#draenei lore
pigminted · 1 month
Continuing my PC prints
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anarchotolkienist · 6 months
The alessian order is clearly based on (a really stupid romeaboo/idiot new atheist coalition take on) the rise of Christianity in the Roman empire, but I remain convinced that most of the characterisation is specifically islamophobic. The whole "zealously monotheistic religious order who puts in really stupid rules for no reason and hates fun and also sucks in all ways is led by a prophet who separated himself until that he wss spoken to by God. That prophet guy is also a rapist. Oh, and literally a monkey, by the way. Just in case we weren't being clear enough with just how racist we're being here" to me screams your average Sam Harris reader, ca. 2004.
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aleklah · 8 months
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The night sky was clear in the Dream...
"What do you want me to do here Elune? What path are you trying to make me take. I don't understand my purpose here..." Aleklah sat alone on the edge of the Eye of Ysera, wishing her goddess would show her a sign.
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wowlorecraft · 10 months
Draenei, the Exodar, and Azuremyst Isles
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As the embers cool after the Fourth War and the collapse of the Legion, the various Eredari came together and began working to rebuild their homes, communities, and cultures
Despite seemingly little activity in-game, the years that have passed on the Isles have seen significant changes happen to this northeast corner of Kalimdor: Several villages have popped up, Azure Watch has become Azuredor, a bustling Draenei and Krokul town, and Stillpine Hold retains warm relations with their non-Furbolg neighbours.
The Exodar, after the latest Legion assault, has vowed to return to the skies in order to ensure its safety and assure the safety of the Alliance. As such, the Exodar relocates temporarily above Stormwind before more permanently settling into a low Azerothi orbit. Azuredor remains the Draenei capital on Azeroth, as well as one of the few remaining Alliance strongholds on (slash near) Kalimdor.
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lendasdeazeroth · 1 month
A chegada dos Draeneis
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O Êxodo e o Refúgio em Azeroth O Êxodo Épico Muito antes de Azeroth se tornar o epicentro de inúmeras guerras e batalhas, uma raça de seres nobres e profundamente virtuosos viajou por dimensões inimagináveis em busca de um refúgio seguro. Conhecidos como os Draenei, esses exilados carregavam nos ombros o peso de um passado conturbado e a esperança de um futuro onde pudessem prosperar em paz...
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vaard · 4 months
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Now that it's been a few days and I'm hopefully not spoiling much, the Draenei heritage questline was so heartfelt. I wasn't expect much going in, but it surprised me. It addressed so much that's been a point of stress for Vaard. Finding out a group that stayed behind and has been working in places of conflict to make sure the bones there can receive proper send offs, and the task of tackling the Path of Glory in the same manner would bring him a lot of peace and closure, even if he isn't aware that the Path of Glory exists. Everything would be a good step towards healing for him.
All in all it surprised me how much of a love letter it was towards BC lore leading up to the Draenei arriving on Azeroth, and bringing a decent amount of closure to it. Also, I hope that new city actually becomes a thing in one expansion or another. It's going to be gorgeous.
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jacaela · 2 months
There is just such an amazing parade of hypocrisy, victim blaming and the madness of some horde stans who have some kind of their own lore with their own Warcraft.
*Jaina, out of nowhere, committed genocide against the sunreavers*
There was no any genocide and it didn't happen out of nowhere. First, Jaina gave the horde elves a chance, even though some of them helped tsteal the focusing iris and one ( Thalen) created a mana bomb:
The soft purple glow heralded the blanket of arcane energy that enveloped Theramore. The mana bomb, so thoughtfully provided by the blood elves—who stood cheering with other Horde members who somehow felt that what Garrosh had wrought was a good thing—had exploded over an entire city and had not just harmed its citizens and buildings but crushed them utterly.
She, despite her anger and struggles, decided to give them a chance because she still hoped for peace in the end. Secondly, when she discovered that the divine bell was stolen from Darnassus, her first thought was that the bell had been stolen by someone who lives in Darnassus/alliance visitor.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I had Darnassus LOCKED DOWN! Every fumbling rogue that tried to sneak into the city, I CAUGHT them! I snatched every two-bit charlatan that attempted to teleport through my traps!
