by surprise. The two of you had only been together for a month or so; while Grima was eager for any sort of affection you were willing to give him the sensations were still new and foreign. And he refused to let any other Hero see him flustered simply because of your high spirits and contagious cheer. He had a reputation to uphold, after all-- only you could know how sweet he could be.
“What about it has you so excited?” He tried to remain indifferent but of course, since you were excited, he was excited. It was really his first Christmas, after all, and he got to spend it with you no less. He could think of no better way to spend it.
“Everything!” You exclaimed. “The Heroes dressing up, all the candies and treats and sweets, gifts, and stocking and toys and fun-- oh Grima, there’s so much about the Holidays to adore!” You stopped suddenly, Grima halting with you as you suddenly turned to him. “There are traditions I get to teach you about too, like hanging a stocking over the fire, leaving cookies and milk out for Santa… oh and mistletoe! Plus, when Christmas day finally comes, we can exchange gifts and maybe even make our own traditions…” You smiled lovingly, looking at Grima was mind obviously far away as you thought of the possibilities of the season.
“Why don’t you stay in the present, ______.” Grima suggested, placing a hand on your shoulder to pull you from your thoughts. Though it was a small gesture, it was often Grima was the first to touch you. Noticing this, he quickly retracted his hand, the barest hint of color tinting his cheeks. “Did you… have anything in particular in mind for us now?” Desperate to distract you from his former actions, Grima watched as your eyes went wide and you grinned.
“I did actually, good guess! Now come on, we have to hurry! I told the kids we would be there soon!” You giggled, once more dragging him along to whatever it was you had planned for him.
“Children?” He groaned.
“Don’t be like that! They adore you-- besides, I’m teaching them too. We’re gonna go out and make snow angels!” You cheered as the two of you slowed to a normal walk once you reached outside. As you said, a few children were here; other dragons, he noted. Probably to make him more comfortable. You really were so thoughtful when it came to him… he really didn’t know how to show how thankful he was.
“Yay, you’re here!” Fae giggled and ran up to the two of you, taking your free hand to hurriedly bring you to the rest of the gathered children; both Kana’s, Myrrh, Tiki, and even Nils, though Ninian was with him. They were ice dragons, after all, they must have been at peace in this weather. “Quick, come one come on, teach us Summoner!” Fae lead the two you to the group of children who looked on at you curiously.
“Yeah, Summoner! What did you wanna teach us?” Kana spoke up next, the boy looking up at you curious. Murmurs and words of curiosity came out from others, as well.
“Calm down! The snow isn’t going anywhere, we have plenty of time.” You laughed openly, the joy apparent on your face. It always made Grima feel so warm when you laughed. It wasn’t a bad feeling but a confusing one none the less. He was learning to be bothered by it less and less with you, though. “I see you guys were hard at work making snowmen-- good job! They all look so nice.” You praised.
“We made that one look like mister Grima!” Tiki pointed to what might have been Grima’s dragon form, what with the sticks acting as antlers and the big from on its face.
“Wow! That looks amazing you guys. Don’t you think so Grima?” You turned to him, eyes crinkled happily and a grin on your face. Honestly, he wouldn’t have known it was him if Tiki didn’t say anything. It looked like garbage but he couldn’t just say that not when seeing the little ones happy made you happy.
“It needs some work… but you made a good start.” Tiki and Myrrh, who had likely helped her make it gasped; rarely did Grima address them directly, let alone to say anything that wasn’t rude.
“You really think so?” Myrrh asked, looking at Grima with the same kind of wide, sweet eyes you often did. He hated the warm feeling that played at his heart. She was merely a dragon child-- what did he care what she thought of him. Still, words of encouragement left his mouth before he could help himself.
“Make it look scarier, and you’ll be on the right track.” The two nodded fiercely, seemingly ready to go and fix it now before you spoke again.
“Wait, wait before you guys go off to do that, let me tell you about snow angels!” You cried, catching everyone's attention.
“Snow… angels?” Ninian repeated, to which you nodded enthusiastically.
