#don't look up rp yule
endlessxrealities · 1 year
@naturally-recklessly​ (Yule Havenhurst)
“Everything is theoretically impossible, until it is done.” The voice of Dr. Randall Mindy played through the TVs hanging in the DrinkMo! liqour store; the world being witness to the launch of a mission to destroy the concerning comet-
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Lauren Dibiasky, a college sophomore, and younger sister of the true discoverer and name sake of the comet jumped at the sudden exclamation from her boss. 
Pulling her eyes away from the monitor and live broadcast, she turned to see the crabby old man stepping of the back room. “I need you to unload these onto the shelfs.” He set gestured to a dolly that held three shipping boxes of vodka coolers.
The girl nodded, “I’ll be sure to get to it.” 
“Good, do it now.” The man ordered, before retreating back to his ‘office’ as he’d called it. Not much of an office when all he does is play online blackjack. Lauren would say.
The door shut behind the man, and Lauren sighed, sparing a final glance at the monitor, before heading over to fetch the roller dolly; guiding it over to the cooler isle when the bell above the store’s door gave a soft jingle.
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thefirepuma142 · 1 year
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yule is back !  ( He’s just moved to another home. 😉 )
If you’d still like to interact with him, you can find him on my multimuse blog . See you there !
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jamesunderwater · 1 year
Tell me about your writing history! Is this your first fandom? Had you ever written anything else before? Maybe embarrassing poetry or a diary?
Wow this ask had me pulling out my old hard drive to look at the oldest writings I could find I actually went into my old boxes and found the one remaining notebook from pre-college, as well. So this turned into a VERY fun adventure xD Thank you for sending this, Anna!
So my journey into writing is really intertwined with my love for HP. I'd definitely say it was my first fandom, and it's absolutely been my most long-lasting one. I was very into Supernatural in middle school as well (it had just come out), but nothing captured me like HP, and eventually, the Marauders. I remember writing a story when I was like 9 for this monthly contest we had in school, and I specifically said to myself, "I'm going to write this in the style that JKR uses," and because of that, I was SURE I was going to win the contest. I even remember using "he said, matter-of-factly" in the story, because I'd looked up what that meant when reading HP (about Hermione, of course) and thought it was just next-level writing. I did actually win the contest that month, too! xD So I would say I really started getting into writing and enjoying it because the Harry Potter books made me fall so in love with reading.
So jump ahead to early middle school, around 11 years old, I'm on fucking Neopets, and I discover a roleplaying forum. And a thread seeking someone to play James at the Yule Ball......and thus, my Highest Self was born. 😆 It felt like I'd discovered a whole new world where I could really be myself and do the things I loved with other people who loved it, too. So I started roleplaying (on myspace lmao), mostly as Sirius or James and eventually also Dean Winchester. I discovered ff.net and hpff, and wrote some stories, but mostly I really loved interacting with other writers through rping.
Most of what I wrote outside of rp was either poetry or short stories, and most of it was really dark, cause my life in general was really dark. In college I took a poetry writing course and a fiction writing course and fucking loved them both, but I didn't end up going any further in those courses. I roleplayed off and on throughout my 20s, wrote poetry off and on, little fics and drabbles here and there. Came up with ideas for books I never wrote. So really, what I'm doing right now with Dead to Me is the most "serious" I've been about a multi-chapter story before, unless you count the ongoing stories I technically wrote as a roleplayer. Like, I know I'm actually going to finish this one, whereas so often in the past I just let things fall away (thank you, adhd).
As for old writing/embarrassing stuff - the oldest fandom thing I found was actually a short wolfstar fic I wrote in 2011 that made me smile so much! I might post it. 😊 Which is so funny because I don't even remember writing it. I did easily find some embarrassing poetry, though. I picked one out from my hard drive from 2011 before I found my old notebook from high school, so congrats, you get two embarrassing poems for the price of one. Under the cut, cause geez, I've already talked a lot xD
From my first year in college...feast your eyes on a gross poem about my first real boyfriend, who was (shocker) an absolute asshole:
It’s your back, the way your skin crawls across it like caterpillars stretching tight while you blanket over me.