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When Jaina finds the portal to Dalaran, she realizes what happened: the horde thieved the bell and the Sunreavers were involved. "Enough is enough". She invites Aethas to solve the matter without bloodshed; it's not clear what exactly she wanted, to arrest and interrogate them or simply drive them out of the city, but the fact remains that Aethas refused:
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: You've betrayed the Kirin Tor, Sunreaver. You've allowed Garrosh to move his forces through MY city. Archmage Aethas Sunreaver says: You have it all wrong, Jaina. I did nothing. Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: You looked the other way. You and your insubordinate kind are no longer welcome here. Archmage Aethas Sunreaver says: This is OUR city too, Proudmoore. Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Hah! I see. I will remove the Sunreavers by force, then.
What Aethas could do? He could: 1) Tell everything to Jaina or other members of the council so that the whole organization does not suffer due to the actions of some of the rebels. 2) Deal with what is happening inside the sunreavers on your own, forcing Garrosh’s supporters to leave the city, so as not to put everyone at risk. 3) Evacuate from Dalaran all those not involved in the conspiracy. 4) Finally, after the arrest of the sunreavers, he could exchange himself and the information known to him for the release of all the innocent people who were in prison due to his incompetence as a leader.
But what did Aethas do? He ran cowardly, and then poured into the ears of the ruling lord that he was completely unaware of what was happening. By the way, Lor'themar unlike Aethas, behaved like a very smart elf and a competent leader.
Evidence that the blood elves were involved in the theft of the bell:
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2. Jaina merely teleports sunreavers away when she finds them. She asks Vereesa for help.
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The Silver Covenant comes to the call of Jaina and… the elves who surrender were arrested, others were killed. In this way, they not only showed their loyalty to Kirit-Tor, but also took revenge for what the blood elves did to them in Silvermoon.
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Genocide is the intentional destruction of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, in whole or in part. This is not genocide, These people were given a choice: jail or death. Those not involved chose jail, those involved and those sympathizing with them chose to attack Jaina, for which they received what they deserved. This is punishment for yet another betrayal. Genocide is what the horde did to the draenei, or what Sylvanas did to the night elves.
This selective blindness infuriates me. Oh, why is it so cruel to the poor sunreavers? Two bodyguards were killed! The Sunreavers provided the aggressor with weapons of mass destruction that destroyed an entire city. Oh, don’t you feel sorry for all those residents of Theramore, just the poor elves? But they did not stop there, and stole another dangerous weapon for the aggressor, which threatened to result in no less casualties. The prince himself almost died correcting their actions.
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But no, you only feel sorry for the elves who, by the way, did nothing except be guilty of the death of thousands of people.
Aethas was a member of the council. He betrayed Dalaran by the fact that, knowing about the crimes committed by his subordinates, he hid it and did nothing at all. Aethas fled, abandoned his elves, although he could have done at least something for the sake of those who innocently suffered for his mistakes. But Aethas only escaped and lied to his own lord about how he knew nothing about the sunreavers' crimes.
Oh, yes, Jaina sent all the elves imprisoned to go home long ago. But no one will return the killed Theramorians.
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And before you write your fantasies and pass them off as lore, take the trouble to study it first.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 1 month
The Lightforged Community on MG is a giant joke. They all swarm under the banner of either a lore-breaking jackass High Exarch, who has 0 understanding of the actual history or inspirations for the Army of the Light, or sociopathic GMs that still harbor degenerate people. Draenei-shaped humans, all of them. It would help if the Catheter District wasn't such a volatile place, but that's for another time.
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midnightfandoms · 5 months
I really need to get some WoW friends who are into the exact same lore bits as me. I am in love with how many familiar Draenei faces they managed to shove in the Exodar at the the end of the heritage armor quest-line. I need someone else to be like "Yeah, Demolitionist Legoso would say that."
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Draenei warlock is so fucking lore breaking
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airs-headspace · 1 month
Alright messing around with looks for Dante! He would be a hunter regardless of race (in order is human, draenei (they have a VERY COOL GUN RELOAD ANIMATION but honestly leave a lot to be desired ngl)
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Again it seems like Worgen might be my best choice if I was gonna make Dante in game (only human, worgen, and vulpera appear to be able to have heterochromia.... DAMN).
