#drabble friday
elliebyrrdwrites · 2 months
An unrelated Drabble
Forgive me.
Just like snot pressed into the nice clean fabric of a New dress, I don’t belong here. Everyone else is smiling and snarling at one another. But you see, this isn’t what you think. There isn’t something wrong with us, it’s the sky, the air around us.
When the horizon gets all hazy like this, where the ocean disappears into a memory and the air thickens with heat, I know what waits for me. What kind of day I’m doing to have.
It’s days like this that make me remember that I’m just a prisoner. Just like you and him and that one guy from next door who used to peek through the hedges while your wife took a shower. And slowly, we’re being poisoned and forced to shift from bright and happy to dark and angry. Just like the erratic weather of the tropics. We’re subjected to these toxins that force us to feel such extremes because without the fluctuations in emotions, we can’t clash. Without clashing, there’s no conflict. Without conflict, there are no wars. Without wars, there is no death.
There’s death, but not the meaningful kind that illicits more erratic behavior that perpetuates more wars. More fighting.
And so we need the deaths.
Because the death weeds out the unnecessary, the weak, the sacrifices!
And we’re too many.
Too many Prisoners and not enough cells. Overflowing cells with rotten breath and soiled sheets. There’s not enough soap and not enough staff to keep everything clean and free of bacteria.
Bacteria is good, in small amounts but we’re bacteria too and there’s too many of us and we’re spawning at such a rapid rate that the warden considers pouring bleach into the water system.
But I’ve been collecting rain water and I’m only a victim to the haze and not the bowel cleaning water. The other inmates are puking and shitting their guts out. They’re shitting so much, their soul leaves their bodies before their last breath does.
But not me. I’m standing amongst the bodies of the dead and my sentence is almost up. Soon I’ll be out of this hell and into the next. Soon, I’ll be free and part of the other poisoned masses.
Soon I’ll get my revenge.
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rhaenyra-storms · 4 months
for fluffy saturdays: Robb Stark and his wife reader cuddling by the fire, talking about the future
yeaaaah, i'm reviving this blog again after so long and i'm working through some asks! :) enjoy!
content warnings: just fluff, talk of having children together
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Robb and you had been married for a few months now. The war was still raging on, but as long as you two were together, it all seemed a lot easier.
There were a few moments where you could just forget about all the horrible things around you.
Just like now, when you were cuddling by the fire in Riverrun. Robb had now experienced triumphs and defeats in the war against the Lannisters, but none of that mattered in this moment.
You were wearing your nightdress, sitting on some blankets in front of the crackling fireplace. Robb's hand was resting on your thigh, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Sometimes I can't believe you're real," he whispered, a few loose curls hanging into his face. He would shave his growing beard again tomorrow, but there was no need to look strong or perfect in front of you. There was no need to hide anything in the privacy of your room where nothing but your love for each other mattered.
"I guess I am," you answered with a low chuckle, moving closer to your husband and resting your head on his shoulder. Robb's strong arm wrapped around you, his face turning over to face the fire.
Your hand grabbed Robb's free one, intertwining your fingers and resting your connected hands on his thigh. There was a smile on his lips, a calm one.
"Do you think we will have a child soon?" You asked after a while, the thought itself making you smile. It was hard to set a child into this world, but Robb and you had been talking about it for so long and there was nothing better that could happen to you both.
"One day. And when this war is over, we're going to live at Winterfell and I'm going to teach him or her to ride a horse myself," Robb smiled, his arm moving down as his hand rubbed up and down on your back. "Maybe we will even be blessed with more than just one child."
While you couldn't deny that the prospect of having more than one child definitely sounded exhausting, the thought also made you feel warm around your heart. Having a family with Robb, getting to wake up next to your beautiful husband every morning and then seeing your children at the breakfast table... it seemed like a dream. The war had made you quite unsure about your future, but if you had any say in it, you would make sure that Robb would be there in all the different futures that might await you.
"At least the child will have someone to play with then. Maybe we should aim for more than one kid," you smiled, hand squeezing Robb's gently. A low laugh slipped past your husband's lips and his eyes seemed to light up with excitement.
“Whatever the future will bring, I am happy to spend it with you.” His words were gentle and accompanied by a smile, his hand squeezing yours again tightly. You knew that Robb would always be at your side, no matter the circumstances.
The war had left you both unsure about the future, but it felt good to talk about it in the quiet of your shared bedchamber. Where no one could disturb you and you could share even the most naive thoughts with each other.
Maybe it would all be well in the end.
