jtl07 · 21 days
so i found notes for more drummer-street performer!ava but realized i never made a proper post for that idea? i think it's only the tags here?
anyway i'm just gonna copy-pasta my notes [i lied, i rambled a bit lol]:
maybe they exchange instas or something but Beatrice is of course shy and Ava doesn't want to push but does send her some random stuff over the next few days which okay confuses Bea a bit (both the content and the intent because surely Ava isn't actually interested in her - boring, restrained, unsure if she even likes music anymore)
then she notices Ava post something on her feed that mentions she'll be at a certain spot and Beatrice knows that place, she passes by it when she goes to the wine shop she likes and well, she doesn't necessarily need more wine but she has been meaning to go, if she ends up being there at the day and time Ava had noted in her post well with her guitar in hand - that's just coincidence really.
coincidence is what makes her stride lengthen when she starts to hear the drumming; coincidence is what matches her heart to the beat and parts the crowd just so -
and there she is. Ava Silva, drummer extraordinaire, full of energy, full of life.
the sign's up again but Beatrice balks at the crowd. it's not the crowd that bothers her per se. she's played for crowds larger than this, more expensive than this, but this - this feels important, and she's never really done 'important' before. not something important to her. not something that shows herself.
it's not something she thinks she can do. so Beatrice starts to turn to leave but of course, of course, Ava sees her. she smiles, bright and delighted, waves at her even while keeping the frenetic beat. gives Beatrice what she knows is an invitation in the way she waggles her eyebrows.
Beatrice bites her lip. glances at the crowd; feels the rhythm. realizes her foot is already tapping to the beat.
why not, she thinks. why the hell not.
Ava's whole body lights up as Beatrice steps through the crowd, grins wide and wild and free. "play with me!" her sign had said. Beatrice takes out her instrument and her heart out yet again; remembers what it means -for her, for real - to play music.
(my last note to myself was: also: they get churros lol )
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cloudypuffartz · 4 months
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Loved this new episode ^_^
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falling-skyzz · 8 months
I'm sitting here with a bass guitar so like - draw a dragon with an instrument request
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smckehour · 3 months
open to: anyone.
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"oh, get real. i only brought them with me because you told me no. you can't do this every time you see me with someone who isn't you."
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thedevilsoftruth · 26 days
Ilan Rubin gif collage ( 2 ) ❤️
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c0rnd0gge · 2 years
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propaganda submission for @transfemswagbracket !! <3
this is ava!! she's in a band called keyword:trying with her two besties from middleschool, where she plays keyboard & bass !! she might be hard of hearing, and she may be insecure about that, but with the help of her buddies, she's living her dream of inspiring hope and joy through song <3
she's known to most as being rather shy; she dislikes eye contact and gets visibly nervous in crowds- save for when she's on stage, where she feels able to relax and move with the music- with her friends, however, she's just as silly and chaotic as they are; she only wishes that she had the confidence to be as expressive in public as she is in private.
the three of them decided to attend the same college and major in different classes, with ava taking on the production aspect of being in a band; studying music theory, production, composition, and arrangement, in addition to choir and vocal lessons. as their lore currently stands, the three of them are living out of a cheap loft in need of serious TLC, and most, if not all of their furniture is second-hand- their money, when its not going towards food, bills, and other necessities, is used to fund their musical equipment. the band's primary income coming from their vocalist's mechanic job, secondary being the drummer's serving job, and their tertiary income being local gigs
i dont quite have all the details of her backstory, but i'm working on it .... <3. she's also 6'1" because tall girls rule
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harrystiddess · 7 months
A/N: If my scenarios before bed were a fanfic haha
SUMMARY: She’s a drummer and a cop and he’s in need of a drummer. Will she “stick” with his offer?
Content Warning: None as of yet!
Read Part II here!
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On a sunny day in central Manchester, I found myself at my friend's house, agreeing to fill in as the drummer for her band's gig due to their drummer falling ill. Although playing gigs wasn't my thing, I preferred doing the favor over enduring my friend's constant yapping and crying about it. After two weeks of practice and one gig with the band, Elena and I were forced to get coffee for everyone before our gig in the evening. As we strolled and chatted along the sidewalk, discussing the most random things, I saw my friend suddenly freeze in shock. Concerned, I asked what was wrong, only to find her gripping my hand tightly and pointing across the street with excitement. Curious, I looked over and found myself uttering under my breath, "Oh hell nah" at the unexpected sight before me.
“Oh, you’re doing this”
"Elena, no, I'm not."
"Are you out of your mind? This has been your dream since you were 12!"
"I can't let you miss out on this opportunity."
"Is it that you don't want me to miss the opportunity, or YOU don't want to miss the opportunity to do it yourself?" I said, raising my eyebrows.
"Maybe a bit of both," Elle said mischievously, pulling me forward.
"No let’s go back, I need to.. i need to uh.. take a piss!!” I try to come up with an excuse.
“No you don’t, I know you took a huge dump before we left” I was definitely taken aback by her answer looking at her absolutely flabbergasted.
“I fucking hate you. You're going to do the talking, and if you embarrass me, I don’t know you." I said irritably as I crossed the road, ignoring the sceptical look Elena continued to give me. As I reached the other side, I began to realise that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, just as I had feared.
