#doppio does not deserve to become his friend
davyjoneslockr · 2 years
whats your opinion on the pink haired characters in jojo?
Okay so. I haven't watched the new batch of Stone Ocean yet (waiting for a friend to catch up and then we're going to watch them weekly to replicate JoJo Fridays :]) and I'm an anime-only, but just based off my impressions, Hot Pants and Yasuho are lovely and deserve the world, and Anasui is terrible but also pathetic and honestly? I kind of love that
Anyhow. For the ones I do know.
Reimi is a sweetheart and she deserved more screentime. That moment at the end of DIU where she basically sends Kira to Hand Hell? Excellent. Immaculate. I also really wish they would've explored her relationship with Rohan more, especially since she knew him as a kid (and seemingly before he became Like That). I've seen people toss around some headcanons about her being friends with Tomoko/Aya/Shinobu before her death. Idk she had a lot of missed potential (like most JoJo women :/), but I do like her a lot!!
Trish <333 Best girl pre-SO. Pinkest girl ever. The only woman in Italy. Again, I wish she had more development in the series proper, and I don't like that she's pretty much a Macguffin for half of VA, but I love that she eventually becomes an active player and serves as a sort of contrast against the rest of the Fucked Up main cast. At the end of the day, she's not like the rest of them - she's a normal girl that's been thrust into this situation - but the fact that she hasn't been hardened and disillusioned through years of violence is a strength, and that's sick as hell. I think she's an interesting parallel to Giorno, in that he actively shuts out "soft" things (ie emotions and feelings) with this stoic, somewhat distant demeanor - and so does Trish, at first. And while Giorno doesn't really grow much as a character in VA (which is. a topic for another day), Trish does; it's once she puts away the aloof primadonna façade and embraces the things that make her her that she truly becomes strong. Anyhow I think that's neat.
Doppio is. Fine. I guess. Idk I don't think about him much, he's funny and fucked up and the fight with him and Risotto was sick. The fandom does him really dirty. I just. Uh. Have no deep thoughts about him. Shrugs.
Diavolo I do have some thoughts on. People have written thought-provoking essays about morality in VA that convey my thoughts better than I could, but to me, unlike other JoJo villain fates, nothing about his felt cathartic? And that's because imo, he's not a very well-developed or good villain. Obviously some of this just comes by virtue of him not existing on screen until the final act (and then spending most of that as a spirit in other people's bodies), but like. he never feels truly threatening, because all his Evil Acts are pretty much off-screen, or committed while he's nothing more than a shrouded, vague concept. Like, we're told he sells drugs, and That's The Worst Thing Ever because Giorno and Bucciarati think it is. He tortures and kills Sorbet and Gelato, but... the main cast does the same thing. Constantly. Like, I'm pretty sure I saw somewhere that Giorno and Narancia have some of the highest kill counts in the series (for protagonists at least), Mista is seemingly well-practiced in some fucked up torture methods, and. I mean. Look at what Giorno does to Diavolo at the end of the part. Diavolo tries to kill Trish, donuts Bucciarati, and kills Abbacchio while he's not even visible and we don't have any tangible character to tie the concept of the Boss to, and Narancia's death happens completely off-screen, making him feel less involved with these events, I guess - especially compared to, say, Dio making Jonathan's life hell and personally gutting Kakyoin, Kira carrying around the evidence of his murders and killing Shigechi/nearly killing Okuyasu on-screen, etc. Resisting my urge to rant about Giorno again, but I think part of it has to do with the fact that the protagonist he's up against has had very little struggle against any opponent, and the suspension of disbelief isn't enough for me to think that, hm, maybe Giorno won't kick his ass immediately (which. he does.) It just makes his fate feel disproportionate and his role as a villain kinda ineffective. Idk. That probably makes no sense but I have a lot of. Thoughts. About VA's writing. And Diavolo is a major part of it.
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*hugs* Hello Hello~! Buongiorno~! It makes me so happy to finally see you again! I hope you're doing good. If it's VA characters requests you want, then may I ask for some Doppio relationship hcs?
Buonasera! Your words made me really happy <3 you told me I could turn this into a scenario, so I described what some of the moments you spend with Doppio would be like; I hope that’s ok! I also had a lot of fun writing this, so enjoy <3
Slice of Life (Doppio x Reader)
You and Doppio share an apartment in Sicily, a beautiful Italian island surrounded by crystal clear water.
