#dustin interrupts because OH MY GOD EDDIES AWAKE
resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
“you’re here…” eddie said, his voice still quite weak and full of rasp from just waking up. he blinked a few times and looked at the three people standing around him, “wh- why are you here?”
“because we’re friends, dingus.” robin snorted, punching him (super dooper lightly) on the arm.
“and we went through hell together.” nancy said with a nod of her head, her grip loosening and tightening on the end of his hospital bed where she was standing.
“and you kept dustin safe, even though i specifically told you not to play hero.” steve said with a scowl, sitting on the edge of eddie’s bed, down by his knees with his arms crossed.
eddie blushed a little.
“and not to mention steve was literally the one who carried you outta that hell!” robin added, and the was immediately scolded by steve, “what?”
“you didn’t have to tell him that!” steve bickered.
“well, he deserves to know!”
“you didn’t have to remind him so soon!”
“you carried me out of there?” eddie asked.
steve turned a pretty shade of red, and before he could answer, robin was talking again, “yeah! he was all like… big man carrying you on his shoulders, covered in blood and looking all stoic.”
“robin!” steve swatted her shoulder.
“it’s true…” robin mused.
“it is. i was there.” nancy shrugged.
eddie looked at steve, trying to picture it. very much trying to picture it. steve carried him out of there? steve literally lifted his dead weight onto his shoulders and carried him out of hell?
well if that wasn’t the most romantic thing eddie’s ever encountered, then romance had to be dead.
“well, i couldn’t just leave you.” steve shrugged, hiding away a bit.
“he didn’t even stop to smell the flowers.” robin kept going, “just… one minute we heard dustin’s screaming and then we saw you dead on the floor, and then…”
“steve was in action.” nancy continued for her, “dropped to his knees, grabbed you, threw you over his shoulder and then started shouting at everyone to kick them into action.”
“and the whole time he was talking to you, trying to keep you alive!” robin said, “like, sure, you may have had your hero moment, eddie- but as dustin said, steve saved the day.”
eddie looked at steve with wide eyes, full of awe. steve didn’t hesitate to save his ass? gosh darn, this man was full of surprises!
okay, yeah, sure, saving someones life who is on the brink of death isn’t that romantic… but think about the circumstances; end of the world happening, eddie litteraly not breathing and bleeding uncontrollably, dustin having a meltdown, their own damn lives to protect, and eddie and steve barely even knew eachother and… and he just saved him. without a second thought.
plus, not many people wanted to save eddie these days.
so eddie was taking this as romance because why the fuck wouldn’t he? he’d take what he could fucking get with this glorious man.
“yeah, well…” steve huffed, folding his arms tighter over his chest with a shrug, “i had other things to worry about. i couldn’t just sit around and cry.”
oh right. max.
“red…” eddie swallowed, “is she okay?”
the room fell silent for a minute.
nancy was the first to speak, over a swallow, “she’s alive.”
eddie let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in.
“he got her though.” she said again, the only one brave enough to speak about it right now, “all her bones are broken… she’s not waking up anytime soon.”
“oh.” is all eddie could say.
“lucas is with her every day.” steve said, as if he was more so trying to convince himself it was okay, rather than eddie, “she’s going to wake up, and everything will be okay.”
eddie nodded.
he wasn’t ready to ask about the fate of the world yet.
“don’t you folks have better things to do today?” eddie asked, forcing a little laugh, “i don’t even know what day it is.”
robin laughed a little with him, “it’s tuesday. and… well, steve an i lost our jobs to a second supernatural occurrence, so…”
“and schools canceled.” nancy offered, “semester won’t start back up for another month, and they’re going to cram all the final exams into the start of summer.”
eddie didn’t want to ask why school wasn’t in session.
“you still have a chance to graduate.” steve said with a smile, and eddie blinked at him, “dustin told us.”
“oh.” eddie swallowed, graduating was the last thing he was thinking about right now, “okay.”
“that’s not important now, anyway.” robin pet his shoulder sweetly, “what is important is that you’re alive and on the mend.”
eddie smiled.
“dustin’s gonna freak.” steve said, “it’s just… eddie this, eddie that- more than usual, man! it’s insufferable. i feel like i know more about you than i know about myself now. he more than worships you.”
eddie turned a little pink at that. one; dustin admired him? so much? like, enough to never fucking shut up about him? and two; steve knows all about eddie? does… does he care? does he like to listen? could they be friends? could they be more?
“where is he? is he okay?”
steve nodded, “yeah, he’s doing the best he can… he’s with max right now, he’s going to be here in about… twenty minuets.”
eddie smiled and settled down into his bed, excited for dustin’s visit, “cool.”