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inkyajax · 27 days
Have you see March's outfit she is soo cute!! Would love to wear something dainty and cute for the ever polite and composed DAN HENG and watch him lose his mind
i have!!!!! and i agree!!! she’s so so so adorable and i absolutely adore the idea of wearing something so cute that just toes the line between innocent and provocative and teasing mr dan heng with it hehe (*ノωノ)
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, reader is a brat and a tease words: 590
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he can’t take his fucking eyes off of you. no matter how hard he tries to keep his stare and attention from straying, it seems his gaze is automatically and uncontrollably drawn to your form. it’s an instinctual reaction, almost—a cliche moth to a bright flame, allured into your heat, enticed by your shimmer, desperate to bathe himself in you.
you have single-handedly and unknowingly corroded his self-discipline, worn it down right to the precious core and consumed the shreds. and the longer you linger, the worse it gets. because the longer you linger, the more he wants you. 
dan heng swears you must be doing it on purpose. there’s no way you’re bending over like that, arching your back into a perfectly smooth curve and causing the hem of your sweet little skirt to ride up just enough to tease the edges of your panties—lace-trimmed silk, blush pink, clinging delicately to the supple flesh of your ass—without consciously meaning to. 
but you are seemingly oblivious, flitting around the express without a single glance or acknowledgement his way. it’s almost as if you don’t care at all—don’t care that you’re torturing him, don’t care that you’ve got his cock embarrassingly yearning against his trousers with such simple motions yielding fleeting glimpses beneath flowing fabric, don’t care that you’ve devoured his concentration, wadded it up between your molars like that sweet pink bubblegum you favour so much and spit it right back out at him, warped and sticky and glazed with your spit. but he knows better, because he knows you.
his patience has been snuffed out to smouldering embers now, but he’s able to keep those last few flares kindling, glowing hot and heavy in the pit of his stomach until he is finally alone with you, secluded in the express’s tiny kitchen, the proximity of your presence a douse of kerosene. 
then that flame is bursting, raging, licking at his ribs and up his throat until it’s scathing his tongue and melting his teeth, spilling past his lips in a snarl. 
a sharp flash of ink and azure, he’s got you trapped between the counter and his body in a mere instant, granite edge digging into the base of your spine. 
the sudden action, full of uncharacteristic violence and vigour, punches a gasp from your throat, gaze gaping with shock as it flies across his contorted face, his features scrunched beneath the weight of his fury. 
“you think i don’t know what you’re doing?” he spits, stare searching your own with fervour, nostrils flaring with heaving breaths. 
the surprise in your eyes dissipates, devoured by the mischief lurking beneath—the mischief he knew was there all along, festering, barely hidden by the guise of ignorance. 
something sinister smears across your face, curling your lips into an arrogant little smirk, your irises gone dark, shaded by thick lashes, glittering with the lure of a challenge. 
“just wanted to see if you’d do anything about it.” 
a growl rumbles in his chest, his ribs rattling against yours, teeth bared like a primal animal. his hips shove forward in accentuation and you can feel his cock, hot and hard and throbbing with desire, complementing the cold tremor threaded throughout his tone. 
oh, he’s about to do something about it, right now. 
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steddieas-shegoes · 10 months
love confessions in line
Another stupid little thing because I’m in the car and bored. It’s not edited or really anything much beyond just putting these boys in love in situations.
Rated t | tags: love confessions, established relationship, robin being so fed up with them
“Why do we have to be here so early? My dinner hasn’t even digested properly yet,” Robin complained.
And, okay. It was cold and there were a lot of people standing in line outside of the only Walmart carrying the very specific guitar amp Eddie wanted. He’d called every Walmart in Indiana. Multiple times.
But he had to go all out for Christmas this year. Eddie had already said he’d gotten Steve something he’ll never outdo, never even believe. Obviously, that meant Steve had to do better than the Metallica hoodie that was stashed in his closet for the last four months.
“It’ll be worth it. There’s hardly anyone in line ahead of us and if we go straight to the electronics in the back—“
“You mean where everyone is going?” Robin interrupted, folding her arms across her chest.
Steve sighed.
“Yeah, well. I’ll run. It’ll be fine. I doubt anyone else here is interested in a guitar amp.”
As if the words ‘guitar amp’ were magic, someone who looked a lot like Eddie walked up to one of the security officers standing by the front doors.
Robin noticed at the same time as him.
“Is that…?”
“It can’t be. He said he was going fishing with Wayne in the morning and didn’t wanna end up stuck in crowds shopping,” Steve said.
But then the man turned back to the line.
“Steve?” Eddie yelled, eyes going wide when he realized Steve and Robin were there.
“I thought you guys were going to Indy for this!” Eddie smiled as he walked up to them. “I don’t think this store will have what you’re lookin’ for.”
Steve panicked. There’s only one thing Eddie could be here for. He could go anywhere else. He could have stayed in Hawkins for that matter.
“Uh. Just wanted a change of scenery.”
Eddie’s brows furrowed as his smile fell slightly.
“O…kay. Well, I’ve got an amp to buy so I guess we’re all in this together now.”
Steve ignored Robin’s snort and mumbling.
Eddie glanced over at her with a questioning face.
“You two are unbelievable. Truly.”
“What? Why?” Eddie asked, genuinely curious.
