cherubsoda ยท 5 years
4,6, and 10 for the otp questions!
ahhh thank you for the ask! im on moblie and these are pretty long so... ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ sorry in advance
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its pretty late so hopefully everyones asleep so i can post cringe xoxo
4. Your OTP goes to a carnival, where would they spend most of their time?
chants petting zoo petting zoo petting zoo. Chef used to deal with a fair share of animals in their childhood and Medic just has a fascination for all things living, it sparks joy when chicks flock towards them bc They Crave Seed zo it's a win win. Also watch a goat headbutt Medics ass when he kneels over to pet something.
Who would've thought Chef was such a huge adrenaline junkie? They wanna try every ride at least once. Even though Medic likes a bit of a rush, he's not gonna do that, the drop and twits just...dont go well so, you know what? I think I'll sit this one out and watch your bag.
They probably spend just ss much time at the concession stands. Of course in Germany and Japan they have their own fairs and attractions but does your event serve deep fried twinkies like in Good Ol' U.S of A?. Medic complains that it's so bad for them and that he can't eat anymore, but once Chef goes off to ride something he finishes the plate off. It's only sometimes...so it's ok! He knows his limits! (proceeds to ask chef at 3am for deep fried oreos).
6. What is one thing about their partner that they love?
we gon talk ab more than one bc i said rrnggffg Baby Time
For Chef, they love his dedication to what he's passionate about (and they're grateful they're one of the things he's passionate about)! He has an undying loyalty to his work and he truly cares about the people around him, despite what his persona may give off. When he cares about something, he cares deeply and they can see that with the little things he does throughout the day, how he treats his doves or Chefs pets as well.
His extroverted and eccentric nature is actually what turned them off when they first joined but now it's definitely one of the things they're grateful for. Chef's more introverted and can be a bit on the reserved side in some instances, so they're glad he can speak up for them and teach them how to possibly approach things. It's a lot easier to do things when there's someone who's excited for you, and he's definitely ready whenever they are.
For a physical aspect, they're a sucker for his chest, hands/arms, and nose! Chest and hands be like...big n warm y'know, feels good man. It's definitely a comforting factor. They like the intimacy when they can sleep against his chest and they never know when Medic gets flustered so hearing and feeling his heart speed up when they say or do something, feels nice. Chef has a habit of reaching for his arm or hand when trying to grab his attention and they almost always melt when he pulls them in for a hug. His nose is kinda of just because! It's very opposite to their own small, round nose! After a kiss, he commented that it fits perfectly fits against his and it's always stuck with them!
For Medic, he loves and appreciates their willingness to understand and to forgive. He's done a lot of things a normal person shouldn't be able to forgive and they always retort that they're not that normal either. At first he saw it as a huge weakness, that they were too forgiving and a total pushover, he learned that, that's not the case at all.
Another thing would be their resilience. They have so much care and love they're willing to give away. They're capable of trusting again and again after being proven wrong, despite how many times they say "it won't happen this time, because i know better", after every instance they briefly mentioned, he didn't have to convince them that he was deserving of love or care, they gave it to him, time and time again. He won't let them down.ย 
He finds the fact that they're a bit dense cute, it's funny but in a sweet, endearing way!
For a physical aspect, he's weak for their hands, cheeks and legs. Their hands are so much smaller than his it's almost comical, but the way they feel against him is gentle and caring and a lot softer than what he's used to. Their cheeks, simply because they're fun to poke and squish. He has a habit of squishing their face and puckering their lips when they're thinking, and even funnier, he likes kissing them like that, just a quick peck to see them blush! Legs because I aint even gonna say, they're just firm but thighs...soft n warmth.
10. Who makes the pun and who is deadpan and shakes their head?
It's actually Medic at Chef, here's why: Chef rarely makes puns but they're always pretty shitty and almost always result in him giving the pity laugh. Medic is just Dad Joke Filled and that means shitty puns as well, but its easier to make Chef laugh.
Medic's just...full of dad jokes and it hurts sometimes. Chef laughs 6 out of 10 because they're just stupid but other times they just stare and him and make a noise of disapproval. Sometimes they'll just close their eyes, breathe in, breathe out, open their eyes and pretend it very happened like a mini reset. But if Medic laughs, right after, they'll have a higher chance of laughing along because his laugh is contagious.
Chef makes some pretty shitty puns though and it makes Medic lowkey peeved because god they're so bad but I'll give you the pity laugh...Once. They have some clever, witty comebacks that are real knee slappers but leave the dad jokes to the big boys.
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