Realistically, lore-wise, I have decided Dante is a Worgen Troll so TECHNICALLY he would be a combination of the troll and the human... IDK THO. I HAVE LIKE 2308408423 HUNTERS HAHAHA
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tharayya · 3 months
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a gnoll, a human and a draenei walk into a bar
my wip WoW ocs hanging out!: roughsnout, a gnoll who's learning common and thinks all races names go by '(Race) (Name)' hugh manning who is a paladin and champion of all humans true and canon lore actually.
and hataar, a draenei who's goal is to convince all draenei to give up on peace and start hating instead so they'll stop being genocided maybe
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patchdotexe · 8 months
i looked up canon worgen lore and used it in writing my character's backstory and i'm being told that my character's backstory has no basis in lore :/ i don't care that much about my character's backstory being 100% canon-compliant but people are being snarky to me about it
man. at that point theyre being dicks for no reason bc you actually did your research and they're still trying to no-sell it. even if you Did get inaccuracies, those can be fun when used to build a character
(besides, one of my main guys is a lightforged pandaren demon hunter that is Technically canon compliant - there's at least one canon pandaren demon hunter iirc and wys's pitch is "they got lightforged when helping t'paartos in the lightforged draenei recruitment quest". you can take building blocks and make a cake out of them if you want.)
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therealdesastrffxiv · 11 months
My Thoughts on 6.5! (Note: Spoilers.)
Hey everyone :)
A little background on me - I'm a new player as of late Shadowbringers from World of Warcraft. I know, I know! A scary WoW player. Rest assured, I'm a roleplayer, and not an elitist. I did like PvE content in WoW, but I prefer story building and roleplay. I'm an author, after all!
Anyhow, with that in mind, I admittedly wasn't a huge fan of 6.5 MSQ. What was intriguing about the 6.x series was how Zero's character was challenging the notion of voidsent being just evil in the MSQ. We've seen instances in side content where this is the case, and in fact emphasized - a lot of All Saint's Wake stuff comes to mind (speaking of which, where's the info on it for this year? I'm dying to know!). However, in this instance, Zero's story in my personal opinion really did not end well at all. It was the typical 'defeat dark with light' and 'cure the void'. We went from a half-voidsent hero with a cool, unique aesthetic to just another paladin. I don't mind stories where a darker character goes lighter... in a vacuum. When it's repeated over and over and never in the reverse, to show the 'dark' stuff can be used for good too, though, it gets SUPER old. Why can't we have a paladin/light user switch to 'dark magic' and be a hero? (I know it happens a lot in side content, but I'd want to see it as a highlight of a story for once.) The "Warrior of Darkness" thing they did in Shadowbringers was super neat! But it was, all in all, in TITLE only, not actual lore. The Warrior of Light/Darkness didn't switch unless it's your OC lore that it happened.
All in all, I was disappointed. Any nuance she had went out the window with that generic, predictable ending, and Golbez's arc was waaaay too rushed to be satisfying at all. One could argue he's the 'good void user' or something, but I honestly don't buy it. Meanwhile, Zero's character design changed greatly too. I rolled my eyes hardcore while her scythe broke. Sigh. Plus, what happened to Zero's camp where she was helping voidsent? Voidsent not (as) aggressive? I wanted to see more of them and help them... with Zero (before she became a paladin). They just... left that there. No closure at all. Ugh. One could say everyone there was killed by Barbariccia but i thought they were all freed once she was slain?
Anyway, I was told 6.5 was a callback to FFIV or something, but I've not played any other games and have no interest in doing so. FFXIV has my interest and the reliance on nostalgia in stories is kinda meh. I dunno. Maybe these portions of the game aren't for me, but it's just... disappointing. It doesn't make it a good story. To me, it just wasn't.
(For WoW fans - the story reminded me of Calia & Lothraxion. Somewhat of the blood elf story as well. I'd say Lightforged Draenei, but they're not the dark to light trope so much as just fanatical light users.)
I liked the Myths of the Realm better, but I've seen the community voicing their distaste for what happened, and while I actually enjoy a huge chunk of it, the ending left me feeling very hollow. I've figured out why that is now, too.
I think one of my 'dislikes' even if I like the overarching story of the Myths of the Realm is that we just met everyone, and they all left. I sort of wish it was more 'hey we need a break, can you help us so we can take it? We want to become normal mortals for a little while and learn more about the world in person'. While remaining the gods and gathering power again so they can help more effectively.
I dunno. That would have been a more satisfying ending for me as opposed to them all essentially dying and leaving us with… no gods. It just feels really sad that after all these near world-ending exterminations, now the gods leave. I understand why - they need a break. But yeah… I kinda wish it was done that way 😭 Because I hate meeting a character, loving that character, seeing personification of very powerful entities… and having to say goodbye right away. It just feels really sad. I guess that's the point, but yeah.
I don't mind they were originally people and morphed by beliefs, but I also wish there were hints that peoples' faith were forming new gods (that again - would retain personalities and humble-ness stuff.)