“metal?” steve asked with a scrunched up face.
eddie looked at him and laughed, shook his head, “that’s for totally awesome things, steve. like you biting that bats head off, and me shredding the most epic guitar solo in all the lands.” he grinned, “but i admire you’re effort, so i’m giving you an A plus.”
steve laughed, “thank you. that’s the highest grade i’ve gotten since i was fourteen.”
eddie laughed some more, “i’m glad i could be the one to bestow it upon you, oh white knight.”
“oh, white knight!” steve grinned, “that’s a pretty high honour.”
eddie raised his eyebrows slightly, “yes… it is.”
steve smiled and it was kind of smuggish, “well i thank you for knighting me as such. i’ll wear the badge with pride and serve you well.”
eddie looked at him for a moment and then fucking burst out laughing. he laughed so hard he had tears and strained his stitches. oh, steve. steve was indulging his weird, nerdy humour. no doubt dustin’s doing, but still… oh, eddie thought he might love him.
steve laughed too, and somehow they ended up laughing with their fingers intertwined.
“from king to knight…” eddie said and flicked away a tear, “some would say that’s a downgrade.”
“well, if i’m here to protect you then i call it an upgrade.” steve countered.
eddie’s lips parted at that, his eyes blown a little wide. he felt steve squeeze his hand.
“well…” eddie hummed, fighting off the flutter in his heart, “i’ll have you know, i have no regard for my own personal saftey… ever- you’ve seen me jump off of cafeteria tables at lunch, so protecting me is a pretty heart feat.”
“all the more reason to do it, ed’s.” steve said with a sweet smile and- fuck it, eddie was embracing the heart flutters.
only then did he noticed that they were sitting in this room alone- the door clicking shut from where the girls had snuck away.
“you shouldn’t promise that.” eddie said quietly, “you might regret it.”
“i won’t.” steve shrugged and squeezed eddie’s hand again, “i’ve already made the promise to dustin, and to wayne, and to gareth, most importantly to myself… and now im making it to you.”
“steve…” eddie whispered.
“don’t.” steve said, shuffling a little closer, “i know… i know, eddie.”
eddie swallowed, “you do?”
steve nodded, “let me promise it to you?”
eddie looked at him for a moment, searching his eyes. eyes that he’d been longing to search through for years, and now he finally could.
now they were finally something.
“okay.” eddie said simply, his voice barely a whisper, “okay, but you have to let me promise it too.”
steve shook his head with a smile, “only after you’re up and walking again.”
“physically… deal.” eddie nodded, pressed his free hand onto steve’s heart, “in here? right now.”
steve sighed and sunk a little bit, “okay.” he nodded, “i’ll let you promise that.”
“good.” eddie smiled, “because you didn’t really have a say in the matter.”
steve laughed and ducked his head to lean it on eddie’s shoulder, and eddie pressed his cheek to steve’s hair. they stayed like that for a moment. eddie worked up the courage to drag his fingers up steve’s back and curl them into the soft hair at the back of his neck. steve sighed into it, folding himself into eddie further.
steve lifted his head after a while, now much closer to eddie than he was before, and he smiled with a warm flush in his cheeks that eddie was sure matched his own. steve still held his hand, and it was warm and a little clammy, both of them riddled at nerves with this something.
but both of them happy with it too.
steve blinked and then lowered his eyes to eddie’s lips and… oh, eddie’s heart was beating so hard in his chest right now he thought it might break a rib. but, well, if there was any place for that to happen, it would be right here, so bring on the rapid heart rate!
steve leant in a little.
eddie did too.
they were awfully close, almost touching when dustin slammed open the door with a loud bang, “eddie!”
they quickly pulled away with a laugh and steve quickly jumped into action of grabbing dustin around the waist and tugging him back before he could body slam eddie and open all of his stitches.
once dustin’s original over the top excitement dropped a notch, steve let him go and he sunk into eddie’s arms.
the kid was warm and soft and felt just the same as eddie remembered. they both cried a little. eddie looked up at steve with wet eyes over dustin’s shoulder as they cuddled, half listening to dustin’s excited rambles about how he knew eddie would wake up soon, and they laughed quietly together.
they had something, and that was okay, but it could wait a little longer before it became everything. right now, dustin needed his eddie, and eddie needed his dustin, and steve wanted nothing more than to give them all they needed with a smile.
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plistommy · 4 months
Prompt- Steve sending Eddie a bouquet of black and red roses every Valentine's Day since corroded coffin performed in the talent show.
Secondary prompt- Possibly leaving one at his bedside during Eddie's recovery from the bat bites, or maybe leaving them by his grave...