“They’re very easy to make, and they look pretty when you’re done!” You explained. “All you have to do is lay down in the snow and move your arms and legs back and forth-- the resulting imprint in the snow will look like a person wearing robes! In my world, many people associate that with angels, so that’s how the term came to be.” You explained.
“That sounds like fun!” Already, Kana had laid himself back on the ground, his female counterpart agreeing and doing the same. The other kids moved a bit and followed suit. Of course, you laid down as well-- Ninian and Grima were the only two left standing. While the kids now had fun playing in the snow, you frowned, looking up at Grima.
“Aww come one Grima, lay down with me! Just make one!” You pleaded.
“We’re both already wearing robes, _____.” He said pointedly.
“That doesn’t matter! It’s fun to lay in the snow for a bit! Do it for me?” You sat up and looked at him with the same doe eyes Myrrh just had, only with much more affect than the girl before you. “We can even hold hands while we do it, so our snow angels hold hands! Wouldn’t that be cute Grima?” You enthusiastically reached for him so he would join you on the cold ground. “Besides, after we’re done playing outside with the kids, I have another tradition to share with you. This one far less cold.” You giggled, grinning in delight as Grima sighed and sat on the ground a little ways away from you.
“If it will get you to stop begging me… I suppose I have no choice but to do it.” letting your grab his hand, he laid back and asked, “What now?”
“Now we just have to move our arms and legs back and forth, like this.” For empathies, using your legs and the arm he wasn’t holding, you moved them slowly back and forth, carving a space for them in the snow.
“You look ridiculous.” He huffed.
“You look even sillier just sitting there and not doing it with me.” You chimed back. With another dramatic sigh, Grima joined you in making a snow angel, moving his arm in time with yours so they could be holding hands, just as the two of you were now. “Oh these are gonna look so cute!” Your giggle was enough to bring a small smile to Grima’s face. “Now all we have to do is get up without ruining them! Easy, right?” You sat up, taking your hand from Grima. “All we have to do is get up carefully and step to the side…” You did just that, stepping out carefully and looking down proudly at your snow angel. If Grima didn’t know better, he would think you were overlooking your army after a victory on the battlefield; it was the same look you wore then. But at least for now, these were peaceful times-- ones in which he intended to indulge in the fullest with you.
“Here,” You had stepped around to his open side while he was lost in his thoughts. “I’ll help you up and after we go tell all the kids how all their snow angels look, we can go inside and get warm! How does that sound?” You held your open hand to him; the act was simply meant to be helpful, that’s just who you were, but Grima couldn’t help but overthink it. How easy it would have been for him to bring you down to his level, to make you fall in the snow and laugh as you had suddenly become as low as him. But… you had always resisted that, always offered him your hand, even when pulling him up was far more effort than him standing on his own. Perhaps, it was just one of the many reasons he fell for you… “Grima?” Your sweet voice saying his name brought his attention to you once more, a mischievous smile playing at your lips. “Don’t tell me—you actually like playing your snow!” Even your ability to find the silliest, sweetest, kindest explanation for his actions never failed to make his heart swell in unfamiliar, intoxicating ways.
“It’s nothing like that.” Grima took your hand easily, hoisting himself up with ease thanks to your help. “I was… just thinking is all.”
“Thinking, huh?” You didn’t pry much. Grima tended to do a lot of thinking these days. “Well, I think we should hurry up! I’m kinda getting cold, and this text tradition will surely warm us up!” Once Grima had safely stepped out of his snow angel, you were once more dragging him off to go compliment the little dragonkin. Still, he couldn’t but help and turn his head to admire the snow angels the two of you had made together. They were holding hands like you had insisted they should. The thought that many heroes would pass by them, and see them holding hands—as if it were the two of you holding hands-- brought that warm, fuzzy feeling right back to his chest. Though, from what Grima had gathered thus far, this time of year seemed to be all about it…
Soon enough, the two of you had made it back inside to warm up. Your clothing was already hung by the fire to dry and you had insisted he sit down and enjoy some hot chocolate with you to further warm up.
