#don't you dare to make any valentino comments
hazbin-helluva-itch · 2 months
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My sunglasses arrived safely today! 😍 I love them so much!
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Unexpected (Vox x Fox Demon!Reader)
Pairing: Vox x Reader
Description: Vox tries to make a deal with Y/n.
Warnings: Valentino is his own warning. Um, slightly explicit near the beginning? Nothing too bad. Cigarettes.
Word Count: 2,928
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A/N Considering the returns on my most recent poll, I figured I should get this slightly steamy little idea I've had for a while out there in the world.
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Vox had never been one to make deals with lesser demons, to take their souls. No, that was Valentino's thing. Vox didn't need to own a soul to get a demon to do what he wanted for one, and for another, Vox didn't particularly like people. He preferred to work alone, to be alone. Life was much more productive that way.
The other Vees were different. Vox allowed them in his life because they were useful, they solidified and expanded his power. Anyone else was just a waste of time and space.
Speaking of the other Vees, Vox right now was on his way to visit Valentino. At Velvette's request, he was aiming to talk to the man about whatever scene he'd instigated at a club the night before. It just happened to be his luck because of course it was his fucking luck that the only spare moment he had to deal with the situation was when Val was filming.
Vox burst through the studio doors, making a beeline for Valentino who sat in a director's chair before the set. He was well practiced at approaching his business partner while the man was working and averted his eyes, trying his best to keep focus on the task at hand.
"Val." he hummed in irritation as he came to a stop beside the moth demon's chair, "What did you do last night?"
Valentino blew out a puff of pink smoke, fixing his eyes on Vox.
"Whatever do you mean?"
The feigned innocence coming from this man was laughable. Vox rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, to reveal what Velvette had told him. By chance, just at that moment, he happened to look away.
It wasn't on purpose. There had been a sound from the set that had involuntarily grabbed Vox's attention. His eyes widened, his screen glitching with fury as he turned back to Valentino.
"What the fuck is that?" he asked pointing to the set.
There, in the middle of the bed was a demon. That was far from unusual, as was the demon's half dressed state. What was unusual was the fact that the demon had been dressed up to look exactly like Vox himself. Well, not exactly. The actor had a box over his head with a fake screen on the front. A cheap costume but one that was most certainly supposed to be him.
There was another demon beneath him, a short thing with with wide eyes and the large ears of a fennec fox. It was then that the sound that caught his attention registered with Vox. Trapped under the other actor's arms, his lips to her neck, she had moaned his name.
Val lazily threw his gaze to the stage before smiling.
"Just my newest project. Don't you worry."
"Val, I am definitely worried. I want you to cancel this, right now."
"Oh comon Voxy!" Valentino pleaded, "Think of all the money it would bring in! Half of Hell wants to get dicked down by you for Christ's sake."
Vox folded his arms over his chest, actively not looking at the pair who were still on stage. They had not stopped what they were doing for the sake of the overlord's conversation and Vox was so high strung that he nearly flinched at the sound of fabric tearing.
His voice came out deep and mangled, as if his speakers were turned up way too loud. Vox's eye twitched slightly in irritation, his hands clenched into fists. Valentino just watched him for a moment before sighing. Waving his hand, he turned to the stage.
"That's a wrap everyone!" he called and Vox turned to watch at the whole crew of demons, including the pair of actors, turned to their boss, "We're trashing this script."
If anyone had complaints, they dared not voice them before the two overlords. Slowly, the crew began to pack up.
"Thank you." Vox reluctantly said to Val.
His eyes were fixed on the two actors, something that did not escape Valentino's notice as he waved the words of thanks off.
"You owe me one."
The man had pulled himself from the bed by now and discarded the false head he'd been wearing. With a kindly smile, he held a hand out to the girl he'd been on top of just moments before. She sat up, leaning back on her arms. Vox watched her lips move and though he couldn't hear what she said over the clamor, he assumed it must've been a joke as the other demon laughed.
Gently, and with much more grace than Vox could have thought she was capable of, she took the demons hand and brought herself off the bed. Vox's breath caught in his throat because of course, of fucking course, Valentino had decided to dress her like that.
If Val was good at anything, it was guessing someone's kinks just by looking at them. A party trick but in practice, very useful for his line of work. The demon was dressed in blue and red lingerie, running like twisting wires over her limbs, pressing gently into her skin in just the right way. The remnants of a black dress, the source of the earlier sound of torn fabric no doubt, lay in the imprint of her body on the bed. Vox didn't care if it was predictable, she looked fucking hot.
With that specific breed of confidence that seems only to belong to pornstars, the pair began heading toward the door. Muffled, as if through water, Vox heard Valentino ask him something.
"Yeah." Vox absently replied, tearing his eyes away from the pair and meeting Valentino's gaze.
Val smirked up at him knowingly.
"You alright there Voxy?" he hummed, "Fox got your tongue?"
"I am not going to deign that with a response. If you ever pull shit like this agai-"
"Yeah yeah. Doll!"
