#don't pwm on this day
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justasimpp · 1 year ago
marie getting punished bcs of kids she barely knows AGAIN i can't rn
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calyxmanta · 11 days ago
I don't have anyone else to tell this to, so my humble followers are going to have to read this 5 am vent mess.
I have been setting up my new PC's fans for two days and I have just now realized that it isn't the DC or PWM modes, the connectors or the headers..
I'm so fucking close to screwdriver lobotomizing myself /nsrs. I'm supposed to be up in five hours. Holy fuck
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little-witchys-garden · 3 years ago
Guardian demon superstition
As many of you know I grew up in a very superstitious family and community if I'm completely honest.
I'm sure we all heard of the Guardian Angel the divine all good natured protector that teaches you good values.
Well we had a Guardian Demon as well.
We were told your Guardian Angel stands on your right and your Guardian Demon on your left.
{ and all things else stand behind or in front }
We were taught that our Guardian demons were not bad things, just like the Guardian angel, they are both protectors in their pwm right which we've had in every life time. They've both been with us since the day of our creation and they both love us dearly.
They are both needed for a balanced life.
For example here are the main things I was told they taught us as kids.
The angel teaches grace, dignity, the importance of caring for others, love for others and forgiveness. They are the first ones that teach us compassion.
The demon teaches of pride in ourselves, love for ourselves, self respect, and to move forward. They are the first ones that teach us how to bare our teeth and growl.
We both try to teach us what's needed and what they feel is right though sometimes they can be wrong but it's not meant to harm or hurt. They truly are trying to help us in their own way. They were both tasked in being our guardians and will be so as they see fit.
Sure the demon has it's own motives but the angel does as well doesn't dismiss the fact they both love us dearly and will warn us in their own way when it's needed.
I was always told angels were more bold and extroverted while demons were more cunning and introverted though I suppose it differs with each person and their guardians.
But no matter what they both always accept you and love you. Their love is truly unconditional and unbreakable. Their acceptance of us has no limit, I'm sure there is times they could be disappointed but doesn't change they love and accept us.
When we are hurting the angel comforts while the demon spins a web to harm the one that hurt us.
Guardian angels love sending messages and telling us things, though
I was told as a child
" Always listen to your angel but when your demon warns you then you better listen good and well. If the demon tells you something that it's very important cause they don't like talking much. "
" Always ask your angel for help first and only ask the demon when it's completely necessary. "
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willoslab · 2 years ago
Project Three
Project Three! Not was I was expecting.
Here was my original pitch: You send messages from one piece of ceramic to another using vibrations. The vibrations are sensed by a piezo pickup on one piece, and sent to a web server. A p5.js application reads from the web server, and tells another Arduino when the piezo reads vibration. The receiver Arduino drives a speaker to match the frequency picked up by the piezo. The piezo could be read by following an Arduino knock sensor example (6).
Now in retrospect, there are several things that make this idea a lot of trouble. First, the piezo pickups I have are noisy and unpredictable, and generate a very low amount of signal. Secondly, there are three different points of failure in communicating from one Arduino to the other. The web server, p5.js app, and serial server must all work in tandem to send one message.
I did a lot of research to make the above idea possible.
First, the piezo was not providing usable values. I explored amplifying the signal with a transistor, but eventually discovered a great resource about op-amps (5). The resulting signal with the same piezo was so much clearer and true-to-life that it made the idea feasible again for some time.
Second was web communication. I used the modified example WiFiNINA web server by W Michelle Harris (10). The edits in this example assume you will be connecting to the RIT WiFi, like I was, but it is built on the general example web server, which is extremely helpful.
Third was p5.js communication with the web server. I got my professor's help on this one and no matter what we tried, it never worked. The p5.js httpGet example (9) was able to connect to the example website, but very few others. Sometimes it would run into CORS errors, but in the case of my Arduino's server's IP address, it just failed to fetch and gave no explanation.
In a last ditch effort, I switched to serial communication between two Arduinos, using a very good video tutorial (8). In spite of the video's clarity and the simplicity of the task, I was never able to trigger a response in the receiver Arduino. I could tell data was being sent and received using the serial monitor and logging the messages received by the receiver Arduino. However, data sent from the transmitter never registered as equal to itself in an if/else statement. I really don't know what could have gone wrong.
This is why my final project is missing serial or web communication. I did all I could with the time and experience that I could bring to the project. I'm very embarrassed about this because I love the idea, and all the various methods of Arduino communication have gripped my curiosity from the learning I did. I cannot get it done in time.
So what did I do? Earlier in the year I started building a very simple synthesizer using the Arduino tone library (2). I was still excited to work with the resonance in ceramic bowls and other pieces, so I blended these things together.
