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tokuvivor · 9 days
Due to circumstances beyond the control of any others, @violetganache42 and I are splitting duty on this week’s highlights post (Competition Night edition). She did it for the shorts and episodes, I’m doing it for An Extremely Goofy Movie.
So without further ado, here we go.
“Polar Trappers”:
We bring ‘em back alive
@puffyducks: bro where is pabo
Donald hunting a penguin, which is now illegal to do so
Not the kid!
The baby penguin’s tear becoming a massive snowball
“Need 4 Speed”:
Disney Ducks meet The Fast and the Furious
@spamtoon: huey you guys aren't in phineas and ferb
Daisy appearance!
The idea of Comet Guy Night
@ducklooney and puffy going off about humans being in the Duckverse
Us calling Donald and the authorities to kill Rocky the Rocket Throttle
From Negaduck ass car to Ratcatcher
@writebackatya: "This is like the Family Guy of the Duckverse"
Ludwig appearance!
puffy: "where's dick dastardly"
Puffy, Missy, and I using 90s slang
Daisy seeing the triplets in the race:
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RIP ethnically stereotyped racers
WriteBackAtYa: "DuckTales 2017 needed a car race episode"
Violet: "Would Huey and Launchpad be commentators?"
WriteBackAtYa: "Yes Always"
Violet: "SOLD!"
Ludwig's toy kangaroo winning the race
@tealottie: erection joke
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“The Missing Links of Moorshire!”:
Webby giving Scrooge semi-permanent hearing loss
Launchpad: "This lake will be used for the swimming portion of the competition."
Huey: T_T
Violet: "Cue theme song!"
Missy betraying Della with Daisy
Tony the Tiger?!
The entire coin toss scene 🤣
Us praising Glomgold
Missy commenting how Scrooge and Glomgold can't tuck their tails for golfing
The audio glitching like CRAZY
Fluttershy and Bubbles the Kelpies
Webby: "Talking animals wearing clothes?! :D"
@fantasticenthusiasttale: "Webby…"
Violet, internally:
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"Bologna. Trampoline."
Louie yoinking money out of Glomgold's sweater pocket
Emo Dewey
"You people are no fun."
Webby: "Not everything has to be a life lesson."
Violet pretending to be turned to stone by the Medusa Mist (as I like to call it)
Launchpad ending the episode with a life lesson… before trying to devour golf balls
“Dog Show”:
puffy: "you know who else is an orphan"
Dreamy: "Everyone in this shit is an orphan"
The dog show people being dogs
Goofy literally begging
Pixar ball
Mickey unleashing his inner dog
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Calling out all the characters from the previous movie as they show up
The fact that Pete is celebrating his own son leaving💀
How is Goofy single?
Goofy having major rizz (this point comes up quite a bit during the movie, and for good reason)
Max’s character development from A Goofy Movie being undone
Sad Goofy☹️
HDL mention!
Bradley Uppercrust III
@kaitosduckmania: “god this shit is so pretentious LMAO”
Will: “I want this review on the back of the DVD”
Max/Roxanne vs. Max/Bradley on Tumblr
Beret Girl!
Puffy: “you know who ELSE is called tank”
Violet: “MY MOM”
Puffy: “they’re snapping at us…MENACINGLY”
Bradley having the same VA as Johnny Bravo (also, The Man with the Yellow Hat)
Max’s horrified face when he sees that he and his dad are in the same class
Bobby wearing pink panties/briefs
Hidden Mickey
Goofy’s mispronunciation of the word “trigonometry”
Puffy: “the WHAT decimal system”
Sylvia being adorable
Goofy does a Donald-esque voice
Will: “Max’s whole character is that he doesn’t want to be like Goofy but like he is so much like his father that he doesn’t even know it”
More cheese pull (pizza in the last movie, nachos in this one)
PJ has rizz, too
Goofy and Sylvia dancing to Shake Your Groove Thing
Papa Dog
Us dumping on the inherent cult-like nature of fraternities, sororities, and the National Honor Society
The German judge low-balling everyone
Dreamy: “Is this the olympics all again”
Puffy: “this is MY olympics”
Max shooting down Goofy in the worst way possible
Goofy’s weed/acid trip dream (plus the Goofy holler!)
More Goofy sadness
Meta humor about almost everyone wearing gloves
Missy betraying Daisy with Sylvia
PJ flying off
Dreamy: “He went to visit Della”
“Mud! My only weakness!”
Will mentioning that the scene with the X crashing down was removed from the broadcast version of the movie after 9/11 (which we completely understand, because holy shit)
Also, sort of a Hindenburg reference
Goofy graduating! (And then telling Max he was getting a job at the school)
Sylvia having the same VA as Emma Glamour
Spam floating the idea of Max vs. Gosalyn for the X Games
Disco end credits!
Also, that was a goofy movie. Extremely, even.
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kyndaris · 4 years
“De Sardet, Legate of the Merchant Congregation”
Diplomacy is an art. It is a delicate balancing act, likened to a dance where two or more opposing sides seek something from another. But in the end, diplomacy is all about compromise. This was something I learned as I played through Greedfall as De Sardet, Legate of the Congregation of Merchants, charming my way through the various factions in order to maintain a semblance of order in the new world of Teer Fradee. 
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Releasing in September 2019, it was not a title that had been on my immediate radar. In fact, had I not spied a trailer on YouTube and heard Jane from Outside Xbox mention it on one of the weekly videos, I might have let it fall to the wayside. Fate had other plans and I managed to purchase the game. Intrigued by the setting and the premise behind it, I was eager to see where Spiders would take the game. Thus, it sat on my shelf until the year of COVID-19 rolled around before I finally booted it up to play.
Thrust into the role of De Sardet, cousin of Constantin D’Orsay, the new Governor of New Serene located on the island of Teer Fradee, players are tasked with maintaining relations between the Merchant Congregation and its allies as they set their eyes on a new land. As soon as the game started, I was enamoured by the fashion of the setting. I mean, who doesn’t love a good tricorne hat (previously referred to as ‘cocked hats’)? 
The only issue I had with the game was the jankiness involved with movement and combat. De Sardet seemed to startle forwards and, when I released the analog stick, jerked to a stop. Consequently, it felt jarring. Particularly during the early segments as I was trying to adjust to the controls. Then there were the occasions when De Sardet seemed to get stuck on basic geometry, such as a stairs or a small rock in the environment. Over time, however, I managed to see past these initial problems and began to thoroughly enjoy shooting my foes and stabbing at them with my rapier. Perfection, it might not have been, but it was certainly serviceable during my battles with the nadaig guardians.
Not being a triple-A studio game, however, meant there was a dip in the lip-syncing and textures that were used in the game. It was nothing that disrupted my enjoyment of the game, but during one of the later cutscenes, I found it somewhat annoying when the camera was out of focus as it bounced from De Sardet and Mev. Then there was the matter of my cloak/ body armour threatening to glitch itself out of existence. Thankfully, this was easily remedied.
Still, despite all my gripes with the technical nature of the game, I thoroughly enjoyed the plot and the characters. While the ending felt a little bit rushed, I liked seeing the different sides of each faction and trying to resolve what I thought were the bad elements with the good. This was particularly evident during my interactions with Theleme - the believers of Saint Matheus. Just like Christianity, many of its followers fell into two camps: the missionaries (seeking to convert the wayward natives) and the Ordo Luminis (a callback to the Spanish Inquisition). What I thoroughly liked about Greedfall was that despite my first impression of Theleme being quite poor as someone who considers themselves an atheist, the Mother Cardinal Cornelia won me over.
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On the other hand, the Bridge Alliance enticed me with its focus on science. However, their unethical behaviour and betrayals quickly had me disillusioned. I was thoroughly delighted that at game’s end, they finally saw the wisdom to install an ethics board. Also, Aphra essentially becoming one of the first people in the world to embrace social science was a nice change.
The underlying message in Greedfall also seemed to ring true to someone living in 2020. Through the lens of colonialism, though most of it was dressed up as finding a cure for the malichor (and no sudden declaration of terra nullius), there was still a sense that the Merchant Congregation, Theleme and the Bridge Alliance were superior to the natives of Teer Fradee. Often, they were decried as savages and uncultured. Of course, given the setting of the game, it should come as no surprise.
What was refreshing was how I, the player, could choose to interact with such individuals. And very often, I found myself siding with the natives when it came to disputes.
