#don't you love my basic ass oversimplified plot bahah
zhuzhudushu · 2 years
聊天的词 Special Edition – 【十面埋伏】 House of Flying Daggers
So I watched The House of Flying Daggers 【十面埋伏】 (2004), directed by 张艺谋 Zhang Yimou. Every time I watch a Chinese movie, one of my language exchange partners has me tell the story in my own words, using English for the words I don't know. So here is my summary, with all the new words she taught me!
新词:(HSK 5, HSK 6)
反叛 / fǎn pàn / rebel, traitor
团体,團體 / tuán tǐ / organization, group, team
假装,假裝 / jiǎ zhuāng / to pretend, to feign
盲人 / máng rén / blind person
假扮 / jiǎ bàn / to disguise oneself, to dress up as
队长,隊長 / duì zhǎng / captain (of a team, group)
间谍,間諜 / jiàn dié / a spy
逃跑 / táo pǎo / to run away, flee
刺伤,刺傷 / cì shāng / to stab (to wound by stabbing)
拯救 / zhěng jiù / to save, to rescue
人物 / Characters:
Mei / 小妹 / xiǎo mèi / main character, member of the house of flying daggers
Jin / 随风,隨風 / suí fēng / love interest and officer who goes undercover as "free/random wind" to follow Mei
Leo (lol to this romanization, subtitles) / 队长 / love interest and police captain who is hunting the house of flying daggers
飞刀门,飛刀門 / fēi dāo mén / House of Flying Daggers
SPOILERS FOR HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS! If you don't want to be massively spoiled, do not read below!!!
警察找一个反叛团体。“小妹”假装盲人,然后另一警察,假扮“随风”,跟她一起去找飞刀门。 随风爱上了小妹,但是警察队长是一个飞刀门的间谍, 而且三年前爱上了她。但是三年了,小妹不爱他了。队长打她为了在随风一起。她逃跑了,但是队长跟随她,然后刺伤她因为他不想让她和随风在一起。她用这个刀拯救随风,然后死了。
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