Vox followed Val's shifted line of sight to see that the girl had stopped by the door which was being held open for her by her scene partner. She turned to face Val, suddenly taking on a much more demure demeanor than she had previously displayed. Hands clasped before her, she met her boss's eyes across the expanse of the room.
"Yes?" she called, her voice like music.
"Val." he warned under his breath for what felt like the umpteenth time.
Valentino, of course, ignored him, seeking his own entertainment and profit above all else.
"Come here for a second, would you?"
She nodded, saying something to the demon behind her over her shoulder. With a shrug, he left the room, letting the door fall shut behind him. Stepping carefully between the frantic workers, the girl made her way across the room to Vox and Val. She stopped before Val's chair, looking up at him through her lashes.
"What did you want to see me for, sir."
Her words were careful, perfectly annunciated.
"Back here in ten. You've got another job."
"Yes, Valentino." she replied, bowing her head just the slightest bit towards the man.
Val's wicked grin widened.
"Wear the white."
"Yes, Valentino."
It was like those were the only two words she knew. She treated the horrific man before her with the utmost respect, never once taking her eyes off of him.
"You may go."
Val waved her off with a lazy flick of his hand.
"Thank you, sir."
Another slight bow and the girl turned, her hair splaying out slightly at the ends from her sudden movement. As she made for the door once again, she shot a momentary glance at Vox. It was as if the world had stopped turning the second their eyes met. It felt like an eternity of him losing himself in their sticky softness. Then, she was gone.
Vox didn't understand what was happening. Sure, he had found people attractive before. He'd engaged in hookups, wasted time on the occasional relationship but nothing -- nothing -- had ever been like this. Every time he shut his eyes, there she was. Every spare second, his mind drifted to her. He found himself staring off into space, the image of that wry smile she had shot her costar as he had helped her off the bed burned into his memory.
The worst part was she was one of Val's girls and Val's girls were always trouble. The look they had shared, the scene she had been in, the way his name had sounded spilling from her soft lips, Vox knew it meant nothing to her. She had probably already forgotten it by now. The worst part was, it wasn't nothing to him. His muscles tensed at just the thought of the sound, at the idea of him being the one to actually make her beg for him rather than some cheap excuse for a facsimile. The worst part was, he didn't even know her name. In Val's gaze, she was just another body to profit off of. She was a doll, unworthy of any other title. The idea of someone seeing her so cheaply made him glitch because god, he had only met her once, but she was so much more than a toy. Vox was sure of it.
Wrapped in fantasy, he crafted an image of the girl. Vox imagined her patterns of being, what she must be like as a person -- so obedient but with that dry sense of humor he had attributed to her with no evidence save that she'd managed to make one person laugh in front of him one time. Vox never expected to see her again. He thought that the demon would be forever relegated to his dreams, to the recesses of his mind. He thought she'd be dead in a week, with Val's track record.
Vox pulled himself from his desk chair with a sigh. Three hours had passed and he just couldn't bring himself to be productive. She was a menace, a true vixen with those fox ears and tail to match. He would curse her very name for what she was doing to him if he knew what it was.
"Some fresh air. That's all I need." he said to the emptiness of his office, "Yeah."
The back doors of the Vee's building were seldom used, even by the people who worked there. Half the paparazzi didn't even know that they existed and so, he planned his escape. Of course it had to be his luck because it was always his goddamn luck these days wasn't it that the second he opened the door, it was to the smell of cigarette smoke and the image of a demon leaning against the building's brick exterior.
Vox let the door fall shut behind him with a heavy bang. The demon shot him a glance out of the corner of her eye, taking a long drag of her cigarette.
"Escaping?" she asked.
He hadn't wanted anyone to see him. More importantly, he hand't wanted to see anyone, let alone talk to him. Vox sighed, adjusting his sleeves as he turned to face the demon fully.
She looked up at him, squinting slightly against the sun. Vox's heart stuttered in his chest. She looked... different and it wasn't just because she was fully dressed this time. There was no doubt about it however, this was the demon from the studio just a few weeks before.
None of the playful joy or diligent respect from their last encounter remained in her features, she just looked tired. Black jeans and a leather jacket, hair pulled up and away from her face, not a speck of makeup to be seen besides the smudged remnants of mascara beneath her eyes.
"You... you're that... you're one of Val's..."
"Victims?" she chuckled ruefully, "Yeah. I am."
"You're the one from..."
"Last week? Yep. Sorry about that, by the way. If it's any consolation, it was uncomfortable for us too."
Vox was speechless, stunned, utterly taken aback and completely blindsided. The exact thing he was trying to escape, standing before him and utterly contrary to his every previously conjured image.
"Want a smoke?"
"Uh, no thanks. Don't smoke."
The girl shrugged.
"Mind if I do."
She took another long drag, watching the smoke she blew out as it hung blue in the air. She shot him a sidelong glance.
"You just gonna stand there?"
"You ask a lot of questions."
She laughed. Vox wasn't expecting her to do that.
"S'pose I do."
The idea of a walk had long left Vox's mind. He leaned against the wall across from her in the cramped ally, watching as she anxiously checked the time.