When you met each other one day, during a relaxing morning stroll on the seafront, you never would’ve imagined that the man who stopped you from stepping on a grasshopper was destined to become your best friend, boyfriend and then fiancé.
And yet here you are, with your favourite apron on and your hair tied back, trying to bake a cake with the help of your soon-to-be husband, Doppio Vinegar, who is an absolute mess in the kitchen:
“Okay, do we have the four eggs we need?” you ask.
“Yes!” he points at the eggs on the counter.
“And what about the vegetable oil?”
“Um...” he looks through all the ingredients and lifts up a bottle filled with yellow liquid: “It’s here!”
“That looks terrible...” you can’t help but comment, examining it from up close.
“It kind of looks like someone peed in it.” Doppio adds, shaking the bottle.
“That’s gross, I was hoping you wouldn’t say that!”
You both share a laugh and then go back to going through the ingredients, just to make sure that you have everything in advance. You wouldn’t want to have to take a trip to the grocery store in the middle of your little baking session.
Once you can confirm that you have everything you need, you finally start with taking out all the pots and pans from the oven to heat it, since it shouldn’t take long to prepare the rest. While you’re dealing with that you address Doppio;
“Can you spray the butter in the pan?” you ask him handing it to him.
He takes it and looks for the butter sprayer:
“Sure! I can handle it.”
“I would hope so.” You say with a grin. His freckled cheeks tint a pretty pink and he stutters.
“Hey! Speak for yourself. I managed to live on my own for years, I’m not that bad at this.”
Once you’re both done with your tasks you stand next to him at the counter and place a large bowl in front of you. This is the part your fiancé always messes up when he tries to bake on his own: he puts too much sugar or water in the mixture, doesn’t whisk enough, reads the recipe wrong and throws in less or more eggs than needed, but this time you’re going to make a tasty cake no matter what.
“Okay Doppio, are you ready?”
“I am; are you though?”
He returns the question. You know the reason behind that mischievous grin; when you bake he can’t help but start at least one food war.
“...I may be. But! Pass me the cake mix.”
He does as you say without question; he then goes on to hand you the eggs, the fudge brownie mix, a cup of measured water and one of vegetable oil.
You throw everything in the bowl –you break two eggs each and he needs help with it or else he’ll make a mess- and it’s your turn to hand him something: a whisk.
“You know what you have to do, don’t you?”
“Whisk for a couple of minutes until all the lumps are gone?”
“Yes! And don’t mess it up, Tiziano and Squalo are coming over tonight and I don’t want them to feel sick from eating this cake.” You warn him. He raises and eyebrow;
“Can they feel sick because of a few lumps though?”
You wave him off and turn around to start preparing the whipping cream for later.
“No, but let me be a bit dramatic!”
Once the batter has been deposited in the pan and put in the oven and the whipped cream is ready to be poured on the brownie cake, you can finally rest until it’s time to let everything cool down until the evening comes.
You start cleaning the kitchen up but you notice with the corner of your eye that Doppio is rummaging through the cupboards. You’re about to ask him what in the world he’s doing when he sticks his hand in a sack and throws whatever is in it in your direction.
It takes you a second to realize that the thing he just attacked you with is flour, and when you do you’re fuming.
“What the-! Was it necessary?!” you try to get it off of your hair as he covers his mouth to stifle his laughter.
“Sorry! We didn’t use it, so it felt wrong.”
“It felt wrong to not make a mess?”
He looks at your expression and immediately starts feeling a bit guilty, so he steps towards you to help you clean up, but you quickly grab the flour sack and pour all of it on the top of his head, making him cough like crazy.
“Whyyy?! I didn’t pour this much on you!” he whines, but you don’t listen to him and rub his cheeks to spread it even better on his whole face.
“Well, you started it so you deserve it!”
“Okay, okay, that’s fair! Now get off of me!”
You both laugh and you let go of him, taking a few step back to admire your masterpiece: his hair is all over the place and all white, just like his face. Some flour got on his clothes as well, luckily you’re both wearing comfy things that you were planning change out of later.
“Now I have to take a shower before they get here!” he complains, pouting like a child.
“Ew, are you telling me you wouldn’t have taken one if it wasn’t for the flour?” you mock him and he throws some of the flour that got caught in his hair at you, making you giggle and try to run away from him.
“That’s not what I meant!”