His finger traced along the back of Steve’s hand subtly, out of sight of the people behind them in line.
“I.” Steve sighed.
Oh well. Maybe he could just try to get concert tickets the next time Ozzy came to Chicago.
“I was gonna get the amp for you for Christmas. I’ve been planning it for weeks,” Steve said, looking down at the ground.
Eddie was surprisingly quiet.
Absolutely no response.
After a full minute, Steve made eye contact with him.
He had tears building in his eyes and Steve felt himself start to tear up, too.
“You were?” Eddie choked out. “But this is-“
“The only place selling it on sale in the state, yeah.”
Robin was grumbling to herself again, but neither of them were paying attention anymore.
“How did you even know?” Eddie asked after a deep, calming breath.
“You mentioned it last month after a gig. Said you needed a new one anyways and this was top of the line or something. That a lot of the bands you like were switching to this kind for studio recording or whatever because of the…crisp? Sound? And then when no one else was selling it at all, I had to call around the Walmarts to see who had it on sale because $300 is a lot of money, Eds, and I wish I could afford that, but I don’t really have that lying around after paying for school and rent so when this place finally said they’d have it for $100, I made Robin promise to come with me since you’d be busy. And I guess you’re not that busy, but. I needed to do my best to get it.”
Eddie’s smile grew the longer Steve rambled. Robin was already walking away, probably back to Steve’s car, halfway through his speech.
“I love you.”
Steve’s jaw dropped in shock.
They’d been saying it in every way except this way for months, nearly a year, really.
It started as Steve taking care of Eddie when everyone else was busy taking care of the Upside Down.
It kept going as Steve was the one listening to Eddie slowly pick the guitar back up, working through the crying about his fingers not working right or his arm getting tired too quickly.
And then five months ago, Steve kissed him.
Took the plunge and kissed him.
They’d done everything together since. They’d become boyfriends. They came out to their group, together, always together.
And now, in a Walmart parking lot during the busiest shopping day of the year, Eddie was telling Steve he loved him.
“Because of the amp?” Steve asked, hesitant.
Eddie knew what he was really asking.
Because I’m buying you something nice?
“No, sweetheart. Because you listen to me. You know what makes me happy. You’re doing something for me that no one else would have even bothered to try to do.” Eddie laughed. “I have never wanted to kiss you as much as I want to right now.”
“Not even that time I wore a crop top and your boxers?”
Eddie groaned. “That was an outlier. You know how that affected me.”
“Oh, I sure do,” Steve smirked. “Too bad we’re in public.”
“The doors open in an hour right?” Eddie asked, checking his watch.
“And then you have to take Robin to her parent’s house?”
“Probably should.”
“And then what?” Eddie asked, already knowing exactly what.
“And then I’ll come to the trailer and I’ll walk right to your room and hopefully-“ Steve cut himself off to whisper the next part. “You’ll be naked.”
Eddie’s brows raised. “You want me naked? What about Wayne being home?”
“Wayne’s been sleeping with ear plugs for months now. Can’t hear a thing,” Steve pats Eddie’s blushing cheek. “Said he didn’t need to hear what his nephew got up to.”
“We really should just move my stuff into your new place,” Eddie suggested for the fifth time in as many days.
Steve wasn’t opposed at all.
In fact, he’d planned on asking him to move in once he got more settled.
“Wayne wanted another Christmas with you at home, baby. He won’t say it, but when I brought up you moving in with me, I thought he was actually gonna cry.”
“Yeah, yeah. With this new amp, he’ll change his mind.”
“What makes you think you get this amp before Christmas?” Steve put his hands on his hips.
“Because now I know you’re getting it!”
“Uh-huh. And it’s getting wrapped with your other gift to be opened on Christmas morning. No early gifts on my watch.”
“Steeeeeeve. Please! I could use it at our show next week!”
Steve shook his head. “Your amp works fine. Christmas is only a month from now.”
“You’re getting revenge on me,” Eddie pouted.
“Revenge for what?” Steve snorted.
“You know what.”
Steve did. He felt his cheeks and neck heat up with a blush.
“Fine. Yes. Maybe it’s a little bit revenge.”
Eddie huffed, but didn’t argue further.
“You know I love you, too, right?” Steve whispered.
And Eddie forgot about everything else except the way Steve was looking at him, like he needed Eddie to understand how much he loved him.
“Yeah, sweetheart. I do.”
Three days later, Steve set the amp up in the second bedroom of his rented house.
When Eddie came over, he pushed him into the room and wrapped his arms around his waist.
“You can play it here, but I’m still wrapping it up for Christmas and you aren’t allowed to bring it to shows until after. Okay?”
Eddie was bouncing on his toes and squeezing Steve’s hands so hard he was losing feeling.
“Okay! Thank you, thank you! I love you! Thank you!”
Eddie smacked a kiss on Steve’s cheek before pulling away and running to the amp.