It was too late now. I could see Elena approaching the moment I feared.
“Excuse me” she said poking his arm. It was quite humorous because she was half of the tall gentleman’s size. I was holding onto her hand, standing behind her like a child hiding behind their mom.
‘The moment you have feared yet dreamed of, all your life, is here.’ You thought to yourself silently
You see him turn around and remove his sunglasses, putting his hand forward.
“Hi, I’m Harry.”
“Oh. My. God.” I say to myself as I find myself getting lost in his eyes.
“Are you okay my love?” You hear him chuckle.
He watches me intently as my eyes widen when i realise that i fact had said that out loud.
“Uhh yeah yes I am” You clear your throat. I thought I saw a spider that’s all” I try to cover up the fact that i was totally star struck and defiently impressed by his appearance. By this point Harry was completely facing me with Elena looking at us like she knew about this all along.
“Oh is it? A spider I see” he says seeing through my bullshit.
“I’m Harry” he shakes my hand.
“And you are?”
“Oh I’m Ava”
“Ava. That’s a cute name!”
I just pursed my lips and smiled. That’s all I could do! What would you do if Harry Styles called your name cute? Exactly.
“So you’re drummer I see”
You raise your eyebrows sort of creeped out.
“Haha I saw the drum sticks in your bag. I’m not as creepy as they say” he said leaning towards me, winking in the end.
It’s like i was snapped out of my suspicions to a realisation.
“Oh right sorry yeah. I’m a bit distracted today”
“So how long have you been drumming for Ava?”
“Oh Uhm since I was uhh 16”
“Hmm.. so since how-”
“8 years”
“Wow that’s impressive”
“You wouldn’t be interested in drumming for me would you?” He said after a long pause, unsure of whether he should’ve said it.
“Drumming for you?” I know exactly what he means but I’m too utterly taken aback to say anything.
“You don’t even know how I play? For all you know I’d not even be able to hold the sticks”
“Well then that that’s just an excuse for you to come in for an audition!”
“Orrrrrr…” I see Elena sliding in and before I can say anything she’s said it.
“We have a gig at Bardo’s tonight! You can come and see for yourself” she says chirping.
He looks at me for to find a glint of expression but sees fails considering I was trying to deny his offer at all costs and I just failed.
“Then Bardo’s it is” Harry says delightfully looking at the both of us.
“Great see you at bardo’s, 7pm” Elena being a little to excited was pissing me off real bad at this point.
“That’s great…See you tonight…” I say almost sounding excited as I walk past him, leaving him stood right there.
I know he’s looking at us walk away I can feel It, so I keep walking silently until we’re out of his hearing range.
“ELENA! What did you do!” I say pinching the bridge of my nose in distress.
“Your kids will thank me one day”
“No. No kids are thanking no one. I DON’T WANT TO DRUM FOR ANYONE LET ALONE HIM!!” I say whisper shouting
“The only difference is, you do!”
“Elle you Know I’m happy with my job, a job I’ve dreamed of doing since I was 5! Why do you want to ruin that for me?”
“I’m not ruining anything for you. You can do both at the same time! I know that you’ve wanted to be a big shot Artists drummer too. Just because you’re scared of change doesn’t mean you have to ruin the rest of your life for it. That’s what I’m here for. Ruining your life is my job. And so is making sure you don’t give up opportunities like these.”
I can’t help but let out a small smile..
“Well meeting your Celebrity crush of over 8 years and having him offer you a job doesn’t go well together that’s all” I breathe out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“Can’t believe I’m saying this but You’re right. I’m going to go to the gig, give my best, which I do either way and see what he has to offer…. I mean 16 year old me wouldn’t believe this happened if I told her” I say screeching in excitement, holding her hand and jumping and and making incoherent noises like a madwoman.
Read Part II here!
Reblog, like and comment! DM if you have any prompts! Hope you guys like this Series!
♡ ♡ ♡
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valos-venus-doom · 4 months
A Blind Date for Ville Valo & OC
Thank you to @sinnysioux for the request.
(I actually love this so I may use this as a jumping off point for a fic in the future. 👀 Maybe we do it as a Choose Your Own Adventure thing? Where I poll readers for plot points? Thoughts?)
Ville stood outside a bar in Helsinki smoking a cigarette, kicking himself for ever agreeing to go on a blind date. At the time, he was going through a rough dry spell and when a friend of his mentioned Ville had a lot in common with a single female friend of theirs, Ville agreed without a second thought. But having had a week to sit and think about it, he was dreading it. He had no clue what to expect, but he was too much of a gentleman to stand someone up. So he was going to follow through and ghost if she turned out to be an obnoxious groupie or hairy bridge troll.
All his friend told him was his friend, Ava, had long brown hair with pink side bangs. So he stood and waited for what he felt was forever, until sure enough, a petite girl matching the description rounded the corner.
Ville felt instant relief when he realized she was actually very beautiful, but the apprehension that she’d be an obnoxious groupie still lingered. He dashed his cigarette and cleared his throat as she approached;
“Hi, excuse me, um, are you Ava?” he asked, cautiously.
The woman stopped walking and looked at him with the warmest brown eyes he’d ever seen. She had delicate features, wearing a deep, dark green dress polka-dotted with little black bats. She smiled and Ville felt his heart flutter, “Yeah, I guess you’re Ville?” she replied.
