#dun dun duuuun!!
Hiroko: Guess who's here?
Takaaki: My date!
Hiroko: Your husband!
Takaaki: I don't have a husband. Call the police.
Kijo while walking through the door: Your ex-husband.
Takaaki: I'll call the police.
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lynxgriffin · 30 days
I just finished looking through the main Eldritchrune comics and was just wondering if Ralsei has any strong feelings about the fact that some cult from a random town in the light world is sacrificing unwilling children to him so he can come to their world and make him do their bidding. Is he bothered by any of that, happy by any of that, or just indifferent to it?
He probably would, at best, be frustrated and disappointed by it...not necessarily even because of the immorality of it, but because it's just a waste. The cult performing the ritual wrong and sacrificing kids just means that you've lost some perfectly good human souls, and no one gets what they want. But he is a demon, and he's been around long enough to see more and even worse from humans throughout history. Ultimately, his feelings about it aren't that strong. Sure, it's a shame for the humans in Hometown, but he finally got his human soul out of it! So, for him at least, it'll all work out in the end.
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scoliosisgoblin · 7 months
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I'm in hell.
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whereismyhat5678 · 7 months
Guys, Imma do it (showing my ocs)
Y’all are being very sweet about it to so why not at this point, I love you guys!! 🫶🫶
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First and foremost, this is Glenda and Felix
Glenda is…..a girl but she’s very masculine looking and almost everyone mistakes her for a guy (a love hate relationship on her end)
And Felix is that one skater dude who’s just chill, he’s here for some major support. And he’s also just one of the folks that genuinely likes Glenda, he thinks she’s cool; he idolizes her kinda-
Umm that’s the only set I colored, I’m not too sure about the coloring just yet but right now it’ll do I think 🤷‍♀️
I did some messy doodles but I gotta say, they’re pretty fun! McPig was onto something-
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OKAY- I think that’s everything uhh-
I hope you guys like it Im going back to my hole now I’ll see you later bye- 🏃‍♀️💨
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Chapter Drop: Leaking Spark, ch 21
Yeah I'm still hyperfixating on this one :P
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bunnyscar · 1 month
Beauty in a Rainbow
tw: fear, slightly creepy, slight gore
For a moment, all Tia saw were those glowing eyes, coming closer and closer. Then suddenly she was running, tripping, and slamming her knees into seats as Rasp pulled her towards the exit.
They burst into the hallway, a bright contrast to the dark theater. Disoriented by the sudden light, she staggered forward and collided with Rasp, who had abruptly halted. Looking up, she saw that the hallway in front of them was blocked by what looked like hundreds of glowing-eyed creatures.
She almost gagged at the sight and smell. The air reeked of rotting flesh. Though the creatures looked somewhat human, the proportions of their head and limbs were all wrong, and their gaping mouths filled almost half their face. Their arms and legs looked pencil-thin, as if they could snap at the slightest pressure, but they shoved pieces of rubble and chairs out of the way with the force of a bulldozer.
Tia and Rasp turned around, but more monsters were pouring out of the theater behind them. Ms. Frazzle had also exited the theater room and stood laughing at them, that crazy look in her eyes. Tia’s heart sank. This had been a trap all along.
Quickly, Rasp pushed Tia into a room directly across from them, one as dark as the other had been. She stumbled down a row of chairs and fell down as she banged her shin on a chair. Gasping from pain and fear, she huddled on the floor, unable to get up.
Her legs felt like jelly. She wanted this all to end. Why had she left her house, why had she agreed to enter this haunted place, why had she gone along with Ms. Frazzle even when she'd realized this was a bad idea?
“I’m scared, I’m scared,” she sobbed and shut her eyes tight, even though she knew it would make no difference. She couldn't see anything anyway. And she couldn’t block out the sounds of the monsters scuttling over chairs and gnashing their teeth at her.
Suddenly, she felt Rasp’s warm hands around her own, and his cheerful voice said, “It’s all right, Tia. Sometimes things are scary, but we’ll be okay if we’re together.”
How could he be so confident and hopeful? They were going to be eaten by monsters! But his warm touch was calming, and suddenly it occurred to her how odd it was that his hand was warm. Vampires were usually cold to the touch, weren’t they?
Tia slowly opened her eyes, blinking away her tears. Her breath caught. Rasp knelt in front of her, his usual grin on his face; but the dark room they had been in seemed to have disappeared, replaced with white light and shimmering rainbows. She gazed around her in awe.