It’s your hair, those thick tendrils of brown leaves falling over me like autumn when it starts and it feels like the sky is falling.
It’s your laugh, that low baritone. That tuba in the brass section that gets all the attention and earns glares from the girls in football stands that can’t hear over them, but I become a puddle to that sound.
You are a warm blanket in an ice locker – relief.
Watching you live is like videotaping a child’s first years. Their first giggles that grace the world, first few steps and words and birthdays, bed time stories and grandparents’ laps. All in all, true happiness.
You are all the reasons in the world to smile, and so I am.
Andddd from my first year in high school, please enjoy this poem about having your heartbroken by someone on the internet:
You were like a magnet I, a piece of metal could do nothing but give into gravity and fall into your hesitant arms
I couldn't trust you to catch me
When I came crawling back you made me swear never to leave again I made the vow sealed myself in an envelope that never made it to Ohio
You refused to open me up I just begged and pleaded for your love
In the end the magnet will pull away and leave me a useless piece of rust Too drained to give up Too defeated to get up
When you left, so did all my hope
You wonder why I take the lead You wonder why I always leave the first time
Real talk, I actually MUCH prefer the second poem. Maybe it's because I still remember lines from it to this day, or because the idea of writing a lovey poem to an asshole is more cringey than writing a heartbreak poem in general, but.... I don't hate those last two lines 😆
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🌍, 🖍, ♻️, 🤔, 🛠
🌍What tags or warnings will your / one of your wip(s) need if you intend to share it?
From Wantons light of heart Pt 3: "To see you eat in the middle of the night (It's Friday I'm in love)" - Some of my tags will be Return of Memories of Mental/Physical Rape, Mental Manipulation, Telepathic Control, Mental Rape, Mental Control Led to Non-Consensual Sex (or Rape). [That one will need work on the wording. But either way, there'll be no ambiguous bullshit about it. There'll be no instructions to the readers that they must NOT read the mental control used to make a guy have sex with the chick (the one who used the mental control on him in the first place) as NOT rape. None of that bullshit.
🖍Post Any sentence from your wip
From Half past four and shifting gear (Part of the Juslo 'verse, and yeah, it's more than just a sentence, sue me):
Tony moved carefully away from the creeper so he didn’t trip and ate up the distance between them in just a few steps. He tossed the rag onto the workbench, aiming away from the sketchbook. Steve reached for his hand then and brought it to his lips, kissing gently over the scraped knuckle, bringing out a sweet smile from Tony. “My hero,” Tony cooed.
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP
From the Hemispheres series - Not sure how much of this is a scrapped idea or just what I'm still struggling with, but given how much of canon this series utilizes (and also changes), I haven't decided what I'm doing about Ultron yet or if that's just going to not even be a thing. It'll determine how much of the Wanda storyline will get used or how much of it will be used to exploit things I wanted to see with her and how they deal with her, and that's still just super up in the air, which is fine because I haven't even reached the Bucky aspects of that story yet.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
For the Is this a Dagger? series, I really can't wait to tackle the Bucky/Loki 50 States road trip part of the story. I'm looking forward to describing the good food they eat in each state followed by the worst food they eat in each state. It'll be almost like a season of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives but with Bucky and Loki making out in between all the food discoveries and potential bad guy conflicts they end up dealing with along the way.
🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
Right now, I'm just struggling with the brain goblins who are tired from all the Yule 2023 fics I wrote and posted in a month-ish time. Everything feels like a struggle just to get words on the page at the moment. Actual WIPs, though, well, in Wantons Part 3, I know that I'll be dealing with some heavy themes (as attested to by the tags I mentioned up there), and I think since I usually don't write fics with those (outside of rp writing), I'm feeling hesitant over how I want to write it. I know what I'm doing with it essentially and the aftermath of it, and ultimately because the perpetrator of those tags is a character I hate with a fiery passion, so it's going to be cathartic as fuck when they finally deal with her, and then that character really won't have a place again in that story. It's just the lead-up to it and making it work in enough of a punch to the gut kinda way that's just out of reach.
