#don't worry they're all drinking shirley temples
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egophiliac · 2 years ago
Favorite Disney Princess?
this would be a much easier question if they let Meg into the lineup. dangit. >:(
in terms of, like, favorite movie/adaptation, I have a lot of appreciation for the OG three -- Snow, Cinderella, and Aurora (...okay, yes, I was basically predisposed to being obsessed with Diasomnia). overall it's a toss-up, but Snow has my favorite design! she's so classically '30s but in, like, a technicolor way. it's great! ❄️
in terms of who I spent my entire childhood low-key obsessed with (and isn't Meg)...that would be Jasmine. no question. especially in the purple dress. I love me a snarky princess covered in organza and it's all her fault (and Meg's).
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amiserablepileofwords · 6 months ago
Orctober #2 - Ink
Steve was having the time of his life.
Out with the lads to celebrate his new ink which was radical as fuck, everyone buying him rounds of drinks, and that cool goth bartender chick was totally into him. He was definitely scoring tonight! Everything was coming up Steve!
The next thing he knew, he was halfway up a wall, shoes fruitlessly scrambling for any sort of purchase, clawing at thick green fingers pinning him there by his neck... but not trying to get away too hard, because that axe held against his throat sure felt wicked sharp and bloodthirsty, he could see the blood from the last guy on it still!
"You think this is funny, do you, pinkskin?" the massive at least ten, no, fifteen foot tall orc woman that had caused his sudden change of scenery growled into his face as her blade traced the outlines of his awesome chest ink. "At the battle of the Singing Wells, were you?" She leaned in, and her gigantic tusks almost blinded him. "Slaughtered my clan, did you?"
As her eyes flashed red, Steve desperately tried to talk through his 1000% crushed windpipe. "No! It's just a tribe tattoo! Got it in a shop! Today! Thought it looked cool! I'm sorry! Please don't eat me!"
"Oh, I should eat you. Start on your pathetic pinkskin legs while you're still conscious, so you can experience what my people went through!" the orc woman roared, seemingly ready to chomp his head off.
That's when Steve totally didn't pass out and shit himself, no matter what you heard. No matter what you saw.
"Thanks for that, Larbash." the head bartender grabbed a freshly cleaned glass, and poured a virgin Shirley Temple for her regular. "Guy's been giving me the creeps all night. On the house."
"You're a peach, Clarissa." Larbash sighed and sat on a stool, before carefully putting her ceremonial axe back in her attorney's briefcase. "Sorry about the stain on your wall. And the puddle on the floor. Feel free to bill me for the clean-up."
"Nah. Don't worry about it. It'll be a good story, and a warning to others." Both women smiled wanly, knowing the Steves of the world thought warnings were always for other people.
Clarissa leaned across the bar conspiratorially. "So..."
Larbash quirked an eyebrow. "So?" she drawled back.
The bartender jerked her head. "That true? About your clan. Sorry if so."
The orc snorted. "Nah. Guy just got one of those classic culturally appropriative 'badass orc tribe' tattoos that says he's a sucker and his dick is microscopic." She drained her drink, shaking her head at the state of the world. "Singing Wells was over 500 years ago." At the state of human education. "Humies man, I swear. They're so stupid. No offence."
Note: this is a promptfic for the Orctober list found here:
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faerune · 2 years ago
Could we get some of your favorite fun facts for your cool vtm ocs? You make me wanna replay vtmb!
omg YES absolutely (and you definitely should replay it I'm having a blast with my replay)
Valentina never drank before her embrace and her non-alcoholic drink of choice was Shirley Temples! And oh my god does she miss them.
Cassandra has pet spiders! Mostly different species of tarantulas but since she doesn't have to worry about venom she also has a black widow! They're her babies.
Helen was turned by her sire because he had concocted a harebrained scheme to put a Lasombra on the throne of England and Helen was rumored to be a bastard of Henry VIII. It all fell apart because like...really? and also the older Lasombras were like I don't think...you thought this through so he didn't have any support. Helen is actually Henry VIII's bastard there just wasn't much proof even back then except for heresay.
This makes Helen my oldest Kindred as she was turned in the mid-late 16th century! She most likely has the lowest generation as well but I haven't figured them all out yet.
Charlotte has published various bits of her poetry throughout the centuries under pseudonyms. Not because she wants fame or praise but because she really likes hearing how people interpret her poetry! Poetry, to Charlotte, is one of those art forms where it's specific to everyone even if it's the same set of words and that thrills her!
Adele can play up to fifteen musical instruments but her violin is what she has focused on truly mastering!