The first thing Eddie noticed when he woke up was the soft beeping noise. No more the loud screeching sounds of the bats or Dustin’s cries next to him as he was dying on the cold ground of the upside down.
When his senses started to come back, he knew he was laying on something soft. A bed, probably.
He slowly opened his eyes and the brightness of the room shocked him which made him vince. He tried to move his hand to rub his eyes, but a shocking pain shot through his body and he groaned.
Suddenly there was rustling next to him and soon someone was next to him, touching him and Eddie tried to look up to who it was, but his vision was still a bit unfocused as he felt dizzy.
”Eddie? Eddie?! Oh my god, you’re awake, jesus, I-I need to-”
Eddie couldn’t understand the most of what was said, but he could recognize that voice from anywhere.
It was Steve. Steve, who was sounding like he was on the edge of crying with how his voice got so high and shaky.
As Eddie’s eyes finally started coming to focus, he looked around the room, a hospital room and his eyes landed onto a bouquet on the small table beside the door.
”…a bouquet?” Eddie questioned, voice raspy and deep and he felt really fucking thirsty.
As he looked at it closer, he was hit by a realization and… familiarity. They were roses, both red and black, neatly put into a vase where they looked fresh as ever.
He had been getting those same exact bouquet’s of roses ever since he played at the talent show on Valentine’s Day during middle school.
He still remembers when he had gotten it after the show, a teacher of all people giving it to him, saying ’This was left for you, Munson’ as he handed the roses with an awkward grunt.
Eddie had thought it had been a joke, but when he read the small note on the roses that called him really talented and cute, he felt like tearing up with happiness.
He put that note into a safe place at home and read it whenever he needed it the most.
But it never stopped there. Every year, every Valentine’s Day, he always got it. The same bouquet of roses.
Sometimes it was hanging on his locker, on his seat where he sat during DnD, on his van… But he never found out who left them for him, even when he tried his best to find out.
Steve looked like he was seconds away from crying, eyes big and glossy, but he gave Eddie a soft laugh and glanced towards the bouquet.
”Yeah… It’s um.. It’s from me.”
Eddie’s eyes snapped wide.
His heart monitor must’ve picked up, because soon Steve was next to him, like right next to him and touching his forehead and fuck did it feel good.
”Shit, Eddie. You need to stay calm! You went through hell and if your heartbeat picks up too much you can—”
”You…” Eddie rasped out, moving his hand to wrap it around Steve’s wrist even though it hurt like hell. Steve froze, staring down at him with big eyes as he let Eddie guide his hand down from his forehead to his bandaged chest.
”It was… you?” He got out finally.
Steve’s pretty face had this soft blush on it and if Eddie wasn’t in so much pain and bunch of painkillers, he would’ve stood up and picked the man up into his arms.
”Yeah…” Steve answered, voice sweet like honey as he interrupted Eddie, ”it was me. Always has been.”
If Eddie had never gotten hurt or had never gotten those roses on his hospital room’s table and Steve being there when he woke up, he doesn’t think he would’ve found himself four months later laying in bed next to Steve, who was giving his scars soft kisses while Eddie held him close to his chest.
At least getting almost eaten by the demobats had one positive thing coming out of it.
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bowiebond · 2 years
The Morning After (Death)
Steve wakes with a start, hands on his shoulders.
“What the-”
“Harrington, I’m requesting you take your leave.” He stumbled to his feet, half dragged by the police officer.
“Officer- shit, let me go, will you?” He tried to shake him off, whipping his head around to the hospital bed. Another cop had a hand on Eddie’s chin, turning his face this way and that. “Hey! He had half his neck torn out, don’t be so fucking rough with him!” Steve snapped and the officer behind him let out a disgruntled huff.
“Haul ass, Harrington, be glad we aren’t arresting you as an accomplice.”
“He didn’t even do anything!”
“Sir, please calm down, we have other patients in here.” A new nurse was talking to him, older than him with brown curls and blue eyes, and he felt panic stir in his chest as he was crowded between the two bodies.
“No, you’re a nurse, tell them to be delicate with the guy who just almost died.” Steve scowled, elbowing the officer off his back. “Eddie’s innocent, you can’t arrest him without proper evidence.”
“We have plenty evidence, boy.”
“He wasn’t even there when Max got hurt! He was with me and Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson too. We’re eye witnesses!” Steve insisted, uncaring that he was being too loud. The second officer had let go of Eddie’s face, but he was pulling his blanket back, looking him over without an ounce of sympathy.
“Dustin Henderson is a part of Eddie’s little club, correct? Eddie’s little cult buddy was the one who brought Maxine in last night.” He narrowed his eyes at Steve. Steve gritted his teeth.
