#don't trust anyone // whitty
weenwrites · 2 years
Whitty, Ruv, and Agoti finding their s/o bloodied and bruised at their doorstep? Maybe s/o got mugged on the way back from work or somtheing? I’m just in the mood for some hurt/comfort with these overprotective boys qwq
Have a good day/night!
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FNF Whitty, Ruv, & Agoti Finding Their Injured S/O At Their Doorstep
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Pairing - Romantic Category - Headcanons Trigger Warnings - Mentions of Injury
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He was completely horrified to find you all bloody and beaten in the alleyway, but his shock didn't keep him from acting. Without another thought he immediately scooped you up and bolted off to the closest safe-spot he could think of. He wishes he could do more—that he could do better to help you, but given the circumstances he's under the best he can do is set you down on an old couch in an alleyway and patch you up with what little materials he could find in the trash.
Unless your injuries are too severe for him to try to fix, he'll rush you to the nearest hospital and drop you off. If he could, he would stay with you or wait till the doctors were done treating you, but unfortunately he might get caught if he does, so instead he checks in on you a couple hours later, or perhaps the following day (it depends on your injuries of course.)
If he were ever to encounter the person who hurt you, he wouldn't kill them, no, he'd beat them in a rap battle and leave them at the nearest police station to be apprehended and jailed. However, he wouldn't deny that he wanted to punch them in the face in turn for hurting you. However he doubts that he'll ever find them, there are thousands and thousands of people in the city, and the chances of finding someone he doesn't even know are very slim to none.
Whenever he can, he tags along to protect you while you're out and about around the city, especially when it's late at night. He isn't too overprotective, but you can tell that he's now more protective over you than normal after what happened. At times, you'll be able to persuade him that you'll be fine on your own, albeit with a lot of determination and perseverance, but you'll get him to believe you eventually. Even then, he'll start to feel anxious or paranoid when he doesn't see or hear from you in some time, and he'll begin to fear that the worst has happened to you once again.
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To say that Ruv is furious that this happened to you would be a complete and utter understatement. He is so far beyond angry at your attackers that words wouldn't be able to describe just how livid he is. You're completely weightless in his arms as he takes you inside the church and sets you down on the nearest couch or bed he can get to. He only leaves for a moment to fetch a first aid kit and an ice pack for your wounds and he gets right to work patching you up. All the while, he's completely dead silent, not uttering a single word until after your injuries have been treated.
Then, he asks you if you know who did this. If you don't know their name or what they go by, then he'd ask about if you can recall any details surrounding their appearance such as height, facial features, hair color, clothing—anything he can use to piece together who this person is so he could deal what they did back to them tenfold.
If you don't want to talk about anything related to what happened, he wouldn't press you to talk but he wouldn't let it slide. For the rest of the day or night—just up until he catches and kills them—he'd be completely hellbent on finding and slaughtering whoever was stupid enough to hurt you, and when he does find them, he won't show them even a smidge of mercy no matter how much they beg and plead for it.
It wouldn't be difficult to notice that he's now rather overprotective of you. Literally, the next time you go outside he's rather insistent on accompanying you so he can protect you in the event that you get hurt again. He keeps a keen eye on you at all times and the instant someone—anyone—(unless they're a person he knows and trusts) starts getting too close to you he's immediately thinking of punting them through the nearest wall. It'll be a good while until he stops being so overprotective, so perhaps you'll get around to questioning if he'll ever stop at all.
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He was beginning to question what was taking you so long, and contemplated calling you until he heard someone knocking at his door. While he guessed it might've been you, he wouldn't have guessed you'd be bruised and bleeding at his doorstep. While he questions what the hell happened to you, he's helping you to his couch so you can sit or lay down. He's trying to wrack his brain for any ideas on what to do—and in his head he doubts that slapping a band-aid over whatever injuries you have won't do it, so he opts for getting you to the hospital to be treated.
Once the doctors get you to stop bleeding, he asks if you remember who did it. What did they look like? What sorts of clothes were they wearing? Were they tall? Short? Did you hear their voice? Where did it happen? He tries to piece together as many clues as he can in hopes that the cops can take whatever info he's scraped up and set out to find and arrest whoever did this.