“You need your guitar, honey,” Steve laughed.
“Right!” Eddie ran from the room to grab his guitar from his van.
Steve shook his head, but couldn’t help his fond smile as the front door banged open.
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luveline · 1 year
extremely random thought for shy friday: r works up the courage and bakes steve some kind of baked good. little do they know it’s with the one ingredient steve absolutely HATES (idk man like grapes or something) and he feels bad so he doesn’t tell them and eats it until dustin or someone walks in and is like 🤨🤨🤨 ur eating that???
thank you for your request! steve x shy!reader
Steve knows that while you may not seem nervous on the surface, you're a shy girl. You're always overthinking things, always watching people out of the corner of your eye so you can respond to their behaviour. You minimise yourself.
It's why he can't tell you he doesn't like raisins. You've made him something, expressed your creativity, your passion, and your feelings (he thinks) through baked goods. Steve's sure your German apple strudel would be delicious if he could stand raisins. He does a great approximation of a smile as he eats one.
"You like it?" you ask hopefully.
"Who doesn't?" he asks, clumsily avoiding the question. "Everybody likes strudel. Thanks, Germany."
Your smile cleaves him open. It's a mixture of incredible sweetness in line with your proferred treats, a hint of bashfulness he adores, and your usual go-to grin. It's familiar and new at once, and Steve wants to take a photo.
"I promised some to your friend," you say, closing the lid of the tuppperware you'd brought with you, "but what he doesn't take you can have. I kind of made them for you, anyways."
Steve melts. He's cool and sophisticated, obviously, but his stomach goes molten at the idea that someone would care about him enough to make him food from scratch without his having to ask, and that someone being you makes it all the more warming. He feels like jelly.
He's slow on the upkeep, and doesn't know who you mean until Dustin and co. are peddling up to the bench you're sitting at full pelt. Steve curses under his breath as they come to a slow, and Dustin's eyes hone in on your box.
"You have the goods?" he asks, like this is some box office drug deal, and not like he's interrupting your almost-date.
You shake your box gently. Lucas and Will share an enthusiastic, "Nice!"
Mike, less prone to distractions that aren't his girlfriend, nods at Steve's hand. He's frowning. "What are you doing?"
Four sets of eyes move between Mike's stare and Steve's hand like spectators at a tennis match. Steve can't tell him to cut it out while you're looking, so he polishes off the apple strudel, feels sick at the wrinkly, gelatinous texture of the raisins as they go down, and glares at the kids full force. "What, you're so greedy you need them all?"
"You don't like raisins," Mike says.
Dustin blinks at him. "You actually ate one of those?" He shifts on his bike, foot on the ground so he doesn't fall. "You said raisins are the evil cousin of a chocolate chip."
Steve doesn't know what's worse, the embarrassment of being caught red-handed or your tiny pout.
"Sorry," he says to you quickly, uncool, so uncool, "I mean. No, I don't like raisins. But they were still good!"
You're expressionless despite his insistence. "It's okay," you say, and there, a twitch to your brow he actually understands for once. You're amused.
You dole sweet treats out to the boys and they bike off calling thank yous and giggling like idiots at the mess they've made, no doubt. You smile down into your almost empty box, one remaining strudel with nowhere to go.
"Steve," you murmur, sounding pleased, "why didn't you say something?"
He hooks his elbow over the back of the bench. "And tell you to your face I don't like what you made for me? I know I fell off the wagon, but I'm not hopeless. You don't do that to girls."
"Well. Next time, you should. Is there anything else you don't, uh, don't like?" Steve can't hide his surprise. You drop your gaze to your lap. "You know, so I can make you something else?"
"You want to?"
You rub your thumb against the opposite index finger. You can't meet his eyes, but Steve knows you're alright.
"Yeah, I'd love to make you something you'll actually enjoy. Was kinda the whole point."
Steve places his hands between yours where they worry in your lap, dipping his head to the side hoping it'll encourage you to look up. You do, and he can practically see the heat emanating from your face, even if there's no evidence of blush.
"Anything you make I'll like."
"So long as it doesn't have raisins," you say.
He squeezes your hand gently. "Exactly. And maybe not too much cinnamon. It makes me think about my great grandma's house. Which wouldn't matter, but she totally died choking on a snickerdoodle."
You laugh, and you clamp your free hand over your mouth.
"That's terrible," you say between your fingers.
He elbows you gently. "You laughed. Makes you the terrible one." He thinks about your offer, and how sweet you are, and how horribly he fucked it up by pretending to like something he didn't. "Thank you. For the thought."
You take your hand from your cheek and place it over his. It's practically aflame it's so hot, and your lips are worse when you dot forward to kiss him. You were likely aiming for his cheek, but he turned a little and it ended up a centimetre from his closed mouth.
You sit back sharply.
"You're welcome," you say, eyes widened.
"Thanks," he says again. He clears his throat.