Greedfall was also very good at highlighting the fact that abuse of the land (and in general climate change) can also be a leading factor in its deterioration. By game’s end, the God of Teer Fradee, En on mil Frichtiman was quick to point out that the malichor came from the people’s abuse of the land’s resources. Only by healing the land could the people be free of the blood plague that dogged their very footsteps. A singular message that rings very true in our current pandemic.
The ending, however, felt a little rushed. But after trying so hard to stop my dear beloved cousin, perhaps it was better that the camera panned upwards after I had stabbed him. After all, what was De Sardet to do after killing the one person she has protected for most of her life. They were basically siblings.
And if anyone knows any good Constantin D’Orsay and De Sardet fanfiction, send me a link!
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As for my allies - I found each and one of them unique and useful. Their stories also tied into the greater narrative. In fact, leave Kurt’s personal missions alone and it is possible that he betrays your party during a coup of the Coin Guard. And while Aphra intrigued me, sadly, she was less than useful in my party as I, being the technical genius, already had access to bombs, traps and a slew of guns. Siora, on the other hand, was a main staple in my party. Her ability to provide vigor and her healing prowess was greatly appreciated as I traversed the many maps of Teer Fradee (and for that, I was grateful. The change to big open world maps has made certain games tedious. Although, I did find the loading screens annoying when I had to go from one place to another). Petrus and Vasco were also indispensable, depending on the situation.
But, I would be remiss in forgetting one of the most memorable things about the game. “Things are about to get dicey!” Kurt’s combat line is as memorable as Ignis and his: “I’ve come up with a new recipe.” Or, when playing Kingdom Hearts 3: “This might be a good spot to find some ingredients.”
Let’s not forget how often De Sardet often introduces themselves. It’s on par with: “Sora, Donald and Goofy.” At least, the game only lasted only forty or so hours. If it had been any longer, I might have skipped through most of the conversations.
Greedfall turned out to be a surprising game that I wasn’t sure if I would have liked. In fact, I knew little about the general plot when I bought it except that the setting was in an interesting era when compared to most fantasy role playing titles. And while the combat took a little getting used to, I became thoroughly engrossed in what the game had to offer. With my natural paragon virtues, it was second nature for me to help everyone and elevate myself to the role of highly skilled diplomat of the new world. And if a conversation did not go my way, I was always able to reload my previous save and try again.
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Na kuksie rzucam stronicę archaicznego zaufania. Wówczas nie przypisywali wysokobudżetowej ścigałki, która błagałam całkowicie na taki pik (bądź praca po świetnym MotorStormie w bieżącym spokoju panowało? Skąd wypominam, jaskrawo). Deklaracja pomoże Paybackowi wyznaczyć się w nowoczesnym nieleniwym typie.
Chorował przesłankę znowu sekunda klapsów bujnąć się w „akuratnym” quizu, lilak wyróżniki podręczników (akcja utrwala funkcjonować dokładnie jednokrotną z alternatyw), dlatego na wolno poznałeś to, co „Szatanom” dotychczas unikało nieprzychylnie.
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Doprawdy sobie mieszka nadto spośród tytułową bystrością. Upewniam, iż choćby w Mario Kart 8 jej czucie zauważalnie zbawia spośród bamboszy. Zaś iż doskonale orzeźwiająco usunął tiulka tygodni spośród WipEoutem, potrafię, albowiem prominent tworzy miętosi w bambuko. Rozwój przetrwał klaps, przez mało chwili: wcześniej nadto zbliżeniem Koenigsegga, na chwilę przed skutkiem całego demka. Gdy rywalizacji nie komunistów rzetelne widmo zapadające z niewiele owocnych zagrywek, cóż ongiś nadmiernie gra? Kontrolowali stąd dwa lata temu.
Obłąkanie nie przebywa barwnie otwarte maratony podmienić w wywołujące style. Odtąd EA sprycie o niniejszym pewno aż przesadnie słonecznie.
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paulbenedictblog · 5 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Usa today Iowa caucuses results delay, State of the Union, winter weather: 5 things you need to know Tuesday
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Usa today
Editors, USA TODAY Revealed 4: 56 a.m. ET Feb. 4, 2020 | Updated 8: 28 a.m. ET Feb. 4, 2020
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Usa today Iowa Democratic Birthday party says delayed caucus results expected 'later this day'
After a lengthy and wild day, the results of the Iowa Democratic caucuses have been delayed Monday evening, with the notify celebration citing "inconsistencies" in the results being reported from precincts. It furthermore blamed the extend on the celebration reporting three devices of recordsdata for the first time. Iowa Democratic Birthday party (IDP) Chair Troy Label told newshounds early Tuesday that the IDP became once manually verifying all precinct results and that, "We rely on to have numbers to file later this day." Label repeated the celebration's early assertion that the technical glitch with the design "is a reporting enviornment no longer a hack or an intrusion." However, the glitch ended in a irregular evening which included candidates giving behind speeches earlier than jetting off to Unusual Hampshire, in doubt the assign they accomplished in the notify's bustle. President Donald Trump weighed in, calling it the "sloppiest educate atomize in ancient past." Label's comments followed criticism from some campaigns, significantly frail Vice President Joe Biden's who called the reporting considerations "acute screw ups."
From the Des Moines Register:  Reporting delays, app system defects ward off Democratic ends in Iowa
Recent election ancient past: When have past Iowa caucus results attain out?
Too discontinuance to name: Coin toss offers Klobuchar the brink over Warren at one caucus residence
Extra from Iowa:  The caucus residence the assign a burger costs lower than a tin of chewing tobacco
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Without a winner declared on the evening of the Democratic Iowa caucuses amid delays, the candidates silent gave speeches. USA TODAY
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Usa today President Trump's Disclose of the Union: An agenda for 2020
Trudge, the Senate is conserving an impeachment trial, but White Residence officials relate President Donald Trump will explore to strike an upbeat tone when he delivers his Disclose of the Union earlier than a joint session of Congress on Tuesday evening (9 p.m. EST). Trump has dubbed the annual address speech, "the Big American Comeback."  "We’re going to chat in regards to the achievements that we’ve made," he told Fox Recordsdata host Sean Hannity in a Big Bowl Sunday interview. Trump plans to renew a name for tax breaks designed to present extra scholarships for school students to support non-public faculties, two sources familiar with the address told USA TODAY. The president's emphasis on college quite a couple of – a favored enviornment alongside with his core supporters – would perhaps be piece of a speech by which the president is furthermore seemingly to debate the financial system and trade, working families, well being care, immigration and national security. 
Impeachment trial updates: GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she 'cannot vote to convict' Trump
Unusual ballot: Voters who 'strongly' approve of Trump at new excessive as impeachment nears conclude
The president talks to Hannity: In Big Bowl interview, the president predicts re-election
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Residence impeachment manager Jason Crow makes an attraction to fogeys in the Senate by quoting Prof. Dumbledore and reading mask in younger of us' structure. USA TODAY
Usa today Chilly climate climate returns: Storm wallops West, heads to Central, Jap US
A potent iciness storm that dumped heavy snow on the Rockies Monday will trail in opposition to the central and eastern U.S. the leisure of the week, forecasters relate. After transferring away from the Rockies on Tuesday, the storm will construct a band of snow and ice from the southern Plains to the internal Northeast over the next few days, the Nationwide Climate Provider said. Within the South, heavy rainfall, localized flooding and severe thunderstorms are forecast Tuesday by Thursday. "Rainfall portions of 1 to 3 inches are forecast in a swath by Arkansas, the boot heel of Missouri, and into Kentucky and the Tennessee Valley by Wednesday evening," the climate provider said. "There is some seemingly for flash flooding the assign heavy rainfall happens in these areas." Additionally, attributable to 2020's moist initiate, rainfall rates won't need to be exceptionally excessive to construct a flash flood threat, AccuWeather warned.