If you don't want to talk about it, however, he'll instead offer to distract you from what happened. Or perhaps the two of you could drive home for some dinner. Or you could pick up some dinner from your favorite restaurant. However during the entire time, part of him's still thinking of whoever the hell hurt you. He's concerned about who it may be, and he most likely thinks it might be someone the Dearests may have sent after him. And since you're with him, it most likely means there's a big red target on your back as well.
Afterward he's pretty skeptical of letting you go out late at night on your own so he tags along unless you'll be with a group of friends that'll be accompanying you home, and he starts driving over to pick you up from work rather than letting you walk by yourself. He doesn't get too annoying when it comes to being overprotective, unless you go on walks by yourself for some alone time then you might think that he's getting a bit annoying.
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storfulsten · 4 years
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To all: What happened to Hatsune?
"Oh, The answer to that Is easy!~" GF chuckled, grinning widely. "I killed her."
BF sighed, looking downward. "...That red devil killed her. she did it." Whitty shook his head. "That bitch really is something else."
Miku hummed. "Well... that skank rigged one of the stage lights to crush me during rehearsal."
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Here's my characters I relate to list
Updated because I found out about kin discourse and don't want to bother anyone
Ruvyzvat (Friday Night Funkin' Mid Fight Masses/Date Night Masses) - I'm an antisocial, prickly motherfucker more often than not. I also have a strong and lawless sense of justice. I would love to see objectively horrible people (ex, war criminal) get smited by vigilantes. I also have a very tight group of people I trust in real life. Only like, one. My social skills are so bad that they get me shit-canned sometimes.
Sarvente (Friday Night Funkin' Mid Fight Masses/Date Night Masses) - I'm seen as a sweetheart by some people, and several also claim that I'm a great singer. I'm also very accepting of diverse people, cultures, etc. People are people, fuck whatever the bigots think. I've studied flower symbolism and would absolutely use it in floral themed AUs, too.
Whitty/Whitmore (Friday Night Funkin' Vs. Whitty, which was sadly taken down because of Twitter drama. sigh) I hate social interactions with a burning passion because I always feel like the elephant in the room, so I hide. I also feel like there's always someone who's gonna come after me for whatever I'm doing. I have a 'fuck you' punk rock attitude, until someone comes after me, then I'm timid as shit and kinda have a lowkey panic attack. I'm rarely seen not wearing a jacket of some kind.
Dark Choco Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I feel detached and disconnected from my family. I also am so incredibly insecure that it's depressing. I berate myself regularly and don't believe I'll be able to change much, if at all. My family hasn't been able to help much with this, on the rare occasion that they try. I also still struggle with mental illness along with my habitual 'oh I forgot to take my ADHD meds NO WONDER I CAN'T SLEEP'. I'm also afraid that other people are going to hurt me and don't trust on a personal level all that easily.
Dark Cacao Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I hide some of my inner workings expertly, because I may have repressed them into practical nonexistence. I also hold a few of my mistakes in the past against myself to this day. I also tend to self-isolate whenever given the opportunity to do so. I'm also cynical as shit and take kindness towards me as a fleeting act that will likely not come again.
Milk Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I care a lot about what others are going through, even if I don't know how to help and even if my politics are always in the back of my mind.
Truffle Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) I'm reclusive as shit when allowed to self-isolate. I just hide in my own little corner of existence and stay there until I absolutely have to leave. Feel free to step into my little bubble of paradise in the blighted hellscape that is planet Earth. Be warned, there's some crazy shit in my little bubble that might scare you.
Purple Yam Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I can get irritated at the slightest, most insignificant detail in some of the things that I do and perceive around me.
Red Velvet Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - I love animals and get along with animals better than some people. I would likely never leave my room if allowed to stay there forever.
Espresso Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - When I work on something I'm passionate about, I may not stop working on it for hours, and will fuss over every little detail. I'm also not afraid to call people out on their hypocrisy, to the point that it can cause issues when our situations differ dramatically. I also have sudden moments of 'I can't fucking sleep' because I enjoy roleplaying with friends over Discord too much. My bluntness has been a small problem in the past. To top it off, I habitually listen to audio that will keep me awake at that time.
Madeleine Cookie (Cookie Run Franchise) - Let me stay in my own little bubble, because everything outside of it has done, at best, nothing.