Adam was sent to Seattle after it was found out he was sleeping with his sire's wife...and admittedly a couple other people's spouses. His sire wanted him killed but the upper echelon of the Tremere found him too useful and promising and the Camarilla was like ? yeah just because he fucked your wife doesn't give you the right to request final death so...
Violet and Adele are the only Kindred of mine that don't know who their sire is. Violet was very drunk and was turned by a hook-up who bailed the minute she was turned while Adele is the victim of a mass embrace (as she's my planned protag for VTMB2).
Seth's lower humanity (I mean he's a 5 so not even that low) isn't the result of hatred toward humanity but more of a passive attitude towards them. He doesn't actively seek them out to harm or help them, he's too focused on his music. Also, because he was pale and weird before being embraced and that's common in his music scene he has an easier time passing amongst people than he would otherwise with a humanity score that low.
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beauleifu · 2 years ago
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Got two asks regarding similar concepts so I decided to answer both of them simultaneously. I would tag anonymous lmao but can't do that, so instead @zoomerinaboomercostume here's the idea! THIS IS FOR YOUUUUUU I hope you enjoy! :)))
R!Y/N: Redson's Y/N
M!Y/N: Mayor's Y/N
Mac!Y/N: Macaque's Y/N
MK!Y/N: MK's Y/N
H!Y/N: Huntsman's Y/N
YJ!Y/N: Yin & Jin's Y/N
N!Y/N: Nezha's Y/N
SW!Y/N: Sun Wukong's Y/N
Perspective is Y/N from Heartstrings, so Syntax's Y/N <3
No one knows how it happened.
All you know is that you were simply ordering a tall glass of Shirley Temple when a group of strangers you swear you've met before stroll into the bar. A few hold their heads high, others are busy on their phones, or reading, or simply avoiding eye contact. Then one of them spots you sitting in the corner and points.
"Over there! (Y/N)!"
Startled, you rear back in your chair as the cluster of people who look strangely like you hustle over, a few grabbing unclaimed chairs along the way.
At the sudden intrusion, you all but throw your hands up in surrender. "Whoa whoa whoa-"
"Chill, (Y/N), we're friends," the confident one says. "I'm SW!Y/N."
"Um. Who??"
You just wanted a drink.
Any questions you may have are drowned out by everyone suddenly pulling up a chair (the sound of wood against the ground is very ear-grating - you catch a lot of customers wince). An aloof looking individual actually takes a swing from your drink.
The injustice has you finally coming back to reality, and you snatch your Shirly Temple away. "Hey! That's mine!"
"Don't you mean 'ours'?" They hum, eyebrow raising.
You gape, grip tight on the glass. "I-I don't-"
A hand lays gently upon your shoulder, and you swivel to face the confident looking stranger. They're wearing a wide smile, eyes sparkling.
"Don't worry, (Y/N), we'll catch you up," SW!Y/N says, winking.
Your eyes scan the mass of strangers, surprised that everyone managed to fit around the small table that was once all yours.
Ho boy.
SW!Y/N nods solemnly, but they're wearing a smile. "Yeah. Some of the people you see here have been through hell and back."
"No shit," you say, staring numbly at the glass in your hands; you swirl the liquid around for a moment before raising your eyes to meet so called M!Y/N. "So you're the one who has to deal with a crazed bone demon?"
They shrug. "It's not bad. He's really quite loving."
"Uh-huh. Suuuuure," someone called MK!Y/N snorts, making a cuckoo sign near their temple with a finger.
"You ever think about how many times that lunatic has put my partner in danger? MK won't stop complaining about how creepy the Mayor is, and I think he's right," says MK!Y/N, expression hardening. "He's a nasty brute with two braincells and a hygiene problem."
M!Y/N presses their lips together. "He is not. Like your MK is any better."
You frown slightly, watching the two converse. SW!Y/N butts in eventually, joining MK!Y/N's side, as their parter, Sun Wukong, has beef with the Mayor as well.
It's . . . interesting.
You're getting to know a little bit about your interdimensional counterparts, the shards of you scattered into different timelines.
They're all . . . you. And it's fascinating.
R!Y/N and Mac!Y/N are deep in conversation at the end of the table, heads close together and a glass of tequila in each hand, both half empty. H!Y/N is berating the two, trying to take their drinks away with a deep scowl on their face. The interactions are surely attracting lots of attention, but thankfully the bar is mostly empty. Whoever remains are those too drunk to properly figure out why a bunch of strangers are gathered at a tiny table in the corner. And all of them look almost exactly the same.
There are some differences, though.
You notice that N!Y/N has a pretty glass lotus pin on their shirt, painted an elaborate shade of pink; R!Y/N is carrying a switchblade at their belt and a training staff hooked in the sash behind their back; SW!Y/N's wrists are adorned with two heavy gold bands, encrypted with cool designs.