 During these two years of living with Doppio, you’ve learned that yes, he may be clumsy and messy and a little bit too clingy sometimes, but surprisingly enough he can also be a real gentleman when he wants to.
It’s yet another day and even if the weather forecast said it was going to be sunny, it’s already pouring before you can even step inside of your apartment building. Walking home from work wasn’t the best idea after all...
Luckily you always keep a small umbrella in your bag, so you open it and quicken your pace to get home as soon as possible. All you want right now is to take a relaxing bath and then have dinner on the couch, possibly while catching up on that TV series everyone recommended to you.
You’re so lost in your thoughts that the loud ringing of your phone startles you; you pick it up immediately when you realize it’s Doppio calling you.
“Doppio? Why are you calling me? I’m almost home-“
“Where are you?”
“...In front of the convenience store we always go to, why?”
“Wait for me there, I’m already driving so I’m coming to pick you up!”
You slightly frown at his words:
“You’re on the phone while you’re driving and it’s raining? Doppio what the-!!“
He closes the call with a small ‘love you’ before you can even finish. You’re a bit annoyed at your fiancé because he’s always so careless no matter what, some may even say he’s stupid, but you can’t deny you appreciate the effort, so you sit under the roof outside of the store and wait for him.
He arrives not even five minutes later, and gets as close as possible to where you’re sitting so you don’t have to risk getting wet while trying to reach the car.
“Did you seriously call me while you were driving?” you ask him fastening your seatbelt, one eyebrow raised in disapproval. He lets out a nervous chuckle.
“You see... I decided to come pick you up, but I realized I had no idea where you were when I was already driving.”
“That’s not an excuse, you could’ve parked somewhere! You’re such an idiot sometimes...”
“Would I still be an idiot if I ordered some food and prepared a bath for you at home?”
You immediately stop complaining and stare at him in disbelief instead: he did all of that for you? And without even knowing you had a stressful day at work... he just wanted to treat you well. You do your best to avoid making him go off-road as you grab his face to kiss him all over his cheek.
As soon as you get home you happily find out that the water in the bathtub is still warm, so the first thing you do is taking a relaxing bath –Doppio even placed some scented candles here and there to make the atmosphere nicer-.
Meanwhile your fiancé prepares everything for your TV series marathon: he gathers all the blankets he can find, places the takeout food on the coffee table in front of the couch, turns on Netflix and makes sure all the blinds and windows are closed, so you don’t have to get up and deal with that if the weather gets worse.
You get out of the bathroom fully dressed in your comfiest pyjama, and smile when you notice he changed into his too: apparently he took a shower before your shift ended and he came to pick you up.
He’s sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. His hair is down and slightly messy.
“Yes, amore?”
“Sorry for calling you an idiot earlier, you’re the best person on this planet.”
You sit beside him and grab your own blanket and a slice of pizza; as a response he leans over to kiss your forehead, making your cheeks tint pink.
He grabs the remote and selects the TV series you were planning to watch but, as soon as the opening starts playing, he gets up with a start, making you jump as well.
“Wait!! I forgot to go to the bathroom before starting. Wouldn’t want to pause an episode because of that!”
  Diavolo is Doppio’s boss and one of his dearest friends; or is he one of his relatives? You’re not that sure, the last time he brought that up was years ago and it was when you weren’t listening, so you didn’t understand, but you were too awkward to ask him to say it again at the time, so you continue living in ignorance to this day when it comes to that.
But what matters is that he often asks you how you even managed to get engaged with that scatterbrained man. You’d never tell him this, but you are sure why he never managed to even get a girlfriend- at least Doppio is a bit romantic!
“What’s with that face?” Diavolo asks you, tapping his manicured fingers on the surface of the small table you’re sitting at. You’re in a gelateria at the moment, waiting for your “waiter” to bring you your ice creams.
“It’s just! You ask that all the time! And I always tell you that I just do. You should try living with him for a day or two to understand.”
“And be his boyfriend as well I assume.”
“Yeah, that too. I guess he kind of just...”
The deep conversation between you and the well dressed man is interrupted by a loud scream that makes everyone’s heads turn towards the cash register.
There he stands, your “waiter” and soon-to-be husband, with his face all red because he probably didn’t mean to catch that much attention. But he still stares at you from across the room:
“(Y/N)...! Which flavours did you want again?!”
You’re embarrassed to say the least, and yet you can’t help but smile. You answer him before turning your head towards Diavolo again.
“...he kind of just makes every day of my life more exciting.”
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