#don't match jestie
@farenduil location: Araushnee's Grove, Arvandor notes: one last thread with mother Araushnee’s grove was void of any life, Lloth’s betrayal had stripped it of its splendour and while it would have been a small matter to sow seeds and new life into this soil, it remained as a warning. Mneme and Aegnor’s repulsion from this realm was a message, Titania’s amputated limbs another. Her ruined sister would kill Meryasek, and with him her people’s last hope would flame out. They were emotional creatures, void of leadership; their grief would just consume them. Perhaps it was better to be over, when a limb became necrotic you cut it off, you didn’t cling to it and hope that it didn’t take your life with it. 
“I was a terrible mother,” Titania whispered, “I put everything I was into being Queen of a people that came to hate me. I wanted to be a mother, and I failed. I wanted to be Queen, and I failed at that too.” The archfey wasn’t the type to purposefully invoke sympathy or to petty self-pity, but the long years tethered to so many of her people had addled her mind alongside the spellplague. While the pharmakis had restored her and the Gods of Elysia had healed her, Titania wasn’t the woman who’d left the mortal realm behind. She’d promised so much to Zahrya, to Meryasek, but even in her resurgence she’d vowed vengeance and made them pledge the same. Everywhere she looked there was fault etched in the lines of all that she had written, Farenduil had not held back, she knew that he despised her: and he’d been right to. Titania despised her too. 
“I thought for so long that it was within my power to control everything, that if I just held on tight enough then we wouldn’t have to lose anymore than we already have.” Titania turned towards her son, worried hands wrung in front of her, “You and your friends came here seeking aid but you won’t find any: Corellon turned his back on the mortal realm long ago.” Farenduil, the son with whom Titania had expected the world and Meryasek, the son with whom Titania had never expected anything. How they’d both surprised her, and how she’d ruined them both. She could feel the pain of his broken soul as his magic ran keenly through her, the death of a warder was an insufferable loss. All because they had hoped to find aid in a hostile realm. Boons, perhaps, but nothing more: these elves sought worship, as all Gods did, nothing more. “As have I.” It was time for the eladrins to come home so they might at last be restored.
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minzart · 3 years
Hey, hope your doing well. Anyway, I was thinking that in the TWST Fairy Tale Au, Yuu just casually drops hints that they know more about this world then their letting on. Like, it's so casual that they don't even register what Yuu said until Yuu leaves the room and they are left with this, wait what, look on their face.
Hello! And I'm doing fine thank you
Yuu, multicasting as many characters while progressing the movie's plot
Yuu to the magic mirror: listen I'm already into too deep here so I'm gonna stay some more time
MM: they will kill you
Yuu: Bitch they need a therapist and I'm the only one here capable of bullshiting my way through their thick walls of insecurity talking about my feeling so shut the fuck up
Riddle doesn't beat an eye when Yuu doesn't break any rules until Trey mentions how odd that is, they know almost half of their rules and they just got there!
Yuu tries to tempt Riddle into "breaking" the rules, pointing loop roles and making quite compelling arguments:
"yes, I know that in an unbirthday party we can't eat this tipe of tart, however this is a tea party! Even if today is the unbirthday it's not the time for it yet, soooo we can eat this tart if we do an little tea party just for us"
"Your ma~jesty I can't possibly eat this alone! Besides it's your favorite"
... Riddle for the first time gets to eat what he wants without restrictions and it felt... nice... how did they know it was his favorite?
Leona is losing his patience with his nephew and his brother as the seconds passes, but here comes Yuu to ruin his plans
"Uncle Leona, when I'm king, what does that make you?" Cheka invaded his room the fifth time this week
"Monkey's uncle" Yuu completed his sentence
"WOAAA IS THAT YOUR FRIEND DADDY'S BEEN TALKING ABOUT UNCLE LEONA?!" Cheka jumps into Yuu's arms "you're pretty!"
"Well, thank you very much little sir, now why are you annoying your uncle this hour?"