The more she looked at the rainbows, the more certain she became that they were wings: wings made of light, wings that spread all around her and Rasp, wings that shimmered like glass yet also seemed to flow like water. It was almost as if she and Rasp were inside a glass prism, or as if a waterfall cascaded around them. The sight and sound of the monsters had disappeared, replaced by the beauty surrounding her.
Slowly, she relaxed. As her adrenaline faded, exhaustion set in, and she rested a weary head on Rasp's shoulder. Despite the danger they had just faced, she no longer felt fear. Here in Rasp’s arms, surrounded by light and beauty, she felt safe.
Sherise slowed the car as she entered a parking lot full of police cars. At first sight, it looked like this was just a random parking lot. But as Sherise and Fred exited the car, they saw lot had belonged to a building at one time, though it looked more like a pile of rubble now.
The majority of the building’s walls and roof was now merely mounds of concrete and broken metal bars. Shattered glass littered the ground, and some mounds of rubble had severed pipes and wires sticking out of them. A few walls to one side still remained standing, though even they had large cracks, looking almost like a great claw had slashed through them. Several policemen were picking their way through the debris, searching with flashlights or setting up caution tape.
One of the policemen finally noticed Sherise and Fred. He beckoned them over to another officer, one who was giving orders to other policemen. Looking up as they approached, he said gruffly, “Ah, so you’re the ones from the Vampire Ministry?”
Sherise nodded. “Yes, sir, I’m Sherise and this is my colleague Fred. Are you Chief Vand?” The man nodded.
“What happened here?” Fred asked curiously.
Chief Vand sighed and rubbed his temples. “Your guess is as good as mine. Apparently there used to be a theater here. Wasn’t used for several years and was condemned for demolition like several of the apartments in this area. At 3 a.m. we got a call from one of the few apartment buildings still in business, and the caller said there was a bunch of noise coming from the abandoned theater. He was afraid it was maybe a gang or some other hooligans causing trouble.
"So I go with a team to investigate, and what do we find? Whole building’s destroyed. And when we search the remains? Well, that’s what we need you for.”
Chief Vand motioned for them to follow him. Glancing at each other, Sherise and Fred followed as he led them among the mounds of rubble to where the walls still stood.
The closer they got to the remaining walls, the more certain Sherise was that this was not a natural collapse and that something had hit the building, perhaps from inside. Something alive. She frowned as they rounded one of the walls and immediately froze.
The first thing she noticed was the stench. She had already sensed a hint of it when they first entered the parking lot, but now it was overpowering. She grimaced at the disgusting smell of rotting flesh and stale blood, of something that had been dead and rotten for a long time.
Sherise felt her foot bump against something, and when she looked down, she had to force herself not to gag. What looked like a human head lay there, only the body it was connected to was grotesquely misshapen, its spindly long legs and arms clearly broken, what might have been its chest ripped open. Glancing at the rest of the room, Sherise saw that the ground was covered with these creatures. All of them dead, all of them with mutilated bodies.
And in the center of the room sat a boy and a girl, their heads on each other’s shoulders, sleeping soundly as if they were in their own beds at home instead of a room of death.
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chlonette fic where an akuma is an akumatized egg that's responsible for taking over the whole world according to Bunnix and in order to prevent it, Ladybug must make sure whatever hatches does not fall into the wrong hands. everything is set into plan, they retrieve the egg, make sure they have everything they need for baby sitting and luckily, Ladybug is good with kids and evil eggs.
Except, Chloé isn't. And by some luck the egg likes her.
It's crack, it's chlonette begrudging co parenting, it's a surprise on whatever the heck hatches and it's good for Chloe's exploration with trauma from both parents. It also has an evil egg.
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gethellbcnt-m · 8 months
@prnkill shrieked : fear
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❝ THERE YOU ARE !! the BADDEST bad-boy ! ❞
She knows your smell, Val, and it's intoxicating.
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sansloii · 6 months
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“It's smart… the whole “magic statues” thing.”
Penelope straightens up with a small start, head snapping to the left at the sound of another voice. Her tense posture quickly relaxes as the familiar wide-toothed grin of her beloved slides into view, her expression turning apologetic once the royal lifts her hand to swat her. The shifter lifts an arm to shield herself and a soft “Hey, now” escapes her as Penelope gives her not one but two swats.
“I'm sorry — I didn't realize that would startle you so much.”
“You were near impossible to hear, Accalia.” comes her low, but steady voice, “ — and I think that was on purpose.”
“It may have been~” A soft hum and the taller of the two is wrapping her arms about Penelope's shoulders from behind. She can feel a warm cheek press against her temple and before long, they're swaying gently — moving to and fro to an invisible beat.
