#don't worry I have the gwynriel shit coming too
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nikethestatue · 10 months ago
Moriel--A Cautionary Tale
Let me tell you a little story.
Before ACOWAR was released, there was a group of pretty serious shippers, who were violently convinced that Mor and Azriel were going to be endgame. Basing their assumptions on what they found in ACOMAF, they had an unshakable belief in Moriel.
Now, you see, *I* was never a Moriel. What I saw in Moriel was one person deeply disinterested in another, while participating in a strange dynamic between herself and two brothers. What's more, what I always found curious and strange about Moriel in ACOMAF was that everything about it seemed to have come from other people. The 'relationship' such as it was (and it was strange) was told from the POV of others, namely Rhys to Feyre. And yet, at no point, have we ever seen Azriel act upon this intense infatuation that he supposedly had for Mor. There were 'longing looks' that he supposedly sent her way, but they were told through the biased lens of Feyre's observations, who took what Rhys told her at face value. Now, what *I* personally found curious and what made me more and more doubtful about Moriel in ACOMAF was that it was Feyre herself, the protagonist, who through her OWN observations (not through Rhys's) said the words 'and I think that Elain would cling to Azriel, just for some peace and quiet'. They didn't need to be included, those words. Not at all. She could've just said 'Elain would also love Velaris and would adore walking through the gardens and the flower stalls'. Yet, then the still human and engaged Elain would cling to Azriel...If he stopped loving Mor.
Hmmmm. Did that mean that Azriel could and WOULD stop 'loving' Mor because of ....Elain?
That if Elain was there, with him, 'clinging' to him, that would make him drop his 500 year old obsession? But why? I wondered. If Moriel were supposedly endgame, why would Elain be brought up as a possibility at all? Why, in Feyre's mind, did the two of them make sense?
Yet, the Moriels did not let up, though the hints were already there. The fact that it's been 500 years and nothing's happened between 2 people who seemingly had no obstacles to being together didn't seem to bother them. And what's more, none of these so-called 'evidence' came from Azriel himself. Or Mor. But especially Azriel. A man in love, he did not seek to touch this woman, help her, care for her, spend time with her. Once, he agreed to go to Rita's, and that was a big deal, it seemed.
So why am I telling you all this?
Because I've seen it all before. One of the biggest fandom members ever, was an ardent Moriel shipper. Moriel. Moriel. Moriel. The 'breadcrumbs' and the 'foreshadowing' were all there in her mind. Theories were written. Great Moriel fanfics. Art. Moodboards. In A COWARD, Moriel was finally going to happen. The next book was basically Moriel's.
Reminds you of anything?
Good, ol' Gwynriel.
Same shit. Different day. Taking questionable sentences from the books and thinking that they mean something that they don't. Constructing elaborate headcanons. Writing endless theories. Heavily relying on assumptions. And by God, Moriel actually had way more material to go by than Gwynriel. You COULD almost get confused--it would've been much more understandable than Gwynriel.
But what never convinced me about the validity of Moriel is that one sentence.
"Elain would cling to Azriel'.
THAT, my friends, is foreshadowing.
It hinted at the FUTURE. That there was an untold story there.
As she was tending to Rhys and his wounds, Feyre laid out the future for both sisters in her monologue.
Both Moriel and Gwynriel speak of the past--the rescues of both Mor and Gwyn. But never of the future. SJM never paired Gwyn and Azriel and gave them even one sentence of how they might come together in the future. Same with Moriel.
So, when you become worried and begin questioning yourself, when the noise gets too loud and you begin wondering whether Elriel is going to happen remember Moriel. A loud majority was advocating for those too as well at some point. Loud doesn't equal 'right'. Sometimes, it's just loud.
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dumpsterfirebooks · 4 years ago
Azriel POV - Elain
I’ve seen a lot of shit already about Azriel being creepy and possessive and I’m a bit confused where people found that scene because the one I read from BAM had none of that. 
1.) It’s stated that he avoids the river house because he doesn’t think he deserves someone like her and respects her having a mate even though he doesn’t agree with it.
2.) He stayed in the doorway during gift giving because he was bothered by the smell of the bond when he’s otherwise standing near her.
3.) Yes he says he gets off thinking about having sex with her. Why is that problematic? Cassian and Nesta were doing the same shit before they got together. It’s taboo because a guy she doesn’t want has a claim to her. 
4.) She’s just as physically attracted to him. She’s also the one that starts to initiate the kiss.
