#don't reblog if you're not stiles :knife:
goldshadows · 10 months
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shenanigans with @mvnces ! / incorrect quotes, accepting.
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you reblogged that alphabet thing? if you want, im requesting a derek with E plz, if it doesnt inconvenience you :) have a wonderful night
thanks for requesting!
E: Enemies to Lovers
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"You can't just punch through all the walls! That's the stupidest plan I've ever heard!" you yelled at Derek.
Hour three of the great plan debate had started. Scott and Stiles were both slowly going insane, listening to the two of you argue.
Peter was amused, he sat on the stairs, smiling widely as he looked at the two of you.
"With my werewolf strength-"
"Screw your werewolf strength. You don't have enough room to gather enough force. It's simple Physics, explains why a high school dropout can't seem to understand," Derek huffed loudly, shaking his head.
"Your nerdy little calculations aren't bringing my supernatural strength into account," he crossed his arms.
"You're fucking ridiculous, you know that?" you rolled your eyes.
"I'm trying to save the pack that I have left. I'm going to do whatever it takes, I don't care if you think it's impossible.”
Jesus fuck he's annoying
You took a deep breath, shaking your head.
"Punch me as hard as you can right now. Prove that you can do this then."
Derek was slightly shocked, frowning.
"Oh, don't act like you don't want to punch me. I want to suffocate you sometimes. Let's go. Me against you, right now," you clenched your fist before Scott yelled out, running between the two of you.
"It's been hours of this! Me and Derek are going in, you're gonna stay here with Stiles and Peter, okay?" Scott said.
"What? No-"
"I agree with Scott. You really just need to shut the fuck up," you rolled your eyes, about to speak before Scott pulled on Derek, running out of the loft.
"He's going to break his hand," you muttered, trying to hide your nervousness.
With all of your big talk, you knew you wouldn't be okay with him getting hurt.
"That's his problem. Come on, let's just..."
You let out a soft cry, before stopping yourself, leaning onto the table as you closed your eyes, letting out a shaky breath.
No one was answering your calls, your worry for each of them grew, but worst of all, your mind kept going back to Derek.
Your phone rang as you sniffled softly, answering the call from Stiles.
"Jesus fuck, what took you so long?" you yelled.
"We got held up at the hospital," Stiles said.
You felt your heart jump as your eyes widened.
"Hospital?" you said.
"Oh, not for anyone like that. There are these sacrifices happening, it's easier to talk about in person. Me and Scott can just come to your place," Stiles said.
"You and Scott? Where's Derek?" you asked, feeling your heart racing.
He stayed silent, while you spoke again.
"Where is he?" you said.
"On the bright side... at least you won't get headaches from arguing with him," Stiles muttered.
Your heart stopped as tears rushed to your eyes.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" you yelled.
"He went into a locked room with two wolves out of control on a full moon. We don't know if he's alive or what happened," Stiles explained.
"Why are you so calm about this?!" you yelled again.
"It's Derek. He can do this on his own," he replied.
You reached for your knife, taking deep breaths trying to calm yourself.
"You idiot! You know I like him! Why wouldn't you tell me this before? What if he's hurt? What if he's dead, or worse? I can't believe you!" you put your knife in your pocket, hanging up the call before you turned around, jumping slightly as you saw Derek leaning on the doorframe.
Your heart was beating in the back of your head as you saw a slight smirk on Derek's face. He was covered in blood, his wounds had healed. He was okay.
He walked towards you, about to speak.
"So, you like me?" he raised an eyebrow.
"You're ridiculous," you shook your head.
"Oh, so you weren't talking to Stiles just now?" he asked.
He stood in front of you, looking down as you swallowed, shaking your head.
"No, not you Derek. T-The other Derek I know. He's human, he's not a pathetic douchebag and he graduated high school," he rolled his eyes, putting his hands on either side of your cheeks.
"I kind of like you too," he whispered.
"Oh," you could tell he knew how nervous you were as you cleared your throat.
"Well, I guess it's time for-" before you could finish your sentence, he pressed his lips against yours, taking you by shock.
"You're still the most annoying motherfucker that I've ever met," you were out of breath as you shook your head before he chuckled.
"Yeah, right back at you," he put his hands on your waist, pulling you in tightly before lifting you up, putting you on the table.
taglist: @bellabadacadabra
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goldshadows · 10 months
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shenanigans with @mvnces ! / incorrect quotes, accepting.
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