#drama cd dark is silly but doesn't get as pissed as readily as manga dark
dnangelic · 3 months
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tbhhh i've said this before but there are like a million ways to write dark's speech in eng because there's no good 1:1 for him.... all nuance is forever lost he's both casual yet still eloquent all at once and esp with my portrayal/natural writing style i Do have to put a lot of thought into his dialogue sometimes so that he doesn't resemble krad('s keigo) when he's not being sarcastic. in jp dark's forms of speech and mannerisms are overly casual no matter what which can be taken as outright vulgar in english (guy who waxes deep ass poetics but like in a casual bro to bro way-) and he does basically cuss / have the occasional 知るか or くそ equivalent. the angrier he gets the more he drags out his words and growls plus he uses a LOOOOT of english which?? eng is eng in eng man. its not cool and ~stylish~ like its supposed to be in jp but it's fine whatever the point is whenever i consider this + how many variations of dark there are across all of dnangel media and how subtly varied his portrayals are too i feel like daisuke looking back on his family history telling himself 'wow i sure haven't met a lot of darks'
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