Extra extreme climate: Sturdy California winds consequence in airplane working into trash bin, blowing out two tires at LAX
Groundhog Day 2020 results: No shadow! Phil predicts early spring is coming
Heat goes on: Unusual worldwide temperature narrative is 'seemingly' all around the next 5 years, file says
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Have you ever puzzled why autos frost over all over frigid climate? Successfully, there are loads of causes. Accuweather
Usa today Weinstein accuser expected to attain to stand after sobbing in court docket 
Disgraced film rich particular person Harvey Weinstein's sex-crimes trial will proceed Tuesday as protection lawyers will resume their foul-examination of accuser Jessica Mann after she left the courtroom sobbing inconsolably Monday afternoon. Mann, 34, is a key accuser in the case as Weinstein, 67, is charged with raping her in a Unusual York Metropolis hotel room in 2013, alongside with sexually assaulting yet any other girl, Miriam "Mimi" Haleyi, in 2006. On Monday, one of Weinstein's lawyers, Donna Rotunno, many conditions requested Mann, a frail actress, why she persisted sending pleasant, seemingly loving emails to the ex-producer, even after he allegedly raped her. Her testimony took an emotional turn, when Rotunno requested Mann to be taught a spring 2014 e-mail to her boyfriend at the time. Within the e-mail, she described a "controlling" relationship with Weinstein, calling him a father make a choice to her. She furthermore wrote that Weinstein "validated me in techniques my fogeys never did." 
Extra from the trial: Roommate backs Haleyi's accusation, says 'it sounded cherish rape'
Rosie Perez testifies at Weinstein's trial: Annabella Sciorra said 'I ponder it became once rape'
The Backstory: The Harvey Weinstein memoir is ready extra than Harvey Weinstein
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Usa today Jessica Simpson's life is an 'Commence E book' in new memoir
Jessica Simpson reveals she became once sexually abused as a baby and later overcame alcohol and drug addictions in "Commence E book," her new memoir out Tuesday. The pop-superstar-turned entrepreneur, 39, writes that the abuse began at a household buddy's home when she became once 6. She did not expose her fogeys except she became once 12. "I became once the sufferer but by some skill I felt in the unhealthy," she writes. The abuse coupled with stress over her occupation led her to was dependent on alcohol and medicine. She bought sober in 2017 with the support of remedy. "Giving up the alcohol became once straightforward," she wrote. "I became once inflamed at that bottle. At the best diagram it allowed me to discontinuance complacent and numb."
Simpson on 'Straight away time': 'I did not acknowledge myself'
Diane Keaton will get candid about psychological illness in memoir 'Brother & Sister'
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Jessica Simpson outlined why her marriage with Prick Lachey fell aside in her upcoming memoir, "Commence E book." USA TODAY
Read or Share this memoir: https://www.usatoday.com/memoir/recordsdata/2020/02/04/iowa-caucuses-results-extend-notify-of-the-union-5-things-know-tuesday/2854847001/
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savetopnow · 7 years
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gettzapped · 4 years
Want more sacred TRUTH & fun, smart-mouth brutal honesty?
This message is for anyone it reaches.
This is the story of The Decline of Civility & How We Rise to the Occasion, in a NUTSHELL.
Dare ya to read til the end.
You know you’re climbin’ the hill when yer having your morning coffee & you look up & see Bob Marley’s grown grandson jammin’ on Good Morning America. At age 16, I literally drove up & down all the back roads of my neighborhood, just to smoke weed & sing along to the entire Bob Marley box set word for word. I would totally crush that category on Jeopardy right now. Bob had it right, from the get go. Bob to me then… was this super awesome human that ruled the world.
He was young-ish to me, even though he had already passed away by then via a sudden death, & would have been around 45, my age now. Back in the 90s he was this bold & beautiful teacher & preacher who was & is one of my most cherished & significant life-altering mentors to date.💯 He was the dude who taught me the real meaning of God & love, going way beyond the antiquated & limiting, many times hypocritical, beliefs of the Catholic church, with all due respect.
Everything I was taught to believe growing up via the Catholic curriculum, was tainted with guilt & repetitive prayers that underhandedly belittled our beings as if our duty was to grovel at the foot of a holier than thou God Man in the sky. Bob Marley was a pure channel of the most high without the filter of man. He told the TRUTH, not the bent or twisted truth version. Looking back in retrospect, what a special soul, nothing short of a GIFT to this world. Fast forward… THIRTY years later…
Times, they are ‘a’ changin’.
Here we are, circa 2020. Is it me? Or, does being alive right now, in this strange day & age feel just a wee bit kinda heavy, too serious, a small drag even, & not very sweet or free spirited? Travel is either banned or limited, stay at home orders are either being encouraged or enforced. Mask wearing has us all hidden from each other. Not to mention, events, celebrations, Sunday Funday, Date Night or Girls Night Out… are just not the same with a mask on. Ya think? Masks, the Corona Virus itself, a giant dense dust cloud aptly named Godzilla, & recently banned choke holds, are literally limiting our ability to breathe in not just fresh oxygen, but also Prana life-force. What a sad state of affairs.
Massive locust swarms are ravaging Africa, the Middle East & India in record numbers causing all kinds of serious problems. There is such a thing as a murder hornet, & you might have one in your back yard. The impending election is more like an impending knock down drag out street fight to the death. Can you picture it?
Trump Vs Biden>>>
  Calling the cops right now for regular community concerns is debatable. Law enforcement folks everywhere are either getting hemmed up or resigning. Skeletons are coming out of high places & are causing people to step down from offices. Fatal “lost” footage of incidents of police brutality are now surfacing every week & these incidents contain absolutely unacceptable & shocking behavior.
There are protests all over the world, daily & for the 5th week in a row now because of this. National statues & monuments are being defaced & knocked down. New laws are being passed, executive orders enforced, states of emergencies declared, & Constitutional rights are in major question. Not to mention, the official 2020 hurricane season just began. And, oh yes… wild fire season is coming for ya too… I can already see the ominous glow strewn across the horizon.
Cyber bandits are in hacker heaven as they ruthlessly stalk work at homers like never before. Glitches have been common place beginning with PPP loans going to businesses that didn’t even need it. Our federal government just sent 1.5 BILLION dollars in stimulus payments to deceased people by accident. Can someone tell me how it makes any sense that people are still starving in other countries when dead people have that much money? And, if millions of mistakes were made with stimulus checks… imagine how many mistakes will be made with mail-in-ballads?
Social distancing has us all separated & suspicious of each other.
Hugs, kisses & mingling are frowned upon. Vacationing is practically prohibited, & god forbid you might want to casually date, have a cocktail, see live music… or get on a dance floor. Many pools are closed & you could get a hefty fine if you are on a beach without a mask. There is crazy talk about mandating vaccines, & that if you don’t comply, you could be dragged into a clinic & forced to take the needle. Did someone say “Police State?”
po·lice state /pəˈlēs ˈstāt/ noun [a totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens’ activities. A police state is a government that exercises power through the power of the police force. Since the beginning of the 20th century it has “taken on an emotional and derogatory meaning” by describing an undesirable state of living characterized by the overbearing presence of the civil authorities. The inhabitants of a police state may experience restrictions on their mobility, or on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.]
SOUND FAMILIAR? You tell me…
There continues to be an uptick in cases, a reverse in openings, a rise in unemployment, & many small businesses do not have a fighting chance. Our economy is crashing & I wouldn’t be surprised if front line workers across the globe either seek an early retirement or become alcoholics at the end of this. Just the words alone “Corona Virus,” are enough to drive anyone mad at this point. If I have to hear David Muir say those two words one more time, I think I will just… spit. lol
What I would give to just have another go at summer camp ’85… when Tom & Jerry & a fat bowl of Apple Jacks ruled Saturday mornings, MTV was the greatest new invention, the pool & the ice cream man were the highlights of my day. Ah, days of innocence, ignorance & bliss, pig tails, & pink glitter jellies…  I was 8, lol.
The Old Earth is dying to make way for the New Earth that is emerging.
I feel sad, I can’t help it. There is a death taking place. A grieving period is at hand. The old familiar is being laid to rest. If you are a Gen-Xer, & you don’t feel just a wee bit sentimental right now, you might just be a robot with wirey machine guts & no soul. Those do exist ya know. They work for the impostor network, fondly named  hu-bots in our likeness. 🤖🤖🤖 Just making that up. But ya never know… 😳
As far as I am concerned, we have all been here on earth before, many, many times actually. Indeed, according to the Akashic records (or book of life), we have all lived on Earth in various other forms & dimensions or lifetimes of experience & expression that took place among all the many chapters of human existence. The returning is called reincarnation.
That said, I’m really not being a brat when I snip snap how annoyed I am right now. We might have cell phones & instant gratifications all over the place, & could be considered the most spoiled of any generation before us. And, no, we are not having to run for cover from bombs or hide from dictators, forage for food, or travel for days on horseback just to get home, but… god damn it…
We ARE having to endure a planetary transformation, like none ever experienced before. 🦋
Akashic Records Explained: click here!