“Eddie. Is. Innocent.” He reiterated. “I don’t care how many times I have to say it until you get it through your head. There is no cult! I wouldn’t let my kids into that shit.”
“Your kids?”
“Not- not my actual kids, but I’m their babysitter. I take them everywhere. I would have noticed if they were dabbling in that kind of stuff.” Steve tried to catch the mans eye, to hold it so he could see he was telling the truth. “Eddie didn’t do this. Eddie freaks out over spilled milk, you think he could kill someone?”
“...Just get out so we can investigate.”
“Officer, come on-!” The second officer had left Eddie’s side in order to grab his arms, pulling them behind his back and up until he’s ready to crumble forward, hissing in pain.
“Out, boy.” Steve threw his head back hard enough to catch his chin, but the officer just tightened his grip.
“Fuck, fuck, let go, asshole-” Steve’s shoulder felt like it might pop free any second now, gritting his teeth as he was forced out of the curtained room.
“Steve...?” Steve whipped his head around at the soft groan, voice cracked and ruined. Steve got a moment to glance at him, the confused expression, the way he squints as if he can barely focus, blinding by the sunlight from outside. He gets one moment to confirm that Eddie is awake, alive, that he pulled through, before he’s manhandled out of the door.
“Be lucky I’m not arresting you for assault of an officer, Harrington.” The officer spat, rubbing his red chin and Steve has half a mind to punch him right in the teeth. He doesn’t get to though, because Dustin’s voice interrupts him.
“Dustin.” Steve turned to him and felt a wide grin pull onto his lips as the boy hobbled over to him. His mother is shuffling behind him, looking ever so frazzled, and Steve cuts the distance between them to hug him tightly. “Hey buddy.”
“Is Eddie- is Max-?” Dustin was looking past him with worry.
“Eddie’s okay. He made it.” Steve laughed at the sheer relief on Dustin’s face, the boys eyes scrunching up as grateful tears came back with a fierceness. “I haven’t seen Max yet. She’s still in intensive care. But the moment we can visit her, I’ll take you right with me, okay, buddy?” He took his hand and squeezed, trying to get the boy to look at him. Dustin nodded with a shuddering sob.
“Thank god. I am not ready to take care of anyone.” He whined the last word, tipping his head back and crying harder.
“Oh buddy, nooo.” Steve laughed a little at his display despite his own welling eyes, gathering him back in his arms and running his hands over Dustin’s uncapped curls. “You don’t gotta take care of anybody, kid, that’s my job, alright?”
“Okay.” He whimpered miserably and Steve sparred Dustin’s mother a grin over the kids shoulder, wiping the wetness from his eyes with his thumb. He gave a quick sniff and pulled back from Dustin, drying his tears with the hem of his shirt.
“Jeez kid, are you always gonna be like this when Eddie gets banged up?” Steve joked and Dustin nodded with a shaky pout.
“I thought he was dead, Steve.”
“He’s okay. He’s okay, and Max will be okay, and you’re okay. We’ll all be okay. I promise.” Steve would make sure of it. He wouldn’t allow any of his kids to get hurt on his watch. Max was strong. She’d pull through...Just like Eddie had.
“Eddie is still wanted, Steve.” Dustin looked up at him with heartbreaking brown eyes and Steve nodded slowly.
“I know. The police are with him right now. But I don’t think they can’t take him away yet. Not until the hospital discharges him. He’s gonna need time to heal, so we just need to find a way to prove him innocent, okay?”
“No one will believe us, Steve.” Dustin gave a little stomp of his foot like he always did when he was frustrated before letting out a soft shout of pain, forgetting his fracture in the moment.
“Try not to break anything else, kid.” Steve chuckled, kneeling to ruck up his pant leg. It was bruised up real good, but the doctor had already put a splint in it. He would have to keep a close eye on Dustin to make sure he didn’t overdo it. The kid was prone to not keeping still.
“What’re we gonna do, Steve?” Dustin sounded heartbreakingly younger than he was, and he was already so young. It made Steve think of the little twerp he met three years ago, always so scared and loud but brave. Loyal.
Steve looked back up at him and smiled weakly, forcing it to be stronger than he felt right now.
“We’re gonna do what we always do.” Steve stood and squeezed his shoulder. “Figure it out. Together. Okay?” He sounded older than he was, but he was okay with that. He felt wiser than his years yet still as dumb as any other nineteen year old boy most days. It’s just what alternate dimensions and monsters did to a person.
Dustin smiled, even if it was strained. Like he still believed in Steve’s ‘adult’ ability to fix things.
They’d figure out how to clear Eddie’s name before he was discharged. They had to. They didn’t have a choice if they wanted to keep him safe.
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