He pretends not to notice how flustered you are from your almost kiss. Maybe he should poke a little fun at you, call you forward or eager or in a rush, but he doesn't.
He'd be a hypocrite to make fun of you, because Steve's flustered too. Your lips are the sweetest treat you could give.
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azen13 · 3 months
CW: Yandere Themes, Stalking
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Yandere!Alhaitham, who at first is as blissfully unaware of his growing interest in you as you are. After all, it's completely illogical. He barely talks to you, barely even sees you, besides a few random meetings here and there at the House of Daena and on the streets of Sumeru. It's not even your intellect that intrigues him; it's some mysterious force working its way into his entire being, permeating his soul, his heart, his brain, and his body. Alhaitham quickly decides he needs to study whatever this fickle thing is.
Yandere!Alhaitham, who starts with simple things: your favorite color; what you're studying at the Akademiya; where you live; your daily schedule. If he's going to understand what's drawing him to you, he needs to understand you so thoroughly, down to the very atoms that comprise your being. Yandere!Alhaitham, who realizes that he can't conclude, theorize, or even, to his chagrin, guess, as to what it is about you that he finds so attractive based on his observations. He decides more in-depth studies need to be conducted. He sets up an experiment, planning to "bump" into you on your morning commute to work. The conversation is mundane, but it's an opportunity to climb into your mind, and see what makes you tick. The moment he gets home, he records as much as he can remember of the meager conversation in an empty journal. Yandere!Alhaitham, who accumulates page after page of information on you after weeks of these "chance" encounters. They can hardly be called chance anymore, with how you wave at him, so trusting in him. Kaveh tags along with him one day, watching how he interacts with you. Yandere!Alhaitham, who spirals simply from an offhand comment Kaveh makes the instant you are out of earshot. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were in love!" Yandere!Alhaitham, who is drowning in the throes of love and completely unused to these feelings and desires. Yandere!Alhaitham, who decides to be logical about this. He already has all the information he needs. He knows you in such painstaking detail that he could be your perfect partner. He will be your perfect partner.
Yandere!Alhaitham, who invites you for coffee and lunch, discussing your research, your family, your friends, everything and anything. Of course, he already knows much of this, but the more he knows, the better; besides, from the research he's done, active listening is a great way of building trust. Yandere!Alhaitham, who begins to ask you out for similar meetups on a weekly basis, nodding along as you chat about all sorts of things, and offering his opinion only when you ask him for it. Yandere!Alhaitham, who comforts you on one of these brunch dates when you break down. Your request for your thesis proposal—which centered on a topic you had been interested in since childhood—had been rejected. He consoles you to the best of his abilities, ignoring the slight clench of guilt in his heart at knowing that he is the reason for your tears: a few days earlier, he made an offhand comment to your professor, planting the idea that your topic had already been studied too much by others. He reminds himself that he needs a way to infiltrate the most vulnerable parts of your heart. Yandere!Alhaitham, who offers to help you find a new topic. He makes sure to lead you to a topic you might have some knowledge on, but not enough to where you can do it all on your own. If you're going to be Alhaitham's, then he needs to introduce the idea of being dependent on him to you slowly. Yandere!Alhaitham, who is careful to manage the balance between weaponizing your insecurities and vulnerabilities, and giving you comfort and compliments at key points. You're plenty capable, but so is Alhaitham. He can help you. He wants to help you. He needs to help you. Needs you to be utterly and completely his. Yandere!Alhaitham, who slowly draws his grasp tighter and tighter around your life, his influence leaking into every facet of it, every relationship, everything. He knows he's crazy, but so are you now. It's the way you look at him with such complete trust, your hand in his as you walk around the streets of Sumeru City, blissfully unaware of how the man next to you is dangerously and crazily in love. Yandere!Alhaitham, who appears completely normal and stoic on the surface, but beneath it all, is completely dead-set on his goal to have you in his control. Don't try to fight it. After all, he knows everything about you. He'll do enough research on how to be a great lover that you won't ever want to leave his crushing embrace.
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epiclamer · 5 months
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“I wish we could start over.” Civilian mumbled through tears, trying to earn themselves one more look from their hero ex-lover, but Villain saw right through them.
Protectively, they wrapped an arm around the crime-stopper’s deflated shoulders, before they retorted.
“You don’t deserve a second chance.”
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slasherstories123 · 6 months
Can we have where a female S/O with a fear of bees, when ever a bee flew close, Jason comforts her and keep her safe, then comes a time where she paused as she was under a wasp nest without realizing it, so Jason helps her back away/move forward. I have a fear of bees, and sometimes the people I know get annoyed, but I know Jason would be understanding, since I didn't have a problem with him being afraid of water.
Word count:604
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @the-anxious-youth @mrs-heelshire @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @emychan @charliedawn @sleepypersonblog @slasherscrybaby @kawaistrawberry21 @nobody-and-i285
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You were terrified of bees.