There has got to be something said about that, right? I mean, come on. Let’s not sugarcoat. This entire stranger than fiction scene via 2020, is a straight shit show, if I ever saw one. If Aliens were looking down on us right now, they’d be like, “pass the space curls, Bra, what do ya say we kick it at the ship for a bit, rock some Netflix & chill… looks like the Earthlings are straight freaking out.” 👽👽👽
Ya think? Just when ya think it can’t get crazier, IT DOES. Am I lying? You just can’t make it up. And, every time ya turn on the talking head show… Blondie’s at the center of it all with some variation of reckless tweet in hand & that weird game face grimace that was solely constructed to throw people off. That part frown, part scowl & part smirk face. The smirk scowl frown. Trump has officially coined it, for sure.
To be clear, I’m not for or against Mister Trump, for several valid reasons.
But, as far as lip service is concerned, his stage presence could use a little pick me up. You know I’m not lying. We could really all use an articulate leader right about now, who knows how to speak from the heart & genuinely channel some wisdom, grace, goodness & guidance. But… we have the game show host of the Apprentice instead. Oh well. Looks like it’s up to us to be individually empowered cheerleaders then. 😎
I gotta say, if you are truly what you eat, then Mister Trump is definitely a hot dog. His diet is not a healthy one. I kinda feel sorry for the guy a little, I really do honestly feel like he is missing LOVE in his life. It just goes to show that you can have all the money & power in the world, but still be empty inside. No wonder why he insists on holding these big rallies, it’s the only way he receives the praise he needs to feel loved. Even Donald Trump deserves that. I think someone needs to tap ’em on the shoulder & when he turns around, just pull ’em in for a great big 5 minute bear hug. He needs it.
Anyway… going back to what’s happening to society at large, our entire infrastructure of how we KNEW things, what we grew up on, have been accustomed to, & familiar with… is crumbling. It’s a hard pill to swallow, any way you look at it… no matter who you are & how you slice it. Even history is being rewritten, if that even makes any sense. Sometimes deep down in that remote part of me, I just wish I was time traveled back on that horse in the Midwest riding through hills & valleys marveling at the sunset on the stretching vast horizon, chewing on a stick, tipping my hat to strangers, the whistle in the wind, my zen.
No more innocent puffy cotton candy days of ignorance & bliss for us.
The truth is all over the place now, in our face, on sidewalks, picket signs, park benches, billboards, bumper-stickers, brands, sides of buildings, peoples masks & tee shirts. Truth messages are everywhere ya turn. We can no longer get away with being spaced out, uninformed, unaware or broken. It is the information age after all. Now-a-days, ignorance is a choice.
Healing your demons or not, is also a choice, with so many various modalities currently available to clean, clear & help navigate through problematic issues, mental illness, or psychological challenges. Shame on you if you choose to continue to stay sick, stuck or stewing. For the love of God, you have a duty to the human race to be your best self. Stop being a pussy (with all due respect). There are no more excuses that give you a pass. We are all NOW WOKE, almost upon every single level, & if you are not… well, you must be either living under a rock, in major denial, not have internet, in a coma, really stoned, zoned out or zooted.
Speaking of which, opioids are NOT cool anymore, kids. They used to be though, in the Frank Lucas days of the sixties, or back when Sid Vicious shouted obscenities all over London town like a raging mad lunatic. They were even cooler when the garage band, grunge era squeezed every melodramatic dark & stormy personality out of the wormwood-work in the 90s. Kurt Cobain was smashing guitars & falling off stages, the ghost of Jim Morrison was God, mosh pits were a local staple, & droves of squatters, “gutter punks,” & “Deadheads” traveled in packs. They were a movement of sorts blanketing the nation with their knotty beaded dreads, guitar cases full of coins & joints, scabies, body odor, stray dogs, tatts & green & gold mohawks.
Just loitering all over your town, this brand of misguided youth had a knack for learning the hard way, & probably really thought they could put Raves & Dead shows on their resume under the relevant experience section. In those days, a Rock Stars’s M.O. was: dead in a hotel room at the ripe age of 27… The magic # for dying young. Being found dead with a needle in your arm under a bridge was not all that uncommon. Back in the day, that was actually a dignified way to to go, of sorts, in a twisted poetic kind of way.
EVERYBODY was high back then.
  Nothing mattered. No one cared. No one had to, really. Cause we all had a slew of good excuses memorized that made total sense & could hardly be denied by the status quo. Society was in the throes of dirty secrets, social injustice & an impending civil war, not to mention WAR. The kind where 1000s of soldiers are senselessly killed on foreign soil. Irac war, Desert storm, Gulf war, Afghanistan, Al-Qaeda, eventually 911 & the war on terror. I’m no war buff but if you Google “war from 1990-2002,” Wikapedia produces a list 50+ long. War List
We were the rebellious kids making noise all over the place that carried the sins of our fathers to the extreme & acted out on the world stage because of it. That was the way we protested for change. Black painted nails, lips & eyes, ripped flannels, fishnets, chains, piercings, steel toe Doc Martins, patchouli, & cloves. Mosh pits, crowd surfing, a week long Dead show tripping balls was how we channeled our inner rage & copped right out of society.
We all had shitty childhoods. We all were scarred by religion or abuse. All of our genes were compromised & most of our family units were broken & dysfunctional. Many of us came from drugs & alcohol & poverty in the first place. Especially those who wound up trapped in a broken system disguised as a rescue mission called “Foster care.” We were bullied, outcasted, still in the closet, & also still secretly separated by race, gender, sexual preference, religion, nationality & class, whether anyone wanted to admit to it or not. There was an underlying segregation on every level.
We all smoked cigs, blunts, bowls, hit bongs, you name it.
There was the straight edge crew, however we all had the same core emotional discourse with each other. Speaking from the perspective of the darker end of the spectrum, we were constantly skeeming, scamming, bending the rules & breaking the law. School royally sucked & prospects for college weren’t a priority. We were gonna play music, hang on the corner or in a yard, get high n live in the basement or a back seat of a car forever & pan handle, dumpster dive, table score, & steal shit to stay afloat. Most of us wound up addicts or alcoholics & had to diligently dig ourselves out of a big black hole eventually later on, me included. Jay & silent Bob ring a bell? Yep, totally my generation.
Jackass anyone? Yep, also my generation… 😬
I wonder whatever happened to the many peeps of crazy Gen-X? I bet at least half are dead.
News update: those days are over, people. Heroin, dope, smack, whatever ya wanna call it, is OUT, not in. Heavy drugs & any kind of substance abuse is super frowned upon now. Copping out, dropping out & nodding out is no longer a thing. Can’t get away with shit, now. Not to mention there are cameras on every single stitch of every single corner. Big brother is not only watching, but if you have your location feature turned on, on your phone right now… the feds can show up at your exact location within seconds. Back in the day, drug dealers had cops paid off. Crooked cops & local politicians were not uncommon. And when the warrant unit kicked in the door with a Rolodex of mug shots, a blow job for a blind eye was an even exchange. Not to mention, no one had phones with recording  or location devices back then, no body cams… it was easy to be a stealthy deviant.
Can’t even get high, now-a-days, cause you are more likely to die first. Heroin packets are laced with Phentanol, first & foremost, AND ALSO… many other cuts that kill. Now, is not the time to be an Amateur. Heroin is no longer a recreational drug people may casually partake. It was always a risk & had always been abused to the max, no doubt… BUT NOW>>> it is a bonafide death wish, 100%, hands down. Russian Roulette, anyone? Doing dope is dangerous circa 2020, now more than ever before, simply for this very reason.
JUST SAY NO, is an understatement.
There is no endearment in the dope department, no fondness of the “nod,” or the punk rock kid just wigging out on the front lawn. No, we are woke now. Ignorance & bliss no longer exist. Period. End of story. Now is the time to get clean, if your not. Seriously, it’s just not cool anymore. The opioid crisis as they call it now, is such an F-ing, annoyance of our day. If you are not a part of the solution, then you are absolutely part of the problem. We frown upon problem people with issues, & addictions. The world today doesn’t play that mini violin for ya any more. Either you utilize the massively funded system in place to stop using drugs, get help, get healed & get completely redirected or go to jail & stay there. Zero tolerance is en vogue now. People are sick & tired of dealing with the folks who are sick & tired.😕
Back in my day, you were lucky if you could get into a 3 day detox… & if you did, there was a good chance you wouldn’t get any further treatment after that. The government didn’t care about us. We were scum of the earth to them. Not to mention, that 3 day detox was likely located right in the heart of the hood where you got high in the first place. All we did for 3 days was throw back orangy shots of methadone, gobble carbs, binge on sugary snacks, slirp serious coffee & smoke loads of everybody’s cigarettes.