To get the synthesizer put together, I needed to figure out those breadboard buttons whose use had eluded me. There's a good tutorial on them (3).
Next, I decided I could use the piezo sensor as a controller for the keyboard instead of the set of buttons. Then, even if there was no serial communication, I could at least have two interactable bowls. I set up a circuit to take analog input from the piezo and then activate the circuit with PWM. This worked alright until I noticed that after a few beeps, the Arduino would lose connection to the computer and stop functioning. This usually followed a high reading on the piezo. I don't know what it is about my circuit, but I believe I was overloading the analog input.
It was after this, too, broke down that I decided to put my original tone keyboard back together, leave the piezo, and come in with something that I could show. It was 11:30 PM and I had been working straight through the last two days.
Here's a photo of my next-to-final project- the IC in the center is my op-amp, amplifying the signal from the piezo. The other side of the breadboard drives the speaker.
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My final project is the example keyboard. The code for my final piece is taken from reference 2 and written by Tom Igoe. The schematic of my breadboard and wiring is also roughly the same, but I have also attached a photo of the circuit.
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Arduino Tone Keyboard Example
good button tutorial
resistor color code calculator (this isn't cited I just need it all the time)
Op-amp Basics
Arduino Knock Sensor Example
datasheet for my AS358p op-amp
'How to make two arduino boards talk to each other' on YouTube
httpGet p5.js reference
the modified example WiFiNINA web server by W Michelle Harris
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matto · 2 years ago
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Yoooooooo! Was hoping to get 3 books out this year. _Might_ still happen, but I hear 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
Second book (which I accidentally launched a few days early. oops. don't tell the librarians!): Poetry Works, Mostly
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integratelier · 2 years ago
On Feeling Like an Impostor
Imposter? 🤣
Yang saya ceritain ini ngga yang impostor syndrome yang bener-bener masalah banget atau gimana ya, cuma ya kerasa aja gitu kalo saya tu selama ini cem fake it till I make it gitu, khususnya dalam bidang akademik.
Dalam menjalani tiga strata pendidikan tinggi, saya mengambil konsentrasi di 3 bidang berbeda. Di tahap S1 ku anak microelectronics. Fokusnya di embedded system sama chip design gitu. Dan sampe sekarang topik inilah yang paling nempel dan paling bisa kuaplikasikan, walopun pemahaman dan skillku ga mendalam juga. Yah sekadar bikin program PWM doang mah bisa lah 🤣🤣🤣
Berkat kerjaan, S2ku jadi power electronics. Dan walopun at the end of the day prakteknya program PWM juga, tapi kan problem question-nya dari bidang power engineering dan jujur aja sih ku ga paham-paham amat. Saya merasa belom layak bilang kalo saya "anak power". Kek mindset-ku tu selalu mengarah ke bagaimana membuat alat yang bisa mengerjakan ini dan itu, which probably stems from:
1. Fokus S1ku
2. My personality as a person who likes to know how things work and how to make them work as autonomously as possible for me :v
Lanjut... tadinya sih sekarang mau ngerjain power electronics juga, cuman karena force majeure bergeser ke teknik kendali. Which I actually suck at, just because of the sheer level of math over there. Bidang yang saya paling ngaco in descending order:
1. Math
2. Informatics
3. Control theory
(Sebenernya dari aspek ga ngertinya, all these three tie for 1st place, but at least kalo kontrol tu ada fenomena fisiknya 💁‍♂️)
Jadi saya ngerasa ga bisa ngaku-ngaku "anak kontrol" juga.
Sebenernya sih, label tu ga penting. At least, I think it isn't. Cuman paling gampang ngobrol dengan orang tu dengan menyebutkan bidang besarnya, terutama kalo ngobrol dengan yang rumpun ilmunya berdekatan.
Dan karena hal ini, berasa impostor banget pas saya bilang, "Risetku bidang power." Masa kemaren ditanya statcom aja ku melongo dulu, padahal pertanyaannya ga substansial. Dan sampe sekarang saya masih belom ngecek apa itu statcom, just so that I don't have to know if I actually spouted nonsense that time.
Dan kalo bilang, "Risetku control of power electronics." Ntar ditanya hal-hal terkait teknik kendali ku melongo juga. Masa entar ke orang power ngaku anak kontrol dan ke orang kontrol ngaku anak power, saking ini-itu ngga ngerti 😅😅😅
P.S.: at this point, satu-satunya cabang elektro yang belum kujamah (kalo berdasarkan pengelompokan di kampusku) adalah teknik biomedik, karena di kerjaan saya pernah nyemplung ke bidang telecom walo sekadar nyari tau apa itu upconverter dan downconverter 🤣
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