Ville couldn’t help but mirror her smile. “I am.”
“It’s so nice to meet you.” Ava opened her arms for a hug, which Ville, surprising himself, happily reciprocated.
“Pleasure meeting you as well. Um, do you want to sit at the bar, or..?” Ville began.
Ava shrugged happily, “Sure, that works. Um, I’m not much of a drinker but I’d love a coffee.”
“Oh, well that’s quite alright. I’m not a drinker either. Erm… would you rather go to a proper coffee shop? It might be quieter, better for conversation.”
“Absolutely. I think I just passed a Starbucks, is that okay?”
“Brilliant.” Ville replied, following her lead.
All of the dread Ville initially felt had long faded away, and his heart was light and fluttery. He reminded himself to thank his friend, he was grateful she was in fact not a hairy bridge troll.
The pair found a quiet booth in a more secluded area of the Starbucks and sat with their coffees. Ville had ordered a black coffee, Ava a caramel macchiato.
“What do you do for work, Ava?” he asked her as he nursed the too-hot coffee in front of him.
“I’m a hairstylist.” she responded, “I already know what you do. But uh, how’s that going for you?”
Ville chuckled, “Yeah, I figured you knew. Um, it’s going well. I guess.” he shrugged.
“Oh?” his pessimism piqued her interest, a mood she hadn’t expected.
“Yeah our drummer’s wrists are fucked so we’re waiting to find out what the prognosis is. It’s holding a lot up, so I’m just writing here and there, hoping there’ll be a new album to put them on someday.”
Ava’s brows furrowed compassionately, “Ah, I see. Well hopefully the prognosis is positive. Aside from music, what do you do for fun?”
“I read, a lot. Mostly in the bath. What about you?”
“The same, oddly enough. I mean, not the bath part, but I read. I have a book buying problem. There’s a stack of new books I’ve never touched on the side of the bed.”
“Ah, I understand your plight. I’ve a habit of buying books everywhere I go. Whether or not they get read–”
“Is a different story.” she finished his sentence. “Haha. Punny.” she joked.
Ville was cheerfully surprised at her quick wit. “Exactly.” he laughed.
The pair kept talking and laughing for another hour or so before Ava realized the Starbucks employees were beginning to place chairs on table tops, indicating they’d be closing up.
“I think we’re running out of time here.” Ava said to Ville, gesturing with her head towards the baristas scurrying about.
Ville was far from ready to say goodnight, he was fascinated by everything she had to say. His friend was right; he and Ava had a *lot* in common. It was refreshing to be able to hold a conversation with a woman and have there be no lulls in the conversation at all. It was like speaking with an old friend.
“So, um, do you need to be getting back home or…” Ville began to question.
Ava shook her head, “Uh, nope. I’m still free tonight.”
“Do you want to grab a bite? I think the bar we were previously has some good options.” he suggested.
“Absolutely.” Ava replied happily.
As the pair exited the coffee shop, Ville took a chance, and he snaked his fingers between hers as they walked. To his elation, she held his hand back. He was reading the vibe correctly, thankfully.
Unfortunately, when they returned to the bar where they had met initially, they found it absolutely packed. Not exactly conducive to pleasant conversation, they’d have to shout to hear over the crowd.
“Well, uh, should we call it a night?” Ava asked, frowning slightly.
Ville bit the inside of his lip, hoping his next suggestion wouldn’t turn her off, “Pardon me if this is inappropriate, but would you maybe want to pick up a pizza and head back to my place? Just to talk?” Ava looked surprised and Ville quickly recovered himself, “Uh, not for anything nefarious. Just conversation, honest.”
Ava blushed and giggled, “I knew you didn’t mean anything by the suggestion. Yes, I’d love to. Again, not really a bar gal.” she shrugged.
A few hours later, Ava and Ville sat enjoying some music on Ville’s couch. They were sipping on tea Ville had made them and sitting particularly close.
“So that’s why that relationship fell apart…” Ville trailed off of the story he’d been telling about an ex.
“I’m afraid I don’t have quite that many stories of exes,” Ava admitted, “I just got out of a five year relationship at the beginning of the year.”
“Oh?” Ville coaxed.
“Yep. Its always fun finding out your best friend is sleeping with your boyfriend. Two relationships down the drain in one fell swoop.” she nodded as she stared into her teacup.
Ville mentally cringed, “Oh damn, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry to hear that.” his hand reached out for hers, her thumb gently stroking the back of his hand, causing more butterflies in Ville’s stomach.
Ava smiled, “Well, you know, at least I was able to move onto better.”
“Yeah, same here.” Ville whispered. Their faces ever so slightly moving towards each other, a game of chicken almost. Ville inhaled deeply through his nose as though he was about to dive underwater. “Forgive me.” Ville blurted out as he sat his cup down before suddenly connecting his lips with hers.
Ava kissed back, blindly setting down her own cup, her now free hand reaching for the side of his face delicately. Ville pressed his tongue forward, Ava accepted.
Ville allowed his lips to linger before pulling back, “Sorry, I just–”
“Needed to know if it felt right?” Ava finished his sentence for him. “Well?” she pressed.
Ville nodded, “And you?”