5.) At no point does Azriel say he deserves her. He makes a comment that it’s a big coincidence that 2/3 sisters made Fae that have immense power are mated (supposed to be rare) to 2 bestfriends/brothers. Azriel and Cassian both need 7 siphons because they’re the strongest of the Illyrians. One could assume based on Nesta and Cassian that Cauldron made sister + 7 siphon Illyrian = mate. Since mates are supposed to be equals in power objectively it leads a good case for Azriel.
6.) Rhys tells Azriel in that condescending Rhys tone that Azriel believes he deserves her. Azriel literally just scowls and says he doesn’t think Lucien deserves her (a woman he doesn’t know) and that Elain isn’t interested in him so what does it matter with Lucien. For a court that is always preaching having a choice Elain is not entitled to one.
7.) The Blood Duel is an Autumn Court thing and Azriel just says if Lucien challenges him he’ll win plain and simple. 
8.) Rhys asks him if his plan was to seduce her away from Lucien. SHE IS NOT WITH LUCIEN. Feyre was damn well with Tamlin when he started his whole thing with her. The possessiveness is coming from the High Lord of Double Standards not Lucien or Azriel. 
^And of course he doesn’t have a plan because he’s stated he had no intensions of acting on his feelings physical or emotional. So why the hell would he have a plan? It’s like people have never had a crush on someone they thought was out of their league or not an option before. 
9.) If he killed Lucien it could ruin their alliance with Beron, the Spring Court, and Jurian and Vassa. This is a joke right? Beron was a main/side enemy this entire book plotting with Briallyn. An alliance with the Spring Court? Tamlin refuses to leave animal form and is so damn depressed he abandoned his court and responsibilities. Dude just wants to be left alone. Jurian and Vassa I’d buy being upset but at the same time they need the Fae to help break her curse so... yeah. This is just Rhys making excuses on why it can’t happen. The plot also strongly hinted at a future High King which would fuck with all the alliances too so let’s not blame Azriel’s dick.
In conclusion: At no point did Azriel decide to wage a war over Elain or become a creepy perv. Just say you don’t like the Elriel ship it’s fine. Just don’t let words being said from Rhysand’s mouth be what you use to rip him apart. His actual words and actions over 4 books is what you should go by. He’s proven over the course of this book that it’s his way or the highway to a completely irrational level.
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moononastring · 4 years ago
hello, my darling,
today I found out that a friend of mine from school has read acotar, which was very exciting news for me, since I didn’t know any people in real life who liked these books, and while we were conversing, i broached the subject of elain’s love interests.
unfortunately, she is an el/riel.
She has yet to read ACOFAS and ACOSF, but still, my instincts are pushing me to gather evidence to prove to her of what the superior ship: Elucien.
If you could be ever so kind to help me convince my dearest friend that elucien is everything good in the world, i’d be most grateful.
therefore, if you could link posts from yours or other blogs or even make a list of why elucien is what we all deserve, you’d make a loving follower very happy.
Sincerely, 🧃anon
(See what i did there??? All formal and shit??? I’m proud of myself!!! ‘m not gonna lie to you!!! It reads very funny and i love it!!!)
My dearest 🧃'nonnie!!!
Sorry it took me a hot minute to reply!
To be honest, I want to give you a piece of advice (and know I mean this in the most loving way) but...let your friend ship them lol. After all, it's what fandom is about, no? I personally don't like trying to convince anyone of anything when it comes to shipping. I legitimately don't give a rat's ass if you ship what I ship or not just don't be mean lol!!!!! There's nothing wrong with her shipping the ship that shall not be named even though I hate that ship with a burning passion.
My issue has never been so deeply with the ship itself (like yeah, they had their moments here and there and prior to Azriel's POV I can see why people liked it) but I did not like it regardless because to me, Elucien just always made more sense. And I don't like a ship that has to be at the expense of another character. My issue is certain shippers that just forget canon and decide they are correct and nothing else matters lmao.
However, I do not like to shove my ship down anyone's throat. I’m just very clear about who I ship and what I don't lol.
She hasn't read ACOFAS (which will give her fuel lol even though I personally have always read it as Elain being a cheeky friend elain, azriel, and lucien could've had such a great friendship but that was ruined and i'm still bitter about it.) and especially when she reads ACOSF and his bonus POV, she might no longer like them? I know a lot of shippers jumped ship after Gwyn came into the picture. Azriel being super gross about his thought process regarding Elain in his POV also made people uncomfortable enough to stop shipping. Said it once and I'll say it again, there was nothing romantic about the way he was thinking about her in his POV but whateverrrrrrrr. I say...when she reads ACOSF, she will end up changing her mind on her own because the potential of Gwynriel (plus Azriel's being disgusting in his POV) has changed a lot of minds haha.