Thanks for the asks!
Writer Procrastination Asks.
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FULL NAME Yule Havenhurst
NICKNAME FirePuma (on Twitch, no one actually calls him that in real life)
AGE 23
BIRTHDAY 8th December
RELIGION Evangelical Christian
OCCUPATION Gamer & Skater
MOTHER Rose Havenhurst
FATHER Joseph "Joe" Havenhurst
PET(S) None
FACE CLAIM Timothée Chalamet
EYE COLOR Green with a hint of hazel
HEIGHT 1.82 m (5 ft 11½ in)
LIKES Punk style, death metal music, gaming, skateboarding, hanging out with his friends, fingerling potatoes
DISLIKES Most politicians, bigotry, family gatherings with his parents, being seen as vulnerable
QUALITIES Charming, funny, outgoing, flirtatious but also polite and respectful, non-conformist, attentive to the world's problems
FLAWS Not averse to shoplifting if necessary/convenient, uses more curse-words than he'd like to admit, a little impulsive sometimes
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ambi-apocalypse · 3 years
Viktor x Reader(She/Her)
Tags: Fluff, Silly, Shenanigans, Winter festival, Jayce is a good friend, Viktor is cute, you got magic
Hello, just before you read this a note! This is my first ever fanfic I've written that wasn't an RP with friends. My writing is rough, like god awfully rusty dusty times. I wrote this super quick at work on my break to blow off some steam! Please enjoy! Let me know if y'all want me to keep going! ( I have lots of art to do so it'll be later updates if y'all want pt2)
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The Academy had a thin layer of snow covering it's golden surfaces. Students, professors, and assistants were quickly running through the chilled courtyard, finding their way to doors leading into the warm buildings that surrounded them; Viktor and Jayce, however, took a much slower pace.
"The design of the building doesn't allow the proper use of the hex crystals we have." Jayce said into his red scarf, making sure to slow down for Viktor just in case a patch of ice took him out.
Viktor took steady steps forwards through the courtyard, "If we place the hex crystals, perhaps, around the walls. Maybe then..." he trailed off, his attention turning towards the observatory. Jayce followed his eyes to see Y/N descending down the large spiral staircase that surrounded the outside of the golden building.
Y/N was wearing a beautiful red cape with a hood that draped their form perfectly, underneath was a matching coloured dress (WITH POCKETS) and thick black winter leggings. What else was that she was carrying a precariously high stack of books down the icy steps. Jayce and Viktor both watched as she carefully made her way down... without incident. The anxiety left both of them in one large sigh, "Oh! Viktor, Jay-" Y/N called out walking over to them, only for her backside to meet ground as her books went flying into the air.
The gentlemen were too stunned to speak. Jayce rushed over, "Y/N! Are you-" his concern was cut short as he too met the same fate as Y/N. A strew of curses were coming from you both as you struggled to get up.
Viktor started to approach both of you when Y/N reached out a hand, "NO! Don't! It's slipperier then the Freljord over here!" Y/N instead shuffled over on all fours to Jayce, "You need a hand?"
Jayce was looking up at the cloud covered sky as snowflakes fell lightly ontop his tanned skin, "I was coming to save you," he groaned slowly sitting up, rubbing his head, "But it looks like I fell for you pretty hard." Y/N and Jayce laughed as they helped each other up.
Viktor was already holding a few of Y/N's books under his arm, "Are you both alright?" Y/N and Jayce both nodded, taking easy steps off the ice, "Quite the show, should I book tickets next year to beauty and the beast on ice?" you all laughed, Y/N teasing Jayce why he was the beauty and you were the beast. Some lines included "Jayce your hair is always styled to perfection!" "No way! I probably snore louder!" "Have you seen these tusks!?!" "Every girl at this academy has a crush on you Jayce! Trust me, I've heard a lot." The lot of you made your way into the main hall when Jayce made his last teasing comment.