Ava didn’t answer, she gently pulled him close by the collar of his shirt and kissed him again. Ville placed his hand on her waist and felt a shiver go up his spine while thanking his lucky stars – and his friend – for this amazing first date.
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jtl07 · 2 months
Oh wow, the ideas kept spinning! So much fun! Now I got a new idea 😅 What if Bea’s band need a new drummer, and Ava shows up (late of course) to the audition. The other band-mates, especially Mary, is ready to just say thank you, next. She is late, she is too bubly for their style and she wears a pink shirt with frogs on?!? Nope, next! But Beatrice can see (and feel) that there’s something there. Something they need! She fights for her. To give her a chance! Something Ava has never experienced before 😭
lolol anon you've started a whole thing what have you doneeeeee
first off, pink shirt with frogs is fantastic love it to bits and of course Mary's like, "no, hell no, fuck no," but they've been holding auditions all week and Beatrice hasn't been impressed with any of the drummers they've seen so far and she's hella stressed because they have an important gig coming up and the fact that this girl is smiling at Beatrice so hopefully is absolutely not a factor in why Beatrice quietly tells Mary to let her play. "it's only fair," is what she says and Mary grumbles but allows it.
and maybe Beatrice notices that she doesn't have any sheet music so she offers Ava a copy but Ava's like, "nope, no need, I've got it all memorized" - which makes both Beatrice and Mary pause because no. their stuff is complicated, proudly so, and for this kid to waltz in here late and wearing a toddler t-shirt - Beatrice lays a hand on Mary's forearm to quiet her muttering.
Ava takes her time adjusting her seat - "geez last guy must have been a giant" she jokes, while Mary grumbles "isn't everyone compared to you?" and Beatrice lets out a quiet sigh - but finally she settles in. "which one should I start with?" Ava asks and Mary scoffs at the assumption that they're gonna listen to her play more than a few measures, much less a whole song.
but Beatrice answers, "in this life." it makes Mary grin because it's one of their more technical songs, one that most of the auditioners have avoided -and those who'd attempted it had been stopped after only a few bars- and to Beatrice's surprise, it makes Ava grin as well.
"nice," Ava says, wiggling in her seat. "that one's my favorite," as if she knows their music - she knows their music? Beatrice wonders as Ava takes up her drumsticks.
and then Ava starts to play.
to call it playing is inaccurate - or rather, an incomplete description of what Ava does. it's playing in the sense that it's playful - there's a joy that Ava exudes, even here, now, with this most complicated of songs; but there's also something raw, something fierce in the way she throws her whole self into the music - like her life depends on it, like death is at her heels, taunting, haunting, and this is Ava fighting back - do not go gentle into that good light, Beatrice thinks, prays; something inside her rises and rages along with Ava, driving the drumbeat of her heart.
Ava finishes the song, looks over at them breathlessly, a wide grin on her face. it wasn't perfect. even in the haze that had consumed Beatrice, she had been aware of that - the momentary stutters, a flourish where one wasn't written - but it was the most enthralling performance Beatrice had seen that day, had seen in her life, if she was being honest.
"well, Ava, thank you for -" "you're in."
both Ava and Mary gape at Beatrice. Mary's eyes narrow, "Beatrice -"
"she's the best shot we have," Beatrice argues, voice low but still fierce, still riding off of the high that was Ava's performance.
Mary shakes her head. "there's still a couple people we can call, she made too many mistakes, Bea."
"let me practice with her. give me two days." the words are out of Beatrice's mouth before she can fully register what she's saying, but she continues anyway. "two days, and if she's not up to par, we'll do it your way. please, Mary."
Mary looks hard at Beatrice, glances at Ava, who's sitting nervously behind the kit, then back at Beatrice. sighs. "two days," she finally acquiesces, grumbling already about how she's going to regret everything. but Beatrice has already tuned Mary out and tuned herself to Ava's frequency.
two days. Beatrice smiles up at Ava; knows she'll get it in one.
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fruitfulcreations · 4 months
MTL OC Week (Day 4): Flirty OR Friendly Banter
CW: Drug mention/use (Pickles smokes like, once.)
The familiar stench of weed permeated the air of Pickles' van, surrounding himself and the girl he'd met in rehab, Aveena. She'd been teasing him the whole night about his name, asking if he had a brother named Dill; he did have a dillweed of a brother, but he kept that to himself.
"Y'know, Aveena doesn't suit ya either." Pickles leaned his chin against his seat, raising an eyebrow when he heard Aveena giggling. "What? It doesn't!"
She was still giggling as she pushed herself up on her elbows, her olive-colored eyes bright with mirthe. "Aveena means love in Hindi. At least, that's what my mom told me."
Flushing, the drummer frantically wove his hand in the air. "Dat's not what I meant. Ya are loved!" Neither of them said anything for a moment, letting his words mix with the smoke in the air. "I mean, uh… ya know what I meant!" He flung the empty carton at her, missing her entirely. "Shuddup!"
Aveena's laughter joined his, the darker-skinned woman feeling as though she was going to pass out. Once she could remember how to breathe, she sat up to face Pickles. "So, what did you mean, then?" She couldn't keep the smile off her face, admiring how Pickles' cheeks were as red as his wild locks.