"I am bored~~~ and uncle Leona is fun to be around!"
"Oh is he? " Yuu sends an smug grin to the now grumpier lion "but y'know, your uncle has such a poor back"
"Oi, I'm right here"
"Weren't you the one who was complaining second ago about your back?"
"It's not that bad"
"Oh so do you what to play with us now?"
"Please uncle Leona!"
Cheka puffs his cheeks frustrated
"Ah~ guess it can't be helped, c'mon little prince, your uncle is scared~ of losing a game of chess"
"Uh? But chess is boring! And I don't even know how to play it"
"It isn't if you play it my way" yuu crunches to look Cheka in the eyes "what do you say?" They look at Leona as well
"Hmmm. ok if you say so"
"... one match"
And that's how the two lions got entertained from the stories the Herbivore made about kings and queens, and lost and wins, and glory and legends of days untold, all of those made on the spot inspired by the moves that were made
only later at night Leona notices his nephew sleeping in his lap while he himself fell asleep earlier... he wonders when did he start hating his nephew so much and notices that his plan to kill the ball of annoying energy was fooled, it must be a coincidence that the human walked in just the right time, right?
Most of the times, Azul is preparing potions and restocking while Jade and Floyd go out to get him costumers or spy on his little gold mine, but Yuu doesn't need to know about it
The irony that Yuu's merform is a shrimp made them burst into laughter, their Floyd would be delighted and completely smug about this
Today was quite a busy day, three poor unfortunate souls to "help", Yuu doesn't mind, it's fun watching Azul work his unnecessary showmanship with the potions and pretty words, that's why Azul is exhausted at the end of the day
"I wonder if they found anything" Azul murmurs to himself
"Bet they are running from a shark together with Rielle"
"That would be just what kind of shenanigans they'd get into wouldn't it?" he chuckles softly... wait A SECOND HOW DO YUU KNOWS WHO RIELLE IS??? But before he could ask:
"Azul, holly shit, you wouldn't belive what just happened!" Floyd comes flying through the entrance
"Floyd your tail is still hurt" Jade's right behind him
Jamil is absolutely tired and in full on panicking when this "prince Ali" starts to cause a commotion outside the palace gates, and he keeps advancing
He trys to hold the door stubbornly, if wasn't for Yuu getting him and Kalim out of the way, they would be a pancake on the wall and his mood would be worsen
"I want to smack this idiot"
"Oh you will, but stop getting grumpy I'll help you with the paper work in this one, you can get back at you hideout or whatever after this mess is done with"
He grunts but complains, later he remembers of never telling yuu that he has an hideout in the first place
Yuu had just arrived with Vil at the castle, whoever the Queen doesn't want anyone to see his new guest entering by the front gate, so by the back door it is
Together they go, after all he can't afford Yuu running away now, besides he's too tired from traveling to maintain his impeccable appearance in front of his subjects
They bump into Neige's "I'm wishing" song, Yuu pushes Vil out of sigh
"I wonder who the prince is this time" Yuu murmurs
"Get your hands of me this instant! What do you think you are doing?"
"I-is someone there?"
"Hello" Yuu shows themself "nice to meet you, my name is Yuu"
"I-I shouldn't talk to you, the Queen might-"
"The Queen might what Neige?"
"V-Vil! M-my apologizes I promise I wasn't slacking of!"
"C'mon Vil cut him some slack won't you" Yuu throwing away any form of self preservation trys to calm the tension "besides weren't we in a hurry so you could put on your proper make up? Even tho I think you look better with this more basic one but to each their own"
"You don't get to talk-"
"Are you two friends?"
