#drift strikes me as the kind of guy who's very good at acting/freestyle lying. Not in a way where he relies off of it or it comes very
knxfesck · 2 years
It's really fucking funny to me how you can see Drift's Nice Guy Persona being carefully crafted and eventually moved on from throughout MTMTE. This panel is like level 1. Acts of violence? well I mean. you can't just stand there and look menacing right. So he goes full throttle with the huge smile and everything. I bet he watched a marvel movie to find that quip. I'm sorry Drift everyone probably thinks the crystals are having adverse effects at this point.
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And the fact that he knows it's pretty obvious and is just kind of hoping nobody notices and they don't because at least it's not Big Bad Decepticon so he's in a sunk cost situation. The act is bad but its also way too late now to drop it. At least in the world of Drift Self-Justification.
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Nice save there buddy. Only 3 seconds delay! 👍
In all honesty getting kicked off the Lost Light likely allowed him to exhale and reflect on why exactly he was doing this, and how it was tangled in his own concepts of absolution and redemption and in hindsight, kind of stupid, even if it made sense at the time. Taking the fall for Rodimus fucked up a lot of things and enabled Rodimus' issues with responsibility but it did at least (forcefully) give Drift an opportunity to slow down and get himself back together that wouldve never happened on the ship or at least wouldve been a much slower process. Anyways, thanks for coming to my "let's make fun of Drift for being a really bad actor when not in high-stakes situations" meetup
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