"I meant…" Pickles' eyes traveled up to the van ceiling, seemingly lost in thought, his fingers drumming against the car seat. "It's… it doesn't suit ya?" He ran a hand through his red hair, catching the ends. "I dunno how ta explain it… ya ever thought 'bout goin' by a nickname?"
Aveena bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes drifting to the roof as well. Pickles was right, in his own way; she didn't feel like Aveena was her name. "What? Something like Avery?" She wasn't a big fan of that name either, though.
Pickles maneuvered his body to sit up and look at her, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "I'unno, I mean, it'd be yer nickname. How 'bout I start listin' some, and ya stop me when ya find one ya like."
"I'm not going to let you choose my name, Pickles." "Aw, cahm on! Why not?!" "Well, for starters, you're named Pickles."
"It's not like I named myself dat!" Despite his irritated tone, Pickles wore a grin. "Cahm on. It'll be fun."
"Fine, but I'm killing you if you say something like… Apple."
As he thought up some possible nicknames, his fingers danced on the center console to a jumbled rhythm. "Okay then, what about Ave? No? Ava? Not dat, either? Fuck, cut me slack, this is hard. Aven… no… Av? God, okay. Dat was terrible… Avi?"
Her breath caught in her throat at Avi; she had a cousin in India named that. She wasn't sure why, but she was always jealous of his name — maybe because it was shorter and sounded cooler than Aveena? "Y'know, that's actually not half bad." Tapping Pickles' arm, the corner of her lip twitching.
"Ya like it?" Pickles' green eyes lit up, and he mumbled the nickname under in his breath in rapid success. "Yea! Then it's settled; next time we're at group, yer goin' by Avi."
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
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TAGGED BY @indorilnerevarine to do some MCs on this lovely picrew! [I was going to do my newest babus, my disenchanted mcs too but then I remembered I already did them here; so focusing on my OTHER brainrot with the Infamous kidlets]
Tagging: @galpal95 @ava-du-mortain @aylaaescar  @mt07131  @quinnorion  @narrativefoiltrope @wayhavenots @griffin-wood  @roxaro  @amlovelies @sun-teas @mistyeyedbi  @thee-morrigan   @thelittlestspider  @yes-prisoner  @karolinarodrigueswrites  @straightuppotato-art  @sunshineandviolets @sustainably-du-mortain @sohmiya @ice-knife @icanmakewords @eatingyarn @brother-genitivi @serenpedac and anyone else who wants to do this! [as always NO pressure <3]
[left to right; then top to bottom: Ori, Lala, Alana, Josnel, Hiyam
Summaries below:]
Ori Zhou: lead singer of Gains; will one day juggle during a show and thus giving a heart attack to Orion and causing Iris to roll her eyes to Mars as Rowan dies laughing and Devyn is left fretting over their expired bandmates; Victoria's unintentional sidekick and untentionally learning from Gina what they put Orion through; just wants his BFF back ... definitely made the wrong choice in choosing bus buddies. Lala Sandoval: lead singer of DramaWhore; exasperated and fond of their "little" brothers' antics [Rowan and Seven; but five seconds away from dropkicking the latter] and fond as well as smug about pushing Orion's buttons; lowkey fascinated by the way the new drummer makes them shiver and is looking to get under August's skin. Alana Carita: lead singer of Promised Promises; songwriter and guitar player; has the queerness TSwift fans wish TSwift had and with similar aesthetics; "whether you come as a lover or an executioner --" levels of going through it with Seven Lawless, nothing like realizing you've been in love with your EX-BFF AFTER she it makes clear that she hates you and you realize that you [REDACTED] her life ... just sapphics in love stuff; but at least she can have quiet moments with Rowan and August's hand to hold. When romance sucks, friendship will be the saving grace. Bethany Josnel Coleman: lead singer of The Notations; piano player and singer who is wondering if he should go back singing for the church choir -- he was prepared for drama, but come on!; Aren't they really here for the music? Is tired of having his ex-bf glare holes in his head almost as he is already tired of [REDACTED], take your own advice and leave him alone Seven; at least he finds some moments of peace with a certain loyal fan and her hot cute dad ... moments that most definitely won't be happening again!! [Totally unprofessional and dangerous to blur such lines ... right?] Hiyam Vinke: lead singer of the Vespas; triple threat: but according to ex-Seven that's because they're Obnoxious, Aggressive, and a POS; TEAM BLAKE BURN THIS SHIT TO GROUND [but away from my meteoric rise to success]; in it to WIN and NOT the sentimental hogwash that includes realizing that her parents neglect really DOES hurt her because her annoying fan and her dad keep rubbing their joy in her face [and because there is no Seven to buffer that emptiness] --- that is UNLESS said hogwash comes in the form of Orion's smile, heart-to-blergh-hearts with Rowan, .... and maybe one Victoria Valentine.
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avalentina · 9 months
12 Days Of Christmas
(Draco Malfoy Style)
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Image not mine
A few things to note: bulleted text is the original song line, italicized chat font text is Draco's feelings about the line, and the indented text is Draco's version of the line!
I was going for a head cannon style with this one but I probably failed...
All dividers are by @firefly-graphics
Hope you enjoy! -Ava
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Draco talking to Blaise:
D: Did you hear Snape today? Apparently the new girl Y/N or whatever is like a potions prodigy, like Snape was actually impressed with her potion.