She lowered her arm, shaking the sleeve of her jacket back over the watch and looking wistfully out towards the exit of the ally.
"You seem... you're different than I expected you to be."
"Thats your fault for having expectations."
She smiled at him like a shark watching prey and he nodded his head to the side in mild agreement.
"What's your name?"
Her smile fell, eyes widening slightly. One of her ears twitched and Vox could hear the sound of her tail shifting against the wall. The world felt so far away. Right now, there was nothing else in existence except for himself, the ally, and the fox before him.
"Vix..." she bowed theatrically after a moment, "is my porn name."
Her eyes shot up to his as she finished her phrase, the same confident and, he now realized, performative smile curling the edges of her lips.
"But my parents called me Y/n."
The demon straightened herself up, holding a hand out to Vox. He regarded it carefully for a moment before placing his hand in hers.
"I know."
Y/n took a final drag from her cigarette, stamping the butt out on the ground beneath the heavy heel of her boot.
"Well," she sighed with one last look to the shock of sky they could see between the buildings, "I best be going. Nice meeting you."
Vox hadn't meant to say it, nor had he meant to frantically latch onto her arm. Y/n flinched slightly under the contact, stilling before the door and turning back to him, her brow furrowed.
"Why do you..." he cleared his throat, his cheeks flushing slightly pink, "How'd you end up... working... here."
Y/n laughed again. She had to admit, his flustered state was rather endearing, not at all what she had expected from one of the most feared overlords in all of Hell.
"For Val?" she asked and he nodded in response, "Same as every other wayward soul. He offered me something I couldn't refuse, and I was too naive to understand the price."
It took Vox a moment for her words to register with him, for her cryptic language to translate in his mind.
"He owns your soul?"
Y/n nodded once, all traces of amusement having fallen from her face.
"For what."
"Fame! Money! Riches!" she sarcastically called out with wild swings of her arms.
She stilled in her movements, a wry smile flashing across her face as she met his eyes again, her arms falling to her sides.
"Nah, I'm not that classy. I needed protection."
"From what?"
"Anything. I was new and I was afraid."
"And now you're trapped."
"Now I am trapped." Y/n concurred solemnly, "And I have to go."
"Do you want to go?"
Y/n thought for a moment before shaking her head.
"You're not what I expected you to be."
"Thanks?" Vox questioned after a moment, "I am not sure if you meant that as a compliment."
It was a noncommittal answer and one that sent sparks of anxiety like shards of broken glass through him.
"I meant more so do you want to go to Val."
"Do I want to go get fucked by twenty guys or whatever he's gonna have me do? Of course fucking not. I don't really have a say in the matter so its not really important what I want."
"Of course it's important what you want."
Vox's mouth was moving a hundred times faster than his head. He couldn't seem to make it stop. Y/n's eyes went wide, she shook her head slightly as if ridding it of a thought.
"Maybe in another afterlife." she joked.
"What if... what if I could... fix this for you."
A pause, tense and full of longing. An intake of breath.
"What do you mean?"
"If you make a contract with another demon, Val's would be void."
"Another demon like you."
She trailed off, looking up at him with wide eyes. Her tail wagged once happily behind her before all traces of hope were swallowed once again by the utter desolation.
"I dug my grave, Vox."
"But you don't have to lie in it."
He was practically begging her, his hand on her arm again. He couldn't recall when he had placed it there after her wild movements earlier in detailing her deal had thrown it from her. She looked down, examining the place where flesh made contact with leather. Y/n's eyes met his again, she shook him off.
"One deal is bad enough. Trading chains for chains doesn't change anything."
"But it could."
"Look, Vox. I have to go."
Y/n turned her back on him and opened the door. She hesitated for a moment, leaning on it's edge.
"It was nice to meet you."
Vox watched as she disappeared, the door slamming behind her.
A/N It doesn't matter if you guys want a part two or not because there will be one.
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spitdrunken · 8 months
notes: power imbalance, sexual harrassment, murder mentions.
rotating a thought in my head where 'you' are an increasingly popular erotica writer from the pride ring. with writing, you've hit a bit of a niche, as a lot of the big porn producers (VoxTech's subsidiaries) are not exactly known for their riveting dialogue or personalities. no one's there for anything more than that, but there are demons who do want a bit more 'meat', so to say, with nowhere else turn. that is where you come in!
it's not enough to make a steady living off of, not even when you start taking incredibly specific commissions, but it's never been more of a hobby anyway. you are completely anonymous online, keeping care to use throwaway emails and accounts for everything. still, voxtech's products are utterly inescapable: it's either using them, or using nothing at all. (and those rumours about their boss vox having complete control over his technology, even after selling, has to be a rumour... you hope.)
meanwhile, as your penname continues to grow more and more recognizable, it falls in the vees' meeting room. valentino's immediate suggestion is just to kill you. people in the comments keep comparing his dialogue to yours. what the fuck is that about? who the hell watches porn for the DIALOGUE in the first place?
