#don't like putting dates to things because Life is still hectic but I'm thinking August/September for the demo!
sweetsilver-if ยท 5 days
Really Em... really??? Reallllly???
Like burning academia isn't like the greatest fucking thing already and makes my head spin youuuu realllly wanna add more onto that pile of torture for me??!
Yes i know i could like not follow this one. But shut up you know I'm not gonna do that! ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿซฃ
That's just dumb. Imagine.
God. Okay this sounds dope. And angsty but what the hell did i expect from you..... no rays of sunshine for my other MC ๐Ÿ™„
I'm gonna get obsessed with this too and you're gonna regret it by me bugging you like i do on the main blog. So deal with those consequences!!!
And... have a nice day!! ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ
Thank you!! One day I will write something that is not angsty and grim but clearly today is not that day lol
I'm excited to share this new side project though! And since I already have most of the prologue written, the wait for the demo shouldn't be too long either!
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