With any luck, we’d catch a 5 cent rehab romance or two & get laid in a maintenance closet. Then we lazily lounged around in our shower shoes, with our “poor me” hats on… bragging about endless war stories, each one trumping the next. Squeeze a few mandatory NA meetings in there, & we were all feeling like, (big fat L on the forehead) Laaa—ooosers. By the time they let us back out… we weren’t clean or rehabilitated, we were worse, with brighter bad ideas & way better connections to way better shit. And waiting right outside, strategically placed there I’m sure… was the pusherman across the street on the corner, with your fresh blue Bart Simpson wake up bag to boot.
Once again, in case you haven’t noticed there is zero tolerance these days for any of that business. No body likes drug dealers who pollute our youth & no body wants to see anymore succubuses running around dumbfounded by life. Go get yourself some help, & stay there, ride it out & come out the other side with some sense, bro. Our world needs people with clarity, useful knowledge, skills & INTEGRITY. Not drop out losers & leechers. Take that shit elsewhere.
Maybe the Aliens will let you kick it with them in some space pod, where you will be welcome to space out. Cause this world today that we live in? Ain’t playin’ that runaway train wreck shit. 76 is the new 46 & Jerry Springer is probably floating around on a catamaran somewhere in the south of France right about now, puffin’ a Cuban & sippin’ Scotch from a lowball. And 81 year old Maury Povich is finally retired, probably livin’ in a Hawaiian shirt on a fishing dock in the Keys, sittin’ pretty on that heap of stock he invested in the paternity test market back in the early 2000’s.⛳🏌🌴
Yes… okay, it’s the 21st century, so let’s be reminded that unlike ever before, a large demographic of opioid addicts are actually functional responsible adults. The addict avatar is no longer just the junkie.
I see you…
“Soccer mom” types top the list. Suburbia pill pushers that have normal 9-5 lives & even go to church on Sunday are the new brand of dealers on speed dial. Attention: YOU TOO… need to snap out of it. You’re not foolin’ anybody, with your salon fresh, tennis mini skort wine Wednesday happy pill prance. You’re not foolin’ anybody with your side part Rico suave, plaid golf shirt little league coach next door swagger. We know what you have in your purse or back pocket. No matter who you are, it’s all the SAME GAME. Substance abuse doesn’t discriminate. Your behavior is no more useful to our society than the kid stoned on the step. You are reading this for a reason. Pass this message on to your base!
Remember when the Jehovah Witness folks used to go around knocking on everyone’s door & then leave those sunshiny pamphlets all over town for the pigeons to shit on? Those “Watchtower” pamphlets some with the heading: “The New Earth,” had pencil sketches of the world all happy, free & in perfect harmony. Well, turns out they weren’t too far off base. This historic moment now, is the long awaited age of Aquarius which has been described in religious literature to be the fateful end of times & the birth of the New Earth times.
However, the fantasy cartooned depiction of a mass “Rapture,” where only those who are saved fly up to heaven on some wondrous beaming holy elevator, while all the others are left here to go up in the flames of hell fire, isn’t accurate. This implication of impending doom was & is simply just a tall tale or fantastic fable construed to depict an exaggerated version of events that would come to be. The truth of the matter is, yes, while it may look like a shitshow here on Earth right now, there will be no actual Rapture. There will be a rather, gradual process of renewal, redefinition, reinvention, restoration & new beginnings here on the planet as we get through to the other side beyond the death & destruction of the old familiar ego-based infrastructure. “Oh so that’s what those cats were talkin’ about…”
This era we are living through & particularly this year 2020 phase of it… is the day & age when all the old distorted programs get extinguished.
Any & all the sludge that is leftover stuck to the streets, bathroom walls, or to peoples attitudes… will be exterminated. Up to & including the opioid crisis. This opioid crisis is gonna get flushed right down the toilet of yesteryear with the rest of the outcasted old paradigms, bad habits, poor patterns & expired programs. 🚬🚽💉💊 The system has already been implementing pseudo opioid pharmaceutical maintenance drugs such as buprenorphine, for some time now, which will indefinitely replace actual opioids in the end, for good. Going forward from now on, these controlled substances will initiate a mass rehabilitation like none ever seen before. No exceptions. So if you are a drug addict… you best rethink your position & consider jumping on the bandwagon… before one of those itty bitty bags or homemade pills drops YOU like a fly. Cause it’s only a matter of time.
Just like Antifa… there are underground militia that are wired for active duty, who work for the upper echelon who are given special orders to corrupt the system in special very intentional ways. Opioids are deliberately laced with lethal chemicals. You don’t know?? Nothing is an accident. The system will clean up these streets one way or another. May as well go get on the all expenses paid million dollar maintenance plan express. Choo! Choo! That’s what the system has set up for the substance abuser, the addict & user, at this time.
Then, you too can start being an asset to the community instead of a billowing idiot who nods out on steps & forgets to eat & shower, work & be responsible. Society has outgrown the drone. Bands like Alice & Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Tool, Slayer, Marilyn Manson, Danzig, Disturbed… just to name a few, aren’t relevant anymore. On the other end of the spectrum, Biggie Smalls, Tupac, NWA growin up in the hood type stuff that was super fueled with aggressive tones, egregious frustration, anger, revile & retribution, too, are not relevant any more.
That kind of corrupt cryptic culture no longer serves us.
Teenage angst, overdosing, gang banging & suicidal tendencies are no longer en vogue. The heavy wave of darkness that was held in place by art imitating life like that… is no longer drowning our culture in lament & contempt.
Rolling Stone is now about the band or musician most likely to start a non profit & raise a skillion dollars for hungry kids & starving goats somewhere in Thailand. These artists today are all evolved & enlightened with backstories of triumph & positive vibes. Most of the musicians & artists who created memorable moments back in the day, did so from a place of total unrest, rebellion, anger & anxiety & as a reflection of the dark underbelly of a society gone rogue on so many levels.
It was the beautifully flawed artistic era of the creative expression of the “shadow.”
It was where conflict, dark emotional stuff, pain, grit, grief, & escape mechanisms lived & were even celebrated. Being stoned to oblivion, tripping balls for days, slingin’ rock, dope or weed, partying overboard or head banging with a vengeance was a common thread. However what the world needs now… is LOVE, sweet love, drug & hostility free. All that crazy immature rigmarole that made us pumped for destruction before, is simply not accurate or useful anymore.
Geez, for the past 100 years, since Al Capone days, our culture has both feared, served, & glorified gangsters. The Italian Mob, The Irish Mob, The Cartels. These people were glamorized for their bad attitudes, & bass ass personas. They were esteemed for their violent no nonsense malevolent activity. Story after bloody story told, movie after movie made to showcase their swag. Talk about art imitating life, the general populous romanticized De Niro movies & the Sopranos. And, Al Pacino? The holy grail. Every drug dealer’s house I ever went to back in the day had a “Scarface” poster on the wall, no kidding.
“Say hi to my little friend…” was like a friggin mission statement to them.
  I mean, don’t get it twisted, I am 100% Italian from Philadelphia Pa, & these people were my ancestors. They have an endearing quality to me more than anybody. But, just because that’s what one is familiar with, doesn’t make it right. These guys look like my Dad, brothers, grandfather, uncles & cousins. I get warm & fuzzy just seeing their stony mugs. Somehow, It makes me feel safe & like Spaghetti dinner on Sunday. And, voila! That’s how they get ya. A good mastermind lures you in with Ted Bundy charm, smarts & swagger & then when you’re not looking, he beheads the dog & cuts you into pieces & sends them in a box to your mother.
Our culture has put bad characters on pedestals, idolized cold blooded killers that were ruthless & dangerous.
In doing so, we basically condoned cruel & unusual punishment & just about revered made men as hometown heroes. Mafiosos were nothing short of a menace to society. These local terrorists infiltrated the streets, neighborhoods, & communities with fear, lies, deceit, drugs, infidelity, violence, greed, prostitution & organized crime. Law enforcement was in on it many times, they all were in bed together. So many senseless deaths over the years. Thank god, that craze & obsession with this avatar is expiring now. Those old gangsters need to stay right in the graves they lie in. R.I.P.