It was obvious especially when you would cower away at the sound of any buzzing that flew past your head, hiding behind Jason who would only look down at you in curiosity. When you finally told him about your childish fear, he accepted it. Well he did was give you a hug to let you know that he understood.
Everyone has their own fears, even he does too. And you accepted his fears without laughing or judging him. Anytime a bee came near you he’d let you hide behind him or would swat it away, if he got stung he wouldn’t feel it but would be confused if you began to freak out over the bee sting on his arm or hand. He secretly liked it when you came to him for protection even if it was the smallest things like a bee.
On a particular day you wanted to go walking. He followed since he could never say no to you. Especially when you beg to at least walk around the forest. It eases his mind, but he’ll never admit it. Walking hand in hand while pointing out the small critters that crawled through the trees and even ran away from them out of instinct. After a while of walking something caught your eye, a single flower. You didn’t see much flowers or even a dandelion, so it made you smile at the large daisy by the tree.
You let go of your giant boyfriend’s hand to get the flower, gently picking it out of the grass to show your boyfriend proudly. “Jace look!” You exclaimed. “I found a flower!”
Jason gave you a thumbs up while you scanned the grass for more flowed to pick. What you didn’t realize was that you’re standing right above a bee hive. The rapid buzzing filled Jason’s ears and he looked around before tilting his head up to see the large bee hive right above your head, no bees were flying around it thankfully.
He moved his hands around frantically to get your attention. You looked up at him after finding three more flowers from the ground.
“Something wrong Jace?” You asked with a slight worried tone in your voice.
His blue eyes widened through the hockey mask, he knew that if he pointed towards the hive you’d freak out. Shaking his head no while motioning for you to walk to him. You scanned his face to find some sort of emotion, but you didn’t find anything, you couldn’t tell if he was freaking out or was scared of something else. You walked closer to him and grabbed his arm to support him, instead of letting you hold him he picked you up instead.
It made you yelp in surprise, gently putting his chin in your head as his own way of protecting you in his arm. Turning his body so you could see the bee hive that you were standing under. You froze, eyes flickering from the bee hive to Jason. “I..was under that?”
He nodded.
You didn’t know whether to be scared or relieved. By the way Jason was holding onto you he wanted you to remain calm since you weren’t under it anymore. Smiling to yourself and reached up to place a kiss to his mask cheek as your way of saying thank you. “Thank you Jace.” He turned around to continue the walk with you in his arms.
He refused to put you down, even when you nearly whined to be put down, he put you down when you both went back to your shared cabin.
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twinkinspector · 2 years
just watched a clip of bolin lavabending and uh yeah I'm doing just fine this morning
i’m about to get VERY high and watch legend of korra actually so i FEEL YOU
i’m thinking ab how bolin usually fucks tonight
i’m thinking about how he’s got that smile on his face the whole time. he loves when he can put your legs over his big broad shoulders and just pound into you as deep as possible
and he’s looking at you like you’re divine, like you’re an angel — his angel. and he’s thinking about how he’s so lucky to have you and how you’re gonna get everything he has, every last inch
all you can hear is skin slapping, feeling his heavy balls tap you as he pushes himself in all the way every single time
he’s grunting and telling you what a good girl you are, how good you look, how amazing your pussy feels, how he’s gonna make you cum on his big fat cock
the little strand of hair that usually falls on his forehead is stuck down with sweat bc you’ve been going at it for like an hour, his thrusts deep and intentional, not slow but not fast
he’s firmly rubbing circles on your clit, watching your face closely to gauge his pace, trying to make you feel as good as he possibly can
until you cum on his length, pussy gripping him on each thrust like it doesn’t want him to ever pull back out, fucking you all the way through your release as he tells you how beautiful you are when you cum and how your pussy was made just for him
and when he’s sure you’ve come down from your high, his pace speeds up a little, you feel his tempo increase a little as you feel your walls massaging him in all the right ways
his cock pulses inside you as his hips start to stutter and you hear him pant, “want me to cum in this pussy? make it mine?” his voice getting a little higher and breathier as he chases his release
“want me to fill you up? i’ll give it to you,” as his hips really stutter and he buries himself all the way in your core, pumping you full of his warm cum
and he collapses on top of you, nuzzling into your neck as he keeps you full of his cock and his seed until he gradually gets softer
kaociejwkodkfnfne yeah i’m in a good place rn
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 3 months
Pheromone Friday
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Quick summary: Pheromone Friday is the day where my ask box is open to specific requests that are omegaverse related. (anything is accepted in my ask box on Fridays, if you don't have an omegaverse idea but have a stranger things themed request than ill still accept but it will be done after the omegaverse requests :)
Rules: Be respectful, and don't submit anything that is incest, pedophilic, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, etc. (basically don't be a bigot)
Smut Related: I'm open to writing pretty much anything, but if I discover something that I feel uncomfortable with i have the right to decline. I personally will say no to watersports and nonconseual sex.