What follows is a bit of silence, with neither of them saying much anything for a couple minutes. Penelope takes this as an opportunity to nestle back into her companion. Gloved hands then lift to rest over Accalia's arms — even holding onto one a bit — as they stand and sway and watch the excitement that the festival ( and its waters ) bring. For a moment, all those sounds and smells wash over her… and she's tempted to close her eyes so she can properly soak it all in.
Accalia shifts a bit behind her before speaking… but it's the squeeze that precedes it that tells her not to relax just yet. “…Are you going to be alright?” she says, voice low enough that only the royal can hear. “…with him here, I mean.”
Oh — it ends all too soon.
“I don't have much of a choice in that, do I?”
“Not here but I wanted to see how you were doing anyway. Just because you have to put up with it doesn't mean you have to be “alright”. You can be upset about it.”
“Oh, I am. I've been upset.” Her brows furrow a bit, but not in anger and certainly not at Accalia. “But he was likely invited by Meriburn — just as we were invited by Brecaea. There's nothing I can do about their relations…”
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“…but did you see his face.” Penelope's voice drops to a whisper. “You'd think he saw a ghost with the way he looked at me.”
“He expected to be comfortable here… after centuries of comfort.” Accalia snorts a bit, "It was very nice touch.”
“Yes it was… but, I think that's all we're going to get from him. It'd probably be wise to have the delegation as a whole give him a wide berth to avoid starting any… issues.”
— but it was nice knowing that her presence unsettled him so. It should, for what he's done to her people.
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belethlegwen · 6 months
Three questions but one is not really one anyways. One I saw you post that pic of art of them kissing and I was like LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOO. Two image like an AU where its where Henry was the Brobdingnag and Melanie was the "tiny" aka she is human or something like that. Three stardew valley update woooo
Ayyyyy, yes!! That art was so god damn good and I still love it IMMENSELY. I can't wait for them to start smoochin' in the story!
Also fuck yeah, I have absolutely had some AU ideas in my head either was size-swap or "something happens" and Henry is the big. Hopefully once my series of strange life disasters and insanity is overwith I can start writing for real again ;-;
AND YES. STARDEW UPDATE. I literally started a new farm tonight to try and poke at it before my body decides to collapse and go to bed.
Thank you for the ask!! It was nice hearing from you!
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verfound · 2 years
Six (Paragraph) Sunday: 01.01.23
I was bound and determined to finish up this stupid Christmas Shipping fic before Christmas, but for a variety of reasons it is still fighting me. I'm close - I am SO CLOSE - but I'm not even gonna jinx myself and say "yeah I'll have it done tomorrow" because I've been there all week now. 😂
I kinda forgot it was Sunday. Have six (short) paragraphs instead. (This fic has about 7k in the main doc and 10k in the scratchpad. I think I'm one scene, maybe two, from the end. I really liked this dumb joke, but the scene it was in was entirely rewritten and this did not survive the cut.)
“I wasn’t yelling at her!  I was yelling at Rose!” he said.  Rose snorted and rolled her eyes.
“Oh, sure, because yelling at me is perfectly ok, but yelling at Marinette is bad,” she said.  Brielle laughed as Luka scowled.
“Of course it is,” she said.  “Didn’t you know Marinette farts rainbows?  You can’t yell at someone that magical.  It’s rude.”
“I hate you both so much sometimes,” he said, his voice flat.  “Yelling at her is bad when she wasn’t the one pissing me off all day, Rose.”
Rose had the decency to look a little guilty over that.
“…I…will admit I maybe pushed a little too much,” she conceded.  “I’m sorry.”
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helianskies · 1 year
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chapter xxiii: the tension
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to look after me,” Antonio said, nevertheless, having to squeeze poor Barry’s paw a bit harder for everyone’s sake. “That isn’t what this is about. I’m fine, I just— I just want this to pass quickly.” “But why?” the angel pressed. “Why does being around your own family get you so worked up?” “Because we’re all unbelievably unbearable, and it never ends well.”
[ read update on ao3! ] [ always check tags! ]
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Halloween. They have to be ready by Halloween.
There had been lots of consideration. But what Rage says goes. He's the head of the pack. Halloween is the best time to face off with another pack, but also the worst. A full moon on Halloween for some reason allows their minds to be clearer and their powers stronger. Halloween in general was a special day for the supernatural. Whether the human myths about Halloween were true or if it was just because mortal humans put so much faith in it, it affected different species differently.
Especially if it was a full moon.
The purchase of the beach house is finalized quickly, humans fearful to flee the place.