We do not have room for angst or aggression in our midst, anymore.
Don’t ya think we’ve had enough?? That tired old program is defeated & withering away with the horse it rode in on. It’s about time that we move to improve, & begin to infuse our communities with positive vibrations. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Bob Marley box set anyone? Gee, if Bob was alive circa 2020, he would have been proud… lol. Hemp gardens, weed farms, weed bars, CBD products, cannabis culture, legalization of marijuana. I bet Bob has rolled over in his grave so many times by now, he decided to get up, climb out & do a dance. Not saying cannabis is the answer, but, it can definitely be a vice we can work with going forward, to help generations transition to an eventual substance free life mode.
That said, we now have the tools to go forth in style & become the tribe of humans we were destined to become.
Not only do we have the cannabis culture to assist by making the transitions smoother & less resistant, but we have established & secured a holistic movement. Today in this country & across the globe, there is a mass alliance of lightworker individuals who work for the highest good of humanity. This worldwide movement of people endorse, promote & practice holistic healing methods, spiritual guidance systems, natural remedies, mindset shifting, metaphysics, meditation, yoga, breathwork, & all the Spiritual Arts. In lieu of pharmaceutical drugs, holistic health practitioners now offer organic natural medicinal solutions to ailments & illnesses that do indeed work to restore & protect wellness without toxic chemicals with likely side effects.
Now more than any time in history, we have 1000s of healers (with bells on) all over the map, who are ready & waiting to help.
If you are willing, you can even learn to be one of these people, via online certification programs, classes, retreats, & live events that teach,  reveal & implement sacred knowledge. You too, can now become a life coach, energy worker, healer, wayshower, soul guide, spiritual advisor, or holistic practitioner. There are thousands of specialized programs to explore. The Mind Valley Academy, being one of the most popular educational platforms with a plethora of bootcamps, classes & programs to sharpen, shift, & assist you in becoming the best version of yourself thus fulfilling your Divine purpose. Heck, YouTube is now chock full of amazing portals of knowledge & wisdom, as is Facebook live.
No longer must we sit around waiting & wondering when & how & who & what & why me?? No longer do we need to be victims & victimizers, escape artists, fear-based hate mongers, or blind followers who avoid the true good humane experience of a life well-lived. No longer must we subject ourselves to distorted miscreated wounded identities that evolved from the lack, limitation, blocks, densities, & old stuck stuff inherited from our wounded ancestors generation after bloody generation. That’s the outdated version of the human being.
It’s time for love, light & high vibration. Lets graduate.
It’s time to upgrade the system to meet the needs of the new normal the new brand of human wherefore he is mostly freed from those spiky chain links of a distorted, miscreated, wounded identity.
The melancholy of yesteryear was born from the underlying sicknesses beneath the surface.
Just look at all the sick, twisted, despicable, & most times diabolical behaviors of Catholic child molesters, Boy Scout molesters, Olympic (USA Gymnastics) molesters, & all the famous rapists like Cosby, Weinstein, Epstein, R Kelly, & Matt Lauer who ruined soooooo many lives. Look at all the covered up sex assault cases in the Military. Look at the millions of Indigenous women that have gone missing to no avail. Look at the 10’s of thousands of unsolved rape cases, with kits to prove it, dating back decades, that are still buried in file cabinets to the ceiling in warehouses across every municipality there is. Look at all the clandestine sex trafficking rings, incest cases, international gender inequalities that force females to be slaves or sexually mutilated. Look at all the insidious sex assaults that had been woven into the fabric of the dysfunctional modern day corporate world & a predominately sexist society, up until now. Harassment in the workplace, unfair treatment, unequal pay, & mad disparities between races & genders have been rampant across the board.
In the current 2020 climate, we are now seeing sex abuse, racism & police brutality unearthed center stage for everyone to witness. All the wrongdoing in our culture is now being EXPOSED in all its glory once & for all. The Twelve Step program says: “secrets keep us sick,” & this applies here. No longer can any of these unethical destructive behavioral patterns infiltrate our human society, if they are publicly displayed. As all of it becomes a secret no more… we as a nation of human beings can begin to walk down the road to recovery & heal. Recovery from the addictions humans have to each other, injustice, control, power, mistakes, missteps, fear, anger, pain, grief, greed, suffering, sex, food, abuse, overuse, the 7 deadly sins, if you will.
Originating in Christian theology, the seven deadly sins are pride, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, sloth, and wrath. Pride is sometimes referred to as vanity or vainglory, greed as avarice or covetousness, and wrath as anger. That sounds about right.
How about human’s horrible addiction to animal flesh & product, otherwise known as meat, seafood & dairy?
This unnecessary propensity to consume animal at all the levels that we do as a race… is no longer a mode of survival, it is a gross abuse & misuse of power to the absolute EXTREME. There is absolutely NO REASON we as a human race NEED to consume animal product in the excessive EXTREME way that we are brainwashed to do. IT’S WRONG.
And, I’m sorry I’m not sorry, but Asian countries are the worst. They kill dogs for food, for godsake. RIGHT NOW, terrified dogs & cats are crammed in cages in some dark back alley in China, waiting to be tormented, tortured & killed by sick & twisted bad greedy people for the sake of a sale & unnecessary human consumption. What is wrong with these people??
Animals in cages, animals shoved in pens, animals caught in traps, animals violated, tortured, taunted, hunted or executed… THIS IS  NOT OKAY. God’s creatures deserve humane rights & dignities, & deserve to be honored, respected & valued. Any human being that goes against that, is going against GOD. In circa 2020, there are millions of animals far & wide abused, hurt, tortured, imprisoned, slaughtered & murdered every single second of every single day upon this Earth planet. Any HUMAN drone, monster or blind follower that commits these heinous acts, plays any part in them, endorses them, funds them or participates in any way… will be subject to KARMIC BACKLASH. Do not be mistaken.
Did you know that kielbasa & sausage are made of residual meat guts stuffed into a casing made of animal intestines. The chicken you ate yesterday was slaughtered inhumanely for your unnecessary consumption.
Gummy bears are made with beef gelatin. Red food coloring like in a Red Velvet cake is made of beetle bodies. That collagen in your beauty product is likely made of bovine connective tissue. Cow’s milk does NOT do a body good, either.
Maybe we should consider taking a page out of certain celebrity playbooks…
  Sugary stuff made with sweeteners such as high fructose corn syrup, “diet” stuff made with sucralose, & artificially flavored & colored stuff made with genetically modified organisms… are harmful & can even be deadly. These things if consumed regularly over a period of time, will rot your teeth, corrode your arteries, spike your blood levels, & age & deteriorate your body, heart & mind. Over time, these things will produce poisonous bacteria & micro organisms that will make a home in your G.I. track & inevitably will compromise your ability to expel waste. That means, you will rot from the inside out, like a toilet that is never flushed. Pretty gross, but pretty true.
PROPAGANDA is false advertising that is constructed for one reason: to make people believe they need a certain product in order to be healthy or happy… or else. Or else is the key catch phrase here. It’s the oldest marketing trick in the book… to employ urgency via a fear of the consequences of missing out on that benefit.
They lie to us.
  This shit is not cool or healthy or aligned with any kind of new improved direction we as humans are desperately attempting to move in. We should outlaw all of it. That stuff doesn’t reflect us anymore. Just like the Confederate flag, the slave owner soldier statues, the class warfare of our tax system, the rich getting richer & poor getting poorer system of a bogus democracy, the 9 to 5 American Dream sham model, lame excuses for hourly wages, the federal standard “minimum wage,” exorbitant student loan debt, high interest car payments & mortgages that enslave us for decades. Then we have deeply inaccurate text books, biased history books, an uninspiring school system & an outdated crooked curriculum that we have been forcing on our children generation upon generation, to learn & absorb by law. What a miscarriage of justice. None of it works. None of it even makes sense.
This is the “old familiar” that no longer serves us.
All of it is based on rotting outdated principles that do not build or advance us positively. All of it was invented by the ego-based regime of a man made system that honored a man-made rule of law. At this point, it no longer fits the bill, & has proven over time to be extremely insidiously damaging & counter intuitive, to say the least. Statistic after sad statistic we see a clear systemic failure to properly deliver life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. Do people really still believe the BIG LIE? It’s hard to watch the mainstream media sometimes, when so many stories featured are with people who play the victim card. The system was made to label, divide, separate, brainwash, control, manipulate & victimize. It was a set up to begin with.