“Come on Grima, don’t you like sweets?” You said, gently bringing the steaming liquid to his lips. He backed away a little, pressing at the mug until you sighed and brought it to your own lips. In reality, he had never really tried them. No one had bothered to give him any in times past and at this point, he had made it a part of himself to just… hate sweets. They represented all the things he used to hate. Now, he supposed there was no point in it but he never was one to give in easy. Still, with you… it was hard to lie and pointless at that.
“I’ve… not had one. I think.” He looked to be in thought for a moment. If he had, it had been a long time, enough so he couldn’t bother to remember.
“Really!” You gasped. “Well, now is the perfect time! Just try a sip, please? If you don’t like it, I won’t make you drink it I promise!” Whether it was purposeful or not, you had your bottom lip sticking out in a pout. Grima hated how the look made him weak; didn’t you know how adorable you were? What if other heroes saw? That look had to be reserved solely for him. Only you could make him this weak…
“Are you going to be like this all day?” He sighed and rolled his eyes a little but nonetheless took the mug from your grasp. He liked how it was warm in his grasp, making his cold hands feel far more comfortable. He could feel your eyes on him as he gently brought the mug to his lips; your eyes were shining, your hands clasped together as you watched him slowly dip the cup back for a drink of the hot chocolate. As the title suggested, it was very warm; it pleasantly spread over his body as he swallowed and warmed his core. And the taste… was far unlike anything he ever had. If this was what sweetness was… he wouldn’t mind having it more often. To your great delight, Grima took another, much larger drink of the mug, nearly emptying it in the process.
“Wow! Did you like it that much?” You giggled, laughing at the little ring of chocolate on his top lip.
“It was… more pleasant than I expected.” Before Grima could wipe the offending stain off his lips, you brought a hanky up to them first.
“Here, let me.” Your voice was soft as you carefully wiped the chocolate from his lips. The act felt strangely intimate but Grima couldn’t fathom why. He let the thought linger a moment as he looked to you with wide eyes before you spoke again. “You can finish it if you’d like! Just be more careful when you do so, if you keep being so enthusiastic about it you’ll get hot chocolate all over yourself!” You giggled at the thought. “I’m going to go ahead and get the things we need for our next Christmas tradition so you just hang tight!” Before Grima could even ask what it was you planned to do, you were gone; luckily, not far, for Grima could see you easily in the kitchen as you busied yourself getting different things. Eggs, butter, flour, sugar… Grima had never cooked before so he frankly had no clue what you planned to make with him. He wasn’t worried, though, because the way you hummed and giggled and twirled around the kitchen as you readied things assured him the two of you would have fun. By the time you had come to retrieve Grima, he had well finished the hot chocolate. Warmed to his core by the drink, and by you, Grima was well ready to do whatever it was you had planned next.
“I’m still in shock you haven’t had sweet things before…” You shook your head. “But we’ll remedy that, don’t you worry! Because we’re going to make cookies together!” You cheered, bringing him to the pile of utensils, ingredients, and an open book as well. “It’ll be easy, as long as we follow the recipe.”
“Cookies…” Grima had heard the word before, even seen the food in question; heroes all around the order, children and adults alike, had been enjoying them a lot lately. “Are they hard to make?”
“Not at all!” You shook your head. “It's as simple as mixing all the dry things together, mixing all the wet things together, and then adding them together!” You explained. “Of course, the recipe will explain it more in-depth than that but that’s the idea behind it.”
“And… why is it tradition to make cookies?” Grima frowned. “Do you not eat cookies year-round?”
“Of course!” You said quickly. “This is a tradition strictly from my world. For Christmas, we teach our children about a mythical man we call Santa Clause; in reality, the figure was named after a saint named St. Nick.”
“What does this… Santa Clause have to do with anything?” Grima was simply confused now. “I thought we were making cookies.”
“We are! We’re making some to leave for Santa so that when he comes on Christmas eve to leave our presents, we can give him something in return.” You explained. “Like… you know how Chrom has that big sack of gifts he carries this time of year? And how Robin is asking about which heroes have been naughty, and which have been nice?”
“...I recall.” Though Grima loathed hearing their names, especially in those strange holiday costumes, he would bear your explanation.