Peacock/Patricia Watson (Skullgirls Franchise) - I'm a little unhinged sometimes, and what I wear can lend a dubious aura to me, but don't be frightened by my mayhem. It's fun for me, and I normally mean well, even when someone gets mad at me for my antics. I also have random spaz moments sometimes that can be glorious and hilarious to behold. I've also had a rough past that still haunts me on some level, though what that level is, I don't know.
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bomb-bot-and-virus · 3 years
I’m well aware about that, and despite them being fabricated by others, I believe that you are still lucky to have them and for being here with me and the people you met. Artificial or not, it is honestly up to you the way you consider them. ..And honestly, you matter, Hex. Robot or not, that wouldn’t make you be less special nor less important.
-C spoke bluntly about that, though his next words took C slightly aback, enough for him to have to regain his composure after he gazed away. Can he really trust him too? Sure he is a version of his new son but, he seemed to be trustable like Michael.. Eventually, C gazed back at Hex, only to shake his head a bit as he internally appreciated his words. Both of his eyes were blue now.-
I’m..glad to know this, really, but you aren’t forced to put up with anyone. I’d rather you to have less problems to deal with, and not have to get hurt because of me or anyone else, to be honest. Though..I do appreciate what you said. It’s, odd to hear these kind of words. It’s fine, there’s no need to apologize. ..We also might have to go now, Isn’t it? Your partners might be worried if they don’t find you, and I believe that Sir is currently busy with someone.
Hex stayed silent as his friend spoke, fingers tapping nervously against the table. Seems like they wouldn't be able to convince C then, but that was fine. They could live with that.
"Nono, it's not an issue at all! Besides, every relationship comes with its own baggage, doesn't it? This is just yours! And I really don't mind."
At C's remark, the temporary human nodded, getting up and off the chair.
"It would definitely be a good idea to get moving. Wouldn't want Whitty and Virus to worry."
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~It's silent for a moment. It mutters something akin to 'Himbos, I forgot.'~ Muses are basically real-life main characters, Muns are the writers, and your 'Writer' likes angst. -Foreshadowing Anon
"...Ohhh, that makes sense!" "...Sure." neither of them understand <3 /hj /lh
Besides, the event isn't even for them :)
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Carol and GF, What do you two like about your ‘bfs’?
BF and Whitty, What made you two want to date those yanderes? And Why?
"Oh, for me, it's gotta be his determination! He's got this fire about him that just makes him so lovable! Admittedly, that has made tracking him down a pain, but, it'll all be worth it soon~" "Well, personality-wise, it's just how clueless he is! He knows nothing about how society works, and he's just so adorable! And... his body. I want to explore every inch of it... You could say I want to tame the untamable."
"Dude, I didn't know she was a crazy bitch! She just seemed really kind, was hot, and had crazy good music taste! Those're like, the three top things I want in a girl!" "...Carol was the first person to treat me with any respect or kindness. She even saved me from dyin' once. It was only after I started talking with hex about some of the things we did that I actually realised how fucked up she had become."
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Ooo. ~The shadows got deeper, twisting unnaturally.~ This is something to keep an eye on. Hehe, I can't wait till the Event. -Foreshadowing Anon
"B-beep?" Bf backed into Whitty, looking afraid, "What the..?"
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Whitty hex ask us to tell ya he misses you
"...Tell'm that I miss 'em too."
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Hex is alive, my guy! I just talked to him! He's in really bad shape, man, the yandre's are forcing him to be their servant...and he has to wear a bag on his head...poor guy.
"..." His eyes flashed into X's for a second. "Don't let them hurt him."
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Hex is definitely not dead, we just talked to him. He has been kidnapped by the bitches tho.
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"..." He is. not processing this. he is a himbo
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Whitty. Whitty. Hex said he misses you :(
His eyes widened for a moment, before he glared at you. "...Hex is dead." wasn't he?
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Hex and Whitty, Do you two know something about the Multiverse? And like, about other versions of you and the others?
"M-multiverse? I've believe I've heard of multiverse theory, yes."
"Uhh, I ain't know nothin' 'bout this 'multiverse' thing, no."