Because after thinking about it for some time, it just feels kinda sad that they're needed the most now, after the world was nearly exterminated, and now they're saying goodbye :s It feels like now more than ever is the perfect time for them to do what they'd understood they should be doing for the world and helping people.
Alternatively, choosing new gods/passing the baton onto someone to help. Choosing your own fate is great and all, but with many people being faith-based (something I don't see as a bad thing - but I'm polytheistic irl) it would have felt better. I would have really enjoyed this option, it could have started a new era and still upheld the faith of the people of Etheirys. To include the tribal deities as well, as opposed to just strictly putting down peoples' primals.
Anyhow. Endwalker had its ups and downs to me. I don't hate it, it was the first expansion I played through with everyone else, after all. Ultima Thule was interesting, I wish we saw more of it. Hated Garlemald at first, but then the sidequests and RP with my friend really opened my eyes and showed me far more nuance with them in general, which was neat. The ending boss was lackluster, and I thought Zodiark was being built to be a WAY bigger threat than he was.
I know it's trendy to hate on Endwalker, and that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm just sharing my thoughts on why the postpatch story felt really off and disappointing to me. I left WoW Shadowlands because of the horrible, abysmal lore. I really hope FFXIV doesn't take that path, and Dawntrail is treated better.
We're going into it with some rushed, 'tied up loose ends' and a favorite part of the game for me with much intrigue (the void) essentially 'to be fixed fine and dandy' or something. I dunno... it just... meh. It does remind me of my disappointment with Shadowlands, and just how horrible that was fucked up, but not as badly, at least.
FFXIV has the benefit of housing for RP though, and me and my RP partner taking our own paths in the story with super intricate plotlines, so there is that. A lot of the side quest content has been phenomenal even if MSQ has let me down bigtime lately. I still love this game and will be playing it. After all, I need to grind PotD and get my Necromancer title on one of my OCs. That...and grind a bunch of my alts up through EW. I know, I'm a crazy alta-holic.
Oh! I will mention one thing I did like about the postpatch EW story though. The dragon, and Vtra being reunited with his sister. That was pretty neat, I did like that. Super cute, and lovely. Good riddance to Zero who I originally adored and was intrigued by, and who now is just another paladin. Hello to a new dragon friend, I guess.
Edit: Also, I probably am coming across as someone who just 'hates the light'. I don't, and think it can be cool to depict either fire or warmth in the light, and the 'light at the end of the tunnel', but when it's repeated over and over as 'the light will defeat the evil darkness' in common media including beyond FFXIV, it just gets tiresome. Again, I'm coming from WoW, which is another game utterly notorious for doing that. We also see it in D&D. It's a common trope in FFXIV in general and I adore seeing signs that hey, maybe this portion of the story will break it, only to be disappointed.
At least we got to see Sin Eaters as bad in ShB. Hell, I'd even like to see some sin eaters take the lore-route of voidsent - some being good, some being bad. It sucks that there currently isn't any lore for that right now, so in that case, I would like to see some nuance and development there, because it'd be really cool to see variants in that aspect too. Trust me, I wish for the 'I hope the extreme end of this can be good as well' too.
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nelfs · 6 months
like 7 years ago I wrote this whole long post in a response to an ask where someone asked me what real-world cultural group I thought the Draenei were based on. and I did a bunch of research and really put thought into it but then I deleted it almost immediately because this is tumblr and I thought someone would feel offended by it. and i didnt and still do not want to deal with those sorts of things online.
but I kind of wish I hadnt deleted it, because there were a lot of interesting thoughts in there about the religious and ethnic bases that draenei lore calls upon. and even their aesthetics and cuisine seem to suggest a myriad of different influences. to this day i havent seen a more unique fantasy race.. except maybe in Wildstar, which barely lasted, but was chock-full of fresh ideas. i feel like so much fantasy media calls back to the same exact Tolkien-esque tropes and it becomes hard to break out of that. which is why the Draenei are so unique and so much fun.
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ninamiart · 2 years
What would you think a half-Human / half-Draenei would look like? 🤔
Interesting question! Because there’s only half-draenei half-orcs in the game, I’ll use them as a reference. These characters usually have very subtle draenei features. In one old concept art Garona is depicted with small hooves. I think Med’an (although he is not considered canon anymore lol) is the only lore example of a half-human quarter-draenei (and quarter orc) character and he has glowing eyes with some draenei features.
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So, based on the lore depictions and some of my own headcanons, I think half-human half-draenei has similar features minus the orc features, glowing eyes, small hooves, tiny horns or no horns at all, pale or greyish skin color and they are probably taller than average human but smaller than draenei.
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