Rage goes first. Scent marks the property, rubbing his shoulders on trees, spitting in bushes, and, yes, exactly what you're thinking, too.
When they come to the property as a unit a week before the full moon, Rage is furious to smell the other pack having scented over his marks and the area outside the house trashed. He'd only scented a small area, hoping they would allow even just the property. No luck.
Fusataro goes with Rage this time. Maybe a familiar scent will make them back off. 'Or make them angrier.' Fusataro had pointed out.
Rage, Vice, and Mizho spend the following night patrolling the lines. No sign of the rival pack. Thankfully. Paresse, Kia, and Fusataro worked on the house. Made the quick repairs they could that wouldn't require a contractor.
No one slept.
Fusako has been left behind with Jealousy's family. They have the resources to keep her contained and entertained for the week.
Some part of them was expecting confrontation, for the Aflodite Pack to make contact once they realized the house was occupied. No one was really expecting the knock on the door to sound so quiet. Anxious.
Rage waved Fusataro down. He was going to answer the door. She reluctantly kept herself still.
"What." Rage snarled through the door, not opening it. The rest of the pack could easily hear both sides of the conversation.
"...Is Fusataro there?"
"Yes." Blunt. Straight forward. As he's always been.
"...can I talk to him?"
"You'll talk to me."
"No, I need to talk to him, he's the head of the--"
"No, she isn't. I am. You will talk to me."
"...You need to get out of here. Takuya's already pissed someone's on our territory. If he finds out Fusataro's part of your pack, he will tear this house apart."
"He can fucking try. We know where we are." Rage leaned against the door frame, "There are six of us. Four of you."
Fusataro hesitantly stood and walked over, side-eyeing Rage. Rage huffed and motioned his head, giving her the go-ahead to speak.
"We've taken down larger packs before--"
"Hiroki, I know Takuya won't listen to you, but you need to tell the others to back off. This isn't a fight you can win."
"It's not about the number. My pack is stronger than Takuya could imagine. The people in my pack have been fighting longer than you or I have been alive. Just... just try. Someone is going to die come Halloween, and I'd rather it be Takuya than any of the rest of you."
"...can I please come in?"
Fusataro throws a glance to Rage, who's glare is furious as he shakes his head.
"No, sorry. Rage won't budge."
"...Rage? As in your new band mate?"
"Yeah. We're all here."
"Wrap it up, 'taro. He needs to get the fuck off my territory." Rage stood up off the door frame, and Fusataro could see him clench and unclench his fist out of the corner of her eye.
"Look, we need the territory. And now is the best time, with Halloween coming up, for us to claim a better space for us. You need to leave."
"...yeah, I fucking heard your Alpha." Hiroki's voice had dropped low, angry. Fusataro closed her eyes as she heard the retreating footsteps. Rage whipped around and shouted something about not being 'a fucking alpha', and something about actually giving a shit about his pack.
She leaned against Paresse as her mate came up and wrapped his arms around her. Somewhere behind them, Kia came up and poked at Rage. He'd said 'six'. Including her in the pack? Of course she was included.
She didn't listen to much of it, straining her ears to listen to Hiroki's footsteps until she couldn't hear them anymore.
She had to tell them about him.
It's going to be a long week.
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inconsistentracoon · 2 years
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Chapter 33: Fire and Fissures
Something wasn't adding up, and Riku's suspicions were growing.
"I just don't understand why I can't call out to his heart right now. I know he's still alive but I can't feel where he is." 
"If someone is blocking that connection between the two of you they must have incredibly powerful magic," Mickey mused.
Riku's frown deepened. "Someone with powerful magic... like Master Yen Sid."
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onedivinemisfit · 2 years
Is there more of the Camboy!AU? I'd love to see it, or read about it, or literally anything. I didn't see a tag for it though.
There are scattered artworks here and there, though not as many yet, since I only conceived the AU a year ago. You’ll find most of them by searching “camboy au” on my profile. However, now that you’ve asked, I’m gonna get around to making a master post, since at least half the material is cross-posted from my side-blog, and risks going unseen bc… mature.
^ (insert large-ass smut warning here) and one must never forget @bubblesthemonsterartist’ amazing fic that goes with this story. It’s basically a shared brain child, I would be remiss if I took too much credit <3
Thank you 😊
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moonfromearth · 2 years
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Willow recognized the Wolf-B-Gone immediately. It was just like the book had described, a rich purple color adorned with flower leaves and a lemon slice.
She thought for a moment, temptation tugging at her, before finally taking the drink and chugging it down...
transcript [under cut]
Willow: Is that... Wolf-B-Gone? Hmm...
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