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Everyone but Carol and Gf have received worms :] - Worm Anon
"Beep!" BF grinned, holding the worm proudly. Whitty, on the other hand... "Uhh..." Yeah, he does not understand. </3
Updike grimaced. "I- excuse me, but-" Sunday interrupted him nonchalantly. "If you don't want the worm, I'll take it." Updike sighed.
Hex looked confused, but grateful. "F-for me?? ...Thanks."
...And the worm fell right through Miku. "Aw dunk, no worm for me, then. Sorry, little buddy."
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Muse Info
Nickname: Whitty, Hothead (By BF), Bomberman (By Hex)
Age: 23
Height: 9'3
Pronouns/Gender: He/They, Agender
Sexuality: Asexual, Demi-Panromantic
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Species: Doomsday device
Bio: After the events of Date Week, Whitty moved in with Carol. After about six months, things when sour, and Carol's true, malicious intentions became revealed. They're now back on the run, but instead of running from Updike, They're running from Carol.
Cameron Hatsune
Nickname: Boyfriend, BF, Beepbox (By Whitty) Nii-san (By Miku)
Age: 20
Height: 4'10
Pronouns/Gender: He/It, Trans Male
Sexuality: Bisexual with nonbinary lean
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Species: Human
Bio: Things were going smoothly with GF until 6 months after the Date Week mod. She slowly started to get more and more possesive, until 3 more months later, when It learned that she was Responsible for the "disappearances" of Pico and Ayana. It went to Miku for help, but after learning her fate. It went on the run, eventually teaming up with Whitty.
Scarlet Dearest
Nickname: Girlfriend, GF, Red Devil (By BF, Whitty, Updike)
Age: 20
Height: 6'3
Pronouns/Gender: She/It, Trans Woman
Sexuality: Demisexual, Panromantic
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Species: Demon
Bio: A version of GF that got a bit too obsessed and protective with BF. She got so jealous that she killed Pico and Ayana to keep him to herself. It's working with Carol to track down their lovers together.
Nickname: Rol, Carol roll, Puffball (By Whitty)
Age: 24
Height: 5'5
Pronouns/Gender: She/They, Demigirl
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Species: Human
Bio: This version of Carol never truly loved whitty, and only obsessed over him, and fetishized every inhuman feature of his. Whitty slowly became aware of how horrible it was, escaping after carol ties him up. Eventually, he teams up with BF.
Nickname: Hex, Boltsy (By Whitty), Servant (By GF and Carol)
Age: Unknown, Mentally ~23
Height: 6'9
Pronouns/Gender: He/him, Nonbinary
Sexuality: Asexual, Panromantic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Species: Robot
Bio: After being captured by Carol for having a connection to Whitty, Hex's been made into a sort of butler/servant for the Dearests, now wearing a black suit with a red tie.
Gabriel Updike
Nickname: Old man (affectionate) (By Sunday), Cloud Bitch (By Whitty)
Age: 32
Height: 5'8
Pronouns/Gender: He/They, Demiboy
Sexuality: Ace, Demi-Homoromantic
Alignment: True Neutral
Species: Cloudman
Bio: After Carol, with the help of GF, destroyed TGG, Updike has been on the run from the two yanderes, specifically Carol. Somewhere along the line, Sunday started sticking with him.
Nickname: Wednesday (By Updike)
Age: 23
Height: 5'4
Pronouns/Gender: She/They, Nonbinary
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral good
Species: Human
Bio: After finding out how Batshit Insane her housemate was, Sunday was forced to go on the run. she just kinda found Updike and forcefully adopted him as a friend-
Miku Hatsune
Nickname: Miku the Leeku (by BF), Dead meat (by GF)
Age: 16 (at death)
Height: 5'4
Pronouns/Gender: She/her, Demigirl
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic good
Bio: Yeah uhh she fucking died. ghost miku.
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~It laughed mockingly.~ Ah, I suppose I'll tell you! Muns- Gods, essentially. They make and run universes, particularly Tumblr universes, and allow beings like me to interact with Muses for the purposes of making a good story! Muses are... Ah, main characters, essentially. Ones who've been picked for center stage, and whom our attentions are directed towards by the Mun. You two are Muses! You get to have fun with the hell that comes with a Mun that enjoys sad stories. -Foreshadowing Anon
"...Huh?" "...What." They're both himbos don't expect them to get it </3
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