B: Don't tell me you're crushing on her just because she's better than you at potions.
D: She's a half-blood from America, and she's gorgeous, intelligent, snarky, and yet also somehow kind. She's fucking perfect is what she is. I just, I've liked her since she first set foot in the Great Hall.
B: Just have fun, and do something Christmassy, at least I think that's what she called their holiday.
D: That's it! The carols she was singing while decorating the common room, there was that Twelve Days of Christmas song. I'll do something fun for those days.
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On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a pear tree
Yeah, nope, not getting her that… but maybe…
On the first day of Christmas, I gave to my true love… an invitation to the Yule Ball
On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, two turtle doves
Ok, that one isn't too bad, but improvements must be made
On the second day of Christmas I gave to my true love… two golden birds made of light, Avis!
On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, three French hens
Ummm, what, why, just why?
On the third day of Christmas I gave to my true love… three poinsettias
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me four calling birds
What is it with this song and birds?
On the fourth day of Christmas I gave to my true love… four barking cruppies
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me five golden rings
See, that one I like, that one I really like, however I can still outdo it
On the fifth day of Christmas I gave to my true love five golden snitches!
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me six geese a laying
Oh for Merlins sake, can they quit it with the birds?
On the sixth day of Christmas I gave to my true love… six chocolate frogs
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me seven swans a swimming
That's actually kind of romantic, like a swan dance
On the seventh day of Christmas I gave to my true love… seven fountains performing with music and lights and colors (every ounce of my transfiguration and potions knowledge was necessary)
On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me eight maids a milking
Nope, nope, nope, absolutely not, she's a transfer from America and she's best friends with Hermione even though y/n’s a Slytherin
On the eighth day of Christmas I gave to my true love… eight house elves' freedom
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me nine ladies dancing
Good, but I have a better idea, and I think she'll like it
On the ninth day of Christmas I gave to my true love… nine mooncalves dancing under the stars
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me ten lords a leaping
My day to show off my skills!
On the tenth day of Christmas I gave to my true love… ten dancing lessons (she did ask)
On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me eleven pipers piping
Ooh, I can work with that!
On the eleventh day of Christmas I gave to my true love… eleven frogs a singing with the choir
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me twelve drummers drumming
Twelve battle drummers maybe?
On the twelfth day of Christmas I gave to my true love… twelve durmstrang students dueling (with fire)
And that was my successful Fourth year, I enjoyed it, and so did y/n, enough that she agreed to be my girlfriend.
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Want to hear y/n's reactions to each gift? Let me know in the comments or by liking this post!
As always, I hope you enjoyed! Happy Holidays!
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femslashrevolution · 1 year
Popular Pairing List Update
The following pairings have more than 10 recent posts in their pairing tag, and are therefore too popular to be posted on Rarepair Thursdays:
Amalia True x Penance Adair (The Nevers)
Anita St. Pierre x Della Street (Perry Mason)
Anne Boonchuy x Sasha Waybright (Amphibia)
Ava Coleman x Janine Teagues (Abbott Elementary)
Carol Aird x Therese Belivet (Carol)
Cinta Kaz x Vel Sartha (Star Wars)
Drea Torres x Eleanor Levetan (Do Revenge)
Eleanor Levetan x Gabbi Broussard (Do Revenge)
Eleanor Roosevelt x Lorena Hickok (The First Lady)
Ellie x Riley Abel (HBO The Last Of Us)
Emily Prentiss x Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
Frannie Langton x Marguerite Benham (The Confessions of Frannie Langton)
Katherine Hastings x Sadie Ryan (American Auto)
KJ Brandman x Mac Coyle (Amazon Paper Girls)
Lily Evans x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Mia Reed x Vada Cavell (The Fallout)
Midge Maisel x Susie Myerson (The Marvelous Mrs Maisel)
Miorine Rembran x Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
Natasha Romanoff x Peggy Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
The following pairings have been posted less frequently recently, and have therefore been removed from the popular pairing list:
Addy Hanlon x Beth Cassidy (Dare Me)
Alex Danvers x Kelly Olsen (Supergirl)
Alex Vause x Piper Chapman (Orange Is The New Black)
Alexis Rose x Twyla Sands (Schitt’s Creek)
Allison Argent x Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf)
Andi Mack x Buffy Driscoll (Andi Mack)
Anne Shirley x Diana Barry x Ruby Gillis (Anne With An E)
Buffy Summers x Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Caitlin Snow x Iris West (The Flash)
Camina Drummer x Naomi Nagata (The Expanse)
Cosima Niehaus x Delphine Cormier (Orphan Black)
Dinah Lance x Helena Bertinelli (DCU)
Eleanor Shellstrop x Tahani Al Jamil (The Good Place)
Finch Tarrayo x Josie Saltzman (Legacies)
Greta Moreno x Riley Luo (Generation)
Hannah Miller x Sarah Fier (Fear Street)
Hermione Granger x Narcissa Malfoy (Harry Potter)
Ji-yeong x Kang Sae-byeok (Squid Game)
Joan x Zoey Clarke (Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist)
Kathryn Janeway x Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
Lady Hideko x Sook Hee (The Handmaiden)
Laurel Lance x Nyssa al Ghul (Arrow)
Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Neopolitan x Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Nora Grace x Viri Gómez (Skam Spain)
Paris Geller x Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
River Song x Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Seo Ji-wan x Yoon Sol (Nevertheless)
Shane McCutcheon x Tess Van De Berg (The L Word)
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crockettmarcel · 1 year
📚 :)
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this is sooooo reesker exes au. Sarah’s a drummer in a band, and she’s a little bit fucked up (but trying her best), and Ava’s her wonderful soon-to-be-doctor girlfriend. until she isn’t, and Sarah spirals. she writes a dozen songs about the breakup, some full of anger towards Ava, and others super depressing, and a couple of them are actually decent enough to record. when she isn’t channelling all her emotions into music, she’s drinking or getting into fights with strangers, or finding other ways to self destruct
Sarah’s friends (Crockett, April, Ethan, Hannah) try to reach out to Ava about it, but she doesn’t want to be dragged back into Sarah’s life. their relationship wasn’t good for her, and despite everything that’s going on with Sarah now, Ava knows that she made the right decision
and then Sarah’s band releases a new song, and it blows up. Ava hears it everywhere - on the radio, in shops, and even during her monthly scroll through tiktok. (she deletes the app after hearing the song for the fourth time). some people in her life know the song is about her, and others have no clue. they’re her favourite people at this point
I don’t think there would be some big heartfelt reunion in this fic. it’s pure angst and spiralling and everyone having a bad time. as a treat
pinterest moodboard game
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harrystiddess · 7 months
A/N: If my scenarios before bed were a fanfic haha
WORD COUNT: I’m bad at math
SUMMARY: She's a drummer and a cop and he's in need of a drummer. Will she "stick" with his offer?
Content Warning: None as of yet!
Read Part I here
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H: I think I just found us a drummer
Jeff: While taking a walk on the streets?
H: …Yes..
Jeff: When can they audition?
H: Actually tonight 7pm at Bardo’s
Jeff: They have a gig or something?
H: Sort of…
Jeff: Alright, I’ll meet you at your place then?
H: Uhm Actually I’ll be going early…
Jeff: To the venue? Why are they a friend?
H: No she’s not a friend and I’m juts going to get her flowers that’s all
Jeff: 👀
H: Here we go again
Jeff: Hahaha I’m joking chill man
H: you’re annoying
Jeff: I know 💁🏻‍♀️
6:30 PM Same Day
I’ve been pacing back and forth, I even drank chamomile Tea which I hate- but nothing seems to calm me down. Only this sentence playing through my head. “Harry Styles is going to fucking watch you play tonight”
It’s almost show time but i can’t see him anywhere. I would be lying if I said I haven’t been peeking through the curtain to find him. Even though he seemed a little full of himself I couldn’t bury the pure excitement I was feeling. As I take a good last peek for the last time, I spot Jeff. Great. Even though I knew he’d be there, it was just enough to tip off my anxiety.
I go back and quickly fix my make up and wear the last bit of my outfit.
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The only good thing about tonight was that I was wearing All leather and thigh high boots. Tonight’s outfit- was my dream come true.
I’m the first one to walk out to the crowd screaming. It wasn’t a huge crowd, just about 100 people.
I walk in, bow down and I take a seat on my throne. (A/N: The seat of a drum kit is called a Throne)
As the others make their entry on stage I take my time to find Harry. He looks curious as if he were genuinely interested in my talent.
It was time for us to start, which we did with a classic “Viva La Vida” by Coldplay followed by imagine dragons and songs the bad wrote.
At the end of the hug, the crowd was left in awe. Tonight’s gig was a big hit.
After all of us take the last bow and take the crowds leave, we all go backstage getting our gear back in, to go to the bar and celebrate.
I come back out with Elle laughing about me tripping when I realise that Harry and Jeff are walking towards be. Harry has a bouquet in his hands. Bouquets of white daises. It was quite funny because Whute Daisies are my favourite flowers and there was no way he knew that unless..
“Hi” he says breathing out
“You were fucking amazing”
“Was I really? Or you’re just desperate for a drummer”
“I wouldn’t say I’m desperate, but you were phenomenal”
“Thankyou” I say chuckling
“Oh and I got these for you”
“White daisies” I say looking at them fondly smelling them and inhaling some pollen causing me to sneeze
I can hear them chuckle but I pretend I don’t.
“Uh Ava, this is Jeff my Manager, and Jeff this is Ava, the drummer girl” he introduced us.
“Nice to meet you” I say shaking his hand.
Jeff… he seems different than I thought. He’s.. welcoming. And has got a warm radiance in general.
“Let’s get a table?”
Everyone nods in agreement as we get seated on the table.
Oh and try is is Elena, my bestfriend and the guitarist of this band.
We all get seated and order a round of drinks.
“So Ava, what do you do? You a drummer of this band?”
“No actually.. Korid, their drummer is sick so I’m just covering for him. I’m actually a cop”
“A cop” Harry raises his eyebrows
“Well not exactly. But low key yes”
“That sounds very important”
“I mean it has its ups and downs” I say laughing
“So we definitely would love and I mean this in a way that if we have you as an employee, we’d go places we couldn’t reach before” said Jeff stepping in.
“Having you in the Love Band, would be like a miracle”
By looking at my unsure face he begins again “And we’re ready to negotiate. If you’re willing to still be a cop and do both at the same time, we’re ready to adjust”
The minute he said that it was like every problem in my world had been resolved. Not literally but the main pressing issue had been.