“Well, they’re kinda dressed up like Santa, and doing his job! We have all sorts of songs about it, hehe…” You hummed the familiar tune of Santa Clause is Coming to Town a moment, before speaking again. “His job is to figure out which children have been nice and deliver them presents. For the children who have been naughty, he’ll only give them coal. So, the least we can do is leave him out milk and cookies, don’t you think?” You explained to him. “In my world, where magic isn’t commonplace, or perhaps even real, it really brings something special and magical to the Christmas season for children…” You sigh softly, eyes a little far away as you remissness about your childhood.
“Didn’t you say Santa was a mythical man?” Grima frowned, eyes furrowed. “Why leave out food for a fake man? Wouldn’t the untouched cookies let the children know he isn’t real?”
“That’s where their parents step in! In the night, when the children sleep, while they put out the gifts for them, they drink the milk and eat the cookies. When the kids wake up and see the food is gone they get so excited, knowing Santa visited in the night while they slept!”
“...We’re not really going to do that, are we?” Grima asked. “Most of the heroes already know its other heroes giving them gifts,” Grima explained as if he could really escape you when you had your mindset on something.
“Actually! When I told Fae about Santa, she went and told a lot of other heroes, adults included, about him. So, this year, you and I are going to play Santa for the order!” The happiness in your eyes was enough for Grima to think twice about arguing with you. It was obvious how happy the idea made you. “Don’t you think it will be fun, waking up Christmas morning, and seeing the delight on everyone’s faces as they open their gifts from Santa? Even the skeptic heroes will be amazed as Santa got them the very thing they had asked for!” You giggled, rubbing your hands together. Grima realized, then, you were using your power as Summoner-- that is, the power where heroes felt comfortable confiding in you and actively talking with you-- to make them believe in Santa by giving them what they want for Christmas. He had to admit, it was devious means to go about a relatively harmless plan.
“I see…” He nodded slowly, looking over the ingredients once more. “Then why are we the ones making the cookies, if we’re going to be the ones playing Santa as well?”
“To cover our trail, duh!” You said as if it were the most obvious thing. “No one will expect you and I placed the presents if we do all the stuff to prepare for Santa’s arrival!” You were so serious about it, looking around quickly to see if any heroes were nearby before moving to whisper in Grima’s ear. “And keep your voice down, will you? If someone figures out my plan I’ll be upset with you!” You said it with puffed out cheeks and that same little pout you had on earlier, Grima couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Of course, of course…” He nodded, to prove to you he was serious. “Why don’t we get started on the cookies, then? It sounds like your little plan might fail without them.”
“Right!” You quickly turned back the cookbook, already turned to a recipe for…. Chocolate chip cookies. You said it wouldn’t be that hard but Grima hardly had the luxury for cooking, let alone baking… “Alright, first step! We’re making a lot of cookies today since there are a lot of heroes! So, we’re going to triple the recipe!” You looked down. “So… instead of 2 cups of flour… we’ll need 6!” You went about doing that, grabbing a measuring cup and dumping the flour into a medium-sized bowl, the larger one set to the side. “Then we add in some baking soda, and salt, mixing it with a fork until well distributed.”
“Why are we adding so much salt to a sweet recipe? Won’t that make it taste foul?” Grima grabbed your wrist before you could add in the appointed amount. You seemed so excited by this, too-- he didn’t want you to mess it up so quickly.
“Aww, you know I appreciate your concern Grima, but it’s okay!” You kissed the top of his hand, causing him to panic and let go of your hand. You were then able to add it to the flour and baking soda without a problem. “The salt actually helps the cookie taste sweeter than it would have without it, I swear. And if you don’t believe me, well, I’m sure there are plenty of other heroes who would be glad to help me eat these cookies…” You mused. “Don’t you trust me?” You added.
“Of course I trust you!” The words came quick and a little too loud from Grima, making your heart flutter at how serious he was. “I’m just… unsure if I trust this recipe.” He mumbled, looking to the book with disdain.
“Well, trust me, it's okay. Why don’t you mix the dry ingredients why I cream the sugars and butter?” You handed him a fork and he went to work, mixing the white powders together until he could no longer tell flour from salt. When he was done, you were already adding eggs and vanilla to your mixture, making sure there were no streaks to speak of.