velvette, while shrugging her shoulders, only adds that their new releases tend to go trending, prior to release. fucking far from the top of that list, but still. trending is trending.
vox, sighing internally, plasters a smile on his face. there's really no need to kill new up and coming talent, val. we should suggest them to work for us instead. and if they don't... we can simply prevent them from working. they'll make up their mind, then.
you return to your laptop to an utterly inescapable pop-up describing the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to work at voxtech! it's a whole wall of text, describing your pay (higher than you would have expected), where you will be living (in one of the appartment buildings owned by voxtech), and when to head to their main office. there is no word on denying the contract, an utter impossibility, it seems. not that you'd dare. vox's and the radio demon's showdown was the talk of the ring for days, and apparantly, all that rancour was the source of alastor denying a contract of his own. that really is more shit than you can handle in your undead life now. so, you take the job.
as your stories are starting to get heavily promoted, velvette absolutely insists that you add in at least a couple of looong clothing descriptions, based on her tastes. she's such an overwhelming, pushy presence, that it's hard for you to say no. she goes on about how, if it gets popular enough, people might be interested in somewhat similar outfits. probably not, though, let's be honest with ourselves. she makes you model them, all the while telling you that you really wouldn't be allowed to breathe in the direction of her studio otherwise. when you ask her why you absolutely have the one modelling, she just rolls her eyes. you based large parts of their appearances after you, didn't you? might as well make you look the part.
valentino is one of the worst parts of the job. compared to everyone else, he hardly pesters you, but he's still a terrifying presence. he'll give you 'suggestions' and make you steer your work in certain directions, getting too close and blowing smoke into your face. he gives a graphic description of how he jacked off to one of your stories, just to see your response. (this is a lie: why would he jack off if he can just call some stupid whore over to do it for him? also, he doesn't read.)
if a part of one of your stories ever gets a 'porno adaptation', he's having you play the part of the director, and has you sit in during the entirety of the viewing. you can tell he takes great pleasure out of any of your discomfort, or any of your fumbling- until it's too sloppy, and then he gets mad, of course, and you end up leaving the room with shaky legs.
vox seems to be the nicest one out of the three of them. really, he's only ever been courteous to you. but you've seen him flip his lid during the aforementioned 'radio demon fiasco', which you have been wise enough to never mention, so you still walk on eggshells around him. he can also get pretty pushy about deadlines, so you're not taking any chances.
he insists on having semi-regular meetings with you about the sales figures of your most recent works, wherein you also have to describe your process on other projects and pitch new ideas. frankly, you wish these meetings could be an email! but even when you tried to broach the subject, telling him that, surely, the company leader's time is much more important than this?
he simply brushed you off, telling you that he can decide for himself who and what to spend his time on, thank you very much. now, please continue. he'll inform you of the latest kinks and dynamics that have been most popular, though with some peculiar additions as well. you swear that, sometimes, the main character really does seem to resemble yourself in those suggestions, and the love interest a member of the vees...? you're certain you're just imagining it.
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scenteddelusion5 · 7 months
Can you do Velvette x insecure reader? (any gender(s))
I Don't Deserve You
Velvette x insecure reader
Note: A short but wholesome one!!!
Word count: 647
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Velvette had met Y/n around three years ago. The sinner hadn't been in hell for long when she stumbled upon them. They weren't the prettiest nor the strongest demon, actually they were pretty weak but something pulled Velvette to them. One thing led to another and they started dating.
To say her colleagues hated their new-found love was an understatement, Vox and Val hated her new partner. Velvette would dote on them, buy them new clothes and show them of on all her socials. According to Vox letting the public know about her relationship with a weak sinner would be bad for their image. One time he had even tried to hypnotise them to break up but his plan fell through.
Val on the other hand didn't like their looks and though that Velvette could do WAY better and he took every opportunity to let her know. Once he even brought in one of his contracts that was the same type of sinner, they, however, were smoking hot. Velvette actually dared to slap the Vee in the face for that one.
She always reassured her partner that they were perfect. Still, Y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that they didn’t belong by her side.
On one hellish afternoon, Y/n laid on their shared bed and scrolled through their girlfriend's sinstagram. It showed a picture of the two of them in matching beachwear. Velvette stood by the parasol on the right while Y/n stood hunched over, looking through the cool box. The caption read: 'Two bitches at the beach, look out suckers! This ass is mine!'
They laughed looking back at their fun date. Scrolling down through the comments, they saw the usual replies:
Valentino_PIMP: We use the same swimwear line in the NEW angel dust porno, sluts!!
VoxTech_OFFICIAL: Line available on our online shop! Buy today, delivered tomorrow!!
Tiffany-PORNS: HOT!!! Ordering RIGHT NOW!!!❤️❤️❤️~
All of famous denizens, friends and colleagues. The usual but when they scrolled down, they came across these;
DoomBoom-482: Velvette hot as ever. Dont undorstand why shes whith that ugly.
Angel_FUCKER69: EEWWW!!! I didn’t want to see that 🤢
BAZUKAbAbY: we should just kill that bastard, they dont deserve our queen
Comment after comment, hating them. Tears filled their eyes as they read more and more.