Let her ship it and discover Elucien goodness for herself! It's more fun that way to suddenly be hit on the head with feels for an unexpected ship haha. As long as she doesn't become an asshole shipping that ship like some people end up being, I say ship and let ship. You can casually share elucien fanart and fanfics to her and be like look!!! cute stuff!!! 🤣 My blog is a plethora of elucien content girl! send her here haha! There are so many great blogs that always have elucien content so if anything...you can always casually slip links hehehehe.
Don't worry too much about the shipping and enjoy talking about the series with her!!! I know it seems like that's all ACOTAR is ever reduced to but it's such a fun series to enjoy so have fun talking about it with her, shipping aside!
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talkfantasytome · 3 years ago
I mean people can ship whoever they want all they want, but the mate bond is made at the person's birth. Elain has had her mate bond made since she was born, the cauldron didn't make one for her. And about the smell, in the room there was Feysand and Nessian mate bond too. People usually forget that.
I don't know why people want to change the opinions of others. I hope you are well.
Now my question: which ships will you write for? i'm embarrassed to ask for a ship that maybe you don't want to write about lol
Thank you, that's very sweet! 💕💕 And I agree. Ship who you want, but respect other's decisions.
That's so kind, thank you for asking!!! Real quick, I do prefer doing AUs. Mostly modern, but I'm down to try other AUs, just not crossovers into other fictional worlds. I don't mind the idea of being in the canon world, I just have more fun making it an AU where I can offer some slight adjustments to the characters cause they're lives would've been different.
Offering some explanations as well for certain pieces. :)
Definite Yes:
Nessian, Gwynriel, Elucien, Rowaelin, Lysaedion, Connor/Bryce, Danika/Thorne
Have Not Done but Willing To Try:
Emorie*, Neris**, Elorcan, Nestaq, Dorian/Fenrys*
* At this point in time, I would not be comfortable doing any kinktober (or just kinky) prompts/requests for them. Not because I think it shouldn't be written, but it's an attempt to avoid accidentally crossing a line or being offensive. It's not that I don't understand the basics for how same sex couples have sex, it's just a desire to avoid writing it poorly or in a way that is accidentally hurtful to those within the LGBTQ+ community. Hopefully, one day this will be different for me, but for now I would request to keep these couples PG-13 - making out, grinding, some groping, sure. Romance, absolutely. Or just flirting, innuendo, we all know I love that shit. Until I decide to take it to the next level. And I'd like to do more research and reading in this area before I do so, become a more practiced writer in the area. I hope you understand. 💕
** I make no promises on how Cassian would come into play. Possibly best to avoid if you want a truly, in love hea, though. I'd probably make Cassian Nesta's mistress. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tentative, Let Me Explain:
Feysand - I think for the right prompt I might be willing to do Feysand, but that couple just doesn't really inspire me a lot after ACOSF. But, the right thing that's just so them, I could see myself doing.
Manorian - I would prefer Fenrys + Dorian over Manorian, cause I just love them, or at least my headcanon version of them. It's not that I don't like Manorian, I enjoyed them in canon and was rooting for them, to an extent, and it's not that I wouldn't want to write Manorian. I just worry about how well I'd write Manon. 😂 However, with the right prompt and mood, I'd do this. I'm also okay with a Manon + Dorian & Dorian + Fenrys dynamic, but not a threesome thing. It's just that I headcanon that Manorian would've been an open relationship...enter Fenrys for Dorian. 👀
Not Willing At This Time:
E*lriel - I really want to say I'd be willing to write e*lriel, just because I want to be that cool, but at the moment I'm not there. Due to my own feelings and interpretations on that relationship, that would be a tough one for me to write while trying to keep characterization consistent. Maybe one day, but at the moment, I'm not in a place to write them, and especially not to make them good. I'd rather people get that content from those who will do it well.
Vassa - I know, she's not a ship. But any Vassa ship I'm not willing to write at this time, mostly because I just don't know her well enough to be comfortable writing her.
Hellion + LoA - Same story as Vassa. LoA is very unknown, and while I don't mind creating new characters, when using actual characters that exist, I do like to try and stick to their canon characterization to the best of my ability.
Bryce/Hunt - Nothing against Hunt. I was rooting for him in HoEaB. I just prefer Connor and prefer to live in a world where Connor is alive. And, if Connor is alive, Bryce is with him. 👀
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