Pairings: Romantic wise I'm only willing to do Steddie at the moment, platonic wise ill do any platonic relationship.
Last but not least: clarify if the ship will be Alpha/Alpha, Alpha/Omega or Omega/Omega. (I’m willing to do all of them.)
Anyone can participate! Or adapt this for their own use. I don't have a tag list of people who I would think would be interested yet but yeah :)
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Example of my omegaverse drabbles:
Alpha Eddie who sells voice clips (no video, no photos) of his moans, soft wines, shaky breaths and whimpers somewhere online for omegas. Somehow Alpha Steve accidentally comes across it and knots his toy before he even hits the five minute mark.
Because of how Eddie sounds, Steve thinks Eddie might be the submissive one when something something happens and they meet for the first time. That was his first and last mistake, and now he’s (consensually) being recorded as Eddie takes him from behind.
Now Eddies made good money, but not nearly as much as Steve brings in. the sound clip of Steve crying out when Eddie’s knot catches for the first time has already made 30k
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maeby-cursed · 11 months
toji fushiguro who says he doesn't care, but still shows up in your faculty parking lot, cup of hot chocolate in hand.
october is getting colder and rainier, and your normal commute home is a pain – he knows.
but he doesn’t care.
toji fushiguro who says he doesn’t care but still shows up to each and every one of megumi’s baseball games — even when his son refuses to let him know when they are — and invites you along to cheer him on.
toji fushiguro who buys shiu’s brand of cigarettes correctly every time and who asks for an old fashioned along with his beer whenever they go out for drinks.
toji fushiguro who nonchalantly leaves a cup of coffee on nanami’s desk at work every morning, who knows when to keep quiet because he can sense his coworker’s tiredness with a simple glance.
toji fushiguro who brings you an extra jacket, who leaves leftovers for his son, who hangs out a little longer with shiu after a job, who works nanami’s overtime shifts most nights.
toji fushiguro who says he doesn’t care. he doesn’t. not even when you smile and whisper that he does. not even when he smiles back.
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Despite the late hour, Miss Retro's teems with life. The jukebox blasts 80's rock as Miss Holloway hums along and sweeps. Every now and then, she glances towards the door in search of dark curls and a warm smile.
On the counter sits a steaming cup of coffee and a piping hot slice of cherry pie.
As customers begin to trickle out, her eyes dart to the door more frequently.
When she finally brings herself to flip the open sign to closed, the jukebox cuts off, plunging the diner into silence.
On the counter, the coffee and pie go cold.
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inkyajax · 1 month
good meowning everyone (ᴗ˳ᴗ) ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 it thunderstormed all night last night—thick, roiling growls of thunder and bright silver strobes of lighting that would turn the whole sky purplish—and i felt sooo cozy under my fluffy blanket with wesley curled up on my legs!!
but all i could think about was cuddling with sunday during a vicious thunderstorm (/ω\) i just feel like he would be so comforting n warm; being wrapped up in his arms & tangled up in his body would feel so homey and safe—lips gliding along your head as he murmurs out the sweetest nothings, sentiments hot and breathy and silky smooth with love as they seep into your scalp, each and every one punctuated with a firm kiss; the muscles in his arms flexing in a way that’s almost gentle, dainty, as he tugs you even closer to him with every rumble or thunder or flare of lightning; the vibrations of his chuckles as you press responding kisses to his chest—over his heart, against his sternum, strung in a sweet garland across his collarbone—soaking into your mouth and cheek in pleasant lil tingles (ㅅ´ ˘ `) aaaaaaah so dreamy!!
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Fuck it Friday
Tagged by @rainbow-nerdss - thx, honey ❤️
This is for the @steddieholidaydrabbles - I actually wanted to keep them under wraps until December, but fuck it, I guess! 😅
Eddie is in danger. 
Mortal peril, in fact. The cold-sweat-beading-on-skin, heart-in-your-throat, limbs-heavy-with-dread kind of danger. He's minutes away from sneaking to the bathroom and calling Gareth, ask him to bail him out under some pretense. 
Only he'd probably laugh at him, the fucker. 
Because, granted, being trapped in your hot neighbor's fancy kitchen with a glass of wine beside you and candles burning on the windowsill does not sound like a dangerous situation. 
But it is.
Oh God, it so is.
Eddie's an idiot. 
Should've known this was a Bad Idea (capital letters, TM) the second Steve said he wanted to invite him to dinner. 
"Sure," Eddie had stammered. (No, answered. He's a grown-ass adult with his own record store, he does not stammer over the sexy restaurant owner from across the street suggesting dinner.) "I'll swing by the restaurant tomorrow, or-" 
"Not at the restaurant," Steve's eyes had lit up with that fond glint, voice dropping into a low timbre. "My place. I wanna take my time with you." 
The alarm signs were all there. Wailing sirens, big fat neon letters spelling DANGER and ABORT and STOP. 