“I’m listening” you say with a wide smirk looking at Harry knowing that he knows that the deal is established and closed.
“We would love for you to come to the studio, we can talk terms, legalities, your pay and everything else”
I look at Elena for confirmation as if I was hesitating. Which I was. This was a huge step. Good for me but regardless a huge step. She nodded at me holding my hand making sure I knew that she supported me an thought that this was good for me.
“Alright. I’m in”
The minute I said that I could see Harry’s face light up like a damn glowstick. He had an expression I couldn’t quite decode but he was definitely happy and satisfied. And so was I. I’ve dreamed of this moment, infact even written fanfics about this moment for years. And this mine couldn’t compare to either of them.
We talked for a bit, decided that I’d come over to the studio tomorrow to close the deal and meet the rest of the bandmates. I exchanged numbers with Jeff as we bid our goodbyes. What surprised me was that Harry asked me for a picture. With him. He was the star! It sounded absolutely ridiculous. He knew I was thinking that but we clicked a picture anyways. As it turns out, it was his plan all along.
“Could you send me that picture?”
“I don’t have your contact”
“That’s alright you can give me yours, I’ll text you” he said with subtle smirk and smug look on his face.
“Uhm yeah” I say as he hands his phone to me.
We bid our goodbyes, and I head home. The second I enter my flat, my phone rings, notifying me of a text.
I just couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that he gave me White Daises. It was a little too good to be a coincidence. But there’s no way he have known, right?
The minute I enter my flat I get a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: “Drummer Girl 😉” I like it
I can’t help but smile at it. He’d think I wouldn’t notice him referring to me as the drummer girl. But putting that as my contact name in his phone probably just proved it
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Round 1 Roundup!
or, one post to find them all...
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All four groups of Round 1 are now live! Find each group's masterpost with all respective links here:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Plus, all 64 individual polls are linked below the readmore.
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Group 1
Sarah Jane Smith vs. Leia Organa
Deanna Troi vs. Florence (Gunpowder Milkshake)
Jody Mills vs. Andromache the Scythian
Kim Wexler vs. Villanelle
Paris Geller vs. Dr. Maura Isles
Delenn of the Religious Cast and Chosen of Dukat vs. Sister Beatrice
Lisa Cuddy vs. Seven of Nine
Ziva David vs. Michael Burnham
Una Chin-Riley (Number One) vs. Evelyn Wang
Nyota Uhura vs. Moana
Alex Danvers vs. Olivier Armstrong
Barbara Howard vs. Joan Watson
Barbara Gordon vs. Dr. Helen Magnus
B'Elanna Torres vs. Esmeralda "Granny" Weatherwax
Raelle Collar vs. Parker
Lwaxana Troi vs. Sidney Fox
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Group 2
Xena vs. Bad Wolf
Lindsey Boxer vs. Anna May
Siuan Sanche vs. Jules Callaghan
Ally McBeal vs. Eve Baird
Sidney Prescott vs. Kira Nerys
Jill Valentine vs. Susan Ivanova
Chrisjen Avasarala vs. Cameron Howe
Hermione Granger vs. Henrietta Wilson
Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman vs. Susan Sto Helit
Fujiko Mine vs. Naomi Nagata
Yu Shu Lien vs. Melinda May
Jane Rizzoli vs. Dr. Bernie Wolfe
Dana Scully vs. Death of the Endless
Erza Scarlet vs. Rhaenys Targaryen
Root vs. Anissa Pierce aka Thunder
Kara Thrace vs. Dr. Addison Montgomery
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Group 3
Buffy Summers vs. Jocelyn "Joss" Carter
Scarlet (Gunpowder Milkshake) vs. Modesty Blaise
Moiraine Damodred vs. Margaret Houlihan
Elizabeth Swann vs. Laris (Star Trek)
Aeryn Sun vs. River Song
Dr. Beverly Crusher vs. Kathryn Janeway
Gabrielle of Poteidaea vs. Breanna Casey
Phryne Fisher vs. Shauna Sadecki
Ava Silva vs. Miranda Priestly
Galadriel vs. Yalena "Dutch" Yardeen
Regina Mills vs. Abigail Carmichael
Sara Lance vs. Nomi Marks
Mulan vs. Hera Syndulla
Myka Bering vs. Donna Noble
Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) vs. Éowyn
Cosima Niehaus vs. Violet Baudelaire
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Group 4
Jenny Calendar vs. 13th Doctor
Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) vs. Helena "H.G." Wells
Camina Drummer vs. Philippa Georgiou (Prime)
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker vs. Jane Doe
Eda Clawthorne vs. Olivia Dunham
Daisy Johnson vs. Anne Lister
Anna Mill vs. Sophie Devereaux
Dr. Temperance Brennan vs. Ahsoka Tano
Catherine Willows vs. Lara Croft
Holga Kilgore vs. Sameen Shaw
Inej Ghafa vs. Evie Frye
Jadzia Dax vs. Lena Luthor
Annabeth Chase vs. Mildred Ratched
Laura Roslin vs. Shuri
Jo Lupo vs. Samantha "Sam" Carter
Claudia Donovan vs. Willow Rosenberg
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