"Kinda" "No"
Vil signs "come, weren't you the one who said we are in a hurry" he passes through Neige without looking back
Yuu follows not noticing a big blush on the boy's face when they turn back and mutters a "don't worry he's just in a bad mood" with a big reassuring smile
"Beautiful isn't he..." Vil's asks in a murmur, a short of melancholy is beneath the nonchalant mask
"Eh~, I would say cute, but not beautiful" Yuu already knows where this is going to go if they answer a generic yes, so bullshiting time it is then, hopefully they don't mess this up "beauty is very subjective to each person, even if there is a general idea that most like, theres gonna be people that would find the weirdest thing more beautiful than others, me for example: beauty for me is in the way one caries themselves, the glow of confidence is the most beautiful thing I ever saw, the same as their growth... my beauty applies more to you than him my Queen"
Vil is quiet and Yuu thinks they fucked up realy bad... apparently not enough bc Vil showed them the magic mirror who knows who Yuu is in more ways than an omniscient mirror should, almost like twst mirror and this are the same
Idia likes coming back to the underworld, it's quiet and nobody is around to test his patience, well Yuu is there now but at least they are quiet, and then... the muses start to sing... again, he's so tired of his villain song you have no idea
"Ohhh we're getting to the Cerberus part, can I feed him pleaseeee?"
"Do you even have the strength to throw this?"
"Yeah, probably not.... say... can I pe-"
"Don't blame me if you die tho"
"So mean~ no wonder you have to send [twst Megara] to recruit your minions"
"That's how the underworld works. better get used to it"
"You are just grumpy because you think you have to prepare for the fate's arrival, also they are already there anyways so relax a little, they aren't gonna have good news anyway"
"... how do you know about the fat-?"
"Big puppy" Yuu points to a very unhappy and dangerous Cerberus "large boys, absolutely best boys"
"... You are so going to die if I don't keep an eye on you won't you?" Idia throws the big meat at them
Malleus isn't in the mood to deal with his subjects bullshit right now, being an powerfull fairy, king and conducting a search for a child who he's suposed to curse into a sleeping death at sixteen is exhausting and frustrating
"Honestly he might be dead at this point"
"Nah, living in a cottage with animal friends and three dumb uncles seems more likely" Yuu try's to catch his pace "say hm... why am I here again?"
"My guards would be too busy looking for me to keep an eye on you, so it's best if you came along, so be quiet and don't make me regret my decision"
"K. Cool." It was a peaceful walk all things considered... and then they teleported "HEY GIVE ME A WARNING NEXT TIME TSUNOTAROU!, oh great seven... I'll never get used to this"
"... you keep calling me Tsunotarou, why is that?"
"Ah... yeah you aren't the same person, hmmm, the other you, in my dimension, he didn't told me his name when we first met"
"And you did"
"Yes I know, I am an reckless child of man, moving on, but I needed a name to a face of a friend right? So my Grimm got the idea of Tsunotarou since Y'know, horns" they make fake horns above their head "and then I told you, and you gave me permission to call you that, once I discovered who you were I was already used to the nickname so it sticked as our thing, you call me child of man and I call you Tsunotarou... but I guess it's weird if I cal you that huh? Sorry, I'll try to hammer in my brain that I'm in another dimension now, promise it'll happen less frequently"
A nickname huh... the way Yuu talked about him was full of nostalgia, the king wonders if this other him considered Yuu such a close friend too
Weeks later, Lilia found a clue to were the child is suposed to be, a cottage in the middle of the forest... what an interesting coincidence
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thenarratorsgalaxy · 6 years
🌌 ((Hope ya don't mind))
Once again, it would seem that Para’s variants are out and about, seeing as one dressed in a light grey, blue, and yellow jester’s outfit with bells found their way into the Underground. After skipping around without anything eventful happening, the jester happened to find a river…and decided to have a little fun.
Anyone passing by might have seen them rushing across the surface of the water on a unicycle, the sound of their merry laughter and tinkling bells echoing behind them. They were having so much fun, they almost didn’t notice the cat-boat on the water, but when they do, they blink their red and blue eyes a few times, before slowing down to match the boat’s pace.
“Oh! Jesty Jokes almost didn’t see you there!” the jester exclaims to the cloaked being on the boat, a huge grin on their face. “The fool says hello!” 
Jesty Jokes, The Fool of the Stars, has entered the galaxy!
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