Velvette walked into her apartment already angry, she couldn’t wait to complain to her partner about her shitty ass day. Valentino had ripped apart one of her best models on this busy fucking day.
She saw Y/n laying on the bed as she spoke, "you'll never guess what Valentino did today. Like I could just KILL him for thi-" She quickly cut herself off as she saw their puffy eyes stare at her. "What happened?"
She jumped on the bed and laid down next to them. "What are you looking at? Show me." Velvette looked at the post, reading through all the comments. "You don't actually believe their bs?"
"Y-yes," they sniffed, "I don't deserve you... You are amazing, beautiful, smart, witty and I'm... Me."
"And you are THE BEST THING that EVER happened to me! There is no demon in hell that could make me laugh like you do! No one that can lift me up pike you do! No one who can make pancakes like you do!" She hugged them. "Everyone else are just shitstains!!! Without you, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy hell as much as I do now."
"Really, besides do you really think those basement dwelling, internet trolls would understand someone as fabulous as you and me?" Velvette kissed the top of their head.
"Then there is nothing to worry about. I love you and you love me. That's all that matters." She picked up her phone and looked through her liked pics. "Now I saw this really cute trend where couples choose each other's fits, wanna try?"
"Let's do it!!!"
Masterlist/request guidelines
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selineram3421 · 1 year
Temporary Control
Part 1
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Alastor X Fem Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ using she/they for reader, cussing, fluff, soft Alastor, kisses. ⚠
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Alastor was attending an Overlord meeting.
He sat in one of the chairs, making sure it was a comfortable one. The others trickled in slowly, talking with one another to catch up or trying to start a fight.
The smile on his face widens into a wicked grin when a fight did break out.
"You piece of shit edge lord-!"
"Who are you calling edge lord!?"
It soon breaks up when another yells at them into submission.
Like two children being scolded. He chuckles at the thought.
Then Vox enters.
Alastor's smile is strained as the T.V. Demon sits across from him.
Of course he would.
The other two V's took the seats on either side of their companion. Velvette on her phone and Valentino lighting his vulgar smelling cigarette.
"Oh goodie, everyone's here.", Lucifer says walking in.
The others still standing quickly go to get an empty chair.
"Its just the usual, regular check ups and keeping track of population on territory.", the King says as he walks over to his chair. "A good amount of demons died this year."
The Morningstar sat down and looked down the table.
"Who's first?"
The meeting wasn't anything special. It was like any other before, just keeping numbers on demons and reporting anything of importance.
Alastor just sat back and waited to give his report.
Vox was glaring at the Radio Demon, arms crossed and tapping his foot underneath the table.
What makes him so great? He thought with a huff. He's just a conceded, self absorbed, egotistical cannibal who's still stuck in the past and cares for no one but himself.
The red demon across the table ignores the glares, checking his claws instead.
He's not fit to keep them. The T.V. demon decides, beginning to think of ways to drive her away from Alastor and into his arms.
The meeting finishes quickly, nothing too interesting or new.
Vox continues to glare as the man in red stands from his chair and leaves the room, screen starting to glitch out and crash.
"You're gonna have to start up again if you stare too long.", Velvette comments after glancing over.
"Shut up.", he grumbles.
"Oh what hate can do to a demon.", Valentino says, blowing out smoke. "If I wasn't any wiser, I'd think you're in love."
"Oho~ He is! But not with the red man!", the social media demon says, placing herself on the table and shoves her phone toward the moth, showing him who. "Its this pretty little hourglass!"
"Damn it Velvette! I said shut up!", Vox stands up and tries to take her phone.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE BITCH!", she growls, quickly rolling off the table and away from the T.V. Demon.
The two fight over the phone and the moth demon just lets out a sigh, taking another drag from his cigarette.
After shoving Velvette's annoying face away, Vox leaves the two and walks out of the meeting room, hissing out curses while stomping out of the building.
His screen starts glitching again when catching sight of the damn deer demon again.
Fucking piece of crap!
You were helping Alastor with looking for spell books in the library.
He had just come back from an Overlord meeting and you noticed he looked a little tired, so you suggested to read together. With a smile, the demon in red accepted the invitation and walked into the library with you.
Now both of you were looking for books for each other.
"I don't think Charlie would have any books of witchcraft or voodoo in here. It is the library for guests.", you say, still looking anyway.
"I suppose you're right.", the radio demon says from the other side of the library. "But maybe you'll find something even more interesting while looking."
You're surprised when he appears out of the shadows with a small stack of books in his hands.
"I found your books darling.", he says and passes them over to you.
"I didn't find yours yet.", you pout.
Alastor quickly but gently held your head and tilted it up, using his thumbs to turn up the corners of your lips.
"Forgive me my little hour glass but you're pouting.", he says and places a kiss on your forehead. "Read me one of your books instead?"
You oblige and turn to head over to the seats nearby. The deer demon holds your hand as you read one of Edgar Allen Poe's poems out loud. Later, he walks you back to your hotel room and both of you make plans for a date.
