#dust has learned to eat food in a seperate room but not far enough that he cant hear what the other 2 r saying
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Animorphs notes 7.5 or Megamorphs 1
Book 7.5/ Megamorphs 1
Why does this format of an animorph book exist? Aren’t we supposed to be under the impression that the kids are writting diaries or someshit like that?
Starts with Jake
Again, not seperating the yeerks from their hosts is a very bad mentality to have
Also aparently Ax doesn’t get to be an animorph
ALso Ax skipps out on a lot of meetings. Granted the kids could show some consideration for Ax and meet in the woods
Rachel is going on a two day gymnastics trip
Tobias is an asshole and continues to over anthropomorphise animals. I havent forgoten him sneaking into Cassie’s family’s barn to eat the patients
...Cassie teh crow can and will go where ever it pleases after it recovers. Heck it might hunt Tobias down and mob him out of spite
Melissa’s going on the trip
Wow Jake, rude. Tobias can have romantic relationships even if his body remains a bird
Marco’s the kinda jerk to crash parties he wasnt invited to
Full moon
Cassie is psychic. WHich honestly I don’t doubt.
Rachel part
Are they… all going to give intros?
Not that Jake is without his own level of stupidity. I mean, he was right there with us,
walking through an isolated, abandoned construction site that night. Wasn't the smartest
thing we ever did.
I’ve not forgotten the flea thing from book 2
Rachel gets books for Tobias
...damnit Rachel you can’t just show up at a camp without letting peolple know ahead of time. They need warning gto make sure they have room and food for you
I was close to Tobias's territory when I spotted something interesting below me. It was a
deer-like animal, running swiftly through the trees. When I focused my laser-intensity eagle
sight, I could see the semihuman torso and face and the deadly scorpion tail.
ANd this is why large predatory bird morphs aren’t great. Rachel getting mobbed
A bunch of small birds take down Rachel
Marco part
Honestly Marco sounds like some of the jackass class clowns I had in school, Darlene’s not wrong to not invite him
The kids ARE all going to give the intro talk
Marco that is a very confusing way to talk
Ax is right, this is dishonorable
That poor mouse
Ax has parasites. ANd Marco is extorting? him to help him be a creep b4 he’d give Ax medicine for them. Dick
Technically speaking none of the kids actually knows how the morphing tech works
When I was done acquiring the mouse I handed it to Ax. He had to use both hands to hold
on. Andalite arms and hands are kind of puny. Of course, they also have four legs, and
those are pretty strong. I mean, Ax can haul when he wants to. I'll bet he could do forty
miles an hour.
Baby arms
So the reason Marco wasn’t invited IS b/c he’s a dick
A bunch of jays took out Rachel
Part Jake? What?
That whent jake> rachel>marco>jake? Bullshit
You don’t have to go to a party if you don’t want to people
Why couldn’t this part be narrated by Cassie? She’s fucking here!
Jake is fucking ready, fight or flight
Marco and Ax are very lucky none of the kids or adults at the party try to crush them to death
Huh, Marco and Ax are lucky that none manages to crush them to death
Jake is ready to cuss the shit outta Marco
Accidental human pileup saves Jake’s life
I hate this human centric bs and it fucking leaves out Cassie
Marco,,, cats are very good at NOT being seen. Ambush predators
Marco is a dick
Then I saw it. It was gigantic! Enormous! A creature that seemed to be made of nothing but
teeth and blades and destruction. It was like twenty Hork-Bajir glued together and given
dragon wings.
Poor Darlene’s family
It looked down at us with a dozen weird eyes that seemed to be stuck here and there at
random. It stared at us the way I'd seen Tobias stare at his prey.
Part, sigh, Rachel
Rachel has amnesia
Ns somehow started morphing while unconcious
If you wonder if yer a freak and are that startled with yer apperance, then no that’s not always how you were
If you need to concentrate to morph, how’d u managed that far with a heavy concussion/unconciousness?
Part Tobias
Damnit they are all giving the intro speech
Huh, so marco and ax coulda gotten killed twice b4 they even got to the party
Also the fuck how is the yeerks covering the wind monster
Part fucking Rachel
...why is this creature wasting so much energy instead of just flowing around the trees
Like people are seeing this shit
Finally! Part Cassie
Cassie spotted cryptid Rachel in the news
Part Rachel. WHy not just have her narrate the whole book at this point?
There’s an excaped yeerk host living in an abandoned clothing shop in the woods
Well, thaty’s not an unreasonable response for an excaped host
Rachel got some memories beaten back intio her
Oh she might be one of the people who’s yeerk starved from the actions of last book
Part fucking Jake again
The kids are gonna track down Rachel by scent
The monster found them
Part rachel
Old lady is gonna burn down the shack, with Rachel inside, b/c she’s not going back to the yeerk pool
Rachel morphs bear without concentrating or intending to or even knowing how
These bootleg books are so bad. Part Marco
They’d be dead if the creature turned back to particle form and just reformed around their bodies
Part Rachel. Really this is mostly just Rachel/Jake/Marco as narrators. No attempt at equaly splitting up the plot
I looked at the new creature. It had come to a stop, just a dozen feet away. I peered at it
with my dim bear vision. It had four legs, like a horse or a deer. But it seemed to have a
head and upper body that was almost human. And there was a tail, I was sure of that. The
tail was cocked back like a weapon ready to be fired.
