#don't mind Dustin being a sarcastic little shit again lol
artiststarme · 2 years
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 17
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Just a few more parts! What happens next, should Steve have a talk with everybody, should there be more Eddie/Steve mush? We shall see! Let me know what you guys think!
And Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
Steve was nervous. It was a new feeling for him and certainly not a welcome one. Apparently, Dustin had walkied the other kids while he was in the bathroom and had arranged a “small get together” with the rest of the Party. Hence the anxiety. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see the kids. But, he hadn’t seen any of them in the few months since he’d moved away and he was not looking forward to seeing their reactions. Would they be upset and yell at him just like they had yelled at Eddie? Or would they be upset since he’s stealing Eddie and Robin from them too? He didn’t know what to expect from the remaining members of the group which put him on edge. Steve had never liked putting himself in situations where he didn’t know what to expect. 
Regardless of his apprehension, he loaded Eddie, Robin, and Dustin into the Beemer and made his way towards the Hopper-Byers residence. It was woefully apparent to the others that Steve was nervous. He was driving 10 mph under the speed limit and kept raking a hand through the swoop of his hair. At the fourth hair disturbance, Eddie grabbed Steve’s hand in his and settled it on his knee. “Stevie, it’ll be fine. They obviously want to see you if they planned all this. Relax.”
Dustin poked his head between the first two seats and glared menacingly at Steve. “And speed up! You’re moving slower than grandpa and he’s dead! Go!”
Steve heard Robin smack Dustin and pull him back from his position, “My god, Dustin. What the hell? Be respectful of the dead. Wow.”
“Oh, like I’m wrong? He’s going like 20 mph in a 40! Going too slow is just as dangerous as driving too fast, Robin…”
He ignored their squabbling and sped up to match the speed limit. Trying to waste time by driving slowly wasn’t going to help anything. He focused on the feel of Eddie’s hand in his own and let the worry seep out of him. Eddie was right, of course. The kids had to be happy to see him, right? Dustin certainly was. Also, bar Mike and Max, the remaining kids were angels. There was rarely any sass from Will, Lucas, or El. Mike and Max could be heathens and their insults could be biting. Even if they were mad though, they were all still his kids and he would own up to his actions. If anything, they were probably hurt and would need reassurance. Unlike what his parents had done for him, he could provide them with that. 
Immediately when they pulled into the driveway, everyone flooded from the house. Most everyone had smiles on their faces and laughter in their mouths. Lucas, Will, and El ran directly to Steve while Mike and Max walked at a more sedate pace behind their friends. 
When they reached him, Lucas, Will, and El engulfed Steve in a group hug. They were thrilled to see him after losing him so abruptly. They all hugged for a moment and appreciated each other’s presence before they pulled away. 
“It is nice to see you, Steve.” El said. Will nodded at her words and mumbled his own little hello accompanied by an awkward wave. They might not be the closest members of the Party but they both loved each other still and Will was still happy to see another part of his family. 
Lucas clapped Steve on the shoulder and redirected his attention to him, “good to see you Steve. We were worried about you but we’re glad you’re okay.” 
Their relationship was often overlooked when compared to the others but Lucas always looked up to the man that had saved him from the racist bully trying to beat his face in. He had admired Steve since he helped them at the junkyard and took Billy’s plate to the head. And with that admiration came the subtle mimicry. Just like Mike with Eddie, Lucas had tried to share in Steve’s interests by practicing basketball with him and joining the team at school. 
Steve smiled back at them. Mike glared at him from several paces away but his teenage moodiness was easily ignored in the face of Max’s subtle excitement. In true Max fashion, she slugged him in the arm, hard enough to make him wince. “Don’t do that again, dickhead. We thought you got your dumbass killed. Let us know when you’re going somewhere next time.” 
Steve chuckled at her words but did feel somewhat chastened. “Sorry Max.” 
She nodded her head and narrowed her eyes at him before giving him a brief hug, “I’m glad you’re okay.”
He nodded with his chin resting on her head, “me too.”
Hopper and Joyce came outside next, following the kids. Hopper was wearing a hideous Hawaiian shirt with flamingos on it while Joyce was wearing a green flannel two sizes too big. But both looked full of love, and slightly menacing, as they charged at Steve.
Joyce wrapped him in a motherly hug when she reached him and cooed, “Steve! Oh, you’re so thin! Have you been taking care of yourself?”
Steve smiled awkwardly at the open affection he rarely received from parents, “Eddie’s been taking good care of me. Thanks for throwing this together, it's nice to see everybody.”
“Of course, Steve! You’re family.” She said and lightly pinched his cheek. 
Hopper grabbed him next. His face was a mixture of exasperation and parental affection as he hugged him close. Steve was surprised to find tears in his eyes when he pulled away. “What? Hop-”
Hopper placed a hand at the back of his neck and looked Steve straight in the eye. “Don’t do that again. You going off on your own without telling anybody took ten years off my life. You can’t just disappear like that. I expect you to stay in contact with us the entire time, got it? You’re like a son to me, kid. I don’t want to lose you again.”
Steve bit his lip as he struggled to keep his own tears in. He nodded stiltedly and reached out for another hug from Hopper. There was no reluctance from him and the other Party members made their way inside in an effort to give them a moment alone. Steve never considered how his departure from Hawkins might affect his found family. Even when he was settled in the city, he hadn’t thought to reach out to the Chief to let him know he was alright. But now, comfortable and safe in the arms of his father figure, Steve knew that he couldn’t just disappear like he did before. He might be moving but now he knew that the Party loved him and he would always have a place here amongst his family.
To the people on the taglist; are you guys still being notified when I post a new part? I think these tags are active but I tried putting them in the comments and it didn’t work. Please let me know! Hope you guys enjoy this part!
Part 18 Part 19 Part 20: Epilogue
Updated Taglist: @nickavalens @conversesweetheart @themostunoriginalpersonever @swimmingbirdrunningrock @eddiethegreatteddybear @harrumphingtons @call-me-big-eyes @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove @thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt @luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy @yearningagain @forest-fogg @bitchysunflower @stardust-era @newtstabber @bobatrash-queen @notjasontxdd @ohlook-afrog @00biscuit @grtwdsmwhr @oxidantdreamboat @the-witch-forever-lives @estrellami-1 @whatthemeepever @a-simple-gaywitch @imzadidragonfly @freddykicksasses @krimsonsimp
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