Finally arriving at your door, both of you turn to face each other.
"Good night.", you say softly.
"Sweet dreams my darling.", he replied with a smile and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
You wave at him before entering your room and closing the door. Now in your room, you take off your shoes and get things ready for bed, turning on the radio on your vanity.
It's just the thought of you
The very thought of you
My love~
The radio plays a favorite of yours as you get into bed, letting the song lull you to sleep.
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Sorry this is so late! I've finally written down the notes for this and I'm going to post the next part soon-ish? Soon.
~Seline, the person.
Part 2
@ducky-died-inside @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @willowaudreykeyes @bisexualboba @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
ChL for TC
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hello! I saw that you were doing matchmaking and I would like to request one from hazbin hotel, it would be very helpful for you to give me an idea so I can Draw (Creative Block D':) 𖦹 Name: Pia.
𖦹Sexuality: Bisexual.
𖦹Gender: Fluid gender.
𖦹Personality: INFJ, I consider myself empathetic, kind, calm and very sensitive. If someone comments on a game that I like, I will talk non-stop and tell the stories, data and theories.
𖦹 Appearance: (to be honest I wouldn't like to write it but I can tell you what my oc looks like) Her appearance is that of a moth with black and red tones, wings with 3 eyes on each side.
𖦹 Likes: animals and insects, especially foxes, rabbits, crows and moths, I really love video games, especially those about history or making decisions, reading horror books, cryptozoology, unsolved cases, the paranormal, I love nature a lot, I like comics, listening to metal and calm music, coffee.
𖦹I don't like: spiders, annoying noises, people who speak badly behind people's backs
𖦹 hobbies: Drawing would be my biggest hobby, I always draw anywhere, play video games and read.
𖦹Characters: I'm fine with any character except Valentino, Rosie, Nifty and Lute
𖦹Sorry if you don't understand, it's not my language.
~~~~~ MATCH UP ~~~~~
I love your original character! After choosing your match, I went to your blog and was very impressed with your artwork! You are so talented! I hope you like this and that it helps with your creative block!
I have chosen for you a character who is super loving, compassionate, supportive in all aspects, and, most importantly, a problem solver.
I present to you your match-------
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Charlie Morningstar
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
Charlie loves love, simple as that. She expects to be showered with love and admiration almost constantly in a relationship.
Charlie loves animals. If she hadn't opened the Hazbin Hotel, she definitely would have opened an animal rescue facility.
Charlie can get very overwhelmed with grand ideas at times, and because of this, watching you draw becomes one of her favorite pastimes. It's so relaxing.
When you explain to her how you watched or read about all these crime shows based on real murders in the mortal realm, she begins helping you find the people who committed them to question them.
Charlie will save you from any bug that dares thretens you, just expect her to want a few kisses as her reward.
Charlie has a mega sweet tooth, and she loves to make you your favorite coffee and other little snack cakes to munch on when you two have long nights working together.
If she can't draw her image for the hotel or her next master plan, she will come to you and ask you to help her pull it.
Charlie tries to learn how to play video games with you. However, like how she enjoys your drawing, she ends up just sitting there watching you, which is a pastime she enjoys enough.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You were sitting in your room setting up your new computer; you had to sneak in so Alastor didn't destroy it. As you were mid-set up, Charlie sat on your bed, slumping in the sheets. "What seems to be the problem, my love?" you asked Charlie as you finished the first part of the setup. "It's the worst, Pia; my dad wants to come and visit us." You laughed at Charlei's theatrics, "Charlie, I thought you and your dad made up." Charlie groaned into the bed again, and you smiled softly, walking over to the bed and sitting next to her. Charlie repositioned and laid her head on your lap.
"I have made up with him. I just don't know. Showing him my partner seems like a big step. What if he doesn't like you." You sighed and ran your hand through Charlie's hair gently. "I think all will be fine. When is he coming?" Charlie looked away from you at the wall, taking her two pointer fingers and pressing them together softly. "Uh, well, in maybe less than five minutes at this point." Before processing what Charlie was saying to you downstairs, you heard a loud boom as the front doors opened. You and Charlie got up and made your way to the main lobby.
As you both walked downstairs, Lucifer ran straight to his daughter, grabbing her and holding her close. You stood back, watching the moment, laughing gently. Hearing your presence, Luficer set Charlie down and came over to you. "Why, hello, dear friend! My name is Lucifer, and as you may know, I am the King of Hell. It is a pleasure to meet you. We already have so much in common I also love and adore my Charlie Bear and we have wings" You laugh as Charlie comes over and begins smakcing her dads arm moving him away from you. This is a little family you could see yourself forever as part of.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You are trying really hard to teach Charlie how to play the basic of basic video games, Mario Kart)
Pia: No, Charlie, my love. It's motion-controlled. You just have to tilt the controller, not your whole body.
Charlie: If I don't tilt my whole body, how will the car know I want it to turn faster.
Pia: (laughs) Charlie, that is not how motion controls work.