Fifteen fucking chapters in and Ax finally gets to narrate
Ax does the intro speech
Ax says he’s not an animorph
Ax doesnt like having to be the space expert
Ax tucks his tail to his back to run fast
Ax is smart enought to know when standing yer ground is a terrible idea
Ax figured out that morphing attracts the beast.
Morphing has a distinct kind of energy signature
Part jake
Andalites have a distinct scent
Ok lots of animals can harm or kill a large bear. This is turning into a raptors are mahjestick thing
Tobias assumes that Ax tried to fight the creature. Tobias doesn’t really know Ax well enough
Part Cassie
Why are they at the mall?
AGain I wouldn’t be surprised if Cassie is supposed to be psychic
You don’t mean Chapman, you mean Iniss 226
Learning about history is useful in figuring out humans and with invasion plans Cassie
Part Ax
… do andalites even have battle axes? They dont have the arms for it
Once, the Hork-Bajir were a decent, peaceful race. Then they were enslaved by the Yeerks.
Hork-Bajir are incredibly dangerous and very powerful. They stand on two legs, balanced
by a tail. Each leg ends in a foot, like an Earth bird of prey. They have two arms. There are curved blades at their knees, at their elbows, at their wrists. Blades similar to my own tail-
blade. Atop their snakelike heads are two more blades, swept forward. And their tails end in long, sharp spikes.
They are not a species you want to start a fight with. Which may be why they were such a
peaceful, even poetic, species. They had no one to fear. Until the Yeerks began to make
them into Controllers.
The series did so much retconing
Again, I like the Parting the Clouds fic so much better. At least there someone tried to figure out how to use the aura power
Veleek is the dust monster, from Saturn
So the andalite bandits being human was a solid yeerk theory
Visser 3 continues to waste good bodies
Visser 3 throew a lot of bodies into getting a veleek pet
Part Cassie
Compund eyes dont work like that
Iniss 226 knows about spy novels and thinks they’re stupid
Iniss 226 is not a dumb yeerk
Also Visser 3 is the worst boss
Part rachel
Rachel is starting to put things together
Part Marco
The kids ar eputting 2 and 2 together
Part rachel
Rachel made it back to civilization
Rachel breaks into a house for food and rest’
Some snitchy bitch called the police
Rachel the elephant says fuck the police
Part jake
The kids steal Cassie’s dad’s truck
Part rachel
The veleek chases elephant Rachel
The veleek cant pick up an elephant
Part marco
Why do they have marco drive?
Also that poor truck
Jack morphs to lure the creature’s attention
Part jake
Why did jake choose tiger for being chased?
Part rachel
Doesnt quite have her memory back but ready to help
Part ax
Ax feels like a failure of a warrior
Suddenly, one wall of my cage shimmered and became transparent. Ramonite is a metal
that can stretch open or be made clear or opaque by molecular realignment.
Ax is also racist towards taxxons
Visser 3 is a terrible boss
Part marco
That poor truck
Why choose gorrila for a chase?>
Part rachel
Cassie tries to fill the gaps fotr rachel
Part marco
Part cassie
Cassie chooses squirlle
Bug fighters are stooting at em
Part ax
So bug fighters and shit DO have cameras
Flea ex machina
Ax morphs one of his fleas
… theres no way in hell thast theres no bugs on the andalite homeworld
Thats not what a flea mouth is like
Ax says that andalites have a shit vertical jump
Part marco
The veleek caught him
Ax is on Visser 3
Ax is having a blast fucking up Visser 3’s day
Part ax
And only then, locked together with it, was I able to see it through my weak flea eyes. It
was alive! It was a creature my own size, but with a hundred minuscule wings that beat the
air. It had antennae, but different than any seen on Earth. These antennae were covered in
tiny, upturned bowls. Like the dishes of primitive human radio telescopes. Those were the
structures it used to sense energy sources.
There were no eyes. And no mouth. But two long filaments, like strands of wire, swept
back from the front of the creature. These must be how it fed: by channeling the energy
down the wires.
The Veleek was not one creature. It was billions! It was a swarm of billions of these tiny
creatures. They had evolved into a swarm that could come together and become a
destructive entity of gnashing teeth and slicing blades. But in reality they were separate
insectlike creatures that fed on energy.
Its a swarm of navivorous bugs
Water is the veleek’s weakness
Marco and Ax jump out of the ship
Part rachel
Her memory is mostly back
Hork-bajir have foot long blades on their head, that’s impoalement’
Part marco
Fear speads up thei morphing
Part jake
Jake is grounded
The team apparently whent home without knowing if marco and ax were alive
Part cassie
Cassie is psychic and can probably see the future
Cassie comes up with a plan that only she can do
To make up for almost getting marco killed
Part tobias
So did Cassie not have a whale morph already? DIdn’t marco get one when they’d met the psychic whales?
Or am I thinking of a fanfic?
Part cassie
Cassie is awesome
Cetaceans are just canon psychic
Part tobias
Cassie is a total badass
Part cassie
Rapid fire morphing
Falling whale body slam
Part rachel
So apparently the veleek never evaporates out of the ocean at any point later?
Cassie speaks whale . Cassie is the one chosen by the whales. All hail the whale messiah
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