“And then we add the dry to the wet, right?” He asked.
“Right! Good job Grima!” Your praise made his heart flutter, though he would never admit it. “Do it a little bit at a time, otherwise we’ll get flour everywhere and it will be very hard to mix.” Gently, Grima streamed in a bit of the flour mixture at a time while you continued to mix it all together with a wooden spoon. You picked up the pace until Grima had dumped all of the flour in. He was amazed to find what was once a gross, wet mess was now a cohesive, and tasty looking dough. “Now for the best part! We add in the chocolate!” You pulled over a container of chocolate that had already been cut and dumped it into the large bowl of dough. “Now we just carefully fold it in…” You mumbled, doing just that. With a few stokes, the chocolate was incorporated into the dough. “And just like that, the hardest part is over.”
“This… doesn’t look like a cookie.” And frankly, Grima wasn’t sure how it would become one.
“Well, yeah, we have to bake them! We have plenty of stoves here, but even though they bake quickly we have so much dough it may take us a while…” You quickly wiped your nose and Grima noticed a bit of dough stuck to it.
“Your nose…” Drawing your attention with his words, Grima quietly wiped the mess from your nose, thinking nothing of eating the raw dough. “Hmm… you were right. I can’t even taste the salt.” Grima smiled softly at your wide eyes. He was just with the idea that the action he just did was intimate, in the same way, that you wiping the hot chocolate off his lips was, but he couldn’t find it in him to mind.
“Yeah, I told you.” You smiled right back at him. “Come on, I’ll let you lick the spoon if you help me portion out the cookie dough.” Now with new motivation, Grima nodded, getting to work helping you portion 12 different balls of dough onto greased sheets. As you had said, this would take a while; though the cookies hardly took 10 minutes to cook, it had taken the majority of the afternoon to bake them all. Grima could happily say though, they were worth the effort. Who knew sweets could be so enticing? Still, evening was rolling around it with it, the setting sun. Surely by now the two of you had gone through all of your traditions and could simply relax with one another until the time came for you to rest?
“Okay, so I know you’re tired. I am too…” You yawned out the words, covering your mouth and crinkling your eyes just a little. “But I have one more itty bitty little tradition to share with you, Grima. It’ll be easy. I just have to find it…” You hummed, swiveling your head quickly from side to side quickly while looking up at the ceiling. Grima had no clue what you could be looking for up there-- the only thing there currently was the endless amount of Christmas and festival decorations.
“What are you hoping to find?” He followed you as you went in a seemingly random direction, eyes trained on the ceiling above you and not forward. Grima was as careful to guide you away from any hazards as you scanned the area.
“I swear Sharena and I had hung some around here…” You continued marching forward, not looking where you were going in the least bit.
“_____.” Grima speaking your name had you pause in your search and glace back at him. “Calm down-- just tell me what you’re looking for. I’d like to help you.” Though once the words may have burn his tongue, now they flowed easily with his smile. His sharp teeth may have peaked by his lips, but he truly meant the words he spoke. You knew this to be true; there was no other heroes, no other person that you trusted more than him. The fact that he had asked to helped to ask you his volition only proved just how far he had come, and with you, how much further he was willing to go.
“Well…” You hadn’t wanted to spoil this moment, though you did appreciate the sentiment. “We’re looking for… a little twig with some leaves-- it’ll probably have a few red berries on it to. It’s a plat called mistletoe, and it will probably be hanging from the ceiling.” You explained.
“Why would it--” You cut Grima off.
“Nope! No questions until we find it, it’ll ruin the surprise!” With that said, you went back to your search, wandering ahead of Grima as he looked back to the corridor you had just passed. There certainly wasn’t any there-- though looking ahead, he could tell your search would be rather fruitless there as well. It was likely there wasn’t any of your so-called mistletoe around her. In fact, the two of you were rather close to where his quarters were. Yours were actually rather close to here as well. All the sudden Grima couldn’t help but wonder if something was… amiss. Walking past you (you didn’t even notice as he passed by) Grima found his door and frowned. Sure enough, your fabled mistletoe hung innocently in front of his door. Just as he was about to call for you, you bumped right into him. Grima easily caught you as you looked on with wide eyes.
