#don't modulate the key then not debate with me (dash games)
lexetordo · 2 years
tag dump
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facethemusix · 4 years
Participate in a HGW
Misha participates in the Holy Grail War of cyberspace as the master of Berserker The Servants participating in this war are: Saber:Altera Archer:Tristan Lancer:Odin Rider:Ishtar Caster:Medea Assassin:Sasaki Kojiro Berserker:Thomas Edison Extra class:Lobo
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Okay, but the real question is if he’ll be a cat.
Stolen from: @adastraluminis​
Tagging: @mnemosys​, @xxyumeno​ (Nalin)
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facethemusix · 4 years
chewing nails. cracking knuckles. reading text on shampoo bottles while in the shower. smelling books. sniffing fingers after eating. feeling uncomfortable when the tv volume is on an odd number. taking off vegetable/fruit skins. popping pimples. repeatedly stroking their hair. playing with their hair. checking their pockets for their wallet/keys/phone. looking in the tissue after blowing their nose. nose picking. biting their lip. covering mirrors before going to sleep. putting cereal before the milk. putting milk before the cereal. eating cereal without milk. touching all things soft. meowing. walking on curbs. singing in the shower. daydreaming. using facebook to remember birthdays. cleaning their ears using their little finger. saving plastic bags. chewing on pens. hitting the snooze button. eating in front of the tv. smoking. not answering their phone. never texting back. texting back ridiculously late. always too early at appointments. always too late at appointments. sleeping naked. saying ‘horses’ when they see horses. walking around barefoot in public places. thinking of a great comeback about four hours too late. walking around naked when home alone. laughing at inside jokes on their own. skipping the bottom two stairs. taking two steps at once when using the stairs. talking to their pets
tagged by stolen from: @devotedkey tagging: @mnemosys​, @adastraluminis​ (elaine)
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facethemusix · 4 years
Waifu Level
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"Hm, not bad~.”
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facethemusix · 4 years
Are you an angel or demon?
Misha is a ruler of Hell, powerful and wicked, deceitful, clever, and masters of legions of demons.
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God. Oh my g o d. She can’t fucking breathe she’s wheezing--
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She feels like she should be maybe a little bit offended.
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facethemusix · 4 years
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read the word then type the first word that comes to your character’s mind. REPOST / DON’T REBLOG !
ROUGH : life HIDE :  run FOOLISH :  always SAD :  ache HATE :  shopkeeper LIGHT :  searing DARK :  empty MOTHER :  beautiful FATHER : strong CHILD :  kid LOVE :  found SOFT :  warmth DREAM :  home POWER :  lacking FIGHT :  can’t SICK :  awful KISS :  different HUG :  safety HURT :  scared HAPPY :  some
TAGGED BY :  stole it from @viictorycrowned​ TAGGING : hmmm @mnemosys​ and @oneshothero​? 
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facethemusix · 5 years
what’s your social link ? to  find  your  secondary  &  third  tarot  cards,  scroll  down  your  result  page  to  your  answers &  result  totals.
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Primary: The Fool
“The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. It is the void from which all other things begin.” Your personality is shaped by the people’s actions and decisions. You are a jack of all trades having a wide potential depending on how you choose to live your life. Easily influenced by others. Be careful how you choose to live your life and of the people you choose to be with. Your life holds a network of infinite possibilities because of your natural talent and skills in all aspects of life.
Secondary: The Magician
"The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate... Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yes, the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed... Attaining one’s dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination.” The Magician is associated with action, initiative, self-confidence, manipulation and power (more specifically, the power to harness one’s talents). You prefer being the right-hand men of someone you are close to or you look up to. A tragedy in your life must have shaped you unto who you are right now and how you life your life. You prefer dynamic and theatrical situations rather than solemn and quiet paces of life. A downside in your character is that you may possible be perverted most of the time and easily fall in love or have crushes on other people you admire.
Tertiary: The Moon
“The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed. What we see is who we are and what we believe in is how we are raised. It is an illusion to put your shoes on another’s foot.” The Moon Arcana is associated with creativity, inspiration, dreams, madness, illusions, fear, fantasy, the subconscious and trickery. You are sometimes being attuned subconsciously to the world around, gaining the ability to sense things without being told about them or without anyone else knowing. You are often psychically-attuned, and your projection of your own fears and faults onto others is becoming a habit. You often tend to have trouble accepting yourself for who you are and, because of that fear, you try to correspond to an ideal person.
I stole it from: @adastraluminis​
Tagging: You’re it. Suffer as I have! >3
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facethemusix · 5 years
Misha’s Personally is
27 precent baby 41 percent bitch 3727388392 percent horny 77 percent softie 69 percent chaotic 63 percent thot 0 percent cursed
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facethemusix · 5 years
Tag List
are you there god (asks)
another stellar conversation (memes)
let the world pass by (opens)
stars on the cuffs of your jeans (aesthetics)
a million worlds apart (musings)
make my song take flight (music)
out of openings (mun talks)
she says in parenthesis (dash commentary)
don't modulate the key then not debate with me (dash games)
within these words I finally find you (info)
looking to the world (mirror)
exit pursued by bear (crack)
history has its eyes on you (event)
remember who you are (saved)
Main Verse
anybody have a map? (main)
Older Verse
young scrappy and hungry (older)
young scrappy and hungry (info)
Amnesia/Wander Verse
go the distance (wanderer)
go the distance (info)
FGO Verse
my destiny calls and I go (fgosha)
my destiny calls and I go (info)
ORV Verse
you keep on walking and you don’t look back (orv)
you keep on walking and you don’t look back (info)
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