But Eddie's sense of self-preservation has always been a bit skewed.
So here they are.
Tagging @sourw0lfs @wynnyfryd @cranberrymoons - no pressure, only kisses 😘
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luveline · 1 year
eddie idea for shy friday! reader who is into the same music as eddie & has a similar aesthetic but not the confidence that is associated with it, and maybe eddie takes the initiative to interact with her because she’s nervous to do so? :)
thank you for your request! eddie x shy!fem!reader ♡
Some metalheads are super loud and some aren't. Eddie knows guys who've been in the scene longer than he's been alive who barely talk about it. He doesn't really need you to be loud about what you love to get the message. 
For starters, you look fucking sick. Your hair, the makeup, toned down but undeniably influenced by all the greats, Joan and Chrissie and Kim Gordon. You dress in simple stuff like he does, though you usually swap dark jeans for skirts with pretty, shiny studs and tights with ladders climbing your thighs. He's been meaning to try his luck with you for ages, but he hadn't wanted to do it while you were working —he has a funny feeling that behind the bar is the last place you want to be asked out. 
It's his good fortune that he finds you in a record store in Indianapolis. He does a double take, thinking he's seeing some other pretty girl in black. It wouldn't be uncommon here. 
But there you are, sorting through classic rock records with a darling mildness about you. Unhurried, always so quiet. He kind of really loves that about you, the delicate way you move and the unassuming curve of your lips. 
He decides to just go for it. In and out. 
"Hey," he says, trying to be a normal guy. It comes out a teeny tiny bit too loud. "Fancy seeing you here. Are you looking for something?" 
Eddie's no master in girls but he understands body language pretty well, and feels guilty at the shift of your legs, one thigh pressed to another as you lean back. 
"Hey," you say, "um, no, I'm just looking around." 
"That's a good one," he says, nodding at the vinyl between your fingers, Sad Wings of Destiny. "I love Judas Priest." 
You put the record down, and he worries for a split second that you're gonna bolt out the door, and he's acting like a creep, but you grab the zip on your jacket and pull it down to your navel. 
You're wearing a Judas Priest t-shirt with a rip just under the soft valley of your chest. "Me too… You're Eddie." 
"I am," he says, a little surprised that you know him, but trying to be suave. "I guess I'm at The Hideout too much if you know me before I've introduced myself." 
"I–" You clasp your hands together against your stomach. "I've wanted to talk to you, tell you that I like the band… you remind me of Judas Priest, actually. You know, 'cause you and your second guitarist, you're a twin assault." 
His jaw drops dramatically. "Are you flirting with me?" 
It's the worst thing he could've said. You swallow, and he's about to take it back, make a joke about his huge mouth, but you smile gently. 
"Maybe," you say. "Is that… okay?" 
"Girl like you?" Eddie gives you his smoothest smile, his eyes half-lidded as he looks down at you. "Beautiful, it's more than okay."
You bite your lip, turning your smile back to the bin of vinyls.
"Are you busy? Maybe you could help me find something specific?" he furthers. 
You don't look at him, but you nod. It's a great start. 
Eddie doesn't have a record in mind, so he names the most obscure one he can think of and feels it like a punch when your eyes light up in recognition. You find it quicker than he thinks you will, you know exactly where it'll be, and he scrambles to drag it out. He hasn't even started on what he wants to ask you, what you like doing outside of work, if you did your hair yourself, if you're free Friday night. 
"Uh," he says eloquently, "are you busy? You're a mastermind, and there's a couple of other LPs I wanna check out that I'm too dumb to find myself." 
And that's how Eddie spends 137 dollars in forty-five minutes. He learns your details through stacks and shelves, revelling in your shy answers, and how hard you laugh at his cheesy jokes. 
You wince as they ring him up in sympathy. He starts to regret his decisions, but you slow in front of the door and look at him through your lashes. 
"Did you wanna get coffee?" you ask. 
"Yes," he says immediately, his jaw aching in the effort it takes not to grin like a fool, until he remembers himself. "Or, I would. I don't think I can afford it." 
You smile gently. "My treat." 
He's so entranced, he forgets he's broke. 
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mostmagical · 6 months
Writing prompt: magical
@blur0se and I were talking about ladynoir having takeout dates last night and whoops my hand slipped
Prompt: magical
Her throat grew tight as she realized where they were standing.
Their rooftop.
It was shielded well from the street, providing asylum, but it drained poorly due to the raised gutters. Chat Noir was always apologizing, always covering it with torn blankets and tarps.
She never cared, of course. He was there, and they were together, and they were safe.
Plastic cutlery, flimsy cardboard takeout, the cold concrete.
Warm smiles, sunny jokes, pleasant company.
Magical. Safe haven.
But that was for Ladybug and her Chaton.
For now, Loveybug squared her shoulders, and drew closer to Catwalker’s side.
She missed him.
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