“I found some mistletoe.” Was all he said. You looked up past his face to see the little bundle sitting above the two of you.
“Do you know what it means when two people meet under the mistletoe, Grima?” Your face was growing increasingly warmer, both from how Grima still held you close after catching you from your little tumble, and how awkward it would be having to explain this particular tradition to him…
“You were insistent I hold my questions until we found it. So, no, I don’t.” You couldn’t help but giggle, clutching him a little tighter and leaning ever so slightly closer to him as you did so.
“Hmm… well… would you mind if I showed you first? Then you can ask your questions.”
“You’ve gotten your way all day today, I see no reason to stop now.” You could tell by his little smile that he was teasing you, but you merely stuck your tongue out at him before speaking again.
“Okay, then. Close your eyes.” He did as instructed, making your heartbeat loudly. Just as you trusted him, how much he must have trusted to do as you asked without question. Your pulse had jumped into your throat, your hands were getting clammy-- it was truly now or never. You exhaled softly through your nose and circled your arms around his neck. You made sure you were angled correctly before moving in the short distance between the two of you and… stopping. This was going to be your first kiss with Grima. Had he ever been kissed before? He was new to all aspects of a relationship, why not this? Would he dislike it? Was he even ready to be kissed? Questions danced around in your head as you looked closely at his serene face.
“_____?” The ghost of his words fanned across your lips, reminding you what you were about to do. “Is everything alright?” His eyes stayed closed as you spoke, something you were thankful for as you gathered your courage.
“Yeah, everything is fine. I’m just… nervous is all.” Only now, feeling your own words travel across his lips, did Grima realize just how close you had gotten. He was tempted to open his eyes and get to the bottom of this but knew if he did so, he would never hear the end of it from you. So, he waited for you to speak. To move. To do anything. Grima was in great anticipation of something but he knew not what it was.
“Don’t be. I’m here with you… It’ll be okay.” He had always been poor at comforting you but with your guidance, he was getting better.
“You’re right…” He swore, when you giggled, he could feel your lips brush against his. Why did it bring up such an electric feeling in him? “I’ve no reason to be afraid, not when I’m with you.”
Only a moment after the words were said, your lips were upon his. It was gentle, so gentle, but Grima was nothing but thankful for it. For as much as the feeling lit him up inside, made him want to press himself closer to you and move his lips against yours in the same fashion, Grima really had no clue what to do. It was all instinct, from him snaking his arms more around your waist to the way he mimicked the movement of your lips against his. All too soon he found your lips left his, the both of you looking at the other in amazement and wonder.
“A… kiss?” He said softly. “How is that tradition at all?” He wasn’t one to complain as his breath quietly returned to him.
“When two people meet under the mistletoe, they’re supposed to kiss.” You explained shyly. Suddenly, you found it hard to meet his gaze as your words went on. Quickly, Grima spun to the two of you, so he was in your spot and you in his.
“So… if we meet again, we’d have to kiss again?” This time, Grima didn’t see a reason to question your strange traditions. After all, the merits of this one were clearly displayed before him.
“Well… yeah but all you did was move us around, Grima.” A smile met your lips again seeing how excited he was. His eyes seemed to glow and his little smirk was so charming.
“Those are minor details you need not worry yourself about, dear…” Already Grima was pulling you closer. He was more than ready to learn about this tradition.
“Oh, so suddenly you’re eager to celebrate Christmas with me, Grima?” You couldn’t help your little grin as you leaned back from his advance playfully. “Sadly, that isn’t how the mistletoe works Grima! We have to meet under it by chance again.” You explained.
“Weren’t you the one that said we should make some traditions of our own?” Gently, he pulled you back in to him. “I think this is as good of a place as any to start…” You were left no place to argue as Grima gently placed his lips against yours. For a second time, your eyes fluttered close as you kissed the fell dragon. This Christmas, shared with him, would surely be one you remembered...
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