(As you two finish the race, Angel dust comes in)
Angel: Woah, that is one of those new game things Vox has been selling.
Pia: Yeah, it is. Want me to teach you how to play, too?
Angel: Ah, hell with it, why not.
(Without so much as telling Angel how to play, he won his first game)
Charlie: That's it, Pia. The game is rigged; the little guy on the cart hates me.
Pia: (laughing uncontrollably) Oh, brother.
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weraceasone · 4 years
Hi Elle!!! 🧡 I've been off of Tumblr for a while and now I just entered sometimes. I want to know what's your opinion about this:
I see that there is a lot of rejection to old drivers and people's argument to this rejection is just "let drive younger drivers because they are younger" or "this driver is old to be in F1". I think that usually people forget that F1 is a category where the best drivers in the world are supposed to be. Age is not a condition so, what's the problem? If there is an old driver who is better than a young one, why should the old leave? If the old one loves like a younger driver racing, and he want to continue driving, what's the matter?
This is a issue that I only see about F1 because, for example, in the fandom of MotoGP I don't read a lot of comments, and I even dare to say any comment, about that Valentino Rossi should leave because he is too old and in his seat should be a younger driver.
So, sometimes this makes me question why people watch F1. Do they watch it because the sport itself, or because they like a driver and they not care about the other abilities?
I don't know if I expressed well 😅 but I really want to know your opinion, I like your blog you know, and the way you answer 💜
Thank you!!! 🧡🧡
hey there Elisabeth🧡 (I know I’m not supposed to have favorites, but you’re definitely one of my favorite followers & mutuals!!) I think the problem lies in the fact that it’s not that easy to determine if a driver is doing well or not. I mean, a lot of people understand the fact that some cars are better in F1 than others, but imagine if Lewis was driving a Haas: I bet not a lot of people would talk about him as highly as they do now. it doesn’t take away from the fact that Lewis is an incredible driver and I bet he probably wouldn’t make any mistakes in the Haas either, but nobody would look at him and his results and say “oh, that’s the greatest driver of all time”. when you look at the ages of the drivers of the grid, Lewis could also be considered an older driver. at the end of the day, Lewis is only three years younger than Fernando for example, so there’s really not that much of an age difference between them. I personally think people only like the ‘old’ drivers when they’re still doing well, winning races and even competing for championships. when in reality, it’s quite hard to compare them when the cars are not equally as good.
I agree with you, F1 is a category in which only the best drivers in the world are supposed to be in. I think a lot of people will automatically think a younger driver is better, because they’re young and are still very eager to learn. I don’t think that necessarily has to be true; an older driver can also still be very good (look at Lewis) and they also have the experience which makes them better than younger drivers in some situations. I also think that a lot of people prefer younger drivers simply because the younger drivers are a bit more active on social media, maybe they even stream on Twitch, so a lot of people feel like they really know them and have gotten emotionally attached to them. it is very easy to think “this person deserves a seat in F1″ when you’re a bit biased (nothing wrong with that by the way, we all have our biases!). personally, I believe that teams should keep a driver if the drivers are still getting good results for that team. if you’re in a Haas, it is logical that you won’t be competing for a world championship, so it’s unrealistic to aim for that. and in this way it might mean that not all of my favorite drivers will be on the grid, but it is the most fair way to create a grid. 
I hope I explained my thoughts well. I’m always happy to see you around on my dashboard and in my inbox, Elisabeth🧡. I hope you’re having a good day! 🧡
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camillemontespan · 5 years
I won't let you down snippet
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Original edit by the amazing lovely fabulous talented (so many adjectives ) @mskaneko
I've since used the edit to make a magazine cover but I wanted to show the original in all its glory!
This will be a one shot at some point, I just wrote this on my lunch break and thought about posting it :) I'm breaking away from the canon and my head canon here - Drake and Camille are not loved. They are judged and examined all the time.
Considering the amount of negative press my face claim for Camille, Meghan Markle, has had, I thought it would be apt to write a one shot along those lines.
A/N: So happy that Meghan has stepped away from the toxic environment with Harry. You do you girl!
On mobile so no keep reading line I'm afraid, sorry x
@jovialyouthmusic @ibldw-main @moonlightgem7 @burnsoslow @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @gardeningourmet @katedrakeohd @emichelle @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld
Another day, another 1000 euros spent by the Duke and Duchess of Valtoria.
Following Drake and Camille's ascension to the noble heights of Dukedom, Cordonia has been watching in horror as they seem to strive to ruin everything Cordonia holds dear regarding the nobility and our much loved traditions.
It has come to light that the common born Duke and Duchess have spent an eye watering 50,000 euros on the nursery for their new baby who is due in the Autumn.
'The couple are having their cake and eating it,' one source tells Duke Magazine. 'Because they're close friends with the King, the funding they receive for their duchy has been incredibly high but instead of spending the cash where it counts, they are spending it on themselves.'
Duke Magazine has learnt that the nursery will be kitted out in gold detailing with only the best items for the newborn.
'They're planning to build an extension which will serve as the playroom,' the source continues, 'and the baby will be dressed in only designer clothing.'