Even Mac!Y/N seems to be wearing a red scarf similar to that of their partner's, a touching sentiment that Macaque probably finds adorable.
You have yet to meet the imposing figure, but thankfully Syntax loves to complain.
Y&J!Y/N doesn't seem to be wearing anything, until you got a glance at their lock screen and saw a photo of the two demons posing stupidly in a kitchen (like yours!), holding up their creation. They look so, so proud.
Even though whatever they made is charred black.
M!Y/N also seems to have a token of their partner; a simple silver choker with a blue rose in the center. And H!Y/N is wearing a thick jacket similar to Huntsman's, the inside made out of pelts. MK!Y/N has a red bow in their hair, embroidered with the same golden bands as on MK's headband.
What do you have?
Absently, you finger the band around your wrist.
Looking down, you smile fondly at the friendship bracelet, your cheeks growing hot. You have enough.
"Okay, okay, CHILL. We don't NEED to know whoever's the best fighter!" R!Y/N is saying, arms held out for order. Then, they place one hand on their hip. "Clearly it is I, since I train the most."
Wow, they even have similar mannerisms to that of their partners.
N!Y/N rolls their eyes. "In your dreams, maybe."
"Well, it's not you! You sleep all day!"
Nezha's partner inhales sharply, clearly offended. Meeting R!Y/N's challenging glare, they huff. "Obviously not. I have work!"
"So do I!"
H!Y/N cocks a brow. "Um. We're all the same person. So we all work."
Everyone suddenly turns to look at you.
Weakly, you raise your half-empty Shirley Temple. "Hear, hear."
Your phrase is greeted with eerily similar grins of approval, and everyone automatically looks at SW!Y/N, who raises their hand to call the bartender. "Oi! We need drinks!"
"Fuck yes," Mac!Y/N hisses.
Y&JY/N stiffens. "Nah, no alcohol for you. You had an entire bottle just yesterday, dude."
"That was one time. We met like three days ago, you don't know me."
"I am you, dumbass," Y&J scoffs, arms folding.
Macaque's lover suddenly stands up, hands slapping down on the table before one of them points at the other. "HA! YOU SAID DUMBASS. Took you long enough to start insulting me, doll. If we're the same person, why do you dislike cursing so much?"
"Maybe because I'm surrounded by two innocent cinnamon rolls," says Y&JY/N, unamused.
H!Y/N leans forward, smirking. "You sure they're innocent?"
"Huntsman told me once that he had a quarrel with those two brutes. And boy, they can come up with some pretty creative insults," they say, laughing wickedly.
R!Y/N joins in. "You sure you know your boys well enough, Y&JY/N?"
The defender looks around, gaping. "But- no, I- they'd never cuss, at least not in front of me. I mean, they have before-"
"Admit it, those two are bastards."
M!Y/N interrupts them with glasses shoved their way, filled with a fizzy liquid that's sharp to the nose. Mac!Y/N breaks into a wide grin - only to have their reaching hand swatted away by both H!Y/N and Y&JY/N. The two look at each other, perhaps surprised to discover that they agree in at least one thing; alcohol is bad.
Okay, you have to admit. You're curious.
When everyone has their drinks (ignoring the weirded-out gaze of the bartender), you lean forward.
"All right. So does anyone wanna tell me how they fell in love with versions of people that my partner seems to despise?" You ask, sipping absently from your glass.
SW!YN lifts a finger. "Also how those people fell in love with us."
"Yeah, 'cause we're sooo unlovable," R!Y/N jokes.
"I'll go first," SW!Y/N says, ignoring the other's sarcastic comment. Sighing, they gaze into their glass. "I met Sun Wukong through MK, who's my best friend. After taking part in a few training lessons with the Monkey King, he decided he saw something in me and wanted to pursue it. One thing led to another, and now he's waking me up at 3am because his lawyer found his location and is coming right that second to discuss some trivial issues. Fucker literally flew me out the window and I barely had enough time to get my things.
"But he's nice, a really good guy. When I was sick one time, he wouldn't leave my side. Thought that peaches would enhance the healing process and almost snuck me one of those immortal ones- " Several gasps rang around the table, and SW!Y/N snorts. "Yeah, why didn't I take it? Anyways. That's my monkey boy, I guess."
MK!Y/N smiles. "Funny how in your dimension, MK is your best friend, whereas in mine . . ."
"He's your lover, ooo, so romantic," Mac!/YN drawls.
The other whirls around to glare at the red-scarf wearing idiot. "Hey, MK is actually a pretty solid lover, okay? He can be romantic! I mean, taking me out on the roof was super sweet, so-"
"Yeah, Nezha did that with me, too," N!Y/N says with a smile.