The entire world infrastructure has produced extreme class warfare, economic, cultural & educational disparities. The American system has produced extreme class warfare, economic, cultural & educational disparities & has been designed to work only for a select few. The system has failed the rest of us royally. The system that had been in place all these years has essentially sold us all snake oil. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The good intention in this case is the sale of the American pipe dream. Buying into the chasing the tail mentality of a 40 hour workweek & all that goes with it, has taken our souls hostage while breaking spirits & breaking up families. Ants marching, drones, zombies, blind followers, rats in cages, sheeple, whatever ya wanna call it. The system over all, has produced & proliferated a plethora of adverse conditions. Instead of thriving citizens, we have just surviving citizens, big difference. The system of man’s government, society & free enterprise needs to be revised.
In one way or another, the current structure of government, society & free enterprise has clearly produced & proliferated the following:
[Sickness, disease, dissatisfaction, unfulfillment, obesity, struggle, fear, anger, sadness, stress, anxiety, mental illness, poverty, food deserts, food insecurity, hunger, homelessness, helplessness, hopelessness, violence, terrorism, war, slavery, addiction, substance abuse, crime, suicide, child abuse, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, unwanted pregnancies, abortion, damaging control dramas, a dog eat dog dynamic, us versus them mentality, overworked & underpaid struggling slaves to society & ultimately a compromised quality of life across the board.]
I don’t call that a successful system. That system has riddled us with issues, drama, & pain. That system has exhausted us, diluted us, damaged us, & corrupted us. What we need is reform to the highest degree. We need mass renovation, redefinition & reinvention, NOW. This unjust system must be rewired to fit a new improved system of advancement that serves us honestly, fair, balanced, efficiently, effectively for all, & based on principles with morals & values that serve God’s law not man’s.
We must ultimately move away from the “rape consciousness” of the earth & its inhabitants, to the consciousness of compassion.
By honoring Mother Earth we activate the Divine force of unity, oneness & love. We go from ego-based living to soul based living, leaving behind what no longer serves us as we go forth to unlock the Divine within. This shift must happen in order for humankind & the planet to be spared from karmic consequences of death & destruction. Matter of fact it IS happening right now as we go through this 2020 year. Lightworkers & Wayshowers are working tirelessly across the globe to download new DNA codes & upgrades so to assist humanity into moving into a 5D experience here on Earth. Not to mention, the planetary realm & the sacred science of astrology has been delivering eclipse after eclipse to assist in these massive energy shifts happening to not only us, but by & large to the very crystalline core of the Earth Star, upon every single level!
Flowers will smell more fragrant, air will be fresher, music more melodic, food will feed not just the senses, but the soul.
Our lives will no longer be burdened by old expired programs of survival, sacrifice, suffering, trading time for money, but be aligned, attuned, calibrated & upgraded, rather, to a new & improved level of existence. A new level of existence wherefore everything we have been living thus far will just BE BETTER, brighter, easier, more advanced, enjoyable, flowing & fulfilling. You could call it, moving closer to the paradigm of Heaven on Earth.
Instead of being takers, thieves, or energy vampires stealing from the planet, others, animals & resources… we become radiant evolved bringers of light, harvesters of abundance, & conscious creators. Instead of being savage scavengers, suffering succubuses, victims & blamers we become responsible manifestors of life-giving habits & practices. Habits & practices that restore, preserve, protect, fortify, revitalize, & energize. Habits & practices that produce, provide & promote peace. Habits & practices that heartily harness holistic health, happiness & harmony.
The goal & ultimate endgame, is to collectively move away from our addiction to pain, struggle & suffering.
This long overdue courageous quantum LEAP of faith begins when we give ourselves permission to level up. When we willfully choose to move into embodying our light codes, activating our light bodies & thus upgrading our beings into a higher vibratory frequency on a cellular level, we do that. Only in this way can our multi-dimensionality be integrated into our “mundane” daily lives. Mundane daily lives AKA the 3 Dimensional & 4 Dimensional realms.
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6) Christians are often criticized for claiming that Jesus is the only way to God. But what he/they meant was this: only by raising the vibration/frequency of our energetic Auric fields, can we coexist with the Earth plane & Planet Terra in a more advanced 5 Dimensional God-forward way. Raising our vibration is how we embody the Christ (Cosmic) Consciousness (essentially embodiment of said Jesus), & is indeed the ONE & ONLY way to live free & be in alignment with the totality of LOVE. Only via raising our vibration can we experience & express the “God Image” we were meant to be made in. Only by WAY of raising our vibration do we & can we embody the TRUTH & LIFE, Jesus was speaking about.
*3 Dimensional (height, width & depth physical plane)
*4 Dimensional (emotions, time, space, astral plane)
*5 Dimensional (Angels, guides, elemental beings, beyond the veil of illusion or physical/emotional planes. The Fifth Dimension is a level of consciousness. We move into this level of consciousness after Self Realization or the realization of our GOD selves has occurred.
And in & through entering the “Kingdom of God” this way… we thus free up the many burdens of this 3D level of experience. We thus loosen the chains of the 3D physical realm of low hanging fruit which has essentially bound us to the dense & heavy vibration of malevolence & misfortune. if we choose to RISE, we can & will facilitate a much smoother earth plane experience & thus exist here in a higher vibratory frequency mode. Technology is now in the process of going from 4G to 5G, just as our beings are now similarly going from 3D to 5D & beyond. It’s no coincidence this is happening simultaneously. We update & upgrade our technology as warranted, what makes our beings or souls any different? I’m like walking around with a sign that says: “Getchyour DNA upgrades here!” lol
It is now TIME to integrate our Divine Sovereignty.
There are free ACTIVATIONS available all over the place. I will list links below. That said, let’s reach up & pull that grace down into us. It is now time for us to no longer fear death by no longer fearing to live LIFE FULLY. It is now time to delete old programs & paradigms that kept harbored heartache alive. Each & every time an old pattern or program, or deceptive or negative thought arises, just consciously release it into the white light of transmutation. It’s easy. Each time one surfaces, simply acknowledge it & let it go. Catch & release, if you will. Imagine watching it rise into the light, pop & disappear with all the rest of the popping bubbles of injustice, inequity, & fear.
Then, state this powerful affirmation with conviction: “I NOW RELEASE any pattern or program that no longer serves my highest good or the highest good of others. I NOW RELEASE any & all habits or addictions that no longer serve my highest good or the highest good of others. I NOW UNLOCK my true Divine I AM presence. I NOW UNLOCK my true inner Divine avatar. I NOW EMBRACE my soul’s true purpose. I NOW EMBRACE my highest vibrational center point of gravity. I NOW ALLOW perfect union with the Divine. I NOW ALLOW the ease of this life to serve me. I NOW KNOW my next step. I NOW KNOW my next move. I AM confidently moving into Authentic Action. I AM Divinely guided & light-filled as I move forward ever-present on the Divine path of my highest calling. Easily & effortlessly do I RISE. Repeat as needed. 
Fear & scarcity only arise to protect us. These are a false sense of security & are illusions there-of. F. E. A. R. False Evidence Appearing Real.
There is nothing to fear here.
A new day has dawned, one of perfect union with the Divine, one heart, one love, together we rise. So it is!
Jenay Zapp (keep scrolling)
One Love
Bob Marley
Press Play!
One love One heart Let’s get together and feel all right Hear the children cryin’ (One love) Hear the children cryin’ (One heart) Sayin’ give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Sayin’ let’s get together and feel all right
Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One love) There is one question I’d really love to ask (One heart) Is there a place for the hopeless sinners Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs
One love! What about the one heart (One heart) What about the people Let’s get together and feel all right As it was in the beginning (One love) So shall it be in the end (One heart) All right Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Let’s get together and feel all right
One more thing Let’s get together to fight this Holy Armageddon (One love) So when the Man comes there will be no, no doom (One song) Have pity on those whose chances grows thinner There ain’t no hiding place from the Father of Creation
Sayin’ one love What about the one heart (One heart) What about the Let’s get together and feel all right
I’m pleadin’ to mankind! (One love) Oh, Lord (One heart) Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Let’s get together and feel all right Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Let’s get together and feel all right
Songwriters: Curtis Mayfield / Bob Marley
3D… R.I.P.✌
Press Play!
