#don't want drama don't want discource just want people to use tags as they should be used
fire-eyed-raven · 1 year
I wish people who write anti ship posts won't put it in the main tag.
Please have some decency and manners.
Tags are created for filtering content and curating your online experience.
Putting anti ship post in the ship tag ( and not sensoring it in the post itself) is a disrespect to your fellow social platform users.
It creates an unnecessary drama in the fandom and in fact is a biting. Because it would rouse a direct response from someone who is emotional about a topic. And many people are because well, it's a fandom, we are here because we are emotional about it.
Putting anti posts in a main ship tag is a very childish behavior.
I would know. Because I used to be like that 5 years ago and I'm embarrassed of that. I outgrew it since then.
Still hate the ship. Still hate the character. But I don't post my hate or dislike in the main tags anymore.
Because I'm an adult and I do understand that we are all responsibile for curating our own online experience but if people do not agree to use instruments intended for it correctly it nullifies all the effort we put in it.
When you mistag your post it ruins recomendation algorithms. And posts and blogs get reccomended to people even if they blocked the tag.
The block function is not good enough as it is. Please don't make it work even worse than it does now.
Can we please respect each other and have some fandom culture on this site.
Thank you.
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