Everyone is nodding, mumbling agreement.
You blink. "Me, too. Hey . . ." A thought strikes you, and you look to SW!Y/N for permission. "You think there are certain events in our dimensions that happen no matter what? I mean, there might be different people, but the event is still the same thing, same place, same time?"
This time, it's H!Y/N who hums thoughtfully. "That could be true. Like we're all following a similar path, but with slight coding alterations?"
"Like a choose your own adventure game?" You ask.
"Yeah, where different choices lead to different scenarios, but the places and events are somewhat similar."
At H!Y/N's indifferent shrug, you suddenly tilt your head, smiling.
"Since when did Huntsman's lover get so inquisitorial?"
They get the hint, raising an unamused eyebrow, arms crossed so tightly you're reminded of the brute hunter. "Working with Huntsman, I'm able to cross paths with Syntax more often than you think. Not your Syntax, but you get the idea."
Oh, you do.
"Macaque told me he met that tech nerd once," Mac!Y/N grunts, snatching a glass and taking a swing. "Said he was stupid."
"He's eating his words," you fire back defensively.
R!Y/N's face splits into a wicked grin. "Yeah, he must be, after Redson came back one time saying he beat the shit out of silly old Macaque. Shadow monkey couldn't last against my boyfriend's tech."
Mac!Y/N glares. "That hothead is a cheater."
"Pretty sure it cancels out when the opponent can literally use shadow magic."
M!Y/N frowns. "What about inheriting Lady Bone Demon's powers?"
Everyone suddenly falls quiet.
"Lady Bone Bitch is kinda local enemy number one in every dimension," Mac!Y/N sighs, setting their glass down with a small clink! of glass against wood. Then, they add as an afterthought; "Except yours, I guess."
N!Y/N's eyes lock onto Mayor's lover. "Yeah. Seems like you're the odd one out."
"Whaddya mean?" M!Y/N tilts their head, leaning sideways as the bartender comes to collect empty glasses and refills them. You catch SW!Y/N tip him generously and smile.
H!Y/N takes the floor, snatching the drink from Mac!Y/N's vice-like grip. They glare daggers in return.
"It means that you broke the train. Everyone here is enemies with Lady Bone Demon and anyone associated with her, including the Mayor. And here you are, befriending the demon - falling in love. And he returns the gesture? He loves you back?" They press, expression honestly curious. The table falls silent.
Mayor's partner nods with resignation. "Yeah."
"Well, it's certainly weird," Y&JY/N speculates, eyebrows raised. "But I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter."
N!Y/N frowns. "Does us all meeting here matter? Will it cause problems in our dimensions?"
"Nah, it shouldn't. Not if we don't tell our partners," SW!Y/N says.
You nod absently, about to finish off your Shirley Temple, which has for sure been spiked by an unidentified person. But then, noise reaches your ears. Like rain against concrete - but the drops are thick and heavy.
It's coming from outside.
Cold stiffens your spine. "Uh . . . none of you guys actually brought your partners here, did you? You left them in your own dimensions? This is important."
Everyone takes turns looking at each other, some standing.
Then, you're able to weed out the culprits.
N!Y/N, Y&JY/N, H!Y/N, and M!Y/N are all wearing guilty expressions (you almost miss the aw, shit look in H!Y/N's eyes).
"Guys. C'mon." Your voice is laced with exasperation and stress as you stand up quickly.
Y&JY/N is the first to cave, hands thrown up in surrender. "I-I couldn't just leave my boys at the apartment! They get lonely and how was I supposed to explain my absence?!"
"Nezha may have . . . given me no other choice," N!Y/N mumbles.
SW!Y/N's eyes widen. "Nezha, the twins, Huntsman, and the Mayor all in one place, alone? That can't be good."
"All right, out," you growl. "Out of my dimension, now!"
The cluster of (Y/N)'s are quick to disperse, fleeing the bar as quickly as possible, hurrying around out back to where the brawl is taking place. And you know it's a brawl, because you heard the grunts of pain from impact, like from a foot or something. And you know it's true because the (Y/N)'s in front of you suddenly stop at the back of the bar, eyes widening.
"Mayor!" M!Y/N shrieks, barreling forward, their eyes burning. "Lay off, assholes!"
You elbow your way past the crowd to the front, where you see alternate versions of Nezha, Huntsman, Yin, and Jin beating the absolute shit out of a de-powered Mayor, huddled on the rain-soaked ground.
"Who's winning?" Mac!Y/N calls from the back.
Syntax is waiting, and you're late.
You got a lot of explaining to do, curse your tired soul.
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