#dont reblog if u aren't a poc
chainsawl · 1 month
White usamericans will see a trend made by people of color for people of color and go "is it for me🥺👉👈?". White usamericans will look at a trend made by people of color for people of color so that they can finally share their cultures and traditions without being mocked or pushed aside like happens very incredibly often, and then get mad they can't participate. White people will get mad at people of color for having cultures they cant intervene with and still act like that's not the textbook definition of colonialism. White people will ignore people of color when they call them out on their racism and then act like they are the victim of the story and have nothing to learn.
What happened to "you are not inmune to propaganda"? Do you guys think you are inmune to being racist because you reblogged a post saying you support blm once? Do you think that you are "too woke" to ever possibly have a racist thougth? By the way, this is not about h/atsune mik/u. This is not about fandom drama. This is me being genuinly concerned at the amount of people (whom i thought were safe and usually have opinions i agree with!!!!!) i see who keep acting like their white roots is something to be proud about, and actively choose to speak over the voices of poc. Are you guys aware of the inmense privilege you have avobe other people. Do you guys ever stop to think about what you are doing or did the american school system not teach you about that either.
Im not done, so sit rigth here. What fucks me up more than anything about all this is how most of the white mikus i've seen have been from usamericans. You know, the people that make all the movies and series. The people who are represented in every popular piece of media to ever exist. While i have never seen a character that shares my nationality on T.V, you guys have the luxury of having all those shows/movies be centred around your country and your people. Aren't you ever satisfied? Haven't you gotten enough? Don't you think it migth be time to let people from any other country in the world have the spotligth for at least one minute? (Canadians, you still count on this, just to a lesser extent)
Just. ????. Why. Why won't you let us have anything. Its okay, you dont need to participate in everything you see, you are allowed to just watch sometimes. No one is forcing you to draw or say any of those things. You have free will, and i'd be grateful if only you used it to actually prove how true of an "anti-racist" you are, since you talk about it so much. You know, instead of acting like being anti-racist is a statement rather than an action.
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nibeul · 3 years
I know I bully white gingers but poc w red hair/brown hair w red undertones >>>>>
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dreamertrilogys · 4 years
raz (whorevitz) made a callout post about you, what did you say about tswift?
bc its rly long + bc of the tws (antisemitism, racism) i’m putting it under a cut
okay so background knowledge: @/whorevitz sent me an ask here (the post mentioned can be found here). a friend of mine (gonna refer to them as z) saw the ask and the responses whorevitz left on it and dmed me on discord asking what it was abt. i told them tswift and z said that theyre there for me to talk if i want, esp since z is jewish themself. i took them up on their offer and asked them what their opinion on the whole shld u or shld u not listen to ts argument is
whorevitz then sent me an ask that said “you say you don't support her or promote her on social media then you reblog cute videos of her!!!! you don't care!!!!!! you can't just get rid of her. there's no way you haven't seen my post and it's kinda iffy you chose to ignore mine specifically as it focuses on her antisemitism... you. cannot listen to her music without supporting her at this point. she's a literal nazi sympathizer. it doesn't matter how much you reblog posts abt her bc you still post abt her and listen to her.”
i replied to the ask privately but iirc i said “okay look i talked to a jewish friend and this is what they said:” (everything after this is what z said to me verbatim)
“well it's like, complicated, you know? i think there's a big push to not listen/"support" anyone who's ever done anything problematic or this "if you do, consume critically!" as if that's not, like, the base for how to engage with everything & the thing is i think when we start nitpicking activism as a thing of "i don't stream taylor swift on spotify and this makes me a good person" we forget that that's actually very performative at its core i dont actually really care if you listen to taylor swift bc if we cut out all media and content that's been antisemitic etc we'd be left with nothing & that's arguably an issue as well but we aren't going to fix it boiling it all down to something so easy to digest as "just don't listen to this music and you're fine" yk? at the end of the day i literally don't care as long as you're aware of what the problems are with these things, and honestly? not listening to White Woman Singer #37374 isn't the progressive activism you think it is i'd much rather that you share the things that uplift and support the people who are affected than that you pat yourself on the back because you didn't listen to folklore when it came out and think that gives you a moral highground & of course nobody speaks for everybody. and it's more important that we acknowledge and respect differences rather than denounce and punish anyone who does not conform without question to our personal ideals because it's, like, there's a vast sea of difference between being a nazi and thinking Love Story is a good song with a shitty artist behind it and this nitpicking doesn't actually do anything for anyone. it's actually very self centered imo to expect people to uphold your personal performative standards so there's nuance here, and that nuance is rarely examined because there's just this expectation that conversations should never be difficult or multi-faceted that like...if someone says this thing is bad it should be outcast completely without question, and then anyone who does question it is suddenly on par with the bad things that made the bad thing bad and that's a horrible way to encourage growth or critical thinking, in fact, it actively discourages anyone from questioning reactionary material and becoming better, more insightful people idk if any of that makes sense[3:46 PM]but tldr: it doesn't actually matter very much if you listen to taylor swift or "platform" her. it DOES matter if you support and uplift jewish ppl/poc and ALSO im ngl you're like 15/16 iirc and so a lot of activism stuff like "support poc/jewish people materially" doesn't even apply to you because you're a minor who can't and absolutely should not be expected to open your wallet to adults, no matter the issues they are facing and it's this thing of i'm not going to speak down to you or coddle you or insult your intelligence or personhood by saying you aren't responsible for Anything At All on the basis of being a minor but at the same time, holding you to activist standards of an adult (like going to protests, for example) is dangerous and wrong activism like this is definitely not one size fits all and it's so important to keep that in mind so that you don't encourage any mindset of making kids (kids!!) have to be more mature than they are able to be at their age it just feels maybe a little silly to shame a minor for listening to taylor swift like.........can we talk about real problems? please?”
anyways thats basically it feel free to unf if u dont agree with me but thanks for taking the time to ask me 
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