"That's funny I heard the same thing about you, how every guy here wishes he was with you."
Y/N scoffed as she took back all the books from both Viktor and Jayce, "If that's the case then why don't I have a boyfriend yet? Hm? You'd think one of the hundred's of guys here would have asked me out already." Y/N paused and stared at them waiting for an answer, "Maybe someone will ask me to the Yule celebrations this year. Do you two have anyone to go with?" Y/N asked with a tilt to their head as their book stack wobbled.
Jayce looked at Viktor, and Viktor back to him. Jayce's eyebrows inched up as he tilted his head to Y/N. Viktor immediately goes red, as he goes into a coughing fit, turning and hiding his blush from Y/N. Jayce slaps his hand to his face and sighs as Y/N starts fretting over Viktor a string of are you okay? This air is so dry! I know I know! Need a humidifier? W-what? No. no! I'm fine. It was like a scene out of a comedy and Jayce could only deadpan stare at the camera and shake his head.
"I'll most likely be busy that night anyways." Jayce interrupted, "The council wants the trade tower up and running by next year."
Viktor nodded along, "Besides, it's nothing more than fireworks to look at." he added looking anywhere but at Y/N.
"Aw, alright. I'll bring you some honey cakes and some fancy champagne after!" Y/N smiled sweetly at both of them taking that moment to start turning to leave, "Thank you again for your help! Make sure to ice your sore spots Jayce, cause if my ass hurts yours must too."
Both Jayce and Viktor's eyes fell onto Y/N's ass, watching her walk away. "Why didn't you ask her?" Jayce turned quickly to his friend.
"Ask her?" Viktor held the last syllable turning his head, "To what? Watch fireworks together in the freezing cold? No. Jayce." He walked off in the opposite direction of Y/N, "Why don't you ask her?" he said with a little more bite than necessary.
Jayce rolled his eyes and raised his arms only to slap them down on his hips with a sigh, "Let's make a list as to why I won't do that. One, I "We" Viktor injected, "have to get the blueprints ready for the trade tower for the council soon." Jayce held up his hand to count off the rest dramatically, "TWO, you like her. Three, my ass hurts. And four, you like her!" He paused waiting for Viktor to stop pouting, he didn't, "Now, did I miss anything or should I repeat reason two and four?"
Viktor pushed open their laboratory doors, "I'm sure someone will ask her. It just won't be me." he said quietly to himself more than anything, limping over to his desk which was scattered with books, papers and empty mugs.
Jayce smothered his anger fit with a few silent screams and hair pulling, an angry dance. Then finally he pushed back his hair and calmly sat at his desk. With a sigh he spoke not facing Viktor, "I know she likes you. You can't see it because you never look at her when you make her laugh. When you are suddenly a scholar and are ranting to her about theories and hextech." Jayce paused, finally turning to Viktor, "Just... look at her. You'll know." and with that he picked up a white pencil and started on his blueprints.
Viktor pressed his palm to his forehead. Thinking back to the times he has ever really looked at Y/N when she was with him...
He couldn't remember. Only how she looked when she was with Jayce. Laughing. Smiling... Was she looking that way at him...?
~~~~~Later that same evening~~~~~~
Y/N dropped off all the books to their original places in the library, many of them about the constellations and planets chartered so far. Most of the research from the books was used to find out where her magic came from, nothing helpful so far, but damn were those stars beautiful; They shone so bright in the winter nights. Y/N's thoughts drifted from the beauty of the stars to someone who outshone them, Viktor, and his perfect.... well everything. How could someone be so incredibly stunning. Y/N let out a dreamy sigh and melted into her work table, head cradled in her arms. Most of the staff and students had cleared the engineering hall, the yule festivities only a couple hours away. It was so quiet you could hear a fly fart. That was until Y/N heard some footsteps approaching her, she smirked, feeling giddy she stood up, "So, you've come to ask me to the yule festivities!" Y/N turned around to see a fellow engineer reaching into his desk.
