#duzdidil kadin
ottomanladies · 4 years
Uluçay claims that Düzdidil Kadın had five daughters, Mevhibe, Neyyire, Münire, Cemile Sultan and Samiye Sultan, and Mevhibe Sultan eldest child of Abdulmejid, was the daughter of Düzdidil, not Hoşyar, he don’t mentions that there was a Hoşyar who was the wife of Abdulmejid. What do you think about this?
I don't know where you read that Uluçay said that because in Padişahların Kadınları ve Kızları he says this about Düzdidil:
Düzdidil Kadın: She was the third kadın of Abdülmecid. She gave birth to Cemile Sultan on August 17, 1843 (21 Recep 1259). She died two years later (18 August 1845-14 Shaban 1261). This woman also very likely died of tuberculosis. Abdülmecid gave her daughter, who was orphaned at the age of two, to the fourth Imperial Consort Perestû. Düzidil Kadın was buried in the Turhan Sultan Tomb in Yeni Mosque.
For the sake of being thorough, this is what Sakaoğlu and Öztuna say instead:
DÜZDİDİL KADINEFENDİ [d. Istanbul, 18 August 1845] Düzdidil, who died at the age of 20-25, was the third kadın. She gave birth to Neyyire Sultan (d.1844) in 1841. She died on the second birthday of Cemile Sultan, whom she had given birth to in 1843. Samiye Sultan, who lived for 2 months in 1845 (23 February-1 April), was probably her daughter. However, at that time, this coincidence was probably not noticed, since the Gregorian calendar was not used and there was no birthday tradition. Düzdidil was the first woman to die in was Abdülmecid's harem and was buried in the Havatin Mausoleum in the courtyard of the New Mosque, Abdülmecid had given Cemile Sultan, who was orphaned at the age of 3, to his childless wife Perestu Kadınefendi. — Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları
the discrepancy in Cemile Sultan's age on the death of her mother is due to the Ottoman way of counting age: since she had passed her second birthday, for the Ottomans she was three.
Sakaoğlu ascribes Neyyire and Samiye Sultan to her because in the Almanach de Gotha (1845) is said that they were born to "Her Highness the Third Kadınefendi". The problem is we don't know when she acquired the title of Third Kadınefendi so we don't know who the Third Kadınefendi was at the time of those births. I tried to do a timeline of Abdülmecid's consorts' ranks but it was impossible for me because it looked like there were two consorts with the same title at the same time.
Düzd-i Dil Hanımefendi (1825?-18.8.1845 = 20?): Başıkbâl, 3. kadın for a while. She died of tuberculosis, buried in the Yeni Câmî, Refîa Sultân Türbe. Cemile Sultân's mother. — Devletler ve Hanedanlar
On the other hand, Açba says that Düzdidil married Abdülmecid I in 1842 so she couldn't have been Neyyire Sultan's mother (or Mevhibe’s). She also doesn't say that she acquired the title of Third Kadınefendi but that she was Başhanımefendi (ie. Başıkbâl).
As for Münire Sultan, even Uluçay says that she was Verdicenan’s daughter so, again, I don’t know where you found that claim because it is certainly not in Padişahların Kadınları ve Kızları. 
Hoşyar II. Kadınefendi
It is true that Uluçay doesn't mention her, and this is because she doesn't figure in Alderson or in Sicill-i Osmani.
Harun Açba says of her:
Hoşyar was the daughter of a Georgian nobleman, Zurab Bey Tuskia. She was born in Zugdidi in 1825. She too may have been brought to the palace by Bezm-i Alem Valide Sultan. Her marriage with Abdülmecid Han took place in the Topkapı Palace in 1839. One year after their wedding, Hoşyar gave birth to the first child of Abdülmecid Han, Mevhibe Sultan. She was honoured for giving birth to the sultan's first child. It is said that she always got along well with Servet-seza BaşKadınefendi and with Hüsn-i Cenan Hanım, the real first wife of the sultan. Mevhibe Sultan died when he was a baby. After this painful incident, we don't know much else about Hosyar. She likely died of tuberculosis because she died in 1849 at the age of 25. — Kadın Efendiler
Before anyone asks me: Hüsn-i Cenan Hanım was the first concubine that Abdülmecid had. It was 1835 and he was still a prince. She was older than him, being born in 1818 and was Circassian. She died of tuberculosis in 1843 and was buried in the Laleli Mosque.
HUŞYAR KADlNEFENDİ [d. İstanbul, 1849] also called Hoşyar. When she was the Third Kadınefendi, she gave birth to Abdülmecid's first daughter, Mevhibe Sultan, on May 8, 1840. She is not included in Sicill-i Osmani and Alderson. In some sources, Huşyar, who had an income from the Süle farm in Mıhalıç, was also confused with Mahmud II's Kadınefendi with the same name. For example, İ. H. Tanışık wrote in the Fountains of Istanbul that she had renewed the fountain of the Kasımpaşa Hacıahmet Mosque (because of Abdülmecid's tuğra). — Bu Mülkün Kadın Sultanları
Hoş-yâr 2. Kadınefendi (1824?-1849?=25?): 2. Kadın 7.1839 - 1849? = 10?, 1? year younger than her husband. Sülü farm in Mihaliç, she built a fountain. Mother of Mevhibe Sultan, born 0,11,6 after the beginning of Sultân Mecîd's rule, at the age of 17,1,7. — Devletler ve Hanedanlar
As you can see there are some discrepancies. Sakaoğlu claims that she was Third Imperial Consort but not Açba or Öztuna. Indeed Öztuna is quite clear about this: she was Second Imperial Consort from the beginning of Abdülmecid's reign till her death.
This is everything I could do with what I have.
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