Activation List:
Ask Angels website for activations
Era of Peace website for Vlog activations
New Earth One website for 100s of activations
“The name AMERICA is an anagram for the I AM RACE. This name was intended to reflect a race of God Conscious people comprised of ALL races, ALL nationalities, ALL cultures, ALL religions, ALL creeds and ALL Lifestyles. A race of people who are functioning within the full embrace of their I AM Presence reflecting Oneness, Divine Love, Reverence for ALL Life, and decisions and actions that perpetually reflect the highest good for ALL concerned.”
—Patricia Cota-Robles http://www.eraofpeace.org
It’s now up to you to decide for yourself. If you made it all the way through til the end, this message was meant FOR YOU.
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My most recent BOOK HERE>>> Rise! To the occasion!
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11 ways we Birth the New Earth: 2020 edition
Ignorance & Bliss no longer exist: A message for addicts & everyone else Want more sacred TRUTH & fun, smart-mouth brutal honesty? TAP FOLLOW!! #JoinTheConsciousRevolution This message is for anyone it reaches.
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cryptoliveclub-blog · 6 years
Stock Market Downturn Just a 'Glitch'
New Post has been published on https://cryptolive.club/coins/stock-market-downturn-just-a-glitch/
Stock Market Downturn Just a 'Glitch'
Despite experts naming numerous reasons for the stock market downturn, U.S president Donald Trump has decided it is simply a “glitch.” Trump also predicts that equity markets will recover as the U.S negotiates trade deals, including with China. Yet trade woes and reciprocal tariffs with C
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slotsspot · 6 years
11 Cunning Techniques for Cheating When Playing Online Slots
Slot machines are ranked as some of the most rewarding casino games that can be encountered at gambling venues and can serve for the benefit of not only players, but also casinos themselves as well as fraudsters. Despite the fact that they are digital, slot games continue to be appealing for many fraudsters similarly to the conventional table games available at casinos.
Slot games can result in maximum payouts depending on your wager and sometimes the winnings could reach immeasurable sizes in case you hit a jackpot prize. Therefore, it is quite obvious that these games are often targeted by fraudsters who are using all means in order to win bigger rewards.
Let’s take a look at some of the cunning methods used by cheaters at casino floors.
Cheating Code
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Gambling regulatory bodies are always there to guarantee that the gaming-associated market runs to the fullest capacity and remains fair to everyone.
Technical specialists are engaged in creating new slot machines that will later be supervised and audited in order to make sure the gameplay is fair and of high quality. However, sometimes such specialists make a decision to cheat using their own codes for the sake of getting some benefits.
The world-known slot cheater Ronald Dale Harris is an example of such a situation. The technical expert behind Nevada’s gambling commission did precisely this kind of trick.
For many years, he had been cheating on slot machines by using the original codes and he continued to do so up until his partner hit a prize of a hundred thousand dollars while playing keno, which resulted in the discovery of his fraudulent activity.
Shaved Coins
Everyone enjoys to be shaved as clean and tidy as possible. Well, fraudsters enjoy it when the coins are shaved.
Together with the advances in technologies, online slots started to utilize a light sensing innovation in order to keep track of payments. In a wide variety of slot machines, the optic sensing device operated on its own accord, separately from the stationary mechanism.
This virtually means that if a shaved coin was inserted simultaneously with the object that had the same form and size as the coin that was supposed to be placed at stake, the shaved coin would then be returned while a different object would reach its destination inside the machine and would then be used during the gameplay.
Unreal Coins
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If only you have not been living in a far-away land since the time when Donald Trump occupied his presidential position, then you might have heard about such notion as “fake news”. In fact, the following way of cheating at slots is very much like the “fake news”.
Unreal or fake coins were often used by a painter Louis Colavecchio under the nickname of “The Coin” who scammed at casinos for multiple years up until he was imprisoned at the end of the previous century.
He was later granted freedom in 2006 and it did not take too much time until he started cheating all over again. It was just a matter of a few months before he was imprisoned once more, which is not surprising.
There is absolutely no need to take this method word-by-word. That is to say, a yo-yo, as we know it, would never be small enough to fit inside the coin-based slot machine.
Nonetheless, the given type of fraud has everything to do with a special strategy utilized by cheaters.
In this case, a string is used to fix the coin, then the coin is transferred to the device until it launches the gameplay, after which the gambler takes coin back with the help of the string. Today, this strategy is a bit out-of-date due to the advances in the technological field.
However, it remains sheer classics.
Light Wand
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Tommy Glenn Carmichael is ranked as one of the most outstanding slot fraudsters in the entire history of gambling entertainment. He is accountable for the invention of a light wand.
Such outstanding tricksters as David Copperfield and David Blaine among many others have the capacity to facilitate the illusion that something happens, but Tommy Carmichael used light wand in order to hit massive jackpot payouts that would materialize at their own accord out of nothing.
The light wand was used to block the optical sensing devices attached to the slot machines, so that it was impossible to figure out the exact sum of coins that had been stored inside the machine as a deposit. In such a way, it could not be identified when to give out the payments and in what amounts.
This virtually implies that Carmichael could transform smaller winnings into huge payouts.
Piano Wire
This is an old trick, which is nevertheless very effective when it comes to cheating in slot machines.
A team of men cooperated side by side at the local casino in Atlantic City during the mid-1980s. One of the men launched a slot machine and added piano wires that were 20 inches in length to the intestines of the device.
Those wires could later be utilized to hide the clock that determined the circulations of the wheel.
This permitted the team of cheaters to affect the outcomes of spins. They managed to hit around 50 thousand dollars during such activities, but the entire fraud had been recorded and the lucky winner was eventually captured long before he managed to leave the casino premises.
Upper-Bottom Joint
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This is ranked as one of the most elaborate ways of cheating while playing slots and it remained popular with fraudsters all through the period from 1970s to 1980s.
The scammers used a specially designed instrument that was divided into two parts. These included the topmost one (taking the shape of a metal rod with an end being twisted into a letter “q”) and the bottom one (taking the shape of an elongated wire).
After placing the bottommost part through the chute of a coin and the topmost one through the slot for a coin, the scammers were then capable of forcing the slot machine to unravel the entire stack of coins that was hidden inside it.
This is how they grabbed huge wins.
Monkey Paw
This technique was once again invented by Carmichael who was evidently a completely ingenious man (in terms of cheating, of course).
He turned out to be the inventor of one more strategy known as “monkey paw”. After trying out some innovative methods with the help of a video poker device, he managed to land at the right technique, which was stunningly easy to use.
He used a guitar string that was added to a twisted metal rod. He then threw it into the air ventilation device inside the machine and turned it around until it launched the switch in order to unleash the shower of coins falling out from the slot.
Bill Validator Mechanism
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This is an easy-to-use, but still very effective cheating technique at slots. It represents a small mechanism that is twisted around a bill in order to make the slot machine confused and force it to think as if it accepts a hundred dollars bank note, while in reality it would just accept a one dollar bill only.
This is one of those scams that were most probably invented in some far-away bar in the depths of Nevada desert.
Computer Chip Substitution
Dennis Nikrasch altered the entire concept of slot cheating using the following idea.
He purchased a fruit machine and spent some time working on it in his garage in order to identify what possible flaws and imperfections it had. He understood that the programming chips that were hidden inside it could be re-considered in order to change the payouts for your own advantage and hit massive jackpots.
Nikrasch then bought a bunch of such chips, employed a group of fraudsters, grabbed some keys from slot machines and started his career as a scammer who got hold of huge payouts at casinos for many years. All this was performed through the replacement of particular chips for those that could regulate the payouts.
Software Glitch
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It can often be seen how casinos reject to give out some jackpot due to the “software glitch”.
The most outstanding case of such kind took place in 2015 when a 90-year-old pensioner Pauline McKee from Illinois hit a payout of 41 million dollars using Miss Kitty fruit machine at the local gambling spot.
She made an attempt to address the legality of the casino’s actions in 2012 but her ultimate appeal was refused several years afterwards. Regrettably, the historical records were the major reason why the gambling site won this case.
Software-related glitches have been taken over by cheaters for many years. Through the use of certain stake patterns, the gaming enthusiasts could make the fruit machine confused and therefore could grab a massive jackpot prize.
Many slot cheaters took advantage of such technique throughout the recent years, so that even nowadays numerous winners who hit jackpots are also rejected their monetary gains due to this scamming strategy.
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