"I- I just- I forgot my gloves." he spoke nervously holding a pair of bright yellow gloves, giving them a shake to show Y/N.
"Oh. Yeah, gloves are important. Cause you know-It's chilly out there! Brrr! Ha ha" Y/N stuttered through, only slightly embarrassed, more saddened by the fact it wasn't Viktor.
"D-Did you want to go to-"
"No! Oh! I mean, no it's okay. I was just being silly." Y/N casually trying to play it off, what a nice guy tho to invite you
"Are you sure? My boyfriend and I wouldn't mind if you joined us."
Inner you clutched your heart! WHAT A SWEET BOI! "Thank you, but I was trying to get a rise out of a friend... whowasSUPPOSE TO MEET ME but neverdidsoitsallgood! It's all good!" Y/N spoke quickly trying really hard to get out of this awkward encounter.
"O-oh okay! B-bye!" and with a last nervous wave he left.
Y/N let out a long drown out breath of air, hands on her hips, she felt like the biggest clown. Of course Viktor wasn't going to ask you out, lets make a list. One, he was always busy! TWO, he probably liked someone else (Sky most likely). Three, he was so out of your league. Four, he probably liked someone-
You froze. Looking up to see Viktor dressed with a nice coat, leaning on his cane. He also wore a smirk that you wanted to kiss right off his stupid brilliant face.
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Born and raised in Du Quoin, Illinois, into a devoted evangelical christian family, Yule never really had a good relationship with his parents, whom he considered too strict and conservative. Still, religion has always been an important part of his life and Yule eventually found his own way to God, developing his own relationship with Him — he prays often (especially when things are bad and he could need a little extra help) and is actually really good at it, as well as at saying grace before meals, and he keeps a vintage Bible he's inherited from his grandfather. However, he prefers to keep this side of him secret to his friends, as it doesn't match the bad boy, shoplifting skater punk image he likes to portray. Always a punk enthusiast, he's often seen wearing his favourite Misfits jacket, combat boots and cap (always backwards!), along with many other vintage thrift store items. His long wavy hair, styled in some kind of a mullet, is something he's proud of, even if it's always been one of the many things his parents always disapproved about him. Another of those things was his lack of interest in school. Not that he wasn't smart enough, as he excelled in subjects that really interested him, it was just that most of them didn't and he was too energetic to just sit still and bored for such extended periods of time. It was only when school was over and he could go to the skatepark with his friends that he was most happy. Or when he could just stay home, playing videogames and live-streaming them on Twitch. In fact, his channel (of which he's really proud and will never miss an opportunity to advertise) became quite popular and as his followers kept increasing, he actually started receiving new games to review and making some real money, which allowed him to cover his daily expenses (at least most of them) and move out of his parents' house, renting a place with 3 friends. Charming, friendly and outgoing, in his free time Yule loves to hang out with his friends behind the abandoned Burger Crown "from 7 to whenever", where they'll skateboard, blast death metal music, sit by the fire to have a few drinks, smoke and chat about everything — from the most trivial things to everything that's wrong in the world nowadays. As a matter of fact, Yule is a non-conformist. Very attentive to what's happening in the world around him, he considers himself an activist, a supporter of the causes he deems right and important, such as the climatic change and the protection of the planet. A young man with a somewhat rebellious attitude, he doesn’t want to be perceived as vulnerable, but is actually very sensitive in private, even if he'll only open up to a very select few. Funny and flirtatious, he's also very polite and respectful towards his potential partners, and consent matters a great deal to him. In fact, Yule has a romantic side he's never shown anyone, longing to connect with someone on a deeper level and eventually get married, finally making him part of a family who'll love and accept him for who he is.
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