Camille is known for wearing the latest clothes by her favourite designers, among which are Armani, Ralph Lauren and Valentino. It comes as no surprise that she will dress their baby in the same way.
Drake Walker is known to be incredibly protective of his wife and no doubt this will be exacerbated when their new arrival is born.
'He is making sure Camille is given the best hospital treatment,' another source tells us. 'Which means he wants an entire hospital floor, complete with security guards, so she can give birth without any intrusions. It's terrible because it means other expecting mothers will have to go to another hospital.'
It is clear that since their marriage only seven months ago, Drake and Camille have let the power go to their heads. We can only hope they will see sense.
Our in depth report continues on page six..
Drake came home to a worried Magda. 'Drake, thank god you're home!' the maid greeted him. 'Camille won't come out of your room. She's very upset.'
Alarmed, Drake hurried upstairs to their bedroom where he could hear crying from the other side of the door.
'Camille?' he asked, knocking on the wood. 'Baby, what's wrong? Do you need watermelon?'
Watermelon was Camille's current craving.
The door opened slowly and Drake came face to face with his wife. Her eyes were red rimmed, filled with tears and bloodshot. In her hands was a magazine.
She threw it against the wall behind Drake. 'No, I don't want any fucking watermelon!' she screamed.
She rushed back into the bedroom and threw herself on the armchair with her head in her hands, muffling her sobs. Drake picked up the magazine.
He read the cover without comment and turned to the page where the scathing article about Drake and Camille began. Again, he read without comment, his eyes scanning the words.
Sighing, he closed the magazine. 'Why did you buy this shit?'
Camille stared at him, her eyes blazing. 'Trust me, I didn't buy this. Someone posted it through our door.'
Drake closed his eyes. Typical. Ever since they had come to Valtoria to live as the new Duke and Duchess, things had been difficult. They were of common blood and to add insult to injury, Camille was American while Drake also had American blood mixed with his Cordonian heritage.
Their lack of experience made them easy targets for the press, who were royalists and viewed Drake and Camille as upstarts hellbent on ignoring Cordonia's traditions.
'I'm not going to dress up our baby in designer clothes!' Camille protested. 'Do they realise how stupid an idea that is? Babies throw up! They get bigger every week! It would be a waste of money!'
Drake moved to crouch down in front of her and took her hands.
'Camille, breathe,' he said, his voice steady. 'Deep breaths.'
Camille inhaled and exhaled as he instructed. His heart tugged as he watched her rub her eyes harshly and take a quivering breath.
'We're not taking a hospital floor,' she whispered, her voice cracking. 'I'm wanting a home birth! With candles and music and you at my side. I've even planned my birthing playlist! I'm not taking away any hospital beds or making other mom's go somewhere else, I wouldn't dare suggest that!-'
'Shh honey..' Drake murmured, gently placing his hands on either side of her face. 'It's alright. Look, the media are monsters. But all we can do is rise above it and keep doing what we're doing. You are better than them.'
Camille hiccupped. 'They're making everyone hate us,' she mumbled. 'I hate that our names are being dragged through the mud. We try so hard to please everyone and its exhausting. I can't cope with this anymore, Drake. I can't.'
Drake listened with growing alarm as his wife told him how much she was struggling. How she didn't want to get out if bed some mornings. That she was terrified every time they were hounded by paparazzi that they would push her and she would fall, losing the baby. She was scared and anxious all the time and the media circus surrounding them wasn't helping.
Drake listened to her words pour out while she cried. His eyes never once left hers.
'Camille,' he said softly, 'I'm gonna fix this. I promise. I'll get a restraining order, I'll get these vultures away from you, okay?'
Camille sniffled. 'What if you can't?' she asked.
Drake pressed a kiss to her lips. 'Trust me on this,' he whispered. 'Have I ever let you down?'
Camille shook her head.
Drake smiled. 'We're the Walkers,' he told her. 'Nobody tells us who we are. We tell them.'
Camille laughed now, a small laugh but a laugh nonetheless. 'Since when did you become so sure of yourself?'
Drake chuckled and gave her a lazy smile. 'Since I married you,' he answered honestly. 'I promise, baby. I won't let you down.'
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selineram3421 · 1 year
Sneak peek for Temporary Control
[This is just a blip that I liked. Might be changed a little bit.]
The meeting finishes quickly, nothing too interesting to report and nothing new.
Vox watches as the man in red stands from his chair and leaves the room, screen starting to crash.
"You're gonna have to start up again if you stare to long.", Velvette comments after glancing over.
"Shut up.", he grumbles.
"Oh what hate can do to a demon.", Valentino says, blowing out smoke. "If I wasn't any wiser, I'd think you're in love."
"Oho~ He is! But not with the red man!", the social media demon shoves her phone toward the moth, showing him who. "Its this pretty little hourglass!"
"Damn it Velvette! I said shut up!", Vox tries to take her phone.
Sorry its taking so long but I want to make sure its good. I also get stuck a lot.
~Seline, the person.
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